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“Coniferous Phytoumbrella”, “Rakurs”, “Pinocid” are unique preparations for the health and beauty of coniferous plants. Peanuts – grown in open ground; how to grow groundnuts

Many gardeners are wondering how to grow peanuts on their own plot. The plant comes from South America, but the climate of central Europe is quite suitable for cultivating exotic groundnuts. To obtain a harvest, you need to purchase seed material and study agricultural technology.

Peanuts - planting and growing at home

Groundnuts are an annual plant and are sown annually. It belongs to the legume family and has the taste of a real nut. Its fruits are formed in a peel, several pieces at a time, and grow underground. The lower pollinated flowers of the plant reach out to the soil and gradually sink completely into it, after which the birth of the crop begins. For peanuts, a simple method of growing them in ordinary pots located on the windowsill at home is also quite suitable. You just need to plant it in light soil, provide enough light, and protect it from drafts.

How to plant peanuts at home?

Before planting peanuts at home, you need to prepare a wide container (30-40 cm in diameter) so that later its shoots do not hang over the edges of the pot. The optimal time for sowing is mid-April. Landing rules:

  • It is better to purchase seeds in specialized stores; they are soaked in water overnight, adding a drop. By morning, the nuts open slightly and the root appears;
  • the substrate is prepared from humus and sand, taken in equal parts;
  • it is convenient to plant seeds in peat tablets(this method will require further transplantation) or immediately to a permanent place;
  • the container is filled with wet substrate;
  • the germinated seed is planted in the middle to a depth of 2-2.5 cm;
  • to create a warm microclimate, cover the pot with cellophane and place it in a warm place;
  • For germination, the greenhouse is regularly ventilated.

Peanut care at home

For the successful development of the plant, it is necessary to follow the agricultural practices for cultivating groundnuts. How to grow peanuts at home in a pot:

  1. Watering. The seedlings must be moistened regularly, avoiding the sputum of the coma.
  2. Spraying. On hot days, the sprout is irrigated with water room temperature in the morning and in the evening.
  3. Temperature conditions. Optimal - +20-27°C, conditions below +15°C and above +30°C destroy the fruit.
  4. Hilling. Conducted at the end of July to a height of 3 cm, then twice more in August to a height of 1.5-2 cm.

When the plant reaches a height of 20 cm, it blooms (40-45 days). In place of the orange petals, ovaries appear and burrow into the ground. Fruits form at a depth of 8-10 cm. The signal for harvesting will be yellowed leaves. The plant is pulled out of the ground and laid out in the sun to dry. After 10-12 days, the nuts will begin to separate well from the shell. Each bush produces about fifty beans with 1-7 nuts inside the shell.

How to grow peanuts in the garden?

Before growing peanuts open ground, it is important to familiarize yourself with some of the features of its cultivation. To plant a nut choose open areas with good ventilation and bright lighting. The best predecessors are potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage. It is difficult to grow a good harvest after legumes. The soil needs to be loose, permeable, neutral. Peanuts grow when planted and cared for in open ground at a temperature of +20°C. When it decreases, the development of the plant stops; in this case, it is advisable to cover the crop with film.

How to properly plant peanut seedlings in the country?

The seeds are pre-soaked at the end of April (you can also place them in a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes), after 10 days sprouts appear on them. The beans are then placed in open ground. After germination peanut will develop faster. This method will protect the bean from the mole cricket, which often eats the seeds in the ground. It is better to choose large specimens for sowing; small fruits may not sprout at all. How to plant peanuts in the garden:

  • planting is carried out in holes 10 cm deep with a distance of 50 cm between specimens. You can plant in rows with a distance of 30 cm or in a staggered manner;
  • You can grow peanuts in squares 60x60 or 70x70 cm;
  • the soil should be loose and fluffy, since the crop prefers soft soil;
  • Sprouted beans are used for planting; the remains of the leaves can also be thrown into the hole - they will act as fertilizer for the roots;
  • 3 seeds are placed in each hole, because weak ones may not sprout;
  • after planting, the bed is irrigated weak pressure so as not to wash away the top layer of soil;
  • seedlings grow within a month to a height of 25-75 cm.

