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How to grow homemade tangerines from seeds: step-by-step instructions. Growing a tangerine tree from a seed

A homemade orange and tangerine tree looks beautiful and impressive. During its flowering, white fragrant buds are formed. And after some time they form delicious fruits. If grown in bonsai style, you can get a real work of art. The article will tell you what the plant looks like, what varieties are suitable for an apartment, and how to properly organize care at home.

Orange and tangerine are flowering evergreen. Belongs to the genus Citrus, rue family (calamondin). The height is 4-5 meters. Productivity varies from 5,000 to 7,000 fruits per tree. The crown is round and spreading, with a diameter of about 3.5 meters. The bark is light gray. Young shoots are dark green. The leaves are leathery and small in size. They are ovoid in shape, pointed at the end. Photos of a tangerine tree can be seen in specialized literature.

Growing tangerines at home

It is not difficult to grow tangerines, kiwis, pomegranates, and persimmons at home. When planted with a seed, the tree begins to bloom and bear fruit after 7-8 years. But this state can be achieved much faster if, at the 4th year of life, you graft from a fruit-bearing tree. If you don’t want to bother with planting and propagation, it’s better to buy a plant in a specialty store or order it online. Usually fruits are formed without artificial pollination.

To get a good harvest, the plant must be properly cared for and fertilized.

From stones, seeds

Planting a seed is the easiest way to get a tangerine tree at home. But this process is long. In addition, not all varieties produce seeds. To plant you should buy quality material, which has been properly stored, not exposed to direct sunlight or frozen. The seeds need to be washed and dried. Next, they are wrapped in damp cotton cloth. When the seeds increase in size and sprouts begin to hatch, they are planted in a pot with fertile substrate. As the plant grows, it is transplanted into a larger container. It is better to sow several seeds at once, because their germination percentage is average. It is important to consider that fruits grown from seeds are inedible. Therefore, in order to improve taste, they are vaccinated. You can watch the process in more detail in the video.

Grafting a tangerine seedling

Grafting a tangerine seedling allows you to get a bountiful harvest. The procedure is carried out from April to May or in August. It is important to take the best rootstock and cuttings from the fruiting healthy tree. Use biennial or annual grapefruit branches. Thorns and leaves are cut from the cuttings. A plant with well-developed bark is suitable for rootstock. The barrel is first wiped from dust and dirt. Then a small T-shaped incision is made in the bark. Use a knife to push the bark away and insert the cutting into the hole. This area is smeared with garden varnish and wrapped in cloth, leaving only a bud on the surface. Grafted homemade tangerine covered plastic bottle or a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. After three weeks the branch should take root.

Cuttings for growing a tangerine tree

Often for growing decorative tree use a cutting. A small branch with a leaf can be bought at a specialty store or cut from an existing tree. The cuttings are planted in a fertile, loose substrate. Then water it generously and cover it with a plastic bottle. After 60 days, the branch will take root and leaves will begin to appear. It is allowed to remove the cover only when the plant is completely strengthened. Further care consists of timely irrigation, annual replanting and fertilizing.

Crossing tangerine with other citrus fruits

It is easy to obtain hybrid forms of tangerine at home. To do this, crossbreeding with other citrus plants is carried out. For example, with lemon, orange, grapefruit. When a tangerine is crossed with a North African orange, a clementine is obtained. The tree produces medium-sized or small orange-red, flattened fruits. To cross, the flowers of one plant must be pollinated with pollen from another. The seeds obtained from the fruit are planted in a box with fertile substrate. To grow such a hybrid, vaccination is needed. Without this procedure good harvest can't achieve it. If you provide clementine the necessary conditions content, after a few years the tree will begin to bear fruit.

Features of wood care

When keeping tangerine indoors, it is important to observe the light and temperature conditions.

In order for the young plant to grow stronger, the first three years after planting, all ovaries and flowers are removed. Only in the fourth year is the tree allowed to bear fruit. But since at this age the branches are still weak and thin, it is impossible for more than 6 fruits to form. Every year the plant will be able to produce more and more fruits. It is advisable to tie up the shoots during fruiting. If you organize care correctly, you can collect about 60 tangerines from one mature tree.

