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Libra and Sagittarius zodiac sign compatibility in love, friendship and business relationships. Compatibility of Sagittarius and Libra: “Bonnie and Clyde” - two puzzles in one picture Libra and Sagittarius friendship

Sagittarians are typical representatives of the element of Fire, known for activity and energy. Libra belongs to the air element and is distinguished by curiosity. Compatibility between Libra and Sagittarius is possible - partners become complementary to each other.

Compatibility of Libra man and Sagittarius woman

The Libra man has attractive qualities that women dream of seeing in their chosen one: he is serious, confident in his abilities, achieves success in his work, and often occupies leadership positions. The Sagittarius woman has a bright personality and never lets you get bored.

In love

will be timid, shy. Outwardly he looks strong, but the fear of rejection prevents him from being bolder. The ideal partner for him is one who is able to take the initiative by taking the first few steps. This is what a Sagittarius woman is.

Then the man will make up for his own: he knows how to be gentle, he looks after beautifully. Sagittarians love to listen to compliments; Libras find it easy to give them. The sex life of representatives of the signs satisfies both. The Sagittarius woman is proactive, suggests experiments, the Libra man is pliable, wants to please his partner.

Sometimes Libra guys are too timid in bed, which causes misunderstandings. To prevent your partner from being disappointed, you need to at least occasionally allow yourself to relax.


If a couple managed to overcome the difficulties associated with the excessive initiative of the Sagittarius woman and the timidity of the Libra man, they will be able to create a strong family. She becomes a caring wife and remains faithful to her husband. But Sagittarians always remain freedom-loving. If the husband neglects her and offends her, the wife will commit adultery.

It is not easy for a Libra man to win the affection of his beloved – the Sagittarius woman is afraid of commitments. When he managed to persuade him to marry, he needs to surround his wife with care, affection, and tenderness. Then she will be able to relax and open up in a new role.

In friendship

Friendship between representatives of the signs is possible if they have common interests and hobbies. It doesn’t happen often, but when there is interest between a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man, it lasts for a long time.

They will not spend all their free time together, but if necessary, they will put things aside to come to the meeting. It’s easy for them to be together; a friend doesn’t have to control the energy, she can be herself. The Libra friend is inspired by her simplicity, activity, and cheerfulness. There is harmony in their friendship.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Sagittarius man

The horoscope of Libra women characterizes them with graceful, sweet personalities. She always takes care of herself, is not naive, behind her beautiful face lies prudence, intelligence, and common sense. It is not surprising that such a feminine, well-rounded woman becomes a target for a Sagittarius man.

In love

In the love relationships of representatives of the signs, everything develops dynamically, they suit each other 100%. Loving partners are always together, do common things, and prefer one type of recreation. Inseparability quickly brings the couple closer together; they feel good and comfortable everywhere. The Sagittarius man, unable to sit still, pulls his chosen one to new adventures, the Libra woman happily supports all hobbies.

In sex, partners satisfy each other, the attraction does not disappear even after years. Libra is characterized by shyness, which attracts the Sagittarius man. He teaches his partner to enjoy experiments; carnal pleasures are important for both.


In the marriage between Libra and Sagittarius, harmony continues to reign for the first time. Over time, a freedom-loving man may become bored, especially if his wife devotes less time to him. Sometimes sex is given a secondary role, which is also difficult for the husband to overcome. To avoid divorce, a Libra woman must take care of herself, support her husband, and look for new hobbies.

In family life, a Sagittarius man needs personal space. His wife's excessive jealousy suffocates him, often causing divorce.

It is not recommended for a couple to procrastinate with children; after the birth of their first child, there is less time to be bored. Most families decide to have several children at once, then their house is full. The Sagittarius man becomes responsible, which limits his freedom and the likelihood of betrayal.

The union of Sagittarius and Libra has a good chance of long-term existence. This pair of man and woman is capable of building a truly happy relationship. Here, Libra’s constant hesitations recede into the background thanks to the partner’s determination, and Sagittarius’ imbalance is smoothed out by the chosen one’s prudence.

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The protection of the air and fire elements allows love to glow throughout your entire life together. If these partners manage to find each other one day, then they are unlikely to ever separate.

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      Fire and air

      Dates of birth

      The partnership between the air and fire zodiac signs promises to be very fruitful. Representatives of the constellations Libra and Sagittarius complement and positively influence each other. Sagittarius shares with his partner the confidence that the fire element gives him, and Libra brings the necessary support to the life of his chosen one.

