Shower      10/31/2020

Children's games at the matinee on March 8. For the middle group, scenario “Our Merry Little House”

1. “Dress the baby for the street” - on 2 tables there are prepared: a blanket, clothes, a doll. Both adults and children can take part in the game.
2. “Children’s song competition” - performance of songs by drawing lots: “Antoshka”, “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass...”, “Let them run
Awkward..."The game is for both adults and children, you can arrange a competition between children and parents.
3. Competition " Fast hands". Competition for grandmothers. One hand “cooks the porridge”, and the other performs another action: writes
Or decorating the Christmas tree or pouring juice...
4. “Find your daughter (son).” There is a blindfolded mother in the circle of children. Moving in a circle, she tries to identify her child by touch.
5. “Recognize your mother by her hands”
6. “Recognize your mother by her voice”
7. “Whose mother is under the blanket?”
8. “Delicious competition” - pieces of sweets are prepared on toothpicks, an adult or child is blindfolded and asked to guess what they taste
Suggested. / marmalade, marshmallows, chocolate, marshmallow, halva, biscuit.../
9. “Cinderella” - several girls in the center take off one shoe, Ved. mixes them up, and the boys have to find and
Put your girl's shoes on. Who is faster.
10. “My light is a mirror, say” - dress up a boy as a girl / cap or scarf, skirt, beads... / and looking in the mirror, say the magic words...
11. “Sports moms” - who can spin the hoop the longest.
12. “Feed Grandma” - tie a “bib” to the grandmother and feed her yogurt - two couples, grandchildren and grandmothers participate.
13. “Collect a flower for mom” - separate petals and the middle, you need to make different flowers
By color and shape. Who is faster and more accurate?
1. “Mom is getting ready for work” - on the table there are clips, beads, hats, glasses, bracelets, scarves, etc... - 2 - 3 pairs compete to see who can decorate mom faster.
2. “Make soup and compote” - two teams, one selects products for soup from a common pile of dummies, the other for borscht, and carry them to 2
Various pots. At the end of the competition, the leader checks both pans to see if everything is
Correctly chosen.
3. “Move the purchases” - move one item at a time from the table to mom’s basket - bread, milk, sugar, cottage cheese.../use
4. "Help mom." There are dummies mixed on the table: washing powder, clothespins, rope, handkerchiefs, threads, scissors, shreds, centimeter, mirror, lipstick, comb, mascara - 3 children need to sort them out
The type of activity is all items, one is for washing, the other is for sewing, the third is for toiletries.
5. “Draw a portrait of your mother” - two teams draw a collective portrait on two easels. 1 - oval of the face, 2 - eyes, 3 - nose, etc.
6. Competition between mothers and children: “Who can name the most kitchen utensils”
7. “Tie a bow” - a rope is tied on the posts, colored ribbons tied in a knot are prepared on it. Compete
Dads. They must tie bows on both sides, moving towards each other. Whoever reaches the marked middle
That winner.
8. “Help grandma wind a ball” - 2 baskets, 2 balls, 2 scarves. Putting on a scarf and winding a ball is the task of a grandson or granddaughter.
9. “Night surprise” - place a bouquet in a vase blindfolded.
10. “Affectionate” - passing a balloon - a heart in a circle, speak tender words to mom.
11. “Who will collect more balloons, and holding them with your hands, feet, chin.”
12. “Build a house” - children carry one cube to their dads in cars, and dads take as many blocks as they can.
Receipts of construction materials, building “houses”
13. Girls’ and boys’ toys/dolls, jumping ropes, baby dolls, doll outfits, etc. are laid out in disarray around the hall.
The same: cars, transformers, balls, soldiers, etc. / Mom and dad must quickly collect everything for their daughter (mom) and son (dad) into baskets.
14. The babies are covered with a large blanket, their arms are stretched up. Several mothers try to guess their child by

“Bake pancakes” - pancakes are cut from ceiling tiles, are painted. Pancakes lie in a stack on a tray, opposite there are two teams, each with one spatula for baking pancakes; Team members carry one pancake from the common pile on their shoulder blades to their team. The trick is that the pancakes are light, when children try to run, the pancakes fly off the shoulder blade, and you can’t hold them with your hand.

“Make jam” - in front of each team there is an easel with a Whatman paper on which an empty jar is depicted. Children stand with their mothers: mothers cut out berries from arakal, separate the adhesive part, and the children run to stick it on the jar. Whose team will fill (“seal”) the empty jar with berries faster? A joint game with mothers is always fun (by analogy: “Whose bouquet is more beautiful” - instead of a jar there is an empty vase, and flowers are cut out)
A variant of the game “Guess the baby by his palms”: children stand behind an improvised screen (stretched fabric) and stick their hands into the slits in the fabric. When mothers hold the hands of their chosen baby, the fabric lowers.

