Mixer      04/13/2019

Kitchen hood. Technical parameters and installation. Tips for choosing a hood for the kitchen

Housewives who cannot imagine their lives without cooking and culinary experiments know firsthand about such companions of the creative process as unpleasant odors, grease, stains and soot. A kitchen hood, correctly selected and correctly installed above the stove, will help you cope with such annoying troubles. An obvious solution to the problem involves finding answers to additional questions: how to choose it, what criteria should the device meet, which manufacturers are the most reliable? Today's article will be devoted to these current topics.

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    Purpose and features of work

    All modern hoods are based on the principle of forced air ventilation. Today this is one of the the most effective ways eliminating fumes, unpleasant odors, small parts and combustion products. In the kitchen, not only odors are formed, but also fat that accompanies almost every cooking.

    Inside the device there is a special filtration system that absorbs soot, fumes, as well as a “bouquet of accompanying aromas.” The device also includes a small electric motor with a fan, necessary for forced ventilation. The listed components are located in a housing, the upper part of which includes mechanical or electronic controls.

    The choice often comes down to specifying the method of purifying air masses. According to this parameter, all devices are divided into 2 types:

    • recirculation - the contaminated stream is purified through filters, after which the air is discharged back into the room;
    • flow-through - types of kitchen hoods in which the purified flow is discharged outside through the ventilation system. The main condition is that it must be functioning.

    Operating principle of flow and recirculation devices

    Most of them are fixed either to the ceiling. If it is necessary to maintain the aesthetic integrity and design intent of the kitchen, it can always be hidden in a small wall cabinet. In this case, the device will remain invisible.

    Types of kitchen hoods

    Classic solutions

    Professionals know that best hoods for the kitchen - hanging flat ones, which are mounted directly above the stove. The logic here is obvious - what simpler device, the more effective and safe it is. According to statistics, up to 80% of such units operate in air recirculation mode.

    Classic kitchen option

    The kitchen hood works in tandem with disposable carbon filters. This type of units is considered the most affordable and easiest to install. The main disadvantage is that unpleasant odors are only partially absorbed. There are also suspended flow-through types of kitchen hoods on sale, but they are more expensive, and for installation it is better to seek the help of a specialist.

    note! They purify the air much more efficiently, and they do not require carbon filters for full and high-quality work.

    Embedded Solutions

    These kitchen hoods fit seamlessly above the stove at the base of the wall cabinet design. The main advantage of such devices is their excellent combination with the interior and impeccable aesthetics. Most of them are equipped with a small retractable panel, thanks to which you can increase the effective absorption area of ​​evaporation and polluted air. built-in type is quite high.

    Built-in model

    note! It starts to work in the same mode in whichand was turned off.

    Manufacturers equip all types of built-in kitchen hoods with reliable filtration mechanisms and two powerful electric motors. Their cost is slightly higher than units of the classical layout, and the performance is better, not to mention the excellent aesthetics. And if the choice comes down to traditional or built-in solutions, we recommend giving preference to the latter.

    Dome products

    Dome hoods for the kitchen are mounted above the base of the stove near the ceiling. Visually, they echo the shape of the dome, for which they received the corresponding tension. As for the operating features, they are comparable to fireplace exhaust systems. The hood device in the kitchen is quite simple: fans take in air, after which it is filtered and redirected into the room or diverted into the ventilation shaft.

    Dome models

    Such models traditionally top the ratings of the most sought-after and popular among buyers. They are distinguished by their design versatility, thanks to which they can complement the interior of any room. How to choose a dome-type kitchen hood? In most cases, you should rely on the design of the device, and technical characteristics are no longer so important.

    Now you know what kitchen hoods are, but this knowledge is not enough to make a full choice. It is necessary to take into account a number technical features these household solutions. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

    Power and performance

    Experienced experts, answering the question of how to choose the right hood for the kitchen, recommend focusing on its performance. This is the most important technical specifications, directly affecting air purity. Performance should be understood as a specific digital value of cubic meters of air masses that the unit is able to filter.

    The corresponding value can be calculated on our own. The volume of the room is multiplied by 12 (in accordance with sanitary standards the frequency of air change in the kitchen is 12 times / hour), and then by a factor of 1.3. When choosing household appliances, we recommend that you at least make indicative calculations in accordance with the formula below.

    Formula for calculating productivity

    Among other things, a number of additional factors should be taken into account. From the hob, it should be located at a height of 60 to 85 cm. If set above the indicated values, it is necessary to provide for a power reserve.

    Example! Which hood is better for a kitchen with an area of ​​17 m2, with a ceiling height of 2.7 m? – The optimal performance option is 716 m 3 /hour.

