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Dream interpretation colored pencils to see. A detailed interpretation of the dream about pencils. Dreaming Pencil, why

A pencil is a symbol of new achievements and creativity.

What if the pencil is dreaming?

If you dreamed of a pencil, then this is a sign that new achievements and discoveries await you. A pencil in a dream is usually a symbol of the fact that you yourself will create your own destiny and happiness.

For creative people, a pencil means that they are waiting for a creative upsurge and new creations. If in a dream you draw with a pencil, then this may be a sign that you have the talent of an artist. In this case, you should try to draw. This will bring you fame and success.

Why do women dream of a pencil? Women usually dream of a pencil for new discoveries. If this is a cosmetic pencil, then the dream may indicate that it is time for her to take care of herself or go on a date. married woman a cosmetic pencil may indicate that her husband is cheating on her.

In this case, she should clean up herself and talk to her husband. If a woman draws in a dream, then this indicates that in the near future she will have to do something that will change her fate, or it indicates that she has the talent of an artist.

What portends?

If a man dreamed of a pencil, then this may mean that the man has a good chance to do what he was afraid to do before. This is a sign that this time his attempt will be successful.

A pencil for a man is a sign. A sign that should give him confidence and a little push to take decisive action.

If a man dreams of a cosmetic pencil, then this means that he will soon meet with an attractive woman.

What is the dream of a pencil for? The dream interpretation calls it a symbol of knowledge, creativity, new achievements, as well as an honorable profession. Since his writing can be erased, his appearance in a dream also means greater freedom in the ability to express himself. In addition, you must take into account what you did to them - drew, wrote, painted eyes, lips.

General interpretation

A dreaming pencil portends some exciting, profitable activity, moreover, presumably associated with intellectual rather than physical abilities. Perhaps it will be a new interesting work. The dream interpretation states: such an activity will bring pleasure.

To write with a simple pencil in a dream - you will find something to your liking. To sharpen - joy awaits. Perhaps good news or an event that will bring satisfaction.

Why dream of a blunt or broken pencil? You recently ignored some important little things, as a result of which you can seriously suffer. The dream book advises: remember the events of the recent past, you may be able to fix something.

Sharply honed in a dream, it symbolizes good memory and observation. Recall a recent event. Thinking about it, you get new information you can understand something.

Did you dream of a broken one? Vision promises personal failures, many obstacles on the path of life. The dream interpretation emphasizes: do not despair, move forward, because success depends on your determination to achieve it. Sharpening it in a dream is a favorable omen. The dreamer will be able to overcome all the difficulties that arise.

What portends the girls?

A girl who had a vision, where she wrote with simple or colored pencils, promises a happy marriage, a calm family life. However, erasing what is written means being disappointed in your loved one.

Why dream of using a lip pencil, painting your eyes? Signals the desire of a girl to like, to love. However, their excessive use indicates the desire to seem different to others than it really is.

Line your eyes, paint your eyebrows with a black pencil in a dream - thanks to your openness and the sexual energy emanating from you, a new acquaintance is ahead. The dream book warns: be careful before you rush headlong into new feelings, get to know the person better.


To draw with a pencil in a dream - the dreamer will be successful with the opposite sex. New acquaintances portend a dream where the sleeper looked at drawings authored by someone else.

Why dream of just seeing him? There is an opportunity to make a choice that will affect many. The dream book recommends: carefully consider this or that option, since not only you yourself, but also other people depend on it.

Dreamed of buying it? Perhaps you will have another enemy. However, for a girl, buying a set of multi-colored pencils portends a very happy marriage.

To dream about someone sharpening a pencil or even just holding it in their hand is a warning. The dream interpretation claims: many can find out your important secrets. Try not to talk about them even to your closest friends, because the secret known to two ceases to be it.


Why dream of coloring a drawing with colored pencils? The sleeper will be able to "color" his life, to give it variety. But when you dreamed too bright, unnatural colors - according to the dream book, dreams of a successful completion of some business will collapse.

Drawing with colored pencils means in reality to receive some important news about a friend who is missing.

It is important what colors a person painted in a dream. Brown, rich blue, generally dark - mean a complex, confusing situation. Yellow, pink, blue, other light shades - a positive development of events, simple and understandable circumstances.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • A hidden secret that will eventually be made public.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Pencil- a hidden secret that will eventually be made public.