“Get things in order” - balloons are scattered around the hall. each team uses a dust broom to sweep the balls into its hoop, whose team will “sweep” the most balls into its hoop

"Pancakes". 2 teams, each team has several pairs (mother + child). The first mother has scissors in her hands, the child has a frying pan.
Mothers “bake pancakes” (cut out a circle from paper) and place them in a frying pan. The child carries the “pancake” and places it on a large plate. The attribute is passed on to the next participant.
Whose team is faster? And so that “friendship wins”, let’s look at how “high-quality the pancakes are prepared”!!! Grandmothers can also take part in the competition.
You can use the competition during Maslenitsa.

A black box is brought out, containing 4 items.
Question 1. Mom has a super pleasant remedy. It has been helping her since childhood. And it never fails, When his mother brings home. (candy).
Question 2. Grandmother and grandchildren have no difficulties. Grandmother has her own magic secret: She uses it every time. In the evening the house is always quiet. (fairy tale).
Question 3. How does the grandfather solve the problems of upbringing? What kind of incentive does he offer for his grandchildren? (money).
Question 4. Dad rarely does parenting with us, but if he does, this tool is top class! (belt).

(Two family teams participate)
Mother and child are at opposite ends of the hall.
Dad has "footprints" cut out of cardboard.
Dad runs one by one from mother to child and places one footprint on the floor for each.
Mother and child follow the tracks towards each other.
All three must meet. Which team will do it faster?

Girls, and another very original orchestra for little Barbers.
Thanks a lot AUTO RU Unfortunately, I do not know who showed such a fantasy. If the author recognizes his offspring, please respond!
"Hairdressing Polka"
Tools for hairdressers: shampoo jars (noisemakers), curlers tied in groups of 4, combs, and wooden curlers for perms, they can either be tapped or “scraped” against each other.

Hairdresser polka –
We have so many clients! - we say this before the music.
Introduction - listen
Music A - (play bottles)
We have this shampoo
Wash their heads!
We have this shampoo
Wash their heads!

Music B - (combs play)
And we have combs,
So they started dancing
And we have combs,
So they started dancing!

Music A – (curlers playing)
Take the curlers quickly
Curl the curls quickly.
Take the curlers quickly
Get curls quickly!

Music B - (wooden curlers play)
Bow hairpins,
You will become like Christmas trees.
Bow hairpins,
Become like Christmas trees!

Music A – (just say it to the rhythm of the music)
Come visit us more often
We are very glad to have guests,
We'll cut your hair for five
We won't even take money!

Music B - everyone plays together without words

Music A
Oh, the hairstyles are good, they tried their best.
Look at the hairstyles, you won’t faint.

Girls, a wonderful spring orchestra.
A very beautiful performance by the orchestra. Author - N. Kulikova.
Educator: Not at all embarrassed that there is snow all around,
An icicle took up residence outside the window.
And she timidly began to sing her song: (the girl runs out and stands next to her metallophone)

Girl: Listen, listen,
I sing about spring!
(plays scales on metallophone)

Educator: And a day later we see - there are five icicles!
And the melody began to sound more confident. (four more children run out to their instruments)
Their quintet is not playing very well yet...

Children: Listen, listen
Our spring greetings!
(play instruments)

Educator: And under our roof, lined up in a long row,
Icicles rehearse for an hour in a row.
(other kids run out)
How beautiful and tender the sounds of their orchestra are!
Children: Listen, listen
Spring Symphony!
(play instruments)

Instruments can be replaced, I took a triangle, bells, and homemade tambourines. Here's what we tried today.

"Mom is going to work"

Laid out on the tables in front of the girls various decorations, cosmetics, mirror.
The task is to portray their mothers.

"The most musical"(Contest)

Mothers sing a children's song to the soundtrack, the sound is periodically turned off.
The task is not to lose the tempo and continue singing.
Mothers are awarded “Most Musical” medals.

“Help Mom reschedule her shopping”

Ved: Moms often have to go shopping and make purchases. And sometimes
There are a lot of purchases. But our guys are happy to help their own
Moms. Let's see how they do it.


Ved: And for moms I have one more task (calls moms). Here I have
Threads, needles and beads. Your task is to plant as many as possible in 1 minute
Beads on a string. Who will have the longest chain?

"Get to know yourself"

Ved: Our children wrote short stories about you and drew portraits.
Now I will read, and every mother (and if there is no mother in the room, then grandmother)
I must guess myself in this story and portrait.


Lesson structure.
1.Musical greeting
2.Warm up
3. Attention exercise
4.Development of auditory perception
5.Finger gymnastics
6. Play therapy
7.Relaxation and visualization exercises

Progress of the lesson:

1. Greeting exercise “Let’s say hello”
Goal: To create a good mood and a trusting relationship between children and the teacher.
The teacher sings the major triad “Hello!”, and the children repeat after him.

2. Games with names
Goal: consolidating the names of class participants in memory, developing trusting and friendly relationships between children.
The presenter hands the soft toy to the child, and he takes it and sings his name. what he wants to be called. After all the children have sung their names, one of the children passes the toy, trying to come up with a diminutive name for the child to whom he throws the ball.

3. Freeze game
Goal: development of auditory attention, awareness of your body, removal of impulsivity.
Children move according to the character and tempo of the music; during a stop, they freeze in the position in which the pause caught them.

