Toilet      06/15/2019

Make your own diagram of trees from garland. LED trees are a new type of holiday lighting technology. What are LED trees?


Currently, there is a huge range of decorative lighting products that are successfully used to decorate rooms and streets. LED trees are becoming especially popular various types, which serve not only as decoration, but also perfectly complement the lighting of buildings and surrounding areas. Thanks to their qualities, they fit perfectly into almost any interior. During the daytime, artificial trees look quite natural, and with the onset of darkness they begin to delight others with all their colors and shades.

Available for sale a large number of finished products, however, if you wish, you can make an LED tree with your own hands. Important positive factor is low energy consumption, so such trees are increasingly used for decoration in offices, shops and restaurants, attracting the attention of potential customers.

LED tree for home or apartment

Most often when self-production LED trees intended for installation indoors are used in two main ways.

Tree with LED garland

The manufacturing process begins with a frame, for which aluminum wire is best suited. It easily bends at any angle, giving the future structure any configuration. A more realistic color is achieved by wrapping the white insulation of the wire with black electrical tape.

Then, the finished frame is evenly wrapped with a garland, secured to the wire with black electrical tape. If desired, you can create additional decorations for LEDs in the form of decorative nozzles made of transparent plastic. Upon completion of the work, the manufactured tree just needs to be connected to electrical network and trust its performance. Thus, the question of how to make an LED tree with your own hands can be considered resolved.

The main advantage of this method is considered to be ease of manufacture. The main disadvantage is the impossibility of making wood large sizes. This is due to the standard length of the garland, which is not enough to fit on the entire tree. Therefore, this method is most suitable for the manufacture of miniature products, which are also very popular.

LED tree

Making a tree from individual LEDs is considered a more labor-intensive process. However, this method does not have the disadvantages inherent in ready-made garlands, which makes it possible to produce structures of any shape and size. The main material is 5 mm LEDs. To equalize the voltage you will need resistors.

Direct manufacturing begins with soldering. The LED contacts have different lengths, so the resistor legs are pre-shortened on one side. You need to solder the contacts of both elements very quickly so as not to damage the LED.

Heat shrink tubing is then cut into the wires to cover the solder joints and resistors. It is necessary to leave space for soldering the power wire. The tube is inserted onto the resistor leg and heated a little with a lighter to give the insulation the required shape. This operation is performed with each LED.

After this, you can begin making the tree itself. Most often, the trunk is made of thin plumbing pipes, and the branches are made of wire, approximately 50 cm long. The main part of the branch takes 45 cm, and 5 cm is left for attaching it to the trunk. Small branches are cut into sizes up to 10 cm. The number of LEDs on one branch must be calculated in advance.

At the next stage, small branches are tied with electrical tape to large branches. It is recommended to make the number of LEDs on each small branch equal to the number of LEDs on the large branch. Each LED is secured using electrical tape.

The wires need to be stretched along the entire length of the main branches, after which they are cut taking into account the bends of the small branches. The ends are wound to the trunk, after which all the pros and cons on each branch are connected. Their number should match the total number of branches. The wire connections are insulated. All that remains is to hang it evenly decorative ornaments and connect the finished tree to the electrical network.

LED trees for outdoors

Artificial trees with LEDs can be installed in any place to decorate the landscape and surrounding areas. Attractive power beauty actively attracts visitors to restaurants and cafes, in shopping centers and boutiques, offices and others public places. Each glowing tree their configuration largely resembles real plants, and sometimes completely imitates them. Artificial bark is used to cover metal branches. Maximum similarity can be achieved thanks to silicone or plastic leaves and flowers made in natural size.

The entire structure of the artificial tree is decorated with multi-colored LEDs. Most often they operate from an electrical network, but in some cases they can be used autonomous power supply, which leads to a slight increase in the cost of the design. Sometimes used LED garlands, however, they do not produce the same effect as LEDs used individually.

Advantages artificial trees with LEDs:

  • Long service life of at least 5 years.
  • Artificial structures do not require the maintenance required by real trees.
  • Low power consumption. Even the most big trees consume electricity in an amount not exceeding 700 W.
  • The simplicity of the design allows you to install it yourself, without involving specialists.
  • Design resistance to low temperatures, dust, high humidity and other negative impacts.
  • If one or more LEDs burn out, the rest of the chain will continue to work, and faulty elements can be easily replaced with others.
  • Right choice artificial trees and bushes allow you to favorably emphasize and complement the elements.

Sakura is especially popular among LED plants. These trees are especially beautiful due to the highly durable coating of the branches with plastic or aluminum alloy. Their appearance as close to the present as possible. Despite the relatively small sizes, this tree provides as much light as taller structures. Sakura has a soft and delicate light spectrum, mainly white, pink and golden tones.

