Toilet      04/25/2019

Azalea flowers. Care and reproduction. Tips for caring for azaleas at home. Proper planting and replanting of flowers

Azalea is a common indoor plant that is an evergreen branching shrub. The leaves are ovoid in shape and slightly drooping on both sides.

Azalea blooms in winter, when many plants rest. The flowers are in most cases small in size.

Flowers don't fade long time, and can delight you for two weeks or more.

In home floriculture, Japanese and Indian azaleas are most widespread.

Caring for indoor azaleas at home

You can learn more about flower care from the video posted at the end of the article, and below are the main points that you need to pay attention to.

The soil in which azalea grows thins out quite quickly, so it needs to be fertilized regularly. The best time Spring and summer are considered for fertilizing.

For feeding, you can use potassium or ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate. It is important that the fertilizer does not contain chlorine. In winter, during the budding period, it is recommended to use superphosphate. 15 g of this substance is added to 10 liters of water.

How to properly replant an azalea

An adult plant must be replanted every 3 years - this important point care It is strictly forbidden to do this in winter. It is better to replant after flowering. It is worth remembering that azaleas have a superficial root system. You need to be very careful not to damage it. The roots cannot be cut, as this may lead to the death of the plant.

When transplanting azaleas, you should not disturb the lump of earth that is located around the root system. It is necessary to transship, while adding fresh soil to the existing lump.

When replanting azaleas, only flat pots should be used. In this case, the soil must be compacted tightly and spilled.

How to prune an azalea correctly

For growth and proper development, it is necessary to trim and pinch the azalea stems in a timely manner. Circumcisions must begin in early May. The more lush the bush is, the less abundant the flowering will be. It is necessary to completely remove all weak and excess leaves. All shoots from the previous year are also shortened.

Circumcision helps to create a healthy and beautiful bush. This procedure is best carried out by first selecting the most favorable days according to the lunar calendar.

For pruning, it is better to use sharp pruning shears that are wiped with alcohol.

When buying an azalea, you should be prepared for the fact that this plant is very capricious. In order for it to bloom and grow, it is important to strictly observe all care conditions.

Azalea does not tolerate heat very well and prefers cool weather. Maximum temperature contents should not exceed 18 degrees. In winter, the plant can be placed in closed loggias as long as the temperature remains above zero. During frosts, it is recommended to bring it indoors, but it is worth protecting the azalea from dry air and radiators.

At low temperatures, this plant blooms more luxuriantly and does not shed its flowers for a long time. Some gardeners even line the edges of the pot with ice to achieve maximum effect.

Azaleas need adequate lighting. But straight Sun rays could destroy her. At the same time, the leaves begin to curl and the buds fall off. To avoid this, you should choose a bright or slightly dark place.

How to water an azalea and whether it needs to be sprayed

Particular attention should be paid to watering. Azalea is a moisture-loving plant, so it is important to monitor the soil when caring for it. It should be constantly moist, but not soggy. Azalea does not tolerate hard water very well. For irrigation, it is better to use rain or distilled water. If you use water from the tap, then it must be left for a long time, or better yet, boiled.

It is necessary to water every morning. But you should carefully monitor the pan and not allow liquid to stagnate in it. This can have a detrimental effect on the development of the plant.

If, nevertheless, the soil of the azalea turns out to be dry and the plant withers, then urgent measures need to be taken. The flower pot must be placed in water for several hours. In this case, the plant will absorb required amount liquids. In this case, watering is resumed after 2 days.

It is very important to carry out daily spraying, especially in summer and dry air. In autumn, this procedure is not carried out as often. It is worth remembering that it is not recommended to spray the plant when flowering.

Reproduction of azaleas at home

Reproduction of azaleas is a rather complex process. It is carried out using seeds, cuttings or division. When caring at home, the propagation method most often used is cuttings. The most successful period for this is considered to be from May to August, after the azalea has completely bloomed.

For propagation, cuttings are taken from the tops of the plant. On average, their length should be 5 cm. It is necessary to carefully prepare the cuttings, completely removing all the lower leaves. After this, it must be rooted in a mixture of sand and peat.

It is recommended to cover the top of the cuttings with a jar or use plastic wrap. On average, rooting occurs within 3 weeks at a temperature of 25C, but this process can take up to 2 months. Therefore, there is no need to rush, and you need to care for the plant more carefully during this period. After this procedure, the first flowers can be expected only after a few years.

Azaleas can also be propagated by dividing an adult bush into separate parts. In this case, the plant must be older than 3 years. In this case, it is worth placing a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. After planting, the azalea is thoroughly watered and the top is trimmed.

