Shower      07/13/2021

Where to work for a child of 10 years. How a student can quickly and easily make money on the Internet without investment: real ways. Here is a photo of this watch.

Glad to welcome you!

I constantly acquaint my readers with the possibilities of remote earnings using the Internet. You can find and get a permanent job or freelance.

But how make money online for kids At what age can you start working? These and others interesting questions, which were asked by readers in personal correspondence and in comments, gave food for a new article.

But really, there are simple and easy ways to earn money that even a schoolboy can handle. Agree that they now spend more time on the Internet, playing online games, chatting with friends, walking around various thematic groups.

At what age can you start earning

Before allowing their child to earn money, parents must understand and accept all the risks. Your child may not understand the complexity of the work, the laboriousness and the reality of the reward. The first completed work will help the child understand how money is earned and how much work needs to be done.

If official employment is possible only upon reaching the age of 14, then a child can work on the Internet much earlier. From the age of ten, he has access to some ways of earning his pocket money.

Parents need to know all these ways to make money on the Internet in order to be able to help their child start doing necessary actions and solve technical difficulties.

An important plus is that a child can start working without any financial investment. Here the main criterion for selecting a job is his level of training and some skills.

Naturally, working on the Internet should not be a priority for a child. This is a part-time job, it does not replace school.

This is the first pitfall. As soon as the child receives his first money earned on the Internet, he will have interest and desire.

Ways to make money on the Internet

Depending on the age of the child and his abilities, there are several methods of working on the Internet. You can start with the simplest, gradually mastering more complex methods that require special knowledge.



This method is not at all difficult, it requires attention and perseverance. The advantage is that the child will learn to fulfill the requirements that are indicated in the task.

Reading emails


The method is a little more complicated than the first one, since here you need not only to read the letters insanely, but also to take certain actions in response. A huge plus for the child will be the fact that there will be practice in the Russian language.

Testing various services and games

  • Available from 10 years old.
  • You need the skill to install applications on your phone or computer.
  • Knowledge of grammar and spelling is required to write simple reports on a test, game or application.
  • Help your child get used to the chosen service and take the first steps. It is quite possible that you will pass the first task or test together with him, write the first report and together rejoice at the first money earned.

This method is not so much difficult as interesting for children - you need to do something, look for various glitches in programs, write letters and receive further instructions.

Processing photos with special photo editors

  • Available from 12 years old.
  • Experience with image processing software required.
  • Skills of correspondence and search for orders on various services are required. It is quite possible that the first orders will come from acquaintances, friends and relatives.
  • Help your child take the first steps in this direction. Maybe you need your help or advice on some technical issue.

The method is more suitable for boys, but girls can easily master photo processing.

Creation of logos, icons, pictures

A good way to make money on the Internet for a child, because here, in addition to technical knowledge, creativity is included.

Writing small texts for social networks, blogs

  • Available from 12 years old.
  • Literacy and knowledge of all the rules of the Russian language are required.
  • Basic knowledge of working with texts is required - design, formatting.
  • The hardest post is the first one. Therefore, help your child choose a thematic community for further posting, write a letter to the administrator together and write the first post.

Your child will enjoy spending time on social networks, earning a little pocket money.

Training via the Internet (tutoring, the basics of working with programs)

This method is suitable only for those who are ready to teach. After all, not all children and adults from the first words will capture the essence of the topic, assimilate the material.

Therefore, a plus for a child who chooses this method will be that he will learn to patiently teach others, to explain clearly and to be patient with others.


Here, your technical assistance is practically not required. Perhaps the child will ask you to look at this or that material prepared for publication.

Ways for teenagers to use the Internet

  • as an administrative assistant. The main activity is to keep the group active, offer interesting news and information.
  • Maintaining news headings on websites and blogs. It is especially valuable if there is a school site where you can try yourself as a journalist, editor, and so on.
  • Writing term papers, control, independent works.

If a child begins to master all the possibilities of the Internet from the age of 10, then by the age of 15 he will have a huge experience.

