Well      03/04/2020

How to wash glossy stretch ceilings without streaks. What and how to properly wash glossy and matte stretch ceilings at home (with video)? How to wash a matte stretch ceiling without streaks at home

The sellers probably assured that your new stretch ceiling will never have to be washed. That the antistatic properties of the ceiling canvas will forever prevent dust and dirt from settling on it.

Stretch ceilings, indeed, will never get dirty, but only in one case: they are installed in a sterilely clean apartment in which no one lives. In all other situations they need regular care . There are some peculiarities in how to wash stretch ceiling at home.

The cleanliness of a product can be affected by many reasons. Here are just a few of them:

  • they live in your apartment children. The ceiling will inevitably suffer from wise children's games. Plasticine, water guns, balls, soda - this is only a small part of what the product will have to experience. “How to properly wash a suspended ceiling?” – someday, all happy parents ask themselves;
  • you love fresh air and ventilate the room. Street dust particles are not very selective. Covering all open surfaces in the house, they will not leave the ceiling unattended;
  • You cook food at home. No hood will save kitchen ceiling from soot, traces of grease and steam, even if you are extremely careful;
  • You wash yourself. Condensation, drying on the suspended ceiling of the bathroom, leaves quite noticeable imprints;
  • you like to celebrate holidays at home. A stain on the ceiling from a flying traffic jam is still a good option for the development of events. There might be a hole;
  • you started repair. In this case, washing the ceiling structure cannot be avoided. Covered her construction dust, at a minimum, is harmful to health and a good reason to find out how to clean a stretch ceiling without streaks;
  • You smoke indoors. Letting go tobacco smoke- the surest and fastest way to yellow stains and a gray ashy coating on the product.

Thus, the suspended ceiling will become dirty even if you are a perfect cleaner. If it is necessary for the ceiling to be clean - behind it need to be looked after. This problem is easy to deal with if you clearly know how to wash suspended ceilings.

How not to cause harm

Considering what the suspended ceiling is made of, washing it yourself does not seem to be a difficult task.

More than 90% of manufactured ceiling fabrics consist of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), the rest are made of polyester woven material. PVC is a dielectric and, indeed, does not accumulate dirt and dust well. Thanks to this excellent property, you won’t need a lot of work to wash the suspended ceiling. In addition, PVC is a waterproof material with low flammability, resistant to alcohol, hydrocarbons (including gasoline, kerosene), saline solutions and acids.

But for all its merits, it, alas, is easy to cut. Stretch fabric for ceilings is thin and very tightly stretched film, which can be accidentally pierced. There is another property of this material that is important to consider when cleaning: PVC film dissolves in acetone, chlorinated hydrocarbons, methyl ethyl ketone and other solvents.

Attention! Washing ceilings easy to cut. Do not use sharp objects when washing it.

There are several important rules on how to wash suspended ceilings without harming the fabric. Remember them:

  • Neither powder nor paste abrasive detergents should be used. This is exactly the case when you can overdo it. Even the smallest particles instantly leave scratches on the material;
  • strictly prohibit yourself from using aggressive chemicals containing polyvinyl chloride solvents (for example, acetone). After such experiments, you will no longer need to know how to clean a suspended ceiling. After all, he will melt before your eyes;
  • To avoid scratches and cuts, remove rings and bracelets before cleaning. In addition to the fact that your favorite jewelry will damage the linen, they themselves can become hopelessly damaged by chemicals;
  • any scrapers, knives, other tools, sandpaper, with which you planned to scrape dried dirt from the film, leave it for other surfaces. The film will tear from any awkward movement;
  • Even medium-hard brushes and sponges are a real threat to PVC fabric. Do not use them while cleaning;
  • Think carefully about using a mop. With a long handle it is difficult to control the pressure, and there is a risk of tearing the blade. However, many people prefer it;
  • do not hurry. No sudden movements. Do not press on the canvas so as not to tear it. Work very carefully.

Attention! When buying a detergent, make sure that it can be used to wash suspended ceilings.

In order not to worry about how to wash a suspended ceiling at home and keep it safe and sound, you can turn to the services professional cleaning. But is it worth spending your honestly earned money when washing suspended ceilings is no more difficult, and even easier, than washing any others? You just need to follow simple instructions.

Prepare properly

Buy detergents specially created for PVC films. If possible, contact your retailer and find out how to clean your suspended ceiling. He will probably recommend specific brands.