Temperature and lighting

Mandarin is a light- and heat-loving plant. Therefore, it should be placed on an east, south or west window. In this case, it is necessary to construct shading from the midday sun. IN winter time install additional lighting. In summer, the tree is taken out onto the veranda or balcony. But the plant should be accustomed to fresh air gradually. The optimal temperature is +25 degrees in summer and +17 degrees in winter. In order for mandarins to bear fruit abundantly at age, experts recommend cold winter: keep the pot in a room where the temperature does not exceed +12 degrees.

Watering a tangerine tree

In spring and autumn, irrigate once a day with settled warm water. The watering regime must be adjusted so as to prevent waterlogging and drying out of the soil, so that the tangerine does not lose its leaves. Excess moisture causes root rot, and deficiency causes leaves to fall. The tangerine tree prefers high humidity, so regular spraying will be useful. It is important to ensure that during spraying and watering water does not fall on the flowers. Experts advise placing a pot with a tree on a tray with damp expanded clay, pebbles or moss.

Soil requirements and necessary fertilizers

For cultivation homemade tangerine Slightly acidic soil should be used. Can be bought in the store ready soil for citrus fruits or prepare the substrate yourself from turf and leaf soil, clay, humus and coarse sand. Fertilizing begins in June, when the plant enters the active growth phase. Nutrients are added twice a month. Feed after the irrigation procedure so as not to burn the root system. It is better to use an infusion of cow manure and yeast as fertilizer. Special formulations for citrus fruits are also suitable. In winter, fertilizing is not carried out.

Replanting a tangerine tree

Replanting is carried out as the tree grows. For a young plant, this procedure is carried out once a year. Tangerines over 7 years old are replanted every two years. They use the transfer method. The new pot should be 6 centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one. WITH It cannot be planted in a large container once. This is fraught with rotting of the roots. Do not replant during flowering. The optimal time for such an event is the beginning of spring. A few days before the planned transplant date, you need to stop feeding.

For the procedure to be successful, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Water the tree generously.
  2. Remove the plant from the old container.
  3. Carefully place in a new pot.
  4. Sprinkle with soil.
  5. Lightly moisten the soil.

Reproduction, pruning, shaping

Mandarins can be propagated at home by generative or vegetative means. The first method involves growing from seed. The essence of the second is to root the branches. When choosing cuttings, you should use a special rooting solution. Then the survival rate will increase several times. Both methods take a lot of time. Therefore, some flower growers prefer to buy already grafted plants in the store. indoor tangerine.

Typically, domestic varieties are low-growing. If you form the crown correctly, you can create a bonsai tree that will become a real decoration of the room. To make the plant look neat, you need to control the growth of side shoots and tops. To do this, trim the branches that are lowered down and growing inward.

Varieties for home cultivation

To grow tangerines at home, varieties that are short-growing and compact are used. The most popular are Unshiu, tangerines of the Vase group, Shiva-Mikan, Clementine. Unshiu is a Japanese variety that is characterized by unpretentiousness, early fruiting, and good branching. The tree grows up to 1.5 meters. Flowering is abundant and occurs in the spring season. The fruits ripen at the end of November. The tree is resistant to low temperatures.

Kowano-Wase and Miyagawa-Wase are dwarf varieties, the height of which varies from 40 to 80 centimeters. Kovano-Vase grows no more than 50 centimeters. Is different abundant flowering. The tree bears fruit in the second year of life and produces orange-yellow fruits of a rounded-flattened shape. Advantages include frost resistance and high yield. Miyagawa-Wase is the tallest variety in the Washo group. It is characterized by large fruits that have smooth thin skin and are seedless. The fruits ripen in September and retain their taste for a long time.

Shiva-Mikan is a fast-growing, compact variety that produces small but very sweet fruits. Shiva-Mikan tangerines ripen in the summer. Often grown in apartments, Clementine is a hybrid of orange and tangerine. The tree begins to bear fruit in its second year of life. One plant produces about 50 orange-red fruits per year. The fruit contains many seeds.

Possible problems during cultivation

If you follow all the rules of care and take into account the characteristics of the variety, there will be no problems when growing a tree. But beginners often make mistakes in maintaining a citrus plant for a month. Often gardeners notice that the foliage begins to turn yellow, curl and fall off.

This happens for various reasons:

  • The tree is aging.
  • Lack of light.
  • The air is too dry.
  • The transplant was carried out incorrectly.
  • There are drafts in the apartment.