New family dream book

  • Dreamed of a pencil- You have chosen the right occupation.
  • If a girl dreams that she writes with a pencil She has a happy marriage ahead of her.
  • But if in a dream she erases what was written- she will be disappointed in her beloved.

New family dream book

  • I dreamed of a pencil - you have chosen the right occupation.
  • If a girl dreams that she writes with a pencil, then she has a happy marriage ahead of her. But if in a dream she erases what she has written, she will be disappointed in her beloved.

Eastern female dream book

  • Auspicious sign foreshadowing pleasant activities. The dream of a young woman, in which she writes with a pencil, promises a successful marriage. If she erases what she has written with an eraser, she will be disappointed in her lover.

Eastern female dream book

  • Pencil - auspicious sign portending pleasant activities.
  • The dream of a young woman in which she writes with a pencil- promises a successful marriage. If she erases the written with an eraser- she will be disappointed in her lover.

Freud's dream book

  • A pencil, like any long and sharp object- is a symbol of the penis.
  • Loss of a pencil- is a sign of impotence or infidelity.
  • The presence of an additional pencil- indicates that either you always have another option for a sexual partner, or a replacement has been found for you with your partner.
  • However, if you take out the same pencil- this indicates the groundlessness of your fears.
  • If a man puts a pencil in his pocket- He wants to have group sex.
  • If a woman puts a pencil in her pocket- she expects a close meeting with a sexual partner.
  • If the pencil is in the center of the dream, you are proud of it.- this speaks of an inferiority complex, fear for one's capabilities.
  • Hold a pencil in your hand- means confidence in their strengths and capabilities.
  • Twirl a pencil in your hands- means the need to reassess the system of values ​​and priorities.
  • If you chew or suck on a pencil- you dream about oral sex.
  • If you dropped your pencil- for a man, this means a loss of attraction to a partner, and for a woman, it means a refusal to have sexual contacts.
  • If you ask someone for a pencil- you offer to establish sexual contacts.
  • If you lend your pencil to someone- you suspect your sexual partner of treason.
  • If you are sharpening a pencil- you often masturbate, but do not refuse to engage in regular sex.

Modern dream book

  • Seeing pencils in a dream is a favorable sign, portending pleasant activities. For a young woman, a dream in which she writes with a pencil means that a successful marriage awaits her in reality. If she erases what she has written with an eraser, then she will be disappointed in her lover. Dwarf A dream in which you see a dwarf with a pleasant appearance means that by nature you have been given good health and a tenacious mind, which will give you the opportunity to succeed in whatever you do. If you dreamed that you see your friends as dwarfs, it means that they are doing well and you can be happy for them. Ugly disgusting dwarfs with evil faces portend trouble

Dream Interpretation Hasse

  • To see or write - you will get a higher education.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

  • Seeing or writing with a pencil- get higher education.
  • Red pencil- have cash costs.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

  • red pencil - have cash costs

Gypsy dream book

  • You will be able to make choices that will affect many people.

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

  • interesting and rewarding business.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

  • This is a sign that you need to express your thoughts, but it is not as permanent a symbol as a fountain pen. Do you feel insecure in some aspects of your life?

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

  • The opportunity to express yourself. Greater freedom: what you write in pencil can be erased.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

  • A girl who writes with a pencil in a dream will marry successfully. However, if she erases what she wrote, this portends her disappointment in love.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

  • A girl who writes with a pencil in her sleep- get married well.
  • However, if she erases what she wrote- this portends her disappointment in love.

Women's dream book

  • dream pencil- portends that you will find a suitable occupation.
  • If a girl writes in a dream with a pencil- a happy marriage awaits her.
  • If she erases what she wrote with an eraser- to disappointment in a loved one.

Women's dream book

  • A dream in which you write something with a pencil portends you a happy and soon marriage. If you erase everything you just wrote with an eraser, then do not expect the previous prediction to come true. Most likely, you will be very quickly disappointed in your chosen one.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • Pencil - a symbol of creativity (literary and artistic); unworthy suitor (for a woman). See - draw.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • Pencil- a symbol of creativity (literary and artistic); unworthy suitor (for a woman).

Dream Interpreter (1829)

  • Pencil writing means fragile hope.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  • sharpened pencil- symbolizes your observation and tenacious memory. Such a dream usually invites you to pay attention to some event or. remember something that happened the other day.
  • Color pencil- indicates some bright, emotional event that will absorb your attention for a while.
  • Broken or dull pencil- indicates that you may have overlooked some important facts the other day.