    Table for calculating the power of the device, based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen and the height of the ceilings

    In old-built houses, the ventilation system, in particular, the air duct, may not be able to cope with such a significant load. What to do in this case? It will be good to use the unit, but not at the maximum possible power. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the noise level by several orders of magnitude.

    Advice! The hood for the kitchen should be selected taking into account the culinary preferences of a particular family. Do you cook a lot every day? – Take care of the maximum performance of the device.

    When choosing a unit for a stove, you should take into account its performance. The solutions presented in the retail network are characterized by a power of up to 500 W. This is quite enough to ensure high performance.

    Important selection criteria

    Size. When answering the question of how to choose a hood for the kitchen, many experts advise to be guided simple advice– the width of the device should be slightly larger than the width of the slab. In this case, the device will be able to effectively absorb fumes and unpleasant odors. You can also consider matching these two sizes.

    Filtration system. Different ones are capable of absorbing soot, unpleasant odors, fats and even small particles in different ways. To get rid of fats, it is customary to use special metal solutions. Most of them have a removable design. It can be washed without problems and used for a long time.

    Filter options

    Control Features. Modern kitchen appliances are equipped with electronic or mechanical control systems. Some models have slide switches. They are much more convenient and simpler for the user.

    Which hood to choose is entirely up to you, but it’s best to choose a system with remote control. In this case, it will be possible to control the operation of the device using a tablet or smartphone while being at the opposite end of the city. Naturally, you will have to install an additional application.

    Control Panel

    Noise level. When asked which hoods are best for the kitchen, most potential buyers say that they are quiet. And the rating of consumer requests presented below only confirms this opinion. The noise level should be assessed according to the following values:

    • up to 35 dB – the quietest devices, the operation of which is comparable to a whisper;
    • up to 45 dB - relatively quiet units that function in the same way as a normal conversation;
    • up to 50 dB – permissible noise;
    • up to 70 dB – limiting acoustic value.

Today, a kitchen hood can be called an integral part of every kitchen, because thanks to this type of equipment you can quickly rid the room of a variety of extraneous and unpleasant odors, as well as fumes harmful to human health that arise during the cooking process.

However, its effectiveness depends on the chosen model and the conditions in the house.

What types of hoods are there?

Today, hoods are produced in standard sizes (120, 90, 60, 50 cm), so taking into account this criterion, it is necessary to choose a model based on the size of the kitchen stove (should be slightly smaller than that of this appliance).

It is worth noting that there are hoods of non-standard sizes, but they are quite rare. This type household appliances can be free-standing or built-in, made of glass, plastic, as well as aluminum and of stainless steel.

Principle of operation

Based on the principle of their operation, hoods are divided into two types. The first of them includes models through which air flows outside the kitchen. These systems are connected directly to the chimney or directly to the ventilation duct.

The second group of hoods works on the principle of recirculation, which means that all foreign odors are passed through special filters and then returned purified to the room.

These functions are included in most modern models. However, in order for this type of hood to work as efficiently as possible, they must be additionally equipped with carbon filters.

It is extremely important to know that the combination of a gas water heater and a vent hood is unacceptable.


When choosing a hood you must Special attention draw on its power. There are models on the market, this indicator ranges from one hundred seventy to one and a half thousand cubic meters per hour.

Hoods with a certain power must correspond to the area of ​​the room. Ideally, this technique should exchange oxygen six times per hour, so in order to calculate the optimal power, you need to multiply the cubic capacity of the kitchen by six.

To simplify the choice of the most appropriate option as much as possible, sellers and manufacturers almost always indicate in the accompanying documents for the hood the square footage of the room for which the selected model is intended.

The most affordable hoods are designed for kitchens whose square footage does not exceed sixteen square meters. The most powerful devices cope with the task in a room whose area does not exceed twenty-eight square meters.

Minimum performance professional hoods is eight hundred cubic meters per hour.

Noise level

An important factor that you need to pay attention to when choosing a hood model is its noise level. It is logical that the noisy operation of the device will only cause negative emotions.

The most optimal are those models that during their operation create noise not exceeding forty-eight decibels. The minimum indicator in this case ranges from 30-70 decibels.


When purchasing a hood, you should take into account that it must fit into the design and interior of the kitchen.

There are models that can maximally emphasize the expressiveness of the design of a room, while becoming its dominant object. Other hoods can fit quite discreetly into the kitchen space.