Making your own wood for the street

When making wood with LEDs for outdoor use, you must take into account the aggressive influence of the environment. Therefore, before you start making an LED tree for the street with your own hands, you need to determine the entire procedure in advance.

The general scheme of work will be approximately the same as for conventional structures intended for indoors. IN street version It is recommended to pay attention to more thorough covering of the trunk and branches with high-quality materials.

It is also necessary to take care of good insulation of the LEDs after soldering them with resistors. The heat shrink tubing should completely cover each pair. If necessary, all unreliable areas can be additionally insulated with black electrical tape. The same goes for wire connections in the plus and minus areas. Decorative items should be secured more efficiently so that they are not torn off by strong gusts of wind.

Master class: DIY glowing tree

Driven into cramped apartments, we have little opportunity to express our imaginations in the external design of buildings or adjacent areas. But at the dacha or in country house You can give free rein to your imagination and sense of style. You should not think that the joy of imagining and showing your creative abilities is available only to rich people and is feasible only on large plots. This is wrong.

Of course, on small area, most which is occupied by a vegetable garden, there is less opportunity to turn around, but it can also be decorated with just a few touches so that those around you will simply gasp. Landscape design provides especially many opportunities in this regard.

According to their purpose, outdoor lighting of the site is divided into four main types:

  • security, creating the impression of the constant presence of the owners on the territory;
  • functional – ensures safe movement around the site in the evening and at night;
  • architectural - designed to emphasize and highlight the beauty of buildings or sculptures
  • decorative – intended solely to achieve aesthetic effects.

It is decorative lighting that can turn your site into a fairy-tale kingdom that opens up to your eyes after dark. Moreover, often the area illuminated in the evening is strikingly different from the area that you are used to seeing during the day.

Darkness hides distances. But when proper organization With illumination, your plot of several hundred square meters can visually turn into a huge fairy-tale space, where there is a place for both adults who want to relax quietly and admire nature, and for children who are simply delighted with the opportunity to play in this mysterious garden.

There are many objects on the site, the illumination of which will allow you to achieve the desired effect.

These are primarily the following objects:

  • garden paths and paths;
  • flower beds;
  • alpine slides;
  • bridges;
  • pond;
  • picturesque bushes;
  • large-sized trees.

Not every site has ponds, walkways or even gazebos. But there are many plants around that are invisible during the day, but very impressive if they are properly lit in the evening.

If you are seriously concerned about the decorative lighting of the area, then the work usually begins with organizing the lighting of the paths. On the one hand, it’s beautiful, and on the other hand, it eliminates the need to walk around the area with a flashlight. Even weak light sources located along the paths will allow you to move in all directions without the risk of running into the nearest bush or stepping on a flower bed.

After designing the paths, you can start lighting the plants. Don't get too carried away with hanging lanterns and light bulbs. In terms of decorative lighting, it is better to “under-light” than to over-light.

Even before you start lighting, you should carefully study the area and everything that grows on it. It is necessary to outline lighting objects and carefully consider the issue of correct and safe lighting. Still, the danger of electric shock always remains.

People who have small children need to be especially careful when using light sources. It’s very difficult to explain to them why the wiring should never be touched, pulled or torn. In such a situation, you need to consider the possibility of using safe sources light, although this option may be more expensive.

Because the street lighting operates under extreme conditions, it must meet certain mandatory requirements.

Among these requirements:

  • reliable protection against voltage surges;
  • high degree of moisture protection;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • frost resistance (when using decorative lighting in winter);
  • availability of a quality certificate;
  • long warranty.

Practice shows that the best in this regard are electric lamps that use low voltage.

Most often, the following types of lamps are used for illumination:

  • conventional incandescent lamps are an undesirable option, especially for constant use - they often burn out, do not like dampness and consume a lot of energy;
  • LED bulbs– are perfect for outdoor use, consume little electricity, have long term services, environmentally friendly, easy to install;
  • lamps on solar powered– quite expensive, but they are ideal option for parents of small children, since their installation does not require laying wires (although they do not shine for long - about 3 - 4 hours).

All these lamps are presented in several types:

  • ground lights of various sizes and shapes;
  • rack-mount lanterns with shades of various shapes, installed mainly along paths and to mark the boundaries of various areas;
  • hanging lanterns that can be attached to various supports, walls, or hung on large trees;
  • outdoor sconces - you can’t particularly illuminate plants with them, because they need to be mounted on the wall;
  • floodlights – can be installed directly on the ground or suspended from supports;
  • LED garlands with bulbs of various sizes.