Modern combined dream book

  • Seeing pencils in a dream- a good omen that portends pleasant activities.
  • If a young woman dreams that she writes with a pencil- V real life a successful marriage awaits her.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

  • Seeing a pencil in a dream- means that your current occupation meets your spiritual needs, which cannot be said about the material side. write something with a pencil- means craving for knowledge. Dull, worn pencil- indicates upcoming difficulties in compiling a responsible document. Sharpen a pencil in a dream- portends joyful events in the family.
  • draw with pencils means to receive in reality important news about an absent friend. Buy pencils in a set- portends a happy marriage for a young girl. Erase what is written in pencil- you will be disappointed in your loved one.
  • Red pencil- means that you will have a large cash outlay.

Collection of dream books

  • Pencil- Opportunity to express yourself. Greater freedom: what you write in pencil can be erased.

Ask someone what they associate with the image of a pencil. And - unless he is a Freudian, who immediately associates a harmless writing object with, say, a phallic symbol - he will answer: with something intellectual. And he will be right.

Many dream books are quite naturally seen in a pencil symbol of knowledge, professional achievements, creative self-expression, often inspiration and talent.

In order to better understand “pencil” dreams, one must take into account the type and color of the object in question, what the dreamer did with it, as well as who saw the dream - a man or a woman.

If you dreamed of a simple pencil

regular pencil in singular suggests that the dreamer is given a choice on which many will depend. Therefore, interpreters are advised to carefully consider the options that arise. And there is also an opinion that this subject testifies to a person’s readiness to delve into the deepest essence of the matter.

Nika: Pencils in a dream - to minor troubles

I dreamed that I was buying colored pencils. And she allegedly bought colored pencils in a dream, and brought them home - they all turned out to be black. Nothing went right for the whole day- the soup ran away, the cutlets burned, she broke her favorite cup. It turns out that the pencils dreamed of minor troubles for me.

A large number of slate goods speaks of the ability of the dreamer to grab onto many things at once, to be inspired by the conquest of several peaks, not commensurate with their capabilities and strengths.

But if a woman sees such a dream, then this is a warning that she will soon to make a difficult choice between several fans and stop at just one.

According to the psychoanalytic dream book, a simple pencil does not promise broad horizons, but rather involves simple and even routine work. However, if it is performed qualitatively, material benefits can be expected.

But the medium Hasse in his dream book claims that the view simple pencil symbolizes the successful completion of higher education, if a person is already studying, or the decision to get it in order to master a new specialty.

What the color palette will tell

Colored pencils - an underlying desire to embellish your everyday life, to realize "dream come true", the expectation of something interesting and unusual. Each of the colors can suggest what to expect from sleep.

However, the points of view on some of them among the interpreters diverge.


  1. So, some believe that it speaks of the need for love or even passion;
  2. others promise active correspondence in a romantic way;
  3. the third - threaten with large monetary expenses.

pink pencil

It is also ambiguous: it either testifies to optimism and embellishment of reality by the dreamer, or promises easy flirting with an unfamiliar person.


Predicts communication with children, and blue symbolizes the upcoming great vacation.


Reports that the dreamer needs trust, or sets up the upcoming signing of important papers.

Green color

It bakes about the thirst for reciprocity.


It indicates the need to correct the attitude of others, which causes oppressive sensations in a person who has a dream.

We draw and write

In general, in life, colored pencils serve to create colorful, fantasy pictures, and even more so in a dream. You can use your imagination with might and main to depict a non-existent world - the way you would like to see it.

Such a subtext of sleep is not excluded: the subconscious says that a person has an undisclosed creative potential.

One interpretation says that drawing means receiving an ambulance about an absent friend; one more thing - success with members of the opposite sex.

A dream can also give you the opportunity to admire other people's drawings - this is to make new acquaintances. Be sure to remember what colors they are made in.

If the pictures were bright and colorful, then this promises cheerful and joyful events, and, accordingly, vice versa: dark colors will tell about melancholy and sadness.

If an unmarried girl happened to draw (or write), this promises her a successful marriage. What else is dreaming of an imminent wedding, read.

For a man, such a dream reads a successful career.

A modern dream book warns that in real life you will have to adjust or change your plans if a person wrote with a pencil in a dream. But you should not be afraid of this: it is possible that the new turn will be much more interesting and profitable.