4. Fun game with a bell
Goal: development of auditory perception.
Everyone sits in a circle; at the request of the group, a driver is selected, but if there are no people willing to lead, then the role of driver is assigned to a psychologist. The driver is blindfolded, and the bell is passed around in a circle; the driver’s task is to catch the person with the bell. You cannot throw the bell to each other.

5. Song-game “My triangular cap” (ancient game)
Goal: to teach concentration, promote the child’s awareness of his body, teach him to control his movements and control his behavior.

First, children learn the words of the song:
My cap is triangular,
My triangular cap.
And if not triangular,
That is not my hat!

Once they have learned the song, they are asked to act it out. The children sit in a circle and everyone takes turns, starting with the leader, singing one word from the song: “My cap is triangular, my cap is triangular. And if it’s not triangular, then it’s not my cap.” After this, the song is repeated again, but the children who get to sing the word “cap” replace it with a gesture (for example: two light claps on their head with their palm). Next time, two words are replaced: the word “cap” and the word “mine” (point to yourself). In each subsequent circle, the players sing one less word, and “show” one more. In the final repetition, children perform the entire phrase to the music using only gestures.
If such a long phrase is difficult to reproduce, it can be shortened.

6. Warm-up exercise “Siamese twins”
Goal: to teach children flexibility in communicating with each other, to promote trust between them.
The presenter tells the children the following: “Split into pairs, stand shoulder to shoulder, hug each other by the waist with one arm; right leg Place it next to your partner’s left leg. Now you are conjoined twins: two heads, three legs, one torso and two arms. Try walking around the room, doing something, lying down, standing up, drawing, jumping, clapping your hands, etc.” In order for the “third” leg to act “harmoniously”, it can be fastened with either a rope or an elastic band. In addition, twins can “grow together” not only with their legs, but with their backs, heads, etc.

7. Game “Name Calling”
Goal: remove verbal aggression, help children express anger in an acceptable form.

The presenter tells the children the following: “Guys sometimes get into a quarrel, if it does happen, it is very difficult to refrain from hurtful words. To prevent these words from causing harm to others, you can “tame” them. How? That's how! Imagine that two friends quarreled. But suddenly it turned out that they had both forgotten all the offensive words: only words remained - the names of vegetables (fruits, fish, birds, flowers, etc.). And so the friends want to quarrel, but only “vegetables” come out of their mouths. Now, passing the maracas around, let’s call each other different harmless words, “vegetables.” Each appeal should begin with the words: “And you... carrot!” Then the presenter asks them. Is it easy to swear like that? How did everyone feel? Do you feel like screaming and quarreling? The game is repeated several times.
In the final circle, be sure to say something nice to your neighbor, for example: “And you... darling!” and play something for him on a maracas (or other musical instrument).
The game is useful not only for aggressive, but also for touchy children. It should be carried out at a fast pace, warning the children that this is only a game, and they should not be offended by each other.

8. Warm-up exercise "Pass the ball"
Purpose: to remove excessive physical activity.
Sitting on chairs or standing in a circle, players playing to fast and cheerful music try to pass the ball to their neighbor as quickly as possible without dropping it. You can throw the ball to each other or pass it by turning your back in a circle and putting your hands behind your back. You can make the exercise more difficult by asking children to play with their eyes closed or by using several balls in the game at the same time.

9. Game “Tender Paws”
Goal: relieving tension, muscle tension, helping to reduce the child’s aggressiveness, developing sensory perception, promoting the harmonization of relationships between the child and the adult.
The leader lays out on the table 6-7 small items of various textures, a piece of fur, a brush, a glass bottle, beads, cotton wool, etc. The child is asked to bare his arm up to the elbow: the psychologist explains that an “animal” will walk along the arm and touch it with its affectionate paws. With your eyes closed, you need to guess which “animal” touched your hand, guess the object. Touches should be stroking and pleasant. The whole game takes place under calm music.
Game options:
The "animal" will touch the cheek, knee, palm:
you can change places with the child;
each "animal" has its own music.

10. The game "Gusli-samogudy" (relaxation and dance complex)

1. The host reads the text (calm music sounds). Children stand freely.
In a fairytale palace
On the high porch
A formidable decree sounds -
A message to good fellows:
"Who can dance
Just as the harp tells us,
He will help
To rule our kingdom.
Gusli, gusli-samoguda
They sing songs everywhere.
Since you are ready, friends,
It's time for us all to dance.

2. Rhythmic music plays (for example, a Russian folk dance tune) The presenter reads the text. Children stand, “dance” the muscles of the shoulders and arms.
Here comes the music.
And the people are still waiting, standing there.
Oh, my shoulders started dancing.
Have fun, just one more time!
Fingers, elbows jump together.
And the people stand still.
The dance began to fade,
Play the music quieter.
3. The timbre of the music changes, the leg muscles “dance”.
My legs began to wake up.
Wake up, get up!
Heels, toes and knees
They danced as they wanted.
How fun they are to dance!
Just stop getting tired.

4. The tempo of the music changes (a little slower), the abdominal muscles “dance”
Glad to get some stomach exercises.
I learned to tense up.
Inhale and exhale, spin.
Sloth, hey, wake up!

