Well      04/17/2019

Design of a 1-room apartment with a large loggia. Options for arranging furniture in a one-room apartment, advice from designers

A one-room apartment is a cozy corner, which is so warm and comfortable like home. Design one room apartment is considered a difficult task, because within a small space it is necessary to distribute zones that differ in functionality. Anyone who lives in small apartments knows how difficult it is to organize space correctly. But it should be noted that in large apartments free space is often used irrationally. The designers of the ArtRemont company have long been accustomed to saving every centimeter, so our designs turn out comfortable regardless of the number of rooms in the apartment and the area.

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The best variation on the theme of organizing the interior in a one-room apartment is minimalism. Precisely due to its ease of implementation and impeccable functionality. We increasingly offer our clients mixed styling. For example, mixing elements Scandinavian style, eco design, ethnic - fits perfectly and dilutes functional minimalist interiors.

It is very important to think through every little detail, choose the right colors and textures. And this task is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, unless you are a professional interior designer, of course. Therefore, ArtRemont decided to simplify your task so that the repair goes without hassle - we give the design project of a one-room apartment as a gift, when ordering its implementation from us. That is, if you perform it using our specialists, design will be for you free.

The cost of a design project for a one-room apartment.

In order for customers to understand how much money can be saved by cooperating with ArtRemont, we will talk about prices on the market. The price of a design project in Moscow ranges from 1,200 rubles / m2 to 5,000 rubles / m2 - if you are equal to the middle segment of the market. Within our company, a design project for a one-room apartment costs 1,200 rubles/m2. Based on the area, say 38 m2, the design of an apartment will cost you 45,600 rubles. If you were offered a gift of that amount, would you refuse? So we think it’s stupid to refuse such gifts. We create

Young people and couples most often buy one-room apartments. New housing purchased on the secondary market is not important. Before you enter it, it is supposed to make repairs to a one-room apartment. Only the concept is very loose and can mean both a simple wallpaper plywood and redevelopment. We will demonstrate several results of repairs of varying degrees of "severity" in the article. They are completely different in style and goals, but are all about remodeling 1-room apartments. Looking at the photo, you can apply some ideas in your own practice.

General principles and techniques

One-room apartments usually do not have large areas. The dwellings of the old buildings - in Khrushchev - are about 30 square meters. m, but in new buildings it’s a little more: maybe 40 sq.m or more. In any case, you have to carefully think through the layout and arrangement of furniture: every centimeter counts.

Where to start renovating a one-room apartment? You need to draw a plan with dimensions, and to scale. Next you need to look at what can be improved.

Moving the door closer to the load-bearing wall

First of all, pay attention to the location of the doors. In old layouts they were often placed in the middle of the wall. This is very uneconomical from the point of view of using space: too large an area becomes “dead”. We walk around in it, and there is no way to install anything. It is much more convenient if the doors are moved closer to one of the walls. Which one is up to you to choose. Moreover, this is a restructuring, not a redevelopment, but it must be registered.

Combining a bathroom

The biggest problem with small-sized housing is very small bathrooms. In old houses they are simply tiny. They don't even have the ability to put washing machine. Since the rest of the rooms are not very spacious, we have to make some adjustments to find space. Therefore, when starting to repair a one-room apartment, very often they demolish the partition between the bathroom and the toilet. They are definitely not load-bearing, so there are no problems with coordination. This solution alone can provide the necessary centimeters.

The second thing that is often done is to replace the bathroom with a shower. This solution is not acceptable for everyone, but there is a little more space. You can either make it yourself from brick, tile, driving the wall into half a brick or putting . Read how to make a shower cabin yourself

Removing partitions between the bathroom and toilet is one of the repair options

Demolition of storage rooms

Most floor plans have closets. But their location is often so unfortunate that it is better without them. But the vacated space can be taken for appliances or made in this place, a built-in wardrobe. They may take up the same amount of space, but their functionality is much wider.

Demolition of storage rooms is already a standard solution

Combining rooms with a balcony

Since new insulation materials have appeared today, making it possible to achieve a high degree of thermal insulation with a small thickness, it has become possible to combine rooms with balconies or loggias. Not only the walls, but also the ceiling and floor are well insulated. Moreover, it’s a good idea to install underfloor heating: moving batteries is difficult (design, approval), but laying a heating cable is possible and relatively easy. A design for such heating is not required.