      • From the outside it may seem that these zodiac signs are completely different. But upon close acquaintance, Fire and Air invariably merge together, looking for common interests, aspirations and views on life that bind their couple together. Together they are capable of much, with mutual support their union is rapidly developing, leading partners to perfect harmony.

        Libras constantly think, develop ideas and plans in their heads that are not destined to come true, since they lack the ardor to bring them to life. But when meeting with the flaming and active Sagittarius, all his unimaginable dreams find a positive response and impetus for development, so such a tandem is beneficial for both signs in terms of moving towards goals.

        General characteristics of relationships

        Sagittarius has positive relationships with many signs of the zodiac circle. But Libra suits them best in terms of compatibility. It is in this partnership that the novelty of the relationship will be maintained throughout life. Therefore, Sagittarius, who is always looking for impressions, is very comfortable with changeable Libra.

        Astrologers note that the most successful unions in these couples develop when the partner, subject to the constellation Libra, is more experienced, older or wealthier than Sagittarius. This is due to the fact that the fire sign gets along better with chosen ones who are higher in status than them. He feels more comfortable being around a reasonable partner who needs to be obeyed. But if he does not sense strength and authority in the chosen one, then the manifestations of his willfulness will negatively affect the solution of many issues.

        The aggressiveness inherent in Sagittarius is gradually reduced to a minimum when living together with Libra. Astrologers note that this is the most balanced and psychologically harmonious sign of the zodiac. Representatives of this constellation generously share their equanimity with others and are able to teach loved ones to calmly perceive unexpected situations. Libra solves all problems with the help of intellect and diplomacy, therefore they do not allow the ardent Sagittarius to become inflamed and lead communication to conflict. In this couple, the man and woman easily find compromises, because both are inclined to listen to the partner’s opinion and know how to justify their point of view.

        Even if representatives of these zodiac signs do not have common interests before meeting, they easily involve each other in their own hobbies. Easy-going Libra is especially impressed by Sagittarius's enthusiasm in any endeavor. If an air sign alone cannot decide on this or that event, then when paired with a fiery chosen one, he quickly accepts the rules of the game and follows him everywhere, secretly rejoicing that someone is pushing him to be active.

        In this union, moments of expressing dissatisfaction pass extremely well. If Sagittarius's straightforwardness very often prevents him from building a good relationship with others, then when paired with Libra, this trait only has a positive effect on the atmosphere of trust. Libras know how to correctly perceive criticism, so they never take offense at well-deserved reproaches and try to eradicate the shortcomings noticed by their partner.

        The advantages of the union of these zodiac signs:

        • complete trust;
        • opportunity for personal development;
        • satisfaction of sexual needs.

        Regarding the last point, it is worth especially noting that compatibility in bed between Libra and Sagittarius reaches 100%. Both partners behave as relaxed as possible during sex, striving not only to receive pleasure, but also to please the chosen one. There is no place for shyness or restraint; both act intuitively and resonate in every movement.

        Astrologers note that a Sagittarius guy and a girl of the same sign have different characters, but Libra women and men are very similar. Due to the excessive eccentricity of Sagittarius men, unions with Libra ladies are less harmonious than pairs of Sagittarius girls with representatives of the constellation Libra.

        Sagittarius man and Libra woman

        In this combination, the guy often chooses his chosen one not based on external qualities. The Libra girl attracts him with her intelligence and mystery. Usually the man initiates the acquaintance of this couple, noticing a quiet and, as it seems to him, sad lady. Libra's partner confuses Libra's thoughtfulness and indecisiveness with mystery, but after their hearts are ignited, this no longer matters.

        While Sagittarius is trying to win his chosen one, she already manages to draw up a detailed plan for their future life together. The girl appreciates the openness and sincerity of the gentleman very highly; she sees in him the man of her dreams. However, the delight does not last long, because the smart lady begins to notice the unreasonableness of the chosen one’s actions and impatience. The Sagittarius man does not know how to wait; he is used to acting with lightning speed, without thinking about the consequences. As soon as another idea comes to his mind, he immediately tries to bring it to life.

        If in the first stages of a relationship it seems romantic to Libra to jump up in the middle of the night and rush off to the coast to see the sunrise, then over time the woman suddenly realizes that Sagittarius is waking her up and dragging her somewhere not out of ardor of feelings. For the lady, his infantilism, manifested everywhere, becomes a revelation. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to force this man to think first and then act. An unpredictable child, commanding unexpected impulses, will live in his soul until his gray hairs.


