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Old New Year: history, traditions and signs of the holiday. Fortune telling for the Old New Year: how to find out your destiny and the name of your betrothed New Year January 13 14

Our country is amazing in that people here celebrate almost all holidays, regardless of their beliefs. Moreover, some of them are adapted to Everyday life and are not always considered religious. This article will consider the date January 13: what holiday is celebrated on this day by Russians, as well as residents of other countries.

Holiday of the Orthodox Church

This date is very important for clergy and believers. What exactly is celebrated on January 13, which one? So, in memory of the Reverend Melania (first of all). However, on this day other religious figures are also honored: Hieromartyr Michael, Martyr Peter, as well as Saint Dositheos, Metropolitan of Zagreb.

The end of the winter holidays

So, January 13 is an Orthodox holiday, we figured it out. First of all, Melania is honored. But still, this day is most often considered as the end of the winter holidays. The New Year holidays are ending, but young people previously allowed themselves to walk for another day. In the evenings, young men and women gathered in small groups, walked the streets, and sang. In some areas of our homeland this day is also called “Generous Evening”. So, young people could go from house to house and give generously, i.e. With the help of special songs and sayings, earn yourself various goodies. Sometimes the company dressed up and held a small concert in the center of a city or village with dancing and dancing to the accompaniment of

It is important to note that girls especially loved (and still love) this holiday. After all, it’s common to guess about Melania. Unmarried girls threw their boots over their backs, counted the stakes on the fence, i.e. they did everything to find out what kind of life they would have in the future and whether they would soon be together with their loved one. Now the fortune telling has changed a little, but the expected result is still the same.


It should be noted that our ancestors followed various signs. So, on Melania’s day one could guess what would happen next:

  1. If on the night of January 14 the sky is clear and stars are visible, this year it is expected good harvest.
  2. If there was a snowstorm on the evening of January 13, it was believed that there would be a good harvest of nuts.
  3. If there was frost on the branches on the morning of January 14, it was believed that it was necessary to prepare barrels for honey, because the year would be fruitful for this wonderful food product.
  4. If fog fell on the ground on the morning of January 14, the year also promised to be fruitful and rich.
  5. People said: those born on Melania or Vasily (January 14) will be happy. And if they wear jasper around their necks, they will also be rich.

There was also a simple custom associated with the future harvest. So, on the morning of January 14, you had to go out into the garden and trudge them all. Yes, so that as much snow falls as possible. After all, in the fall the fruits will fall into baskets.

Old New Year

I wonder what holiday the residents of our country celebrate from January 13 to 14? Old New Year, of course! It would seem a little strange name. However, in reality it is extremely simple. The thing is that at this time earlier (according to the old calendar, old style) the arrival of the new year was celebrated. It should be clarified that this holiday appeared back in 1918, when the Gregorian calendar was introduced into use (previously people used the Julian calendar). It is celebrated very widely: with all-night festivities, revelry, and fun.

Nutrition rules for this day

Having understood what holiday is celebrated from January 13 to 14, you need to tell us that at this time you need to put certain dishes on the table. First of all, the so-called “generous”. It is seasoned with various dried fruits, poppy seeds and other delicacies.

What holiday is January 13th? Old New Year! On this day, hostesses should also treat guests to pies and pancakes. All generous people (young people who come to visit) should definitely be given a pancake with jam to eat. By the way, you can even tell fortunes using pancakes. They wrap caviar (for prosperity), meat (for a well-fed life), greens (for health), cottage cheese (for fun) and lean porridge (for poverty). Whatever filling a person gets in a pancake, this is the life that awaits him throughout the year.

Slavic holidays

We further consider the date January 13th. What holiday did our Slavic ancestors celebrate on this day? Thus, the Winter Mara (or Sechenya, Stuzhenya) was celebrated. It was believed that it was at this time that winter fully came into its own. According to popular beliefs, this day was considered terrible for all living things. Our great-grandfathers believed that this was the darkest and unluckiest day of the year. And all because the daughters of Mara were released - Fever, Treasovitsa, who in every possible way messed with people and even harmed their health and life.

It should be noted that today little is known about this day. They tried to talk less about him, no celebrations were held. However, if a person was dashing, then at that time he could call on the evil forces of nature to harm his enemy.