5. The rhythm of the music changes, the shoulder muscles “dance”.
Our shoulders rose. Higher, higher, sharper, sharper. The shoulders began to calm down, calm down and fall asleep.

6. Calm music sounds, then the rhythm changes again, the facial muscles “dance”.
The cheeks and nose began to dance.
Raise your eyebrows gently.
The lips stretched out into a tube,
Dance just a minute longer.

7. The presenter chooses a child who tried hard and was attentive. The child orders any movements for the whole body.
Once again the people stand and wait.
What will the music sing to us?
You, assistant, come out.
Order a general dance.

Rhythmic music sounds, everyone dances the “ordered” dance, performs movements. And then the facilitator invites everyone to move at will, as the body itself wants.

8. Calm music sounds, the children, without leaving their seats, smoothly move to it. After this, you can invite the children to lie down on the carpet.

Now, let's all rest.
Relax and dream
About magical shores.
About unseen lands.

Calm music with natural sounds sounds. Children dream. “Gusli-samoguds” fall silent, and the children talk (optional) about their dream images.

11. Final exercise

A very interesting game that will amuse any audience. To carry out it is necessary to prepare signs in advance with the following inscriptions:

Participants sit with their backs to the audience. Each of them has a sign attached to their back with the inscriptions suggested above. You cannot say out loud what is written, otherwise the game will lose interest. The guests know what will be discussed, but the participants do not, and the participants can answer the questions proposed by the presenter in any way except “yes” and “no”.

Questions to suggest:

  • Do you go there often?
  • Do you like this place?
  • Who do you usually take with you there?
  • What items do you take with you when going to this place?
  • What are you doing there? How much money are you willing to spend on this place?
  • Who would you like to take with you next time you go there?
  • Culinary intuition

Participants in the competition are blindfolded and given a fork in their hands. The task is to touch each offered product with a fork and determine what is in front of them. You can use an apple, onion, potato, tomato, cucumber, etc. in the competition. For each correct answer 1 point.

  • Fashion show

Participants are invited to walk in the manner written on the piece of paper they pull out. The options may be as follows:

  • famous yogi;
  • Baba Yaga;
  • fairy princess;
  • a baby who just learned to walk today;
  • Sergey Zverev;
  • President of Russia;
  • bodybuilding champion;
  • Shusher's rat;
  • famous supermodel;
  • ballerina of the Bolshoi Theatre.
  • Draw a flower

4-6 people participate. The guys line up one after another, sideways to the guests. Show the last player a simple drawing of a flower drawn on paper and ask them to draw it, without saying it out loud, on the back of the participant in front of him. Now he is trying to draw what, as he understands, they were drawing on his back. And so we reach the first participant, who depicts the final drawing on paper. As a rule, the drawing reaches the last player in a distorted form.

  • Guess the toy

To conduct such a game, participants must be blindfolded and given a soft toy in their hands. Task: guess what kind of toy is in your hands. Usually, such a game is fun, because manufacturers of soft toys allow some oddities in the appearance of their products.

  • Happy holiday!

Boy-girl pairs participate. It is necessary to prepare aprons, scarves and flowers (according to the number of pairs) in advance. Participating pairs stand at the starting line. At the finish line, opposite each pair, chairs are placed on which a flower, an apron and a scarf are placed. At the leader’s signal, the boys run to the chairs, take an apron, return to the starting line and put the apron on the girl. After that, they again run to the chair, take the scarf and again return to the girls and put the scarf on them. They do the same with the flower, return to their partner, get down on one knee, hold out the flower and say: “Happy Holidays!”

  • Miss Sponges

Girls are invited to put on bright lipstick, after which

they will have to leave a lip print on a small square piece of cardboard. WITH reverse side sign whose sponges these are. The jury should evaluate this competition, but it is best to mark the girls in the categories (“Miss Sugar Sponges”, “Miss Mysterious Sponges”, “Miss Seductive Lips”, “Miss Smile”, etc.).

  • Royal feast

Imagine that you have been invited to a royal feast. Various treats were placed on the tables, but all their names began with the letter “K.” Within the allotted time, participants must write down on a piece of paper what kind of food they could be.

  • Game of wits

Each participant has a set of six letters: K, O, S, I, L, K, A. The presenter asks the girls a question, the answer to which they must compose from the given letters. For each correct answer 1 point, + 1 point for the first person to answer. Questions could be, for example, the following: The fashionista is winged, the dress is striped. Even though he is small in size, if he bites, it will be bad! (Wasp). She is the size of a small dog, but like a wolf she can charge into a fight. Erect ears and carnivorous teeth. A red fur coat made of fluffy fur. (Fox), etc.

  • Choose a gift

To play the game, you need to prepare two sets of cards, which are put in different bags. The participant pulls out a card from the first bag, reads the name of the item written on it. Then he takes out the second one from another bag, and reads the action that he will perform with this item. The one with the funniest hits wins.