When combining rooms with a balcony, keep in mind that you can only remove the part that was under the window. It is strictly forbidden to touch those walls from floor to ceiling. Such alterations will never be legalized for you: these are external load-bearing walls and they are responsible for the integrity of the building.

Studio apartment

Another solution popular among young people: the demolition of almost all partitions. Only the bathroom and toilet remain fenced off. All other walls are removed. It turns out the so-called From an ordinary one-room apartment with an area of ​​​​a little more than 30 meters, with this type of renovation you can make a quite decent room. There are disadvantages to this solution: the kitchen is practically combined with the rest of the rooms and the smells of food will spread throughout the apartment. Therefore, it must have a powerful hood. This solves the problem.

This option can be modified - make the walls beveled, etc. Just remember that expanding the area of ​​bathrooms and kitchens is possible only at the expense of technical premises. Since in this case this happens at the expense of the hallway, there are no problems. But in this area you will have to do enhanced waterproofing: several layers will definitely be required. Be prepared for this to be spelled out in the draft approval.

You will find some ideas for renovating a one-room apartment in the video. A real object, filmed before renovation, then the main stages and “after”.


Having decided what you want to do in your one-room apartment during the repair, you can submit the project for approval. This is not a quick thing. In the meantime, start calculating materials and purchasing them. The advice is this: start a separate notebook or file - whatever you’re used to. For each type of work, allocate a separate page where you write everything that needs to be done about this. First, all the work that is needed, then - in detail all the required materials. And right down to nails, anchors, screws (with dimensions), adhesive tape and other trifles, which are innumerable.

Arranging furniture in a one-room apartment is a creative process

After completing the development for each type of work, make a general list of materials: sum up the quantity. Then you can start looking for places to purchase. Some can be found on the Internet, some in stores. Small things are often taken carelessly, but they prefer to make more or less large purchases by visiting stores. And this is correct: quality cannot be determined from a picture. Therefore, first call, check the prices, then go to the addresses, look and feel. And don't be shy to ask questions. By the time you collect all the materials, the documents will be ready.

That's when the actual work begins. Whether to make repairs in an apartment yourself or hire a team - everyone decides this question for themselves. If you hire different people for different types work, careful control is required during the entire process, since having completed their “piece” of work they will disappear. Those masters who come after them will nod that their predecessors did everything... wrong.

It is impossible to give clear instructions on what to do and why: too various works maybe, but in general case the order is:

  • Dismantling/installation of partitions.
  • Modernization engineering systems(ventilation, plumbing) and electrical wiring (, electrical wiring in rooms through).
  • Replacement of windows.
  • Leveling walls, ceilings, plastering.
  • Heating system installation.
  • Pouring/flooring.
  • Finishing work.
  • Furniture arrangement

If some work is not needed, simply omit it. But if it is planned major renovation, then they are all necessary, especially in old apartments.

Renovation of a one-room apartment: interior design

If renovations are taking place in an already lived-in apartment, you are clearly connected to the items that you already have. Some of them will be replaced, but most of, as a rule, remains. Since the premises are already lived-in, you can already imagine quite clearly where you can put new things/equipment, and when you look at them in a store or in a photo, you can quite accurately determine how they will “fit” into the existing space and decor.

One way to increase the area during renovation is to dismantle the partitions. Only this is an option - no one will ever agree to move the kitchen to the place of the bedroom. A miracle can only happen on the first floor

When planning the interior of a new building, it becomes more and more difficult. It's simpler - you start with clean slate and no old things. You can choose a style, color, texture without being tied to existing elements. But the room is still unfamiliar, and it’s difficult to imagine how this or that thing will look. In this case, design programs that allow you to present projects in volume will help. Just drawing a plan is not enough: not everything that looks good on a piece of paper will also look good in volume. Other situations often occur: what looked bad on the sheet turns out to be a godsend in volume. Therefore, first you develop a plan on a sheet of paper, and then transfer it to a three-dimensional image. Only immediately with the dimensions, otherwise it is a waste of time.