Ritual for Mara Winter

We further consider the date January 13th. What holiday did our ancestors celebrate on this day? Maru Winter, mistress of winter. One ritual has been preserved that certain people could perform on this day. As you know, all the forces of nature, both good and bad, must be respected. And there were special people for this. Mara was also honored. To do this, a fallen tree had to be found in the forest, a dog’s skull was placed at its foot, and animal skins were tied to the branches. Presented to Mara boiled eggs and unleavened cakes, pinned on the so-called “Navi bones”, i.e. sharpened pegs. At this time, special spells and poems were read. And all so that the Winter Mara does not get angry at people and ruin their lives.

Other holidays celebrated on this day in the Russian Federation

On January 13, what holiday is still celebrated in Russia? Russian Press Day. It was on January 13, back in 1703, that the first printed newspaper Vedomosti was published. However, it is important to note that it did not have a permanent name. Sometimes the newspaper was called “Rossiyskie Vedomosti”, “Moscow Vedomosti” (if it was only about Moscow news), etc. The first issue covered the military and political affairs of the entire country.

We further consider the date January 13th. What holiday is celebrated in Russia these days? It should be noted that Russian Press Day was established not so long ago - in 1991. And the holiday came to replace Soviet Press Day, which was celebrated on May 5th.

It is also important to note that on this day the most active figures in the Russian media are awarded. Interestingly, in 2010, approximately 47 thousand different newspapers and magazines were registered in Russia. And by 2015, their number almost doubled.

Other holidays and days

  1. This is the day greatest prophet Muhammad. To be precise, the date of his birth is unknown. They celebrate the day when the prophet died. That is why the date itself is celebrated with a certain amount of sadness. This day is called Mawlid al-Nabi. In Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Syria it is celebrated very widely.
  2. January 13, what is the divine holiday in India? So, the goddess Lori is revered there. At this time, bonfires are lit throughout northern India to mark the end of harsh winter. It is customary to celebrate the arrival of Lohri with fasting and gifts to each other. And in the evening you are allowed to organize a feast with numerous delicacies and dishes. Also on this day you can see a special Indian dance, Bhangra, in which only men take part.
  3. January 13 is what church holiday for the Swedes? So, it's Tjugondag Knut Day. This time marks the end of the Christmas festivities. The first word in the name of the holiday is literally translated as “twenty”, i.e. exactly twenty days have passed since Christmas (Catholic). The celebration scenario varies depending on the region. For example, in the southern part of the country they burn a straw effigy the size of a man.
  4. Memorial Day in Lithuania. In this country, January 13 is celebrated as the Day of Remembrance of All Defenders of Freedom.

January 14 - Vasily's Day

So, January 13 is an Orthodox holiday, of course. It's Melania's day. But on January 14, the Russian Orthodox Church honors Basil the Great. Popularly it is Vasiliev's Day, or Ovsen. From this date, people finished their festivities and went to get hired.

Rituals and fortune telling in Old New Year

Old New Year! This day is one of the most powerful of the year in terms of fulfilling desires and fortune-telling.

Therefore, be sure to take advantage of the opportunities of the Old New Year.

Ritual of burning problems

Surely, you are already familiar with this ritual, but on the night of January 13-14, i.e. on the eve of the Old New Year it is simply necessary! Take a small plate and cut small pieces of paper. On each of them, write what you would like to leave behind last year: illnesses, fears, tears, disappointments. BUT! We will not write “in general,” but specifically. Are you carrying the burden of a recent quarrel with the nasty Svetka?! So write about her! Are you worried that there is no good job? We complain about unemployment, etc.

Then burn each of these leaves in a prepared plate with words of gratitude, because with this fire will come not just relief, but a solution to all pressing problems!

Ritual to fulfill a wish in the Old New Year

When it's almost midnight, fill your glass! You can take any drink. Blow on the water in the glass (or whatever you have in it) and say your wish out loud or silently. At 00:00, drink the liquid to the bottom and calmly go to bed... and the Universe will take care of the fulfillment of your desire.

I give and receive, I make my dream come true!

Unfortunately, the Old New Year has not been marked on the calendar as a day off for a long time, but this fact will not lead you astray from our little magical path of wish fulfillment. Before leaving for work, or when you wake up, take a few crumbs of bread or cereal in your hand (for extreme case you can crumble a cookie), go outside (or onto the balcony), think about your desire and throw these crumbs with the words: “I give and receive, I am making my dream come true!”

Nothing more is required from you. Let the sparrows or pigeons feast on your little treat, and at this time you will already take an important start towards realizing your goal..