When choosing this technique, it is important not only to take into account its design solution, but also the principle of its installation. For example:

  • Dome-type hoods are attached directly to the wall. This type can be divided into corner models and beveled models.
  • “Island” hoods can be divided into a separate group. They are intended to be installed above the so-called “kitchen island”. Models of this type are extremely respectable and are often equipped with original lighting.
  • Built-in hoods also deserve attention. They can be completely built-in (they can even be built into the bottom of a wall cabinet, which is located above kitchen stove), and partially built-in or telescopic. There are also models that are built into the wall and placed directly above the kitchen work surfaces.


Hood filters should also not be ignored. They come in two types: coal and fat.

Grease filters easily retain the smallest particles of fat, but when using them, it is recommended to use reusable metal filters, which are quite easy to clean and dismantle.

The main purpose of carbon filters is to eliminate unpleasant odors. They need to be replaced according to all the rules specified by the manufacturer. The service life of such filters may be limited to several months or years.


Since the hood is located above hob, she is also extremely convenient place to place the backlight. Manufacturers readily use this opportunity and equip hoods with various lamps. These can be fluorescent lamps, regular incandescent lamps or halogen lamps.

Their number and location can be varied. The most common option is the far part of the model, the least convenient is near the wall (in this case, only the back row of burners is effectively illuminated). Modern models have the ability to change the intensity of the light flux, focusing the lighting only over the work surface or over the entire kitchen.

Control Panel

All modern hoods have simple, intuitive controls. Typically, the panel consists of a button that turns on the backlight, as well as buttons for selecting operating modes with different performance levels. This control option is the most reliable, simple and cheap.

Sometimes the buttons are replaced with sensors. In this case, a light touch is required to activate the functions. Often touch control is accompanied by an LED indication. Sometimes a mechanical switch - a slider - can be used to switch power.

However, there are also complex systems controls, including a special LCD display, which displays information about performance, operating modes, and backlight level.

Modern technologies

Today, there are models of hoods that are equipped with unusual functions that make the operation process as simple as possible.

These include remote control, programmable electronic systems, sensors automatic switching on(activated when the humidity in the kitchen increases), the ability to work from the hob (without human intervention).

How to choose the right hood for a gas stove: main points

Thus, in order to choose the right hood for a gas stove, you need to take into account its size, required power, noise level, type of desired lighting, control method, filter type.

Only after carefully studying all the features, advantages and disadvantages can you maximally protect the kitchen from foreign odors and create comfortable conditions for cooking.

List of online stores with discounts on hoods

It’s hard to imagine without an air purifier modern kitchen. The smell of cooking food, stuffiness, dirty deposits on the ceiling, walls and furniture, unfavorable climate in the house - all this is a thing of the past thanks to the invention of this irreplaceable assistant. Before answering the question, how to choose a hood? It is necessary to understand what types of hoods there are, consider their types and functional features.

Why are hoods so necessary?

A lot depends on the state of the air: from the taste of dishes that are prepared or stored indoors, to the well-being of family members. Insufficient air ventilation can cause dizziness, and unpleasant odors spoil your mood and impair your appetite, which is why it is necessary to purify the air. Ventilating the room does little to prevent the smell of burning directly in the work area, therefore, to improve the climate in the house, it would be better to capture odors immediately above the stove. To perform this task, you need a hood in any kitchen. Especially necessary and important with gas stove, she catches carbon monoxide which are released during combustion.

When we choose a hood, we want it to be efficient, quiet, not very expensive, look stylish in the interior, require simple installation, and reliably improve the home climate. How to choose a kitchen hood and how to find out which one you need is determined by many parameters, which we will list in this article.

Do you need a hood in a kitchen with an electric stove?

When purchasing an electric stove, many people ask themselves whether they need a hood? A fairly common misconception about the unimportance of a hood when using an electric or induction cooker. Indeed, electric stoves do not emit carbon monoxide like gas stoves, this is their main advantage. But the smells when cooking on an electric stove are the same as the presence of burning when frying food. The smell of food throughout the apartment is not the most pleasant moment. Therefore, we answer with confidence - you should approach the choice of a hood for an electric stove in the same way as if you had a gas stove.

Types of exhaust devices

Based on their shape, the following types of kitchen hoods can be distinguished: flat suspended, built-in and dome.


The most common type is hanging. Such devices are cheaper than other models, their installation is easy and does not require the participation of a specialist. Such a device is located above the hob, and you can also place a cabinet above it, since the flat model does not require installation under the ventilation duct. Air purifiers of this type sometimes look bulky in the interior, however, with proper selection, they will support both classic elements and notes of modern design. The flat model is equipped with replaceable filters, which efficient work It's better to change it in a timely manner.


