Well      05/06/2022

What spells can be read after Easter? Homemade spells read before Easter. Spell for treating joints on Maundy Thursday

Ritual for grooms

During the Easter service, hold a handful of wheat on your chest. Returning from church, sprinkle grain at your doorstep with the words:
How many lights there were from the candles in the church,
I have so many suitors.
There are as many suitors for me as there are in a handful of grains.
Key. Lock. Language.

Easter spell for grooms

On Easter, kiss nine colored eggs and say a love spell:
How people love Holy Easter,
appreciate and remember maternal affection,
So would me men and boys
They loved the strong more than the strong, they valued them more than ever.
Herds behind me. God's servant(name), walked.
Christ has risen, and the grooms have come to me.


On the holy holiday of Easter, bring prosphora from church. Cast a spell on her, almost touching your lips.
After reading this prosphora, burn it: all the negativity will go into it, and the damage will pass.
“Be our mansion holy, blessed, Every hole, every crack, With doors, with windows, with framed logs, Around our mansion there is a stone fence With a green wall. Who fenced this fence - the Angels of the Lord. They will speak to the servant of God (name) from corruption . From great misfortune, from the coffin board, from the burial ground. Neither the first person nor the last will spoil it, Neither on the church, nor on its fence, nor on the icon. Neither on a candle, nor on a needle, nor near the cemetery. Amen.

Money ritual

On Easter morning, at dawn, read the following plot. Before doing this, read the “Our Father” 3 times.
The text of the conspiracy itself:
“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As the people rejoice at the honorable bright holiday, as the bells ring for matins, let money rejoice at me there. In my wallet they have both a home and a shelter. As on Easter they do not allow the poor to die of hunger, as They are given alms, so you, Lord, give me, the servant of God (name), prosperity in the house. Neither horse nor foot can kill my servant. Amen."

Easter ritual with a coin

Before Easter, on Saturday, before sunset, take 5 rubles. and say to them:
“In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Money for money, penny for penny. As people wait for Easter, as they go to the temple of God, so would money flow to me, the servant of God (name), like a river. All the saints, all with me . Amen"

Carry the coin in your wallet all year round

From quarrels with loved ones

To do this, on the third day after Easter, a special spell is read twelve times in a row.
Lord, help, Lord, bless with a happy Easter,
Clean days, joyful tears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
John the Apostle, John the Theologian, John the Baptist,
John the long-suffering, John the headless,
Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, St. George the Victorious,
Nicholas the Wonderworker, Barbara the Great Martyr,
Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia,
Pray for the common path of the servants of God (names of the warring parties).
Calm their anger, tame their anger, quench their rage.
His holy army,
With invincible, indomitable force, lead them to agreement.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

For peace in the family

On Easter Sunday, before serving food, say three times for each dish:
“Like night with a star, like the sun with the moon, so am I with my family! As Jesus Christ loves us, so we would love each other. Incense and the Lord’s Prayer, give us peace and peace of mind! So be it!”

Be sure to say this spell on the Easter cake when you cut it. There should be exactly as many pieces as there are people at the table. Make sure everyone eats their own piece of cake.


On Easter morning, dry yourself with a towel and say:
"Christ is risen!
And I am the red sun to the whole world.
Sweet honey, salty salt,
The most praised! ".

Spread a towel on the table, eat Easter and a colored egg over it. The day after Easter, take this towel to work and wipe your work area with it.

Annual from illnesses and damage.

Say a prayer on the Easter cake and take it to church to bless it on the eve of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. After the end of the all-night vigil, with the first exclamations of “Christ is risen,” answer: “God is risen and saved me.” Then break off and eat a small piece of Easter cake. Eat the rest with the whole family at a holiday meal.

Prayer for Easter cake, read three times:
“In the name of a just, victorious cause, my strong word! There is a small island on the ocean coast, and on that small island there is a white stone city. In that white-stone city the street is full of different, Christian people. Everyone is rushing to the all-night vigil in the Church of God. Just as all the people rush to church, so I hurry. Oh, Lord, have mercy! How a week will pass Great Lent, so I wish I could be under your protection and be protected for the whole year: from damage, the evil eye, and body infection. To my word."