Propagation by seeds and by grafting at home is practically not used. These methods are most often used by professional flower growers to breed new varieties.

Pests and main diseases of azalea

Azalea is susceptible to attack by a large number of different pests. These include:

Greenhouse aphid. This pest lives in large colonies. If it is present, severe curling of the leaves occurs, as well as a severe delay in the development of the azalea. It stops blooming and its appearance becomes unattractive.

Red tick. It has an orange color. The mite is located on the underside of leaves that turn brown and wither.

Greenhouse whitefly. Most often it appears in autumn and spring. The whitefly sucks the sap from the plant, which can lead to the death of the azalea. You can notice the presence of the pest by discolored leaves and their death.

Greenhouse thrips. When it appears, brown spots and black specks appear on the leaves. The plant stops growing, and the leaves turn yellow and fly off.

Strawberry mite. The most common and most dangerous pest for azalea. It affects not only shoots, but also buds, flowers, and buds. The leaves may curl, dry out, or change color. The azalea begins to grow worse, the flowers practically do not form or have an ugly shape.

Most often, to combat pests, they resort to wiping the plant with a soapy sponge, as well as treating the flower with special solutions.

In addition to pests, azalea can die from improper care. For example, yellowing of leaves occurs as a result of high levels of clay in the soil. The short flowering period is associated with high temperature indoors and dry air. The cause of leaf falling may be insufficient watering.

How to choose an azalea

When purchasing azaleas, you should pay attention to medium-sized plants. Large specimens have a rather difficult time adapting to new conditions, while small specimens may not have enough strength. It is necessary to carefully examine each leaf. They should be free of cobwebs, stains or insects.

It is recommended to buy azaleas with buds or ones that have already faded. If there are dry leaves, this indicates that the plant is overdried. In this case, there is a high probability that it may die. If the azalea has large dark green leaves, this may indicate that the azalea is being fed with hormones. In this case, you should refuse the purchase. The plant needs to be shaken a little and checked so that the leaves do not fall off.

At proper care Azalea blooms very beautifully and is able to lift the owner’s mood and relieve him of depression.

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A flowering bush of an indoor azalea attracts admiring glances, and it is difficult to resist an unplanned purchase. At the stage of choosing a suitable instance, pay attention to its appearance:

1. The main part of the buds on an azalea should be unopened, i.e. the plant is at the beginning of flowering.
2. The leaves have an even dark green color, the tips are not dry, there are no spots.
3. The bush is well leafed and branched.
4. The larger the specimen, the greater its chances of survival. Don’t buy stingy ones, no matter how cheap they are offered to you!

And now the plant is paid for, packaged (in winter the azalea must be protected from frost), you are given brief instructions on flower care from helpful sellers... and what next?


Preparing the roots. If you are planning long life indoor azalea and its annual flowering, then the first thing you need to do after purchasing is to transplant the bush into a new pot. But simply transferring a plant from one container to another is not enough. You need to thoroughly rinse the root system, and to do this, first soak it in clean, soft water room temperature for a couple of hours, it won’t hurt to add any root formation stimulator to the water (Kornevin, Zircon, etc.).

Pot. Prepare a suitable pot for replanting; it should be low but wide. Drainage (expanded clay, small stones) should be added to the bottom of the dish to approximately 1/3 of its volume.

The soil. The soil for azaleas should be acidic; a ready-made soil mixture for rhododendrons or heathers is best. But you can also independently compose a substrate consisting of rotted pine needles(coniferous litter), high-moor (red) peat and coarse river sand (1: 2: 0.5). Sand can be replaced with vermiculite or perlite. The earth mixture should be light, loose and not caked after watering. Recommended soil acidity ph 4.5-5.

Transfer. Fill the pot with soil and, carefully straightening the roots, plant the bush in it. Compact without overdoing it surface layer soil, making sure that the root collar of the azalea is not buried. Then carefully pour the plant with not too cold soft water so that some of it pours into the pan; after half an hour you can drain the remainder, since an excess of moisture is just as destructive for an azalea as its lack.

Care after transplant The following weeks will become the most important in the process of acclimatization of the flowering bush to new conditions. At each watering, add half the dose of “Kornevin” to the water, and spray the foliage daily with a solution of “Zircon” or “Epin”. To benefit the cause, you can remove some of the opened flowers, leaving only the buds in half-opening - in this case, the plant will spend all its energy not only on flowering, but also on the process of adaptation and root formation.

The next azalea transplant will be required in two to three years.