        Harmony reigns in the love relationship of this couple for a very long time. A man and a woman are never bored together; they always have topics for intimate conversations. Both partners love and know how to dream, and in their fantasies they make grandiose plans that they are ready to discuss day and night.

        Sagittarius tries to please his chosen one in everything, listens to her slightest whims and fulfills them to the best of his ability, and the girl loses her head from his care and affection.

        In this union, the candy-bouquet period lasts a lifetime, because a man of this zodiac sign cannot imagine his life without surprises and gifts, and the Libra woman very skillfully portrays delight in every little thing presented by her chosen one.

        Sagittarius is very attentive to his beloved; his nature has a desire to please and please people. And in alliance with Libra, he gets the most grateful partner, who is really happy about his attention. She sensibly perceives her partner’s financial situation and does not demand expensive things from him.

        The period of meetings and dates does not last long for this couple. Sagittarius quickly realizes that he cannot live without his beloved, so he makes a hasty marriage proposal. The man does not take the girl’s doubts into account, colorfully telling her about a happy future together. As a result, the Libra lady becomes his legal wife very soon.


        The compatibility of these partners in a marital relationship is quite questionable. Over time, the Sagittarius man reveals himself to his wife from a completely unsightly side. She begins to notice not only the shortcomings of his violent temperament, but also her husband’s increased interest in other ladies.

        As long as Sagittarius manages to hide his adventures on the side, the marriage is going well. But as soon as his wife becomes aware of his infidelity, she begins to think about divorce. If the matter concerned only betrayal, then the representative of the constellation Libra would hardly decide to break up, but the unpredictability of Sagittarius’ behavior in other areas of life adds fuel to the fire. His extravagance and habit of living for show irritates his wife. She is too prudent to forgive her husband for useless waste of the family budget.

        Entertainment events in which a man actively participates become a source of frequent conflicts over time. This is especially evident when children appear in the family, when the wife is constantly at home with the baby, and the husband goes out in the open, so that there is no doubt about his pastime. If usually the spouse in this marriage is actively involved in housework together with her husband, they cook, tidy up, wash and hang out laundry together, then when he becomes interested in another lady, the whole idyll of their union instantly dissolves. Sagittarius resourcefully lies about the additional stress at work, disappears unknown where, and friends and acquaintances quickly convey to his wife the news of his infidelity, because the spouse does not think about caution during romantic parties.

        Of course, the man in this couple does not always cheat on his beloved, but this can only be avoided by constant monitoring of his pastime. The Sagittarius wife must not forget for a minute that by accepting such a spouse, she along with him acquired his inner child, who needs supervision. In relation to his own children, a man allows many concessions and pampers them in every possible way. The wife is forced to bear the burden of education on her shoulders. However, when the kids grow up, the father begins to be strict.

        If spouses manage to avoid unpleasant moments with infidelity, then their marriage will be quite happy. Libra has the wisdom and patience to wait out the years of a man’s settling down, and in adulthood this marriage becomes a center of comfort and peace for both partners.


        A Sagittarius man and a Libra woman may well become friends at a young age, when the girl’s balanced personality is still drawn to reckless and adventurous friends. She is interested in the company of an eccentric guy, and he never pushes the ladies away from him. However, Sagittarius does not change with age, and the girl no longer has enough strength and time to listen to his stories about adventures. She outgrows him spiritually, so she doesn’t take him seriously.

        If Sagittarius and Libra met as adults, then they are unlikely to form a friendship. A man of this sign will show unambiguous signs of attention aimed at seducing his friend. And the Libra woman always remains faithful to her partner, so she will be forced to interrupt communication with Sagittarius so as not to provoke unnecessary gossip.


        Sagittarius does not like to work under women. He will resist her command in every possible way, ignoring instructions. They end up saying goodbye on an unsavory note.

        If the lady in this union gets the role of a subordinate or colleague of Sagittarius, then their joint work goes well. A woman diligently implements and supports all her partner’s innovative ideas, and he actively helps her in everything.

        Libra man and Sagittarius woman

        The compatibility of the restless Sagittarius woman and the patient Libra man is excellent. This couple is a role model. Relatives and friends of men do not believe in the strength of such a union for a long time, because, at first glance, they have nothing in common. The gentleman is predicted to fall under the heel of his girlfriend, since his equanimity in any of the girl’s antics leaves no doubt that she skillfully controls him. However, this is not the case. The girl’s irrational actions and aspirations are carefully corrected and restrained by the man. She can only encourage him to take trips and events that he will think through in advance and calculate everything.