A simple conspiracy for the Old New Year

When all the dishes have been removed from the table, take the tablecloth, shake it three times and say: “How many crumbs there were on this table, there would be so much happiness in our family.”

Ritual for good luck in the new year

The main thing is to believe in any ritual, but objects are not the main thing for it. The next ritual needs to be done in the morning of January 13th - we wake up and start making a magic mixture - take a pot and pour it in, first a handful of millet right hand- saying “Let troubles and problems go away”, then grab a handful of rice with your left hand - saying: "May there be stability and balance in my life." Next, you need to sprinkle a handful of different cereals that you have at home and wish yourself and your loved ones everything you want to receive in the new year.

In the evening, put the mixture of cereals on festive table or dinner, be sure to pour it into glasses (not necessarily alcohol), raise the toast, and pour the remaining drops into a pot for everyone. In the morning 14 go outside and feed the birds with these cereals.

Ritual of attracting love for the Old New Year

This ritual is valid only once a year - on Old New Year.

This is not a love spell, so you shouldn’t perform a ritual to bewitch married man or get your ex-lover back.

On the night of January 14 at 22-23 o'clock, sit at the table in clean, preferably new clothes, with your hair down. Three candles - red, white and gold - are tied together into a bundle with a red thread (the length of the thread is to wrap the thread three times around the left wrist). Place the candles in a glass (preferably crystal) with water on a round mirror, light it and say: “Power of fire, turn the love of your betrothed towards me. Let his love be hot like a flame, clear like water and deep like a mirror. When the flame reaches the water, my labors will be crowned with success. My word is strong."

Within a month after the ceremony you will meet your man.

Before performing the ritual, you need to forgive all your exes with whom you are still offended, let go of fears and doubts, complexes about your loneliness. And everything will work out.

Ritual for the Old New Year from quarrels and scandals

If there are frequent scandals and quarrels in the house or family, to restore calm to the family, use the ritual below. On the eve of the Old New Year (January 13), get up early and at sunrise, walk around all the rooms of your home with a lit wax candle clockwise. In each room, stop and read three times:

“Fire of the Lord, help! All the quarrels, scandals, lessons, winners are burned,
leave no trace of any evil.”

Bend over the bucket (previously filled with untouched water) and say three times:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Water, water, wash my home from quarrels and scandals,
from evil spirits, let love and peace remain in the house.”

Wash the floors throughout the entire house (apartment) thoroughly with this water, and then sprinkle the corners and walls. Then take enough water to give tea to all family members, place the container next to the sugar bowl, and then say seven times:

“Sugar is sweet to everyone, big and small. I’ll sweeten the water, give my family a drink, and in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, far-flung scandals will go away from souls.”

Boil water, brew tea. The whole family should drink it before the chimes, adding sugar.

Ritual for money

Held only on Old New Year. Melt the candle wax and make a small cake out of it. Write your name on one side and your code number on the other. This number is obtained by adding all the digits of your birth date.

For example, I was born on June 14, 1977.
Add up all the constituent numbers: 1+4+6+1+9+7+7=35=3+5=8
The result is the number 8, which will be the code number. Then cover the wax cake with coins, which had to be carried with you for a day.

Keep this amulet in the place where money is stored: safe, closet, wallet.

Well, how can we do without fortune telling??!!

Fortune telling by candle flame for the Old New Year

Buy a white candle. On a holiday night, place it in a room where there are no drafts. Light it and watch the flame for 10-15 minutes.

If the flame is quiet and even, then the year will pass quietly and without shocks.

If the flame is bright but begins to flicker frequently, then overall everything will be fine, except for minor minor problems.

If the burning of a candle is accompanied by distinct crackling sounds, it means that the coming year will be filled with stormy affairs, cheerful companies with many funny adventures.

If the flame burns dimly, get ready for a boring life filled with petty vanity.

If the flame burns clearly yellow, there will be a lot of joy.

And tomorrow I will talk about Christmas fortune-telling, which lasts from Christmas (January 7) until Epiphany (January 19).

Try to spend a joyful evening: even if things are not going well, on the “Old New Year’s” night you should not be upset or plunge into worries. Be cheerful and positive. It is your condition, your mood this evening, your faith in the mercy of fate and in the power of rituals that will give impetus to the fulfillment of your desires.

Good luck and all the best to you in the New Year!

The Old New Year, which is celebrated on the night of January 13-14, is a special, mystical time. It is believed that it is on this night that the best time for fortune telling. How to find out your destiny, the name of your betrothed or the date of your upcoming wedding - read the material.