You can successfully use more available funds. Choose from the following:

  • soap solution. Make it from warm (about 40%) water and soap shavings or washing powder. Be careful with the latter: the powder should not contain bleach so that the material does not fade. How to clean a suspended ceiling if it is made not of PVC, but of fabric? Wash with soapy water;
  • window cleaner. It must be alcohol based. It can be used to wash a suspended ceiling without streaks;
  • m Dish detergent. Particularly suitable for kitchen ceilings, because... perfectly removes fat;
  • alcohol solution. To prepare it, mix ammonia with water in a ratio of 1/10. The solution cleans glossy stretch ceilings well. Cleaning them will give an incredible shine to the product.

Whatever product you choose, try it before cleaning. apply it on a tiny area of ​​the canvas, most hidden from view. After drying, the ceiling should not fade or become deformed.

Prepare soft, lint-free cloth wipes such as flannel or microfiber. Soft, comfortable sponges will also work.

How to clean tension sheets if they are difficult to reach? Take care of your convenience and use a stepladder. Of course, you can climb onto the table, but it’s hard to move and uncomfortable to get off.

If you still decide to reach the surface with a mop, be sure to wrap its working part soft cloth.

Attention! A mop can damage the suspended ceiling. Work carefully.


How to wash a stretch ceiling without streaks at home depends on the texture of the fabric, the nature of the contamination and the cleaning method.

Dry cleaning

Dry cleaning carried out if there are no visible stains, and the ceiling only needs to be cleaned from accumulated dust. To do this, you need to carefully, without pressing, walk over it with a dry soft cloth. This applies to surfaces of all types.

If there is a lot of dust, for example, you are repairing something, use vacuum cleaner. Put it on low power, and walk along the surface, holding the nozzle no less than 5 cm from it.

Wet cleaning

It is carried out if there are visible contaminants, for example, left traces of drinks or nicotine residue. You will have to tinker with washing longer, but the result is worth it.


When caring for glossy fabric, it is important to understand how to wash a stretch ceiling so that there are no streaks. It is on this surface that stains are especially visible. Perfect here alcohol based sprays which are used for glass. Simply spray the product onto the surface, rub in gentle circular motions, and then wipe dry. To make the glossy surface sparkle, you can wipe it alcohol solution.

Attention! Do not wash glossy stretch ceilings with alcohol-based products.


These canvases have a rough structure, and it is a little more difficult to wash off dirt. But the stains on them are practically invisible. Use any of the above remedies. Wet a soft cloth with the solution, wring it out, and gently wipe the surface. You don’t have to wipe it dry, there won’t be any streaks.


Fabric products have a peculiarity - they cannot be cleaned with either alcohol sprays or dishwashing liquids. The ideal option for them is soap solution. When wetting a rag, you need to wring it out well, as water makes the material heavy and takes a long time to dry.

In the kitchen

The kitchen is the place where the ceiling material especially needs care. Fat and steam are eternal cooking companions. It is advisable to wipe the surface here as soon as stains appear, because... old fat difficult to clean. Wash your kitchen ceiling with the same liquid detergent you use to wash dishes, as long as it does not contain abrasives. And always turn on the hood when cooking.

Special contaminants

The applied effort will be enough to remove, for example, soot stains. But how to wash a stretch ceiling without streaks if there are traces of primer, paint or glue left on it?

Modern paint and primer are polymers. They are little sensitive to mechanical and physical influences. It is almost impossible to remove them. But you can try.

Stains water-based paint soak with water several times. It will swell and you can try to remove it. If it doesn’t work, process it white spirit, and carefully remove the remains. Perhaps a pale trace will still remain.

You can try to remove the glue stain with the same white spirit or glass cleaner. It washes out better.

With a primer everything is much more complicated. We wipe off a fresh stain with white spirit, and if the stain is old - We invite professionals from the cleaning service or we just put up with it.

Useful video

In the video, let's see how to wash stretch ceilings without streaks:

Wash ceiling panels only when necessary. Regular wet cleaning protects them well from dirt. If you keep your apartment clean, you will only need to wash the suspended ceilings once every two years.

Stretch ceilings have firmly chosen their place in apartments and houses. They are unpretentious in terms of cleaning. Many of them have an antistatic coating; dust does not settle on them. But this does not mean that there is no need to clean such a ceiling. Over time, dirt will climb to the top.

Cleaning Features

Stretch matte ceiling fits perfectly into almost any interior. But various kinds of contamination can spoil any positive impression of even the most sophisticated design. In addition, daily inhalation of dust does not promote health. Although the canvas has an antistatic effect, as on any other surface, dust will settle over time, and this effect does not protect against other types of dirt.

