Well      03/30/2019

How to clean a lacquered kitchen. How to wash a glossy kitchen: an overview of detergents, cleaning methods, care features, tips and reviews

The kitchen is the face of every home. Therefore, it should shine with cleanliness and order. Here are just modern detergents, which include various chemical compounds, often not only spoil the surfaces that are designed to protect and keep in order, but also harm the housewives who use them.

How to find an effective and safe alternative for health? In today's review, we offer 20 proven ways to clean your kitchen using common products that are in every kitchen.

How to clean faucets and sinks

1. To get rid of plaque that forms on taps due to hard water, take a couple of tablespoons citric acid and dilute in a liter of water. Apply the resulting paste with a sponge on places with plaque and leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

2. Delete lime deposits from cranes and with the help of tooth powder. Dilute it with water to a paste, apply to a damp sponge and wipe the faucets, then rinse thoroughly. If you do not use the powder, it will be successfully replaced toothpaste.

3. Scaling on the sink can be removed with vinegar. Soak a large piece of cloth in it and leave it in the sink for 5 minutes. Then carefully wipe the sink with baking soda applied to a damp sponge, rinse with clean water and wipe dry.

How to wash dishes

4. Plain baking soda can be a great alternative industrial facilities for dish washing. To do this, dilute soda with water to a paste-like state, apply it to a damp sponge and safely wash the dishes - such an impromptu detergent can easily cope even with grease.

5. You can wash burnt pans with mustard powder. To do this, fill the sink with warm water, add 2-3 tablespoons of mustard powder to it, mix until foam appears and soak the burnt dishes in this solution for 2-3 hours, then wipe the burnt places with a sponge and rinse with clean water.

6. launder dark patina on the inner walls of the cezve, you can use salt. To do this, pour 4 teaspoons of salt into it, 1 cup of ice chips and 1 cup cold water. Shake the solution in a circular motion, then wipe the cezve with a sponge and rinse with clean water.

7. To descale the electric kettle, boil the solution in it citric acid, then change the water to clean and boil again.

8. If your cups have brown tea or coffee stains, apply to a damp sponge toothpaste and wipe the sides of the cup, then rinse with clean water.

9. By using toothpaste you can also wash dried milk containers. Simply apply the paste to a damp sponge or bottle brush and wipe the inside thoroughly, then rinse several times with clean water.

How to clean the microwave and oven

10. To clean the microwave, place a bowl with 300 ml of water and juice in it 1 lemon, turn on at maximum mode for 10 minutes, then wipe with a clean soft sponge.

11. You can clean your microwave with baking soda . To do this, fill a wide bowl 2/3 with water, dilute 3 tablespoons of soda in it and repeat the same algorithm as in the case of lemon juice.

12. An oven without self-cleaning functions can also be cleaned with a baking soda and water. Apply the solution liberally on the walls and leave for about an hour and a half, then wipe them with a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1 to 1.

How to wash the refrigerator

13. The best way to clean your refrigerator from the inside is soda And pure water. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 liter of water and thoroughly wash all shelves and interior walls with this solution, then wipe with a soft cloth.

14. You can also use to clean the inside walls of the refrigerator. apple cider, which remained after gatherings with friends. Just split it up with hot water in a ratio of 1 to 4 and wipe all contaminated surfaces.

15. Wash the rubber seals of the refrigerator only clean water so that no detergent remains in its folds.

16. In order to get rid of bad smell in the refrigerator it is not necessary to buy special absorbents. Products that are in any kitchen will perfectly cope with this role. To do this, place on the shelves:

  • - pieces black bread;
  • - cups with soda;
  • - slices lemon;
  • - activated coal.

Housewives spend most of their time in the kitchen. The process of cooking, washing dishes and daily cleaning takes a lot of time, but no matter how neat the hostess is. Sooner or later, kitchen furniture becomes covered with plaque and grease stains.