Therefore, help him choose a direction suitable for his age and start doing certain actions in order to get his first pocket money.

I hope this article will be useful and interesting to all my readers.

Sincerely, Alexander Gavrin.

Probably every child wants to have pocket money and not ask their parents for it, which is why many teenagers start working in the summer to earn money and spend it how they want. Despite the fact that children can only officially work from the age of 14, even if you are 12, you can find a simple part-time job for yourself. Most often, children work in groups of several people, since not every person can perform complex tasks alone.

If you want to earn money but can't find a job because of your young age, you should talk to your parents, maybe they can find you a part-time job at their job. For example, sorting through documents, stamping, placing them in folders and files. Of course, your parents will pay you from their own pocket, but this way they will be sure that in the summer you are not just killing your time.

Common Jobs

Work at the age of 12 for the summer can be represented by different vacancies. The most popular are the following:

In order not to be deceived, you need to carefully look at the employer and it is best for parents to do this.

It is worth noting that promoters, posters and people who hand out flyers are paid for the hours actually worked on the day the job is done. If the employer starts promising you money at the end of the month or week, then you need to run away from him.

Earnings on the Internet

Since you can officially earn money only from the age of 14, one of the most relevant options for a part-time job for a child can be called the Internet. In social networks, you can find many ways to earn money, but you should not go for those where you need to invest your money. And it is unlikely that this will interest a child of 12 years old, because he does not have his own funds.

Earnings on the Internet is simple, and even interesting. In addition, this way of earning is relevant not only in summer, but also all year round. But it is worth noting that you should not expect big money from such work, but a 12-year-old teenager does not have high demands, and therefore such a part-time job can suit them. On the day, as a rule, it will be possible to earn no more than 100 rubles. The most common ways to make money are:

  1. Clicks on ads. You should not worry about the fact that you will infect your computer with viruses, since the sites to which you need to make transitions are pre-checked. Parents don't have to worry, as the child won't be able to come across "forbidden" resources.
  2. Reading emails and taking tests. It is necessary to read short letters and answer questions.
  3. Simple tasks. To earn money, you need to register on sites, write reviews, put likes.

You can also earn money on social networks, for example, repost posts or go through a simple registration. There are many options for earning. Of course, there is a lot of work on the Internet, but not all of it is suitable for teenagers of 12 years old. For example, most of all you can earn by writing articles.

In addition, you can blog on Youtube and earn money by viewing ads. In order to become recognizable, you need to shoot something interesting and unique, then your channel on the platform will develop rapidly, and you will be able to earn good money. You can advertise organizations or other Youtube channels on your videos. The most important thing in this topic is the regular filling of content. You can also play games online, and players will pay you money so that you continue to pass level after level.

If the idea with the channel is not close to you, then you can, for example, create your own personal website where you will post useful information for users. Today you can create simple sites for free, for example, on the Wix platform, which anyone and even a schoolchild can learn. Is it true with filling content and its optimization, it is better to turn to adults.

There are a lot of scams and scams on the internet. Probably, people who at least once looked for a job on the network came across such vacancies: an employee in the collection of ball rivers or other office. It is worth knowing that such vacancies can be fraudulent, which offer to make an advance payment for working material, and only then they will send you pens by mail that you need to collect. And most interestingly, what kind of simple job“Paying” is not a small amount of money, and therefore there are many who want to try it.

Work for girls

All girls of any age love to make and needlework, and why not combine business with pleasure? Very often, children make money on their hobby. Jobs for 12 year old girls can be based on the sale of such things:

  • pictures embroidered with a cross or beads;
  • bracelets, earrings and rings from different materials;
  • photo frames;
  • homemade soap;
  • figurines made of salt dough, clay.

If you can draw beautifully, then you can sell your work. Such art is in great demand, as people often order portraits of their friends as gifts. And if your works are of high quality, there is an opportunity to sell them inexpensively, which will attract a flow of customers, you just need to properly advertise your services.