Splashes of champagne and soda, traces of the vital activity of various flies, lime condensation, soap deposits, traces of soot, smoke and grease - that’s not all possible contamination ceiling. Any housewife can wash them at home. The main thing is to know the characteristics of the material being cleaned.

Matte stretch ceilings are most often made from PVC film. This material does not tolerate hard brushes, abrasives or rough handling. Too much effort can cause cracks or even holes to form; in addition, the canvas can be inadvertently deformed. Such a surface cannot be cleaned with acetone-based products; the aggressive composition can “eat away” the coating.

There are several ways to clean the ceiling without streaks:

  • Dry cleaning – the surface is wiped with a dry or slightly damp soft cloth or a special microfiber cloth. Typically used when you just need to brush off dust.
  • Dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner - you must use only a special attachment with very soft bristles.
  • Wet cleaning can be done either with plain water (the temperature of which should not exceed 40 degrees) or with the help of special solutions (purchased or homemade).
  • Steam cleaning – respectively, using a steam generator.

The surface of fabric ceilings is best cleaned using dry methods. When installing fabric sheets, it is necessary to clarify whether such a coating can withstand wet cleaning. Not all fabrics used for ceiling decoration are impregnated with special compounds. And if you do wet cleaning of such ceilings, you can inadvertently ruin appearance coverings.

How and what to wash?

Caring for a matte ceiling is not particularly difficult if it is located in the living room, hallway, or bedroom. Maintenance of the canvas can be done once every few months, once every six months. Depending on the load of these rooms.

Another thing is the ceilings in the kitchen and bathroom. These premises are characterized by increased “dirt accumulation”. Soap stains, limescale- quite often seen on ceilings in bathrooms. Traces of soot and grease remain on kitchen surfaces. And unscrupulous smokers can leave reminders of themselves in the form of traces of burning and smoke.

It is quite possible to clean the ceiling from any type of dirt using improvised means., and specifically designed for these purposes. To do this, just wash the ceiling and wipe it dry so that there are no traces of streaks left.

Means and tools

Regardless of the degree of contamination of the ceiling, to clean it you will need:

  • rags (cotton, for these purposes you can use old bed linen for rags) or napkins (they should be soft, made of non-woven, lint-free materials, microfiber), soft sponges without a hard base;
  • a good, stable stepladder (or a stand from which you certainly won’t fall);
  • when cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, the device must be equipped with a special nozzle with soft bristles;
  • water, cleaning agent or soap solution;

  • spray bottle - it can be used to facilitate the application of diluted detergents, if they are not presented in the form of aerosols or sprays;
  • using chemical substances(even if self-made) gloves will not be superfluous; they are simply necessary if the person cleaning the surface has a beautiful manicure on long nails;
  • mop - it should be used extremely carefully. Its working crossbar must be completely covered with fabric, which, if something happens, will not slip or fall;
  • steam generator, if such cleaning is practiced.

You can wash the stretch ceiling fabric even with ordinary water. It should be warm, but under no circumstances hot! Maximum 40 degrees. The temperature of any cleaning solution should not exceed this mark. You can enhance the effect of water using dishwashing detergent or soap (not very alkaline, for example, baby soap).

When using products that dissolve well and form abundant foam, you can not soak cloths or sponges in the solution, but use foam. It will cope well even with old stains, and its effects will be less aggressive than the solution itself. For example, you can wash matte fabric using foam from diluted washing powder. Take hand washing powder (“automatic” is not suitable for these purposes), beat into foam using a mixer and apply to the surface.

Products for cleaning glass and mirrors, especially those containing ammonia, have proven themselves to be effective. Alcohol is great at removing fat. Apply, wait 15 minutes, then rinse and dry the surface. But when using glass cleaning products, you must always be careful about the composition. If it contains acetone, it should absolutely not be used.

“Mr. Muscle”, “Vanish” - have a fairly gentle composition, which nevertheless perfectly removes dirt. And of course, in hardware store You can purchase a product specially designed for cleaning suspended ceilings that will remove dirt, will not harm the coating and will not leave streaks.


You can remove dust from the matte canvas only with a dry soft cloth. The main thing is to wipe the surface correctly when cleaning, without pressing too hard, and do not rub with force. The ceiling is a structure made of a frame and stretched fabric. If the impact is too strong, the PVC film may become deformed - stretch into unsightly stripes, and wrinkles may form. Only professionals can eliminate this kind of defect.

When dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment, there is no need to bring the device close to the ceiling. It should be kept at a small distance, 1-2 cm.

When cleaning the ceiling with a steam generator, you need to point the tool at the dirt. Steam the surface, then immediately remove any condensation that has formed by wiping it dry.

When wet cleaning with a mop, you should also exercise maximum caution. If the fabric suddenly slips off the working crossbar, then trouble will inevitably follow. The surface may be scratched. In addition, when using this tool, you cannot control the degree of impact, as when working with a rag, sponge or napkin.

If the ceiling is cleaned manually, then there should be no jewelry on your hands; it is best to wear gloves. Often, several rags or napkins may be needed to treat the entire surface of the ceiling. Some are for removing stains, others are for drying and eliminating possible stains.

It is better to clean the ceiling in fragments. One segment after another. It’s more convenient to move this way, besides, the canvas always gets dirty unevenly, in some places a more thorough and painstaking action may be needed, but in others one movement of your hand with a damp cloth is enough.

When there is a lot of dirt on the ceiling, general cleaning has not been carried out or has been done for a long time, for example, several years ago, decisive action is necessary.

The technology itself deep cleaning the canvas takes place in several stages:

  • Dry clean first. Cobwebs are swept away from corners and lamps, dust is removed.
  • Then a cleaning composition is applied to the surface.
  • A certain amount of time is waited. (If the stains are very strong, the detergent must be fully effective. If the stains are small, then you can proceed to the next step).
  • The composition is washed off from the canvas.
  • Next comes drying. The surface is wiped with a dry cloth or rag. Until traces of soap stains are removed.

To ensure that a matte ceiling always pleases with its appearance, it is better to dry clean it regularly, and if stains occur, do not put off removing them until later, but remove them immediately while they are fresh and easy to clean.

For the living room, hall, bedroom and other rooms where dirt does not accumulate so much, it is enough to clean it once every six months or a year.

Do not forget to ventilate the room where the suspended ceiling is installed.

It is better to carry out all work in the first half of the day, when additional lighting is not required.

It is advisable to wash the suspended ceiling in the bathroom after each use. It is enough just to remove condensation and soap deposits - wipe dry with a cloth. If such cleaning is impossible, then you need to make it a rule to periodically do a general cleaning of the room, starting from the ceiling.

Products that contain ammonia will help you cope with greasy deposits. Even despite the most powerful hood, the ceilings in the kitchen should be washed regularly and more often than, for example, in the living room. Dirt accumulates unnoticed, but thoroughly.

The kitchen, bathroom, balcony are the most favorable places for the appearance of all kinds of pollution. Therefore, the ceiling covering is cleaned more often here.

Stretch ceilings are one of the best solutions V modern interiors. They amaze with a variety of textures, colors and shades, providing perfect smooth surfaces, help to hide all engineering communications and mount any lighting system, which allows you to implement the most creative design ideas. Despite all the practicality of the materials used during installation, sometimes there is still a need to wash suspended ceilings.

One of the best tools To clean suspended ceilings, you can use a long mop with a soft nozzle

Over time, dust and other contaminants accumulate on the surface of the ceiling (even with antistatic impregnations):

  • in the kitchen - greasy soot and splashes from various products;
  • in the living room there are traces of wild holidays and parties with sparkling wines;
  • in the nursery - manifestations of creative imagination in the form of stains from paints, felt-tip pens, etc.;
  • in the bathroom - soap stains and calcareous deposits from hard water;
  • in any rooms where people smoke - tar and the ingrained smell of tobacco smoke (so if you still have not gotten rid of this bad habit, despite all the persuasion and prohibitions, you will have to wash your suspended ceilings much more often).

Different types of ceiling coverings, the nature of accumulated dirt and the composition of stains require individual approach to the question of how to wash suspended ceilings at home. There are many videos posted on the Internet with step by step instructions, which demonstrate the entire process. We will look at the main recommendations and methods.

Safety regulations

If you have a question about whether stretch ceilings can be washed, the answer is yes. The main thing is to do everything carefully and be careful.

Use highly absorbent and non-fading rags made of flannel or other natural lint-free fabric, microfiber cloths, and the soft side of dish sponges.

To wash colored fabric and film (PVC) ceilings, do not use hard sponges and brushes, abrasives (soda, salt, mustard, acetone, etc.), aggressive household chemicals - they can mechanically scratch the surface, lead to changes and uneven “eating away” color, dulling of glossy shine.