How to wash kitchen furniture from grease and return it to a decent appearance? What means to use, and what is needed in order for the room to sparkle with cleanliness? This is not such a difficult task as it might seem at first glance.

What do you need to clean the kitchen

To launder kitchen set does not require any special equipment or expensive means. You will need:

  • a few soft rags;
  • foam sponge;
  • brush (you can use an old toothbrush);
  • gloves;
  • apron or protective coat.

When cleaning the kitchen, it is better to do it with the windows open. If climatic or weather conditions do not allow this, ventilate the room after finishing work.

How to clean kitchen furniture from grease

Using household chemicals or improvised means, you need to follow a certain sequence of actions so that washing the lockers is as effective as possible and does not require a lot of time and effort. Follow this sequence of actions:

  • Dampen a cloth with warm water and thoroughly dampen the surfaces.
  • Evenly apply the selected detergent composition to the furniture.
  • Leave the pollution to "sour" for the required period of time.
  • Clean off greasy deposits with a foam sponge or brush.
  • Remove cleaning agent residue with a damp cloth.
  • Wash surfaces with a sponge.
  • If necessary, repeat the manipulation again.

If you are using store remedy, when buying, pay attention to which surfaces the chemical is intended for. What can be used on plastic or MDF can ruin the wood or finish.

How to wash grease from kitchen furniture

In hardware stores you can find a wide range of gels, powders and liquids to combat fat. By purchasing a chemical, you can be sure that the selected product will cope with the problem quickly, and your furniture will again shine with cleanliness.

But you can do without chemicals, and clean the dirt with a melamine sponge. The principle of its "work" is similar to a stationery eraser, and it copes with greasy stains without the use of any additional cleaning products.

Some housewives prefer steam cleaners. Thanks to a powerful stream of hot steam, dirt and grease are removed from surfaces without much difficulty. However, this unit cannot be used for wooden furniture, as well as for film-coated materials.

The cheapest, safest and easiest way to tidy up your kitchen furniture is to use the tools at hand, which are always present in every kitchen, and are also stored in home first aid kits.

How to clean kitchen furniture from fat folk remedies

Purify pollution better cut after their appearance. If grease and dirt remain on the surfaces for a long time, there is a risk that the contamination will “eat” into the material and it will no longer be possible to remove it. You can use a variety of tools and methods to clean cabinets and work surfaces in the kitchen.

mustard powder

If your headset is covered greasy spots, wipe it with a damp foam sponge liberally sprinkled with mustard. The fat will dissolve without a trace, and you just have to wash the surfaces with warm water.

Laundry soap

This tool is almost universal, and will help wash grease from any surface. Liberally lather the bar with a damp sponge and wipe the surfaces. After 15-20 minutes, remove greasy traces, if necessary, using a brush. Wash surfaces with clean water.

Salt solution with hydrogen peroxide

Prepare a cleaning solution by adding a tablespoon of salt and 10 drops of peroxide to 1 liter of water. Moisten the surfaces with the resulting product, and leave for 15 minutes. Then remove the grease with a sponge or brush and clean the headset with a soft cloth dampened with warm water.

Baking soda

Soda can be used to clean furniture made of any material, except polished. Wet the surfaces with hot water, and then apply a “slurry” of soda using a sponge or brush.

Wait until the stains "soften" and will be washed from the surface of the cabinets without effort. After there is no trace of fat left, rinse off the remaining soda with warm water.

A solution of 3% vinegar

Vinegar does a great job of removing grease, but it's best not to use it for delicate coatings. Before using this product, test it on a small area of ​​​​furniture, and if the acid did not cause any harm to it, you can get to work.

Pour the vinegar on the sponge and wipe off the dirt. After 3-5 minutes, use a brush to remove greasy stains. After the surface is clean, wash the cabinets first with dishwashing detergent and then with clean water.

Vodka or alcohol and essential oil

Vodka or diluted alcohol can clean any surface, this tool is practically harmless. It can also be used for glass surfaces and mirrors.