Built-in appliances are installed in a special cabinet and are practically invisible; only the exhaust surface itself is visible from the outside. These are equipped with an air duct entering the ventilation duct: it is located behind the cabinet doors. Many built-in models are equipped with a retractable panel, which allows you to increase the working surface of the device; when folded, the dimensions are narrow. These units have a low noise level, laconic design, which allows you to remain invisible in both retro and modern interiors.


Dome hoods are the most fashionable and interesting option. There are designer models that will take center stage in kitchen interior. They resemble a fireplace chimney: a thick channel and a dome, so they fit perfectly into classic styles or retro. These air purifiers are the most varied in terms of design. White, black or colored, glass, metal or wood, retro or hi-tech - modern design ideas allow you to choose the ideal device that will meet the most demanding taste. Exhaust hoods of this retro design are popular in country houses.

Sometimes they are classified as dome hoods, and sometimes there are separate types of kitchen hoods such as an island air purifier and a hood with glass.


It is located in the middle of the room, attached to the ceiling above the stove. This interesting installation is used in the interior, where the work area is made in the form of an island. The round shape looks especially interesting; the surface can be either flat or curved. These types of devices are suitable for retro design rooms in the style of cooking TV shows.

With glass

A hood with glass (modern) is designed to perform not only its main function, but also serves as a design element in the interior. In such devices, the backlight looks especially interesting, especially if the hood with glass is not transparent, but white, black or, for example, smoky. glass views hoods are not suitable for a retro interior, as they look super modern.

Air purification mode

According to the principle of operation, air purifiers are of three types:

  1. flowing;
  2. recirculation;
  3. combined.

Kitchen hoods with a connection to the ventilation (air duct) are called flow-through. The air is captured by the fan impeller and immediately removed through the duct from the room. The old ones we are used to work on this principle. classic options in retro style. Flow types of devices produce less noise than recirculating ones.

Although kitchen hoods with an air duct are more efficient than recirculation hoods, they have one serious drawback: complicated installation. Plus, it is not always possible to punch a technological hole for it; the ventilation duct may be absent or may be too far away.

Most modern kitchen hoods with an air duct operate in a combined mode (exhaust - circulation), they can be placed under the ventilation duct, or they can be used autonomously. They are also equipped with an ARS system that responds to the smell of burning. Thanks to this system, the air purifier turns on automatically based on a sensor signal, which allows you to better capture even the slightest odors.


Productivity is one of the important parameters, showing how much air the unit “pumps” per unit of time. The larger the dimensions of the kitchen, the greater the productivity should be. In order to determine what capacity to choose for your kitchen in order to maximize the climate, calculate the volume of the room by multiplying its area by its height, and then multiply the resulting number by 12. But even for a small kitchen, it is better to choose models with a capacity of at least 350 cubic meters/ hour. The most common performance of modern air purifiers is: 702, 851 and 1020 cubic meters/hour.

Control Panel

Exhaust devices also differ in the way they are controlled. The following types can be distinguished:

  • push-button (convex buttons),
  • touch (flat non-convex buttons),
  • slider (mechanical horizontal switch),
  • remote (using the remote control).

It is difficult to say which types of kitchen hoods are better for control - the choice is determined only by your preferences and general style in technology and interior design: a slider or button panel would fit better into a retro style, and a touch panel would fit into a modern style. However, it is worth noting that sliders and buttons are more susceptible to contamination and are more difficult to clean, which cannot be said about their more modern counterparts.

Connection to communications

Proper installation of the purifier is the key to its high-quality operation. To connect the device to the ventilation system, short pipes should be used. The more bends the ventilation duct has, the lower the performance of the device (each bend reduces this figure by 5%).

It is better to choose an air duct with smooth walls and a large diameter. Corrugated hoses, despite their convenient installation, significantly reduce productivity.


The choice of hood size depends on the area of ​​the gas or electric stove; the size should be no less (or better yet, larger); narrow appliances cannot fully perform their functions. Standard sizes, which are most often on sale - 45, 60 and 90 cm. The height of the air purifier is positioned depending on the type of hob. All cooking surfaces without exception require air purification - from an old Soviet retro stove to a modern electric or induction panel. Above a gas stove, the level at which the air purifier is installed is no higher than 80 cm, and above an electric stove it can be lower - around 70 cm.

Noise level

Noise level is one of the important indicators when choosing any home appliance. No matter how effectively it copes with its task, excess noise will cause discomfort to the owners, cause irritation and even provoke headache. The ideal model should be powerful enough, but at the same time quiet, not create unnecessary noise, in order to effectively purify the air without causing inconvenience to the owners. Experts advise choosing a hood with a noise level no higher than 50 dB. The lower the manufacturer claims the noise level, the better; it would be right to make the choice in favor of minimal noise.