Why do they tell fortunes for the Old New Year?

The Christmastide period (from January 7 to January 19) has long been considered special; people believed that it was on these days that fate could reveal its secrets and mysteries. We learned about the future through fortune telling and various folk signs. On the night of the night, unmarried girls wondered not only about their future, but also about their betrothed.

During the Christmastide period, you can find out not only the name of your betrothed, but also the color of his hair, character or figure. As well as the wedding date, number of children, successful or unsuccessful marriage.

People believed that fortune telling on the night of January 13-14 was the most truthful. There was even such a saying: “Everything that the red maiden wishes for Vasily will come true, but what will come true will not pass.”

Fortune telling for Christmas time - the most accurate and truthful

Folk traditions of fortune telling are forgotten, losing their form and content. However, on the night of January 14, many girls still want to look into their future, as our great-grandmothers once did. If you also want to tell fortunes on this mystical night, read the material about how this can be done at home.

How to prepare for fortune telling for the Old New Year

Before fortune telling, you need to get in a serious mood, let your hair down, untie all the knots that are on your clothes (belts, straps, decorative elements), remove bracelets and rings and accurately formulate the question that interests you.

How to tell fortunes for the Old New Year

If you are telling fortunes about your future husband, then this should not be done in the family home. At this moment, men should not be present in the house.

They say that every fortune-telling for the Old New Year had to be done without doubting its veracity, only then it would certainly come true.

Fortune telling with a comb

Before going to bed, the girl puts a comb under her pillow with the words “Betrothed, mummer, come and comb my hair.” If in a dream she sees a man combing her hair, then this year she will be married to the man who dreamed about it.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year with a comb

Fortune telling with cups

For fortune telling, you need several cups (as many as there are people doing fortune telling). A ring, a coin, bread, sugar, onion, salt are placed in cups, and a little water is poured into one cup. With their eyes closed, each of those who guesses, in turn, chooses a cup.

Predictions for the future are as follows: ring - for a wedding; coin - to wealth; bread - to prosperity; sugar - for fun; onion - to tears; salt means bad luck, and a cup of water means life without much change.

Fortune telling for marriage with candles

You need a bowl of water, shell halves walnut, in an amount equal to the number of those who tell fortunes, and the same number of small candles or their pieces. You need to insert the candles into the shells, light them and let them float in a bowl.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year with candles

The girl whose candle burns out first will be the first to get married. Accordingly, the girl whose candle burns last will be the last to get married. If someone’s shell sank with fire, that girl will never be married at all.

Fortune telling for the future husband

Another very popular fortune telling for the Old New Year is searching for the groom under the pillow. To do this, you need to place pieces of paper under your pillow with words written on them. male names. In the morning, take out one of the leaves. The name on it will be the name of your betrothed.

You can also go out into the street at midnight and ask the first person you meet for their name. They believe that whatever name they give you, that’s what your future husband will be called.

Fortune telling about the character of the future husband

On the night of January 13-14, before going to bed, girls need to put playing cards with the image of kings. In the morning, without looking, you should draw one card. Whichever king the girl gets, so will the husband: the king of spades is old and jealous, the king of clubs is military, the king of hearts is young and rich, and the king of diamonds is desirable.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year with cards

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a stocking

Girls will have to prepare for this fortune telling in advance - buy stockings. Before going to bed, you need to put on a new stocking on one leg and go to bed. At the same time, the girl must say: “Betrothed, mummer, come take off my shoes.” A man who takes off a stocking in a dream will become a future husband.

Fortune telling by thread

Insert three threads into three needles: black, white and red. Have someone carefully pin them to the back of your clothing. Without knowing in what order the needles are located, pull out one thread. A red thread means an early marriage and the birth of a baby, a white thread means loneliness, and a black thread means marriage will not bring you happiness; you need to pay attention to career growth.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year by thread

Wedding fortune telling

On the Old New Year at midnight, girlfriends go out into the yard and, taking turns blindfolding each other with a scarf, spin them around several times, and then push the girl in the back. If she goes towards the gate, she will soon get married. If she goes to the porch, then she will have to sit as a girl for another year.

Fortune telling on dumplings

The housewife, preparing dumplings with potatoes, puts “surprises” in some of them along with the usual filling: coins, rings, nuts. The fortune telling itself occurs directly while eating the dish. Whoever gets what falls is waiting for him.