Pour vodka into a spray bottle, add 5-7 drops essential oil, and carefully “irrigate” the headset. When the greasy drops become soft, clean the surfaces from dirt, and then rinse with warm water.

How to clean wooden kitchen furniture

The best way to clean a headset from an array can be considered a mixture vegetable oil and soda (proportion 1:2). Oil can soften dried fat, and soda will help remove traces without leaving a residue.

Apply the cleaning solution to the dirt and rub it over the surface with a brush. After 15-20 minutes, gently scrub off the greasy marks and remove the remaining dirt and cleaning agent with a damp foam sponge.

How to wash varnished surfaces

Such furniture must be washed with care, since aggressive substances can hopelessly ruin the coating. Use this cleaning method:

  • To 50 ml of 3% vinegar, add 100 g of white clay.
  • Apply cleaning powder to furniture.
  • After 15-20 minutes, wash off the clay and vinegar with a damp cloth, and then polish the cabinets dry with a piece of soft cloth.

You need to act carefully and without pressure, otherwise you will scratch the furniture.

How to clean MDF kitchen furniture

This material is sensitive to aggressive agents containing chlorine, as well as to abrasives. It is better to wash such furniture by special means which can be found at the hardware store.

In addition, you can use laundry soap, it will also not harm the surfaces.

Wear gloves to remove grease from surfaces to protect your health and protect your skin. When using aggressive chemicals, it is better to work with open windows, and after cleaning, be sure to ventilate the room for at least 20 minutes.

Your kitchen will always look tidy if you do not put off cleaning until later, but clean the furniture from dirt and grease immediately.

Cleaning is a process that is not always a pleasure, especially if the hostess is faced with the question of how to wash the kitchen of grease. The surfaces of tables, cabinets and stoves quickly become dirty and accumulate traces of cooking, and it is not so easy to get rid of them later. To make your task easier, you need to understand how and with what to wash fat from kitchen furniture to be fast and efficient.

Modern housewives have the opportunity to choose cleaning products from a wide and varied assortment presented in stores. However, more and more often they return to the old and proven folk methods cleaning, using effective improvised means.

The first and most important rule that must be followed in order for the kitchen to always shine with cleanliness is that cleaning should be done regularly. In order not to have to invent and figure out how to wash old fat in the kitchen, it is better not to run it, but to eliminate it immediately as it gets dirty. Some of the most helpful tips include:

  1. When starting cleaning, you need to understand what materials the surfaces that need to be washed consist of. Different detergents are suitable for different parts of the kitchen and furniture.
  2. Before using a store-bought cleaning agent, you must read the instructions for use and follow it.
  3. It is better to try the compositions prepared from improvised cleaning products on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen surface, and then wash everything.
  4. Any detergents and mixtures must be thoroughly washed with clean water, and then the surface should be wiped dry so that there are no streaks left.

Any housewife tries to keep the kitchen set clean, as a result of which she carries out regular cleaning. However, there is not always the strength and time to wash the wall apron or countertop from greasy deposits, which accumulate in a very short time. After a certain time, the neoplasms turn into persistent greasy spots that cannot be washed off with dishwashing liquid or running water. At this moment, the first difficulties begin, since hygiene must be carried out, and effective ways not much removal. Let's consider each and them in order.

Baking soda and sea salt

A positive characteristic of this method is its versatility. The abrasive composition can be used on almost any surface with the exception of lacquered panels. An excellent result is achieved by processing aprons and a kitchen set made of wood, tiles.

Before proceeding with the direct use of the mixture on a wide area, test on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen set. Wait a quarter of an hour, then evaluate the result. If the abrasive particles have not damaged the panel, feel free to proceed with the procedure.