For reference.
All (or almost all) flowers brought to us from abroad, especially on the eve of some holidays, are intended for one-time flowering, after which the plant is simply thrown away. In addition, they are also grown in hydroponic solutions, i.e. without the use of soil substrates, which is why it is so important to thoroughly rinse the root system after the store and make considerable efforts to transfer the plants to a new type of receiving nutrients - from the soil, and not from a solution. This is precisely why you need to use various stimulants and phytohormones to “relieve stress” in the plant.


Temperature and light. The best place for this flower is a bright windowsill, where direct sunlight does not fall during the day. In winter, the air temperature near the glass will be just right for azaleas +12-15°C. In summer, it is optimal to increase to +22-24°C, although it will withstand short-term jumps to +35-40°C. The best place to keep the plant at this time of year - a shaded loggia or a cool veranda at the dacha; you can also bury the pot in the garden in a favorable place.

In general, try to “accustom” the azalea to your living conditions, because many tips for caring for these plants boil down to “dancing with tambourines” around it, for example, repeated spraying or covering the surface of the soil in a pot edible ice to reduce the temperature around the bush... Think about whether you need this? And will you always have time for this?!

Watering and fertilizing . Timely watering with soft water (filtered, melted or acidified in any way - citric acid or vinegar), an appropriate soil mixture and a suitable air temperature are the 3 main components of success in caring for indoor azalea.

It is useful to carry out watering with the addition of phytosporin to prevent root rot, as well as occasional fertilizing with weak tea leaves, which contains the necessary microelements that partially regulate the acidity of the soil and contains oxalic acid, which is useful in that it converts calcium salts, often found in tap water, into an insoluble form, which is extremely beneficial for azaleas.


Depending on the flowering period, all indoor azaleas can be divided into 3 groups:
1. Early flowering (from early October to mid-November).
2. Mid-late (from the second half of November to the end of January).
3. Late flowering (from early February to late April).
On average, azalea blooms for 1.5-2 months. To extend the flowering time of azaleas, faded buds must be plucked out - new ones will open to replace them. Also during this period, the plant needs to be fertilized with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer approximately once every 2 weeks. The soil in the pot should always be moderately moist, because... overdrying the earthen clod (even once) can lead to the shedding of leaves and flowers, and as a result, to the death of the entire plant.


After the flowering period, the azalea must increase its vegetative mass to ensure flowering in the next season. All weak, dry and dense shoots from last year need to be cut out. After this, new young shoots will begin to appear, on which flower buds will be formed. When the shoots grow 2-3 cm, their tops can be pinched, after which the plant will begin to produce side shoots, this operation can be repeated 2-3 times per season (if the azalea is actively growing the bush). As a result, the bush will have many side shoots, each of which will subsequently be strewn with flowers. It is important to finish pinching no later than mid-July so that the flower buds have time to form. The plant at this time needs nitrogen fertilizing for better growth, but by the end of July the plant is transferred to phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

It is also recommended to carefully break out leafy shoots that often appear at the base of swelling flower buds, because they “detract” strength from flower buds due to their growth.
Azalea tolerates pruning well and is often grown in bonsai form, subjecting it to extensive shaping.


If there is a need to obtain a flowering plant by a certain date, you can use a technique such as forcing. Its essence is to give the azalea a boost that will make it bloom even at inopportune times. To do this, the container with the bush must be placed in a warm, bright room 1.5-2 months before the expected date.

Care during this period will consist of keeping the soil moist and periodically spraying the foliage, heated to 26-28 degrees, with water. If the plant is healthy, then soon pin-shaped flower buds will begin to swell at the ends of all strong branches, and after about a couple of weeks the integumentary scales on them will begin to move apart and fall off, and the first buds will appear from the middle. If the scales do not fall off on their own, try to carefully help them using available tools (tweezers, toothpicks, etc.). When the main part of the buds opens, the azalea should be moved to a cool, bright room, where it will bloom quietly and wait for the appointed date.

Attention! A young, immature plant, especially one recently acquired, transplanted or rooted, should not be forced.


Plants can be affected by spider mites; the most common diseases include spotting and gray rot. Proper maintenance and care of azaleas helps to avoid their appearance. If affected, appropriate medications are used.

The shedding of flowers and leaves immediately after purchasing an azalea is observed when the temperature and light conditions are incorrect. A lush flowering bush cannot be kept in an apartment at temperatures above +16 degrees, and air humidity should not fall below 70%. In addition, in winter, the plant requires additional lighting up to 10 hours of daylight. Following the recommendations for caring for azaleas helps restore the plant.

The complete death of an azalea occurs not only from overdrying of the soil, but also from an excess of moisture in the pot, when the roots are deprived of the opportunity to receive oxygen from the soil.