For human invulnerability
Bless me, Guardian Angel,
My deeds, my words, my body are white.
The Lord God blesses me,
My guardian angel protects me.
The wound is not to the body, the danger is not to the point.
Blood is not for the flesh, tears are not for the eyes.
And the sheath for enemy swords.
My word is locked. The key to the castle is in the river.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Amulet from ruin

Speak water and pour it over from head to toe before Easter
Gather together, four forces, find four royal graves.
How these people were rich during their lifetime, how they had a lot of silver and gold, so that I also had a lot of goods, full of gold and silver. And you, poverty and misfortune, devastation and bad luck,
Go into the burning fire, into hell, into boiling tar.
You will burn there and decay.

Ritual for marriage

It is believed that if you collect spring water on Easter night and silently bring it home, it will become magical. Young girls who want to get married need to wash themselves with this water on Easter morning (in as a last resort holy water) with the spell: “The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single groom, a good groom, in boots and galoshes, not on a cow, but on a horse. Amen.”

It was believed that after this, within a year the girl would definitely meet young man with whom he will connect his fate.

For money

On Easter Eve, place a colored egg and a piece of money in each corner of your house, saying:
Like an Easter egg with a ruble
They won't come out of this corner
So that money never leaves my house.
Christ has risen, and to my words, amen.

The eggs are eaten the next day, but the money cannot be spent until Easter week has passed.

From illnesses.

Collect thin white skin from a birch tree, brew it at three o’clock in the morning and add three pinches of wood ash, salt and shells from eggs boiled for Easter. Read the conspiracy over all this, and then let the patient drink.
"Like on Bright Sunday, on Easter,
Jesus Christ rose from the dead,
so the servant of God (name) is given
healing and relief from illness.

From childhood seizures

Sprinkle the child with the spoken water that you collect during Holy Week:
" A child's body, an angelic soul, innocent before the Savior, and innocent of suffering. Cleanse yourself and become stronger. Amen" .

Lime myoma

Tie your bare stomach with a towel, on which Easter cakes were blessed, and say:
" Servant of God (name), your mother gave birth to you,
the tumor twisted you, and I treated you.
Rotten, visceral, painful,
stringy, wet, dry, purulent, flammable.
Go, tumor, from the stomach, from the inside,
from the veins, from the skin, from the blood, from the entire skeleton,
go out into the open field, where there is emptiness.
That's where you belong, my dear,
there is a rookery for you, a tumor.
You should be there
live among dry grasses.
May not the body of the servant of God (name) be white.
In the name of God Christ
I'm chasing you, tumor,
I tell you, mother, I tell you:
leave the servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now forever and ever.
" .

The plot is read forty times. After this, doctors told many women that the fibroids had significantly decreased in size. Do not under any circumstances tell why this happened!

Speak to the vertebral hernia

To do this, melt the incense bought on the third day after Easter in a cup. When it boils, put 12 in it church candles and read this plot:
" Three daughters of a bell-ringer and three sons of a sexton are coming.
The bell ringer's daughter of the servant of God (name)
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen
" .

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Strong days allow you to get rid of problems of any kind, including financial ones, quite simply and uncomplicatedly. Luckily for us, there are many of these throughout the year. But let's see how to practice Easter spells and rituals for money. Even those people who are not particularly interested in religion and history understand that this is a very big holiday. And if you look a little deeper, it will become clear that it is older than Christianity, therefore, imbued with incredible energy.

When a service takes place, all the feelings and aspirations of a huge number of people, accumulated over thousands of years, are activated. You know that they do not disappear anywhere, they remain in the field of the earth. This energy creates a flow comparable in power only to war (only with a positive sign). If you saddle him and force him to work for you, then life will turn upside down, absolutely change.

When they read Easter spells for money

You know, you should communicate with this powerful force with extreme caution. On Easter Day it is not recommended to cast spells with money. If you really want to do magic, then your intention should not include receiving some amount, but well-being. These are different things. Rituals on the Great Day using money are carried out before and after the holiday, or better yet, before and after, to be sure.