Housing material

Choice quality material the hood body is quite important. Inexpensive exhaust hoods are made of enamel. Polished stainless steel looks much more solid, but this also affects the price of such devices. In addition, steel is more finicky to maintain, soot sticks to it more, and it cannot be cleaned with abrasives - scratches will remain. The hood with glass is made of tempered glass, resistant to damage and temperature; it covers the ventilation duct and protects it from contamination. However, the glass surface, especially white, needs almost daily cleaning, otherwise streaks and stains will ruin the entire appearance. To properly care for such a surface you need household chemicals for cleaning glass.


Lighting above the stove is never superfluous, which is why modern air purifiers are equipped with lighting. This can be a halogen, fluorescent or incandescent lamp. Most often, light sources are located in the far part of the device. In new models there is a rotating lamp, with which you can focus the light flux in the desired area and change its intensity. A glass hood is usually equipped with a large number of lamps and can even replace a full-fledged chandelier. In case of insufficient lighting, you can choose this type of hood.

Additional functions

  1. “Interval switching on” - the exhaust device is periodically switched on after a certain period of time, this function is needed to ensure a constant supply of fresh air.
  2. “Residual running” - after turning off the appliance, the fan will operate in quiet mode for 5–15 minutes to perfectly clean the air and get rid of odors remaining on the stove after cooking.

The kitchen is the only room in the apartment where the air is periodically polluted and specific bad smell associated with the cooking process. A kitchen hood, which can be purchased at any hardware store, will help you cope with this problem. The article provides information on how to choose a hood for the kitchen: advice from professionals, device characteristics and a review of manufacturers.

The effective operation of the hood depends on certain criteria that must be taken into account when choosing a specific model. The quality of a device depends on its performance. A properly selected hood can provide six or ten times the exchange of air in the kitchen. Best models technicians have powerful fans, which are capable of operating at 2 or 4 speeds and effectively removing contaminated air. Umbrella work surface The hood must completely cover the hob.

An important parameter when choosing a hood is the low noise level during its operation. For this purpose, devices with a noise level of up to 45 dB should be selected. The noise when operating such models will be similar to a quiet conversation coming from a distance of 10 m.

Preference should be given to a hood equipped with a high-quality lighting system working area using halogen or LED bulbs located on the device panel. Studying all the advantages and disadvantages of each specific type of device will help you decide which hood is better.

Types of hoods

The first step is to decide on the type of device case. Modern manufacturers produce the following types of hoods:

  • hanging;
  • dome;
  • domino;
  • island.

Which hood to choose for the kitchen? Customer reviews give preference to the traditional option - a hanging hood, which fits perfectly into modern design kitchens. The device body is mounted directly above the hob under the cabinet. It is easy to install and has a relatively low cost. However, the suspended hood has low performance due to the fact that the device operates in air recirculation mode. It is ideal for small kitchens with an area of ​​6 square meters. m.

A dome, or fireplace, hood has the shape of an umbrella and is attached directly to the wall. Her self installation does not cause any difficulties. This type of household appliance has high performance. Among the wide range of different hood options, you can choose the most suitable model, depending on the price, which will ideally fit into the kitchen design. Such hoods can be horizontal or inclined.

If you don’t want to spoil the kitchen interior with an oversized hood, then you can choose the type of device that is mounted directly inside the kitchen furniture.

A modern type of hood, which has been very popular since 2016, is the domino. Such a device is installed in the countertop and extends out of it when an electric or gas stove is operating. However, the cost of such a trendy design is 2 times higher than that of alternative options. In addition, this type of device has low performance, which is suitable for small kitchens.

The ideal option for a kitchen-living room is a ceiling hood, which is placed above the kitchen island. This device has impressive dimensions and has high performance.

Device performance

It is necessary to select a specific hood model based on the total volume of the room where it will be installed. The device must have the required performance to effectively remove contaminated air into the ventilation shaft. To determine it, you should multiply the area of ​​the room by the height and multiply the resulting volume by a factor of 12, which corresponds to the number of air updates in the room.

The resulting performance is minimal. Therefore, the hood should be selected with some performance margin.

Hood size

The hood is selected based on the size of the electric one or above which it will be installed. However, to prevent contaminated air from bypassing the fan, the width of the exhaust panel should be slightly larger than the width of the stove. Today, manufacturers produce hoods with widths from 45 to 90 cm. The most popular are models with body widths of 50, 60 and 90 cm.

How the hood works

Based on the principle of operation, there are hoods without venting into ventilation (recirculation mode) and with venting into the ventilation system. Hoods in a private house usually chosen with a recirculation mode, so as not to additionally install an air vent. Therefore, the price of a kitchen hood without ventilation outlet will be much lower than a standard device with air outlet and will average 2.5 thousand rubles. Such models have low productivity due to the fact that they simply create air circulation, taking it in, cleaning it and supplying it back into the room. For apartments with a ventilation system, kitchen hoods with an air vent are considered the most acceptable.

