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Stencil for painting on ceramic tiles. Stencils for tiles. How and how to paint ceramic tiles at home? Do-it-yourself technology for painting tiles. sublimation printing technology. Benefits of buying office stencils

A stencil is a great way to turn ceramic tiles into a work of art. If you have ever been to a store building materials, then you probably know that ceramics with a pattern cost a lot of money. But decorating the walls of the kitchen or bathroom with unique drawings is not at all difficult ...
What will be needed for this?

1. Naturally, plain tiles (or take a tile, by the way) and stencils, which can be purchased at any hardware store or in supermarkets like "Everything for Repair".

2. Acrylic paints, which are designed for drawing a pattern on ceramic tiles.

3. Special spray adhesive. Its use is not necessary, but it is it that allows you to better fix the stencil on the tile.

4. Stencil brushes, sponges, as well as a jar of water in which the brushes are stored during operation to prevent the paint from drying out.

Before applying a pattern to a tile, it must be prepared in a certain way. If we are talking about tiles or tiles: it will be enough to wipe it with a degreasing solution or rinse it under water using dishwashing detergent.

After washing, the tiles must be left to dry. In anticipation, you can attend to the preparation of the stencil, which is covered with aerosol glue on the reverse side - this will allow you not to worry that the stencil will “peel off” during operation.

When the tile is completely dry, the stencil is superimposed on its outer side: you can start drawing. You can choose the color from which the whole process will begin on your own, but it is better if the first color is darker than the next, then there will be no problems with the brightness of the picture later.

Remember that while painting on the tile, the brush should be kept in a perpendicular position, and the paint itself should be applied with dotted movements. It is important to follow this rule because otherwise the paint may “leak” under the stencil during drawing, which will make your drawing not so clear. It is also necessary to avoid that there is too much paint on the brushes, otherwise it will flow.

In the process of drawing, it is not necessary to use only brushes. After you finish working with one color or part of the pattern, you can use a sponge for another tone. The sponge allows you to draw with "blotting" movements, which will make it possible to create various effects.

If under the brush the paint often lays down in stripes or dots, then with the help of a sponge you can create a certain embossing. Then the veins and dots in your drawing will be mixed with the roughness that the sponge will create while painting.

After the drawing is completely completed, you can remove the stencil. If the paint that you used for painting is of sufficient quality, then it will not take long to wait for it to dry completely. The result will certainly exceed all your expectations: an exclusive pattern on the tile is a godsend for renovation!

After the paint has completely dried, ceramic tiles can be safely washed. By the way, even solvents are not able to harm acrylic paints. But if you want the pattern to last as long as possible, you can additionally heat the tiles in the oven. Just make sure that the instructions for the paint indicate the possibility of such heating.

If the old cladding has become ugly, but it just doesn’t work to wash it off, ceramic tile paint can help renew the coating without a complete replacement. In addition, such methods are sometimes used by designers for painting and creating a unique pattern on tiles.

You can paint tiles in several ways:

  • Paint for tiles and glass (stained glass). It can be applied directly to a smooth surface without preparation. Usually, the contour is applied first, and then the acrylic background paint. Due to the high price, it makes sense to use it only as a decorative effect. As alternative can be used vinyl stickers.
  • Epoxy paint. It is harder to find on sale, and it costs more.
  • latex or Oil paint. Pre-mandatory application of a special primer, for example, Tikkurila Otex.

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Preparatory work

Before painting the cladding, it is necessary to remove the remnants of cement glue and excess grout from the surface with abrasive materials. The fallen off tiles are glued to cement glue or liquid nails and left to dry completely. If they were lost, you can replace them with tiles of a different color. You also need to replace the chipped tiles.

We glue the old tiles in place and rub the seams

See also the article:.

The surface is degreased with acetone, alcohol or solvent.

Apply Tikkurila Otex primer with a short pile roller and leave it to dry for 12 hours. It has a white color, so it will partially help to hide the old color of the texture.

Primer Tikkurila Otex


Paint for tiles is applied in several layers to completely hide the old pattern and get a uniform color. A new layer should be applied only after the old one has completely dried.

