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Indoor bulbous lily. Growing lilies at home

Proper care for a domestic lily will allow you to get an original living decoration For living rooms or winter gardens.

Lily occupies not the last place among house flowers. The plant, with its bright greenery, beautiful voluminous flowers and delicate aroma, cannot leave lovers of indoor plants indifferent. Despite the fact that the lily has a short flowering period, it is propagated with pleasure at home. Because it perfectly decorates the interior and is a collectible for many gardeners.

Planting lily bulbs in a pot in spring

Proper landing bulbs, guarantees full flowering
  • According to experienced flower growers, it is better to choose early autumn for planting - the first days of September.
  • But you can carry out this manipulation in the spring.
  • These periods provide an opportunity for the plant to take root well and sprout.
  • Start spring planting as early as possible - as soon as the first shoots appear. Young stems are very fragile and brittle, which can create problems for the further growth of the flower.
  • Pre-purchased bulbs should be stored in a cool place, constantly adding damp moss or sawdust, sand or soil

Before sowing bulbous material:

  1. We carefully reject and remove infected, rotten specimens
  2. Clearing unnecessary scales
  3. Trimming faded roots
  4. Shortening the too long measles system
  5. Place in a solution of 0.2% fundozol for half an hour or treat with an insecticide
  • Plant in a pot with light soil and always with drainage
  • Planting depth - 2-3 times higher than the planted material (from the top of the bulb to the ground)
  • We perform the operation carefully so as not to damage the bulb and root system.
  • After planting, mulch thoroughly with peat or humus.

Video: Lilies: germinating bulbs in spring in pots

How to water a lily in a pot?

Watering a potted lily
  1. Water very carefully: over the neck of the pot or using the bottom watering method
  2. If there is water in the pan, pour it out. Lilies do not tolerate waterlogging
  3. Watering is carried out very sparingly after the top layer of soil has completely dried.
  4. When flowering ends, water rarely and little (2-3 months). The soil should remain semi-dry
  5. Let the water sit for a day before watering.

The lily has bloomed in the pot: what to do next?

Lily care after flowering

Eucharis produces its flowers rarely. But when proper storage plants, during the rest period, you can increase the period and number of flowering times.

For this:

  1. Place the lily in a cool, dry place
  2. Keep watering and fertilizing to a minimum - when the top layer of soil is completely dry
  3. If the soil has not been changed for a long time, change the soil by adding ash to it

What to feed lilies after flowering?

Feeding of eucharis is carried out not only in the spring-summer period, but also in the fall, when the plant no longer blooms. During sleep, the flower stores useful substances for the future. From proper feeding The duration and frequency of flowering depends.

Important: During the first month and a half of the flower's rest, no feeding is carried out. Only after the first offspring appear do we give food.

  • Feed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers: potassium magnesium or superphosphate
  • To do this, dissolve 1.5 tbsp. l. potassium magnesia or 2 tbsp. superphosphate in a bucket of water

Video: Eucharis. What causes Eucharis to die? How to care for the Amazon lily so that it blooms?

Why doesn't the house lily bloom?

There may be several reasons for this problem:

  1. Rest time not met. If a flower was watered abundantly within 1.5 months after flowering, it did not have a dormant stage. He did not have time to rest and gain strength.
  2. Improper care, which consists of temperature changes, leads to rotting of the bulbous material. This does not allow the eucharis to bloom.
  3. Poor planting density. For a young plant to bloom, it will take 3-4 years to grow children. Helps speed up flowering joint landing several bulbs in one pot. How less space in a pot, the faster the lily will bloom.
  4. Poor lighting, insufficient watering and fertilizing- after the appearance of the first shoots.

Video: Why doesn’t Eucharis bloom and how to make a flower bloom?

House Lily Disease

  1. Gray rot- the causative agent is lat fungi. Botridis. Increased moisture and non-compliance with the temperature regime of the air space, waterlogged soil contribute to the development. The first signs are expressed in the loss of leaf elasticity. After becoming soft, the greens turn brown along the edges. Then the painful areas are covered with gray mold, and they die. If you find a problem, hurry up and remove the malicious places. Next, treat with Topsin-M, Fundazol, and copper sulfate.
  2. Stagonosporosis- second fungal disease. Red elongated spots appear on all parts of the plant. Severe infection leads to the death of the flower. The cause of the development of the disease is: sudden temperature changes and excess moisture. Collateral healthy flower are healthy seeds. Treat the bulbous material before planting in the ground with fungicidal components: Oxyx, Maxim, Abiga-Peak, for about half an hour. Next, dry for 2 days.
  • Fungus gnat (sciarid)- appears in very damp soil. Its female produces offspring in the roots, which grow to eat the base of the roots. The flower begins to grow poorly, wither, and does not form flowers. Watering will help destroy pests:
  1. Aktaroy (0.8 g/l water)
  • Amaryllis scale insects- start under the bulbous scale. They bend the green crown, and subsequently cause the death of the plant. We fight it by spraying with an insecticide:
  1. Aktara
  2. Akarin
  3. Vertimek
  • Spider mite envelops eucharis in excessively dry air. If there is minimal damage, wash the greens with soap. Severe infestation requires the help of acaricides:
  1. Sunmite
  2. Akarin
  3. Kleschevit
  4. Fitoverm