A coin or some grains - for wealth, a thread - for the road, salt - for tears, sugar - for a good and prosperous life, a ring - for marriage, a nut - the presence of two gentlemen, pepper - a new boyfriend, a cherry pit - for replenishment in family.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year with dumplings

Fortune telling on cereals

In a circle you need to place saucers with different cereals: buckwheat, millet, rice, semolina, oatmeal, pearl barley, and pour water into a separate saucer. The girls take turns spinning a raw egg in the center of the circle and see which way it rolls.

If to buckwheat - the groom will be rich, to millet - he will be blond, to rice - he will be married, to semolina - the groom will be from the north, to pearl barley - the groom will be a military man. Water means that the girl is waiting for travel. If the egg spins in place, it means that the girl will not get married this year.

Fortune telling by wish

Before going to bed on January 13, write 12 wishes on separate pieces of paper, carefully roll them up and place them under your pillow. When you wake up in the morning, pull out 3 of them - they will definitely come true in the new year.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year at will

After the usual New Year has died down, and the streets are filled with people again, do not rush to say goodbye to the festive mood; another important winter holiday awaits you - the Old New Year. This date is celebrated on the night of January 13-14. And, like any holiday that has taken root among the Slavs, the Old New Year contains a lot of traditions.

In Belarus and Ukraine this holiday is known as "Generous Evening", and in Russia - "Ovsen". According to the old chronology, this day fell on January 1 and was called Vasily’s Day, since it was the day of memory of Vasily the Great, and the eve of the memorial day, accordingly, December 31, was Vasily’s evening.

Why is it called Old New Year?

There is no special meaning in the name of this holiday. This day is called this way only because according to the Julian calendar, the New Year fell from January 13 to 14. Today we use the Gregorian calendar, which was introduced in 1918, which is why the holiday is called the “Old” New Year.

In addition, according to calendar tradition, Christmas must precede the New Year.

Where is Old New Year celebrated?

Previously, the Old New Year was celebrated in all countries of the Soviet Union. Today this holiday exists in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, as well as in Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.

This tradition has been preserved in Switzerland, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia. In the latter, for example, this holiday is called Serbian New Year. On the night of January 13-14, fireworks are traditionally given on the square in Belgrade.

In Japan, the Old New Year is called "Rissyun" - the beginning of spring; it is celebrated not in the middle of winter, but on February 4th.

Holiday rules

For this holiday we also bought good beautiful clothes. The evening of January 13 was called “generous”, and therefore the table was set accordingly. People believed that as the table would be, so would the year be. In the morning, women had to prepare porridge made from whole wheat grains. The porridge was seasoned with lard or meat. Or served with jam or honey. Housewives also baked pies, pancakes or dumplings.

Since Saint Basil was considered the patron saint of pig farmers, pork dishes were the main dish on the festive table.

In the evening, people went to their neighbors to celebrate the Old New Year in peace. It was considered especially important that the “right” person come home first, and this was a young man from a large, respected family with a large household. In the morning, young people jumped over burning sheaves of hay to drive away evil spirits.

In some villages, carolers attended the holiday. Performers of carol songs were traditionally presented with treats.

© Sputnik / Viktor Tolochko

Ancient Belarusian folk ritual "Carol Kings"

Traditional signs for the Old New Year

The signs of this holiday were associated both with the weather and New Year's table. For example, if the prepared holiday porridge turned out fluffy, beautiful and tasty, then you have to wait have a nice year. If the pot cracked in the oven or the porridge turned out tasteless, you have to wait a bad year.

It was also believed that if the wind blows from the south at night, then the next year will be prosperous and warm, but if it blows from the west, one should expect an abundance of milk and fish, and if from the east, then there will be a good harvest of fruits in the year.

People said about the night: “Vasil’s night is starry - for the berry harvest.” To ensure that the overall harvest was a success, they shook it off in the morning. fruit trees. If the weather is frosty but dry in the morning, then you shouldn’t expect much mushrooms next year.

Signs for the Old New Year - 2018

Those born on January 14, 2018 should wear jasper stone for good luck and wealth. Also, before the evening of January 13, it is necessary to remove the holiday tree from the house and pay off all debts so as not to owe money for the entire 2018 year. And, of course, it is necessary to make peace with everyone with whom you were in a quarrel, and forgive everyone with whom you held a grudge.