Applying the first coat over the white primer

If you want to get not a monophonic surface, but divide it into several parts or diversify it with an ornament, use masking tape to get even lines of the intended pattern.

The masking tape for creating an ornament is glued only after applying the base coat of paint. The easiest way is to make a geometric pattern out of it.

Once the paint has dried, the masking tape can be removed.

The video shows the result of painting oil enamel apron in the kitchen with a white and red ornament:

The joints can be additionally colored with a special tile marker (Edding 8200, PUFAS FRISCHE FUGE paint).

Using stencils

A stunning effect can be achieved if you use ready-made stencils. The photo below shows an example of decorating an apron made of white tiles with paint.


After painting, you should not expect to get a cool result for a long time, because along with a layer of paint, the tile will lose many of its important properties. The decorative layer will no longer be protected by glaze. It will be more difficult to wash it, fungus and mold can form on it, the seams will have the same color, over time the paint will begin to peel off. I would not recommend that you do such a tile repair in the bathroom without a special need, it will be more reliable to replace the cladding.

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Hand-painted ceramic tiles are a creative, enjoyable and easy way to spice up your kitchen or bathroom. Having painted the tiles with your own hands, you will not only show the world your artistic talents and excellent taste, but you will also be able to save on finishing, because the finished colored tiles with painting or patterns is more expensive than white.

In order for the paint to stick to the surface of the tile, you need to use a primer.

Necessary tools and materials

First, you should decide on the working "canvas", that is, tiles. She must be with smooth surface, without patterns and relief, white color or colored monophonic. It is not recommended to paint floor tiles, as they are subject to increased mechanical stress, and the pattern will not last long on it. Do not paint those tiles in the bathroom that often get wet. Due to high humidity, even moisture-resistant paint will begin to peel off and peel off over time.

Tools you will need to paint ceramic tiles:

In order to increase the durability of the pattern, place the tile in the oven for half an hour.

Stencil. You can buy it in specialized stores or make it yourself. The picture you like (it can, for example, be cut out from a magazine) is pasted onto cardboard and cut out along the contour. For those new to design the best choice for starters, there will be not very complex geometric ornaments.

Stencil large sizes, which can be placed on two, four or several tiles at once, will allow you to create a real original highly artistic panel with your own hands. It will look especially advantageous on a kitchen "apron".

It is not necessary to limit yourself to stencils, you can use curly scrapers to create beautiful wavy lines on the tile or foam rubber stamps.

Paint is applied to them, then prints are made on the tiles with the help of stamps.

It is important to choose the right colors. To completely paint the surface of the tile, oil, epoxy, latex paints. To create patterns, special acrylic paints are used for painting ceramics. When using such paints, it should be noted that they are usually very bright, so they should be diluted with whitewash or solvents before use.

The contours of the drawings are outlined with special contour paints, sold in small tubes with thin dosing tips. Such paint creates a kind of barrier that does not allow other paints to spread.

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Let's start creating masterpieces

For painting tiles, acrylic paints diluted with whitewash or a solvent are best suited.

The procedure for painting ceramic tiles is divided into the following stages:

  1. Cleaning and degreasing. Includes processing detergents with a hard sponge. You can degrease the tile by pouring sand on the sponge and rubbing the surface well, or by wiping it with vodka or alcohol.
  2. The next step is grinding. It is necessary then to remove the topmost smooth layer of the tile. It can be produced by surface treatment sandpaper or a bar for sharpening kitchen knives.
  3. Next, you need to apply a primer. This is necessary to ensure good adhesion of paints to the smooth surface of the tile. It is recommended to use epoxy primers with high adhesive properties; for tiles in the bathroom you will need a moisture-resistant primer. It should be remembered that it is possible to paint the tiles only after 24 hours, that is, after the primer has completely dried.
  4. The paint is applied in 2-3 layers. Full staining of the tiles is done with a foam roller or sponge. Before applying the next layer, you need to wait until the previous one dries, after each application the roller should be squeezed well.
  5. The stencil drawing is painted over with a special soft brush. To prevent the stencil from moving during operation, it is fixed with temporary fixation aerosol glue or ordinary tape. The brush must be held strictly perpendicular to the surface of the tile, while the paint is applied with neat strokes. Accidental drops of paint should be removed with a cotton swab, the blunt end of a match, or a toothpick.
  6. On final stage waterproof varnish is applied.