When yellowing begins at the bottom of the crown and spreads upward, there is likely a nitrogen deficiency. If young leaves turn yellow and dry first, and then old ones, this means that the tree is deficient in iron. It happens that leaves begin to fall for no apparent reason. In this case, resuscitation and feeding with potassium nitrate should be carried out. If you cure the cancer and eliminate the cause of the yellowing of the foliage, the tree will quickly recover.

Mandarin is susceptible to the following pests:

  1. Spider mite. It appears as small light dots on the underside of the leaf.
  2. Mealyworm. It looks like a white fluffy coating.
  3. Aphid. These are small insects of light green color.
  4. Shield. A sticky syrup-like coating forms on the leaves.

Citrus products

Tangerines are considered low-calorie, so they are often used in dietary foods. Drinks, juices, classic compotes, and lemonade are prepared from this fruit. They make Isabella wine and chacha from it, alcohol and grapes. There are also recipes for compotes and squeezes of dandelions, apples and plums with alcohol. There are a lot of recipes that allow you to create a real dietary treat from healthy tangerine.

For example, korok and candied fruits turn out delicious. To prepare them, soak the crust in water for 24 hours. Then cut it into thin strips. Boil the candied fruits in sugar syrup for an hour. Then they are placed on a baking sheet and left to dry.

In the east, fresh slices of this fruit are added to sweet soups and vegetable salads. Ice cream made from tangerine, milk, condensed milk, and sour cream turns out delicious. The tangerine is peeled and pureed using a blender. Add condensed milk and sour cream. Mix everything and pour the mixture into a container with a lid. Place in the freezer for 6 hours. Every 40 minutes you need to take out the container and stir the ice cream. It is recommended to serve dessert with fruit syrup.

Good day everyone!

The New Year has arrived, the holidays are over, and the tangerine season is still in full swing. Today's article is about how to grow tangerines from seeds at home. Probably everyone has tried to stick a tangerine or orange seed into a flower pot. Hoping, deep down, that a tangerine tree will grow. My kids do this often.

And seeds sometimes germinate and then wither. What's the matter? Let's take a closer look at what citrus fruits love and

How to plant a tangerine from a seed at home

Growing tangerines is not difficult and exciting activity. Do this with your child, it’s very interesting to grow your own tangerine tree!

What do we do?

  • Soil preparation
  • Seed preparation and planting
  • Pest and disease control
  • How to grow tangerines with fruits at home?
  • Graft
  • Video about tangerine grafting

1. Soil preparation

Tangerines don't like dry ones, sour earth. Therefore, we try to avoid peat getting into the soil. Store-bought mixtures almost always contain peat. Read the composition and choose soil without peat. Best cast You can cook it yourself.

  • 2 parts humus,
  • 2 parts of forest land
  • 1 part sand

Not everyone can do this at home, the main thing is that the soil is light and allows water and air to pass through well. If the soil is ready, prepare the seeds.

2. Seed preparation and planting

Although I don’t like to adjust the seeds, still soak the tangerine seeds for better germination. You can put them in a damp cloth for a couple of days and put them in a warm place. There is no need to fill it with water, but make sure that the fabric is always damp and does not dry out.

Now our seeds have swelled well, and maybe sprouts have appeared, we are preparing a pot. A size of 4 liters or more is needed for a grown seedling, but you can also sow in cups for now, then transfer to a larger volume.

As with any flower, you need to put drainage at the bottom - a layer of pebbles, shards, nut shells. Then we fill it with soil and plant the seeds to a depth of about 4 cm.

We plant several at once, up to a dozen.

First of all, not everyone will grow up without proper care. Secondly, if you decide to plant a twig of varietal tangerine on it, then it is better to have several bushes for the experiment. Vaccinations are not often successful the first time; the tree may die.

Until germination, keep the pots in a warm place and monitor the humidity. Then we transfer the sprouts to a bright, warm place, not lower than 20°C - tangerine is a heat-loving southern plant and does not like the cold.

Six-month-old tangerine seedling

3. Care

Young and even adult tangerine trees do not like dry air and dry soil. They need to be sprayed frequently with water, since apartments have dry air in winter, and the leaves must be wiped clean from dust. We water as necessary; overwatering is also harmful.

A tangerine tree can grow at home for many years. Every year it needs to be replanted by transferring it into a larger pot. And after eight years, a year later.

It is important for your pet's health to spot pests early.

