Mixer      04/03/2019

Peanuts, groundnuts in culture. Are peanuts a nut or a legume? How to grow peanuts

Both adults and children love peanuts very much. It can be consumed as an independent product and added to dishes. throughout the body. They are even used for the purpose of losing weight, as they very quickly cause a feeling of satiety.

Peanuts are a plant from the legume family that is an annual plant. This is due to where peanuts grow - in warm countries. The bush has a branched stem and feathery leaves. The flowers are small and yellow. The bean that forms after flowering has a constriction and a durable shell. The fruit inside is called the kernel.

The peculiarity of peanuts is that their flowers only live for one day. Conditions environment do not always contribute to pollination, so the ovary is not formed on all flowers. After fertilization has occurred, the ovary is buried in the ground. The fruit develops only in the ground; those flowers that remain on the surface die. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is light and not hard, and also to do hilling several times a season.

Peanuts are no longer considered an outlandish plant, but they still remain rare. Therefore, every gardener is interested in planting peanuts and caring for them.

Groundnut growing zones

The homeland of peanuts is South America. There wild species can grow like perennial. This is due to high temperatures and moderate humidity. If the temperature is low, the flowers will fall off, and when high temperature there is a possibility that the plant will be affected by fungi. Today, peanuts grow in many parts of the world, but the climate must still be quite warm. Growing peanuts in the Moscow region is possible because it annual plant. As a rule, very large areas are not allocated for this crop.

Ideal conditions for good plant development are temperature values ​​of +20 - +27 degrees. Growing peanuts in Ukraine is more profitable because it is warmer here than in middle lane Russia.

Today, about 700 types of peanuts are known, but almost all varieties grow only in South America. But experienced gardeners know how to grow peanuts in the regions of Russia and Ukraine.

Are peanuts a nut or a legume?

Peanuts are often called "ground nuts." This term was formed as a result of translations from other languages. So what are peanuts - are they a nut or a legume? In fact, peanuts cannot be called a nut. The kernels that are covered in shells are classified as beans, since this plant belongs to the legume family.

Appearance and growth of groundnuts

Since peanuts grow as beans, they are initially easy to recognize. The stem grows upward, and the roots are in the ground. But when pods appear on the branches, they ripen in the ground. This is due to the fact that peanuts originally grew in hot and desert areas. In order not to lose moisture, the plant protected the fruits from evaporation by hiding them in the ground.

To ripen faster and have more fruits, the grains must first be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. In order to harden the seeds during the day, you can move them to a cooler room, where the temperature will be about two degrees Celsius. At night, move the container to a place where room temperature is maintained. Such procedures need to be repeated for several days.

Main varieties of peanuts

The most common varieties of peanuts include:

  • Runner;
  • Virginia;
  • Spanish;
  • Valencia.

Peanut varieties differ from each other in their stem: they may have different kind and shape. Each variety has its own varieties.

The main growth forms of peanuts can be shoots and bunches. Those varieties that grow in bunches increase in length, and those that grow in shoots are usually short and are located and lean more strongly towards the surface of the earth.

Almost every year new varieties are developed that are able to adapt to different climatic conditions. In this regard, the entire algorithm for planting, growing and harvesting is changing. Therefore, when choosing a specific variety of groundnut, take an interest in the intricacies of its cultivation.

Spanish varieties

Plants of this variety are low-growing and grow in the plant’s homeland - in South America, and in places in North America. This variety is distinguished by a high content of oils in its fruits, which distinguishes it favorably from other varieties.

The main subspecies of the Spanish variety:

  • Improved Spanish 2B,
  • Dixie Spanish,
  • Argentinean,
  • Shafers Spanish,
  • Natal common (Spanish),
  • Spanko and others.

Variety Runner

This variety produces higher yields than the previous one and is mainly grown in the Southern and Eastern United States of America. The fruits have an excellent taste and are easily fried, which is why they are loved by producers of peanut butter, which is so popular among the American consumer.

The main subspecies of this variety:

  • southeast runner 56-15
  • Virginia Bunch 67
  • Dixie Runner
  • Georgia Green
  • Runner Fragrant 458
  • AT-108
  • Bradford Runner and others.