Peanut planting time

Since peanuts can only be grown in a warm environment, sowing is done after the soil temperature warms up to +15°C. This happens in mid-May after planting melons. Frosts are detrimental to groundnuts, so before planting peanuts in the open ground at the dacha, you need to wait for stable warm weather. You can place the beans in cups 3-4 cm in diameter in April and place them on a sunny windowsill. The seedlings are then moved into open ground in early June.

Caring for peanuts in open ground

Peanuts, when grown in open ground, require normal care - they require watering, fertilizing, and pest control. Young low seedlings must be protected from weeds. Weeding the rows is combined with loosening the soil after it has been moistened. After the leaves of the plant turn yellow and the seeds begin to easily emerge from the beans, it is time to harvest (the second half of September). First, the bushes are dug up and the fruits are allowed to dry. Store the crop at the stage of unshelled beans in fabric bags in a dry room at +8-10°C. Up to 0.5 kg of nuts are collected from one bush.

Features of growing peanuts in open ground

The groundnut has interesting feature– it blooms for one day. Sometimes this process goes almost unnoticed by gardeners. Early in the morning in June, the buds bloom, and in the evening they already wither - during this time they have time to be pollinated. 1.5-2 months after flowering, the ovaries sink into the ground and grow deeper, where the formation of the fruits of the crop will occur.

Growing peanuts in the garden is accompanied by mandatory hilling. 10 days after flowering, the ovaries are sprinkled with moist, loose soil to a depth of 5-7 cm (like potatoes) so that the nutrient medium reaches the receptacle. As a rule, two more hillings with a break of 10 days will help to grow peanuts, during which the stem of the plant is gradually covered. It is recommended to carry out the procedure after watering or rain.

Conditions for growing peanuts - soil

It is important for gardeners to know where peanuts are grown. The site should be open without a hint of shadow from fences, buildings, or trees. The soil for groundnuts needs moist, light, with a high percentage of humus, calcium and magnesium - black soil or sandy loam. The crop cannot tolerate saline soils, and acidic soils must be limed before planting. Before growing peanuts, the site is prepared: during autumn digging, 1-3 kg of humus per 1 m2 of site is added to the ground to a depth of 30 cm. In the spring, the planting site is again shallowly loosened with the addition of 50 grams for each m2.

How to plant peanuts correctly - watering features

Groundnut prefers moist rather than wet soil. Excessive watering can lead to fruit rotting. How to grow groundnuts at the dacha - irrigation:

  • moisten the crop if the top layer of soil dries out - approximately once a day of the week;
  • at the flowering stage, the sprouts are watered abundantly - in the mornings once or twice a week;
  • the water for the procedure should not be cold - it must be slightly warmed in the sun;
  • after the formation of the ovary, instead of watering, it is recommended to spray every other day in the evening;
  • after each moistening, the soil is loosened so that it is enriched with oxygen;
  • if it rains regularly in the area, watering can be skipped;
  • a month before harvesting, moisturizing is stopped. If you water the plant heavily in September, the fruits will take longer to ripen.

Growing peanuts - feeding

Groundnuts are fed twice a season. Fertilizers have a good effect on growth and yield. The plant reacts favorably to potassium and phosphorus. How to grow peanuts in the country - fertilizers:

  • the initial feeding is done after the foliage reaches 10 cm in height - the bush is fed with 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 45 g of potassium salt, 70 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water;
  • The second feeding is repeated at the fruiting stage.

How to grow peanuts - diseases and pests?

How to grow quality peanuts - diseases:

  1. The disease appears as spots of plaque on both sides of the leaves. In case of damage, fungicides will help - Topaz, Bravo, Quadris.
  2. Phyllosticosis or leaf spot. Recognized by brown clearings up to 6 mm in diameter, which progress with high humidity. Broad-spectrum fungicides are effective in combating the disease.
  3. Appears after flowering in the form of rusty spots moving from the leaves to the stems. The fruits on the affected bushes do not ripen. Compliance with agricultural technology for crop development, maintaining crop rotation, and timely feeding will help to grow a healthy bush.