What should be on the table for the Old New Year

According to ancient traditions, on the table in Vasilyev's evening there should have been generous kutya or sochivo. They did not spare halva, nuts, honey and raisins: the more generous the dish, the richer and richer the new year.

In addition, there was always a pig, rooster or hare on the table. All three meats carried different meanings: pork promised wealth, rooster dishes - freedom, and hare - success in all matters.

It was also important what was included in the filling of holiday pies and, most importantly, dumplings for the Old New Year. For example, mushrooms in the filling - to a long and happy life, meat - for prosperity, rice - for prosperity, cabbage - for money, and dill - for good health.

What not to do on St. Basil's Day

A week before the Old New Year, it was forbidden to dress up in new clothes; this could only be done on the holiday itself. On this day, you cannot say congratulations with the negative particle “no” - this can frighten away desire and luck. Also, you should not celebrate this holiday exclusively in the company of women - this can lead to an unlucky year.

There should be no crayfish or other creatures on the holiday table that are moving backwards, since past problems can be carried over into the New Year. It is also strictly forbidden to clean this one, because you can take good luck and happiness out of the house.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year

On the night of January 13-14, the girls read fortunes on various objects. Vasiliev's evening was considered the most successful for predictions. People believed that everything predicted and wished for at this time would come true. However Orthodox Church does not approve of fortune telling.

On the night of January 13-14, the Old New Year is celebrated in Russia, as well as in many neighboring countries. AiF.ru explains how and when this holiday appeared.

The Old New Year is a rare historical phenomenon, an additional holiday that resulted from a change in chronology. Because of this discrepancy in calendars, we celebrate two “New Years” - according to the old and new styles.

How did the Old New Year appear?

The date of creation of the world (according to the ancient translation of the Old Testament) was previously considered March 1, 5508 BC. e. Therefore, the New Year began on the first day of spring (March 14 according to the new style).

However, in the era of Constantinople, this date was recalculated more accurately, and September 1, 5509 BC was considered the day of the creation of the world. e. Therefore, the New Year henceforth began on the first day of autumn.

In pagan times in Rus', the New Year was celebrated on March 22 - the day of the spring equinox. After the adoption of Christianity in Rus', the Byzantine calendar began to gradually replace the old one, and the New Year now began on September 1. This date is still interpreted today by some teachings as the true birthday of Christ. D For a long time, New Year's inconsistency persisted in Rus' - some continued to celebrate the New Year in the spring, others in the fall. And only at the end of the 15th century - in 1492 - was a single date for the beginning of the New Year in Rus' officially determined - September 1.

Only 2 centuries later, on December 19, 1700, Peter I promulgated the decree of summer to be calculated from January 1 from the Nativity of Christ (that is, according to the “new” style - January 14). Thus, in the Russian state, 1699 lasted only 4 months, from September to December.

By the twentieth century, the calendar of Russia, which continued to use the Julian calendar, was 13 days behind Europe, which had long ago switched to the Gregorian calendar. To reduce this gap, in 1918, by decree of the Council of People's Commissars, a transition was made to the Gregorian calendar - a new style, and January 14 - the day of St. Basil, Archbishop of Caesarea of ​​Cappodacia - turned out to be the Old New Year.

What other countries celebrate the Old New Year?

The Old New Year is celebrated not only in the CIS. On January 13, a festive table is also set in the following countries:

  • Greece;
  • Macedonia;
  • Romania;
  • Serbia;
  • Montenegro;
  • Switzerland.

The Old New Year is also celebrated in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. True, it is celebrated according to the Berber calendar, which is the Julian calendar with minor differences. As a result of accumulated errors, the eve of the holiday falls on January 11th.

Old New Year today

On the night of January 13-14, everyone can afford to “pre-celebrate” their most favorite holiday. Indeed, for many believers, the Old New Year has a special meaning, since they can wholeheartedly celebrate the beginning of the new year only after the end of the Nativity Fast.

Today, the popularity of the Old New Year is growing from year to year, and Russia is no exception. All more people They treat it as an independent holiday that prolongs the charm of the New Year or allows you to feel this charm for the first time. After all, this holiday is calmer, it is not characterized by the bustle that is an inevitable companion of the New Year.

When will New Year be celebrated in 90 years?

Interestingly, the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars increases every century when the number of hundreds in the year after Christ is not a multiple of four for one day. Currently, the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars is 13 days. And from March 1, 2100, this difference will be 14 days. And from 2101, Christmas and Old New Year will be celebrated a day later.