Well      06/13/2019

Can a Christmas tree take root? Is it possible to save a live Christmas tree? When to plant a Christmas tree in the Kuban. How to keep your Christmas tree alive

Buying a Christmas tree in a tub is environmentally friendly and responsible. On any New Year's Eve mall they are. The main problem is that these are not Christmas trees. Most often these are Danish fir or Serbian omorika spruce. Both of them do not tolerate frost well (even in harsh Denmark the Gulf Stream breathes from the side, and crocuses bloom there in winter). Therefore, if you transplant such a tree into a garden or forest, it will not survive our winter, sadly said dendrologist Arnold Ivashchenko, head of the North-West Agro nursery.

If you find a regular spruce (tell the seller “Picea abies” and wink), check to see if it’s falling out of the tub. If it falls out, it means that the roots of the tree were cut off and it was stuck into the ground shortly before the sale. If the spruce is very thick, this is also not good: it has been overfed with stimulants and all its resources have gone into its appearance.

Having obtained a moderately thick spruce in a tub, keep it on the balcony. Place it in the room and decorate it right before the New Year, and hang the garlands outside, because the tree needs to be sprayed with water. If the buds swell, send them to the cold: spruce can only sprout in the spring.

In any case, the tree must be returned to the balcony a week after the holiday; it cannot remain warm longer. Mark the south side of the crown with a piece of tape and do not move the tree again.

When you take it out in the fall to plant it outdoors, add 10 cm of expanded clay gravel to the bottom of the hole for drainage; OBI and Auchan have it. Water the spruce well and move it from the tub into the hole along with a lump of earth. In a new place, it should face south again: the change in orientation will cause the trees to die.

If you leave a tree to grow in a tub, then don't dress it up for the next one. New Year, Arnold Ivashchenko insists. The spruce will not tolerate a second visit to the apartment.

Chapter 2. Final. It tells about how to subject a cut spruce (and yourself at the same time) to severe trials, which, however, will give it a chance to start a new life.

As you already understood, growing a Christmas tree at home until autumn is like keeping a model from Saint-Tropez in the Mytishchi Khrushchev. And germinating a cut-down Christmas tree is the same as cutting off a model’s Instagram account. That is, the chances of survival are very small. But there are precedents that can be attributed to New Year's miracles. And miracles need help. Moreover, Christmas trees are one of those few conifers that can be propagated by cuttings. Therefore, choose a spruce no higher than one and a half meters, with thick green needles, flexible branches and a not particularly thick trunk. This one has more chances.

When you bring it home, you cut off a couple of centimeters from the trunk. Then moisten a fresh saw cut and dip it in the Kornevin powder, a root growth stimulator, bought in advance in the same OBI or Auchan. Tie it with a damp cloth and leave it on the balcony until the New Year.

Before putting up the tree, rinse it in a cold shower. This is not for her, but for you: the trees are treated with insecticides, and she will live a long time with you. It is better not to put the Christmas tree in the water, but to put it in a bucket of river sand, but so that the cut of the trunk does not reach the bottom to the width of the palm.

Do not cut off the crown. Spray the tree with the Zircon stimulant, which you can buy at agro-sos.ru or imperia-sadovoda.ru, and generously water the fields with Heteroauxin, which you can buy there. Place the tree away from the radiator, with a humidifier nearby. Use outdoor garlands to avoid short circuits.

If you did everything right, in a couple of weeks the tree may sprout - fresh shoots with soft needles will come out of the buds. It’s too early to rejoice, these are old reserves plus stimulants. Your Christmas tree is now stuffed with them like a bodybuilder in an Amsterdam club.

Pour it once with fertilizer for conifers, and the rest of the time, water with "Heteroauxin" and spray with "Zircon". Just put on a gauze mask and then ventilate. If luck is on the tree's side, it may take root by March. But no need to take it out and look. If in the third month the spruce is green and the shoots are growing, then perhaps there are roots.

