Water pipes      06/17/2019

DIY cell phone stand on the wall. Cardboard phone stand. Plastic card phone stand

In the world modern technologies it's hard to imagine a person who doesn't have mobile phone. With the entry of gadgets into our lives, accessories also appeared, of which there are a huge variety on store shelves and on the Internet. Often, a regular holder, case and other things to add character and style to a mobile device are far from cheap. Therefore, a do-it-yourself phone stand is perfect solution for each.

Making an accessory is not at all difficult. To carry out the mission, all you need is materials, time and desire. There are many variations and techniques to help everyone do what they like best. So you should turn on your imagination and use all your ideas.

What can you use to make a stand for a mobile phone?

Making something yourself gives ample opportunities for creativity. A DIY phone stand can be made from the following materials:
    paper; wood; plastic; gypsum; any natural materials.
In general, you can use all the materials that are at hand. The more intricate accessories there are, the more interesting the mobile phone stand will be. You can make the most incredible accessories with your own hands that are not even on store shelves. Therefore, it is worth taking note of this option.

DIY paper phone stand

It would seem that what can be made from ordinary sheets of paper? This material would actually make a great phone stand. It’s not at all difficult to create it with your own hands. To get started, you need to prepare the following items:
    colorful paper or white paper, which will then be decorated; multi-colored gouache, watercolor or acrylic paint; glue; ruler for measurements; simple pencil; scissors; various decorative ornaments, which will be appropriate, should also be kept on hand.

A properly organized space will help you create a DIY phone stand in a matter of minutes. Consequently, the one who embodied it will have an excellent opportunity to become the owner of a beautiful and convenient mobile accessory.
    First you need to figure out what shape the stand will be. Then you need to draw templates of the required sizes on a piece of paper. The elements for the product are cut out from them. Then, carefully, according to the diagram that was previously drawn or printed from some site, we glue the necessary parts. After this, you should wait until all the elements are fixed. The next step is to connect the individual parts together. Let all the fasteners dry. After this, you can start decorating the product. At this stage, you can use various sparkles, buttons, beads and other small beautiful elements. After decoration, the phone stand can be considered ready. We created a masterpiece with our own hands. With the advent of such a device, there will never be a problem with finding a mobile phone, because it will always be in its place.

DIY wooden phone stand

There are a lot of options using which you can turn any idea into reality. Why is a wooden holder better? A phone stand made of this material competes with paper products. Wood is stronger, more stable and more durable. Truth to do wooden stand, you can’t get by with sketches and ideas alone. In this case you will also need:
    special equipment; skills; ability to work with wood.
Before you make a phone stand with your own hands, you should analyze your actions. If you have never worked with wood before, then it is better to rely on a paper phone holder. And if you have experience, then for work you need to prepare:
    the wood from which the structure will be constructed; tools for working with wood; a diagram of the product; a felt-tip pen that can be used to draw on wood; a ruler; glue; accessories (buttons, beads, rivets); a simple pencil.

After everything necessary elements are at hand, you can begin to directly implement your plans. The work sequence is as follows:
    First you need to find suitable scheme for the product. Then you need to put marks on a wooden base, along which the connector will be cut out in the future. The next step is to cut out the shape with an existing tool. Then you need to take control measurements and find out whether the mobile phone fits into the cut connector. After this, you need to glue the prepared spare parts. The next step is to make the product smooth. This can be done with a file or a special device powered by the network. When the surface is smooth, you can decorate the finished form with some color. After painting, you must wait for the product to dry. The work is completed by gluing the accessories selected for this mission. At the end, the completely finished structure should be open with varnish, which will add shine and aesthetics.
In general, making a phone stand out of wood will not be a problem. Therefore, it is worth trying to make such an idea a reality. After all, it’s much more pleasant to put your phone in a stand that you created with your own hands.

Beautiful design of a phone stand

In no case should you forget about the decor. After all, it is the decoration of even the most unprofessional and amateur product that will give it color, character and mood. Therefore, it is worth looking at what interesting accessories you have at home. It can be:
    shells; buttons; rhinestones; beads; foil; colored tape.

In general, everything that is at hand and has unusual look, can be useful in the process of making a phone stand.

Not only a necessary accessory, but also a great gift

Once you get the hang of it, you can not only use such a product for yourself, but also give it as a gift. Therefore, it’s worth making several spare coasters: what if someone suddenly invites you to visit, and there will be nothing to give! And a stand for a mobile phone is always useful, even if a person already has one, then a second one will never hurt.