At this stage, keep track of the little things. Which way does the door open, what size is it, and how convenient it will be. Moreover, this applies not only to doors - entrance and interior, but also to doors in closets and cabinets. At the same time, do not forget about the aisles: in order to be able to pass normally, the space should be 70-80 cm, but a little more is better. Further we will be based on specific examples.

Make a two-room apartment from a one-room 32-meter apartment

In a typical Khrushchev building with an area of ​​32 meters, repairs were made, during which a separate bedroom was allocated. Moreover, alterations are minimal. The partition separating the corridor has been removed (more like just a door), side wall continued, with its help they fenced off part of the living room, turning it into a bedroom.

Just pay attention: the apartment is corner. The room has two windows. This made it possible to get two full, albeit small, rooms.

When designing the interior you want to see after the renovation in your one-room apartment, rely on your daily activities.

Let's start from the doors. Here you are. You need somewhere to put your bags, sit down, take off your shoes, hang your clothes. Place all this in the hallway. First of all, the closet. In this case, he took a place opposite the door. The photo shows the hallway in this apartment, looking from the kitchen. To make the room lighter and more voluminous, the door in the closet opposite the kitchen was made mirrored. It reflects light, illuminating the day better than lamps.

If you look from the side of the door, there are two doors on the right: to the bedroom and living room, directly to the kitchen.

Next is the kitchen. Arriving with packages, you inevitably end up there. Here, like everyone else: refrigerator, stove, sink. The refrigerator was located to the left of the window. All other equipment is along one wall, with a slight “entry” to the side.

In the living room there was a sofa along one of the walls. At first we planned a corner one, but we liked this better.

In this small room still fit coffee table and cabinet with appliances.

Now - the bedroom. There is a full-size bed in it, there was even room for a chest of drawers, above which the TV was placed. The passage between them remains a standard width: just 70 cm.

It turned out quite cute and functional. The pictures were taken immediately after the renovation: many little details are simply not there yet, so everything looks somewhat official. The hosts (a young couple) were already receiving guests. Their small living room fit 8 people))

Renovation in a one-room apartment 40 meters

Apartment for a young couple, designed by a specialist. Almost no redevelopment was done. The main alterations affected the bathroom.

The remaining “advantages” of the layout were played out using “design tricks”. The plan of this 1-room apartment after renovation looks like this.

There is a small built-in wardrobe in the hallway. It is simply necessary. A small wall was specially placed under it.

The most serious limbers touched the bathroom: instead of a toilet, they made a technical room. There is a washing machine, boiler, and storage systems here.

In the bathroom, in order to fit everything you need in a small area, they abandoned the bathroom. It was replaced with a shower box. It turned out compact.

Very interesting color scheme kitchens: gray tones with bright pink accents. Table unusual shape made to order, like .

To prevent the cabinets from taking up a lot of space, it was decided to occupy only one wall. A rather large refrigerator even fit in here. To prevent the space above it from “walking around”, a cabinet was hung above it. Also note that wall cabinets height almost to the ceiling: on the upper shelves they put what is used infrequently.

To prevent the pink stools from looking too defiant, photo wallpapers are pasted on the wall. They harmonize the entire interior.

View "from the stove"

A lot of interesting solutions and in the room. There was previously a free space to the right of the entrance. It is occupied by a wall-length closet. This solved two problems: there is where to put things, and the room was made more square.

It is divided into two zones by a translucent shelf-partition: work and rest. Zoning is emphasized different wallpapers, as well as the presence of a carpet in the recreation area.

The design of a one-room apartment is a unique challenge. The task is not an easy one: to fit everything necessary for life into an area of ​​30-50 square meters. And the kitchen and work area, and a place to rest and sleep. We have collected for you interesting ideas on interior design of one-room apartments. Let's figure it out together!

Far-reaching plans

Soberly assess the possibilities: what is the area of ​​​​the apartment, the state of communications, the height of the ceilings? Are there any additional rooms that can be used in the layout - a balcony, a pantry, a niche? Do you have any children? What style would you like to decorate your apartment in? All this will help you better understand your capabilities and begin planning. It is best to order a design project taking into account individual characteristics, which will clearly demonstrate the future interior.