Work for boys

One of the common vacancies for a teenage boy can be called a gardener. Very often, older people look after their garden, garden or cottage. But not every person allows health to swarm in the ground. Therefore, older people are looking for help for themselves, and most often these are children. At the age of 12, a child already knows how to weed beds, water flowers and perform simple tasks in the garden. Jobs for 12-year-old boys can be different: a teenager can be a car wash assistant, a courier, or just help dad.

Help neighbors

If you live next door to hospitable people, then perhaps they will be able to offer you a part-time job. The most common positions include the following:

Become an actor

If the child has acting skills, knows how to sing, dance or expressively read poetry, you can try to pass acting tests. Perhaps he has a talent and he will be invited to appear in commercials, serials or films. It’s worth a try, because thanks to children’s part-time work, you can arrange a good future for your child. Very often in the cities there are auditions for children's roles. According to the law, vacancies for children 12 years old with official employment can be as follows:

  • cinema;
  • circus;
  • theater;
  • concert organizations.

These provisions are spelled out in article 63 of the labor code, part 3.

Is there a danger

If a child found a job at the age of 12, then first of all he should consult with his parents whether he can earn money this way, even if he earns money on the Internet. Since in our country you can only work from the age of 14, you do not conclude any contract with the employer, and therefore you should not exclude the fact that you will be deceived and will not be paid anything for the work performed. And if you go to the police, then your parents can be punished for not watching their child.

Few employers are happy to hire teenagers, as children are a lot of trouble. Very often, children are not officially employed, the following should alert a teenager:

  • probation;
  • paid training;
  • buying additional items for work.

If you are offered something from this list, then you need to go somewhere far away from this employer, most likely they want to deceive you. Very often, the employer offers paperboys to pay a deposit for the material, all of a sudden you just throw it in the trash can, and the work will not be done. You should not cooperate with such employers, as they want to cash in on even people.

Since it is difficult to find a job for a teenager without cheating, you need to listen to the following tips and tricks:

  1. Go to school and find out about vacancies for the summer. Very often there are required assistant counselors, workers in the garden.
  2. Bypass organizations located near the house. This is one of the acceptable options - to find a job close to home. Do not be shy about entering organizations, as they often need helpers.
  3. Talk to parents, relatives and friends of adults. Very often adults help in finding a job, maybe they need helpers at work. And so the child will be under the supervision of adults, which means that there is no reason to worry.
  4. Contact the youth agency. But most often, such organizations offer part-time work for children from 14 years old. But it's worth trying to contact them.

Before you try to make money, you need to read reviews on the Internet about a particular organization. And if these are scammers, then you will find more than one negative review about them. Part-time jobs for 12 year olds can be in different industries, the main thing is to talk to your parents and make sure you want it.

Quite often, children tell their parents that they would like to earn pocket money. In most cases, parents react skeptically to such statements - they say, first finish the lessons, and then stutter about some kind of earnings. By doing this, they nip the child's attempt to show independence in the bud. financial matter. But work for children with a salary really exists. And it is not even necessary to wait 14 years to get somewhere officially.

Work for children 10 years old

There is no universal part-time job that could suit everyone. When choosing, you need to proceed from the natural talents and personal qualities of the child.

The following options for part-time jobs for children are grouped in ascending order - from the simplest tasks that a ten-year-old can handle, to the more difficult ones for older children.

So, here are some types of work that may be suitable for children 10 years old:

  1. Disposal of waste paper and glass. And you can earn environment bring benefit;
  2. Household help. Surely even parents can find acquaintances who will not mind using the child’s all possible help for a nominal fee - ask him to go to the grocery store, to the pharmacy, wipe the dust, take out the trash ... And what will happen next - who knows. Perhaps word of mouth will work, and over time the circle of “clients” will expand;
  3. Help with pets. Quite often there are situations when someone does not have time to walk the dog due to urgent matters, or is forced to leave for several days, and the cat remains in the apartment, and he needs to be fed at least once a day.