Virginia variety group

The fruits of this variety are quite large, it is actively used by producers of salted nuts, and the “Virginia” variety is also used with pleasure by producers of confectionery products.
Peanuts can grow either in shoots or in bunches, and the harvest is quite rich.

Cultivated subspecies of this variety include:

  • North Carolina all markings,
  • Virginia-C 92R,
  • Wilson,
  • Gregory,
  • Gull,
  • B. Victoria Cross-2,
  • Shulamit.

Valencia variety

Plants of this variety are distinguished by large, heavy stems and large leaves. The bush grows tall and quite wide. The fruits are mostly large; small kernels are practically never found. It is grown in the United States of America, in Mexico. It is used to make boiled peanuts. The pods are three-seeded, and the oval-shaped kernels are not pressed together.

Tennessee group varieties

Plants in this group are similar to the Valencia variety, but the stems are green or greenish-brown. The kernels are not so large and have different shapes and sizes.

Although the fruits of these varieties have differences, they are all healthy and nutritious.

We grow at home

Peanuts need to be planted with sprouted seeds. Naturally, the seeds should not be fried. To do this, they need to be soaked in water, after adding a drop of epin. By morning the nuts will open a little and the roots should appear.

You need to select a plant variety based on the conditions of your area - this will increase the chances of a rich harvest. Growing groundnuts at home requires soil mixed with humus and sand, taken in equal parts. To create a favorable environment for the seeds, the pots should be covered with glass or transparent film. It is better to buy seeds in specialized stores or from sellers who have earned the trust of customers. Poor quality seeds will not produce a harvest.

The soil for planting should not be very dense and stagnant in moisture. High humidity negatively affects the development of the plant, so there is no need to spray it. The flowers appear quite quickly, their shape is characteristic of the legume family, but the color is orange.

When the seeds germinate, they are transplanted into cups, and then they need to be transplanted onto permanent place. Prepare the container in which you will grow peanuts at home. It should be quite wide so that the shoots do not hang over the edges. Immediately after flowering, fruits set. The branch on which the ovary formed gradually descends to the ground. The fruit burrows into the ground and begins to ripen there. That is why the container must be spacious. Otherwise, the ovary will dry out and die.

If the branch is in no hurry to descend, you can help it a little. Select spacers that will promote contact between the branch and the soil. You can also place additional containers with soil nearby - this will make it easier for the ovary to fall into the ground.

Since the plant is an annual, after flowering its development sharply slows down. Peanuts spend all their energy on the appearance of the crop.

Peanut loves light very much, so the place where it will be located should be sunny and well lit. If there is a lack of light, the growth of the plant will be very slow, shoots will practically cease to form, and flowering will become sporadic. In this case, there may be no fruit at all. It is better to place the plant on a windowsill that is located on the south or east side. The light should not be blocked by anything. At noon it is necessary to create artificial shading. If this option is not possible, then it is necessary to provide suitable conditions using special lamps.

The plant needs to be watered regularly. Drafts must be completely excluded, as under their influence the nut may die. Otherwise, caring for peanuts is no different from caring for other indoor plants.

It often happens that peanuts are affected by pests. Mites or aphids can harm the plant, ruining the flowering process. Therefore, it is advisable to protect peanuts from the influence of unfavorable external factors and not to grow them in open space. You can use small greenhouse structures or a fully glazed balcony.

After the bush has completely stopped growing, you can begin to harvest. The peanuts must be carefully pulled out of the ground and the roots checked. There shouldn't be any around them a large number of fruits in a mesh shell? As in the photo.

Growing peanuts in the country

Peanuts should be sown in the spring, after the weather is stable. The ground shouldn't be too cold optimal temperature 12-15 degrees. The holes must be placed in a checkerboard pattern; several rows can be made.

The holes should be approximately 10 centimeters deep and approximately half a meter apart from each other. You need to put 3 seeds in each hole. There is no need to water when planting, this will only harm the plant.