Peanut crops in central and southern Russia are quite rare, but with some knowledge, even without the slightest experience, getting a harvest of this crop is quite simple. Peanuts belong to annuals, the family is legumes.. The bush of the plant is small, up to 40 cm in height, with pinnate leaves. Flowers yellow color small. After the flowers die, fruits, protected by a peel, begin to form in the ground.


Concerning pollination and production of peanut crop, then this process is quite complicated, because the flower lives for only a day and during this time it must be pollinated, therefore abundant flowering plants are invisible. Favorable conditions for the formation of the ovary do not always exist, but the peculiarity of the plant is that it can form up to 200 flowers during the entire period of vegetative development.

The peculiarity of peanut fruiting is the following fact - the fruits are not formed in root system like potatoes, and in mustache, which sends out plants from lateral branches in place of flowers. Based on the above, it should be noted that the plant during the period of fruit formation Frequent hilling is required loose soil.

Peanuts are considered to be native to South America, where their relatives grow in unprotected soil like weeds, thanks to the ideal balance of air temperature (high) and humidity (medium humidity). Under our conditions, fruits are not preserved in the soil during wintering; high humidity can contribute to the plant becoming infected with contagious fungal diseases, and low humidity causes flowers to fall off. This crop grows ideally at temperatures +20…+27 degrees. The plant is stunted at temperatures above +30 degrees and below 15 degrees.

In the open ground our culture can only be planted in the south of Russia, although many gardeners are cultivating “groundnuts” in other regions. This is possible thanks to a huge number of peanut varieties, more than 700.

It is recommended to plant peanuts in the soil sprouted seeds - in the southern regions seeds are planted in prepared holes in open ground, V middle lane It is recommended to plant seeds in a film greenhouse(possibly between rows between other crops, for example, between tomatoes).

If peanuts do not sprout, then the reasons should be sought in the seeds - they may be damaged or dry, so nuts from the market are not always full-fledged seed material.

Preparing seed material for planting

There are several methods for preparing peanut seeds before planting in the soil: germination And growing two-week-old seedlings V peat cups. In the latter case, the ripening time of the plant is accelerated, the plant is not damaged by the mole cricket. To protect plants from this pest, baits are made: peelings and rejected root crops are dropped into the soil, then the area is covered with a sheet of roofing material and sprinkled with earth. Traps need to be checked periodically when collecting mole crickets.

Peanut seeds should be soaked at the end of April., and germination lasts 10 days. To disinfect seeds, use a weak (pink) solution of potassium permanganate. In the middle lane It is recommended to harden the seeds, do this as follows: during the day, within 18-20 hours, the seeds are kept at a temperature of +2...+3 degrees, at night at room temperature.

The duration of seed hardening should last no more than three days.

After the sprouts appear, the seeds are planted in cups with previously prepared loose soil or in a permanent place in unprotected soil. When planting plants in open ground, leave a distance of 20 centimeters between plants, and 25 centimeters between rows. Peanuts are a heat-loving crop Therefore, it is better to cover the plantings with a film pre-stretched over a prepared frame; remove the film only after persistent warm weather has established.

According to popular beliefs, peanuts in the southern regions can be planted without the use of protective structures - this time comes with the flowering of viburnum.

Agricultural technology for growing peanuts

The main activity when growing peanuts is their hilling; the amount of harvest depends on the number and correctness of hilling. Peanuts bloom in the last ten days of June and continues to bloom almost until the end of August. At this time, experienced gardeners carry out several hillings peanut plants. For the first time, it is recommended to fill the root zone of plants by about 3 centimeters with a mixture of garden soil and compost. In August, you need to carry out two more hillings with the same mixture, adding up to 2 centimeters of the same bedding.

Peanut harvesting begin with the beginning of yellowing of the leaves in September. The plant must be carefully dug up so as not to damage the fruits and shaken to remove the soil. Drying beans in the sun, together with the above-ground part. After about two weeks, the fruits are ready for further use. It is recommended to keep the nuts for sowing with the peel, so they are better preserved.

Peanuts are used to make coffee, cocoa, and halva; they are eaten raw or fried, added with salt and served with beer, and used as an additive to chocolate and other products. Nuts contain linoleic acid, vitamins B and E.