It is also dangerous to use too much pressure when trying to clean ceilings, especially with a vacuum cleaner or long mop. Keeping your hands constantly raised up, trying to reach out and wipe off dirt at a height, it is difficult to calculate the effort and avoid stretching or even tearing the canvas. Do not rush to remove individual pieces of dust or hanging cobwebs from the stretch fabric with a vacuum cleaner - it is safer to collect them with a broom or rag.

To wash suspended ceilings at home, it is better to use a stepladder

Rubbing the canvas by hand from a stepladder, of course, takes longer, but it is more reliable and safer. By the way, if you are willing to spend time on handmade, then do it with gloves, having removed all rings and bracelets in advance. Even small decorations (especially massive ones with protruding stones or convex decorative elements) pose a danger, as they can leave scratches and other damage on your beautiful ceiling.

When planning to wash suspended ceilings at home, warm the air in the room to 22-25 ℃ and do not bring the water to a temperature above 30-40 ℃. This will reduce the risk of squeezing and deformation of the canvas, and the appearance of cracks that arise due to temperature differences.

Problems with the appearance of stains arise mainly among owners of glossy film ceilings.

A glossy ceiling visually expands the space, making the room brighter and lighter. But when cleaning such a ceiling, problems with streaks arise.

In case of light contamination in the form of dust, it is enough to wipe the glossy ceiling film covering with a soft cloth moistened with clean, slightly warm water. To achieve the dissolution of fats, stains, soot, resins, professionals recommend using special products designed for washing suspended ceilings. They quickly and effectively cope with various contaminants and do not leave behind streaks on the surface.

Before using any new products for you, it is advisable to test their safety in some inconspicuous corner of the ceiling.

Apply a few drops detergent onto the surface of the canvas and assess its condition after 10-15 minutes. Changes in color and shine, the appearance of wrinkles or deformations indicate the danger of using such a composition.

As a handy alternative, it is best to take colorless and non-abrasive dishwashing gels. They need to be well foamed in water, and then only the foam is applied to the ceiling covering, scooping it up with a soft sponge. Do not press or try to vigorously wipe off dirt the first time, especially if the stretch fabric is located close to the base ceiling (at a distance of 2-4 cm). It’s better to leave the foam to “work” for a while, and then add more and wipe it off, barely touching the surface of the canvas.

After washing off the dirt, wipe off the remaining foam with a soft damp cloth, constantly rinsing it in clean, cool water. The following help eliminate remaining stains and give glossy ceilings an even, mirror-like shine:

  1. Window or mirror cleaners. It is recommended to spray aerosols not on the ceiling itself, but on a clean, dry rag or napkin, which is used to carefully rub the canvas.
  2. Homemade alcohol solutions. They can be prepared from ethyl or ammonia in a concentration of 1 tbsp. l. per 250 ml of water, regular vodka (without additives) at the rate of 2-3 tbsp. l. for 250 ml of water. After removing stains with alcohol solutions, it is advisable to rub the canvas with a dry cloth.
Do not rub the ceiling in a circular motion: this will only cause more streaks. Move in one direction, for example from left to right or (if there are seams) only along the seam and parallel to it.

Matte ceilings can be made from a special heat-shrinkable material (fabric) or PVC film of different textures (satin and chintz - translucent). Matte films are additionally impregnated with polyurethane, which provides the coating with dust-repellent and waterproofing properties.

In appearance, matte stretch ceilings are more reminiscent of a perfectly plastered surface

On the surface of matte ceilings, dirt is cleaned, observing general rules safety, but it is acceptable to use household appliances: vacuum cleaner, steam generator.

You need to put on an attachment on the vacuum cleaner - a brush with soft bristles; To be on the safe side, it is recommended to cover it additionally by wrapping it in a clean, dry flannel cloth. You need to collect dust and soot from the ceiling without pressing the brush to the canvas or pressing it down, but passing it at a short distance from the surface - 2-3 cm. At the same time, set the suction power to medium or minimum.

After removing accumulated dirt with a vacuum cleaner, it is recommended to carefully wipe the matte stretch ceiling with a soft, damp cloth soaked in water. room temperature, and then remove any remaining moisture with a dry cloth or rag.

Steam generators for cleaning ceilings can only be used with constant monitoring of the steam temperature

If your steam cleaner model has an adjustment, then set the steam temperature to no higher than 50 ℃. When using equipment without the ability to set temperature regime do not bring the nozzle closer than 30-40 cm to the surface of the matte film. After steam treatment, the stretch ceiling will have to be wiped with a dry cloth or sponge so that no condensation remains on it.