4. Pest and disease control

Red mites, aphids, and flies may appear on the tangerine. There are various biological products, “green soap”, or prepare an infusion of garlic and onion peels. It is better not to use chemicals at home. You won’t need it if you notice a problem with the tangerines in time.

Rinse the entire plant thoroughly and give it a real “bath”. You can place the pot in the bathroom or sink, and sparing no solutions, wash all the leaves and trunk from pests. Because simply spraying will not do anything.

Read more about recipes for preparing solutions for controlling plant pests.

Flies usually breed in constantly moist soil, do not flood the tangerine, constantly loosen the soil, let upper layer dries out.

Also, from waterlogging, young tangerines can get blackleg and die.

Video about growing tangerines at home

5. How to grow tangerines with fruits at home?

No way without vaccination. The seed that we plant from the tangerine will grow into a wild one. With beautiful shiny green leaves, which if you rub, smell wonderful of citrus. Maybe it will even bloom in 3-5 years and it will have small green sour tangerines. So how decorative flower, tangerine grows well at home for many people.

If you really want real tangerines to grow on it, then you need to graft a sprig of varietal tangerine onto it.

You can grow such beauty at home!

6. Vaccination

You need to find a fresh cutting of a varietal tangerine from friends or buy it. If you cannot plant it right away, store it in a bag on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator so that it does not dry out.

All operations are performed with a sharp, clean (disinfected) instrument. Eat different types cuts, as for any fruit trees. Choose which one is more convenient for you.

The vaccine is given on young tree as thick as a pencil. You can graft a bud and a cutting. There are many different ways, you can make a T-shaped shallow cut on your game, and insert the scion there almost under the bark. For a scion - cutting, you need to make a cut under acute angle, try to ensure that the cut fits completely into our cut.

You need to work quickly and accurately, like a surgeon during an operation. Think and prepare everything in advance. Then we cover the grafting site with garden varnish and bandage it with fumlente, which is used in plumbing or with tape.

It is advisable to cover the plant after grafting - make it a mini-greenhouse. It may look something like the photo.

Mandarin after vaccination

After a month, you can remove the film; when a new branch begins to grow, remove the bandage.

There is nothing complicated in growing a tangerine from a seedling purchased in a store, because we are talking about a grafted fruit-bearing tree. And if there is no opportunity to spend money on seedlings, then the only way out is cultivation tangerine from the seed at home. What will it take? Just a few seeds extracted from ordinary fruits.

Within a few years after planting, you will be proud of a slender tree with shiny and very beautiful leaves. The characteristic aroma of citrus will be felt throughout the house, making your home seem even more comfortable.

The tangerine tree itself is a member of the Rutaceae family. The shape of the plant is spherical, the leaves are evergreen (change every four years), and the flowers are white. The tree can reproduce both vegetatively and by seeds.

On a note! Many homes have an indoor tangerine that has been grown from seed, but this is usually ornamental plant. It does not bear fruit or has small and inedible fruits, but only improves the interior of the room.

If we talk about farms, then in order to obtain tasty fruits, citrus crops are grown through grafting. You can also perform a similar operation if you want to enjoy juicy tangerines. But if you just want to try growing a citrus tree with your own hands, you can definitely do it! To get started, spend preliminary preparation: empty the window sill of the window that “looks” to the south, move poisonous plants to another place (such crops are not the best neighbors for tangerines). Then follow the instructions below.

Stage one. Seed preparation

Any person who has once been involved in growing seedlings knows very well that the seeds must swell before planting. For this purpose, take several prepared seeds (you can buy them, but choose seeds without defects and rot) and soak them in gauze for a couple of days (as shown in the image below). Make sure that there is not too much water - the gauze should be only slightly damp, and then simply add a little more liquid as you go.

If you plan to grow just one tree, you will still need to soak about 12-15 seeds. The fact is that not all of them will germinate; some will die from diseases; in addition, many will become “victims” of the first plant grafting.

Instead of gauze, you can use hydrogel - you can buy it at your nearest specialty store. Experienced gardeners and professional landscape designers actively use it, because hydrogel is an excellent protection from heat.

On a note! Figuratively speaking, hydrogel is a kind of analogue drip irrigation, but you will not add it to the soil, but use it instead of gauze (the substance retains moisture well).

Try to keep the seeds inside the hydrogel all the time - this way they will not dry out.