Growing peanuts in the garden, watch the video:

Peanuts planting and growing (part 1)

Peanuts planting and growing (part 2)

Peanuts planting and growing (part 3)

Peanuts planting and growing (part 4)

Everyone loves peanuts, regardless of age. But what do we know about them? Is this a cultivated plant or a wild one?

Peanuts in the garden - description

Peanuts are legumes annual plant. Peanuts bloom with small yellow flowers. First discovered in Latin America. Then it was brought to India, and from there to Europe. Loves subtropical climates, where its long-term growth is possible. Optimal conditions for its growth is a temperature of 20 to 27 ºC with average humidity.

Growing peanuts in the garden

Features of growing peanuts

Grow peanuts in field conditions perhaps only possible in the southern regions. Residents of the middle zone can grow peanuts only in greenhouse conditions.

Planting peanut seedlings at home

First you need to produce. To do this, raw peanuts are placed on a damp cloth. The best time The year for planting it will be April-May. After ten days, the peanuts will germinate. Those peanut seeds that have sprouted need to be planted in a container with soil. And after 14-15 days you can plant peanuts in open ground.

Where should I plant peanuts? A combination of peanuts and tomatoes will be successful. Once the tomatoes are harvested, there will be plenty of room for it to grow. Moreover, peanuts release nitrogen, which is very necessary for tomatoes.

Peanut beds in the garden

Before planting peanuts, the bed is well loosened, since the formation of nuts occurs underground. Peanuts bloom at the end of June, after they reach 15-20 cm. Flowering lasts for a month and a half. After this time, fruits are formed. Two hundred flowers are formed on one plant per season, each of them blooms for no more than one day.

When the flowers are fertilized and the ovary has formed, it sinks to the ground and is then buried. Nuts can only develop in the ground; the ovary remaining on top will die.

Video of growing peanuts in an ordinary country house

Caring for peanuts in open ground

More plants need hilling. To get a good harvest, it is advisable to hill peanuts three times a season.

Harvest after the leaves on the peanuts have turned yellow. Most often this happens in mid-September. The plant must be completely dug out of the ground, shaken off and dried in the sun. The fruits separate easily only after drying. This usually occurs within ten to twelve days.

Peanuts at home

Peanuts are also grown on. The seeds are germinated and planted in a flower pot. The soil must be constantly loosened and moistened, and the peanuts themselves must be sprayed periodically. Peanuts should be provided good lighting and ventilation.

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The ground nut (peanut) grows up to 70 cm in height, but it does not look like anything fruit tree, not on a bush, and its fruits are not nuts, beans in a pod. Caring for it is similar to growing potatoes.

Growing Peanuts Is Similar to Growing Potatoes

Peanut range

The plant has been cultivated for many centuries by local residents of South America, where the largest peanut plantations can be found. The culture was first noticed by Europeans at the time when they were exploring the New World.

Peanuts were brought to our lands in 1792 from Turkey. In 1825, they first tried to acclimatize it in the Odessa Botanical Garden.

Now this crop is sown on small areas V Central Asia, Transcaucasia; in the south of Ukraine, the North Caucasus. Growing peanuts in Ukraine is more profitable than in central Russia, due to the warmer climate.

Several million hectares around the world are used for planting groundnuts, and growing areas are rapidly expanding.

Peanuts grow without problems in conditions under which other crops die from lack of moisture and nutrition. It loves the sun and does without pollinators. Annual legumes, to which this crop also belongs, are capable of not only receiving nutrients from the soil, but also saturating the soil with nitrogen.

How Peanuts Grow: Peanuts grow well in warm conditions and need a long, dry summer and fall to ripen. The duration of crop cultivation from planting to harvesting is 120–160 days. Such climatic conditions are rare. The suitable temperature for plant growth ranges from 20 to 27 °C.

Seed selection and preparation

Peanuts, like other types of plants, can be different varieties. Main hallmark between them are the sizes of the beans.

As seeds, you can use peanuts purchased from sellers at the market or in a store, only unroasted and unprocessed.