The choice of lamp and its location depend on what effect you want to achieve:

  • If your goal is to demonstrate the beauty of a plant trunk, its texture and strength, then you should use a spotlight installed on the ground almost near the trunk itself. It needs to be directed from bottom to top. It is better to use white light.
  • If you want to emphasize the beauty of a dense deciduous crown or coniferous tree, then it is better to install the spotlight on the ground, but at some distance from the tree. One lamp will not be enough, it is better to use three, then the tree will “show itself” in all its glory.
  • In order to emphasize the beautiful silhouette of a shrub or large tree, the light source must be placed behind the plant.

  • Internal lighting located in the center of the bush will allow you to show the most interesting branches or other fragments of the tree, leaving most of the crown in the dark.
  • You can also use lighting from above using a lantern on a specially installed support.
  • In order to create the effect of the airiness of a tree, it is necessary to fix the lamps on the branches, while directing them into the crown.
  • For illumination from below of small plant forms, flower beds and alpine slides You can use ground lamps with adjustable light flow. LED or halogen devices are very good for this purpose.

  • To illuminate small plants, “spike” lamps are available for sale, equipped with a sharp wedge that is simply stuck into the ground. True, they are not used constantly, but only at the right moment (for example, during a party).

Garlands made from are very diverse and are widely used in lighting design. They are divided into two types: “fruits” - garlands with fairly large, but sparsely spaced lights, and “leaves” - garlands with very small, but often spaced lights.

LED sources are perfect for illuminating trees, as they are quite durable, weather resistant, and have beautiful light, can be various forms and flowers.

Other types of landscape lamps

If you don’t want to put a lot of effort into organizing the lighting, then you can simplify the task and purchase decorative products of various types specially made for these purposes:

  • figures that glow in the dark - will not provide much light, but will allow you to outline the contours of plants or paths;
  • illuminated “stones”;
  • ordinary cans, on the walls of which there is a pattern, with a light bulb inside - this is an option for temporary use;
  • beautiful bottles with an LED strip placed inside.

Thus, it is possible to decorate the site in a completely budget way, corresponding to any tasks.

Natalia Korpyleva

In the previous post, you drew attention to the decoration of the hall for the New Year holidays in our kindergarten.

Our friendly team discussed the design in advance and all groups began to prepare 100 snowflakes per group for the planned curtain of snow-white snowflakes. Soon they were ready.

Teachers of older and middle groups started to decorate wonderful curtain of snowflakes.

We also planned to make two carved multifunctional tree to decorate the hall with illuminated with New Year's garlands and welt patterns.

I took up this matter. For we will need to make wood:floor insulation(the thicker the better, as it holds its shape well, felt-tip pen or a blue marker, a stationery knife or scissors, a bucket or any pot, a piece of thick plastic pipe 1.5 meters, colored tape. clear tape, double-sided tape, a little cement and water, a needle and thread white,ruler,New Year's garland, wonderful mood and imagination.

Preparing the barrel in advance tree: wrap the pipe with colored tape, fill the pipe in a bucket with cement diluted in water and leave to harden for a day.

Draw on insulation of the crown of the future tree, attaching the barrel.

Then cut out the second part.

This is what happened.

We draw beautiful patterns with a marker.

Carefully cut out the patterns with a stationery knife.

Fold and trace the patterns with a marker on the other side.

The cut out pieces can also be used to decorate the group.

I cut out patterns.

This is what happened.

Let's cut out this part.

Sew it like this.

Glue pieces of double-sided tape.

Using double-sided tape we glue the part that we will put on the barrel tree. And secure it with transparent tape garland on one side of the crown.

We secure the other half of the crown with tape, sew the two sides together and put it on the trunk.

We decorate the bucket beautifully and this is how carved it is the tree turned out in the end.

Two carved tree fit perfectly into the interior and complemented New Year's decoration hall for the holiday.

During the holiday.

I'm at tree in the costume of Night.

You probably already noticed that at the very beginning of this entry I wrote that tree is a multifunctional decoration for holidays. Its versatility lies in the fact that the crown tree is removed,turned inside out and one side of the crown will be painted in Orange color(to use tree during the autumn holidays, and the other side will be painted in green color (for use during spring and summer holidays).Here it is wonderful tree we made it!

Thank you for your attention! I will be very glad if my idea and my master-The class will be useful to you in your work. Happy New Year to all Maamites! I wish you creative success!

Publications on the topic:

I bring to your attention a tree according to the seasons. I got the idea from the Internet. IN hardware store I bought plastic that can be cut.