Work for children 11 years old

The list of possible part-time jobs is gradually expanding. At 11 years old, to the already listed options, you can add the following:

  • Goods self made - in other words, hand-made. This option is more suitable for girls. Unique handmade gizmos are now in fashion and are highly valued.
    The scope for imagination is huge:
    - knitting;
    - weaving baubles;
    - making dolls from polymer clay;
    - beadwork;
    - handmade soap

You can post ads for the sale of crafts on social networks, in special groups dedicated to author's work, or even at the Fair of Masters.

  • Posting advertisements. Such work can be considered more like summer work - it is difficult to post ads during the cold period.
  • For those who can draw, you can try to exhibit your work in numerous groups in social networks and also at the Fair of Masters.

Work for children 12 years old

For children aged 12 years, the following part-time options may be suitable:

  1. work in the trading floor. Officially, a child under 14 years of age is unlikely to be hired for such a vacancy, but by personal agreement, the store management may well agree to give the child simple instructions for a small fee - make sure that there are always baskets and carts at the entrance, check that the price tags remain in their places, etc. e. It is extremely important that negotiations with the administration take place with the direct participation of parents - in order to avoid deception;
  2. package non-food items in shops or supermarkets. Such a side job is also possible after negotiations between the parents and the administration;
  3. distribution of leaflets. Perhaps this is the most popular summer part-time job. It consists in the distribution of promotional products - flyers, leaflets, advertising booklets. This option is a great opportunity to combine a part-time job with a pleasant walk;
  4. gardener- Another option for part-time work in the spring-summer period. Pensioners often need help in the country, as often their health leaves much to be desired;
  5. become an actor- A great job opportunity. Quite often, auditions are held in large cities for filming in films or in commercials. By the way, in cases with cinematographic and theatrical organizations, official employment is possible. This does not apply to modeling and advertising agencies.

Work for children 13 years old

For children aged 13 and over, the following vacancies are suitable:

  1. gas station assistant Washing the car, helping with gas, offering hot drinks - tea or coffee - all these are quite manageable duties. True, this option is more suitable for boys;
  2. animator. This option is not suitable for everyone, because often companies organizing events and holidays want to see adults in their ranks. But you can try - of course, with parental help. In addition, the difference in age compared to the required is not so great as to receive a decisive refusal;
  3. promoter. Such work is suitable for those who are not shy about speaking in public and are not shy with a large crowd of people. True, in some cases a sanitary book is required;
  4. mail assistant. Quite often, post offices require assistance with sorting items. You can try to contact the nearest branch;
  5. courier. Sending mail and delivering documents is quite within the power of a thirteen-year-old teenager. Such work is also more suitable for boys - it can be difficult for girls to carry a bag with documents.

Official employment

According to part 3 of Art. 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, minors aged 14 to 18 years have the right to official employment, but only with the written consent of their parents or guardians.

It is allowed to conclude an employment contract between concert, cinematographic and theater organizations and a teenager who has not yet turned 14 years old (part 4 of article 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the contract must be signed by one of the parents, or the guardian and the guardianship authority.

A teenager who has reached the age of 14 can be officially employed under the following conditions:

  • he must study;
  • you can work only in your free time, without prejudice to the educational program;
  • only light work is allowed, which will not harm the health of the teenager.

Earnings for children on the Internet

Thanks to the Internet, you can now earn money without leaving your home. There are also job opportunities for children. Of course, such work will not bring huge money, but it is quite possible to earn 100 rubles a day.

The most common types of earnings on the Internet now are:

  • likes and reviews. For a small fee, you need to register on sites, put likes and leave comments. True, there is no need for parental control. Many dangerous groups have now appeared on the Internet, so it is better to keep track of which sites a teenager registers on;
  • clicks on ads. Viruses that can get into a computer in this way are hardly worth fearing: as a rule, sites are tested for security;
  • paid tests or surveys;
  • vlog on youtube. Now every second person has their own channel. What content to fill it with depends on personal preferences. You can make a thematic resource dedicated to the passage of video games. Channels devoted to needlework are in great demand - such topics are more suitable for girls. Modern technologies allow you to record quite acceptable video quality even on your phone. You can mount it on a computer using a specially downloaded program (Adobe Premiere Pro, Vegas, etc.). You can also advertise other channels in your videos, getting a percentage of the views. The most important rule that should be observed to quickly gain a large audience is the regularity of posting videos.
  • website with useful and interesting information on the chosen topic or with their own works. There are many platforms for creating simple sites (for example, Wix);
  • photo editing in Photoshop. Suitable for everyone who knows how to use this program;
  • writing articles. Perfect option for those who have solid fives in Russian and literature. If there are no problems with essays at school, why not try to earn money by writing lyrics? True, such work is suitable only for those who are distinguished by patience and perseverance, since literacy alone is not enough here - skills in working with special programs for checking text for uniqueness are required.