The most common varieties are:

  • Virginia is a classic, common type;
  • Valencia produces large beans;
  • Spanish produces small beans, most often used to make peanut butter and other products in the confectionery industry;
  • Runner is characterized by high productivity, often growing in the South and East of the United States.

Choose beans with undamaged or overdried shells.

Before planting, the seeds must be germinated:

  1. Soak in water (you can add a little potassium permanganate or epin).
  2. Wrap in a wet cloth and place in a warm place.
  3. After a few days, the seeds will swell and germinate.

Already sprouted seeds should be planted in the ground.

Soil preparation

One of important conditions for growing peanuts, it is about observing crop rotation. The crop grows well in the soil in which peanuts were grown before planting:

  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • potato.

It will be even more favorable if these plants are fertilized with organic matter. It is not advisable to plant a nut in an area where legumes used to grow:

  • beans;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • lentils.

This can cause root rot to form.

It is best to plant seeds in wet, loose and neutral soil. It is good if there is a lot of magnesium and calcium in the soil. Do not plant in saline soil.

Many novice gardeners are interested in whether it is possible to plant a plant in soil with high acidity. It is possible if you lime it before planting.

The landing site is prepared in advance. During autumn digging, humus is added to the soil to a depth of 25 to 30 cm in a ratio of 2–3 kg per 1 square meter. m. In spring, the soil needs to be dug up again and 50 g of “Nitrophoska” added per 1 sq. m. m.

Peanuts should not be planted after peas.

Planting peanuts

Warm regions are most favorable for growing groundnuts. You need to plant the seeds at the time when the acacia is blooming and melons are sown (from late April to mid-May). In northern latitudes, it can be planted immediately after frosts, as they can destroy the plant. When thinking about how to grow peanuts, it is important to remember that the crop is heat-loving and does not tolerate strong temperature changes, drafts and high level humidity.

The culture grows well in open, illuminated areas without shade from buildings or vegetation. The favorable temperature at which growing peanuts at home will produce results is more than 20 °C. If the temperature drops even a few degrees, peanuts stop growing. The film saves the plant from declining

Peanuts are planted in holes to a depth of 10 cm. There are the following methods for planting peanuts:

  • checkerboard pattern - the gap between holes is 50 cm, between rows is 25–30 cm;
  • square-nested - pattern 60x60 cm or 70x70 cm;
  • wide-row - width between rows 60-70 cm, between plants 15-20 cm.

After planting, the soil should be moist, but it should not be overwatered.

Peanuts grow well in open areas

Growing in the country

To grow peanuts in the country, the following varieties were specially bred:

  • Stepnyak;
  • Krasnodar.

For sowing, choose a bright, sunny area with suitable soil.

Peanuts are planted in open ground in the spring. It is advisable that the weather has already stabilized, the earth has been warmed up, the most favorable temperature is about 15 °C.

How to plant peanuts in the garden correctly:

  1. Make holes in a checkerboard pattern to a depth of 10 cm at a distance of 50 cm from each other.
  2. You need to put 3-4 seeds in one hole.
  3. Excessive watering causes the seed to rot.

The main care for a young plant is watering, weeding, loosening the soil and fertilizing. It is convenient to remove weeds while loosening the soil.

The seeds should germinate in a month if planting and care were done correctly. The plant grows to a height of 25 to 75 cm. By the end of flowering, 1.5–2 months after planting, the ovary will begin to grow into the soil, gradually descending.

Fruits will ripen underground. The soil needs to be hilled up or mulched using humus, sand, sawdust or peat. The mulch layer should be up to 5 cm thick. Peanuts need to be hilled 4–5 times. At the place where the bush grows, about 30–50 beans can ripen, with 1 to 7 seeds ripening in each of them.

Peanut Valencia Ukrainian is suitable for growing in the country

Growing in a greenhouse and at home

How to grow peanuts in the country if you use a greenhouse:

  1. Choose a planting site for the seeds close to the glass.
  2. Plant them between the tomatoes, removing the last bottom leaves to make room for the peanuts. This proximity will also benefit tomatoes: peanuts release the nitrogen they need.