  1. Put on thick rubber gloves, take a kitchen sponge and soak it in hot water. Walk over the surfaces of the headset, softening the fat.
  2. Take 100 gr. sea ​​salt without dyes and fragrances, place in a coffee grinder, grind. If there is no coffee grinder, crush the composition into powder with a hammer. Mix salt with 100 gr. baking soda, dilute the dry mixture with filtered water. In the end, you should end up with a thick mass that can easily process both horizontal and vertical panels.
  3. scoop a large number of on the hard side of a sponge or use an old toothbrush. Treat the places contaminated with grease, carefully rubbing the mixture into the surface. Wait about 15-20 minutes.
  4. At the end of the term, take a sponge, soak it in water and wipe the panels again. Then rinse off completely cold water, evaluate the result. If necessary, repeat the previous manipulations several times.


To prepare a cleansing mixture, you will need 100 gr. chopped edible salt and half a grapefruit. Pass the citrus through a meat grinder or blender, mix with salt. As in the case of soda, the composition should be thick, otherwise adjust it by adding salt or, conversely, water.

Scoop a large amount of the product on the toothbrush, rub the places with greasy stains. Glue cling film on top, wait half an hour. At the end of the period, wash off the composition. If the result does not please you, repeat the procedure.

Salt does not always effectively remove old fat stains, in most cases it is necessary to repeat the manipulations 4 or even 5 times. If the kitchen is equipped with a light set, we recommend adding a teaspoon of peroxide to the saline solution. This combination will speed up the cleansing several times.

mustard powder

Mustard has been used in everyday life since ancient times; it is used to clean not only the kitchen set, but also interior items in the bathroom. Also, the product is used to wash dishes and remove complex contaminants from the surfaces of household appliances.

To use correctly mustard powder, mix 50-60 gr. product with cool water, you should get a thick mixture. Now cut the lemon into 2 parts, wipe the grease stains with it, wait 5 minutes, wipe again.

Repeat steps 5-7 times, only after that use mustard. Scoop some of the mixture onto a wet kitchen sponge, scrub the panels well. Leave to soak for 5 minutes, then rinse with cold water. If you don't like the effect, repeat the steps.

Citric acid and alcohol

The product has not only cleaning properties, but also perfectly disinfects the surface. To prepare the mixture, take 3-4 sachets of citric acid, dilute with cold water. Do not wait for the complete dissolution of the granules. Scoop the composition onto a sponge, apply to the kitchen set, wait 10 minutes. Rinse the sponge, soak it in medical alcohol or vodka, remove excess product. For achievement best result you can dilute vodka / alcohol with vinegar in a ratio of 3: 1.


It makes no sense to talk about which manufacturer to give preference to. Choose a composition according to financial capabilities. The following will be practical advice on the choice and use of household chemicals.

  1. It is important to understand that powder products involve processing with abrasive particles, due to which it severely damages the varnish surface. In this case, it is worth taking a closer look at drugs that are available in the form of an aerosol, gel or spray.
  2. To remove fat, it is not necessary to pick up a hard metal sponge. Household chemicals will dissolve impurities if you wait a certain period of time (indicated on the back of the bottle).
  3. Oven, electric / gas stove, extractor hood and others will require special efforts from you metal surfaces. One soaking is not enough, you will have to repeat the manipulations at least 3-4 times.
  4. If you do not have an extract, due to which all the fat rises and settles on upper cabinets, soak them using polyethylene. Apply the product, glue the cling film and fix it with electrical tape. Wait a while, clean the surface with a sponge.
  5. When choosing a drug, carefully read the label, most manufacturers indicate for which type of surface this or that product is suitable. Do not thoughtlessly cover the headset with unfamiliar means. To begin with, do a test on a small area of ​​​​the countertop / cabinet, then proceed with processing.

table vinegar

The main disadvantage of using a table vinegar solution (6%) as a cleanser is considered to be low efficiency. If grease stains appeared a long time ago, and you pulled with their removal, it will not work to clean the headset in a short time. You will have to repeat the procedure daily several times for 3 days.

Fold gauze or bandage in 8-10 layers, put cotton between the rows. Moisten the compress in vinegar solution (not to be confused with vinegar essence), rub the contaminated area. If the coverage allows, use a hard sponge. In case of low efficiency, add a small amount of thick dishwashing liquid to the vinegar.