After the paint has completely dried, the tile can be safely washed without fear that the pattern will come off or fade. It is important to remember that painted tiles should dry for at least 24 hours, and it can take up to 2 weeks for complete drying.

It is worth mentioning that moisture-resistant vinyl stickers presented in the widest range can become an alternative or addition to the artistic painting of tiles. As with tile painting, it is essential that working surface was dry and completely clean.

Another way to improve the decor is to stick ceramic border beads on the tile.


The decor is used to diversify the cladding, add bright accents, make the design more fun. But even better if this decor is made specifically for your interior. Photo printing on a tile allows you to draw any picture or photo, or break it into several parts, and then lay out the entire wall with it. From this article you will learn which method of photo printing is better and how much such beauty will cost.

We make a stencil and apply patterns in the bathroom

If your tiles are part of a large scale renovation project, you may have drawings from the architects of the room. Often a copy of this is all we need to calculate your needs for you. Alternatively, you can do it yourself, in which case a detailed floor plan of the entire room is rarely necessary. Instead, a general area requirement calculation is great for background tiles, with more accurate height and width measurements needed for areas where you intend to have a decorated panel.

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Printing methods

Tile printing can be done in four ways:

  1. with firing,
  2. Decal,
  3. Sublimation,
  4. UV printing.

Each of these technologies has its pros and cons, but the first 2 methods are the best, they remain usable up to 50 years. The rest of the drawing methods do not allow to achieve proper resistance to mechanical and chemical influences.

What does it look like

Find out how many decorated and background tiles you will need. After you take measurements, they need to be converted to the number of tiles, which includes the dimensions of the tile and the width of the solution. Another issue is that usually in an average kitchen or bathroom, the total area of ​​the tile will be a mixture of hand-painted and plain tiles. A decorative panel can be the right choice for a focal point, such as above a sink or stovetop. This can be combined with some slabs of the same decor mixed with plain slabs in other areas of the room, perhaps with a border tile design to surround the panel and lower the rest of the room to bring all the different areas together.

Based on this table, it is easy to understand that the highest quality method is with firing. But this technology increases the production time and the cost of the material.

Firing printing technology

Kiln firing

  1. You choose a collection of tiles without a pattern. The presence of texture depends on the selected collection. Companies that make photo printing on ceramic tiles offer ready-made options, and some even work only with their proven collections.
  2. You choose any picture you like with good quality and resolution. Printing is done directly from the file. You can apply the pattern to one tile or split it.
  3. A pattern is applied to the surface of the tile using ceramic ink. Some companies allow you to make several trial options to find the best color.
  4. To protect the surface, the surface is covered with powder glaze and the tile is sent to the muffle furnace for firing at a temperature of +900 degrees. Glaze can be glossy or matte, regardless of the chosen collection, according to your desire.

After firing, the surface is in no way inferior to the factory application of the glaze. Apart from wall decor, patterned floor tiles or even porcelain stoneware can also be made.

The good news is that many people are pleasantly surprised at how little it costs to have something made just for you. We have experience in working with the relevant commissions to budgets and are happy to discuss and quote various options without any obligation.

Curing under UV rays

We have also recently released some digital prints of our own hand drawings that are virtually indistinguishable from the original. This is a recreation of our most popular designs and we are gradually expanding the range. To see what we have, we get to our gallery and select "digitally printed tiles" under "Tile Types".

Sublimation Printing Technology

Technology principle:

  1. An image is printed on special paper using sublimation ink.
  2. The paper is applied to the tile and clamped in a thermal press for 3-12 minutes at a temperature of 180-250 degrees. Due to this, the paint is converted into a gas and penetrates deep into the glaze layer.
  3. To obtain a high-quality result, the color of the workpiece must be white or close to it.