Let's say it's already May, and the tree is still green. This means that there are definitely roots, even though they are lateral and weak. We need to take the tree to the forest. But before that, buy her some mushrooms, or rather, mushroom mycelium on micoriza.ru. The fact is that conifers cannot live without mushrooms; their roots are intertwined with the mycelium and this is the only way they can feed. The tree does not need this in the first year, but if it survives the next winter, the mushrooms will help it further. Pour mycelium and fertilizer into the hole, then plant a long-suffering tree there, plant some fields and leave. Then the spruce itself - maybe you'll get lucky. But even if not, you will be rewarded for your efforts - the expression on your neighbors’ faces when you carry a green Christmas tree with the remains of garlands past them in May.

Remember, in distant happy childhood, when parents brought christmas tree, the house was immediately filled with the fresh smell of pine needles and resin. There was a feeling of a fabulous holiday, an expectation of something wonderful, mysterious that could only happen on the New Year... Childhood is long gone, and the desire to feel like one again and again New Year's fairy tale left. For me, the indispensable New Year's attributes are three things: garlands, and of course a Christmas tree!

However, the older I get, the more careful I am with nature. Therefore, a note of sadness was added to the festive mood: it’s a pity for the small fluffy Christmas trees and pines that died so that we could decorate our homes with them for a week or two. I understand that if there is no demand, the supply will disappear, who will offer a product that no one buys? In the meantime, Christmas tree markets are full of those eager to buy a New Year's tree, but I don’t buy cut down trees as a matter of principle.! Now I’ll tell you what was the last straw for making such a decision.

We have Christmas trees They sell it not only at the market, but also at supermarkets, at gas stations - in general, wherever there is a constant crowd of people. It so happened that on the first day of the new year I drove past a large store. Since the evening, the Christmas tree market there was noisy and seething, buyers tried to bring down the price - after all, there were only a few hours left before the holiday - and sellers tried to raise it, realizing that there was nowhere else to buy a Christmas tree in the village.

In the early morning, when people went to rest after a festive feast, they ate and pine trees, which no one bought, stood alone, leaning against the walls of the store. Some fell down, stray dogs lay down on them, trying to escape from the cold ... A little later, public utilities workers simply loaded them into garbage trucks and sent them to a landfill. And why were they cut down?! In general, the experienced feeling of pity for the needlessly destroyed plants put an end to the acquisition of felled conifers in the future.

So what to do, because without a Christmas tree a holiday is not a holiday? Personally, I don’t like synthetic analogues of firs - apart from longing, they don’t evoke any feelings in me. Yes, artificial trees have benefits. But you can find an alternative when there will be a real live Christmas tree in the house, and after the holiday it will remain alive and well!

Method 1 - rent a spruce

Now there are more and more such offers, there is plenty to choose from! What is the advantage: You can order and select a Christmas tree in advance, and they will deliver it to you on the specified day. does not crumble, you do not have to constantly remove falling needles. The most important thing is that the tree will stay alive!

Some hypermarkets offer spruce for rent with subsequent disposal - provided that they are returned before January 24. I’ll tell you a secret: Christmas trees that return from the holidays are not immediately destroyed! Within 2 weeks they are trying to resuscitate them. Those who suffered from high temperature air or untimely watering, not so much - about 47%! The remaining 53% goes back to the greenhouses!

Therefore, we kindly ask everyone who will rent a Christmas tree (pine, fir, larch) - do not place them in a room with an air temperature above +20°C, and if possible, even lower! There is no place for New Year's trees near fireplaces, radiators, or in direct sunlight! High air humidity in the room where the Christmas tree is displayed can be maintained by regular ventilation.

Method number 2 - buy a coniferous tree in a container

Of course, with the subsequent landing in open ground. In this case, you will have to prepare the landing site in advance and make sure that the Christmas tree in the container survives safely in the room until spring. You can read the article General recommendations on choosing a seedling and planting conifers, in order to know in advance what to prepare for.

Conditions of detention Trees at home are simple: timely watering with settled water, spraying (conifers really like crown irrigation!), and a cool room: preferably +12...+18°C.

How to prepare a landing site: dig a hole, pour in coniferous soil mixed with sand in equal proportions, sprinkle a little regular soil on top. In the spring, when the time for planting comes, the planting hole will need to be deepened a little, a 2-4 cm layer of drainage should be laid on the bottom. Water the Christmas tree well so that you can easily remove the earthen lump from the container and carefully transfer it into the prepared hole. You can treat the root system with growth stimulants and anti-stress drugs.