The rituals themselves are not complicated. But, let us repeat, they connect the wizard’s field with the energy of the most powerful egregor. Therefore, you should prepare. Keep the fast for at least a week. Or better yet, all the time prescribed by religious rules. Eat general rule: In order for the Universe to give you something, you need to demonstrate your will to it. And it translates perfectly through restrictions. Give up some of the pleasures of food, and “you will be rewarded.”

Saturday conspiracy

This ritual is recommended to be performed before noon on the day before the holiday. Prepare five-ruble coin. It should be kept for an hour or two in a salt solution, rinsed running water, dry. And on Saturday, take a coin and say the formula on it, left alone. Place it in your wallet or place where you usually keep money.

Strong money plot:

“In the name of the Holy Jesus Christ! I talk money into words, I talk them out of need and passion. On the holiday, Holy people go to the Temple, bringing treats with them, so money flows like a river to me, the Lord’s servant (name), and will never bypass or turn away from the path. Amen!"

Attracting well-being

On Sunday itself you should go to church. Together with everyone else, accept the blessing from the priest. You know, he walks around, illuminates people and Easter cakes with eggs. Before the procession leaves the church, read the “Our Father” to yourself. The prayer should be said in full three times, no less. And when you see that the priest has gone to the people, whisper the following words:

“People who have been baptized glorify Jesus on Easter Sunday, congratulate near and far ones, rejoice at the ringing of bells, and head to rich tables. On Easter everyone is happy and well-fed, they feed the beggar from the belly, they don’t ask for name or payment. So, Lord, give your servant (name) to live forever, not to worry, to cherish good and wealth. Amen!"

The treats you bring with you should be immediately distributed to people. Say to everyone, in addition to the prescribed phrase:

“The Lord gave, and gave me wealth!”

Go home and have a holiday, as is traditional.

Ritual for enrichment after the holiday

On Sunday you need to buy church candles. They are used in rituals for money after the holiday. In addition to candles, you need to prepare the following:

  • beautiful candlestick;
  • incense;
  • a red velvet bag (you can sew it yourself);
  • seven yellow coins (for example, 10 rubles).

On Monday after Easter, take two candles purchased the day before.

  1. Carefully twist them together and secure them in the candlestick.
  2. Place coins nearby, previously cleaned of negative energy with a saline solution.
  3. Light it with one match.
  4. Read the magic words three times.
  5. Wait until the candles go out on their own. It is prohibited to extinguish them.
  6. Collect coins and leftover candles in a bag. Hang it over front door from the inside.

Powerful Easter spell:

“The holy fire on the throne is eternal, and my path is marked with gold, blessings, silver and other good things. Amen!"

If you feel that the need is pressing again, twist the next pair of candles and perform the ceremony again. Place the rest in the same bag. This should be repeated throughout the year, so prepare more magical attributes. The ritual is performed only with Easter. On the next holiday, Bright Day, this year's coins should be donated in the temple, and the ritual should be repeated.

Easter magic, contrary to popular belief, helps not only believers. Tell your friends about the techniques (social media icons below). Share information with your loved ones about how to change your life for the better. Your personal power will only increase from this. Good luck!

One of the most successful periods for performing magical actions is church holidays, therefore, Easter conspiracies and rituals for good luck are simply “doomed” to success. These days they are imbued with enormous power, since the people themselves, being in a single religious impulse, with their prayers give birth to a powerful energy message and a positive charge

It is very important that at Easter nature is reborn from winter and its biological and energetic connection with people becomes especially strong. Our ancestors understood this very well, who created various rituals and conspiracies especially for this time of year, which were carefully passed down from generation to generation and have survived to this day.

Ritual for the egg

Spells for painted eggs are very popular at Easter, considering the power of these rituals.

  1. Take the colored egg with your left hand (showing that you are “speaking” with your heart) and recite the following curse on it:

    “A bright egg, an Easter egg, a blessed egg, break all my troubles and overcome my failures, spread the good news, bring good luck to my house.”