If the climate in your area does not allow you to plant peanuts in your garden, don’t worry. There is another way to grow peanuts at home. Original walnut bushes grow well in a pot on the windowsill in the house.

For planting, take peeled, unroasted nuts or a whole fruit, squeezing the flaps so that they burst. Seeds can be germinated before planting.

How to grow peanuts at home:

  1. Place the seeds to a depth of 2 cm in the center of the pot, which is filled with soil with sand and humus in equal parts.
  2. Water them and cover with film with holes cut for ventilation.
  3. Place in a warm, bright place (at least 20 °C). Do not allow the soil to dry out or stagnate moisture. With regular spraying, watering can be done once every 10–14 days.
  4. After 2-3 weeks, sprouts resembling clover will appear. Thin them out and leave the strongest shoots. The plant begins to bloom soon.

The branch on which the fruits appeared begins to descend as the fruits ripen in the ground.

Peanuts are an annual plant, so after flowering their development slows down: all their energy goes into ripening the fruits.

If the lighting is insufficient, the growth and formation of shoots slows down, there are few flowers, and the fruits do not ripen. The best place for a pot of peanuts - south or east, but at noon it must be hidden from direct sun rays. The lack of light is compensated by special lamps. The plant must be protected from drafts, otherwise it may die.

2.5–3 months after the formation of young shoots, the leaves of the plant begin to turn red, this indicates that the fruits are ripe.

Peanut fruits ripen in the ground


When the bush stops growing, the crop can be harvested. The peanuts need to be removed from the ground and the fruits will be visible on the roots. They are usually collected in the second half of September. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, then the crop is ripe. You can remove a couple of beans from the soil and see if the seeds come out of them easily; if so, then the fruit is ripe. There is no need to delay harvesting, collecting the fruits before the cold weather, because after the ground freezes, the seeds may become bitter. A pitchfork is used to dig up bushes. The beans are separated from the stems and laid out in the fresh air, but in the shade, to dry. When the shells become dry, the beans are taken out and poured into fabric bags. Peanuts are stored in a dry place with good ventilation at a temperature not exceeding 10 °C.

After harvesting, the peanuts should be thoroughly dried.

Peanut diseases

It is necessary to protect the grown nut from exposure to harmful external factors.

The most common peanut diseases are:

  1. Phyllosticosis (leaf spotting): small brown-brown spots gradually grow to a diameter of 6 mm. Then the middle of the spot fades, the tissue dies, and the edge of the spot turns purple. The disease progresses during high humidity air. Treatment: spraying with broad-spectrum fungicides.
  2. Powdery mildew, the first sign of which is single spots of powdery plaque on the outer and inner sides leaf, over time they fill the entire leaf, which turns yellow and dries out. The disease spreads to the stem and embryos. Treatment: treatment of the plant with drugs: “Bravo”, “Quadris”, “Ridomil”, “Switch”, “Horus”, “Skor”, “Topaz”.
  3. Alternaria ( black spot) occurs if damp and warm weather is observed at the end of the growing season. Black spots with a diameter of 15 cm appear along the edges of the leaves; their growth leads to the death of the leaf edges. A black coating of fungus is clearly visible on the spots. To prevent the disease, you must follow the rules of specific agricultural technology.
  4. Fusarium wilt. The main symptom is rot in the root area, which stunts the growth and development of the plant, leads to yellowness of its stem and leaves, and it dies. The disease is dangerous because it is characterized by temporary attenuation, and during flowering and fruit formation it appears again. Peanuts die before the crop is even harvested.
  5. Gray rot appears at the end of the flowering of the crop; its manifestation is brown spots on the leaves, which can spread to the stem. The disease causes the absence of fruits or deformation of already formed ones. If the plants grew in wet and warm weather at the end of summer, then it progresses. Growing peanuts in areas with a high agricultural background will prevent the disease.

Pests can also attack the crop:

  • thrips (treatment with insectoacaricide helps);
  • aphids and caterpillars (are eliminated wood ash with tobacco dust);
  • nutcracker (wireworm) larvae. The control method is pit traps with pieces of carrots, potatoes and beets. The holes are covered with boards, slate or a sheet of metal, eliminating after a certain period of time the larvae that crawled in to feed.