        When meeting each other, representatives of these signs immediately notice the traits they lack in each other. The Sagittarius lady is attracted to appearance gentleman, his upright posture and penetrating gaze. He admires the woman’s graceful mobility. She always looks cheerful, so it’s impossible not to pay attention to her.


        The Libra gentleman courting a lady shows all his intelligence and penchant for romantic gestures. This is expressed in poems, which he certainly writes himself and reads to her on dates; at the very first meeting, he finds out her favorite flowers, which he subsequently presents at every opportunity.

        This man falls in love with a Sagittarius woman at first sight, but she does not immediately reciprocate his feelings. At first, it seems to her that it is good to be friends with him, but for a serious relationship she is looking for someone more cheerful and temperamental. But in the process of courtship, the woman herself does not notice how madly she falls in love with him. She begins to miss her chosen one and look forward to the next meeting, because their intimate conversations become vital for her. An open and trusting Sagittarius girl can only count on mutual understanding with this man. The Libra guy is very delicate when communicating, so he never makes judgmental statements about his interlocutor, even if he believes that she is mistaken.

        The love relationship of this couple develops through long conversations about everything in the world, so the partners quickly learn a lot about each other, even what they carefully hid from outsiders.

        They prefer to spend their leisure time calmly. Although the girl strives for active recreation, the man tries to restrain her impulses, limiting himself to joint walks and easy trips to nature. At first, it doesn’t matter to them where and how to spend their time, just to be nearby. If it were their will, they would not be separated for a minute. Most of their meetings take place in private, as strangers prevent them from enjoying each other's company.

        When the ardor of the initial passion fades a little, the girl slowly introduces the man into her chaotic social circle. At this stage, the gentleman begins to think about the correctness of his choice, because the woman’s countless friends and acquaintances open his eyes and allow him to look at his chosen one from a previously unknown angle. The man is not used to large and noisy companies, and considers partygoers to be frivolous and irresponsible. He strongly opposes chaotic gatherings to which his girlfriend constantly drags him, because of this, quarrels can occur in their couple. However, in the end, Libra manages to convey his point of view to his beloved and establish rules according to which the woman will meet exclusively with her friends, avoiding male society. Usually the man insists that these meetings take place under his watchful supervision, because he notices the girl’s love for flirting with members of the opposite sex.

        If love in this union arises from youth, then the lady will receive a marriage proposal no earlier than the Libra guy is convinced that he is able to provide for his family. When their meeting occurs at a more mature age, the man literally immediately asks his beloved to marry him, because he loves confidence in the future, and the stamp in his passport seems to him reliable protection from breaking up.


        With the skillful guidance of his wife, the Libra spouse moves up the career ladder very quickly. It is with such a life partner that he is able to achieve the highest results in any field of activity. The Sagittarius spouse will never allow her husband to lie on the sofa; her plans for vacations, home improvement, dachas, and buying a car require financial support, so she will constantly push her husband to earn money. It cannot be said that the Libra man is particularly resistant, because he understands very well that the responsibility for providing for his family rests on his shoulders. However, sometimes he needs rest, so his wife should periodically leave him alone.

        The Libra man loves to talk with his wife, but he also gravitates toward silent contemplation, so he often goes out into the forest or fishing to spend time in silence. If the wife understands and accepts his needs, then they make these forays together.

        Their usual leisure time at home is calm, they really like to do something together. In this family, the husband not only helps his wife, but also often takes on many household responsibilities. In their couple there is no division into men's and women's affairs; everyone strives to make their own contribution to solving everyday problems. However, important issues are considered by the man, and the last word in any dispute always remains with him. If a woman tries to resist this way of life, she is unlikely to succeed. The Libra spouse thinks for a very long time, but if he has decided something, then it is impossible to turn him off the intended course.

        The birth of children brings a fresh twist to the development of this couple's relationship. Both spouses are completely immersed in caring for the kids. They have no disagreements on this basis. Everyone adheres to democratic views on raising children. Joint walks, games and various activities of the whole family unite this union tightly. If something darkens their life, then the Libra husband and Sagittarius wife cope with the problems hand in hand. Astrologers note that an established pair of representatives of these zodiac signs becomes extremely strong and indestructible over time.


        The Sagittarius girl is unlikely to maintain friendly relations with Libra. The representative of this constellation seems boring and withdrawn to her. If one day they manage to talk, she realizes that she was mistaken about him, but her friendship with him is only suitable for intimate conversations. She is unlikely to invite him to her party or respond to his invitation.