Did you paint a drawing in a dream? If the colors were natural, not immensely bright, this means that the dreamer will be able to give variety to his life, he will successfully decorate it. In the case of an unnatural color, the intended business will not end at all as dreamed.

"Pencil" actions

Before you start writing or drawing, you need to buy a pencil. What does this process seen in a dream mean? The subconscious will “give out” some information for self-knowledge, analysis of life and place in society.

One of the dream books warns of the possibility of a new enemy.

But if a girl buys a set of colored pencils, this prophesies her a very happy marriage.

The appearance of the pencil also says a lot. A dulled “instrument of production” warns of impending difficulties in compiling responsible documents. There is also such an interpretation: a person is not quite ready for responsible work, and he it is recommended to plan your actions wisely.

A sharply sharpened subject for writing, on the contrary, indicates readiness for important matters or events, and also speaks of the dreamer's observation and tenacious memory.

If the pencil broke, perhaps the dreamer missed some important business points.

Sharpen dull pencils - this action has several meanings:

  1. joyful family events;
  2. thinking through to the smallest detail every step;
  3. readiness for action.

If someone else fixes the pencil, this should be taken as a warning about the unwitting disclosure of your secrets.

Once, I had a dream: I come to work, I take out a pencil from my bag, and it is black and broken, I take out the second one, the same thing. I come home, and red pencils are scattered on the table in the hallway and two of them have broken rods. I sharpened them with a sharpener.
When I woke up, I did not attach importance to dreams, but a week later, two colleagues set me up at work, and at home I quarreled with my sisters, but quickly reconciled, thanks to my ability to make concessions. So much for "dream in hand," as they say.

Doing makeup

Dreaming of cosmetic pencils speaks of a person’s desire to look in front of others in a more favorable light.

So, Magini's dream book states somewhat straightforwardly that eye-eyebrow pencils seen in a dream are nothing more than a banal way to fill one's price, and for lips - indicates a desire for flirting.

For the same purposes, eyes and lips are drawn with a pencil, and eyebrow tinting is regarded as throwing dust into the eyes of others. Manipulations with eyebrows still promise a new acquaintance.

If a woman dreams that she is painting with a cosmetic "eye" pencil, this is evidence of her thirst for change in her personal sphere, the desire for a fateful meeting.

A married woman can expect family quarrels and troubles due to jealousy or adultery.

Do not draw a straight line on the eyelid? In the life of a dreamer, rumors, gossip, gossip are likely. It is worth keeping an eye on your behavior so as not to give grounds for them.

As you can see, in "pencil" dreams there is almost nothing depressing that could plunge into fear and despair. In most cases, such dreams suggest a fairly measured real life both in work and in personal life.

A vision about drawings, pencils and felt-tip pens seems like a trifle that makes no sense, but in fact, it is necessary to interpret the dream. If a person dreamed of colored pencils, this may mean the acquisition of quick vivid emotions.

What if colored pencils are dreaming?

Colored pencils, which for some reason turn out to be broken, are considered a symbol of a person's passivity. The dreamer is so afraid of failing in business that he again and again refuses the prospects offered by life.

Seeing sharpened, brand new colored pencils in a dream is a sign that the owner of the vision will soon encounter unexpectedly vivid emotions. His life can radically change the direction of its development, and in connection with this, the financial and personal situation of the dreamer will improve.

Seeing pencils on a shelf in a store and not buying them is a sign that the dreamer is not using the opportunities given to him to their full potential. It is likely that those prospects that can change lives for better man carefully ignored. If in a dream a person buys colored pencils, but not for himself, then in real life he will be able to avoid minor troubles, but in the future he will have to come to terms with the lack of prospects for personal growth.

Drawing with pencils is always a positive sign, and usually a vision means gaining invaluable life experience. Perhaps a person will face a controversial situation, but using his skills wisely, he will be able to emerge victorious from it.

Buying colored pencils of strange, not natural colors is a negative sign. Usually a dream means that a person will have to come to terms with the collapse of his hopes and plans. Those prospects that he counted on will not be able to justify themselves, which will affect financial well-being.

If the color of the pencils does not match those indicated on the package, then in real life they are trying to deceive a person, and one of his close friends is to blame for this. It is necessary, as soon as possible, to bring the ill-wisher to clean water and deal with the problem.

A bad interpretation has a vision in which all the pencils in the set turn out to be dark shades. It is likely that global problems will overtake a person in the future. Personal life will give a crack, and a career will not justify the financial hopes laid down. If the color scheme of the pencils used, on the contrary, turns out to be light, then a favorable life stage is just around the corner, and all that remains is to wait for it.