A rapid cessation of flowering of indoor azaleas is observed when the air is warm and dry, as well as when new leaves grow. Placing the pot on a tray with water and gravel, ice cubes or snow placed on the surface of the mulch layer in the pot (mulch prevents moisture evaporation) will prolong flowering and slow down the growth of leaves - they can be laid out every other day. Placed nearby vessels filled with water, as well as a regular humidifier, also increase humidity.

An azalea may not bloom if its pot has been moved or turned; it does not like to change location.


Like many other shrubs, indoor azalea can be propagated by cuttings. To do this, in spring or early summer (after flowering), cut apical cuttings with 2-3 internodes, cut off the lower leaf completely and the upper leaves by half. Dip the cuttings cut-wise into the Kornevin or Heteroauxin solution, wait for the time prescribed according to the instructions, then stick the cuttings to the level of the lower leaf into prepared pots with acidic loose soil mixed halfway with coarse sand. Cover the containers on top with plastic bags or glass jars, and spray the cuttings with settled water daily. Rooting will take 1.5-2 months. In the same way, you can try to save a plant that is dying after an unsuccessful purchase or overdrying. The best results will be obtained by using special soil for azaleas or a mixture with soil from under coniferous trees.

Seed propagation of azaleas also allows you to get new plants, but this process is not quick, so it is practically not used at home.

For reference.
Azaleas are members of the Rhododendron genus, but unlike garden rhododendrons, they retain the outdated name Azalea, although botanically they are rhododendrons.
All indoor azaleas are obtained as a result of repeated crossing various types rhododendrons and their hybrids.
Rhododendrons of Japanese and Chinese origin most often participated in the creation of more than ten thousand varieties.
The first varieties of azalea appeared in Europe at the very beginning of the 19th century. Azalea came to Russia at the end of the same century.
Botanical gardens host exhibitions of blooming azaleas; it is not for nothing that in our climate the azalea is considered more of a greenhouse plant. Anyone can come there and enjoy both the miracle of nature and the result of the work of breeders and workers of these institutions. The presented photos show an azalea at an exhibition in the Main Botanical Garden (Moscow).

Summarize. Having decided to grow azalea at home, find a reasonable compromise between every possible indulgence of this capricious sissy and a reasonable attitude towards its basic needs, and success will be guaranteed.

An azalea in a pot is a real decoration for any home and the pride of a gardener. This charming plant attracts the eye with its lush, blooming pink and scarlet “cap”. Over the course of a century, it has been gaining popularity among florists around the world. Azaleas are grown in open areas in Asia, Japan, Europe and North America. This is a rather capricious and finicky plant, but proper care of the azalea will help decorate the house and achieve long-term flowering.

What kind of azalea flower is this?

This green plant with incomparable flowers in indoor floriculture is gaining great popularity. Azalea is a small bush, no more than 20-25 cm high, with oval, dense, dark green leaves and large white, pink or red flowers.

Caring for azaleas at home is very painstaking and may seem difficult to a novice florist.. The flower is quite demanding in terms of watering, temperature and lighting, but with proper care for indoor azaleas, its owner will be rewarded with generous flowering. If you purchased this plant and want to learn how to properly care for it, you need to master a few important rules. Otherwise, the delicate and capricious flower dies very quickly.

Lighting for azalea

This flower does not tolerate bright sun, so caring for azaleas at home requires proper lighting:

  • to accommodate potted plant perfect fit window sills on the east side;
  • if the place for the plant is determined in a stand or on a shelf, then it is better to choose southern rooms, they have more light, which is so necessary for growing azaleas;
  • azalea is not a light-loving plant, but heavily shaded places are also not suitable for its location, so it is important to find an optimally lit place without scorching sun.

Temperature for azalea

The flower does not tolerate heat. Therefore, window sills under which heating radiators are installed are absolutely not suitable for it. For flowering and normal growth, azaleas need cool. It is undesirable for the air temperature to be above 15 degrees.

In summer, the flower can be transplanted into the garden by choosing a shady place. In order not to damage the root system, experienced gardeners do this without replanting the plant from the pot. True, in order to protect the soil from harmful insects, a nylon stocking is pulled over the pot or wrapped in a fine mesh.

When caring for indoor azaleas, you should remember that in the hot season it does not bloom, and when buds begin to form, it is better to place the azalea in a cool place. The flower is most comfortable at this time at temperatures up to 10 degrees.