        If they meet as families, then friendship is quite possible. Their spouses will even jealously glance at this couple, because, chatting, the Sagittarius lady and the Libra man do not notice anyone around. However, their relationship will not go beyond fascinating communication.


        The work activities of representatives of these zodiac signs are unlikely to be productive. Under the strict guidance of Libra, the Sagittarius lady cannot develop her talents. And if she is the boss, then you can only count on the execution of clear instructions. The Libra man tries to adhere to job descriptions in work matters.

        If representatives of these constellations are ordinary employees, then their tandem can add headaches to the boss. Having entrusted them with a joint project, he is unlikely to wait for its implementation on time. The Sagittarius woman will act thoughtlessly, and subsequently both will spend a lot of time correcting the mistakes they made. In addition, they will have many disagreements regarding this or that issue, since Libra does everything in too much detail, and Sagittarius acts intuitively and makes hasty decisions.

Libra's friend always stands out among your acquaintances with his special charm, elegance, easy-going character and is known as a pleasant conversationalist. These people are really very sociable and rarely will anyone feel awkward or constrained in their company. Spending time with them is a pleasure. For this reason, they are always surrounded by many people, and Libra people live according to the principle - the more friends, the better.

In the rest, they value intelligence, honesty, love of beauty (art, nature, fashion, etc.), important role The appearance of the people with whom they deal also plays a role for them (“they meet you by their clothes”). On the other hand, they are very upset by rudeness, deception, vulgarity and rudeness. From here it is easy to imagine a picture of a person who can (and with whom a representative of this zodiac constellation can) become friends.

Their comrades should remember the keen sense of justice that is inherent in Libra people, because it can even cause them to be hot-tempered. Therefore, there is no need, at least in their presence, to commit “unfair” acts - in this way you risk seeing rare outbursts of anger unusual for Libra, and in the worst case, losing a friend altogether.

Libra Compatibility in Friendship

If in previous articles about friendship according to zodiac signs I missed the interpretation of possible friendships with representatives of the same sign, I did this only for the reason that I thought it was already clear - people born under the same zodiac sign, due to their similarity, often become good and even best friends.

The same can be said in the case of Libra. People of this sign will always find mutual language and make friends.

Libra will get along well with the air trine signs - Gemini and Aquarius. With the first ones they will have many funny adventures and a lot of interesting conversations, and they are related to idealistic ideas about life and natural nobility (well, just like the heroes of A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers”).

Friend of Libra and for Sagittarius and Leo. The elegance and charm of Libra are perfectly combined and complement the external gloss and expansiveness of the “lion” nature, and the tact and charm inherent in Libra will not allow Streltsov’s rudeness to appear, turning their relationship into pure joy, fun, and pleasure.

Although completely unsuitable lovers, Libra and Scorpio can get along well in friendship and enjoy each other's company, each time being surprised at their dissimilarity, while managing not to cross the line of mutual respect.

A friend of Libra will help Virgo become more sociable and open, teach her to relax and be distracted from work. Virgo will “insure” her friend where necessary, grounding his impulses, thereby allowing him to avoid troubles. So overall it will be a mutually beneficial partnership.

But friendship will not work out with Taurus. Libra is frankly bored in their company, and earthly Taurus is unlikely to be able to trust or rely on Libra.

The friendship of Libra with Cancer and Pisces does not promise anything good: people who have completely different degrees of emotionality, and at the same time do not want to adapt to each other, will not be able to find a common language in friendship. Misunderstandings, resentments and even conflicts will often arise between them.

Aries are too rude, active and chaotic for the balanced and calm nature of the Libra man. These people have little in common and will not want to be friends for a long time.

If you compare Libra with a butterfly, and Capricorn with a goat, it becomes obvious that these people are not on the same path. And they go completely different directions. Capricorns and Libra are alien to each other. They won't have a friendship.

A Libra friend is a wonderful companion and interlocutor. And if there are such people among your friends, you will hardly be able to remember them without a smile, sincere warmth and sympathy.

5 /5 (6 )

The people around us are sincerely perplexed at how two completely different people get along with each other, but the fact is obvious. The main thing is that this is a mutually beneficial union of two intelligent people, constantly striving for self-improvement and interesting to each other. Let's consider Libra and Sagittarius compatibility more details.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Sagittarius man

Before getting married, partners go through many tests. A woman of the Libra sign cannot imagine her existence without a friendly, strong family. She is an excellent wife and a caring mother for her children. Next to your loved one, this beauty will become the sweetest and most tender person.