Online wallet
Until the age of 18, a child will not be able to create an Internet wallet for withdrawing money earned on the Internet. Therefore, parental assistance is indispensable here.

Beware, scam!

Now on the Internet there are many scammers who are hungry for easy money. For example, there are such vacancies as "collector ballpoint pens". Allegedly guaranteed quick income, you only need to make an advance payment for materials that will be sent by mail.

They promise quite good money for such a “work”, so there are a lot of gullible people who want to earn extra money.

It is necessary to explain to the child that every job offer must be agreed with adults, no matter how truthful and attractive it may seem.

Where to start when looking for a job

Quite often for schoolchildren there are job offers close to home. Before you rush to post ads, you can try to get a job in other ways, namely:

  1. Find out at school about possible vacancies for the summer. Often, counselors or help in landscaping the territory are needed.
  2. Try to get a job in organizations that are close to home.
  3. Ask your parents, relatives and friends - perhaps someone needs help.
  4. Find out about possible part-time jobs in the bodies for working with youth.

Before you get a job in a particular organization, you need to look for reviews about it on the Internet. In this way, fraud and possible troubles can be avoided.


If a child has announced his desire to earn pocket money, you should not immediately prohibit him from doing so. First you need to talk, find out which options are preferable for him, and look for suitable ones together. Be sure to tell about the "pitfalls" - scammers on the Internet and crooks. Ask to always consult with adults before making any decision.

You should not be skeptical about the desire of a teenager. Many successful and famous personalities started with part-time jobs: Julia Roberts after school sold ice cream at Baskin Robbins and sports shoes in Manhattan, Steve Jobs delivered newspapers, Thomas Edison sold apples, and Joy Mangano worked part-time at a veterinary clinic.

Who knows, maybe your child will be a huge success in the future? So help him achieve his goals today!

Quite often, children tell their parents that they would like to earn pocket money. In most cases, parents react skeptically to such statements - they say, first finish the lessons, and then stutter about some kind of earnings. By doing this, they stop the child’s attempt to show independence in the financial matter in the bud. But work for children with a salary really exists. And it is not even necessary to wait 14 years to get somewhere officially.

Work for children 10 years old

There is no universal part-time job that could suit everyone. When choosing, you need to proceed from the natural talents and personal qualities of the child.

The following options for part-time jobs for children are grouped in ascending order - from the simplest tasks that a ten-year-old can handle, to the more difficult ones for older children.

So, here are some types of work that may be suitable for children 10 years old:

  1. Disposal of waste paper and glass. And you can earn money, and bring benefits to the environment;
  2. Household help. Surely even parents can find acquaintances who will not mind using the child’s all possible help for a nominal fee - ask him to go to the grocery store, to the pharmacy, wipe the dust, take out the trash ... And what will happen next - who knows. Perhaps word of mouth will work, and over time the circle of “clients” will expand;
  3. Help with pets. Quite often there are situations when someone does not have time to walk the dog due to urgent matters, or is forced to leave for several days, and the cat remains in the apartment, and he needs to be fed at least once a day.

Work for children 11 years old

The list of possible part-time jobs is gradually expanding. At 11 years old, to the already listed options, you can add the following:

  • Handmade goods- in other words, hand-made. This option is more suitable for girls. Unique handmade gizmos are now in fashion and are highly valued.
    The scope for imagination is huge:
    - knitting;
    - weaving baubles;
    - making dolls from polymer clay;
    - beadwork;
    - handmade soap

You can post ads for the sale of crafts on social networks, in special groups dedicated to author's work, or even at the Fair of Masters.