Proper attention will help prevent contracting diseases.

Home lily leaves turn yellow

Problems of the Amaryllis family

Poor care affects the healthy appearance of the plant. Natural yellowing and death of the green crown should not cause alarm. But numerous yellow and dried leaves say:

  1. About illiterate watering
  2. Oh not enough high temperature air (less than +10)
  3. About bright sunlight

We take out the bulbous material from the substrate and do a thorough inspection. Having detected softness and a change in color, you must:

  • Cut out rotten areas
  • Sprinkle with charcoal
  • Dry thoroughly
  • Plant in fresh soil

How to properly transplant a house lily?

New pot for lilies

Replanting is allowed no more than once every three years, but the top soil surface is changed annually. Process time - flower rest

Let's get started:

  1. You will need a high pot so that the width allows you to leave space between the wall and the bulb - 3-4 cm
  2. We fill the bottom with any drainage
  3. You will need a special bulbous soil
  4. If there are 10 or fewer children, do not tear them off from the main bulb. We plant in a heap, without dividing the soil lump
  5. Priming depth - 4-5 cm

Video: How to transplant eucharis?

  • With proper care, Eucharis is not visited by pests and diseases
  • The plant develops well and pleases its owner with beautiful flowering and a pleasant aroma

Video: Indoor lily. Planting and care

Lilies, these truly royal flowers, can be grown not only in gardens, but also at home. There are many types of indoor lilies: Asiatic hybrids, dwarf, royal, lovely, golden and long-flowered lilies, as well as hippeastrum and amaryllis plants, which are often called lilies because of their beautiful large flowers, so similar to the flowers of a real lily.

Indoor lily flowers are very beautiful: white and lilac, purple and pink, plain or with spots of various shades, these plants will wonderfully decorate your interior, bringing a fresh breath of nature into it.

How to care for indoor lilies: instructions for gardeners

The house lily is a rather capricious plant; it requires care and attention. Caring for this indoor plant is as follows:

  1. Lily loves slightly moist soil and an influx of cool, fresh air. Keep it in a bright place, but avoid direct sunlight. Water the soil as it dries and be sure to provide good drainage: excessive moisture can kill the plant.
  2. Occasionally spray the lily leaves with a spray bottle to refresh them.
  3. Periodically loosen the soil in the pot and add wood ash, humus, and peat.
  4. Remove weeds as needed.
  5. When the lily blooms, tie the stems to the sticks.
  6. Feed the plant liquid fertilizers before it blooms, when the buds appear and after the flowers fall.
  7. In order for the indoor lily to be a strong and healthy plant, it is best to remove the buds that appear in the first year.
  8. In early autumn, when the lily has finished blooming, cut off its leaves and stems near the bulb itself.
  9. For the winter, hide the bulb in a plastic bag with damp sand or moss.

Planting and replanting indoor lilies

Since the flowering period of the indoor lily usually lasts from June to August, it is recommended to plant it in early spring. For a medium-sized plant, a pot with a diameter of no more than 20 cm is suitable. Place drainage on the bottom of the pot, and then fill it halfway with a mixture of river sand and light fertile soil. Place the lily bulb so that it is approximately in the center of the pot (in height), straighten the roots and lightly compact the soil. It will be possible to fill the soil to the top when the stems rise above the edge flower pot. You can also plant several bulbs in one tub. different types– it looks very impressive.

Until green sprouts appear, store the pot with the lily in a cool, dark place, and as soon as you see young shoots, move it to the windowsill or balcony. Don’t forget to open the window and ventilate the room where the lily grows. During flowering, slightly increase watering of the plant.

The lily does not require replanting: it should remain in the same container throughout the spring and summer. If its size has increased significantly during this time, then next spring simply plant the bulb in a pot of larger diameter.

Possible diseases of indoor lilies

Diseases of indoor lilies most often occur from excessive watering, insufficient air permeability of the soil, or as a result of infestation by pests.