Homemade stand for a smartphone made of mahogany.

Hi all! Today we will make for a mobile phone in the form of a dog - a symbol of the year.

Now you need to make a stand for it. To do this, we cut out a circle with a diameter of 70 mm from wood. Sand it down with sandpaper.

We take a few gears that are so small.

We also take epoxy and hardener.

We take plasticine and apply a thin layer to one side of the internal cavity of the figure and seal it with polyethylene on the same side.

Mix the epoxy glue according to the instructions and pour approximately 2 mm into the cavity of the figure. This will be the first layer. We are waiting for the solidification of this layer. Then lay out our pattern of gears and fill in the rest.

Our dog has dried up.

We remove the plasticine. We take sandpaper and bring everything into a divine form.

We mark with a pencil on the figure the point where the hole will be.

Drill make a small indentation.

Now we make a wooden chop that will fix it all. We insert the chopik into the stand, spread it with PVA glue and also the lower part of the figure with a thin layer so that the glue does not protrude. Let's connect. Leave until completely dry. Next, we rub our entire product with herbalist impregnation.

This is what we got.

The mobile phone has become an indispensable attribute modern man. And on the road, at home, and on the desktop, a useful gadget is given the main place, otherwise “what if someone calls, but I don’t hear/see.” For convenient placement of a cell phone on the table, coasters were invented. You can buy them in the store, or you can make them yourself from scrap materials. Even the most useless at first glance “unnecessary garbage”, like cardboard packaging for dairy products or a long-used CD cover, can be useful in your work.

Cardboard stand

The first option is to make a mobile stand out of cardboard. This does not have to be a solid piece of material; you can take a used small-volume milk carton (0.5 ml). There is no need to glue anything: you only need scissors.

The box must be thoroughly washed, crumpled and the bottom cut off. Then cut it along the folds.

The work will require a central part in the shape of two rectangles. There is a fold between them. It needs to be cut out and folded with the outer side inward, pressing the fold with one hand.

Starting from the opposite end, from the bottom, you need to cut out a shape that resembles the letter “T”. It is narrowed at the top, but has a beveled corner.

When the figure is unfolded, the bottom edges become where the phone sits. It rests on the central edge. The budget stand is ready!

CD cover stand

Surely everyone has a couple of DVDs lying around their house. One of the unnecessary covers can be turned into a stand for your mobile phone.

To do this, the cover must be cut in half. Then cut off all the holes and rivets so that only a smooth rectangle with two curved corners at the ends remains.

The plate must be clamped with tweezers or pliers and placed in boiling water. This will make the plastic soft and pliable.

Holding the plate with pliers or any other tool, it must be bent so that one of the corner ends does not reach the other slightly. 2-3 cm is enough; the phone will be located in this space. One of the corners is glued to the surface. The result is an interesting and light stand. The device can be placed on it both vertically and horizontally!

Paper clip stand

Mobile phone stand made from paper clips – interesting thing, which can be done in 2 minutes. To do this, you need a large, massive paper clip, which you just need to straighten correctly!

To begin, the wire is completely straightened into a line. Then you need to pinch it and bend it again:

  1. Bend in the shape of a tick - U.
  2. Bend both ends at an angle of 90 ° C, starting approximately in the middle.
  3. Bend the ends of each end slightly.

Thus, an ordinary paper clip turned into a laconic stand. The phone lies horizontally on it.

Stand made from toilet paper roll

As good as a sleeve from a used roll toilet paper, enough in every home! Don’t rush to throw away the cardboard form – it can be turned into a mobile phone stand in a matter of minutes.

All that is required is to correctly cut part of the sleeve at an angle. A small piece of cardboard should remain in front to create an emphasis. Such a stand will not be able to accommodate a phone that is too tall, but standard size“fits” perfectly.

If desired, the stand can be decorated: painted, wrapped in fabric or covered with paper for gifts. And no one will believe that it was once part of a toilet roll.

all the work step by step


When working with familiar things, it is important to give free rein to your imagination: try it on, think, experiment. Then stands for mobile phones will appear in the house regularly - and always different and interesting!

Show your child how easy it is to make a phone out of cardboard and plastic bottles. The phone stand is made from similar waste materials.