Digital Decal

The decal method has been used for a very long time, in simple words it is drawing a picture through carbon paper.

Tile imaging equipment

If you need some specific solution in terms of design and size, you'll probably find that a hand-painted commission is the answer. To give you some idea, we calculate our fee based on the price of one slab decorated. This includes the cost of the tile itself if it is our standard 5" tile.

If the initial idea is over your budget, there are plenty of ways to cut costs without compromising what you want too much. Sometimes the money spent on an expensive background can be wasted when a more economical background tile looks just as good once stained. Some beautifully rich complex structures can be painted on a very economical white tile.

  1. The picture is printed using a digital printer on gummed paper. Uses ceramic ink.
  2. Drawing on paper is varnished for ceramics and dried.
  3. The sheet is soaked in water and the pattern is transferred to the tile. After removing air bubbles, the tiles are dried for 8-12 hours at a certain temperature (depending on the toner).
  4. To fix the pattern, the tile is fired in muffle furnace several hours at a temperature of 750-900 degrees.

UV printing

A panel designed for a large area, perhaps above a stove, can completely fill the space. Alternatively, a smaller panel can look very effective surrounded by simple slabs. Limiting this design to just eight tiles, plus a decorative border, limits the cost of this project, but makes for a wonderful focal point surrounded by smooth tiles.

If you have a focus with a decorated tile panel, you can tie it in with granite tiles and perhaps single decor tiles in other parts of the room, or use plain tiles in the rest of the room if budgets are tight or you're after a simpler look.

UV printer

  1. The workpiece is placed in the machine and a pattern is applied using UV ink. The ink instantly hardens under the influence of UV lamps. There are restrictions on the size of blanks.
  2. For brighter and more saturated colors, the printer can increase the number of passes by 50%, and also use white ink as a sublayer, but this increases the cost.
  3. To protect thin paint and add shine, it is sometimes varnished, but even with it it will last only 6-12 months.

The video shows an example of printing with regular ink on a varnished inkjet printer:

Ready-made options and to order

If you live within reach, you are very welcome to visit our studio to see our work and discuss your ideas. However, we are accustomed to working with an international range of clients and geography is not an obstacle to our work with you.

How much does a print cost

  • Printing with firing will cost 9-13 thousand rubles per square meter, depending on the volume of the order. This price includes material (white tiles), printing and firing.
  • Porcelain tiles with a pattern made using a similar technology will cost approximately 10% more expensive.
  • Sublimation application method from 1400 to 2900 rubles for square meter depending on volumes. Plus, you will need to buy or pay extra for blanks from 60 to 210 rubles apiece (depending on size). If you place an order, 1 element will cost from 170 to 450 rubles(depending on the size - from 10x10 to 30x30 cm).
  • UV printing costs from 1000 to 3900 rubles, depending on the number of layers and printer passes.


If relief is not important for you, sublimation printing on tiles will be more profitable. In terms of characteristics, it is not inferior to printing with firing, but it costs less. The cost of 1 element made using this technology can be compared with the purchase of a finished decor.
But this is far from the only way to put a photo on the floor and walls. On the floor, you can replace the tiles with a polymer self-leveling floor with a 3D pattern, and protect the apron with a glass panel with photo printing.

We ask for 50% on order confirmation. The rest of the amount is paid upon completion. More about our conditions will be given in our quotation and also available below. We supply the global market and are happy to provide our tiles worldwide. Shipping cost will be provided with your quote.

We are good at packing our slabs and breakage is uncommon. Unfortunately, the standard conditions for parcel couriers exclude damage to ceramics, so the tiles are sent to you at your own risk. However, we do offer additional insurance for ourselves for £15 per box.

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Especially for readers of the magazine "Country Club" famous artist– decorator Daminova Flera kindly invited our editors to her workshop and told us how to decorate the interior easily and quickly and generously shared with us the secrets of her craft.