As a means to clean the kitchen from grease, use laundry or tar soap of maximum concentration. To properly use the product, take a double-sided kitchen sponge (foam rubber and abrasive coating), lather the hard part and walk over the surface. Wait 20-30 minutes, rub the headset again. At the end of the second step, rinse off the excess with water and polish with a soft cloth.

It is necessary to deal with grease stains on the panels of the kitchen set immediately after they appear. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to achieve results in 1 session. To get started, try folk remedies if the result is low, take a closer look at household chemicals.

Video: how to remove grease from kitchen furniture

The choice of purchased products for cleaning surfaces is quite extensive.

The stores have a wide variety of products. They are effective, produced in whole series. When choosing how to wash the fat in the kitchen, you should take into account the material from which the furniture is made, and give preference to gels and liquid formulations.

The lack of all store-bought drugs in high content Surfactants that actively decompose grease on cabinets, but dry hands and can cause allergies. Safe and natural remedies network companies Amway act gently, harmless to health. But their price is very high. To remove dirt in the kitchen, Faberlic produces natural compounds. Their action is weaker, but the cost is commensurate with store-bought drugs.

All remedies for fat in the kitchen are used according to the same scheme:

  • apply to the surface;
  • withstand a certain time;
  • wash off;
  • wipe dry.

Be sure to thoroughly wash and wipe the furniture dry

Only the methods of application and the exposure time differ. They are listed in the instructions on the package.

How to wash kitchen furniture from grease and not scratch it. It is necessary to use only mild detergents, without abrasive, not containing bleach, acids.

How to wash old fat in the kitchen. Only sponge and napkins:

  • microfiber;
  • flannel;
  • cloth.

To remove especially greasy stains, a toothbrush and cotton swabs are used. Having applied the detergent composition to the kitchen furniture, it is given time to act on the dirt for 20 to 30 minutes, then cleaning is continued.

If you can’t wash the cabinets from fat at one time, you need to repeat the procedure after a few days. Rubbing harder and increasing the concentration of the detergent is not worth it. Scuffs, light spots are formed on the surface.

To remove grease from kitchen furniture, household wet wipes sold in the store can quickly. You don't even need to use detergent. The composition with which the napkins are impregnated, launder the dirt. Glossy surfaces may leave streaks. Their removal is done dry paper towel immediately, without letting the furniture dry. It is more profitable to buy household wipes in large packs with a valve. Then they will be enough for several cleanings and the natural moisture of the detergent will be preserved.

With the help of a steam generator with various nozzles, you can induce perfect order. Remove grease from kitchen furniture, restore whiteness to the seams between tiles and gloss to the tile itself. The exception is the MDF kitchen set. It swells with steam and high temperature, exfoliates, loses its appearance.

Natural wood and plastic can be easily cleaned with a steam mop with the appropriate vertical cleaning attachment. After steam treatment kitchen cabinets and the tile must be wiped dry. Ideally, use a microfiber cloth, if you don't have one, cloth and flannel will do. There will be no streaks left on the kitchen surfaces, and they will shine like new.

Steam cleaners are good for removing dirt.

Steam is easy to clean the tiles in the kitchen from all kinds of dirt and chronic fat especially in the apron area. There, during cooking, most of the pollution gets on the wall. There are traces of splashes during cleaning and cutting of products, drops of water, steam and grease eat into the surface of the tiles, especially with a matte finish.

beautiful and variant budget cuisine cabinets and cabinets from pressed sawdust - MDF. With the right and careful attitude, kitchen furniture long time will look good. The MDF facade has a different coating:

  • lamination;
  • PVC film;
  • staining.

Each type has its own advantages and weaknesses, which must be taken into account when choosing how to wash grease from kitchen furniture.