How to make a home phone from a plastic bottle?

But this will not be just a toy; the device includes an air freshener in granules, so it will also smell delicious.

To create this device, take:
  • 500 ml plastic bottles;
  • sharp knife;
  • freshener in granules in a container;
  • Bubble Tea straw;
  • acrylic paints;
  • brush;
  • small foam balls;
  • dark wool thread;
  • glue gun;
  • iron;
  • handle;
  • awl.
Cut off the bottoms of plastic bottles so that these blanks are 6-7 cm high. Attach them in places of cuts to a hot iron so that the edges become even.

Place one of these blanks on the form and trace it with a pen. Cut it out and put this future dial aside for now. Cover the cut edges of the bottom of the plastic bottles with glue, also attach them to the foamiran. Let the silicone cool, then cut out these circles along with the plastic blanks.

It is necessary to glue two foam balls to the back of the air freshener and make notches with a knife, in order to then lay the Bubble Tea tube here and fix it. But first, preparatory work needs to be done.

On the 1st and 2nd sides of the straw you need to stick one small foam ball, trim off the excess. In this way, you will make stubs in a straw, which will soon turn into a telephone receiver. This is necessary in order to thread a woolen thread here, which will act as a wire. Make holes on 1 and 2 sides of the foam plugs with sharp nail scissors or an awl, thread the thread here.

Secure it with hot glue. Apply it to the bottom of one and the second plastic bottles, which will become speakers. Place a straw between them to make a pipe.

Here's how to make a phone at home next. Paint it in White color When the solution has set well, then apply the red layer. Wait until it dries, take a straight-cut brush, and use it to apply white peas to the red surface of the phone and handset. Since the speaker is white, it needs to be covered with red dots.

Remember, you still have a circle of foamiran? Draw a dial on it and glue it to the center of the phone using a gun.

The work is completed, you can take the phone as a quality or to school so that the child takes first place in the competition. Or leave this toy at home so you can have this original air freshener.

Progress does not stand still; such phones will soon become museum exhibits. Modern children already want to have cool devices. So that they can play with these, make them together from available material.

How to make an iPhone out of cardboard?

Let's consider several options. For the first one you will need:

  • corrugated cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • black electrical tape;
  • White paper;
  • glue;
  • transparent tape;
  • Printer.
From corrugated cardboard you need to cut 3 identical rectangles measuring 762 mm by 1397 mm. Using scissors, round off their edges. Apply glue to the workpieces, connect them to each other, placing them in a stack.

Now you need to cover the front and back panels with white paper. We decorate the sides using black tape. Print out the iPhone keyboard and glue it to the front panel of the phone.

All that remains is to draw on the panel with a black marker the remaining elements of this telephone, after which you can admire the wonderful work.

For option 2, instead of plain paper, use photo paper, print the front and back panels of this telephone set on it, the sides are all one blank.

As in the first case, cut out rectangular pieces from cardboard with rounded edges, but you will need 1 or 2 of them. Fold the blank printed on photo paper accordingly, without cutting it. You will get a single part that will have the front and back panels, as well as all the sides of the phone. Place the cut cardboard inside this blank, fold the edges, and glue them to fix them in this position.

If your young child enjoys turning a dial, then show him how to make a telephone out of cardboard by working together.

This is how believable your toy will be. To do this, you need to first prepare the following:
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • soft cheese lid or other suitable lid;
  • paper to match the cardboard;
  • two pebbles;
  • scissors with thin ends;
  • pen or felt-tip pen;
  • glue;
  • stationery nail;
  • wire;
  • cord;
  • big scissors.
Let’s start “uncovering” the details. The phone case looks like a bow. The following calculations are given in inches, but you can easily convert them to the Russian measure of length, remembering that there are 2.5 cm in one inch.

To make a dial for your phone, cover the lid and its sides with paper.

Using fine-tipped scissors, cut round holes on the dial. Of course, it’s better to draw them first so that this part of the work works out. neat. To make this part heavier, you need to glue a couple of pebbles to it.

From corrugated cardboard cut out a small circle. Place it with reverse side dial, fasten these parts together, as well as with the phone body using a clerical nail; you can also use a bolt and screw for this.

Write the numbers with a pen, roll two levers out of wire, and stick them into the top of the phone. To secure these parts, make loops on the reverse side.

Now place the phone blank on the side parts of the corrugated cardboard, trace, cut out two elements from this material, and glue them in place.