In the first case, the bulb may rot and mold appears on it. You need to stop watering for a while and change the soil: perhaps there is too little drainage in the pot or the soil is too heavy. The opposite situation can also happen: when a lily is not watered enough, its leaves become dry, lose color, and wither. Just revise your watering schedule and the plant will recover.

In the second case, if you notice insects - lily flies or beetles, aphids - use insecticides to combat them.

Create conditions suitable for your indoor lily, and it will delight you with beautiful bright flowers every year.

What does caring for a home lily include? Following the rules for keeping lilies at home will allow you to enjoy the appearance of healthy and healthy plants for a long time. flowering plants. But how to provide flowers comfortable conditions when growing in pots?

Lily in a pot, care

How to plant a lily in a pot

Before planting, lily bulbs are kept in the refrigerator for 16-19 days, at temperatures of 3-6°C. Then place it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about 2 hours. After this, it is useful to dip the bulbs in a solution of any growth stimulator.

The soil should be nutritious and loose. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself by mixing soil from the garden with compost, humus and fertilizers.

One lily bulb is planted in a tall pot with a diameter of 16-18 cm. Multiple bulbs will require a larger container. You should not use a pot that is too spacious: the plant will direct all its energy to the formation of daughter bulbs, not flowers.

A drainage of small stones is placed at the bottom of the pot, a layer of earth about 10 cm is poured, an onion is placed, covered with a layer of earth up to 20 cm. The pot is placed in a cool shady place, and after the sprouts appear, it is moved to a lighted one.

How to care for a lily

A growing lily requires:

Constant flow of fresh cool air;

Feeding with fertilizers;


Spraying with water;


If you are careless about any of these steps, it can damage the plant.

Fertilizer feeding is done every 7-9 days. The top layer must be loosened regularly, doing it carefully: a depth of up to 6 cm will be enough, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the roots.

If you care for your lily correctly, it will take root well and you can plant fresh bulbs every year, getting a new plant.

When the stem reaches 10 cm, they begin to take the flower pot out onto the balcony every day for 20-30 minutes, gradually increasing the time. When hardening off a plant, you need to be careful. Do not leave house lilies in a pot on the balcony at night if the thermometer drops below 12°C.

It is useful to spray the lower parts of the lily with a spray bottle, while placing the plant in the shade (otherwise there will be a burn on the leaves). Inflorescences and buds cannot be sprayed: this leads to rapid flowering and wilting.

The indoor lily is one of the brightest and favorite flowers of many people. Extraordinarily beautiful inflorescences, incredible aroma and relative ease of care - these qualities are valued by both professional flower growers and amateur gardeners.

There are many varieties of lilies that can be grown at home, on the windowsill and on the balcony.

These include:

  • Oriental and Asian hybrids;
  • long-flowered;
  • golden;
  • beautiful;
  • dwarf;
  • royal lily.

This group of flowers also includes representatives of the Amaryllis family: hippeastrum and amaryllis.

If the plant care is of high quality, then the flower will delight you regular flowering for several years. But many gardeners use lilies as seasonal decorations for balconies and loggias.

Legends have long been formed with these flowers. Literally translated from ancient Greek, the name “lily” translates as “white-white.” It was these plants that were symbols of divine beauty, strength and power.

For example, they decorated clothes and tapestries of the royal families of France and many other countries. So, in the photos of paintings from those times you can clearly see the luxurious embroidery of lily flowers.

These plants are perennial. They have fleshy stems with varying foliage arrangements. In some varieties, the greens are collected at the base of the bulb, while in others they evenly envelop the stem. The main advantage of the plant is its flower, large, consisting of 6 petals, with an unusually rich aroma.

Features of care

The soil

In order for the lily to feel comfortable, it is important to pay attention to the choice of soil. Be sure to mix fertile soil with river sand. This will provide the soil with sufficient looseness and the bulb sufficient ventilation, which will prevent rotting of the rhizome.

Basic care for lilies involves regularly loosening the soil. It is important that the bulb and rhizomes receive sufficient oxygen. It is also worth regularly (once a month) pour a little into the pot. wood ash. It is rich in antioxidants and serves as an excellent disease prevention.

If you are planning to grow perennial, then it is better to remove the inflorescences of the first year. Let the flower gain strength so that the buds that bloom by the second season are as large as those that can be found in the photo from the Internet.

Lighting and temperature conditions

The indoor lily is a sun-loving plant, but direct rays of daylight should fall on it only in the first half of the day. If you place the pot on a window where sunlight permanent, it will begin to dry out and bloom sparingly.