Stage two. Planting in the soil

Seeds that have already “hatched” must be planted in a seedling box or an ordinary pot. It is worth noting that some do not wait for the seeds to swell, but immediately begin planting them in the ground. Here the sprouts form later, but in appearance they look no worse than those that grow from soaked seeds.

To begin, select a suitable soil.

Ideally, you need to take a special soil mixture for citrus crops, sold in flower shops. Although what kind of soil will be used during cultivation does not play a special role. The difference between homemade tangerine is, first of all, its unpretentiousness, so you can use almost any mixture - for example, from turf and leaf soil. It can also be neutral nutritious soil (“Rose”, “Veriohumus”, etc.). The main thing is not to use peat, because it quickly sours and dries out, and it contains very few nutrients.

You can also make your own soil mixture for growing home citrus crops - to do this, mix the following ingredients in the indicated proportions:

  • one part sand;
  • three parts of turf;
  • one part of humus;
  • one part leaf soil;
  • some clay.

Fill the bottom of the prepared container drainage, which you can use:

  • small stones;
  • fine-grained expanded clay;
  • brick fight.

Fill the prepared soil mixture on top of the drainage and place the tangerine seeds in it. The first leaves should appear within three weeks after planting.

Stage three. Further care

At first, the tangerine requires virtually no care, but later, when the first shoots form, you will have to start feeding the plants. You can do this using any fertilizer - not only organic, but also inorganic. They are sold, again, in any flower shop. Although it is better to give preference to special compounds designed to recharge citrus plants.

As for other aspects of care, they are presented in table form.

Table. Features of mandarin care

ProcedureBrief description, instructions

Replant every year, preferably in the spring. Try not to damage the integrity of the soil near the roots. When the tree reaches eight years of age, you can switch to replanting every two years.

It is quite obvious that tangerine is a sun-loving plant, so it should be grown on a windowsill located on the south side of the house (it gets greatest number sun rays). In winter, make sure that the air temperature in the house is at least 14 degrees.

The plant described in the article needs high humidity, so water it generously every day using water room temperature. In addition, spray the plant weekly with a spray bottle. Additionally, you can place some open container with water next to the tangerine.

These include, first of all, citrus whiteflies and spider mites. To protect against them, use special preparations (for example, Actellik), washing the leaves with them.

Separately, it is worth talking about the rules for applying fertilizer, which are common for both young seedlings and citrus fruits. Apply fertilizer immediately after watering, paying attention Special attention this process from April to the end of summer. Any experienced gardener will say that if you carefully care for citrus fruits during this period, the fruits will grow sweeter.

Video - Features of growing homemade tangerine

Features of growing fruiting mandarin

If you grow a tangerine from a seed, it begins to bear fruit six to seven years after planting. As noted earlier, the first fruits (also called wild fruits) will not have the characteristic taste of citrus crops. Is there any way to speed up fruiting?

It is possible, but to obtain juicy and tasty fruits it is necessary to graft a tangerine tree. The best time For vaccination, the period from April to August is considered, that is, the time of sap flow. If everything is done quickly and cleanly, then you are guaranteed to get a positive result.

First, prepare everything you need - during the vaccination process you will need:

  • rootstock (a tree you grew with a trunk at least 0.6 centimeters thick - about as thick as a pencil);
  • scion (an eye or cutting cut from a branch of a fruit-bearing plant - it is important that its age does not exceed two years);
  • special knife for budding;
  • garden var;
  • elastic band.

The further algorithm of actions should look like this.

Step one. On the scion trunk, at about 10 cm in height, make a T-shaped cut.

Step two. Insert the previously prepared graft into the cut.

Step three. Carefully wrap the elastic band around the grafting site.

Step four. Then cover the plant with a PET bag or glass jar– this is necessary in order to provide the required microclimate.

Step five. After the bud sprouts, begin to “accustom” it to fresh air. To do this, remove the bag/can from it every day, gradually extending the ventilation period.

Split grafting technique

Step six. After about a month, when the shoot has become stronger, remove the elastic wrap and cut the rootstock layer obliquely, approximately three centimeters from the scion. Be sure to cover the cut with garden varnish.

Step seven. Place a stick in the pot - this way the plant will “learn” to grow vertically. Actually, that's all.

With the help of these simple instructions, you can grow a fruit-bearing tangerine tree at home, which will not only complement the decor in your apartment/house, but also give it a characteristic pleasant aroma. It is possible that you will fail the first time, but you will gain valuable experience that will definitely be useful for subsequent attempts!