Watering an azalea

Experienced gardeners always have settled water or melted snow to care for azaleas. The flower simply needs the soil in the pot to always be moist. Often, for these purposes, snow is placed directly on the ground, which slowly melts and moistens it. It is important not to overfill the water. Otherwise, the roots of the flower may rot.

When caring for azaleas, you should remember other watering rules:

  • avoid excessive flooding of the soil with water;
  • use only soft, settled or rainwater;
  • spray the flower only with a spray bottle with a fine diffuser;
  • add lemon juice to the water for irrigation (up to 10 drops per bucket);
  • do not overdry the soil.

Watering is one of the important components of caring for indoor azaleas, so the moisture regime must be taken very seriously.

Air humidity and feeding azaleas

Dry air is harmful to azaleas. You can help the flower tolerate dryness from heating in the apartment by using frequent spraying. But this will not be enough. When growing azaleas, it is important to properly organize the natural soil moisture.

Choose a deeper and wider bottom tray for the pot.

Fill it with drainage. Pebbles or pieces of sphagnum moss will do.

Make sure there is always liquid in the pan. If the water evaporates quickly, top it up more often.

In order for the plant to receive the necessary minerals, you need to use the right feeding. It is hardly possible to find a more capricious flower than the azalea; caring for it at home is not very easy. Therefore, do not experiment by selecting fertilizers yourself, but immediately ask flower shop complex feeding for this flower.

In spring and summer, fertilizing is carried out every week. In the autumn-winter period, the plant needs superphosphates, which are applied 1-2 times a month. Insufficiently fertilized soil, as well as not proper watering, can cause azaleas to bloom rarely or have no buds at all.

Azalea propagation

Azaleas can be propagated different ways, but it is best to use one that will not raise many questions and is accessible even to a novice gardener - propagation cuttings.

In this matter, the main thing is to choose the right cutting. A shoot that is too young and green will quickly wither in water, while a shoot that is too thick and very woody will take a long time to take root. It's better to choose something in between. It is more effective to propagate azaleas in the spring.

  1. Cut the stalk.
  2. Treat its cut with a growth and root formation stimulator.
  3. Plant in sphagnum peat.
  4. Cover the container with the cutting with polyethylene, you can glass jar.
  5. Spray the seedling with water daily.

For effective rooting of azaleas you need warm climate. At a temperature of 25 degrees and sufficient spraying, the first roots will appear within a few weeks.

Reproduction and cultivation of azaleas seeds- the process is labor-intensive, often ineffective and is mainly used experienced flower growers for breeding new varieties.

If you have an adult, overgrown bush, then it can be propagated by simple division. 3-4 year old plants are suitable for such propagation. You need to divide the bush very carefully so as not to damage the thin, very vulnerable roots of the flower. The separated plant is transplanted into ready soil. If the conditions that you create for the seedling are comfortable, it will quickly take root, and already in the first season those around you will admire the beauty and lush flowering azaleas.

Azalea (lat. Azalea). This is the name given to a whole group of beautifully flowering plant species from the genus Rhododendron (Rhododendron) of the Heather family (Ericaceae). Previously, these species were identified as independent genus- Azalea.

Azalea or rhododendron (translated from Greek - “ pink tree") is considered one of the most beautiful indoor plants. It is especially appreciated because its lush flowering brings the breath of spring in the midst of winter cold.

A small, highly branched bush with small leaves in the winter months pleases the eye with a whole cap of amazing flowers. Azalea flowers come in double and simple, corrugated and fringed, in all possible shades Pink colour, as well as white, red, purple and variegated. There are early and late flowering varieties.

Azaleas are native to China, Japan, and Southeast Asia; they grow naturally in southern Europe and North America.

In eastern countries flowering bush Azaleas are a symbol of joy and peace. They are often used to form bonsai.

Botanists use the name "azalea" only to designate one subgenus in the large genus Rhododendron. But in gardening, both names have been preserved since the time of C. Linnaeus: azaleas are usually called deciduous species, and rhododendrons are evergreen ones. In the trading network you can find the same species under different names, this is due to the popularity of one or another name in a given region or country.

Most often, azaleas are received as a gift at the height of flowering. Having briefly pleased the happy owner of the plant with its elegant flowers, the azalea bush crumbles and, alas, is thrown into the trash.

The climate of our apartments is not at all suitable for these plants. The ideal temperature for azaleas is between late November and late January - foggy, warm autumn. Temperature +10...+12 degrees, or even +6...+8 degrees at night, with fairly high humidity. In greenhouses for azaleas the required temperature and humidity are maintained, but in the dry air of city apartments on the windowsill above hot battery this beautiful flower dies quickly.