Watch the video. Compatibility Libra and Sagittarius.

A man born under the constellation Sagittarius is not so simple. Having become an adult and independent young man, independent of his parents, this person is in no hurry to bind himself to obligations. The Libra woman should try to show tact and patience, be wise and give the fire man the opportunity to throw out his vigorous energy before marrying him.

The compatibility of the union of Sagittarius and Libra, when he is a Sagittarius and she is a Libra, is based on friendly relationships. Young people can have endless conversations, enthusiastically play backgammon, or go on long hikes together. The couple is interested in learning about each other's world and satisfying their mutual sense of adventure and natural curiosity.

In 80% of cases, the couple flirts on the side

Sociable signs attract members of the opposite sex. You should be careful not to cause jealousy, which is destructive for the relationship in the union. Sagittarius and Libra perfectly understand mutual desires and experiences. The signs are freedom-loving and will not limit each other’s internal freedom, as many spouses do. Partners complement each other perfectly, expressing themselves in simple words, without using subtle hints and tricks in the form of meaningful glances and expressive gestures.

It is easy for a couple to be in each other’s company; they quickly come to mutual understanding. Libra calms the man of the element of Fire, and Sagittarius brings his life partner into balance and provides the necessary support in moments of doubt. The couple experiences many happy moments. Of course, there are contradictions and disagreements in it, but they can be easily overcome by the joint efforts of spouses who understand each other.

In love

These people show mutual interest from the very first meeting. A feeling of love quickly flares up between the young people. The young Libra lady will charm the Sagittarius guy with her friendliness towards other people, good manners, exquisite taste.

The young Sagittarius will appeal to the air girl for his unpredictability in behavior and strong character. The couple will have complete mutual understanding, a harmonious relationship, which nothing interferes with. Most likely, the union of these people will be sealed by an imminent wedding.

In a relationship

According to the compatibility of the Sagittarius and Libra horoscopes, if a woman wants harmonious relationships in the family and the man achieves success in his career, she should help her loved one with this. When difficulties arise, the Sagittarius man quickly loses interest in the matter. At this moment, the help and advice of a Sagittarius woman is needed. She should take the initiative into her own hands and tactfully suggest a way out of the current situation and a plan for further action to achieve the goal.

Despite her outward softness, the woman is quite strong in character and has the ability to lead. By unobtrusively and gently guiding her man in the right direction, she helps him achieve success in moving up the career ladder. Most often, a couple prefers comfort and coziness to achievements. In this regard, the wife forgets about disappointment and claims to high success in relation to her husband’s career.

A successful Sagittarius man will be able to provide his family with a decent existence even without a high position. To balance different systems values, the woman will find a compromise. There is no need to put pressure on your partner. It is necessary to look for a solution in each individual case.


The spouses will enjoy an eventful life based on mutual love and respect. There will be no loud quarrels in the couple. Sometimes the Sagittarius man can be rude and sharply express his complaints. The Libra woman has more gentle character. She will not respond rudely, but such an attitude will cause her resentment.

The husband is an intelligent and understanding person. If a woman raises the issue of his tactless behavior, the partner may well work on himself and correct the situation. There are no serious threats or disagreements between this couple. This union will exist for a long time, living a rich and enjoyable life together.

A wonderful couple where the spouses match with their intellectual development and mentality. The newlyweds are waiting for a full interesting events, a life full of impressions.

In friendship

This couple has interesting communication, common hobbies and topics of conversation. However, there cannot be a strong friendship between the signs. The Libra girl and the Sagittarius guy are not too devoted to their friends, this is a disadvantage in the relationship. They will not pull each other out of unforeseen and difficult situations, giving up everything, and will not give up their last money for a friend in need. If one of them has a problem, the other partner will simply disappear from sight, leaving them to get out of the situation on their own, without the necessary support.

In sex

Libra is the sign of the air, and Sagittarius is the sign of the fire element. Air makes fire burn. The Libra woman inflames the passion of the Sagittarius man simply by being nearby or even when she accidentally looks at him with her beautiful eyes. The Sagittarius man cannot resist such a charming beauty and begins to pursue the object of his affection by all means, trying to attract her attention. The spouses do not have any problems in their intimate life.

In between passionate embraces, a woman can maintain an intellectual conversation, after which an equally passionate continuation of caresses will follow. A direct, incorrect statement from Sagittarius can bring some dissonance into close relationships, which can be unnecessary and can unpleasantly surprise and offend the delicate sensitive Libra.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Sagittarius man.