Groundnuts (peanuts) are a tasty and at the same time healthy food, which contains a large complex of elements important for the body. This plant is quite unpretentious, but few people know how to grow peanuts and provide them with proper care.

Optimal timing for planting

Experienced agronomists are confident that the most suitable time to plant peanuts in open ground is May: at this time the soil has already warmed up enough and will not harm the seeds. However, you should still focus on the growing region. If in your area they occur even in late spring, it is better to postpone planting to early summer.

Selecting a location

Before planting peanuts, you need to select them a good place on and create optimal conditions for it there.

When choosing a location, it is important to consider that photophilous plant, however, he also takes light shading calmly. For planting, it is extremely important to get rid of snow and dry out as quickly as possible. Cold winds have a negative impact on yields.

Did you know? Peanuts first came to us in 1792, they were brought from Turkey. Today this plant is grown on a large scale in China, India, Nigeria, and Indonesia.


Peanuts love light and warmth. Even the slightest shading will lead to rapid plant growth, slower development of vegetative organs, and a reduction in the number of fruits. The need for warmth remains throughout.

The soil

Since the peanut fruit grows directly in the plant, its quality and texture are of key importance. This plant needs s neutral pH, which is rich in calcium and magnesium. Perfect option- light and maximally loose, which allows air and water to pass through well. In addition, it should contain some amount of sand. Before planting, the soil must be enriched.


For getting good harvest Not least of all are the plants that previously grew on this land. Peanuts will develop best after, and. But, on the contrary, they can lead to the development of rot on the roots, so it is better to refrain from planting peanuts in their place.

Preparing the site before planting

Basic soil preparation is layer-by-layer stubble peeling, which will allow for maximum removal, and raising the plowed land to a depth of 30 cm. The first work is carried out immediately after harvesting the predecessors, the depth of the first treatment is 6 cm, the second is deeper: 11 cm.

In early spring, harrowing is carried out transversely or diagonally. Early treatment is carried out during the appearance of annuals. Cultivation should be carried out only on dry soil; it is recommended to do this 30 minutes before sowing.

Peanut sowing pattern and depth

Planting peanuts in open ground is best done using the square-nest method. The most commonly used scheme 60 × 60 cm, however, no one prohibits planting in other ways, for example, wide-row, when the width between rows is 65 cm and the distance between plants is 20 cm.
To obtain good seedlings, use only large seeds, which are planted to a depth of 7 cm. It is recommended to place at least three seeds in each hole.

Complete the planting with abundant. The water pressure should be low so as not to wash away or expose the seeds. It is better to repeat the manipulations several times until puddles appear.

Care and cultivation techniques

The main agrotechnical techniques for successful cultivation of peanuts are fertilizing, hilling and loosening. Of course, we should not forget about plant protection and prevention.

Watering, weeding and loosening

On average, the need for batteries by development phase is as follows:

  • shoots before the appearance of three leaves - phosphorus;
  • branching - and ;
  • the appearance of buds - nitrogen;
  • flowering period - phosphorus;
  • legume formation - nitrogen and potassium.
It would be useful to add rotted or early crops in the fall. Peanuts are extremely sensitive to fractional application before tillage, during sowing and as top dressing.

Hilling up bushes

Throughout the growing season, peanuts are earthed approximately five times. The correctness and frequency of execution directly affects the yield. The first time such work is carried out is on the tenth day after the end of the flowering period, when the fruitful shoots descend into the ground.

Before creating a sufficiently high hill (6 cm), it is recommended to water the soil thoroughly. This will increase the number of tiers in which the future harvest. Subsequently, hilling is carried out every 10 days.

Pest and disease control

To avoid damage by cercospora, you need to monitor and isolate new crops from last year's. If this does not help, it is recommended to treat the area with a 1% solution or available substitutes. To prevent plants from getting sick with Fusarium wilt, you need to include crops in your crop rotation.

Peanuts can suffer from Alternaria, phyllosticosis and gray rot. Get rid of these problems using resolved processing. Sprinkling soil is suitable against caterpillars