Interior design in a one-room apartment

Main room

The only room in a one-room apartment is a multifunctional space. It accommodates a living room, bedroom, work area and, if necessary, a children's room. There are several features that should be taken into account when planning.


Free arrangement of furniture

Don’t try to fill every free meter with furniture and decor. The solid “wall” along the entire wall remained in the 90s.

Sofa instead of bed

Folding sofa instead of a bed. It can also be comfortable for sleeping thanks to the orthopedic mattress. And it takes up half as much space.

Effective zoning

Don't forget about zoning. Partitions, screens, curtains and shelving are indispensable for separating the recreation area from the work area.

Transformable bed

Mobile option sleeping place - folding bed. Stows away in the closet during the day and comes out at night. Very comfortably! More about transformable furniture.

Bed on the mezzanine

If ceiling height allows, consider installing bunk bed. Below you can place a cabinet or workplace- practical and creative. significantly save space, which is so valuable in a one-room apartment.

Different lighting

One chandelier in the center of the ceiling - boring and little light. Use built-in lights, diode panels, floor lamps and table lamps.

Work space on the windowsill

The working area can be combined with a window sill or a folding table can be installed, which can be disassembled if necessary.

Hallway design

The apartment starts from the hallway. If you have it very small, think about how to place everything you need there. Saves space narrow shoe rack, shoe rack with a seat on top, poufs with shelves under the seat. Large mirror can be hung directly on front door- it’s convenient to look at it before going out. Instead of a separate hanger, you can hang coat hooks and a shelf for hats and scarves on the wall.

If the hallway area is more than four meters, it makes sense to install a closet. Take a closer look at built-in models if there is a niche. Such cabinets are located from floor to ceiling, combining a closet and a pantry.

Bathroom and toilet

In a one-room apartment, bathrooms can be either adjacent or separate. In any case, you will need to fit maximum amount items in small space. You should not place the toilet diagonally, as this will eat up the usable area. Also look at showers instead of bathtubs. Don’t forget that you can install a cabinet with shelves under the sink, and narrow wall cabinets won’t take up much space.

Kitchen Design

As a rule, kitchens in one-room apartments are very small. But even three square meters can be used wisely! Position kitchen set angle, experiment with the shape of the tabletop. The window sill can be used as an additional work area or a dining table. By the way, the table itself can be a narrow bar counter or a folding table mounted on the wall. Like on a train, remember? Why not?

Small household appliances It's best to hide it in cabinets when not in use. And large ones now exist in any size and for every taste - built-in appliances, small bar refrigerators, two-burner electric and gas stoves, narrow dishwashers.


Having a balcony in a one-room apartment is a significant bonus, almost a separate room! Don't store unnecessary things there, but use the space to your advantage. You can insulate the balcony or organize whatever you want there.

Or you can install light there and create a work or lounge area. Great option there will be a podium bed: it combines a place to relax upstairs and the possibility of storing things inside.

Solutions for children

Every person, even the smallest, needs personal space. You can read separately about the design of a children's area in a one-room apartment. It is convenient to place the crib in a niche (if there is one) and fence it off with a curtain or shelving.

Using color zoning, you can designate the “adult” part of the room with more saturated colors, and the “children’s” part with light pastel colors.

Color scheme for a one-room apartment

White color visually expands the space. Therefore, light shades of furniture and decoration are indispensable in the design of a one-room apartment.

You can do certain color accents. For example, a bright sofa, and everything else is like a background for it. The color of wood or stone, yellow, white, blue, pink creates a cozy atmosphere in the house.

The color scheme of the apartment reflects the character of the owner. If you are comfortable in a dark room, add a contrasting accent to one wall. No need to paint dark color except the ceiling. The light reflects most of all from the ceiling, black eats up a good half of the light. This is especially critical in small apartments.

Design styles for a one-room apartment

At the stage of determining the general concept of the apartment, ask yourself, what is your soul? Some people like organic minimalism, others want to live in a creative loft, or maybe you can’t live without beautiful decor? You always need to start from your own feelings.