In progress

The friendliness and courtesy of a lady of the Libra sign, her professional abilities, and the ability to find a common language with everyone will appeal to any employer. It’s a huge success to have Venus’s ward, who has tact and business skills, join your team, so businessmen and politicians fight for the girl of the air element. A genius and a tramp, the fiery Sagittarius guy cannot pore over documents all day. This is a tedious task for him and represents terrible boredom. He would rather go on business trips, where he can see the world and get new impressions.

7 out of 8 business alliances are successful

An energetic fire man and a calm air sign lady can create a good business alliance. Together they can overcome all obstacles and simply move mountains. The Libra girl does not have passion, but she is not good with money, and the Libra boy can spend a fortune accumulated over a year in one day. Astrologers recommend inviting a strict employee to your team, a woman of the Virgo sign, who will number each banknote and teach employees how to be thrifty and save money.

The Libra woman is capable of getting excellent results in any field, as long as there is a friendly atmosphere in the team. Sagittarius eagerly takes on several things at once. If Venus’s ward monitors his work, then a comfortable life will be ensured in the team. The stars find great prospects in the union of air and fire. With a well-drafted business plan and a skillful approach to business, the pets of Venus and Jupiter can very quickly gain fame, wealth and prosperity.

In percentages

The presence of common views and interests, mutual understanding, and good sexual compatibility gives the union a chance for a long existence. Minor misunderstandings can be resolved.

Compatibility percentage is 80%.

Psychological compatibility

Sagittarius and Libra are constantly expanding their social circle, striving for new contacts and actively exploring life. The union contributes to the development of both signs and is developing quite successfully. Sagittarius men are captivated by Libra's charm and refined sense of humor, and Libra women have great respect for Sagittarius men for their open-mindedness and caring nature.

Libra women bring balance and harmony into the lives of Sagittarius men, which they often lack. After some time, Sagittarius realizes that for the sake of love you can sacrifice part of your freedom. Each sign has those character qualities that the other sign lacks. They complement each other perfectly. Sagittarius has no sense of responsibility at all, he is impetuous and self-willed, with unpredictable behavior. Sagittarius men create wonderful ideas and projects, and it is often the woman who has to implement them.

In this union, Libra shows restraint and prudence, which is unusual for them. It is important that they do not impose their own rules on Sagittarius and do not try to limit his habits. If a Sagittarius man throws his things around, let him continue to do so. Perhaps it is a woman’s ability to tolerate her partner’s shortcomings, and not make a tragedy out of it, that will allow her to preserve the union for many years. A man will appreciate such a relationship and cherish it.

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Compatibility of Libra man and Sagittarius woman

The deep human sympathy of the signs for each other lies at the basis of this relationship. The timid and indecisive Sagittarius girl is afraid of getting burned when starting a new relationship. With a Libra man, she behaves openly and sincerely, and this is the similarity of the signs. Libra is the sign that can be affectionate and caring with a gentle fire sign girl. The Libra young man completely gains her trust, and she rushes headlong into the maelstrom of feelings, completely dissolving in the guy’s charming smile. The compatibility of signs is explained by the similarity in worldview. Signs are sociable, friendly, optimistic and cheerful like children. Partners are interested in each other.

When they meet, they easily find a common language, preferring long discussions to looks and touches. Young people openly express their feelings and this becomes a big step towards mutual happiness. Of course, there are disadvantages to their relationship. The girl is annoyed by the guy's indecision, and he doesn't like the excessive activity of the lady of his heart. The couple should sometimes separate for a short time and then embrace each other in a tender embrace. A break helps the couple realize the need to be with each other and strengthen their feelings.

In love

When they first meet, the couple experiences strong mutual sympathy. The Libra young man is more restrained in his emotions compared to his beloved. However, he likes an energetic and unpredictable girl. Sagittarius, in order to create a harmonious, stable relationship, needs a person who is calmer in character, such as the man of the Libra sign.

Together, young people complement each other and create a full-fledged union, which has a little of everything.

The Libra guy loves stability and is not burdened by marriage, so he will soon want to legitimize the relationship and make an offer of love and heart to his beloved. The couple is expecting a quick wedding.

In a relationship

According to the compatibility horoscope of Virgo and Sagittarius, both partners should think about organizing their everyday life so that the harmony in their union is not disturbed due to unwashed dishes or dirty laundry. You need to think about the details. It is necessary to agree on the distribution of responsibilities around the house. The Libra man is non-confrontational and does not divide labor into male and female work. It takes away most conflicts. The Libra man will gladly help his beloved woman in response to her request for help with the housework.