To wash matte stretch ceilings, especially white ones, do not use colored detergents containing ammonia, acetone and other solvents (for example, for glass and mirrors), as well as abrasives and hard brushes.

The main advantage of a matte finish is that after wet cleaning there are no streaks left on it, so there is no need to rub it.

All built-in lighting elements and ventilation grilles on which dirt accumulates must be wiped separately by hand using a sponge and soap solutions.

It is best to wash suspended ceilings at home during the daytime in sunlight. This way the contamination is more noticeable and it is possible to turn off the power to everything lighting to thoroughly wipe them from dust, wash them from layers of soot and grease.

If there are stains on the matte fabric, use a solution of dishwashing detergent, hand washing powder or shavings laundry soap. It is important that the powder or soap is completely dissolved (without granules or lumps), and the solution is well whipped into foam, which is used to treat the surface. You cannot rub the same place for a long time. If the stain does not come off immediately, it is better to leave it under soap foam for 5-10 minutes, and then pick it up using movements from the edges of the stain to the center. After wet cleaning, wipe dry.

Stretch ceiling covering is designed for long-term use with minimal maintenance. Dry cleaning, brushing dust from the ceiling with soft brooms or long-pile natural wool brooms is enough. Wet wiping with water (without using any detergents) is carried out as necessary (about once every six months).

It is recommended to carry out general cleaning of ceilings using special detergents no more than once every 2-3 years.

To avoid having to wash suspended ceilings too often, don’t skimp on a powerful hood in the kitchen, and don’t skimp on a powerful hood in the bathroom. forced ventilation. If accidental splashes from food, drinks or traces of children's pranks hit the ceiling, try to wipe off the stains immediately before they are absorbed into the structure of the material. This way, your matte or glossy ceilings will always look clean, maintain brightness of color and uniform shine.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Do you know that:

IN dishwasher Not only plates and cups are washed well. You can load it with plastic toys, glass lamp shades and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without using detergents.

The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt onto the paper, heat the iron to maximum and run the iron over the salt bed several times, applying light pressure.

Fresh Lemon Isn't Just for Tea: Clean Up Surface Contaminants acrylic bathtub, rubbing half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container with water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt can simply be wiped off with a sponge.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don’t have to worry about leaks from neighbors above.

There are special traps to combat moths. IN sticky layer, with which they are covered, female pheromones are added, which attract males. By sticking to the trap, they are eliminated from the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

If your favorite things show the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to their proper appearance.

Before removing various stains from clothing, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Threads made of gold and silver, which were used to embroider clothes in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with pliers until required subtlety. This is where the expression “to drag out the rigmarole” came from - “to do long, monotonous work” or “to delay the completion of a task.”

The habit of using an automatic washing machine “sparingly” can lead to the appearance of unpleasant odor. Washing at temperatures below 60℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively reproduce.

Stretch ceilings have become a popular attribute of home interiors. With its help, owners realize bold design solutions, choosing the desired color and structure of the material.

The main advantage remains an unchanged appearance, when over time the ceiling does not fade or undergo deformation. Caring for the linen depends on the room, determining the choice of cleaning product and cleaning method. The information below will tell readers how to wash the suspended ceiling in the kitchen from grease and give practical recommendations for the care of PVC and fabric surfaces.

Ceiling care involves dry and wet cleaning method. They are selected depending on the surface, type of contamination and the desired result.

  • Dry cleaning performed using a simple sponge, which consists of rubbing the surface and giving it shine. Most often they resort to it for preventive purposes.
  • Much more effective wet cleaning, allowing you to eliminate stubborn stains, stains and other contaminants.

The kitchen ceiling is the first to face household costs, taking on drops of grease, settling dust, smoke and traces of insects. When asking what is the best way to wash suspended ceilings in the kitchen, you need to remember that in terms of cleaning this the hardest place in the whole house. This is where the hard work of the housewife and her ability to hold the house in her hands are manifested.

The basis of order is timely cleaning. In no case should you wait until the stain goes away on its own or new defects are added to it, so that later, during spring cleaning, attack the pollution with all your might. A daily cleanliness regimen is much more effective. With it, all problems are eliminated in the current manner, and the stains do not have time to harden and stain, forcing the ceiling covering to be replaced.

Carefully! When washing the ceiling, you should avoid excessive pressure and effort. The caution is especially relevant if there is a small gap between the ceiling and the slab. When cleaning, remove any jewelry, rings, or bracelets that could scratch or damage the surface.