  • Posting advertisements. Such work can be considered more like summer work - it is difficult to post ads during the cold period.
  • For those who can draw, you can try to exhibit your work in numerous groups in social networks and also at the Fair of Masters.

Work for children 12 years old

For children aged 12 years, the following part-time options may be suitable:

  1. work in the trading floor. Officially, a child under 14 years of age is unlikely to be hired for such a vacancy, but by personal agreement, the store management may well agree to give the child simple instructions for a small fee - make sure that there are always baskets and carts at the entrance, check that the price tags remain in their places, etc. e. It is extremely important that negotiations with the administration take place with the direct participation of parents - in order to avoid deception;
  2. non-food packaging in shops or supermarkets. Such a side job is also possible after negotiations between the parents and the administration;
  3. distribution of leaflets. Perhaps this is the most popular summer part-time job. It consists in the distribution of promotional products - flyers, leaflets, advertising booklets. This option is a great opportunity to combine a part-time job with a pleasant walk;
  4. gardener- Another option for part-time work in the spring-summer period. Pensioners often need help in the country, as often their health leaves much to be desired;
  5. become an actor- A great job opportunity. Quite often, auditions are held in large cities for filming in films or in commercials. By the way, in cases with cinematographic and theatrical organizations, official employment is possible. This does not apply to modeling and advertising agencies.

Work for children 13 years old

For children aged 13 and over, the following vacancies are suitable:

  1. gas station assistant Washing the car, helping with gas, offering hot drinks - tea or coffee - all these are quite manageable duties. True, this option is more suitable for boys;
  2. animator. This option is not suitable for everyone, because often companies organizing events and holidays want to see adults in their ranks. But you can try - of course, with parental help. In addition, the difference in age compared to the required is not so great as to receive a decisive refusal;
  3. promoter. Such work is suitable for those who are not shy about speaking in public and are not shy with a large crowd of people. True, in some cases a sanitary book is required;
  4. mail assistant. Quite often, post offices require assistance with sorting items. You can try to contact the nearest branch;
  5. courier. Sending mail and delivering documents is quite within the power of a thirteen-year-old teenager. Such work is also more suitable for boys - it can be difficult for girls to carry a bag with documents.

Official employment

According to part 3 of Art. 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, minors aged 14 to 18 years have the right to official employment, but only with the written consent of their parents or guardians.

It is allowed to conclude an employment contract between concert, cinematographic and theater organizations and a teenager who has not yet turned 14 years old (part 4 of article 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the contract must be signed by one of the parents, or the guardian and the guardianship authority.

A teenager who has reached the age of 14 can be officially employed under the following conditions:

  • he must study;
  • you can work only in your free time, without prejudice to the educational program;
  • only light work is allowed, which will not harm the health of the teenager.

Earnings for children on the Internet

Thanks to the Internet, you can now earn money without leaving your home. There are also job opportunities for children. Of course, such work will not bring huge money, but it is quite possible to earn 100 rubles a day.

The most common types of earnings on the Internet now are:

  • likes and reviews. For a small fee, you need to register on sites, put likes and leave comments. True, there is no need for parental control. Many dangerous groups have now appeared on the Internet, so it is better to keep track of which sites a teenager registers on;
  • clicks on ads. Viruses that can get into a computer in this way are hardly worth fearing: as a rule, sites are tested for security;
  • paid tests or surveys;
  • vlog on youtube. Now every second person has their own channel. What content to fill it with depends on personal preferences. You can make a thematic resource dedicated to the passage of video games. Channels devoted to needlework are in great demand - such topics are more suitable for girls. Modern technologies allow you to record quite acceptable video quality even on your phone. You can mount it on a computer using a specially downloaded program (Adobe Premiere Pro, Vegas, etc.). You can also advertise other channels in your videos, getting a percentage of the views. The most important rule that should be observed to quickly gain a large audience is the regularity of posting videos.
  • website with useful and interesting information on the chosen subject or with their own works. There are many platforms for creating simple sites (for example, Wix);
  • photo editing in Photoshop. Suitable for everyone who knows how to use this program;
  • writing articles. An ideal option for those who have solid fives in Russian and literature. If there are no problems with essays at school, why not try to earn money by writing lyrics? True, such work is suitable only for those who are distinguished by patience and perseverance, since literacy alone is not enough here - skills in working with special programs for checking text for uniqueness are required.