Special requirements for temperature conditions lilies do not. This flower feels great in our climatic zone and can withstand both heat and cold up to +12 degrees. For the winter, lilies can be left on the balcony, but it is important to take care of high-quality shelter. For this, it is better to use fallen leaves and peat. The top of the pot is covered with polyethylene to create the necessary humidity and warmth. To prevent rotting, you can use a toothpick to make several ventilation holes. Such care is required during the rest period.

Watering and fertilizing

The plant loves moisture, but not in excess. Therefore, watering should not be carried out according to a schedule, but as needed, when the earthen food dries out. It is advisable that the soil does not dry out completely, remaining slightly moist, but not wet.

It is especially difficult to care for lilies at home using fertilizers.

Experts have developed a whole schedule of important recharges:

  • First. The bulb should be fertilized immediately after planting in the ground, which will give it strength to germinate and develop.
  • Second. It is applied when the peduncle releases, but before the flowers open, when the buds are formed. Such care will give the plant energy to bloom.
  • Third. It is carried out upon completion of flowering, somewhere in mid-August. It will help the flower prepare for winter.

In order for the flowers to be larger, as in photos from the Internet and books on floriculture, you should adhere to these feeding rules. Fertilizers for plants can be bought at any flower shop, but do not choose the cheapest products, they are usually ineffective.

Planting a plant

In order for the flower to grow quickly and delight you with regular flowering at home, it is important to adhere to strict rules when planting bulbs. First you need to prepare the soil. You can buy any fertile mixture in the store and mix it with a small amount of river sand.

Then place a drainage layer of small pebbles, polystyrene foam or expanded clay (2-3 cm) on the bottom of the pot. After this, fill the container halfway with soil. The bulb will require a little care before planting. Gently straighten its roots and place it in the center of the pot, resting it on the soil. After this, carefully add soil until you cover the bulb to the middle. Done, the lily is planted. You can add soil to the top of the pot only after the first leaves of sufficient height have formed.

Germinating a bulb requires coolness, so it is better to leave the container in which the flower is located in a cold room (temperature 15-18 degrees). After the shoots appear, move the plant to the balcony or room - to its permanent place.

It is important that during active growth the lily had enough fresh air. Therefore, when growing a plant at home, you should place the pot on the balcony.

Then your lily will delight you with large flowers, as in the photo from the Internet.

Of course, you should follow the generally accepted rules for growing indoor plants. After all, the lily is considered a conditionally whimsical species. But experienced gardeners have long developed their own “tricks” and specific care that help the flower actively grow and develop.

So, if you become the happy owner of a lily, follow these rules:

Indoor lily – bright and beautiful flower, does not require complex specific care. So that the plant enjoys active growth and abundant flowering, it is enough to provide it with moisture, fresh air and store-bought fertilizer.

One onion is enough to get pot with a diameter of 16-18 cm, you can plant several lilies at once in a large container. If you place the bulb in a wide pot, instead of flowering, it will begin to actively develop the space, releasing many daughter bulbs. In addition, the pot must be tall.

Before planting, the bulbs should remain in the refrigerator at a temperature of 3-6° for at least 16-19 days.

Then they are treated with potassium permanganate for about 1.5-2 hours, keeping them in a medium pink solution. AND the last stage the bulbs are immersed in a solution of growth stimulants, for example, Zircon, Succinic acid, Epin with the addition of microelements.

At the same time they are preparing good soil. It should be fertile and loose; you can buy ready-made for lilies or mix garden soil with compost, sand and humus.

For every liter of soil add 40-60 g of mineral fertilizers.

They contain magnesium, iron, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. If desired, the soil is disinfected by thoroughly sprinkling it with fungicidal solutions and boiling water.

Drainage from pebbles is laid out at the bottom of the container, a layer of soil of about 8-10 cm is poured, bulbs are placed on it and covered with an earthen layer of about 17-19 cm. It is advisable to leave sides 6-8 cm high on top so that soil can be added as needed. as additional roots appear.

Before shoots form, the pot with the house lily should be placed in a cool, shaded room. Then the container is moved towards the light, providing constant influx clean cool air.

Caring for indoor lilies during active growth and flowering

How to care for lilies in a pot at home? A lily that is properly planted in a pot begins to develop intensively. At this time, she needs to be provided with good nutrition and access to moisture.

Feeding is carried out regularly at intervals of 7-9 days with complexes of microelements. They can be alternated with organic fertilizers.

Before flowering, young plants are sprayed with cool water twice a month, diluting growth stimulants in it. This procedure facilitates the formation of flower buds and subsequent flowering.

It is very important to regularly loosen the soil in the container so that air access to the roots is continuous. You can loosen upper layer about 4-6 cm thick, not deeper, so as not to damage the root system.