The first thing that comes to mind when decorating a one-room apartment is. This does not mean that the decor will be spartan - table, chair, sofa and that's it. Minimalism assumes that every piece of furniture is needed for a reason, and not just because. It’s great if it performs more than one function. For example, a folding sofa - and you can sit and sleep. Extended window sill as a table or working space. Furniture decor in this style is as laconic as possible and does not take up space.

Fashionable today is perfect for the design of a one-room apartment for one person or a young couple. Don’t be confused by the fact that lofts usually require large areas. Use individual elements for inspiration and turn your apartment into a cozy space for living and creativity.

An excellent solution for the design of a one-room apartment. It involves a lot of light and a light finish. This design will visually expand the area and is perfect for small apartments. With the right approach, you will not have bare white walls and a hospital atmosphere, but a minimalistic modern design.

Suitable for romantic natures. Light colors, delicate decor. The main highlight of a one-room apartment in the Provence style will definitely be the kitchen - you simply won’t want to leave there!

What can be concluded? No matter what area you have, you can always make your home cozy and comfortable to live in. Believe me, we tried and we know. The main thing is to decide on your budget, priorities, and the style of your future home. This will help

Many people, dreaming of their own home, mentally picture a chic country cottage that will fit absolutely everything that is required for a comfortable life. However, such a luxury for the majority of the country’s population still remains inaccessible; these people have only one option - to make the most of the living space they already have. If desired, the modern design of a one-room apartment can be done in such a way that your efforts will make its shortcomings invisible and make it sparkle. bright colors dignity. Work on the interior of a small apartment will be aimed at increasing the functional component, creating an original direction in style, maintaining comfort and charm. The main advantage of small-sized housing is getting rid of unnecessary interior items. Such work should be taken extremely seriously, since the main task here is to make every centimeter of the available space useful.

Layout and expansion of space

The main issue is the correct layout of the apartment. The most difficult thing is to decide how to place the bedroom and living room in a small space. Combine both zones, or completely abandon one of them. If you choose to keep both zones, the space will have to be divided later. This is not the best option for a small room. Two ideas are in greatest demand:

  • Placing a transforming sofa in the room, allowing you to create a living room with a sleeping place.
  • Placing the bed in the far corner of the room or in a niche, while the sofa remains in the center.

If the housing is designed for one person, additional room for maneuver is maintained in the layout. For a married couple, a wonderful solution would be to create a living room with the function of a bedroom. Concerning modern design The interior of a one-room apartment for three people, one of whom is a child, is impossible without placing a child’s bed in a niche or in the far corner of the room.

How to carry out a real redevelopment

There is really only one way to expand the space - by carrying out a real redevelopment. To do this, a small-sized apartment will need to be turned into a studio, eliminating all the walls, the only exception being those that separate the bathroom. Sometimes such drastic changes are not practical; it is enough to just move the walls a little. Some designers use an extraordinary technique, working specifically on doorways, moving them to the most suitable place for this.

It is very important that in order to undertake such radical changes, you should have the relevant documents on hand. From the idea of ​​transfer or complete liquidation load-bearing walls must be abandoned immediately, since such alterations cause collapse multi-storey building. Consider another way to expand the usable space by combining the room with a niche or loggia. Often this frees up only two to three meters, but even this area can radically change the overall impression of the renovated home.

About the design of a one-room apartment of 40 sq m

If you initially purchased a studio apartment, the size of which reaches 40 square meters, it is much easier to make it functional and cozy. You just need to draw up a detailed design project for the arrangement of the furniture you have. If you are just about to purchase furniture for your studio, we can only be happy for you. Take advantage of the unique chance and choose from the proposed range best options furniture - functional, modern and, of course, not too bulky. In this case, it is preferable to purchase built-in furniture for the kitchen, thus saving living space.

It is very important - even if you have a studio apartment at your disposal, you should think about every step if you independently organize a living space for several people. Each family member should live in the most comfortable conditions, since the comfort of living in a small area for the whole family depends on this.

Home color scheme

Most designers, when decorating the interior of a one-room apartment, pay special attention to correct selection flowers, pushing aside the choice of furniture and accessories. This is correct, since colors are the most important psychological impact per person.