But, despite the fact that azalea is a rather capricious plant, it enjoys great love among fans of indoor floriculture. Azaleas can be successfully grown and propagated at home and enjoyed in winter beautiful flowers. To do this, you need to study the natural habitat of this ornamental plant and, imitating nature, provide the azalea with the growing conditions that it needs.

Types of azaleas

Many plants are grown as flowering indoor plants. different varieties descended from two main species:

  • Indian azalea or Sims's rhododendron (Rhododendron simsii), Sims's azalea;
  • Japanese azalea or Rhododendron obtusum.

Azalea Sims

Japanese azalea

Both species are dwarf shrubs 30-50 cm high. Based on natural species A lot of varieties of indoor and garden azaleas have been bred. They differ in the size and shape of the bush, but most of all in the flowers. This is clearly visible in the photo of blooming indoor azaleas:

Azalea Advents-glocken

Azalea Coelestina

Azalea Concinna

Azalea Euroup

Azalea Max_Schame

Azalea Zolushka

Azalea Apollo

Azalea Doberlug

Azalea Podolianka

Azalea Kiyewsky_vals

Azalea Schneegold

Azalea Schnee

Caring for indoor azalea

Azalea is a rather capricious houseplant. But with the right maintenance, it will delight you more than once with the abundance of its amazing flowers. You need to know the peculiarities of keeping azaleas in room conditions and some rules for caring for it flowering plant, based on an understanding of the characteristics of his life in natural conditions. We must imitate nature and provide plants with the ingredients they need.


Azalea does not tolerate direct sunlight; it requires diffused light or partial shade. In summer it is recommended to take it out open air, avoiding the scorching sun. It is best to dig it together with the pot in the garden in light shade. A good summer rain is very beneficial for azaleas.

If the climate in your area is mild, then some varieties of azaleas can be grown in open ground, protecting from frost in winter, and enjoying the abundance of flowers in summer.

Air humidity

Azaleas need high humidity. If the azalea is in the apartment, then from the beginning heating season the rooms become very dry and it is necessary to maintain high humidity air: regularly spray the plant.


For azaleas, proper watering is very important. The soil should not dry out. Do not allow waterlogging or stagnation of water in the pan. Ideal for irrigation - rain, melt or clean river water. IN as a last resort settled tap water.

It is recommended to acidify the water for watering azaleas (several crystals citric acid per 1 liter of water) so as not to reduce the acidity of the soil. Azaleas should be watered with water at room temperature (never ice cold). In autumn, watering is reduced slightly.

Since peat soil is well suited for azaleas, which when dry turns into a hard lump and does not absorb water, it is useful to periodically immerse the pot with the plant in a large vessel with water for several hours. If the plant is large, then simply use a deep tray.

Under no circumstances should you loosen the soil - azaleas have thin, delicate roots that are easily damaged.

In cool greenhouses in winter, they practice placing ice or snow on the surface of the soil under the plant. The snow slowly melts and gradually saturates the soil with melt water. But in warm apartments, a large temperature difference between the roots and the crown of the plant can adversely affect flowering.


Azalea is very picky about temperature. In winter, they need cool air temperatures (12-14 °C), but with proper care they can grow at 20-22 °C. If azaleas spent the summer resting in the garden, it is very important to move them into the apartment before the heating season begins.

The soil

Azaleas are one of the few indoor plants that require acidic soil (pH 4-4.5). Heather soil is best suited for it, but you can replace it with a mixture of coniferous and peat soil (2:1) with the addition of a small amount of river sand. Azaleas grow well in hydroponics. You can buy at a flower shop a specially prepared soil mixture for acidophilic (“acid-loving”) plants, which include azaleas.


Young plants are replanted annually, old plants once every 2-3 years. When replanting azaleas, it is undesirable to disturb the root ball; instead of replanting, transshipment with the addition of fresh substrate is recommended.

Since the root system of azaleas is superficial, only low pots are used as dishes.


It is necessary to feed the plant once a week in spring and summer with fertilizers for azaleas (ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium sulfite), winter-autumn - during budding, superphosphate is recommended (15 g per 10 liters of water).


To achieve abundant flowering You need to trim and pinch the stems in a timely manner. They start pruning in May. Young shoots are pinched, leaving 4-5 leaves on them. When small young shoots appear near the flower buds, they must be plucked out. Remember: the more magnificent the bush, the weaker the flowering.

For longer flowering, you should also keep your azalea cool. Flower buds, in the process of development and swelling, produce buds - 2-4 buds from each bud. During flowering, everything that has faded should be removed immediately, then the azalea will bloom longer. As flowers fade, remove the seed pods so as not to weaken the plant.