A flow hood passes contaminated air through a filtration system, where it is cleaned of oily fumes and excess soot and discharges it into the ventilation shaft. The hood is installed near the ventilation hole, connecting to it with an air duct.

Helpful advice! The air duct should be as short as possible so that the air purifier operates more quietly.

Due to the fact that polluted air is discharged outdoors, there is no need to purchase a hood with an outlet and a carbon filter. It is enough for it to have a simple metal grease filter to prevent particles of soot and grease from entering the ventilation shaft.

The main advantages of flow hood are:

  • high device performance;
  • durable grease filters;
  • low noise level.

Disadvantages of the device:

  • the hood takes air from the room, the lack of which must be compensated with air from the street, cold in winter and hot in summer;
  • if the hob is located far from the ventilation shaft, difficult installation work for installing the hood.

Hoods operating in recirculation mode pass air through an internal carbon filter, then return it cleaned back into the room. Once contaminated, carbon filters are disposed of.

The main advantages of a hood with a carbon filter without outlet:

  • recirculation hood is mounted from below wall cabinet and leaves it free from the ventilation duct;
  • the principle of operation of the device allows you to retain heat inside the room, and not throw it into the ventilation shaft, which happens when operating a hood with an outlet;

  • you can buy a hood with a carbon filter without exhaust at a lower price compared to a standard ventilation device with air exhaust;
  • Installation of the hood is very simple and does not require special skills.

The main disadvantages of a kitchen hood without an air vent:

  1. Recirculating hoods are noisier than standard devices.
  2. Every 3-5 months, depending on the intensity of the hood operation, it is necessary to change the filter material.

Helpful advice! If you have any doubts about choosing a hood based on its operating principle, you can purchase a universal model that combines two operating modes of the device.

Filtration system

According to the type of filter system, there are single-stage and two-stage air installations and hoods of the first and second levels.

Single-stage systems use a single disposable or reusable filter. In the first case, it is thrown away after clogging, and in the second, only the internal cassette is changed. With a two-stage cleaning system, at the first stage, the air is filtered from grease, and the second stage ensures that it is cleaned from unpleasant odors. The first stage filter changes frequently, but the second stage still remains long time efficient.

Filtering air systems the first level can be acrylic or metal. Their cleaning is reduced to simple washing. Second-level filter hoods that use a carbon filter are more efficient.

Each hood model is equipped with a filter that protects the ventilation shaft from soot. These can be metal, synthetic or carbon filters.

The metal filter is a mesh made of foil or aluminum. They are easy to clean, even washable dishwasher. Such a grease filter can last the entire life of the hood without requiring replacement.

The grease filter made of synthetic fibers allows the device to operate almost silently. This purifier consists of a cassette into which a filter material is inserted: non-woven fabric or padding polyester. When the filter layer becomes dirty, the cassette is removed and a new one is installed.

Carbon filters provide fine air purification from contaminants and odors. In addition to activated carbon, its composition may include cation exchangers, silver and other disinfecting elements. The main disadvantage of such a filter is its high cost and short service life. It requires regular replacement after a certain service life, which is 6-12 months, depending on the thickness of the carbon powder layer. You can buy a grease filter for your hood at a price of 1.5 thousand rubles.

Helpful advice! The carbon filter perfectly absorbs tobacco smoke.

Today, manufacturers produce budget models that do not have a grease filter for the hood. However, you should take into account the fact that such devices are not durable. Because particles of soot and grease will gradually settle on the fan blades, which will soon lead to its breakdown.

Device control type

According to the control method, all modern models of hoods come in three types:

  • touch control allows you to control the operation of the device by lightly touching the desired sector, as a result of which the LED lights up and the hood executes the given command;
  • Push-button control is the most familiar and standard. Here, each button corresponds to a specific operating mode of the device;
  • pseudo-touch control is carried out using a mechanical slider, which is set to the required operating mode.

Related article:

Types and advantages of devices. Choice of equipment. Fan power calculation. Recommendations for self-installation.

For those who want to control the operation of the device from a distance, there are hoods with remote control which is carried out using the remote control.

Hood material

Daily care of the hood and the price of the device depend on the material of manufacture. A modern kitchen hood, the photo clearly confirms this, can be made of aluminum, plastic, stainless or enameled steel and tempered glass.