1 set of cards (items):

  • toy
  • flowers
  • pomade
  • nail file
  • comb
  • ring

2 set of cards (actions):

  • play and enjoy
  • sniff and snort
  • paint
  • suffer
  • comb one's hair
  • wear on the finger
  • Joke for girls

The girls are told that now they will play a very interesting game. To do this, you need to ask them to stand in a circle, then squat down and put their hands on the floor. After that, the facilitator asks everyone in turn to repeat after him the phrase "I (person's name) do not know how to play this game." After everyone has uttered this phrase, the leader rises, dusts himself off and says, looking down at everyone: “Well, why are you sitting here then?”

Games for moms on March 8

  • Question answer

Mothers and their children are invited to participate in this game, who sit separately from each other. Everyone is given a piece of paper and a pen. Participants are asked questions, the answers to which they write down without voicing. The couple with the most matches wins.

  • Best Singer

Mothers are invited to sing children's songs along with the soundtrack. But sometimes, during the performance, the phonogram stops, and the mothers continue to sing, because the main thing for them is not to get lost. After some time, the phonogram is added again and it becomes clear whether the participant coped with the task or not.

  • Mom is back

Participants need to quickly walk a certain distance with a book on their heads, while holding a full glass of water in one hand, a broom in the other and sweeping in front of them.

  • What's in the plate?

For the competition, you need to prepare plates with sugar, salt, soda, flour, semolina, rice, buckwheat, millet. Participants are blindfolded and asked to feel what is in each plate. The one who named the contents of all the plates correctly receives the medal "For excellent knowledge of cooking."

  • Big Wash

You will need a clothesline, a basin, and two assistants. Helpers hold a taut rope with clothes pinned to it. There is a basin at the participants’ feet. At the presenter’s signal, the woman collects the laundry (unlocks the clothespins). He moves the basin with his foot so that the laundry falls into it. You can only move the basin with your feet; you cannot lower the rope. The one who can do it faster wins.

  • Mom is a detective

Interested women are invited, 5-6 people. A child rises onto the stage and parades around the stage for 1 minute. After this, the child goes backstage, where some details are changed for him. appearance, after which he returns to the participants. The presenter says in advance how many differences need to be found. Mothers should name (or write down on a piece of paper) what changes have occurred.

  • Mom and baby

Mothers are invited to participate and are asked to swaddle their newborn (doll). But for the purity of the experiment, the mothers are divided into pairs and their touching hands are tied. It is in this difficult situation that mothers must swaddle.

  • Give a compliment

The game is played in the form of a verbal duel. Each participant must convince her opponent of her superiority. To do this, one of the participants says: “I am the most beautiful,” the other answers her: “But I am the smartest.” Then the third one is connected, etc. You can't repeat yourself. The one who names the most qualities and never repeats herself will win.

  • Banding

Competitors receive hoops. Their task is to fit as many children as possible into their hoop. The participant must put the hoop on the child, lower the hoop along the body to the floor and allow the child to step over the hoop. The task is completed for a while. The participant who manages to catch the most people in 1 minute wins.

Games for preschoolers on March 8

  • Guess Mom

Children participants are blindfolded. Mothers line up in front of them. By touch, by touch, children must find their mother.

  • Mom is getting ready for work

The competition is for girls. On the tables are beads, lipstick, a mirror, clips and a handbag. At the command of the presenter, participants must put on clips and beads, put on lipstick, take a handbag and run to the opposite wall.

  • Fun workout

All participants stand in a circle, alternating between mother and child. Players pass an object around in a circle to the music (you can take any object). As soon as the music stops playing, the participant who has the object in his hands must complete the task of the presenter. For parents, the tasks are given more difficult (for example, to sing, recite a poem, say 10 compliments to the presenter, etc.). It’s easier for children, for example, laugh out loud, kiss all the mothers in a circle in turn, shake hands with everyone, sit down 5 times, etc.

  • Who will blow the balloon first

As a rule, no holiday is complete without balloons. You can also organize a lot of interesting entertainment with them. For example, this:

First you need to mark the starting and finishing lines. At the leader’s command, the children each begin to blow on their own balloon. Whose ball reaches the finish line the fastest wins.

  • Create a person's face

For this game on March 8, you will need inflatable balloons, scarves, and markers. Couples participate - mother and child. At the command of the presenter, the mother must inflate the balloon to medium size and tie a scarf on it in the same way as grandmothers usually tie scarves under their chin. After this, the ball is given to the child, who must draw a person’s face with a marker. Whoever copes with this task faster and better becomes the winner.

Competitions for high school girls on March 8

For high school girls, you can organize a competition program “From a smile to a gesture”, which will be aimed at demonstrating any of the six senses (smell, hearing, vision, taste, intuition, touch). When selecting competitions for this event, you can use, for example, the following:

  • "Connoisseurs of Feelings"

Participants spend 1 minute writing down on a piece of paper the names of emotions or feelings that a person may experience.

  • "Mysterious fragrance"

Girls determine the contents of the jars by smell and write down the answers on a piece of paper. Jars can contain mint, coffee, allspice, garlic, cinnamon, cloves, etc.