Unlike many other plants, azaleas can be turned and moved during flowering, and the buds will not fall off. With careful care, azalea blooms more and more luxuriantly from year to year.

Formation of the azalea crown

Flower buds of indoor azaleas form on the tips of the shoots in late summer. In order for the plant to bloom beautifully, it is important to trim it in time so that as many tops as possible form on it. And do not be late with this pruning, otherwise the flower buds will not have time to form on them, and the flowering will be weak.

The purpose of this formation is to obtain a plant with a beautiful voluminous crown and evenly spaced buds. There are two main types of crown in azaleas: - in the form small tree or bush.

To form a tree, you need to choose the most even and strong branch from a small azalea bush and grow a trunk from it, cut off all other shoots. To keep the trunk as level as possible, tie it to a support and constantly rotate it around its axis. Once the trunk is the size you want, pin the top. Then the tree will begin to branch. Then you need to periodically turn the plant, pinch the side branches in time and you will get a crown shaped like a ball.

Pruning needs to be done to early varieties no later than March - April, for late ones - in May - June. Generally, annual pruning boils down to the fact that all shoots of the previous year are shortened and excess, weak or very closely spaced branches are completely removed.

To form a bush, pinch the cuttings at a distance of 10-12 cm from the ground, pinch the tops of the side branches and turn the bush so that the branches grow evenly.

Crown tree

Crown bush

Azalea propagation

Azalea propagates by seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush and grafting. Propagation by seeds is a labor-intensive and complex process, which is most often used by professional gardeners to cultivate new varieties.

Propagation by cuttings. At home, azaleas are propagated by semi-woody stem cuttings.


It is difficult for azalea to take root. A semi-lignified cutting is taken 5-8cm long. A green cutting will quickly wither, but a woody cutting will take a very long time to take root. You can take cuttings starting in mid-winter, but top scores gives spring-summer cuttings (from March to June). Propagated from May to August. Rooting occurs faster and better in a substrate with an acidic reaction, for example, in coniferous soil or sphagnum peat. Fresh sections of cuttings are treated with root formation stimulants, pollinated with growth substances, planted vertically to a depth of 1-2.5 cm. Cover with a glass jar or plastic film, regularly watered and sprayed. Optimal temperature for rooting 25C. Cuttings take root in 3-5 weeks.

Rooted cuttings

Dividing the bush. You can also divide an azalea bush that is already 3-4 years old into several parts. The roots of the plant are thin and superficial, so you need to divide with great care.

Diseases and pests. Azaleas are susceptible to damage by the aaealia moth, greenhouse whitefly, mealybug, as well as some other types of insects, mites and mollusks.

The aaelia moth (Caloptilia azaleella) is a specific pest of azaleas. Damaged leaves dry out, crumble and fall off. Adult caterpillars crawl onto adjacent healthy leaves, roll them into tubes and continue growing there.

Greenhouse whitefly damages azalea leaves. A sooty fungus settles on the sugary secretions of the whitefly. In addition, whiteflies can be a carrier of some viral diseases of flower crops.

Growing and caring for azaleas at home is not an easy task. This is very whimsical plant requires special treatment and compliance with special conditions of detention. However, all your efforts will be rewarded. The azalea blooms very beautifully and luxuriantly, and is distinguished by its diversity. appearance inflorescences and a wealth of colors and shades.


Azalea belongs to the rhododendron subspecies. Home cultivation can be done in any part of the world, provided necessary care. Asian countries (south-eastern Asia, Japan, China) are considered its homeland, but this flower can be found in northern America and southern Europe.

On Greek azalea means "rose tree". This is almost the most beautiful of all decorative indoor plants. It blooms during cold periods and frosts, when other flowers are resting. The flowering is lush and long-lasting, the variety of shades is impressive. The leaves are rounded and oblong in shape. The plant looks like small bush, has a wide variety of varieties.

Be careful when handling the flower at home and in the garden. Keep it away from pets and small children as the azalea is quite poisonous.

Growing azaleas is possible both in the window of a room and in the countryside in open ground. The Indian azalea is suitable for the home; it is the easiest to grow here.

A beautiful flower is often bought at a flower shop in winter as a gift. But, as a rule, such a gift does not serve as a home decoration for long; the azalea quickly crumbles. Why? The sensitive, pampered plant is not properly cared for.

Conditions for growing azaleas

The main rule is that all contents of a capricious flower should be as close as possible to the natural conditions of life in nature. This requires special care.

In nature, azalea grows in cool climates where there is plenty of light, but not in direct sunlight. She loves water and constant influx fresh humid air. Dryness and heat are destructive for her.