  2. Take this egg and take part in the Easter ritual “egg fight”.
  3. If in the first “battle” you win with your “magic” egg, then you have already attracted good luck to the house.
  4. The more eggs you can break, the luckier you will be this year.

Conspiracy to "dye"

Conspiracies made for Easter last for exactly a year, and if you want to attract good luck during this time, do the following ritual:

  1. Boil 7 eggs (in onion skins or oak bark) on Thursday or Saturday.
  2. Say the following conspiracy for each of them (that is, you need to say it 7 times in total):

    “I will go, blessed, over the threshold, crossing myself. I will go to a distant kingdom, in that kingdom the Most Holy Theotokos sits on a gilded throne, looking with her eyes at Saint Joseph. Just as the Orthodox people are waiting for Easter, so luck would have waited for me (name), and the house would not have been crushed. The key is my words. Amen".

  3. After church service On Easter, go to the cemetery and place eggs on 7 different graves of strangers.

With this ritual you will bring good luck and success into your home in large and small endeavors.

Painted egg ritual

A simple but very effective ritual, for which you will need one colored egg and a candle.

  1. Take a boiled egg and apply a cross pattern on it.
  2. Light a candle, place three drops of wax on the center of the cross and say:

    “Just like this wax accepts a spelled egg, so luck comes to me, it comes into my house, closes the door behind itself and doesn’t run out of here.”

  3. Put out the candle and save this stub until next Easter, placing it near the icon.
  4. The egg must be dedicated in the church along with the rest of the gifts and eaten during Easter Sunday.
  5. Collect the shells and bury them under a tree growing near a window or at the entrance and read the “Our Father” prayer.

The magic of this ritual is very great, so when you feel lucky, be sure to go to the temple, light a candle to the Holy Mother of God or St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for hearing your prayers and requests.

Easter cake conspiracy

Many rituals include Easter cake spells, and since this is one of the most important symbols of the holiday, such rituals are always distinguished by their enormous energy power:

  1. Knead the Easter cake dough by saying the following words over it:

    “Christ gave away everything he had and bequeathed it to others. I treat everyone to these Easter cakes and wish good things to all our neighbors. So let everything that is rewarded by me return to me a hundredfold. May good luck come to me in business and protect me from troubles and failures.”

  2. Bake as many small cakes as possible from the dough.
  3. After the church service, distribute them to as many people as possible.

When pronouncing Easter spells and performing all rituals, do them with pure thoughts and a good mood. Only sincere, sincere generosity can return, like a boomerang, to the repayer. And at the same time, he will attract good luck, thanks to which he will be able to solve all his affairs.

Easter candles

Rituals that use candles are very successful, and Easter rituals are no exception:

  1. Buy two candles and read spells over them - one for good luck, the other for bad luck.

    “Bright Easter, come, bring good luck to the house of your servant of God (name), I give you a candle.”

    And the second:

    “Bright Easter, come, take away the misfortune from the house of your servant of God (name), I give you a candle.”

  2. First, light the “bad luck” candle and tilt it over a bowl of water so that the wax drips into the water. When the candle burns out, pour the water and wax into a jar and close it with a lid.
  3. Do the same with the second candle.
  4. In order not to mix up the jars, tie the one into which the water is poured “for good luck” with a beautiful red ribbon.
  5. Take the jars to the service and every time, instead of saying: “Amen!” repeat:

    “The candle brings good luck, and takes bad luck away from home!”

  6. Then pour the “bad” water under the dry tree, repeating three times:

    "Failure, go away"

    and under the blooming beautiful tree pour out the “good” water, repeating three times:

    "Luck, come."

Like other Easter rituals, this ritual lasts for exactly a year.

Ritual with two candles

Good luck bag

This ritual can be done on any day, but if you do it on Easter, it will be especially successful.