Dear colleagues, at the beginning of each school year The question arises of how to decorate the group. Maam members, ideas and drawings helped me a lot with this.

Good day, dear colleagues! Everyone knows how nature transforms in autumn. Autumn – the artist paints all the trees and bushes bright.

To create our tree of happiness we need to prepare a blank. For her, I cut out a heart 2 cm thick from ordinary polystyrene foam and put it on.

We need: 2 liter bottle from lemonade, hay, sawdust, twigs, mounting foam - 2 pcs., brown paint, SNOW spray or snowflakes.

Purpose of the lesson: 1. To promote a good atmosphere in the group and friendly attitude of children. 2. Formation of cognitive activity.

It’s completely in vain to remove the glowing garland after the winter holidays. There are a lot interesting ways decorating your home interior with it.

1. Place a garland around the edge of the mirror of some interesting shape.

2. Wrap paper lanterns and garland around a branch and hang above your bed.

3. Create a cascading light by decorating the garland with large bulbs.

4. Create an original tree from a garland.

Draw an outline on the wall, drive carnations around the perimeter and wrap a glowing garland around them. As easy as pie!

5. Attach photos to the glowing garland using clothespins.

6. Create your own canvas with a pattern of glowing lights.

7. Thread the garland into flower baskets or place it directly there.

8. Fill wine bottles with lights to effectively illuminate them from the inside.

9. Create an angel wreath using paper napkins.

Using wire cutters, form a round snowflake holder and wrap it with an electric garland with small bulbs. Then glue decorative snowflakes onto the holder.

10. Or use napkins to make a wedding wreath.

Just make small holes in the napkins and thread lights through them.

11. Cover disposable cardboard cups with unusual paper; this will help create interesting light shades using an LED garland.

12. Crochet a glowing rug using rope and garland.

13. Decorate your Christmas garland with tulle bows.

14. To create a festive mood, decorate the garland with old ornaments.

15. Create colorful balls of twine and decorate them with glowing garland.

16. Make flaming snowflakes using store-bought bouquet holders.

17. Intertwine a rope with a garland for a nautical-themed room decor.

18. Create a network of glowing garland in your bedroom.

19. Hang air clouds with a dangling glowing garland.

The photo shows a two-dimensional version of the cloud.

20. You can also use egg cartons to create a floral effect.

21. Write a letter-by-letter message on pendant lights.

Make letters by punching holes in the paper.

22. Create a romantic headboard.

Shoot down a layup wooden frame and add traverses. Drill small holes and insert rosettes into the bottom of each niche. Paint the frame and screw it to the wall. Fill each niche with garland and connect it to the outlets. Cut transparent panels from polycarbonate sheets and attach them to the frame using fasteners.

23. Use glitter wrapping paper to create giant glowing candies.

Required materials and tools:
  • disposable plastic container with lid;
  • electric garland;
  • scissors;
  • wire or pipe cleaners;
  • wire cutters;
  • multi-colored wrapping paper;
  • scotch.

Preparation method:

  1. Cut a piece of wrapping paper measuring 45x45 cm from the roll.
  2. Wrap the garland with wrapping paper. Don't forget to leave both ends of the garland outside in order to connect it to the network and connect the element with other candies.
  3. Place the wrapped garland in a plastic container and seal it. Wrap the container in wrapping paper and secure with tape.
  4. Using pipe cleaners or wire, shape the container with the garland into a candy shape.
  5. Decorate the entire garland in this way, leaving free space (20-40 cm) between the links.
  6. Connect the finished bunch of candies to the network.

24. Insert lanterns into tiny preserving jars.

Take special lids with a hole for the garland. Close each jar with a lid and insert a garland light bulb into it.

25. Insert an LED string light into an old toy.

You will need:
  • old toy (made of cotton fabric);
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • light garland.
Preparation method:

26. Write a light message.

27. Arrange the glowing garland in a wave-like pattern.

28. Cut out black cat shapes to make this cute garland.

29. Wrap the garland around a wire wreath.

Probably one of the most simple options creating homemade wreaths.

30. Light up the canopy over the bed with garland.

31. Cut the paper into strips to create the same fringed lanterns.

32. Use foil from a muffin tin as a garland decoration.

This is a great idea for any party.

33. Create sparkly decorations with mirrors and lighting.

  • brushed aluminum rod;
  • hooks for hanging;
  • a garland with mirror pendants;
  • electric garland.


  1. Attach the rod to the wall using two hooks.
  2. Hang a mirror garland on the barbell. To enhance the visual effect, you can trim some of the threads with pendants so that the finished curtain is of different lengths.
  3. Stretch a string of lights behind the pendants and connect it to an outlet.