One of the most popular techniques for transforming the interior is decorative painting. Painting can either dominate the interior or be a separate component of it. In any case, the painting adds uniqueness and allows you to give the room a special emotional coloring.

In addition, customers can independently organize the collection of their tiles from our workshop. We want you to be happy with your commission and we strive to make sure you are happy with everything we do, whatever it is. The design fee is paid in advance. A 50% deposit for tile painting must be paid in advance and the remainder must be paid for collection or before the completed order is shipped.

The payment of the deposit constitutes acceptance of the order. Cancellation will generally result in the balance being made binding. The foregoing excludes any costs that may arise for couriers and deliveries, which are the responsibility of the client and will be paid upon completion of the order.

Step 1 Prepare the workplace. We place everything you need on the table and begin the creative process. At the beginning of our work, it is necessary to degrease the surface of the tile with any degreasing agent that is used in the home. This is necessary in order to clean our tiles and prevent the paint from curing. Moreover, the paint adheres much better to the cleaned surface.

Please note: Tiles supplied must be approved by the customer prior to being fixed in place. Replacement of lost or broken slabs will be charged at a premium of 50% above the original purchase price to reflect the additional work required. A few words you probably know about the meaning and maybe one or two that you don't.

Background tile is an unsigned tile used as a base for hand painting, but in general, for consistency, smooth glazed tiling is also used for tiling other parts of the room where hand painting is not required. A panel is a block of hand-painted tiles that come together to make up a decorative photo or panel, sometimes with a border tile frame.

Step 2 Take a regular graphite pencil and draw a picture. You can draw whatever your heart desires. There are a huge number of drawings for painting tiles on the Internet and interior magazines, or you can come up with a theme for painting yourself - it all depends on desire and imagination. Our artist turned to the spring floral theme. After a cold winter, you so want something bright and sunny that the hand of the master involuntarily begins to draw everyone's favorite Pansy flowers. By the way, before drawing a picture on a tile, we recommend that you practice on paper.

Border tiles are narrower tiles than core tiles, usually used along the edge of a tiled area or often around a decorated panel. Single decor - decorated tiles with a single design that can be used on its own. Usually white, but available in a variety of colors.

Image transmission methods

The width of spaces is a matter of personal preference. Stenciled and painted ceramic tiles are a fairly simple project to brighten up neglected areas of the home that can use some design touches such as the kitchen, bathroom or utility room. With attention to detail and simple precautions, you can stencil your own design or choose from the many available in home improvement stores.

Step 3 Take a brush and start painting the tiles. For ours " pansies» We use shades of yellow, green, purple, blue, brown and white. It is very easy to paint on ceramics with paints - they look like ordinary watercolors. You can start painting with any detail of the picture. In our case, we decided to start with the flower itself, applying the paint in neat strokes. We chose bright purple, blue and yellow. As Flera advises: “At the same time, it is important to be in harmony with yourself and not be afraid to spoil something - the drawing itself will tell you everything. Trust yourself and you will succeed!”. Then we proceed to drawing the stems and leaves of our flower - for this, the master chose light green and yellow colors. An important attribute of our composition is a terracotta pot, for which our artist carefully selected shades of brown. During the creative process, try to feel the picture - this will help you "revive" it and correctly highlight the falling shadows from the leaves and from the pot. And finally, the final touch. We draw the "eyes" of our flower, for this we use white paint.

Use dish soap and water or a household cleaner with a scrubbing brush or sponge scrubber to make sure the surfaces you intend to paint are spotlessly clean. The tiles must be free of dust, dirt or scratches.

Coat the tiles with a primer binder. Make sure you choose a primer that is designed to work on tiles. This will help the paintwork flow smoothly and allow it to permanently bond with the slab. Follow all directions on the primer container. Let the soil dry completely. Then prepare the paint by following all directions on the paint container.

Step 4 Then it is very important to let the paint dry. Usually the complete drying of the paint occurs in at least 24 hours.