Watch the video. What kind of man is suitable for a Sagittarius woman?

If responsibilities are distributed in a couple and everyone does their part of the work, this already helps to prevent conflicts. Make it easier to maintain household modern helps Appliances, discipline, and in as a last resort You can invite an au pair. The cheerful character, humor and wit of the Sagittarius girl and the easy attitude to life of the Libra man will help mitigate conflicts.

90% of Sagittarians smooth out quarrels

He values ​​human relationships and will not be the first to create conflicts and spoil the mood of his beloved and himself. If anger boils in the soul of a woman of the Sagittarius sign, she can resort to humor, which more than once helps her out in difficult times and helps in preventing quarrels. Looking at life through the prism of humor helps you see small problems and troubles in a different light. They no longer seem such important shortcomings.


A harmonious union where spouses act deliberately and know what they want. Sagittarius man and Libra woman have good compatibility. The conclusion of this marriage is not an accident or a consequence of falling in love, but a deliberate decision of two like-minded people with common interests and views.

The partner will voluntarily take on many household responsibilities, and he does it better. A small disadvantage is the material side of life. In a family, both husband and wife work equally, but they earn only for current expenses, of which they have a lot. There is no main earner here.

The couple is not used to denying themselves anything and therefore saving up for a large purchase is a problem. But the spouses do not have quarrels about this. Intimate life is full of harmony. The couple is happy with each other, neither partner looks the other way. Noisy scandals and petty quarrels are not accepted in this family. The couple is pleasant both to each other and to the people around them.

In friendship

Partners love to spend their time together and are interested in communicating. This couple will be attracted to each other as a man and a woman. They can often turn from friends into lovers. Sometimes they separate and arrange their lives with other people, but continue communicating as if nothing happened. The friendship of these signs in such a situation is out of the question. There are common interests, mutual hobbies, but we are not talking about friendship.

In sex

Sagittarius women are good seductresses, they know a lot about flirting and can easily turn the head of their airy partner. The foreplay of intimacy is the embodiment of a spiritual ideal. Air and fire have everything to kindle the flame of passion. Sexuality is mystical. Both partners feel a kinship of souls and are halves of one whole.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Libra man.

In progress

It is not difficult for a sociable Libra man to be successful in any area of ​​his activity. An air sign can become a lawyer, politician, designer, even a beekeeper, the main thing is that you like the business.

The Sagittarius woman is an intellectual person. She is constantly passionate about something, she has diverse interests. Any profession she chooses is suitable for her. The lady will succeed in everything if she does not change her mind and switch halfway to a more interesting field of activity.

According to astrologers, the union of fire and air may have good prospects.

If the Sagittarius man is the leader and guides the frivolous partner of the Sagittarius sign, then the couple will quickly come to success. Representatives of both signs love to work in teams. If the wards of Venus and Jupiter create a cohesive team, everything will work out in the best way. Colleagues will have a great relationship with a cheerful girl of the Sagittarius sign and a charming guy of the Libra sign. And where a friendly atmosphere is maintained, things get better.

In percentages

The compatibility of these signs is good. Mutual understanding reigns in the couple, the union is favorable in many respects and can become happy. Minor flaws can be eliminated.

Compatibility 80%.

Psychological compatibility

Libra and Sagittarius share one sign. This means compatibility between the fire and air elements and personalities. The couple brings joy to people's faces with their attitude towards each other. Spouses appreciate this quality. The couple achieves mutual understanding through endless heart-to-heart conversations and mutual charm. If fortune brings together a woman of the sign Sagittarius and a man of the constellation Libra, mutual attraction flares up between them.

The conversations of the Sagittarius woman occupy the Libra man, who does not trust the veracity of the speech, but does not show it and continues to listen to the cheerful chatter. A happy woman doesn’t care about this at all, because she knows that sooner or later, her partner will be in her hands. Sagittarians know how to flirt. Having noticed a spark of attention, they will fan it until the flame turns into a bonfire or even into a huge fire. Libras have a reserved character and do not like to reveal their feelings, but love it when others do.

The couple quickly finds a common language and there is an exchange of mutual energies and complete mutual understanding between the partners.

Sagittarius women can use their partner's advice on the subtleties of behavior. For example, how to express interest in the person you like. In this matter, Libra men are real experts. A woman can tell a man how to restrain himself and not pay attention to the opinions of others in conflict situations. This union, if there are no obstacles to its creation, will bring a lot of pleasure to both partners.