The most popular and inexpensive are aluminum hoods. A device made of such material does not require special care. However, it has an unattractive appearance. Stainless steel hoods are more aesthetically pleasing and stylish. However, such models are more expensive and require more maintenance, as they even become dirty with fingerprints. Tempered glass hoods are the most expensive option and require labor-intensive maintenance. But these devices are the most attractive, which can make the design of the room unique.

How to install a hood in the kitchen

How to properly install a hood over a gas stove so that it works at maximum performance? The main point when installing the device is to determine at what height to hang the hood relative to the hob. If it is set too high, it will not work effectively. This means that all odors and vapors will be in the room. If positioned too low, the device will interfere with operation. hob. Optimal height the hood above the gas stove should be 75 cm to its bottom panel.

The next point that affects the performance of the hood is its location relative to the ventilation hole. The device should be located as close to it as possible to prevent the use large quantity bends and pieces of the air exhaust pipe, which significantly increases the noise and reduces the performance of the hood. After connecting the hood to the ventilation duct, you should make sure that it is completely blocked. For this, special grilles or valves are used.

Helpful advice! The diameter of the air duct should be slightly larger than the exhaust outlet of the hood. This will significantly reduce the load on the device’s engine and allow it to operate more efficiently with low noise levels.

How to hang a hood over a gas stove

The installation of the hood depends on the type of device. Flat hoods are mounted to the bottom of a hanging cabinet or directly to the wall using special hooks, which should hold it securely at the mounting points. Hoods with a corner strip are built inside a hanging cabinet, in which a hole is first made for an air duct of the required diameter. Dome models are mounted on the wall.

After installing the filter device, an air duct channel is adjacent to its outlet, which is also fixed with hooks. A corrugated or polyvinyl chloride pipe with a smooth wall or a rigid metal or plastic box can be used as an air outlet.

Flexible corrugated pipe is the most budget option. However, it requires constant care throughout the entire period of operation. A metal box is more convenient to use. But its installation requires significant costs. The best option is considered PVC pipe. She does not require special care and easy to install. However, it must be installed strictly above the hood. Thanks to the data recommendation it became clear how sd install a hood in the kitchen.

Rating of kitchen hoods

Before you think about which hood is best to buy for your kitchen, you need to make a rating of global manufacturers of air-purifying devices, which, in addition to a wide range of elite models of equipment, offer budget-class equipment. Many experts prefer such global brands as Siemens, Bosch, Kronasteel (Krona), Hansa, Gorenje, Elikor, Samsung. They successfully combine high quality, reasonable price and attractive appearance of their products.

Hoods from the German brand Siemens are the embodiment of conciseness and functionality. Such models have a low noise level, provide high performance, and the built-in type of housing helps to advantageously disguise them in a kitchen set, as can be seen in the manufacturer’s catalogs, diagrams and photos. The price of a kitchen hood from this company starts from 12 thousand rubles.

The Krohn hood from a German manufacturer has received worldwide recognition, which is confirmed by numerous flattering reviews. The company produces 7 main collections of cleaning equipment. All offered the lineup has high build quality. Low noise, powerful engines, ensuring high performance of the device. But, despite this, the price of a Krona kitchen hood is minimal and starts from 3 thousand rubles.

German Hansa exhaust technology is compact and easy to operate. A functional model from this manufacturer can be purchased at a price of 2.5 thousand rubles.

A demanding buyer who is not used to skimping on quality, when asked which kitchen hood is best, will firmly choose the German manufacturer Bosch. This is a serious high-quality equipment, the design of which corresponds to the latest fashion trends. The price of a kitchen hood ranges from 5-35 thousand rubles.

One of the best Russian manufacturers exhaust devices, is considered to be the Elikor company. Hoods, reviews of which confirm the high quality of the equipment, are represented by a wide range of models various designs, design and colors. You can buy an Elikor hood at a price ranging from 2.5 to 30 thousand rubles.

Samsung brand equipment is associated with high quality and durability of its products. Modern models never cease to amaze the buyer with technical perfection and new functional characteristics. A standard model of this brand will cost about 6 thousand rubles.

Gorenje takes 7th place in the ranking of the world's best brands for the production of household appliances. She uses an innovative approach and environmental materials in the development and creation of new models that can satisfy any customer request, which is reflected in numerous reviews. Which hood is better to buy for the kitchen to get reliable protection rooms from grease, dust and soot for a reasonable fee? A Gorenje brand hood will take care of clean and fresh air in your kitchen. The price of a kitchen hood is 3.5 thousand rubles.

This article described in detail how to choose a hood for the kitchen. It turns out it's not that difficult. It is important to correctly study all the advantages and disadvantages of each specific model and choose from a wide range of devices perfect option, which is able to satisfy all your requirements and requests. Only then can you get a reliable assistant in the kitchen, which is able to clean the air from harmful impurities and unpleasant odors.