When the stems grow 9-12 cm in height, the house lily can be taken outside or onto the balcony. But first it needs to be hardened, accustoming it gradually. Start off recommended from 25-35 minutes, increasing the time spent by half an hour every day. If the night temperature drops below 12°, you should not leave the flower outside, so as not to prolong the period of bud formation.

The development of leaves and flowers will go faster if you regularly spray the ground parts with soft water from a spray bottle. This can be done every day, putting the plant in the shade. Otherwise, you can get leaves burned under the influence of aggressive rays of the sun. Water should not get on the opened inflorescences and buds, as it greatly reduces their lifespan.

If there are a large number of flowers, it is necessary to install a support to support the stems.


When growing at home, almost all types of lilies require enough a large number of moisture.

When the soil clod dries out, growth slows down and the plants begin to wither. Therefore, you need to water abundantly and often - with an interval of no more than 3-4 days.

Only soft water is used - boiled and cooled or settled. You can also use rain or melt. Watering with hard water forms a whitish coating on the surface of the soil in the pot, which does not allow air to pass through. In addition, salts settle on the roots of plants.

Care after flowering

In nature and when grown outdoors, the ground parts of lilies gradually turn yellow and dry out, and the bulbs go into a dormant state. Houseplants they do the same. In order to bloom next year, they must rest. Our task is to provide complete rest for several months.

U house lily First, the inflorescences dry out and fall off, then the stems begin to turn yellow. No need to trim them! At this stage, the moisture supply to the plant is reduced, increasing the interval between watering to 6-8 days, and spraying is stopped. This activates the transition of all useful substances, accumulated by the ground part, into the bulb. This is where the foundation is laid for next season's growth.

After waiting for the stems and leaves to dry naturally, stop watering completely.

The bulbs should be dug up and placed in a plastic bag filled with slightly damp sawdust or moss.

The package is put in a cold place where the temperature remains between 3-6°. This could be a basement, cellar or refrigerator.


How to replant indoor lilies? Replanting should be done every year with a complete replacement of the soil. During the flowering period of the lily, the soil manages to be depleted and loses most of its nutrients, so you may not be able to wait for the full development of the bulb and high-quality flowering.

The most important - proper preparation bulbs to a period of rest and subsequent transplantation. After the above-ground parts die, the bulbs are dug up and washed, clearing them of soil. Small bulbs - the children are immediately selected and planted in seedling boxes. They will actively grow all winter, gaining strength.

Large bulbs are inspected, rot spots are cut out, treating the sections with crushed charcoal (charcoal or activated). If the stem has not yet fallen off, it needs to be cut off, leaving a stump 4-6 cm long. The bulbs are disinfected by immersing them in a solution of fungicides or potassium permanganate for 25-40 minutes. Then dry on paper or soft material and put away in the cold.

At the end of February - March, the bulbs are taken out of the bag and planted in a pot with soil.

Why doesn't my indoor lily bloom?

There may be several reasons, and they all relate to errors in maintenance and care. The plant does not receive enough nutrients, and it simply does not have enough strength to form buds.

Lily suffers from a lack of moisture in the soil and air. The reasons are lack of fresh air and light when the flower is placed in a poorly ventilated room away from the window.

The bulb is planted in a pot that is too wide. She is busy developing the territory, intensively raising children.

Improper maintenance in winter without a pronounced rest period - in warmth or light. This is especially true for hippeastrum.

Why do the leaves of indoor lilies turn yellow?

This problem is the most common, because the yellowing of the leaf blades of the lily signals improper care for her. What could a change in color indicate?

1. Autumn has arrived and the yellowing process is absolutely normal.

2.Direct rays of the sun fall on wet leaves, causing burns. Most often, in this case, only one side turns yellow - the one facing the sun. The plant must be moved to another place and sprayed in the evening.

3. Excessive dry air. To increase the moisture level, you can place an open container of water next to the lily or place the pot on a tray filled with moistened stones (such as expanded clay or pebbles). Purchasing a humidifier will also help.

4. Inadequate nutrition. During the active growing season, the plant consumes a large amount of microelements from the soil, especially potassium and iron. If you do not apply fertilizers on time, the leaves will turn yellow due to disruption of the photosynthesis process, and chlorophyll will simply stop being produced. Urgently feed the lily using mineral complexes or a mixture iron sulfate With citric acid(stir 2 tsp of acid and 7-9 g of vitriol in 3 liters of cool water).


In order to get a constantly blooming beautiful plant, just follow the simple rules described in our article. And live lilies will decorate not only the front garden, but also the interior of the house.