Many gardeners know how to grow peanuts in the country. A lot of effort and painstaking work is not required for this. We must not forget about the basic activities that must be performed during the growth of the plant. Excessive watering can cause the seeds to rot. But when the plant begins to bloom and ovaries form, the amount of watering must be increased. After each watering, loosen the soil so that it is enriched with oxygen. If there has been regular rain, you can skip watering. It is imperative to remove weeds, and it is more convenient to do this when the ground is still wet.

Peanuts do not require pruning and are considered unnecessary. It can be useful only when there are a lot of fruits and it becomes almost impossible to easily separate them from the plant.

If you did everything correctly, the seeds will germinate within a month. The height of an adult plant ranges from 25 to 75 centimeters.

When the ovary sinks into the ground, the bushes need to be hilled up by analogy with potatoes. After this, watering is no longer necessary, just irrigate the soil a little.

When to Harvest

When you notice the leaves starting to turn yellow, you can begin harvesting. Use a pitchfork to dig up the bush, separate the beans and lay them out to dry. It is important that they are not exposed directly sun rays. After the shells have dried, you can take out the fruits.

To prevent birds from spoiling the plant, it is advisable to summer cottage install a scarecrow that will scare them away. This will save the harvest. If the plant is already sick, then it is necessary to act on it by special means, of which there are a huge number today.

Growing peanuts in a greenhouse

This method is the simplest. The seeds will feel comfortable in the bed between the tomatoes. They need to be located closer to the glass.

The space that the peanuts need will be present due to the fact that the lower leaves of the tomatoes are broken off and the height of the bushes is small, and will not block the light for the peanuts. legume plant will, in turn, benefit tomatoes by giving them additional nitrogen.

A prerequisite is the fact that tomatoes should not be planted too densely. In this case, there is no need to hill the peanuts often; it is enough to do this a couple of times in July. And at the beginning of autumn it is already possible to harvest. You can learn more about the rules for growing peanuts by watching the video.

The groundnut growing cycle is only 5 months. Peanuts are planted in November and harvested in late April - May. In June, completely dried peanuts are ready for transportation and subsequent use.

Its flowers are self-pollinating and bloom for only one day. After which an ovary forms on them, which grows into the ground to a depth of about 10 cm, where the ovary turns into pods. Inside each pod there are 2-4 peas, covered with a pinkish shell.

Groundnuts are harvested like potatoes, by digging them out of the ground. There, on the spot, the pods are cleared of soil, and then dried for about a month, after which mechanically separated from the shoots.

Groundnuts are widely used in the food, chemical, and pharmacological industries:

  1. Vegetable oil is extracted from peanuts, which is used to produce chocolate, margarine, canned fish, bakery and confectionery products.
  2. Low quality peanut oil is used in soap making. And the pomace is processed into animal feed.
  3. In the USA, groundnuts are used to produce peanut butter, which 3/4 of the country's population eats for breakfast.
  4. In the pharmaceutical industry, peanut oil is used to produce injections, inhalations and emulsions.
  5. Glue, plastic, and ardil plant wool are produced from the protein substances contained in groundnuts.
  6. The shell of the pods is used to make particle boards, insulating and packaging materials, and mulch for the soil.

Features of the chemical composition

Peanuts have valuable nutritional qualities: they are nutritious, tasty and rich in bioactive substances:

  • proteins and amino acids – 26 g;
  • fats – 45 g;
  • carbohydrates – 17 g;
  • phytosterols – 220 mg;
  • fiber – 8 g;
  • pectin – 4 g;
  • purine bases – 42 mg;
  • vitamins: B1, B3, B6, B9, E, PP, biotin, choline;
  • minerals: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, cobalt, iron, manganese, copper, zirconium

Calorie content in 100 g of nuts is 552 kcal.

A distinctive feature of groundnuts is the high content of non-essential and essential amino acids, each of which is about 10% of the daily requirement per 100 g of product. It also stands out high content omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids.

Attention! 20 nuts is the daily requirement of groundnuts for an adult, and 65 g of peanuts contains the full daily requirement of linoleic acid.