Timely cleaning does not cancel neat execution. Even if the contamination is noticeable and seems irremovable, there is no need to rub the surface recklessly. The structure of the material allows for easy removal of any stains; just choose a suitable detergent.

A prerequisite is the use soft working tools. These include a sponge, flannel cloth, soft rags and similar materials. Stretch ceilings do not like hard brushes, sponges and abrasives. They scratch and tear the surface, making replacement of the blade almost inevitable.

Best to use stepladder, allowing you to reach the ceiling, having at hand necessary materials. In its absence, a rag or napkin is wrapped around the mop and gently passed over the surface. A vacuum cleaner is also suitable, especially when you need to remove regular dust, cobwebs from corners and similar things that do not require use. special means. By removing the plug on the hose, the vacuum cleaner is set to the minimum operating mode, sufficient for this type of cleaning.

Detergents for suspended ceilings

When choosing what to wash suspended ceilings in the kitchen with, you need to immediately exclude substances containing acetone that can damage the surface. Abrasive materials are screened out, including hard granules and similar products. When cleaning, they scratch the ceiling even without pressure. Regardless of the product chosen, initially wipe a small area of ​​the ceiling in an inconspicuous place. Then you should wait for 10-15 minutes. If during this time the surface has not faded or wrinkled, you can begin the main cleaning.

In the hall, living room and bedroom, the suspended ceiling is washed with ordinary water. It is recommended by all manufacturers and installers, since the main pollutant is ordinary dust, the elimination of which does not require effort.

Cleaning suspended ceilings in the kitchen involves its own specifics, which are associated with fat removal. The best way to deal with it is dishwashing detergents, capable of effectively breaking down even old stains, not to mention new stains. It is enough to dilute a few drops of washing liquid in warm water, and then walk over the surface with a soft cloth.

Can be used for everyday cleaning regular surface cleaners, for example Mr. Proper (its advantage is the complete absence of stains). Sometimes contamination requires the use of washing powder, which is diluted in water until the granules are completely dissolved.

Attention! To avoid streaks, circular movements should be avoided. The ceiling is wiped from left to right, and if there is a seam, washing is carried out parallel to it.

Practice shows that in the kitchen, dishwashing detergent is much more effective than specialized materials for the care of suspended ceilings. This is due to the use of the premises, regular cooking and the nature of the stains.

Giving advice on how to wash a suspended ceiling in a kitchen, experts remind you that cleaning here is often carried out in two stages. At the first of them, the worker removes stains, fumes, soot and other traces, and then tries to return the surface to its original shine.

Shine is achieved by using glass or PVC cleaning fluids. It is enough to spray them on the fabric and walk along the ceiling in the same mode (from left to right). Sometimes an ordinary flannel napkin is enough, especially if we are talking about a glossy ceiling.

We should dwell on the structure of the material in more detail, since the nature of cleaning and the products used depend on it.

Methods for cleaning glossy and matte ceilings

Modern canvases are divided into two types:

  • Ceilings made of PVC film (glossy or matte);
  • Seamless fabric ceilings.

Features of installation and maintenance depend on the material, which determines how to clean suspended ceilings in the kitchen. Glossy PVC surfaces can easily withstand soap and powder solutions, as well as specialized materials, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

Important! For shine, glossy surfaces are wiped with alcohol solutions. These include alcohol diluted with water in a consistency of 1:10 or regular vodka. The procedure is performed at the end of cleaning, ensuring that there are no soap stains on the surface.

It is the glossy surface that requires timely cleaning. It is undesirable for grease or food stains to have time to dry out and become embedded in the structure of the fabric, especially since at an early stage their removal will not take more than 5 minutes.

A matte ceiling does not require such scrupulous treatment. Spots and stains from soap and powder solutions are not so noticeable on its surface. With it, the housewife will be able to resort to wet cleaning more often without fear of scratching the canvas.

The procedure itself for removing dirt from a matte surface is much faster, but you need to resort to it more often. Soap and powder solutions, dish soap and specialized materials are suitable. The lack of shine allows you to do without ammonia and glass cleaning liquids.

Fabric ceilings are traditionally more vulnerable to external influences and requires painstaking treatment and care. You can wash it only in extreme cases when a regular detergent cannot cope with the contamination. In addition, you should avoid intensively rubbing the surface in the same place.

Specialized materials are used as ceiling care products. They are purchased in stores household chemicals, having previously consulted with the seller.