To make a telephone handset, cut out two identical semicircular pieces. Connect them at the top and bottom with a strip of cardboard. Make a hole in the bottom, pass the ribbon here, tie it with a couple of knots on the back side.

The child will be happy to play with such a phone, and it’s not scary if it gets dented or dirty this item. For the same purpose, parents make a keyboard and a computer for their children out of cardboard.

These are also great ideas to help keep your beloved child occupied, without the baby spoiling an expensive item. And all this can be created from waste material, so the finished toys will be practically free, like the next one.

A handset phone will also become a new toy for a child.

To create one, take:
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • toothpick;
  • scissors;
  • hot melt adhesive.
Cut out two side pieces from corrugated cardboard. They will be the same.

Now, using scissors from the same material, create a strip 5–6 cm wide. Lightly bending it at the corners, glue it to the back of the tube. It is better to use tape for fastening. Using the same adhesive tape, attach toothpicks to a small circle of cardboard, the second end of the toothpick should be inserted into the top of the phone, gluing it here.

Cover the ends of the tubes where the speaker and microphone are located with rectangles of cardboard.

Another corrugated cardboard rectangle will become the phone keyboard. Also glue it on the inside with tape and apply a dial.

How to make a walkie-talkie from cups with your own hands?

This another means of communication will be a great toy for two children. After all, they can disperse even at a distance of 20 meters and hear each other perfectly. The trick here is that the sound is perfectly transmitted along a well-tensioned thread, but first it gets into the cup. The first person speaks into it, the second at this time puts his glass to his ear and hears everything well.

Here's how to make a walkie-talkie for such negotiations. Take:

  • two cups made of cardboard or foam;
  • awl;
  • strong thin thread;
  • two wooden sticks.
Use an awl to make holes in the bottom of 1 and 2 glasses. Pass the rope here from the outside, pull it out from the back. She should be inside. Tie a stick to this end of the thread; it will prevent the rope from jumping out and making the hole in the cup even larger.

Now the children can go in different directions. The sound will be transmitted well when the thread is taut. If you urgently need to keep two kids occupied, you only have yogurt cups on hand; these will also work.

Other plastic cups You can also use the mounting method, which is covered in more detail in this photo.

Using these items, you can also make a phone stand. You will learn about the intricacies of this manufacture right now, we will continue this topic.

How to make a phone stand?

Quickly make this from what is at hand. As you can see, this is:
  • two plastic cups;
  • toilet paper roll
  • scotch;
Use a utility knife to make one round notch in each glass on the sides, closer to the top. The diameter of these holes matches the diameter of the sleeve. Insert it into them. Tape the bottoms of the cups together. After that, a do-it-yourself phone stand in 5 minutes is ready.

If your phone's speakers don't work well or the sound is weak, then place the phone in a glass. Audibility will be better, and even this capacity will become a stand for him.

  1. If you need to quickly secure your phone to, for example, watch a video on it, and only have pencils and rubber bands on hand, this is what you need. You will need 6 pencils and 4 rubber bands.
  2. With these simple items you will collect geometric figure which is called a tetrahedron. To do this, first connect 3 pencils with an elastic band, which will become the vertices.
  3. Then attach another pencil horizontally to each resulting corner at the bottom, and also secure them with rubber bands.

An empty plastic container for shampoo or hair gel is just a godsend for those who are thinking how to make a stand for their phone so that they can also charge it at the same time? Cut off the top part with the neck of such a container, cut out a rectangle. On the back side of the same part, using a knife or scissors, you need to remove a small square. You will insert the charger into this recess and place your phone in the resulting pocket.

If you want to do desktop fixture, then wash the empty shampoo container well and dry. Turn it upside down, cut off the bottom, cut out a figure that looks like a frog. Here's how to make a phone stand from similar plastic bottles.

From the remaining material, cut out the soles of the frog with toes, and glue them with hot glue. From the usual plastic bottle you can build both a phone stand and convenient device so that you hang it while charging.

To do this you will need only two items:

  • clean plastic bottle;
  • scissors.
First, cut off the bottom of the container, then you need to cut it out as shown in the photo. That is, there will be a kind of loop at the top, this is where you will thread the charger. The phone itself is conveniently located at the bottom of the bottle.

Such accessories can be coated with stained glass paints to make them look even more interesting.