Peanuts belong to the category of women's products, as they contain a large amount of phytosterols - active substances plant origin, protecting the heart and blood vessels, preventing the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Beneficial properties of peanuts

1. Unsaturated fatty acids present in peanuts, especially linoleic acid, help normalize cholesterol levels. Thanks to this, eating peanuts prevents the development of atherosclerosis, cancer and slows down the aging process in the body.

2. Being a source of coarse plant fibers, peanut promotes natural cleansing of the intestines.

3. It also stimulates the flow of bile, relieving the condition of cholelithiasis.

4. Eating peanuts has a positive effect on the circulatory system, improving coagulation and preventing hemorrhages. Therefore, it is especially recommended for use in hemophilia.

5. Peanuts have a positive effect on the genitourinary and nervous systems.

6. Inbox chemical composition The product contains a valuable amino acid - tryptophan, which stimulates the production of the hormone of joy - serotonin, so I recommend using it for depression, neuroses, and exhaustion.

7. Including peanuts in your diet improves hearing, memory and concentration.

8. Regular consumption of groundnuts improves hormonal levels, helping with male and female infertility.

9. It affects the production of testosterone in men, increases sperm activity and libido.

10. Peanuts contain a unique antioxidant - resveratrol, which stimulates cell regeneration and has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, increasing skin elasticity.

Attention! It has been scientifically proven that heat treatment of peanuts increases by 25% the amount of polyphenols it contains - substances that affect fat metabolism, blood circulation and cleansing of the body.

Harmful properties of peanuts

Groundnuts are contraindicated:

  • with varicose veins;
  • for gout;
  • for arthritis;
  • with arthrosis.

It should be used with caution when peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum.

Excessive consumption of peanuts and peanut butter is one of the causes of obesity. In addition, groundnuts are a strong allergen, itchy and redness of the skin, heartburn, vomiting, swelling of the larynx.

Attention! Peanuts are capable of accumulating a toxic microelement - strontium.
In addition, violation of the conditions for growing, transporting and storing groundnuts provokes the formation and accumulation of toxic substances - aflatoxins, which provoke serious poisoning.

Peanuts, thanks to their healing properties and unique composition is a mandatory component healthy eating. No wonder it is used as the basis of some diets aimed at losing weight. The excellent taste and nutritional qualities of this product have made it a favorite delicacy for many.

The benefits and harms of peanuts - video

The second name for peanuts is “ground nut”. It follows from this that peanuts do not ripen like other nuts, i.e. above the soil surface, but in the ground. By the way, it is quite easy to grow peanuts in any country house, as long as you know all the secrets of cultivating this crop.

How peanuts grow in the garden

After planting peanuts in the ground and under favorable conditions, the grains germinate and ordinary small bushes appear above the ground. Over time, they bloom first on the stem yellow flowers, from which pods are then formed on long flexible tails. These pods gradually sink lower and lower and end up on the ground. Next, the pods are immersed in the ground. To speed up this process, a mound of earth is poured near the bush - this is called “hilling”. The pods end up completely underground and are fully ripened in the dark and with little humidity. Peanut nuts are located inside these very pods. There can be from 1 to 3 pieces in one pod.

How peanuts grow - temperature conditions

Peanuts are a heat-loving crop. It makes sense to grow it only in the southern or middle regions. But in the second case, if the air temperature is below 20 degrees, the beds will have to be covered with lutrasil or other similar material. Groundnuts can also be grown in greenhouses.

How Peanuts Grow - Humidity

Peanuts are quite unpretentious and can withstand even severe drought. But in order to increase its productivity, it is still necessary to water it. Regular watering is needed from the time the peanuts begin to sprout and until they bloom and set. Further, as the pods sink into the ground, watering can be reduced. After hilling, when the pods are completely underground, you need to water the bushes only if the soil is very dry. But you shouldn’t over-water it, so that the pods underground don’t start to rot.

How peanuts grow - when and how to plant them

Good fertile soil (chernozem or loam) is suitable for peanuts - well loosened and free from weeds and their roots. The beds must be planned in a sunny place. Planting pattern: 15-20 cm - between individual bushes, 50-60 cm - between adjacent rows. Peanut grains must be buried 3-4 cm into the ground. Peanuts can be planted in the garden at a time when the average daily temperature reaches 15 degrees Celsius. To increase the yield, in April you need to plant peanuts in special cups for seedlings, and then transplant them into open ground.