We fill it with soil mixture: soil selected when deepening the hole, coniferous soil (in finished form, from the store), sand and regular soil - all in equal parts. Water and add soil if necessary. Then trunk circle mulch with pine needles, finely chopped branches of coniferous trees, and pieces of cones. The most important thing is to reliably hide the new settler from direct contact with the crown of spring flowers. sun rays, otherwise a burn cannot be avoided!

Before you get started, be sure to read the publication 4 mistakes when landing coniferous plants, especially if own experience not in this case yet.

Method number 3 - root a felled spruce

Well, in this case, I am ready to argue with those who claim that it is easy and simple. I never succeeded, although I tried repeatedly: I used root formation stimulants, spraying, comfortable temperature regime... The Christmas tree stood in a bucket of sand, which never dried out. Useless.

Several times the fir trees created the illusion of rooting: their buds bloomed, from which young, light green, soft needles appeared. Believe me, I once kept a Christmas tree in the house until mid-May - it neither withered nor showed signs of obvious signs growth. In the end, I decided to take her outside. I took it out of the sand bucket, but there were no traces of roots. I came to the conclusion that amateurs, with the arsenal available to us chemicals, it is difficult to bring a cut down Christmas tree back to life, or maybe even impossible.

You know, it was funny to see the expression on the inspector’s face when in mid-April he came to take the gas meter readings and saw a Christmas tree in a bucket of sand in my hallway) He didn’t ask anything, but he really wanted to, it was clearly visible)))

Method number 4 - rooting cuttings

Let's say you bought a felled coniferous tree, but you want to give its cuttings a chance to live. This method in practice gave positive results, although not very high: out of 40 cuttings of Norway spruce, only 6 took root. Not rich, but better than nothing!

I want to warn you right away, different kinds conifers are amenable to cuttings with varying degrees of success! For example, larch, pine and fir trees are almost impossible for an amateur to propagate by cuttings! With spruce trees, we (amateurs) have a better chance of success, and cypresses and thujas take root most easily. I advise you to take lateral (growing horizontally), annual cuttings, 5-15 cm long.

To remove the resin from the cuts, immerse the cuttings for 2-3 hours in warm water. Then dust the cut areas with root and heteroauxin to stimulate root formation. Plant the cuttings in containers filled with soil mixture: soil, coniferous soil, river sand - all in equal proportions. Cover each cutting with a glass or plastic jar and place them in a room with diffused light and an air temperature of at least +20°C.

Even if one of your 50 cuttings survives, that’s already a victory! Which I sincerely wish for you!

The main equipment for these procedures will be pruning shears, preferably well sharpened, and a container for planting small branches.

A sharp pruning shears will help you quickly cut the selected branch without staining you with the oozing resin. Scots pine, like many representatives of gymnosperms, is filled inside not with juice, but with resin, which is quickly released when the integrity of its branches is damaged. The resin is quite sticky, emits a pleasant aroma and is difficult to wash off hands and clothes. Therefore, it is worth cutting the branch as quickly as possible and moving away from the tree.

Preparation tips:

  • An ordinary frame can act as a container small sizes made from. It is not previously placed in this frame a large number of compost. The speed of pine branches will also depend on the composition of the compost. The more fertile it is, the faster the root formation process will begin.
  • In fertile compost, young roots will be able to quickly gain strength and gain a foothold. The best option Compost in this case can be a mixture consisting of coarse river sand and peat, uniform in consistency. This mixture is prepared by mixing these components in a one to one ratio.
  • In order to prevent rooted pine branches, a little half-rotted pine bark is often added to the prepared compost. If you don’t have it on hand, you can use coarse-fiber peat as a substitute.
  • In addition, these components will serve as good drainage for growing branches. Sometimes a small amount of perlite is added to the compost, which helps improve the aeration process of the resulting mixture.
  • Access to oxygen to the roots of a pine branch is also very necessary and important, and it can be achieved using the above action. It is advisable to moisten the resulting compost before planting the branches. This will also help the branches take root faster and gain strength.
  • Good watering can be done simultaneously with disinfection of the mixture. As you know, peat contains a large number of microorganisms and many of them can negatively affect the growth and development of a young pine branch. In this case, the young branch can get sick and even die. To prevent this from happening, the resulting mixture should be disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or, as it is popularly called, potassium permanganate.