Video - How to graft citrus plants

Is it easy to grow tangerines from seeds at home? Today we will try to thoroughly understand this issue, guiding our dear readers through a long-term process - from a seed to a fruit-bearing tree, which is quite capable of becoming another symbol of the New Year, and in general - almost any holiday. A holiday of the soul, for sure.

Meet this mandarin, a resident of exotic countries, owner of a familiar aroma, easy to care for, hardy and long-lived. Graceful branches, shiny leaves, white fragrant flowers and tasty fruits (with proper patient care) make it a welcome guest in every home. The plant propagates either by transplanting seedlings or by planting seeds, which can simply be pulled out from any tangerine. The tree belongs to the Rutaceae family; evergreen foliage changes quite rarely - once every four years. Tangerines at home from seed eventually bear fruit, but they are “wild”, no different taste qualities. To change the situation, vaccination is then used. Next, we will step by step consider all the procedures that can get the most out of a tangerine seed.

The plant propagates either by transplanting seedlings or by planting seeds

Every gardener knows that if you plant a seed in the ground as it is, nothing may come of it. Therefore, as a rule, the seeds are first allowed to soak and germinate. They are soaked in gauze, and after a few days the “roots” hatch. Avoid excess moisture - the seeds should be constantly in a moist environment, but not floating in it. To guarantee, they germinate not one or two, but a dozen or one and a half seeds, since many of them will die before planting and rooting. A special hydrogel also creates a moist, effective environment for seed germination. It can be purchased at many garden stores. The advantage of hydrogel is that it not only nourishes the seeds, but also creates the best microclimate. Here it is important not just to scatter the seeds over the surface, but to immerse them in the middle of the layer.

Video about growing tangerines at home

The plant should be planted on the south side, avoiding the neighborhood poisonous plants, If there are any. When it sprouts, it’s time to transplant it. Both a flowerpot and a box are suitable for this purpose. Before pouring soil into the pot, line the bottom with small pebbles or expanded clay to ensure drainage. Select the soil carefully, avoiding peat soil - peat dries out too quickly, turns sour easily, and is not very nutritious. Most suitable composition soil for tangerines is made from the following ingredients:

  • Three parts turf soil;
  • One part each of leaf soil, sand and rotted manure;
  • A little clay, or some clay soil.

If you do not have the opportunity to make such a composition yourself, which is quite common for urban residents, neutral soils purchased in the store will be no less nutritious. They have proven themselves to be excellent “ Vermicompost" And " Rose”.

The plant should be planted on the south side, avoiding the proximity of poisonous plants

If you do not have the means or opportunity even for this option, ordinary neutral soil mixed with a small amount of organic matter, superphosphates and ash will satisfy the plant’s needs.

So, the tangerine tree is planted, and within three weeks it starts active growth. How to care for it in order to get a healthy, lush bush? When the first sprouts appear, feed them with fertilizers; both mineral and organic ones will be required. Best option– special fertilizers for citrus plants. Fertilizing should be done once every two weeks, immediately after watering. In order for the tangerine to produce truly sweet fruits, it is especially actively fed from mid-spring to early autumn.

For the first eight years, replant the tangerine tree every spring, and then every two years. In this case, the root system is removed and replanted along with the soil into which it grew; only the surrounding layer changes.

Make sure that the air temperature where the tangerine grows is always above 13 degrees Celsius. Dry air is harmful to the plant, so it is recommended to place the flowerpot with it surrounded by dishes with water. In the hot season, the tangerine bush requires abundant watering with room water - a lot, several times a day, in the cold season - as the soil dries out (about 2-3 times in 7 days). Spraying is done weekly.

For the first eight years, replant the tangerine tree every spring.

So that growing tangerines from seeds at home does not result in a personal tragedy, for example, damage to the leaves spider mite, scale insects or citrus whiteflies, as soon as you notice the finest cobwebs on them (and make sure that it is not just a spider), wipe them with special preparations. Both sides of the leaves are processed “ Fitoverm" or " Actellicom" It is important to strictly follow all instructions.