  • "Jewelry Fingers"

A three-liter jar contains many different small things. Blindfolded participants must find by touch the object that the presenter names. The task is completed for a while.

  • "Absolute Rumor"

Girls are asked to listen to an audio recording with sounds and determine what they heard. The task is performed one by one, the sounds are different for everyone.

  • "Tastes could not be discussed"

Blindfolded participants are asked to drink the juice and determine its taste. Select juices for the competition with double flavors - plum-apple, carrot-banana, etc.

  • “I sit high, I look good”

A boy appears on the stage with many different accessories and small parts in clothes. For a minute, the participants look at him, after which the child leaves, so that in a couple of minutes he will again appear on the stage. The participants’ task is to determine what has changed in his appearance.

The winner of such an event leaves the holiday with the proud title of "Lady Perfection".

At the end of the competition program, participants will receive an award. To avoid offending anyone, awards can be made based on nominations.

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 11 minutes


Matinee in kindergarten– one of the most exciting events for a child. These memories remain with the baby for life. This event is traditionally held to please children, reveal dormant talents, and instill certain skills. And, of course, preparing children together for the holiday is a serious experience of working as a team. How to create an interesting matinee in honor of the eighth of March in kindergarten?

Scenario selection- this is the main thing with which they always begin preparing for any matinee in kindergarten. The script should be given some attention Special attention. Both the script itself and the details matter - music, decorations, holiday atmosphere, costumes and various pleasant little things.

Costume ball on March 8th! How to choose costumes for children

What costumes will be relevant for the 8th of March holiday? Of course, first of all, flowers. Not every parent can afford to buy costumes in a store, so in order not to traumatize some children with the richness of others’ outfits, let them all be the same. In this case, it is better for the teacher to discuss this with the parents.

  • Flower costumes for boys. As you know, a flower has a green stem, green leaves and a bright colorful bud head. Based on this, costumes are created. A green shirt can serve as a stem, and a flower cap created from bright red paper can serve as a tulip flower (or another flower, depending on the scenario).
  • Costumes for girls. For the stem, accordingly, green dresses or sundresses are chosen. Flower hats are also made from paper.
  • You can also involve children in creating costumes by placing butterflies they have drawn and cut out on the “buds.”

Fun games for the March 8 holiday in kindergarten

Original script for the matinee on March 8 in kindergarten

The performance for the holiday of March 8 can be anything - created based on a fairy tale, song, or impromptu invented by the teacher and parents. The main thing is that the children find it interesting, and that there are no children left uninvolved. For example, like this scenario, How:

Adventures of flowers in the land of spring

Roles of the performance participants:

  1. Roses – girls dressed in flower costumes
  2. Tulips - boys in flower costumes
  3. Sun
  4. Tuchka – one of the mothers or a teacher’s assistant in a suit
  5. Gardener - teacher in suit
  6. Bee – one of the mothers (grandmothers) or a teacher’s assistant in a suit
  7. Aphids (pair of characters) – one of the mothers or a teacher’s assistant in a suit

The main idea of ​​the play
Children play the roles of flowers growing in the garden. The gardener carefully looks after them, the sun smiles at them tenderly, the cloud waters them, and the bee flies in for pollen. The enemies of flowers are aphids. They, of course, try with all their might to prevent the flowers from growing. The gardener himself, the sun, the bee and even the cloud fight against aphids - after all, mothers are soon celebrating March 8th, and they are waiting for flowers.

Today it is difficult to believe that back in 1910, the well-known Clara Zetkin, when she proposed the establishment of International Women’s Day, meant that its celebration meant holding rallies and marches in defense of women’s rights. Most likely, even in her worst nightmare she could not imagine how radically different the celebration of March 8th today would be from its original purpose. However, the majority modern women We are incredibly happy that on this day we can relax and wallow in compliments, gifts and congratulations, rather than marching through the cold streets with emancipated posters. Some of the brightest moments of our traditional March 8 celebration include touching matinees in kindergartens, children's concerts in primary schools, and of course, fun corporate parties. Despite the fact that the scenarios of all these events are radically different from each other, there is one common point that unites them. It is the competitions on March 8 that make any celebration truly fun and memorable. Next, we offer you a selection of funny and cool competitions for March 8, which are perfect for children and adults. Variations of these competitions and games are sure to appeal to girls, young women, mothers and women of all ages!

Quizzes, games and fun competitions for children and adults on March 8, ideas

Before moving on to the description of the most popular competitions, games and fun quizzes for children and adults on March 8, it is worth saying a few words about which options are best to choose for the celebration. Firstly, you need to understand where exactly the holiday will take place and base your choice on the venue and the audience that will be present at it. For example, for a matinee in honor of March 8 in a kindergarten, it is better to choose fun and active competitions in which not only children, but also adults can take part. In particular, various competitions especially for mothers are especially popular in preschool educational institutions. Their simple rules and cheerful character literally immerse mothers in the world of childhood, allowing them to feel carefree and young again. Secondly, when choosing quizzes, games, funny contests For children and adults on March 8, it is important not to overdo it with their quantity. In other words, you shouldn’t turn a holiday concert or corporate party into a continuous stream of competitions and games. The holiday will turn out to be much more interesting and multifaceted if it includes active competitions, funny skits, and touching congratulations. And thirdly, when choosing competitions for a script, you must take care of additional accessories, musical accompaniment and other “little things” that help create the appropriate mood.