What portends?

If a person writes a letter with colored pencils, then he will have to learn some positive news. If, instead of clear sentences, the dreamer covers the sheet with illegible scribbles, then in real life it will be impossible to appreciate all the benefits of the news. This announcement will direct influence for the future, but it won't happen right away.

Seeing in a dream the purchase of giant colored pencils - to not realize all your plans and hopes. Perhaps it seems to the dreamer that he lives a boring life, but he is not able to do anything in such a situation. To stain your own clothes with colored pencils is a sign that in real life a person will have to say goodbye to his quiet life. A lot of troubles and troubles await him, due to the impact of which life can change for the worse.

If the dreamer paints some important documents with colored pencils, then in real life he is not serious about his own career. If the situation does not change, the dreamer will have to say goodbye to the prospects for promotion.

Colored pencils in a dream often portend serious changes in personal and career life, unexpected news, plans destroyed by the will of fate. By carefully interpreting what he sees, a person can prevent future problems, turning even the most serious crisis in his favor.

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Pencil in a modern dream book

A dreaming pencil marks an unmistakable choice of a life path. It is in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity that you will be at the peak of your capabilities. A dream in which you use a pencil for its intended purpose portends an evening of leisure for your favorite pastime. A girl working in a dream with a perfectly sharpened pencil will make the dream of a happy marriage a reality, provoking white envy of her friends on the wedding day. A dream in which you remove pencil marks from a sheet with an eraser portends heartache due to a break in relations with a lover who has caused disappointment. A dreamer who is engaged in preparing pencils for use in a dream will be lucky in reality, which will please loved ones. Seeing multi-colored pencils in a dream is an aimless, waste of time.

Pencil in Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of a pencil, then your occupation is perfect for you. A girl who writes or draws with a pencil in a dream without using an eraser will marry successfully.

Pencil in Freud's dream book

A dreaming pencil in the interpretation of dreams is identified with the male genital organ. Lose it - learn about the infidelity of a partner or a weakening of potency. If you have two pencils, then in reality your sexual partner has a replacement for you. A dream in which a man puts a pencil in his pocket reveals his desire for group sex. A woman who has a similar dream is waiting for an intimate relationship with her partner. A pencil held tightly in the hand indicates self-confidence. If in a dream you shift a pencil in your hands, it's time to reconsider your views and change priorities. Fantasies about oral sex do not leave the dreamer, who chews on a pencil in a dream. A man who dropped a pencil in a dream will become cold towards his partner in reality. For a woman, such a dream promises a man's refusal to communicate. Trying to borrow a pencil in a dream, in reality you are trying to establish new intimate relationship. Suspicion of infidelity is fraught with a dream in which you give away your pencil for a while. Sharpening a pencil in a dream indicates that in reality you successfully combine masturbation with traditional sex.


Monday to Tuesday

Tuesday is under the influence of Mars. The red planet is known for its warlike disposition. Apparently, therefore, dreams of this day often portend future confrontations and conflicts. Dreams of the second day of the week are full of vivid stories, as the influence of Mars contributes to decisive actions. Dreams on Tuesday night usually reflect the dreamer's full range of abilities, energy and enthusiasm. When the Tuesday dream passes quietly, the dreamer should not have fears. After all, his energy of creation has the correct vector of movement, which means that obstacles can be overcome with ease and success. True, sometimes the inconspicuousness of sleep can indicate the absolute absence of such energy.

Freud's dream book Pencil

They are typical and straightforward phallic symbols, and therefore their interpretation is rather banal. If your attention is focused on a retractable stylus or an interchangeable rod, then you are prone to self-gratification. See Pencil.

Miller's Dream Book Pencil

Seeing a pencil in a dream means suitable. You occupation. If a girl writes in a dream with a pencil - this promises her a happy marriage, except when she erases what she has written - then she will be disappointed in her beloved.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse Pencil