  1. Sew two pieces of fabric (green and red) into a small bag,
  2. Tie the white string into it.
  3. Place three spoons of salt, three spoons of poppy seeds and three spoons of rose petals into the bag.
  4. Add 3 yellow and 3 white coins to the “mixture”.
  5. Read any conspiracies you know about for wealth, luck and love.
  6. Then read the general plot 3 times:

    “Business is behind, love is ahead, luck is in the middle.”

  7. Bless the bag in church along with Easter products and hang it by a string somewhere in the house (so no one can see).
  8. Once a week, take it off, knead it in your hands and repeat the general spell three times. Next Easter the contents of the bag can be changed.

Spellbound thing

At Easter, there are spells for certain things that will serve as talismans that bring good luck. Such rituals can be performed on any thing that has been in the property of a person for at least six months.

  1. Take the item and place it on the tray.
  2. Next to it, place a broken piece of Easter cake and some “dye”.
  3. Light a candle and read the following words:

    “Just as a squirrel wore a fur coat and didn’t take it off, so this (name the thing) would bring me good luck. Today, tomorrow, always! Let it be so! Amen".

Invisible shield

If you want luck to envelop your home like a shield, protecting you from life’s problems, perform the following ritual:

  1. Stand near the temple 5 minutes before the end of the service
  2. Count how many people will come out of its gates.
  3. After the fortieth person, sign yourself with the sign of the cross three times and say the following words:

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Mother Mary bore Christ, gave birth, baptized, fed, gave water, taught prayers, saved, protected, and then at the Cross she sobbed, shed tears, lamented, and suffered together with her dear Son. Jesus Christ rose again on Sunday. From now on, glorify Him from earth to heaven. Now he himself, his slaves, takes care of us, graciously accepting our prayers. Lord, hear me too, save me, protect me from all troubles now and forever, give me luck in my worldly, pure affairs, I don’t ask for strength in sinful ones. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

  4. After this, distribute alms to everyone sitting near the temple.
  5. Go to the cemetery and place candies and “colors” on 7 graves.

This ritual will help protect the house from negative energy, and for a whole year it will serve as a powerful amulet for it.

These are the Easter rituals that will bring good luck to your home. But they must be done with a pure heart full of good thoughts, otherwise they will be ineffective - the white magic and energy of such a bright holiday rejects any negativity, so don’t even try to “do” such things, don’t take it upon yourself.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about the signs for Easter, magical rituals, conspiracies to fulfill cherished desires and Easter conspiracies for wealth are of interest to many. The Orthodox holiday of Easter is a time of renewal. A time when you can make a wish and it will come true. Today you can read conspiracies for luck and money, and with their help you can change your life in better side, make it more successful and complete.

A special feature of Easter spells and magical rituals can be called their universality. With their help, it really becomes possible to solve problems in various aspects and implement plans that seemed difficult to implement.

The main thing here is to believe. Believe that white conspiracy on Easter to fulfill your cherished desire will help you concentrate on the main thing, and connect those Forces with whose help you will reach your goal. There is also whole line folk signs for Easter. What kind of signs are these, how they affect the lives of believers, and also what conspiracies they make on Christ’s Resurrection, I will tell you in this article, the magician Sergei Artgrom.

Ancient folk signs and rituals for Easter

Holy Week before Easter is named so in memory of the suffering of Christ. Every day of this week is called Great. Fasting is especially strict these days. But the meaning of Orthodox fasting is not in abstaining from food, but in repentance, prayer and awareness of one’s inevitable sinfulness.

There are strong rituals for attracting money, for example, like money plot on a coin for Easter. But any day Holy Week has power, magical energy. The Thursday before this holiday is called Maundy Thursday.

  • On this day, you need to count all the money 3 times so that there is wealth in the house all year.
  • All family members need to take a handful of salt and pour it into one linen bag. This is the magic salt of Maundy Thursday, Thursday. It is removed and stored. This salt can be used in home medicinal practice. It is used to make amulets for the home and family, for livestock and the garden.