What games, quizzes and competitions are best to choose on March 8 for children and parents

If we talk separately about games and competitions on March 8 for children and parents, then preference should be given to team and active options. For example, a competition similar to a fun relay race with obstacles would be perfect for a matinee in honor of March 8th. A good option There will also be a comic quiz on the theme of March 8th for children and adults. A variety of music and dance competitions deserve special attention, in which both adults and children will be happy to take part. Also, intellectual competitions, charades, and riddles are perfect for a children's concert or matinee on March 8th. Further in our article, we have collected interesting options for various games and competitions that will help make your March 8 celebration bright and memorable!

Options for competitions and games with mothers on March 8th for a matinee in kindergarten, video

Although Mother's Day has been widely celebrated in Russia for several years now, March 8 still remains not only the main women's day, but also the holiday of all mothers. Mothers are especially actively congratulated on March 8 at matinees in kindergartens, preparing separate scenarios with different options for competitions and games for mothers and children. Such matinees truly become the most touching gift. And the kids taking part in the holiday are instilled with respect and respect for their mother’s work. Next you will find a selection different options competitions and games with mothers on March 8 for a matinee in kindergarten with video. The options presented below are suitable for both pupils of junior groups and children from the middle and senior groups of kindergarten.

A fun competition for moms, dads and children for the March 8th matinee in kindergarten

A very simple but fun competition with minimum quantity Additional attributes await you in the next video. To participate, you will need several teams consisting of families - father, mother and child. The presenter gives each team a felt-tip pen, an inflatable ball and a handkerchief. The tasks are as follows: dad inflates the balloon, mom ties a scarf, and the child draws a funny face. The speed competition is won by the family team that finishes it first.

Funny competition for mothers and children for the March 8 matinee in kindergarten

Another version of the speed competition, in which teams consisting of mothers and children take part. The kids' task is to quickly put a lot of accessories on their mothers, who are sitting motionless on chairs. At the same time, boxes with accessories are placed at a certain distance and the baby can bring only one thing at a time. Suitable items include hats, beads, glasses, etc.

Musical competition for mothers on March 8 in kindergarten

Musical competitions always evoke a lot of positive emotions, so they should definitely be added to the festive scenario on March 8 in the garden. To participate in the next music competition we will need 6-8 mothers. The essence of the competition: mothers need to dance as fun and original as possible to different tunes. For example, you can prepare a medley of popular and well-known songs and melodies of different styles. The most charismatic and original performer wins.

Funny competitions for March 8th for girls and mothers in elementary school, options with video

IN primary school concerts with funny competitions on March 8 are prepared not only for mothers, but also for girls. It is in the first grades of school that boys begin to congratulate their classmates on International Women's Day. Why not funny competitions on March 8th for girls and mothers in elementary school? great options original congratulations? After all, to cheer up all the ladies present, give them the opportunity to participate in competitions and even win small memorable prizes - all this is essentially a congratulation. If you want to organize a truly memorable and original concert for girls, mothers and teachers in elementary school, then be sure to take a closer look at the options for competitions with videos that we have prepared below.

A simple and funny competition for March 8th for girls in elementary school

Pairs of girls with long hair and boys. The boys' task is to quickly do a hairstyle, for example, to braid a braid, for their partner. At the same time, the girl cannot help her partner. There may be several winners in this competition, for example, the “fastest” or “original” stylist. Such a competition is best held with a catchy tune to cheer up the participants and create a fun atmosphere.

A fun team competition for an elementary school for a concert in honor of March 8

This version of the competition includes both elements of a sports competition and funny moments. The theme of the competition can be related to help around the house or daily mother's responsibilities. Participants are divided into 2-3 teams and lined up, as for a sports relay race. The first member of each team is given a broom and a ball. His task is to quickly run through a course with obstacles, for example, with pins or cubes, sweeping the ball around them. Naturally, he should not touch the skittles with a broom or ball. Having made a circle, the participant returns to his team and passes the baton to the next one. The team that finishes the cleanup first wins.

An interesting competition for girls and mothers on March 8 in elementary school

The difficulty of this competition is quite easy to adjust using the props you choose. Its meaning is as follows: each participant in the competition is blindfolded, and the presenter invites her to determine the contents of different containers by touch and smell. The easiest option is to pour cereals and pasta into different plates, which are quite easy to guess by touch. A more complicated option, which is more suitable for experienced housewives, that is, for mothers, choose a container with various spices. The participant who correctly names the more options spices or cereals

Cool and funny games and competitions on March 8 for girls and high school students

Probably the coolest and funniest games and competitions for girls on March 8 are prepared by high school students. Everyone knows that young people have a great sense of humor and, thanks to their resourcefulness, they can organize really funny holiday concerts, including for their classmates. We will not be able to list all the options for cool and funny games and competitions on March 8 for girls in our class. But we can offer several interesting options, which are perfect for any holiday scenario.