Although by the end of the first five-year period (or even a year earlier) your green pet will begin to produce fruits, they will not necessarily be suitable for food. If you are determined to end up with not a “wild” plant, but a full-fledged fruit-bearing bush that periodically gifts you with sweet tangerines, the tangerine should be grafted. This must be done quickly, carefully, in clean conditions, and not in any month, but only when there is active movement of juices in the tree - in April, August and early May. Since the work is carried out quickly, prepare everything you need in advance, namely:

Make sure that the air temperature where the tangerine grows is always above 13 degrees Celsius

  • The bush itself that you grew is called the rootstock (“where we graft”). The trunk must be 6 mm or more thick.
  • Grafted cuttings (eye can also be grafted). It is called a scion (“what we graft”) and must be fresh and young (2 years or less).
  • A product for healing wounds on plants based on rosin, paraffin and vegetable oil, called garden var. The ingredients are mixed at a boil, the proportions are respectively 3:6:2. After hardening and kneading, the garden varnish is ready for use.
  • Scotch tape and budding knife for grafting.

Video about growing tangerines

To understand more about how to grow a tangerine at home from a seed, you need to thoroughly study the process of grafting:

  1. Remove leaf plates and thorns from the scion.
  2. Make a T-shaped cut on the trunk, approximately at a level of ten cm. The upper part is about a centimeter, the lower part is from 2 to 4.
  3. As carefully as possible, cut off a small layer of wood with a bud from the scion; it must be immediately inserted into the cut.
  4. Wrap the cut area with adhesive tape, securing the scion to the rootstock.
  5. For a month, keep the grafted sprout under a hood made of plastic bag or a small jar. This is necessary to create the desired microclimate of high humidity.
  6. Since in a month the period of sap flow will end, to guarantee, repeat the procedure several more times on the same day - at least one bud will germinate.
  7. After germination, it is time to free the sprout from the bud from the windings, and then accustom it to fresh air, increasingly removing the bag from it.
  8. Another month later, after making sure that the new shoot is growing rapidly, cut off the old trunk belonging to the rootstock. The cut should be made obliquely, close to the shoot (about 0.3 cm above).
  9. To prevent the plant from losing juice, the cut is lubricated with garden varnish. Thus, the juice will now go to the new, fruit-bearing shoot. He also needs to be helped to grow vertically by installing a small rail nearby.

To prevent the plant from losing juice, the cut is lubricated with garden varnish.

Now you know everything about how to grow a tangerine from a seed. As you can see, it's not that difficult. The main thing is to follow all the rules and recommendations, and if now is one of the suitable months, you can start even tomorrow!

Mandarin is a plant from the citrus family. Like all citrus trees, it must be grafted onto the rootstock. For the rootstock, wild lemon variety or trifoliate is used.

Trifoliate – wild plant from the citrus family. It has a powerful root system that goes 3 m into the soil. An adult trifoliate tree is not susceptible to fungal or viral diseases because it has good immunity. This rootstock gives the tangerine the opportunity to develop quickly. For the scion, cuttings of a cultivated tangerine variety, cut from a fruiting branch, are used. It is thanks to this scion that the tangerine seedling will begin to bear its first fruits in the second year after being transplanted into a spacious pot.

Time to transplant tangerine

Citrus trees grow very slowly, so the tangerine will not bear fruit if it is immediately transplanted into a spacious pot. Until the root system grows throughout the entire pot, the tree will not set fruit buds. To bring the fruiting period closer, tangerines are planted in a cramped pot. It needs to be replanted when roots appear from the drainage holes. The volume of the new pot should be 2 cm 3 larger than the volume of the previous one.

If you purchased a tangerine seedling grafted onto a trifoliate rootstock, with each replanting, reduce the width of the pot and increase its height. If the tangerine is grafted onto a cultivated variety of lemon or pomelo, then you need to increase the width of the container.

Transplantation into a new container is usually done twice a year: in spring and autumn. Those plants that are planted in open ground for the summer tolerate replanting better.

Soil mixture

In order to quickly accumulate the nutrients necessary for flowering, it is necessary to prepare the correct soil mixture for citrus plants. For a tangerine, you need to take eight parts of deciduous soil, four parts of vermicompost, two parts of garden perlite and one part of river sand. Place 2 cm of pebbles or garden perlite in the bottom of a pot with drainage holes to ensure water drainage. The rest of the volume is filled with soil mixture. The tangerine tree should be replanted until the tangerine root system reaches a volume of 10 liters. Before transplanting the tangerine into a 10-liter pot, it is better to cut off all flower stalks. Growing a tangerine will take approximately 3 years, after which you will be able to enjoy its delicious fruits.