Laminated furniture has many color options and imitates different types of wood. Lack of durability. The film covering the plates does not tolerate moisture, loses its luster and peels off. Even a mild abrasive such as dry baking soda can scratch the finish.

Among the disadvantages of laminated kitchens is fragility

How to degrease laminated MDF kitchen cabinets. Most in a simple way is a soap solution.

  1. Grate the floor of a bar of dark laundry soap on a coarse grater, dissolve in 2 liters of water.
  2. Sponge apply the solution to contaminated areas, trying not to wet it too much.
  3. After a while, wash the softened fat with the same sponge.
  4. Remove soap residue and dirt with a damp cloth.
  5. Wipe dry and polish with a paper towel.

Soap easily removes grease from a smooth laminate film. If greasy stains are old, it will not work to remove them all at once. It is better to regularly clean the kitchen of dirt or try rubbing old grease with vodka.

PVC film coating is not afraid of moisture, aggressive detergents. The exception is acetone and other solvents. Despite this, before applying a new composition, it is necessary to test its effect on the coating. You need to choose an inconspicuous place and rub it with a napkin dipped in the product.

PVC coating is moisture resistant, but is afraid of aggressive detergents

You can wash the PVC coating from fat with folk remedies using laundry soap, vinegar with white clay.

  1. Dilute the clay by pouring it with vinegar, about 2 times more in volume. Pound and mix until smooth.
  2. Apply the composition to the dirtiest places that have not been washed off, or spread a thin layer if the fat has formed a fresh film.
  3. After about 20 minutes, the clay will dry out and absorb the fat layer dissolved by the vinegar.
  4. Rinse off the remaining clay with warm water, rinse and wipe dry.

Glossy surfaces should be rubbed with a dry towel, otherwise cleaning agents leave stains on them. Even handprints remain on the doors if the lockers are not constantly wiped.

For painted surfaces, do not use detergents based on acids, chlorine, solvents and abrasives. How to wash grease in a painted kitchen. Vinegar with clay, laundry soap and baking powder for dough.

  1. Pour a pack - 100 g of baking powder for dough in 50 g of vegetable oil.
  2. Mix until smooth.
  3. Apply a thin layer on greasy spots.
  4. Wipe off with a damp cloth after 20 minutes.
  5. Remove residue with water and wipe.

They mainly paint MDF panels, applying paint to the facade, then several layers of varnish. This must be taken into account before washing the kitchen from fat. Even a rough fabric can spoil the shine, leaving matte scuffs. Folk remedies - soda with vegetable oil - will help clean the kitchen set from old fat.

  1. Oil is added to the soda in drops and mixed until a thick porridge is formed.
  2. The mixture is applied to the spots with a soft sponge or cotton pad.
  3. After 30 - 40 minutes, the composition is removed with a paper towel.
  4. The place of contamination is washed soapy water and wipe dry.

Cleansing occurs due to the softening of fat with oil. Baking soda absorbs all the dirt. It is not necessary to rub the composition, just remove the headset from the surface. Baking soda is a mild, fine abrasive and can scratch varnish.

Natural wood absorbs water and swells. In the manufacture of furniture, it is impregnated and coated protective compounds. How to clean the kitchen natural wood and preserve the unique beauty of wood. We wash with home remedies:

  • laundry soap;
  • mustard;
  • rice water;
  • vodka.

Of the purchased compositions, furniture polish is used. It is sprayed on the surface and immediately wiped everything with a napkin. The wax contained in the composition covers the furniture with an additional layer and protects it from moisture. Polish solves the problem of how to remove scuffs and small scratches on wooden kitchen. You don't have to use polish all the time. It is enough to use it once a month, washing the furniture in the kitchen with other means in between.

Vinegar, mixed in equal proportions with olive oil. wooden surface it is first treated with a detergent, then the composition is applied to a clean scratch and rubbed with a napkin across the defect. It is best to use microfiber and wipe everything dry.

Depending on the surface, cleaning methods are selected individually.