Advice. Fabric ceilings Do not wipe with glass cleaner. They include substances that penetrate the tissue structure and lead to irreversible changes.

Sometimes it is not possible to remove stains and other contaminants on your own. There is no need to despair in such a situation. Cleaning companies come to the rescue, whose employees are able to quickly fix the problem and give good advice By further care behind the ceiling.

Useful video

Let's watch a useful video on how to wash a suspended ceiling from grease and dirt:

There are a huge number of methods for cleaning suspended ceilings in the kitchen. Depending on them, owners can use detergents, ordinary dry wipes, and special materials. In any case, it is important not to forget that prevention and routine cleaning are much more effective than the subsequent elimination of problems and old stains. A stretch ceiling requires daily care and, if the conditions are met, for many years it gives the owners a warm, cozy atmosphere at home.

Caring for glossy stretch ceilings is not difficult in principle. The only difficulty is to achieve the absence of streaks after washing, because rubbing an elastic fabric that does not have a rigid base is problematic.

However, you can cope with this task if you use the right tools and tools. Want to know how to do this? I'll tell you about it.

How to wash a glossy ceiling

In general, stretched glossy fabrics need to be washed only if they become dirty or dirty. greasy spots, traces of condensation. If they have lost their original shine due to dust accumulated on them, you can get by with dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.

IN living rooms Usually one such cleaning every six months to a year is enough. But caring for suspended ceilings in the kitchen, bathrooms or loggias requires the use of special products to clean them from soot, grease or soap stains.

What tools to use

When choosing cleaning products, avoid those that are too aggressive and contain caustic acids, alkalis and solvents. Products with abrasive inclusions are also not suitable - they can leave scratches on a glossy surface.

What we need are liquids and gels for removing fat and alcohol-containing compounds. You can wash glossy ceilings from finished factory products using the following means:

Ready-made detergents Description and Application

Special compositions for the care of stretch ceilings.

Available in the form of sprays. The instructions on the package describe the method of use.

Glass cleaning products containing alcohol.

They do not leave streaks, but use them in the same way as when washing windows.

Dishwashing liquids.

They are diluted in small quantities in water before use, otherwise the soap solution will be difficult to wash off without leaving traces.

Please pay Special attention to the first two positions. Both of them consist of similar components. They include:

  • Isopropyl alcohol or ammonia diluted with distilled water;
  • Surfactants (surfactants);
  • Various additives - flavors, dyes, etc.

Alcohol perfectly dissolves even the most difficult stains. And if you need to wash the suspended ceiling, and suitable remedy If you don’t have it on hand, you can dilute 2 tbsp in a liter of warm water. ammonia. Or use regular vodka.

This solution is good for shiny surfaces. In addition to the fact that it copes well with dirt, ammonia quickly evaporates, leaving no odors or traces behind. At the same time, restoring the shine lost by the surface.

Therefore, when deciding what to wash the tension glossy ceiling without streaks, preference should be given to alcohol-containing formulations. But for matte coatings Regular glass cleaner or dish soap will also work.

What to wash with

Even if abrasive powders are not recommended for use as a detergent, then it is even more impossible to wash suspended ceilings with hard brushes and sponges. And there is no need. The maximum set of tools that may be useful to you includes:

  • Vacuum cleaner or mop to remove dust. To avoid accidentally tearing the blade or leaving scratches on it, all existing hard parts of the instrument are wrapped in soft cloth.

  • Spray.
  • Clean cloth, absorbs moisture well and does not leave lint on the surface. Flannel and microfiber will do.

How to wash a glossy ceiling

If you do not have the opportunity to use the services of cleaning companies, you can wash the ceiling yourself. Without leaving any streaks and restoring its shine. This is done simply:

  • Removing dust. First, using a vacuum cleaner, mop or soft broom, remove dust and cobwebs from the ceiling. This task is best accomplished with a vacuum cleaner, which is convenient for cleaning corners and areas around lamps. But the power of the unit should be small.

  • Applying detergent. If you are making it yourself, use warm water, and pour the prepared solution into a spray bottle. With its help, it is much more convenient to wet the surface than with a wet napkin.

  • Wet cleaning. After a few minutes, when the product has taken effect, wipe the surface with a damp cloth, rinsing it periodically clean water. Treat contaminants that were not removed the first time once again.
  • Drying. Follow the wet one with a dry cloth to immediately dry the washed area.

When using dishwashing detergent, it may take several passes with a damp cloth to ensure there are no streaks. Therefore, it is better to leave such liquids on extreme case, if other means have not dealt with fat.