How peanuts grow - plant care

Like any other garden crop, peanuts require loosening the soil, removing weeds and watering. After hilling the bushes, loosening is carried out very carefully so as not to damage the pods in the ground. Hilling is done several times a season, as new pods grow and fall to the ground.

How peanuts grow - harvest time

Peanuts are dug out of the ground in the same way as regular potatoes. This should be done after the bushes are almost completely dry. In the southern regions it is mid-September, in the middle regions it is the end of September. The dug up bushes, along with roots and pods, are placed in a dry place to dry. After 10 days, it is necessary to separate the dry pods from the roots and remove the grains from them.

To be sure to get good harvest, it is better to plant peanuts that are grown in the same climatic zone. Imported ones, which are sold at the market or in a store, may not produce a large amount of fruit. And, of course, do not forget that it is necessary to plant in the ground damp, i.e. unroasted peanuts.

In the article we discuss peanuts. You will learn how and where it grows, its beneficial properties, how to prepare it and how often you can eat it. You will also find out what contraindications it has, why it should not be eaten during pregnancy, and whether it is possible for nursing mothers to eat peanuts.

Peanuts (groundnuts, groundnuts) – annual herbaceous plant legume family. Latin name: Arachis hypogaea. Peanuts are popularly considered one of the types of nuts, but scientific point this is not true.

How do peanuts grow?

Peanut is a branched plant about 50 cm high. The stems of the plant are erect with alternate leaves, each of which develops two pairs of greenish leaves. Yellowish, moth-type flowers on long stalks are formed from the axils of the leaves. After fertilization, the ovary of the flower descends and buries itself in the ground, where the fruit ripens.

Peanut fruits are two- or four-seeded beans covered with a light brown shell with a cobweb-like pattern. The seeds have a dark red or pale pink shell that comes off easily when soaked. Peanuts bear fruit in September - October.

Where do peanuts grow?

The homeland of peanuts is South America. Spanish and Portuguese colonists helped spread the groundnut to Europe, Africa, India, China and the Philippines.

Today, peanuts are cultivated on an industrial scale in the southern states of the USA, in the countries of the South American continent, in Central Asia, in the South Caucasus.

Chemical composition of peanuts

Groundnuts contain about 50% fatty oil, which includes the following fatty acids:

  • oleic;
  • arachine;
  • tetracosane;
  • stearic;
  • palmitic;
  • lauric;
  • behenova;
  • myristic;
  • hypogeal;
  • cerotinic;
  • erukovaya.

In addition to fatty acids, groundnut fruits also contain the following substances:

  • biotin;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • tocopherols;
  • vitamin D;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • folic acid;
  • amino acids;
  • vegetable protein;
  • globulins;
  • glycoproteins;
  • glycosides;
  • triterpene saponins;
  • purines;
  • starch;
  • Sahara;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium.

Alkaloids are isolated from groundnut fruit cake - arachine, choline and betaine.

Peanut calories

The energy value of peanuts is approximately 567 kcal per 100 grams. product.

Beneficial properties of peanuts

Peanuts are a highly nutritious product that has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all systems and organs. It has a powerful antioxidant effect, helps cleanse and renew the body's cells.

Regular consumption of peanuts reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and malignant neoplasms.

Groundnuts also have the following effects:

  • promotes the outflow of bile;
  • increases concentration;
  • improves memory and hearing;
  • enhances potency;
  • reduces nervous excitability;
  • helps cope with chronic insomnia;
  • restores strength after heavy physical and mental stress;
  • heals wounds and pustular inflammation of the skin;
  • prevents premature aging.

Peanuts: benefits and harms

In addition to the benefits, peanuts can cause harm to the body. Excessive consumption of groundnuts can cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and cause obesity.

The daily intake of unsalted peanuts for an adult is no more than 50 g. Salted peanuts can be consumed no more than 1-2 times a week, 10 g each.

Peanut uses

Peanuts are primarily grown as food product. It is used to make peanut butter, various sweet and savory snacks, and is also added to confectionery products. Peanuts are consumed raw and roasted. Peanuts are also grown as a feed crop for livestock.