The process of preparing such a solution is very simple: add a small amount of boiled water room temperature a few crystals of potassium permanganate are added (usually on the tip of a knife) to create a faint pink solution. They need to water the soil before planting pine branches in it. Potassium permanganate crystals have a detrimental effect on most pathogenic microorganisms found in peat.

Having chosen the Scots pine tree you like, using a sharp pruner (in the absence of one, a sharp knife will do), cut off a small branch. Then you need to remove the existing branches to its lower part in order to free up this area in order to obtain roots on it. The size of the cut branch should not exceed ten centimeters. This is the most optimal length for this case. You can use pine branches of smaller sizes; they are also capable of rooting. If there are other extraneous branches on the selected branch, they should also be removed.

To get roots on a branch you need a stimulating substance for the formation of roots. It can be a regular growth substance or a root stimulant.

You can purchase such a substance in specialized flower shops. It is released in the form of a liquid or solution. Before purchasing, read the description and category of plants that it works well on.

Then the cut branch must be dipped into the prepared root former solution. Prepare the solution according to the instructions. The concentration of the root stimulator solution is directly proportional to the degree of lignification of the pine branch you have chosen. The stronger the lignification of its lower part, the more concentrated the prepared solution should be. If you decide to root a pine twig in the summer, then you may not need a root stimulator.

Planting a pine branch:

  • They should be planted in a prepared frame with the special compost mentioned earlier. If you do not have such a frame, then you can plant these branches in a regular greenhouse. Both the frame and the greenhouse should be covered with film.
  • When planting, it is not advisable to stick the branches into the soil; this may negatively affect future root formation. It is best to make a small hole in the compost using a hard object and place a pine twig there. After this, the soil around the branch should be gently pressed and compacted.
  • To develop different pine branches on the surface, it is recommended to spray with a special fungicide solution. After this, the planted pine branches are covered to speed up the process of root formation.
  • It is best to create semi-shade conditions for sprouting branches, covering them from direct exposure to harmful sun rays. A frame with branches can be placed in partial shade.
  • When rooting pine branches in winter time, it is desirable to warm up the frame with the planted branches. This will help speed up the root formation process. It is important to ensure that the pine branches receive a sufficient amount of moisture, otherwise they will not only not be able to form new roots, but will also die.
  • Moderate should be done as needed. If there is more moisture than necessary, then the plants may die from waterlogging and decay.
  • After a while, you should begin to open a greenhouse or a frame to ventilate pine branches. access to fresh air and sunlight positively affects the growth of plant roots.

If you were cutting pine branches for rooting at the beginning of summer, then by August they should have roots. It is by their presence that they judge the need for planting pine nets in open ground.

The stronger and stronger the root system of pine twigs, the greater the chance of their speedy fixing in the soil and active growth.

In the case of obtaining rooted twigs, and you can check this by carefully excavating the top layer of soil around them, you can start planting. It is desirable to plant rooted pine branches in a semi-shady area when there is no bright sun outside.

After this, the plants should be well and. If all the norms of care are observed, after a few years a beautiful pine tree will grow in this place. In this way, you can grow a beautiful pine tree from its small twig with diligence and care.

More information can be found in the video.

Buying a Christmas tree in a tub is environmentally friendly and responsible. Any New Year's shopping center has them. The main problem is that these are not Christmas trees. Most often these are Danish fir or Serbian omorika spruce. Both of them do not tolerate frost well (even in harsh Denmark the Gulf Stream breathes from the side, and crocuses bloom there in winter). Therefore, if you transplant such a tree into a garden or forest, it will not survive our winter, sadly said dendrologist Arnold Ivashchenko, head of the North-West Agro nursery.