Starting from Thursday, nothing is given to anyone from home until Easter. Not everyone knows this, and they easily give small household items to relatives, neighbors, and acquaintances. And this can easily be used by sorcerers and envious ill-wishers to carry out rituals of a negative, destructive aspect, or in order to take away your luck. White magic rituals and conspiracies on the Friday before Easter also have their own power and special meaning.

Folk signs and conspiracies on Friday before Easter

Throughout Holy Week, you can perform magical rituals for the well-being of your home and prosperity. Conspiracies are strong during Easter week, and those who practice white magic do not miss these special days. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about Easter rituals for good luck a little later, and now a little about independent rituals performed in Good Friday before the Resurrection of Christ for health.

  • On Friday you need to take a piece of clean linen and cover all the corners in the house with it. This rag can be used in home healing; it will relieve lower back pain if you tie it around. They dry their feet in the bathhouse after washing, and the pain is dulled.
  • Friday ash is especially powerful. This ash from the oven, taken on Good Friday before the bright holiday of Easter, is used by healers in rituals to get rid of cravings for alcohol, the strong evil eye and severe melancholy, called black melancholy

And here are the folk signs before the Orthodox holiday of Easter.

On Friday they look out the window, noting who will appear first. If it is a man or a young girl, then the next three months will be prosperous. And if the old grandmother shows up, then all three months will be a series of problems, failures and illness.

  • The family will appear in sight - to harmony and peace in the family, to the reconciliation of all household members who are in a quarrel
  • cripple - to the death of a loved one
  • dog - to sadness
  • cat - to profit
  • birds - to a new acquaintance and good news

And of course, all work related to preparing for the holiday: cleaning, cooking, painting eggs must be completed before Light. On the Great Saturday of Holy Week of Lent Orthodox Church remembers the bodily burial of Christ and His descent. Witchcraft rituals and conspiracies on the Saturday before Easter are carried out for well-being and prosperity, and various rituals are performed for a rich life.

The eve of Holy Easter - Holy Saturday - is the most exciting day before the holiday. And all Easter Saturday conspiracies are incredibly effective.

In the morning, the whole family washes themselves with water left over from Maundy Thursday. If you immerse a silver item in this water, then washing becomes ritual - for beauty and increase in wealth.

Home spells that can be read before Orthodox Easter

Witchcraft can be done anywhere, whenever needed. It doesn’t matter whether it is black magic or white, the only difference is in the egregor for which the magician works, and whose power he enlists at the right moments of his life and practice. So, there are many rituals that are done at home.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about home conspiracies read before the celebration of Easter.

Can witchcraft be called a way of life? I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, don’t know about anyone, but for me it’s obvious. You can't play real magic. You either live in this world or you don’t. If you are not ready to change, then here is my advice: do not touch witchcraft at all. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, offer you my own do strong conspiracies to raise money for Easter. There are strong Orthodox prayers, there are conspiracies that will help in love, a quick and successful marriage, and getting rid of bad habits. There are witchcraft Easter spells for money that will increase profits and make the family rich.

Free spell for money read on Saturday before Easter

The ritual for a coin, on the Saturday before Easter, should be done like this. Before sunset, take a five-ruble note and read a money spell on it three times for a coin for Easter, after which you carry the five-ruble coin in your wallet all year (if you remember, I was the magician Sergei Artgrom who told me which coin to take in order to actually get a talisman):

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Money to money, penny to penny. As people wait for Easter, as they go to the temple of God, so would money flow to me, the servant of God (name of the rivers). All holy saints, all with me. Amen".

A powerful Easter spell to attract financial luck

On Easter, you can do this simple ritual to attract people into your life. good money. Usually a spell for money is read on the Saturday before Easter in order to complete the ritual started the day before in the morning.
To perform a white magic ritual you will need:

  1. clay bowl with spring water
  2. golden easter egg
  3. silver easter egg
  4. red easter egg

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Place 3 Easter eggs in a bowl of water. In the morning, wash your face with this water, pray fervently, and then in your own words ask the Christian egregor for material wealth for your home and prosperity. You can then read the text of the Easter plot for wealth, any one you know and which one you apply in yours. After carrying out the money ritual, expect quick and noticeable profits.