Mustard is suitable for removing grease on kitchen furniture from all materials. How to clean the headset with it? Horizontal surfaces should be lightly moistened with water and sprinkled with dry mustard. After a few minutes, wipe the countertops and covers with a sponge.

For vertical surfaces, a mushy substance is prepared from mustard powder with the addition of water. Sponge a thin layer on the furniture. Mustard removes grease and dirt without damaging varnish and paint on wood and MDF. Cleansing occurs quickly, so after 10 minutes you can rinse off with clean water - a damp cloth soaked in water, the remains of mustard powder.

After boiling the rice, do not pour out the water from it. You will have something to clean wooden furniture in the kitchen. It is desirable to wash with warm broth, it is easy to cope with a slight fatty coating. Old stains will not be removed in one go.

Some housewives use rice water to clean dirt.

Vodka is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed. Then wipe with a dry towel. The remaining stains of heavy dirt and old fat are moistened additionally, after 10 - 15 minutes they are wiped with a cotton pad, removing residual moisture with dirt.

In preparation for cleaning, the question is how to wash the tiles in the kitchen from fat. Waterproof tiles have a hard surface. Regardless of the matte or glossy version of the tile, when cleaning it, you can not use:

  • abrasive powders;
  • solvent;
  • metal washcloths;
  • acid-based products.

How to wash the tiles in the kitchen from grease without damaging its surface. You can use purchased special products and natural home-made products used for furniture:

  • soap;
  • mustard;
  • White;
  • vinegar with soda;
  • vodka.

Use dry mustard as a cleanser

With the help of a spray can be applied to tiles and Whiteness solution. It is added 10 - 20 ml per liter of water, sprayed over the tile. Can be applied with a sponge, wetting it in the composition. When working with bleach, be sure to wear protective rubber gloves and a mask.

In addition to cleaning grease from tiles, Whiteness cleans dirt and whitens the seams between tiles. It can be replaced with oxygen bleaches. They work effectively and do not destroy cement mortar joints.

For the tile, the housewives make their own detergent that cleans the fat. Mix lemon zest, dried and ground into powder, vinegar and vodka. Spray on the surface of the tile and wipe with a napkin. heavily greasy places are not cleaned at a time.

Apply the solution with a spray bottle and rub

Who does not tolerate the smell of table vinegar, it can be replaced with apple cider vinegar and mixed in equal proportions with vodka.

Plastic dissolves in acids and loses color when in contact with bleaches. Abrasives scratch it. You can wash it with special means and folk:

  • laundry soap;
  • rice water.

Suitable for plastic and any gel-like and liquid dish detergent. it should be dissolved in water, a few drops per liter, and wipe the surface with a soft sponge. Plastic should be washed well with water and wiped dry, rub it to a shine, removing all stains and traces.

Glass is easy to clean from grease. To do this, you can use dish detergent, soap, soda. For shine, it is necessary to wash off the detergent composition and rinse everything with a weak solution of vinegar. You can simply dilute 100 ml of vinegar in a liter of water and wash the glass covered with a greasy film.

Glass can be washed with ordinary dishwashing detergent.

You can quickly tidy up a glass backsplash or a window in the kitchen with a spray for windows and mirrors. You can wipe for a radiant shine with an old newspaper.

The most difficult - handles and other fittings

When it was possible to clean the kitchen and everything seems to be shining, handles, hooks, awnings are striking. From above they are clean, but in the corners, dirt hid under them. It is impossible to get it with a sponge or a napkin. Therefore, cotton buds and an old toothbrush are used.

First, prepare the composition:

  • soda with vegetable oil;
  • mustard with water;
  • vodka.

A universal remedy for removing old fat under the handles at home is ammonia anise drops. They are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

You can also use a purchased product designed to clean grease and dirt on the surface of this type of furniture. First you need to apply the prepared composition. Then, after a while, remove the dirt from hard-to-reach places toothbrush. Where the pile does not reach, cotton swabs, toothpicks are used.