If you find a regular spruce (tell the seller “Picea abies” and wink), check to see if it’s falling out of the tub. If it falls out, it means that the roots of the tree were cut off and it was stuck into the ground shortly before the sale. If the spruce is very thick, this is also not good: it has been overfed with stimulants and all its resources have gone into its appearance.

Having obtained a moderately thick spruce in a tub, keep it on the balcony. Place it in the room and decorate it right before the New Year, and hang the garlands outside, because the tree needs to be sprayed with water. If the buds swell, send them to the cold: spruce can only sprout in the spring.

In any case, the tree must be returned to the balcony a week after the holiday; it cannot remain warm longer. Mark the south side of the crown with a piece of tape and do not move the tree again.

When you take it out in the fall to plant it outdoors, add 10 cm of expanded clay gravel to the bottom of the hole for drainage; OBI and Auchan have it. Water the spruce well and move it from the tub into the hole along with a lump of earth. In a new place, it should face south again: the change in orientation will cause the trees to die.

If you leave a tree to grow in a tub, then do not dress up for the next New Year, Arnold Ivashchenko insists. The spruce will not tolerate a second visit to the apartment.

Chapter 2. Final. It tells about how to subject a cut spruce (and yourself at the same time) to severe trials, which, however, will give it a chance to start a new life.

As you already understood, growing a Christmas tree at home until autumn is like keeping a model from Saint-Tropez in the Mytishchi Khrushchev. And germinating a cut-down Christmas tree is the same as cutting off a model’s Instagram account. That is, the chances of survival are very small. But there are precedents that can be attributed to New Year's miracles. And miracles need help. Moreover, Christmas trees are one of those few conifers that can be propagated by cuttings. Therefore, choose a spruce no higher than one and a half meters, with thick green needles, flexible branches and a not particularly thick trunk. This one has more chances.

When you bring it home, you cut off a couple of centimeters from the trunk. Then moisten a fresh saw cut and dip it in the Kornevin powder, a root growth stimulator, bought in advance in the same OBI or Auchan. Tie it with a damp cloth and leave it on the balcony until the New Year.

Before putting up the tree, rinse it in a cold shower. This is not for her, but for you: the trees are treated with insecticides, and she will live a long time with you. It is better not to put the Christmas tree in the water, but to put it in a bucket of river sand, but so that the cut of the trunk does not reach the bottom to the width of the palm.

Do not cut off the crown. Spray the tree with the Zircon stimulant, which you can buy at agro-sos.ru or imperia-sadovoda.ru, and generously water the fields with Heteroauxin, which you can buy there. Place the tree away from the radiator, with a humidifier nearby. Use outdoor garlands to avoid short circuits.

If you did everything right, in a couple of weeks the tree may sprout - fresh shoots with soft needles will come out of the buds. It’s too early to rejoice, these are old reserves plus stimulants. Your Christmas tree is now stuffed with them like a bodybuilder in an Amsterdam club.

Pour it once with fertilizer for conifers, and the rest of the time, water with "Heteroauxin" and spray with "Zircon". Just put on a gauze mask and then ventilate. If luck is on the tree's side, it may take root by March. But no need to take it out and look. If in the third month the spruce is green and the shoots are growing, then perhaps there are roots.

Let's say it's already May, and the tree is still green. This means that there are definitely roots, even though they are lateral and weak. We need to take the tree to the forest. But before that, buy her some mushrooms, or rather, mushroom mycelium at micoriza.ru. The fact is that conifers cannot live without mushrooms; their roots are intertwined with the mycelium and this is the only way they can feed. The tree does not need this in the first year, but if it survives the next winter, the mushrooms will help it further. Pour mycelium and fertilizer into the hole, then plant a long-suffering tree there, plant some fields and leave. Then the spruce itself - maybe you'll get lucky. But even if not, you will be rewarded for your efforts - the expression on your neighbors’ faces when you carry a green Christmas tree with the remains of garlands past them in May.

While I was looking for information on the topic “how to plant a spruce from a container”, I noticed that many people are interested in the question: is it possible to plant a cut down Christmas tree after the new year? For some reason I really want to save this beautiful, fluffy, green beauty that could grow for many years to come. Is this possible or not? – we will look into this in this article.