Peanut oil is used for preparing various dishes and canning. By nutritional properties it is several times superior to others vegetable oils. Fatty peanut oil is used in cosmetology. It is used to produce soap and cosmetics.

IN folk medicine Groundnuts are used to treat diseases. For cooking medicines use the fruits and leaves of the plant. It is used to treat dizziness, prostate adenoma, arterial hypertension, circulatory disorders, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and sinuses.

Peanuts for women

Regular consumption of peanuts has the following effects on the female body:

  • reduces the risk of developing breast cancer;
  • regulates hormonal levels;
  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • nourishes and restores skin, hair and nails;
  • prevents early gray hair.

Peanuts are good as a snack or a complete meal replacement while losing weight.

Peanuts for men

Peanuts are also good for men. It is indispensable for the body with sexual dysfunction, low libido and low sperm activity. Peanuts also help reduce the risk of developing prostate adenoma, restore strength after sports activities, strengthen bone tissue and increase testosterone production.

Peanuts for children

Peanuts help fight hemorrhagic diathesis in children, strengthen the immune system, and have a beneficial effect on development mental abilities and increases the endurance of the growing body. The permissible portion of peanuts for children is no more than 10 pieces. in a day.

Peanuts during pregnancy

The main danger of peanuts during pregnancy is the risk of developing an allergic reaction in expectant mother. Even if you were not allergic to nuts before pregnancy, you should still avoid them.

Eating peanuts and peanut-based products may cause a child to develop sensitivity to allergens contained in peanuts.

Is it possible to eat peanuts while breastfeeding?

During lactation, you should also avoid eating nuts. Peanuts can cause allergies, bloating and colic in a child.

How to peel peanuts

To quickly peel roasted peanuts, follow the instructions:

  1. Cool the peanuts after roasting.
  2. Place it in a fine mesh vegetable net, then thoroughly mix the nuts in it.
  3. If there is no such mesh, then use a clean kitchen towel.
  4. Fold the edges of the towel over to form a bundle.
  5. Place it on the table and remember the bundle as when kneading dough from different sides.
  6. After such manipulations, the husk completely moves away from the kernels.
  7. Unfold the towel and pick out the peanut kernels.

To remove the husks from raw peanuts, just soak them in boiled water. room temperature for a while, and then gently rub the kernels between your palms.

How to roast peanuts

There are two ways to roast peanuts at home: in the oven or in a frying pan. Before frying, be sure to wash the peanuts, remove rotten and darkened kernels and dry them.

Fry the peanuts in a frying pan for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula. Peanuts are cooked in the oven at 180 degrees for about 10 minutes.

You can also cook peanuts in the shell in the oven. This way he will save more useful substances. It takes at least 20 minutes to prepare.

Peanut paste

You can make delicious and nutritious peanut butter at home yourself. Toasts and sandwiches are prepared with it for breakfast, used to make confectionery, added as a filling to vegetable rolls, and various sauces are prepared on its basis.

You will need:

  • peanuts - 450 g;
  • salt - 4-5 g;
  • vegetable oil - 17 g;
  • natural honey (optional) - 10 g.

How to cook:

  1. Wash, peel and dry the peanuts.
  2. Place it on a baking sheet in one layer and fry in the oven at 180 degrees for 5 minutes.
  3. Grind the roasted peanuts in a blender for 1 minute.
  4. Add honey, oil and salt to it and turn on the blender again for 2 minutes.
  5. If the paste turns out to be too thick, dilute it with warm boiled water to the desired consistency.
  6. Store the prepared pasta in a tightly closed container. glass jar in a refrigerator.

Peanut paste is very high in calories, so you should not eat more than 1 tablespoon per day.

Peanut allergy

In the 90s, peanut allergy became a serious medical problem in English-speaking countries, and scientists have not yet identified the exact cause of this allergic reaction.

Peanuts should be avoided if the following symptoms appear when consuming them:

  • redness of the skin;
  • swelling of the lips, tongue, and sinuses;
  • nasal congestion;
  • tearfulness;
  • stomach ache;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness.