If it's over liquid soap in a bottle, do not throw away the container. Rinse it well running water, dry. Cut off the excess and you will get another stand for your phone, which will also help charge it.

Another waste material will also contribute to the creation of similar things. If you have cardboard left over from your purchase, cut a strip of it measuring 10 by 20 cm and fold it in half. Draw a broken line as shown in the photo.

All you have to do is cut along this line, unfold the workpiece, straighten it, and you can conveniently position your smartphone.

If you have unnecessary plastic card, it will turn into a useful accessory in a minute. Fold it in half, bending the top and bottom small sides. Here's how to make a phone stand very, very quickly.

If you have a case left over from an old audio cassette, it will also quickly become a stand. Place a means of communication in it. The Lego constructor will also help you quickly make this accessory.

If you give a paper clip a different shape, it can also quickly be turned into a phone stand.

If you want to see various options How to make a phone stand from improvised means, then sit comfortably near the screen and turn on the video player.

Mobile phones have become an integral part of our everyday life. Even children already use them from the very first grades of school. In order not to simply leave your gadget on the table, let's look at how to make a phone stand from scrap materials.

First option: from binders

Let's figure out how to make a phone stand with your own hands from something that is found in almost every home. There are quite a lot of ways. In this master class we will make it from binders (paper clips).

This model is well suited for widescreen phones. It will turn out to be very convenient and practical, and it will take literally two minutes to create.

To work you will need binders and a suction cup.

Manufacturing procedure:

  1. Connect the binder with a suction cup (a towel holder will also work) in the place where the hook is located.
  2. This suction cup is what you attach to the back of your phone when you need to put it down, and you're done.

The advantage of this type is that the phone can be placed in any position, both horizontally and vertically, or at an angle.

Second option: made of paper

When you have a lot of pieces of paper of different colors at hand, the modular origami technique comes to mind. Let's figure out how to make a phone stand out of paper.

To work you will need 24 white ticks and 23 pink ones. Checkmarks are the simplest element of modular origami.

To make modules, do the following:

  1. The triangular module is folded from rectangles, so that they are the same size, take an A4 sheet and cut it into 16 or 32 small rectangles.
  2. Fold the rectangle in half.
  3. And again in half, then straighten it so that you get a fold line in the middle.
  4. Bend the edges of the rectangle to this line, including those where the first fold line goes.
  5. You have a protrusion at the bottom; bend its corners up to the edge of the first part.
  6. Now fold the entire remaining bottom sheet upward to form an even triangle on the reverse side.
  7. Fold it in half. And you will see that you have pockets on both sides.

Now let's move on to our question, how to make a phone stand from the following modules:

  • Stick white checkmarks in a circle.
  • Then place pink ones between each pair. This will give you a tapering cone.
  • Continue assembling the structure to the desired height and you're done.

This method is suitable for those who like to work with paper using the modular origami technique; if you prefer to cut and stick everything, then pay attention to the next model.

Third option: from a shampoo bottle

How to make a DIY phone stand from a shampoo bottle? The work will turn out very stylish, despite simple materials, it will look expensive, as if purchased.

Manufacturing progress:

  1. Choose a suitable size shampoo bottle.
  2. Make a line in the middle and cut along it. For convenience, it is better not to make it straight, but to leave a protrusion with a slot on the back side so that you can not only install the stand on the table, but also hang it on the wall.
  3. Take beautiful paper with an ornament (you can use wrapping paper), wrap it around the stand and glue it.
  4. Carefully trim the excess wrapper along the outline. Your work is ready.

This craft will look great in your home, especially if you choose the right color and pattern of wrapping paper. You can come up with a form for such work yourself or make one based on a sample. This was one of many ways to make a phone stand.

Fourth option: from popsicle sticks

One of the most original options How to make a phone stand is to use Popsicle sticks. To do this, ask your friends and relatives in advance not to throw away such sticks.

When you have collected enough, you will need to glue them together:

  • first make the bottom;
  • then the backrest at the height of the phone;
  • the side ones will look good at an angle.

You can connect parts not only with glue, but also by gluing a transverse stick for greater strength.

There are many ways to make a phone stand from scrap materials. We've only looked at a few of them. It all depends on your mood and imagination. Even from an old Lego constructor you can make a wonderful version or sew it from thick fabric wonderful wall cover.

Use any idea. Happy creativity!