  • Is it possible to plant a cut down Christmas tree?
  • Our story of planting a live mature spruce on a plot
  • When to plant a Christmas tree in Kuban
  • How to create a new New Year's tradition?

Is it possible to plant a cut down Christmas tree?

If the tree is cut down, then there is no point in planting it: with a small number of roots, not all seedlings take root, and without roots this is impossible, the tree is almost lifeless and survives only due to the reserves of moisture and nutrients in the trunk and needles. He will not have enough strength to grow new roots. Even small spruce branches have difficulty taking root, but what can we say about an adult tree?

And if you bought a live spruce in a container, then your green beauty has every chance. In this article, I decided to describe our story of buying and planting a New Year tree and the interesting discoveries that awaited us after. Read the next article practical advice: how to plant a live Christmas tree and how to help the seedling take root, especially if the tree is older than three years. And also: when is it better to plant, in spring or winter?

Our story of planting a live mature spruce on a plot.

We recently received good idea- buy a live spruce (seedling) for the New Year, and then plant it in the yard. It was my dream: to decorate a live spruce for the New Year.

We stopped buying felled spruce trees a long time ago so as not to support their felling. Therefore, living in an apartment, we celebrated the New Year without Christmas trees, but no less colorful and joyful.

In 2015, we bought a fluffy beauty in a container at a nursery. Yes, they chose more, an adult, so that there would be something to dress up. The price for it (in 2015) was 2000 rubles, and a felled spruce, 2 times higher, cost 400 rubles.

This is what it looked like at the time of purchase. It was 1.5 m high including the container.

The seller convinced us that she should settle in normally and that she is 5-6 years old. We had no experience in planting conifers, so we trusted the seller and our spiritual impulse.

We arrived, brought it into the house and were glad that our tree was warm, the poor thing would be warm.

The next day I was looking for information about the timing of planting fir trees, I couldn’t find anything sensible and by chance I started a correspondence with a girl experienced in growing trees, including conifers. They have their own plant nursery. She shared very valuable information, which I am sure can be useful to many.

When to plant a Christmas tree in Kuban

  • The question has become clear: when to plant a Christmas tree in the south in the conditions of Krasnodar and the Krasnodar Territory? It turned out that conifers are planted in a state of complete dormancy, when the weather gets steadily colder. It is possible even in light frosts, as long as the ground is dug and does not have time to freeze deeply. It turns out that in the south almost the entire winter is suitable for planting in open ground, especially for seedlings in a container. And in spring it is already too warm for conifers.
  • On Lyuba’s advice, we hastened to take the spruce outside and thereby saved it from death. It turned out that in conditions of room heat and dry air, seedlings quickly die. For storage they need a cool room and high humidity.
  • Lyuba advised calculating the age of the seedling. As I understand it, the older the spruce, the more difficult it is for it to take root after transplantation. And there are many reasons for this.

The calculated age of spruce surprised us very much - 9 years, no less! It turns out that with age we were misled by reducing it by half. Be careful when buying seedlings!

For good landing It is advisable to take conifers no older than three years.

In the next article, I enclose our correspondence with Lyuba, from which much will become clear. The dialogue turned out to be voluminous and meaningful, so Luba's advice helped me a lot. Our overgrown spruce has taken root in a new place, near the house, and in the second year has already given a good increase.

How to create a new New Year's tradition?

It is useless to urge people to stop buying cut down fir trees and pine trees; this is what experience tells us. It is more correct to replace one tradition with another. I think this is not difficult to do if you understand why we need it. If you find answers to the questions for yourself: Why refuse to cut down coniferous trees? What will this give to me, my family, nature, the planet? It’s even better to discuss this topic with your children and look for answers together.

With my stories about Christmas trees, I would like to captivate people with the idea of ​​planting at least one tree a year and teaching children to do this, rather than cutting down or buying cut down trees. Any traditions are established from childhood, in the family.

And if you are looking on the Internet for the answer to the question: “how to plant a cut down Christmas tree”, “is it possible to plant a cut down Christmas tree”, then you feel sorry for it and you would like to extend its life, right? To many people, the tradition of cutting down beautiful and healthy trees, and many people wonder what can be changed?