If allergy symptoms occur, consult your doctor immediately. Ignoring symptoms can lead to angioedema or anaphylactic shock. Be careful!

Contraindications and restrictions

Peanuts have the following contraindications and restrictions on consumption:

  • nut allergy;
  • obesity;
  • arthritis;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 3 years.

Growing peanuts in open ground

In central Russia, peanuts are grown using seedlings. To do this, pre-soaked seeds are planted in seedling boxes in April. When the soil temperature warms up to 15 degrees, peanut sprouts are planted under film covers.

Groundnut flowers bloom for one day, so during this time they must be pollinated. After fertilization, the pedicels sink to the ground and need to be covered with soil. Peanuts bloom in June - July.

Fertilizing, watering and loosening are carried out until the end of flowering. During the period of fruit ripening, the plant must be periodically hilled and watered only in severe drought.

Where can I buy

You can purchase raw peanut kernels at most large supermarkets or online grocery stores. The price of nuts depends on the variety and country of origin. On average, 1 kg of shelled raw peanuts costs about 200 rubles.

Meet at suburban areas Peanuts are not available to domestic summer residents very often. This annual plant is quite low-growing and produces flowers during flowering. yellow tint. Most often, this representative of the legume family is found in South America, which is its homeland.

Peanuts in the process of growing forms a branched stem. Since the flowers of this plant only live for one day, in some cases they die off unpollinated. It is very important that after pollination the flower gets into the soil, since without this the process of fruit formation will not begin. If the flowers are unable to get into the soil, then over time they die.

Peanuts are one of the most famous plants, the taste of which is liked not only by children, but also by adults. Groundnuts can be eaten raw or processed. In the latter case, it is used as an additive to various dishes. What makes this crop valuable is its nutritional and beneficial properties. First of all, people who are trying to maintain a slim figure should pay attention to this vegetable, since consuming it quickly brings a feeling of fullness.

The largest number of large peanut plantations in tropical countries. However, it is possible to obtain a harvest from this plant even in our climate. Although many of us have heard about peanuts and tasted them, not everyone decides to grow them in their summer cottage.

Features of peanuts and their varieties

Since this plant is native to the tropics, it grows best at temperatures between 20 and 27 degrees.

Many have probably heard another name for this plant - groundnut. It arose because this is what peanuts are called in translation from other languages.

However, there is another, more logical reason why peanuts are called that way. The name "groundnut" refers to features of its cultivation. Let us remind you once again that after pollination, the flowers must end up in the ground, where the formation of a long shoot and its rooting begins. It is underground that the fruit, the groundnut, ripens. This has led to peanuts being called groundnuts, even though they are not.

Benefits of peanuts

Many people like peanuts not only because of their pleasant taste, but also useful properties. The beans of this plant contain contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which the human body so needs. Peanut oil is also a valuable product because it is very rich in linoleic acid. The benefits for the body of this substance are due to its pronounced anti-sclerotic effect. Peanut butter also contains vitamin E and most B vitamins, the benefits of which many people know.

However, the options for eating peanuts are not limited to nuts and butter. It is the raw material for making delicious peanut butter. It perfectly replaces regular butter, which can be spread on bread. There are a large number of recipes where peanut butter is one of the main ingredients. People who suffer from allergic reactions often include it in their diet. Peanut butter contains the same amount of calories as meat, but has many beneficial properties. It contains folic acid, without which the process of regeneration of body cells is impossible.

Peanuts include more than 700 different varieties , however, most of them are intended for cultivation only in the hot climate of South America. However, among them there are varieties that can be cultivated in temperate latitudes.

The most widespread varieties are Runner, Virginia, Spanish and Valencia. Their beans grow into stems that can have a variety of shapes.

There are also varieties that, when grown, produce shoots or ligaments. In the first case, the bushes turn out to be longer. Peanut bushes, which form shoots during development, are small in height and usually creep along the ground.