Funny dance competition on March 8 for girls and boys

Competitions with dances and cool musical accompaniment are always popular. They are an excellent basis for a fun competition, for example, for a dance battle between boys and girls. As musical accompaniment, a cool cut of melodies of different styles and popular hits is suitable. Two teams take part in the competition - boys and girls. The winner is the team whose members are the funniest to dance the selected melodies.

A variant of a very fun competition on March 8 for classmates

To participate in this competition, the presenter selects one guy and 6-7 girls. The girls are seated in a random order, and the guy is blindfolded. After this, you can also add another guy to the participants. The participant's task, blindfolded, is to name all his classmates by touch only by touching the shoe. It's especially funny when a participant bumps into his classmate's foot.

Funny competitions for corporate events on March 8 for women, ideas with video

Speaking about funny competitions for women on March 8, we cannot fail to mention options for corporate events. After all, without cool and fun competitions, such a holiday risks turning into an ordinary buffet. You will find examples of bright and funny competitions for corporate events on March 8th for women in the video below.

A fun competition for women and men for a corporate party on March 8

To participate, you will need 5-6 people, on whose backs the presenter places signs with the names of various institutions, for example, a kindergarten or a mental hospital. The participants themselves do not know what is written behind their backs. Their task is simply to answer the presenter’s questions, which in the context of the inscriptions will sound very funny.

A fun competition with letters for a corporate party on March 8

Participants are divided into 2 teams. The presenter gives each participant a piece of paper with a specific letter. Then the presenter says the word, and the participants of each team must quickly line up in the correct order to get the guessed word. The team that collects the most words the fastest wins.

Fun competitions for March 8, as well as funny games and quizzes, can make the scenario of a matinee in a kindergarten or a concert in an elementary school more interesting and energetic. They also fit perfectly into the scenario and corporate event for women on March 8th. Take a closer look at the video with ideas for original competitions for the International women's day for children, mothers, girls, classmates and just women. We are sure they will make your holiday truly unforgettable and fun!

March 8 in kindergarten is, first of all, a holiday for mothers and grandmothers. How to organize this event so that both kids and adults enjoy it?

Preparation for March 8 in kindergarten

Preparations for this holiday for kindergarten need to start in advance to take into account possible changes: think through competitions, decide on gifts. If you plan to involve mothers and grandmothers in active activities, it is worth discussing this possibility with them. In a week you can hold a drawing competition (and in preparatory group– and essays) on the topic “My mother is the best.” At the event itself, you can give parents fragments of the best creations or present drawings of their kids.

Usually, March 8th is celebrated in kindergarten by the presenters - a boy and a girl. IN younger group The teacher helps them or takes charge of the process. You can start with a common song, dance or poem, which each child reads one line at a time. The complexity of the numbers depends on the age of the kids. You can hold something like a reading competition or act out a skit - it can be either a self-developed script or an excerpt from a children's work.

Congratulations on March 8th in kindergarten

An integral part of the women's holiday is congratulations from men. On March 8, boys in kindergarten can also feel like real men by congratulating the girls in their group and giving them gifts. In turn, not only boys, but also girls can congratulate mothers and grandmothers.

Competitions for March 8 in kindergarten

Contests will create an atmosphere of ease and fun - they can be used to intersperse numbers or hold them at the end. Here are a few such competitions for kindergarten:

"Portrait of a Lady."

For the competition, you need to prepare in advance parts of the face cut out from magazines: ears, noses, hair; In addition, prepare two sheets of paper with drawn ovals and glue. The boys are divided into two teams, and each must choose from the proposed blanks details and stick them on the oval to make a portrait of the Beautiful Lady. The team that finishes the fastest wins (as an option: whose Queen will turn out really beautiful).

"Find 7 differences"

Several mothers with children are called. Mothers are blindfolded, and in the meantime, something is changed in the appearance of their children, but not much: they unbutton a button, comb their hair to the other side, etc. The most attentive mother wins.

"Feed Mom"

Eat your own tasteless oatmeal, mom! And to complicate the process, children are blindfolded. At this time, the plate with porridge is in the hands of the mother, and the spoon is in the child. While cheerful music is playing, the child tries to feed his mother. The team whose mother has the least amount of porridge smeared all over her face wins.

"Dress the doll!"

Competition for girls. You need to put on a blouse, pants and a hat (option: swaddle) the doll within a certain time. Mandatory condition: one hand must be behind your back!

"Skilled Mom"

Mom can do anything! But will she be able to unwrap the candy while wearing thick knitted mittens? This is a competition in which the most dexterous mother wins.

"Spoon and Cup"

Two teams are playing. The competition is held like a relay race, where each participant must take a spoonful of water and bring it to a glass standing at the opposite end of the hall as quickly as possible. The game ends as soon as all the participants have run, and the team that managed to put more water in its cup wins.

"Guess the Thing"

Before the competition, the presenter collects some item from each mother: powder compact, handkerchief, beads, etc. During the competition, the host asks: “Whose mother is this thing?”, and the children must guess.