Why not come to new tradition: Buy a coniferous tree seedling in a container on New Year’s Eve and plant it after the holiday?

In the warm climate of the Krasnodar Territory and neighboring regions, this is quite realistic, especially for a seedling from a container. And in the northern regions you can plant closer to spring or in the spring.

As we will learn from the next article, conifers are replanted in winter, and even with light frost it is possible. And there are now a lot of nurseries offering seedlings with a closed root system. As a result, instead of dumping dying trees, my children and I will create and observe new coniferous alleys, forest belts or beautiful individual plantings near houses.

I like this idea! What do you think? What thoughts and ideas do you have on this matter? Or maybe this tradition is already popular in your city? Be sure to tell me and I will publish this story on the blog.

Growing a Christmas tree at home until autumn is like keeping a model from Saint-Tropez in a Khrushchev-era building in Mytishchi. And germinating a cut-down Christmas tree is the same as cutting off a model’s Instagram account. That is, the chances of survival are very small. But there are precedents that can be attributed to New Year's miracles. And miracles need help. Moreover, Christmas trees are one of those few conifers that can be propagated by cuttings. Therefore, choose a spruce no higher than half a mountain of meters, with thick green needles, flexible branches and a not particularly thick trunk. This one has more chances.

■ When you bring it home, cut off the trunk a couple of centimeters. Then moisten a fresh saw cut and dip it in the Kornevin powder, a root growth stimulator, bought in advance in the same OBI or Auchan. Tie it with a damp cloth and leave it on the balcony until the New Year. Before putting up the tree, rinse it in a cold shower. This is not for her, but for you: the trees are treated with insecticides, and she will live a long time with you. It is better not to put the Christmas tree in the water, but to put it in a bucket of river sand, but so that the cut of the trunk does not reach the bottom to the width of the palm. Do not cut off the crown. Spray the tree with the Zircon stimulant, which you can buy at agro-sos.ru or imperia-sadovoda.ru, and generously water the fields with Heteroauxin, which you can buy there. Place the tree away from the radiator, with a humidifier nearby. Use outdoor garlands to avoid short circuits.

If you did everything correctly, in a couple of weeks the tree can sprout - fresh shoots with soft needles will emerge from the buds. It’s too early to rejoice, these are old reserves plus stimulants. Your Christmas tree is now stuffed with them like a bodybuilder in an Amsterdam club. Pour it once with fertilizer for conifers, and the rest of the time, water with "Heteroauxin" and spray with "Zircon". Just put on a gauze mask and then ventilate. If luck is on the tree's side, it may take root by March. But no need to take it out and look. If in the third month the spruce is green and the shoots are growing, then perhaps there are roots.

Let's say it's already May, and the tree is still green. This means that there are definitely roots, even though they are lateral and weak. We need to take the tree to the forest. But before that, buy her some mushrooms, or rather, mushroom mycelium at micoriza.ru. The fact is that conifers cannot live without mushrooms; their roots are intertwined with the mycelium and this is the only way they can feed. The tree does not need this in the first year, but if it survives the next winter, the mushrooms will help it further. Pour mycelium and fertilizer into the hole, then plant a long-suffering tree there, plant some fields and leave. Then the spruce itself - maybe you'll get lucky. But even if not, you will be rewarded for your efforts - the expression on your neighbors’ faces when you carry a green Christmas tree with the remains of garlands past them in May.

The main equipment for these procedures will be pruning shears, preferably well sharpened, and a container for planting small branches.

A sharp pruning shears will help you quickly cut the selected branch without staining you with the oozing resin. Scots pine, like many representatives of gymnosperms, is filled inside not with juice, but with resin, which is quickly released when the integrity of its branches is damaged. The resin is quite sticky, emits a pleasant aroma and is difficult to wash off hands and clothes. Therefore, it is worth cutting the branch as quickly as possible and moving away from the tree.