34. Use twigs to create a rustic chandelier.

This idea can easily be implemented with a luminous garland.

  • dry branches;
  • hemp twine;
  • stain (optional to darken the color of the wood);
  • wood color paint;
  • lamp sockets with a removable cardboard cover for painting;
  • plastic ties;
  • glue gun;
  • electrical cable black and white;
  • black electrical wire with fork;
  • Branch squeezes "nuts".

35. Make a garland of geometric lanterns.

You can make your own lanterns from black wire or natural straw.


What are glowing trees for? DIY glowing suit. The LED Sakura tree consists of a frame and an LED garland with attachments in the form of leaves and flowers. There are several ways to make a glowing tree with your own hands, just as the trees themselves look different. Several ways to make beautiful LED trees with your own hands at home at minimal cost.

In this article we will look at the process of making LED trees at home. There are 2 main ways to make LED trees. A tree made in this way cannot be made large enough. The standard length of the garland does not allow placing LEDs on all “branches” of the tree. Therefore, we recommend using this method for making miniature trees. Next we make the tree trunk.

After this, we make the main branches, for this we take the wire and cut it into a length of 50cm. of which 45 cm is the main part of the branch, and 5 cm will be on the bend to secure the branch to the tree trunk. We bend 5 cm on each main branch and wrap it to the tree trunk, doing this evenly along the entire diameter of the trunk.

After this, you will have a number of pluses and minuses equal to the number of branches of the tree. All that remains is to wrap each branch with black electrical tape, decorate with decorative flowers and connect the tree to a power source. How to install a rear view parking camera on a VAZ 2112 with your own hands. Step-by-step video instructions. Head units for Android and Windows.

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LED bushes and trees

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We thought a lot about how great it would be to find such a garland, and in the end, it found us. Welcome! A short video tutorial on how to make beautiful Christmas wreaths with battery-powered garlands with your own hands. We suggest you start New Year along with an unusual, original handmade holiday tree.

The desire to decorate their home or apartment is familiar to all happy owners of real estate, as well as to those who have to live in rented premises. These useful decorations include luminous trees made of polymer materials and equipped with a large number of small LED bulbs.

Decorative luminous tree with LEDs

Depending on the purpose of the lamp and the style of the room or landscape, there are trees completely without decoration. Street lamps are mounted on the site or attached to living growing trees. Some of these lamps can be purchased in full finished form, others need assembly and connection.

LED trees - a new type of holiday lighting technology

Of course, to get a complete picture illustrating the equipment of an interior or landscape with a bright LED tree, one cannot do without indicating the prices for such devices.

Glowing trees for the street - a DIY fairy tale

LED strip for decorating growing trees (5m) – from 5 to 18 euros (depending on the frequency of placement of lamps on the strip). Solder your own electronic design using separate LED bulbs, wires and insulation. This is where creativity comes in the form of choice. color range future wood and in a unique combination of ready-made elements.

One of the main advantages of LED garlands and lamps is their resistance to mechanical damage and exposure to aggressive weather factors. Bright LED trees were created precisely for such connoisseurs of beauty in environment and the environment.

A frame imitating the shape of a tree or bush, made of a special light-alloy material, which is enclosed in a plastic shell. Decorative elements, which are LED garlands with silicone nozzles stylized as leaves and flowers.

Glowing trees: price and equipment

Entwined with a large number of sparkling light bulbs, LED trees are very similar to real ones. The alley of luminous trees seems to invite you into a fairy tale, causing delight, surprise and anticipation of a miracle even in adults. If you install a glowing tree in your office or store, it will certainly increase the compliance of customers and the willingness of buyers to make a purchase. LED trees are very popular as New Year's decoration apartment, house or garden. They give a great mood to everyone who looks at them.

Creating an LED tree at home

Decorative luminous trees are not afraid of either frost or heat, and they are not afraid of rain, dew, or frost. Even if one or more elements fail, the structure will not stop shining. It is better to decorate a large area with a tree several meters high and impressive in size, which includes a huge number of LED light bulbs.

Brightness and power of LEDs. The method of securing the tree at the installation site. The variety of colors and crown shapes of LED trees creates a lot of opportunities to attract attention to the building, territory, and interior. If you want to quickly and originally decorate your office for a holiday, decorate your garden, or attract visitors to your store or entertainment center, best option I can't think of anything better than LED trees.

If you have even minimal knowledge in the field of electronics, you can quickly make a luminous tree with your own hands. At in a simple way While making an LED tree with your own hands uses a ready-made garland, making a tree by connecting LEDs into a circuit yourself is somewhat more difficult.