Homemade spell for Easter eggs during a holiday meal

The white conspiracy for profit and material well-being is read during the Easter meal.

Sitting down festive table, you should read the words of the money conspiracy three times to yourself:

“Like an eggshell breaking, so my failures are scattered. Just as Easter eggs go into my mouth, so money will flow like a river into my pocket. Amen, amen, amen."

It is believed that in order to attract wealth, one should eat as many colored eggs as possible on this Easter day. Break the shell and grind it into fine crumbs. If you have problems with employment or you just decided to change your job, but do not dare to make drastic changes, do not miss the strong witchcraft days - Holy Week. Pray hard and read conspiracies for work. All week before Easter, any conspiracies bear good fruit.

An effective spell for money and an Easter candle

This ritual to attract wealth is done in the early morning hours on the bright Resurrection of Christ. Read a money plot for an Easter candle and a banknote (new, as new as possible, prepare in advance). The enchanted bill must be carried in your wallet until the next Holy Week. This is a strong money magnet that will attract wealth into your life.

Light a candle and place a banknote in front of you. Focus on what you are doing and what you want to achieve in the end. First, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer three times (by heart, without reservations or stuttering), and only then read the words of the conspiracy for prosperity 3 times:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and... Just as the people rejoice on this bright holiday, as the bells ring for matins, so let money rejoice to me, the servant of God (name of the rivers). They have a home in my wallet. Just as on Easter the poor are not allowed to die of hunger, just as they are given alms, so you, Lord, give me, the servant of God (name of the rivers), prosperity, profit, joy and sweetness. Neither horse nor foot can interrupt or change my words. As said, so be it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

In general, as I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have already said, conspiracies on Easter night are incredibly powerful. Whatever white magic is aimed at at this time, whatever aspect of life you think needs change - financial side, feelings, health, etc., results come soon.

A strong spell for good luck and money for Easter - a magic coin

There are many simple and effective home spells read before Easter throughout Holy Week. Here is one of these useful rituals that you can perform yourself. For the home ritual you will need money prepared for donation. You can read this conspiracy for successful trading yourself, it works well in this regard.

A good Easter plot for financial luck.

During Lent, collect money for donation. On Easter, go to the temple in the morning and give this money there. When donating money, read to yourself a money plot to attract wealth:

“God gave it to me, I return it to God, God will multiply it a hundredfold, return it a thousandfold. Amen".

Then go to the icon of the Resurrection and pray next to it.

Conspiracies during Holy Week and after Easter

Not only rituals to attract money, not only white conspiracies for luck and material prosperity are used knowledgeable people throughout Holy Week. At this time, you can completely change your life, open roads, find love, get rid of illnesses. After Easter, reading conspiracies is also not forbidden. White sorcerers welcome this time.
Here's how you can be healed by ringing bells and a white spell on the third day of Easter. The ringing of bells has powerful cleansing energy. It is believed that all evil spirits are afraid of the ringing of bells. That is why it is believed that during the Easter gospel you can easily remove any negative programs from yourself, including serious witchcraft damage.

Having heard that the bells have been rung in the temple, read in a whisper 3 times the text of the plot against the evil eye and damage:

“As these bells ring, they talk about the good news, how firmly the temple wall stands, so firmly the ringing of the bell destroys corruption, witchcraft returns to the dark abyss. rings, a dashing word destroys. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading the words of the conspiracy on the second day of Easter, or on the third day, cross yourself three times and silently read “Our Father” 3 times.

The ringing of bells helps relieve the suffering of the sick. Hearing the ringing of bells, go to an Orthodox church, light a candle for the health of the patient, cross yourself and mentally read the words of the conspiracy prayer three times:

“Lord, deliver God’s servant (name) from diseases of body and spirit. With the ringing of a bell, glorifying You, Lord, remove all filth, all blackness, lameness and aches from the body of Your white servant (name). Amen".

May this work bless them. Amen".

After pronouncing magic words To heal illnesses, incense and wax are poured onto a scarf, rolled and tied on a sore spot. And so they go to bed.