  • Spanish. This variety is intended for cultivation in South and partly North America. It differs from other varieties in that its beans are very rich in oil. Within this variety, independent subspecies are also distinguished: Spanish2B, Dixie, Natal, etc.
  • Runner. This variety, bred for cultivation in conditions North America, is different high yield. It produces beans that are great tasting and easy to prepare. It is therefore not surprising that this variety has become widely used as a raw material for the production of peanut butter entering the US markets. Within this variety, separate subspecies can be distinguished: Runner56-15, Virginia Bunch67, Georgia Green, etc.
  • Virginia. Bushes of this variety produce large fruits, which are in great demand among confectioners. The main subspecies of this peanut variety are: Virginia-C92R, Wilson, Gull, etc.
  • Valencia. This variety differs from others in its leaves. large sizes. The beans also turn out to be quite large. This variety is intended for cultivation in the USA and Mexico. You can eat the fruits of these peanuts only after processing - cooking. One pod contains three beans, which are oval in shape.

Growing peanuts at home and in a greenhouse

One of the most common methods of growing peanuts is sowing seeds.

If you use a cramped container for peanuts, over time this can lead to their death.

Because peanuts is an annual crop, with the end of its flowering, the bush stops growing. From this moment on, the plant spends all its energy on the formation of fruits. Peanuts respond well to a sufficient amount of light, so this point must be taken into account when choosing a place to plant them. A lack of lighting leads to a slowdown in growth, as a result, its flowers will become inconspicuous, in some cases you may not even get fruit. Drafts have a particularly negative effect on its development. During peanut cultivation, regular watering must be provided.

Harvesting. If all signs indicate that the above-ground part of the bush is no longer growing, then most likely the fruits are ripe and it’s time to pick them. To do this, you need to dig the bush out of the ground and carefully examine its roots. Usually there is a number of fruits around them, and each bean is covered with a shell.

Less labor-intensive is growing peanuts in a greenhouse. In this case, the most suitable for seeds are created favorable conditions, however, you need to pay attention to what plants the peanuts will be adjacent to. It is recommended to plant it next to tomatoes.

It is advisable that the peanut plantings be located as close to the glass as possible. Since tomatoes are low-growing plants, they will not provide shade for peanut seedlings. The legumes themselves will benefit the tomatoes because they will supply them with additional nitrogen. However, when sowing, it is not recommended to place tomatoes too densely.

If peanuts grow in a greenhouse along with tomatoes, you will not have to regularly hill them. You can limit yourself to just a few operations that need to be performed in July. With the onset of September, you can choose the day for harvesting.

Growing peanuts in the garden

If you are going to plant peanuts in the garden, then you need to choose appropriate place for her. Peanuts grow best in a well-lit area. You also need to pay attention to the color of the soil, as this also affects the color of the beans.

For landing use beans or its pieces. To grow peanuts in the garden, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Open. Sowing of seeds begins in the first weeks of spring, when warm weather sets in. It is recommended to choose a moment for planting when the air temperature is within 12-15 degrees. Holes are dug in the garden bed, arranged in a checkerboard pattern, in several rows. In this case, you need to maintain the required dimensions: the depth of the holes is 10 cm, the distance between plants is 50 cm. During sowing, you need to put three beans in each hole. There is no need to moisten the soil after planting. Typically, you have to wait about one month for peanuts to sprout. An adult bush grows in height up to 25-75 cm;
  • Growing seedlings and planting in the ground. This method will require containers filled with loose soil mixture. Sowing seeds in them is carried out in early April. Keep the plantings on the windowsill. With the arrival of summer, when the last frosts have passed, adult seedlings transplanted to a permanent place. When planting, seedlings should be placed in rows, following the pattern: the distance between plants is 15-20 cm, between rows - 60 cm.


Peanuts are one of the popular crops with which almost all of us are familiar. Many people like this plant not only as an independent product, but also as part of various products , first of all, confectionery shops. Due to the great love for it, fans often have a desire to plant peanuts on their plot. This is not such a difficult task, because today there are many varieties intended for temperate latitudes. However, this does not mean that the plant does not need to be looked after.

You can only get a good harvest subject to compliance with agricultural cultivation techniques. This applies especially to peanuts, since their homeland is the subtropics, so you will have to pay attention to maintaining the optimal temperature.