Based on the above-mentioned natural needs of ornamental crops, we can identify a number of basic conditions under which azalea will be successfully grown in an apartment.

  • Air temperature.

Ideally, it should be just below twenty degrees or one or two degrees higher. In October it is advisable to maintain a special temperature regime(about five degrees above zero). This is necessary for the formation of buds of future flowers. When the time for flowering approaches, raise the thermometer to +15. During the flower opening period, set a constant temperature to +18 degrees. You can create cold for azaleas artificially: cover the flower with pieces of ice and water cold water as well as spraying. If there is no frost outside, you can keep the plant near an open window or put it on a glassed-in loggia.

  • Watering and humidification.

You can humidify the air and dry soil by regular spraying and watering through a tray (put the box in a tray filled with water for several hours). The water will saturate the ground and make the air moist as it evaporates. Regular watering is alternated with watering through a pan. In the summer, when it’s hot, the azalea should be watered twice a day and sprayed more often. It is recommended to take water for irrigation and spraying after rain or melting snow. You can water it with boiled cool water, but it must first be defended. To acidify the soil (this flower loves acidic soils), you can sometimes water the plant with water with the addition of a teaspoon of citric acid (per two liters).

  • Lighting mode.

The light must be in large quantities, but let it not be direct sunlight. Protect the azalea from the scorching sun, this will destroy it. If necessary, create an additional light source, especially in the winter months when there is so little sun outside.

  • Earth.

It is taken sufficiently softened, consists of a peat layer, leaf, heather soil and soil with pine needles, you can add a little river sand. It is better to buy a special soil composition in the store; it will have everything you need for azaleas. The bottom of the box should have holes to drain excess water.

  • Feeding.

Caring for azaleas involves regular feeding. It should be carried out every two decades throughout the summer and spring using a special complex mineral fertilizers(ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfite and superphosphate). They continue until the November cold. In the period leading up to the formation of flowers, choose phosphorus fertilizers to apply to the soil (superphosphate) to improve the quality of flowering buds.

How to propagate azalea?

Cultivation can be done by seeds, using cuttings, dividing bushes, and also by grafting.

The seed method is used to breed new subspecies; it is very labor-intensive and suitable only for specialists. Seeds should be planted in early spring in soil made from a peat substrate and a layer of fallen pine needles. Planting should be shallow; cover the seeds with polyethylene film. The container with future seedlings is placed in a bright place.


  • Maintaining cleanliness in the planting container is necessary. To do this, you need to disinfect it with bleach or potassium permanganate.
  • The soil for planting must be disinfected in a water bath or in the oven.
  • Place seed containers in a tray of water to maintain constant humidity.
  • Avoid over-moistening, otherwise mold will develop. To do this, ventilate containers with seeds.
  • After 21 days, the emerging sprouts must be fed (a mixture of ammonium sulfate, potassium plus superphosphate).
  • Seedlings dive twice: when two weeks have passed after planting and a second time in August.
  • Care: watering, weeding, loosening the soil.

At home, it is easier to propagate azaleas from cuttings. You need to select a half-woody cutting of about 10 cm, cut it (do this in mid-winter or from March to June). Next, root the shoot in soil with coniferous or peat soil. The cuttings should take root in a warm place (temperature +25) for a month. Care must be appropriate. To maintain warmth, seedlings are covered, but regularly sprayed and ventilated. When the azalea at home grows to 4-5 cm, it is transplanted into coniferous soil. After three months, the plant is pinched to form a crown; it is not allowed to bloom, the buds are removed. With the arrival of spring, young seedlings are transplanted to permanent place. Transplantation is carried out by transshipment together with a lump of earth to protect the roots.

A four-year-old azalea bush can be divided. This must be done carefully, without damaging the roots.

How to prune and replant an azalea?

Pruning and replanting are also caring for the plant. To get good blooms from your azalea, it needs to be pruned. To do this, stems that have already bloomed are cut off, and the tops of fresh shoots must be pinched. Completely weakened stems are removed. Brown leaves are trimmed, as well as flowers that have dried out and have not fallen off after flowering.

Pruning is done after the next azalea transplant. It needs to be replanted every year. Adults are transplanted less frequently at home. During this procedure, it is necessary to trim off excessively long roots. The container for transplantation should not be deep and have drainage holes. The soil is selected acidic from peat and coniferous layer. Of course, we must continue to properly care for the young transplanted azalea: timely watering and fertilizing.

Provide the plant with conditions that are similar to its natural habitat and you can get long, colorful blooms.