Place the stencil over the tile and secure it tightly with masking tape or other stable tape that can be removed later without leaving any residue. If necessary, hold the stencil firmly on the tile with one hand and use the other hand to paint or wipe off the ceramic tile paint. Use a small amount of paint at a time so you can be sure the paint doesn't work under the stencil and ruin the design. Repeat as needed on other tiles.

Let the paint dry before sealing. Then apply a coat of clear urethane to seal the paint onto the tile. Follow all directions on urethane and paint containers; the paint container should tell you how long you should let the paint dry before applying the sealer.

Step 5 Next, you need to burn the tile to make the pattern more resistant. To do this, put the tiles on a baking sheet, and put in the oven for 20 - 25 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees. After that, you must wait until the tile has completely cooled down.

How it's done?

Place the tiles or tiles in a safe, dry area for the urethane sealer to work. It should dry and install for at least one day. The longer it is in place, the harder the urethane will be. If the tiles are on a wall or floor, make sure they are not stepped on or coiled until the sealant has set up to two weeks to reach best results. Finally, clean any brushes, containers, and stencils with paint thinner to remove paint, primer, and sealant.

Step 6 Once the tile has cooled, it will acquire an extraordinary glossy sheen. Now the moment has come when the tiles need to be glued. Apply to reverse side glue the tiles and glue them to any surface, or you can glue them into a frame - you get a picture. Remember that such tiles are purely decorative, so they are not suitable for the bathroom - the paint may not withstand high humidity. But in the kitchen, painted tiles will bring an element of sophistication to the interior and become a wonderful decoration. If you decide to make a picture out of tiles, then it will look great in the living room, bedroom or in the gazebo.

Hand-painted ceramic tiles add detail and personality to any decor, but they can be quite pricey. Tiles that will be applied for practical use, such as triviters, coasters or countertops, must be fired to make their finish durable. Shooting is not possible if the tiles are already attached to the wall or countertop. The key to painting ceramic tiles that cannot be fired is to start with a durable primer that is compatible with both ceramic surfaces and acrylic paints.

How best to decorate the walls in the kitchen - many people ask themselves this question. Of course, it’s good if you have finances for an expensive redecorating in the kitchen, but now not everyone has such an opportunity.

What to do if you want to decorate a wall or an apron without resorting to big expenses in decoration? Decorating the walls of the kitchen - here stencils and templates that you can buy or do it yourself will come to the rescue. Templates can be found in this article. We will also talk about vinyl stickers and apron tiles. In short, we need a simple, inexpensive, but decent wall decor.

Ceramic tiles are great option finishes. decorative tiles decorate both part of the walls and aprons in the kitchen. Tiles for the kitchen are convenient because they are easy to clean, they are durable and do not require special care.

Ceramic tiles above the table, in the dining area, that is, between the countertop and wall cabinets is an important part of the kitchen. Now such a variety of tiles for decoration is being sold: plain, with drawings, with ornaments, of any size and shape. Choosing ceramic tiles for an apron or wall in the kitchen is not difficult.

It is better to buy a large tile - there will be fewer seams with grout, which over time may become a different color. The stores sell mostly imported ceramics, but you can find good domestic ones. The most important thing is to properly prepare the wall for working with tiles.

Wall decor in the kitchen can be done using special glass (skinali). This surface is made of annealed safety glass. Photo printing is applied to the glass. A plus in using skinali decor is that there are no seams, a flat surface.

Usually, such glass is used to finish the wall in the kitchen, more often - kitchen apron. It must be borne in mind that the largest width of one panel is 2.8-3 meters. If the kitchen is large, then one panel will not be enough, and you will have to dock 2 pieces. Also consider that the skins are fastened with metal parts (fasteners), which can be noticeable.

Mosaic is a small tile. It is ceramic (the most widely used), glass, ceramic-stone and metal. All types of mosaics are quite interesting, and each has its own characteristics.

Mosaic is an expensive decor compared to ordinary tiles and glass. What is a mosaic for the kitchen?

- it happens not only in the form of small squares or rectangles, but also in the form of larger fragments, they are mounted faster. The sizes of ceramics are different: it can be both 10/10 cm and 30/30 cm.