Preparation tips:

  • An ordinary small frame made of . can act as a container. A small amount of compost is first placed in this frame. The speed of pine branches will also depend on the composition of the compost. The more fertile it is, the faster the root formation process will begin.
  • In fertile compost, young roots will be able to quickly gain strength and gain a foothold. The best option for compost in this case may be a mixture consisting of coarse river sand and peat, uniform in consistency. This mixture is prepared by mixing these components in a one to one ratio.
  • In order to prevent rooted pine branches, a little half-rotted pine bark is often added to the prepared compost. If you don’t have it on hand, you can use coarse-fiber peat as a substitute.
  • In addition, these components will serve as good drainage for growing branches. Sometimes a small amount of perlite is added to the compost, which helps improve the aeration process of the resulting mixture.
  • Access to oxygen to the roots of a pine branch is also very necessary and important, and it can be achieved using the above action. It is advisable to moisten the resulting compost before planting the branches. This will also help the branches take root faster and gain strength.
  • Good watering can be done simultaneously with disinfection of the mixture. As you know, peat contains a large number of microorganisms and many of them can negatively affect the growth and development of a young pine branch. In this case, the young branch can get sick and even die. To prevent this from happening, the resulting mixture should be disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or, as it is popularly called, potassium permanganate.

The process of preparing such a solution is very simple: several crystals of potassium permanganate are added to a small amount of boiled water at room temperature (usually on the tip of a knife) to obtain a slightly pink solution. They need to water the soil before planting pine branches in it. Potassium permanganate crystals have a detrimental effect on most pathogenic microorganisms found in peat.

Having chosen the Scots pine tree you like, using a sharp pruner (in the absence of one, a sharp knife will do), cut off a small branch. Then you need to remove the existing branches to its lower part in order to free up this area in order to obtain roots on it. The size of the cut branch should not exceed ten centimeters. This is the most optimal length for this case. You can use pine branches of smaller sizes; they are also capable of rooting. If there are other extraneous branches on the selected branch, they should also be removed.

To get roots on a branch you need a stimulating substance for the formation of roots. It can be a regular growth substance or a root stimulant.

You can purchase this substance in specialized flower shops. It is released in the form of a liquid or solution. Before purchasing, read the description and category of plants that it works well on.

Then the cut branch must be dipped into the prepared root former solution. Prepare the solution according to the instructions. The concentration of the root stimulator solution is directly proportional to the degree of lignification of the pine branch you have chosen. The stronger the lignification of its lower part, the more concentrated the prepared solution should be. If you decide to root a pine twig in the summer, then you may not need a root stimulator.

Planting a pine branch:

  • They should be planted in a prepared frame with the special compost mentioned earlier. If you do not have such a frame, then you can plant these branches in a regular greenhouse. Both the frame and the greenhouse should be covered with film.
  • When planting, it is not advisable to stick the branches into the soil; this may negatively affect future root formation. It is best to make a small hole in the compost using a hard object and place a pine twig there. After this, the soil around the branch should be gently pressed and compacted.
  • To develop different pine branches on the surface, it is recommended to spray with a special fungicide solution. After this, the planted pine branches are covered to speed up the process of root formation.
  • It is best to create semi-shade conditions for sprouting branches, covering them from direct exposure to harmful sun rays. A frame with branches can be placed in partial shade.
  • When rooting pine branches in winter, it is advisable to heat the frame with the planted branches. This will help speed up the root formation process. It is important to ensure that the pine branches receive a sufficient amount of moisture, otherwise they will not only not be able to form new roots, but will also die.
  • Moderate should be done as needed. If there is more moisture than necessary, then the plants may die from waterlogging and decay.
  • After a while, you should begin to open a greenhouse or a frame to ventilate pine branches. Access to fresh air and sunlight has a positive effect on the growth of plant roots.

If you were cutting pine branches for rooting at the beginning of summer, then by August they should have roots. It is by their presence that they judge the need for planting pine nets in open ground.

The stronger and stronger the root system of pine twigs, the greater the chance of their speedy fixing in the soil and active growth.

In the case of obtaining rooted twigs, and you can check this by carefully excavating the top layer of soil around them, you can start planting. It is desirable to plant rooted pine branches in a semi-shady area when there is no bright sun outside.

After this, the plants should be well and. If all the norms of care are observed, after a few years a beautiful pine tree will grow in this place. In this way, you can grow a beautiful pine tree from its small twig with diligence and care.

More information can be found in the video.