See or write - get a higher education

Freud's dream book Pencil

A pencil, like any long and sharp object, is a symbol of the penis. Loss of a pencil is a sign of impotence or infidelity. The presence of an additional pencil indicates that either you always have another option for a sexual partner, or a replacement has been found for you with your partner. However, if you take out the same pencil, then this indicates the groundlessness of your fears. If a man puts a pencil in his pocket, then he wants to have group sex. If a woman puts a pencil in her pocket, then she expects a close meeting with a sexual partner. If the pencil is in the center of the dream, you are proud of it, then this indicates an inferiority complex, fear for your capabilities. Holding a pencil in your hand means confidence in your abilities and capabilities. Twisting a pencil in your hands means the need to reassess the value system and priorities. If you chew or suck on a pencil, then you dream of oral sex. If you drop a pencil, then for a man this means a loss of attraction to a partner, and for a woman it means a refusal to have sexual contacts. If you ask someone for a pencil, then you offer to establish sexual contacts. If you lent your pencil to someone, then you suspect your sexual partner of cheating. If you sharpen a pencil, then you often engage in masturbation, but do not refuse to engage in regular sex. See also Karman.

Modern dream book Pencil

Seeing pencils in a dream is a good omen that portends pleasant activities. If a young woman dreams that she writes with a pencil, then in real life she will have a successful marriage.

Muslim dream book Pencil

Most often, seeing them indicates knowledge, memorization, and an honorable and important profession.


Pencil meaning in a dream book.

Dreamed of pencils - this is definitely a favorable sign, and portends pleasant activities.

A young woman to see a dream in which she writes with a pencil in a dream - basically means that it is in real life that only the most successful marriage awaits her.

Pencil - The latest dream book

Pencil in a dream - you will learn a very secret secret, by the way, which will be made public over time.

Pencil - Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Seeing a sharpened pencil in a dream- such a dream basically symbolizes your observation and, of course, a tenacious memory. Often, such a dream usually invites you to simply pay attention to some event at the moment.

A colored pencil dreamed in a dream - such a dream basically indicates a rather vivid, in fact emotional event, by the way, which will absorb your attention for a while.

Dreamed of a broken or blunt pencil in a dream- your dream in real life indicates that one of these days you could actually lose sight of some important facts without any problems.

Pencil - Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Seeing a pencil in a dream- before you will be only an interesting and profitable occupation in real life.

Pencil - Family dream book

Dreamed of a pencil in a dream- we can definitely say that you clearly chose the right occupation.

The girl dreams that she writes with a pencil in her sleep- It is worth saying that she has a happy marriage ahead of her.

If in a dream she erases what was written in a dream - unfortunately in real life she will be disappointed in her beloved.

Pencil - Modern dream book

I dreamed of seeing pencils in a dream- this is definitely only a good omen, by the way, which portends only pleasant activities in life.

If a young woman dreams that she writes with a pencil- expects a successful marriage.


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Women's dream book

Why does a woman dream of Pencil, what is this dream about?

Pencil - A pencil in a dream portends that you will find a suitable occupation. If a girl writes in a dream with a pencil, a happy marriage awaits her. If she erases what was written with an eraser - to disappointment in her loved one, this is how the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming of.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why is the Pencil dreaming?

A dream to see about a Pencil in a dream to see - Writing in a dream with a pencil means that your hopes are unrealizable. Repairing a pencil in a dream is a joy, this is an interpretation of the Pencil from the dream book.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Pencil - Symbol of creativity (literary and artistic); unworthy suitor (for a woman). See - draw in the art section.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

What does the dreamer dream about Pencil:

Pencil - Seeing a pencil in a dream means suitable. You occupation. If a girl writes in a dream with a pencil - this promises her a happy marriage, except when she erases what she has written - then she will be disappointed in her beloved, the dream that you dream is so ambiguously deciphered.

Modern dream book

Why dream and what does the Pencil mean in our time?

Pencil - An interesting and profitable business

Azar's Bible Dream Book

What is the dream of a pencil according to spiritual sources?

Pencil - Profitable occupation

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Dreaming Pencil, why?

Pencil - See or write - you will get a higher education.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

Why is the Pencil dreaming - the dream book interprets as follows:

Pencil - See or write - get a higher education - a lot - an interesting and profitable business

Dream Interpretation Nancy Wagaiman

Why the Pencil is dreaming, how to understand a dream:

If you see a pencil or pencils in a dream, an interesting and at the same time profitable activity awaits you. Write with a pencil - find out the news. Sometimes - to hope for something. To break a pencil is to lose hope or suddenly be separated from someone. Erase what is written - forget love. If a woman dreamed that someone gave her a pencil, in reality she should avoid contact with this person. Repair, sharpen a pencil - to joy. Writing with a very thick pencil is a success ..