Online wallet
Until the age of 18, a child will not be able to create an Internet wallet for withdrawing money earned on the Internet. Therefore, parental assistance is indispensable here.

Beware, scam!

Now on the Internet there are many scammers who are hungry for easy money. For example, there are such vacancies as "collector of ballpoint pens." Allegedly guaranteed quick income, you only need to make an advance payment for materials that will be sent by mail.

They promise quite good money for such a “work”, so there are a lot of gullible people who want to earn extra money.

It is necessary to explain to the child that every job offer must be agreed with adults, no matter how truthful and attractive it may seem.

Where to start when looking for a job

Quite often for schoolchildren there are job offers close to home. Before you rush to post ads, you can try to get a job in other ways, namely:

  1. Find out at school about possible vacancies for the summer. Often, counselors or help in landscaping the territory are needed.
  2. Try to get a job in organizations that are close to home.
  3. Ask your parents, relatives and friends - perhaps someone needs help.
  4. Find out about possible part-time jobs in the bodies for working with youth.

Before you get a job in a particular organization, you need to look for reviews about it on the Internet. In this way, fraud and possible troubles can be avoided.


If a child has announced his desire to earn pocket money, you should not immediately prohibit him from doing so. First you need to talk, find out which options are preferable for him, and look for suitable ones together. Be sure to tell about the "pitfalls" - scammers on the Internet and crooks. Ask to always consult with adults before making any decision.

You should not be skeptical about the desire of a teenager. Many successful and famous personalities started with part-time jobs: Julia Roberts after school sold ice cream at Baskin Robbins and sports shoes in Manhattan, Steve Jobs delivered newspapers, Thomas Edison sold apples, and Joy Mangano worked part-time at a veterinary clinic.

Who knows, maybe your child will be a huge success in the future? So help him achieve his goals today!

Dear friend, I salute you. My name is Alexander Berezhnov, I am an entrepreneur and founder of the PAPA HELP website. I wrote this article specifically for schoolchildren who want to earn money and become more independent from their parents.

Perhaps you, dear reader, student's parent, then your task is to guide him and show him legal and profitable ways to get money for ice cream, movies and other delights of teenage life.

Once upon a time I was a schoolboy and worked part-time different ways. Now their number has increased significantly thanks to Internet technologies.

Here I have described 20 ways earnings for schoolchildren: 10 of them belong to real life, and another 10 will help a young man or girl make money on the Internet. Indeed, in the age of online projects, there are significantly more opportunities for generating income.

Already interested? Then fasten your seat belts and let's go!

In the article, we will consider working ways to make money on the Internet and in real life, as well as get acquainted in absentia with schoolchildren and schoolgirls who are already receiving money for their skills.

Is it possible for a schoolboy aged 10 to 17 to earn money - examples of guys who have reached an income of 8,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles a month

I'll start with examples in my hometown of Stavropol.

The first heroine, Victoria X, is in the ninth grade, is engaged in various circles and, in her free time from school, writes texts to order via the Internet. It's called copywriting.

Such texts are placed by site owners on their resources in order to attract more visitors to them. Vika's path began with the maintenance of the school newspaper, where she acquired the skills of a journalist. The girl knows how to express her thoughts beautifully and earns from 4,000 to 12,000 rubles per month. In my opinion, excellent, given that the average salary in our city is 20-25 thousand rubles.

My friend, guy Yura Z., while still at school, created original gifts - handmade leather goods and wrist watch with designer dial. Yura was also involved in the repair mobile phones and computers. I found my first customers among my friends and their parents. In general, he never sat idle.