  • To ensure a relaxing effect, go for blue, green or brown.
  • To strengthen nervous system, create positive emotions, use yellow.
  • Red has a stimulating effect, but it quickly tires, for this reason, red color should be used in 1-room apartments only to create bright accents.
  • Pink color has a calming effect, but its excess and excessive brightness causes aggression and anxiety.

The best option for use in a one-room apartment is considered to be sand, cream, and green colors, which create an even, calm mood for the people living here.

How not to make mistakes when choosing curtains and furniture

When you decide on the color of the walls, choose curtains that match the texture and color. Your helpers are special color matching tables; they can be found on the Internet. When choosing furniture, do not violate the main prohibition - it is categorically not recommended to use bulky furniture here; in a small apartment it only creates discomfort. As an option - built-in furniture, consider transformers that occupy a minimum area when assembled. When selecting cabinet furniture, pay attention to modern sliding walls, which create a special style in the room, serving great place for storage. Consider a transforming sofa as a place to store bed linen. Furniture manufacturers produce interesting options For small spaces, one of the know-how is a bed built into a closet. Near the front door, which creates “dead space,” rational owners arrange storage rooms and a wardrobe. This saves space in the room, where you no longer need a wardrobe or bedside tables.

Modern style

If you often use catering services and only occasionally eat at home, it is better to use a folding table. It is difficult to imagine the life of our contemporary without a personal computer; a stationary option is unlikely to work; it is better to purchase a compact laptop that does not require a large desk. Bookcases and shelves will become a place to store books and business papers. IN small room It is preferable to use compact and functional furniture; for a family of two you will need:

  • Wardrobe;
  • Sleeping area;
  • Workplace.

Choosing furniture Special attention pay attention to its color, it is better if it is light. The optimal combination is considered to be white with shades of blue or beige. If you are not going to do without dark/bright colors, it is not recommended to make them primary, it is better when they serve only as accents. If you still made the walls dark, then the furniture should definitely be white, this little trick will visually expand the space.

Extremely space-saving

A one-room apartment should have a high-quality storage system, especially when this housing is intended for several people. Sliding wardrobes with mirrors are ideal for this purpose, as they visually expand the space. Their main function is storage. It is simply beyond praise - you can easily place clothes and shoes for the whole family in such a closet. As for house plants, it is better to place them on window sills so that shelves and special flower stands do not take up useful space. The kitchen window sill is turned into a comfortable one dinner table, replacing it with a durable countertop. The minimum set of kitchen furniture includes a refrigerator, sink, stove, washing machine, and table for cooking. This may not be a suitable option for you; some housewives find it difficult to do without oven, kitchen hood. If an oven is not needed, the stove is built directly into the countertop.

Lighting for an apartment

The issue of lighting in small rooms is always acute. There should be a lot of it, since lighting makes a small home cozy, expanding it visually. Each functional area must have your own lighting fixture. General lighting of the interior of a one-room apartment suggests original chandelier, creating modern style premises. One chandelier is not enough, you will need additional light, but do not overdo it with excessive brightness, which causes visual fatigue. The brightness of the local color should be higher than the brightness of the general lighting. An excellent option for local lighting is spot lighting, ceilings with LED backlight. Can be used LED lights in the darkest places - to illuminate the interior of cabinets, lighting in the kitchen. When choosing lamps for a typical apartment, pay attention to the correct, rational approach to illuminating the space, otherwise general form the room will look like a random pile of furniture, practicality and convenience will fade into the background.

7209 03/08/2019 6 min.

We associate a small one-room apartment, first of all, with an uncomfortable and cramped home with low ceilings. Owners of typical one-room apartments often complain about the lack of free space and lack of additional rooms. However modern technologies allow you to organize the design of such apartments in such a way that there is enough space for everything you need, but turns into a multifunctional room with several zones. How to equip a one-room apartment and make it a spacious, comfortable space?

But not everyone may like this idea. Combining the living room and kitchen has its downsides. In this case, there is another way out - the space can only be expanded visually, using different techniques: the play of light, facing materials, zoning, etc. Perfect here glossy ceiling with a large number of lamps, which will make the room seem much wider and larger than it is. Another alternative is a two-level plasterboard ceiling with neon lighting. A prerequisite for “odnushka” is bright hues with transitions and soft lines. It is quite possible to implement it in a small one-room apartment.