Home dream book

If you have a dream Pencil

Pencil - Sharpening it in a dream means that you are responsible. Make notes in pencil - to the news. Seeing him in a dream next to you means that you should not forget about your promise. Writing something with a pencil and then erasing is a sign of disappointment and memories of a happy past. Colored pencils in a dream are a sign of daydreaming and idle pastime.

European dream book

Why does the Pencil dream in a dream?

walking pencils in a dream is a favorable sign, portending pleasant activities. For a young woman, a dream in which she writes with a pencil means that a successful marriage awaits her in reality. If she erases what she has written with an eraser, then she will be disappointed in her lover.

Sometimes people wonder what colored pencils dream of. The bright vision seems quite positive. But depending on the details of the plot, interpretations can be very different. Dream Interpretations will help you find answers to all questions and lift the mystery of the veil over the future.

Miller's dream book

This is what colored pencils dream of, according to Miller's interpreter:

  • A dream can be a reaction to some favorable events in reality. You may have experienced a lot of bright positive emotions the day before.
  • If a person is sick, then pencils of bright and rich colors can symbolize a speedy recovery.
  • If you dreamed about someone giving you colored pencils, in reality you should be wary of this person. Perhaps, under the guise of bright and promising proposals lies a vile deception or scam.
  • If you dreamed that you were drawing with colored pencils, but they leave the usual gray mark on paper, this warns you of deception. Someone is trying to mislead you about work or personal relationships.

Esoteric dream book

Here is the information you can find in esoteric dream book regarding what colored pencils dream of:

  • If the pencils were broken, this may mean that someone will disrupt your plans. Most likely, instead of having a good time, you will have to deal with routine chores.
  • If you had pencils in front of you, but you still didn’t dare to use them, this means that in reality you risk missing a valuable chance.
  • Lies and insincerity - that's what colored lip pencils dream of. Try to tell people the truth, even if it's uncomfortable. This will save you a lot of obligations.
  • If the pencils were so sharp that you pricked, be careful. Bright colors are waiting for you interesting events but they can be dangerous.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

This is what colored pencils dream of in accordance with the interpreter of the great soothsayer:

  • If in a dream you were sharpening pencils, it means that you have a difficult, but very interesting job ahead of you. As a result, you will receive significant benefits.
  • If in a dream you were happy to draw with pencils, this means that your current work gives you complete moral satisfaction.
  • If in a dream you bought a pack of pencils, it means that you will finally find a job to your liking. It will bring you not only moral satisfaction, but will also lead to a significant improvement in your financial situation.
  • If in your dream colored pencils drew by themselves, this means that luck itself floats into your hands. You will easily be able to carry out all your plans.

Modern dream book

IN modern dream book you can find such considerations about visions with colored pencils:

  • You have an interesting creative work- this is what dreams of drawing with colored pencils. Moreover, the results of your work will be meticulously evaluated by other people.
  • If you drew something with pencils and then tried to erase it, it means that you will make some kind of impulsive mistake. You will have to make a lot of efforts to mitigate its consequences.
  • If in your vision you accidentally found pencils in a bag, closet or drawer, this means that at the moment you have every chance to improve the situation, but for some reason you ignore them.
  • If you're trying to erase what you've drawn and can't, it's a warning. Do not commit rash, frivolous acts, because it is very difficult to deal with their consequences.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

If you dreamed of multi-colored pencils, look into Hasse's dream book:

  • If in your vision you bought multi-colored pencils, this means that soon you will have the opportunity to solve a problem that has been haunting you for a long time.
  • A successful marriage is what a young girl dreams of colored pencils in a box. Family life promises to be prosperous and cloudless.
  • If in a dream you are enthusiastically drawing with colored pencils and felt-tip pens, this means that you like what you are doing at the moment. This work will bring you great success.
  • To sharpen pencils means to prepare for some important event at work or in your personal life.

American dream book

Here is the meaning given to colored pencils by the authors of the American dream book:

  • If the pencil leads were blunt or broken, this symbolizes your depressed emotional state.
  • If you break a pencil while drawing, it means that when the work is already going full swing, something goes wrong, and plans can collapse.
  • If you dreamed that you had a lot of colored pencils, it means that you are infantile and dreamy. Due to the fact that you constantly hover in the clouds, valuable opportunities often pass you by.
  • Putting pencils in a box or drawer is a symbol of emotional and creative stagnation. You need to take action to get your inspiration back. Rest more, communicate with friends, read useful literature.