- small tiles made of glass. All glass tiles are glued to the base, which makes decorating easier. Glass expands the space of the kitchen and gives a fragment of a wall or an apron holiday look. Glass mosaic on the wall is made of white quartz, mother-of-pearl and pigments are added here for shine and color. The main advantage is the stability of the decorative glass mosaic to the fire.

Ceramic granite mosaic on the wall is a slab cut into small pieces. It looks like stone.

- This is an elite version of the decor. Mosaic is cut out of stones and minerals. The disadvantage of this finish is the high cost. Also susceptible to surface stains - beet or coffee stains can leave a permanent mark. In order to prevent stains from remaining on the surface, the stone is coated on top with acrylic varnish.

metal- these are ceramic fragments on which metal plates are put on, mostly stainless steel. Metal ceramics are easily soiled, all stains and smudges will be visible on it. Another, main disadvantage is the expensive decor.

This is a very simple and affordable wall decor in the kitchen with your own hands. You can choose stickers to match with kitchen set to complement the already finished interior.

In addition, vinyl stickers do not require maintenance, wash well, and traces of them are washed off with a regular brush or sponge. There are two types of stickers: mirror and matte. Matte - the most common, mirror are less common. Stickers are also used in cases where you need to hide ugly places on the wall or on the kitchen set.

You can make kitchen stickers yourself - for this you need to buy at a hardware store self-adhesive film, it is sold in different colors and various patterns. You print a drawing or draw by hand on the back of the film, then cut along the contour, remove a thin layer of tissue paper, and you can glue the figure or flowers. If you wish, you can get a whole composition.

The easiest way to decorate walls is with wall stencils. Stencils for kitchen decor help outline the contours, and if desired, decorate walls or an apron.

Using one stencil made of cardboard or PVC film (a thick kitchen napkin or paper folder is good for making a stencil), you can decorate the entire kitchen wall.

Stencils and templates are different:

  • plain template - one color of paint.
  • Multicolor template - from several colors. To do this kind of work, you need experience and a certain skill.
  • Volume template - applied with putty. The drawing is convex, voluminous.
  • Back- the paint is not applied inside the template, but vice versa - outside. It creates an interesting effect, similar to the backlight.

If you have chosen a template with very small details, it is better to postpone this venture. Small parts it is very difficult to paint over, the drawing will look sloppy, no matter how hard you try.

You can buy a stencil, they are in construction stores, but you can do it yourself. What is needed for this?

  1. Selected drawing.
  2. Cardboard, PVC film, plastic - for the stencil itself.
  3. Pencil.
  4. Stationery knife.
  5. Scotch.
  6. Flat, hard surface to work on.

After choosing a picture, it is recommended to print it, enlarge it, transfer it to cardboard or plastic using carbon paper (if there is no carbon paper, take a pencil and shade the back of the picture, and then trace the silhouette along the lines with a pen, everything will be printed on cardboard). The drawing is attached to the cardboard with adhesive tape - otherwise it may move. If you are making a stencil out of cardboard, it is advised to glue it with adhesive tape on both sides, otherwise the paint will be absorbed into the cardboard. Next, cut out inside the stencil those areas that should be painted over.

You have chosen a template and decided on where you will make drawings. First you need to prepare an empty wall for painting. Clean the empty wall of dust and dirt - wash or vacuum. Then we outline the places for the drawing. To do this, it is more convenient to use the level. In order for the stencil to stick to the wall, use adhesive tape or spray adhesive.

We will need:

  1. Roller or sponge.
  2. Acrylic or spray paint.
  3. Aerosol glue or tape.
  4. Stencil.

If you chose spray adhesive, spray it onto the stencil, then press it firmly against the surface. In order to make a template, it is advised to use acrylic paint. Acrylic does not dry for a long time, this paint is suitable for any wall. If you are working with a roller, the excess paint must be removed - otherwise the paint will be unevenly distributed. There should be a minimum of paint, otherwise it will leak and ruin the entire template. If you are working with spray paint– hold the spray can 30 cm from the wall.