Building a house or making major renovations in an apartment without equipping the kitchen with a suitable hood is wasted money. Soot from the fire, grease fumes and odors of cooked food very quickly permeate the furniture and walls of not only the kitchen, but also all rooms. Besides, fresh air– the key to health and good appetite!

The role of the kitchen hood

Modern design solutions When designing a kitchen, the hood is considered as part of the decor. Naturally, the integrity of the ensemble of furniture and equipment pleases the eye, but still, the main parameter in choosing this equipment should be its functionality.

The kitchen exhaust fan should work properly:

  • purify the air from harmful combustion products;
  • prevent grease and soot from getting on furniture;
  • remove odors as much as possible;
  • do not create a lot of noise when working.

The full performance of all functions is possible if the hood performance is selected correctly. Companies specializing in the production and sale of this type of household appliances offer numerous options for kitchen hoods; their power is indicated in the passport. How do you know which one is right for you? A calculator and simple but accurate calculation will help with this.

Performance and Power

These two concepts, although closely related, are not the same thing.

The performance of a kitchen hood is the amount of air it can pump through itself in one hour. Measured in cubic meters per hour (m 3 / hour).

Power determines the amount of electricity that will be spent on operating the fan, lighting and other functions of the hood. This indicator most likely affects the calculation of efficiency. When deciding the question “how to calculate the power of the hood”, you should pay attention to both maximum loads and intermediate loads, when operating in different modes. The most correct calculation of power is average figures.

The standard formula for calculating productivity is as follows: kitchen area multiplied by ceiling height and multiplied by 12 (air renewal coefficient accepted by sanitary standards), or (SxH)x12.

What affects performance?

A simple basic formula does not give a complete idea of ​​what kind of hood will be needed in your case. In addition to the basic indicators, it is necessary to correct the calculation, taking into account:

  1. Operating principle.
  2. Location features.
  3. Hood design.

Let's take a closer look at how these parameters adjust the performance calculation formula.

Operating principle and performance

With all the variety of designs, the operating principle of hoods comes down to two options: air exhaust and recirculation.

Air exhaust work

In this case, the fan absorbs contaminated air along with soot particles and removes them outside through ventilation ducts. Since the air must be constantly renewed, access to fresh air into the room is required for complete purification.

Working on recycling

This method purifies the air in the kitchen if there is no possibility of exhaust. Kitchen fumes pass through metal and carbon filters and return back into the room.

How do these indicators affect the calculation calculator? Typically, recirculation hoods have lower performance, higher noise levels and require more power. For fans with exhaust, the performance is adjusted in direct proportion to the length of the air exhaust.

Location and performance

Increase in coefficient useful action related to location kitchen cleaner air and area of ​​the room being cleaned. The fact is that the standard calculation assumes closed space kitchens. If the kitchen is connected to the living room or the doorway between the rooms is formed by an arch without a door, you need to calculate the total area of ​​​​both rooms.

The efficient operation of the hood is ensured if it is placed directly above the hob and is slightly wider than it.

The air exchange coefficient adopted by SNiP 10-12 is also a relative value. Using a hood economically allows you to increase the coefficient to 15 for electric stoves and to 20 for gas hobs.

The calculators offered on many sites for calculating the power and performance of hoods mainly offer standard forms. A calculator that requires you to specify more parameters will be more accurate.

In any case, it is more advisable to buy a hood that has a performance slightly higher than the maximum you require. This will ensure that it does not operate in full mode, which in turn will reduce power consumption and, accordingly, extend the service life of the device. And the noise level is significantly reduced, which is important, especially during long-term cooking.

Which design is better?

There is no single answer to this question. Again, it all depends individual characteristics kitchen arrangement.

Dome hoods

A large dome-shaped fume hood above the stove is considered to be given time the most effective. This type of ventilation is appropriate for large kitchens, it is better with an island placement of the hob.

Flat hoods

This type of traditional design is quite common in areas where there are problems with installing an air exhaust system. Mostly flat-shaped ventilation devices are equipped with a filter system and work for recirculation and cleaning.

Built-in hoods

Their shape resembles that of a dome, but is smaller in size. The main part of the structure is hidden in a cabinet; only the control panel and the main panel remain visible. The most ergonomic option, usually the least powerful. But there are exceptions.

A small kitchen area does not mean a low-performance hood. In small enclosed spaces with large volumes of stove operation, the air becomes polluted much faster.

Let's summarize: calculating the required hood performance is not a difficult matter. This is easy to do with a calculator. The only rule is individual approach for this event, taking into account all the nuances.