This activity brought the young craftsman from 10 000 rubles"clean" per month. In especially profitable months, Yura managed to earn 30,000 rubles or more, which is very good for the province.

I still have a gift from Yura - original watch with the logo of the HeatherBober project, of which I am a co-founder. The watch also has a leather strap and a metal case.

Here is a photo of this watch:

By the way, from each sale of such watches, Yura earns 1,000 rubles or more ...

We continue ... And again a girl. Her name is Nastya K. and she is in the 10th grade. Nastya is engaged in the manufacture of handmade soap and earns on its sale up to 15,000 rubles per month.

She received several thousand to start her business from her dad, he believed in his daughter and was not mistaken. Moreover, Nastya makes very beautiful soap, in the form of flowers, animals, and even a set of herrings and other men's accessories. This original gift is well bought by women by February 23 to their men.

How to make money for a student - 10 ways to get a good income without investing in real life

Classic ways will help you at all times. Suitable for most students.

Method 1. Find a part-time job with friends

I am sure that your parents have many acquaintances who can be helped in some way: walk the dog, tidy up the house, or take home a simple technical work. Adults do not want to bother and do routine work. If you take it upon yourself, they will pay you for such help.

I have a friend, when she was 16 years old, she worked part-time, cleaning the entrances in her and a neighboring high-rise building. Yes, the work is not very easy and pleasant, but the girl always had money earned by honest work.

At the same time, she studied excellently and managed to participate in the social life of the school.

Do not be afraid of work, being independent is now fashionable!

So, as a one-time job, adults may ask you to:

  • free a balcony or garage from old things;
  • buy products on the list;
  • take a walk with your pet;
  • to do cleaning in apartments or in the country;
  • move heavy things from one place to another;
  • take out household or construction debris.

At the age of 15-17, I myself worked part-time on such "covens", I found them through friends and acquaintances:

  • washed windows in car dealerships;
  • unloaded building materials;
  • assembled furniture (wardrobes and kitchens);
  • washed the entrances in his house;
  • provided computer assistance to the elderly and taught them how to work with the Adobe Photoshop graphics program (I have been working in it since I was 13).

Basically, these were summer part-time jobs, but even during the school year it was possible to get pocket money.

Method 2. Make and sell hand-made (crafts)

I already wrote above about the schoolgirl Nastya, who creates soap masterpieces with her own hands. Whether you're a boy or a girl, there are DIY ideas for everyone.

If you are a guy, you can create:

  • wooden and leather products: butterflies, wallets, watches;
  • accessories for interiors in the style of "Loft" and "Hi-tech";
  • three-dimensional paintings from different materials.

An example of a wooden butterfly and a handmade leather wallet

If you are a girl, here are some cool hand-made ideas for you:

  • bouquets of sweets and toys;
  • original handmade dolls;
  • figures and crafts made of polymer clay;
  • trees made of beads, coffee beans and other materials (topiary).

Bouquets of sweets, toys and other items are in fashion now, only a flight of fancy can limit you ...

Method 3. Put up ads

In the age of the Internet, there are fewer companies and entrepreneurs who advertise their services through announcements on porches, poles and special boards.

But until now, in large and small cities, paper ads remain an integral part of the advertising campaign.

By posting ads you can earn from 100 before 500 rubles a day, devoting 1-2 hours to this. This is not much, but if you stick up several days a week, you get from 2 000 before 10 000 rubles per month .

For one pasted ad you will be paid from 2 before 5 rubles. It turns out if you stick 100 ads, for example, by 4 rubles a piece, you earn 400 rubles .

The faster you move from house to house, from stop to stop, or from board to board, the more you earn.

The Internet will help you find a job on sticking up. Type in Yandex the phrase "work on posting ads" + YOUR city. You will immediately see many offers from employers.

In the same way, you can find any job. Internet to help you

Method 4. Earn money as a promoter

Handing out leaflets is another way for a student to earn money. Each company or store periodically holds promotions, where they involve young guys and girls as promoters. You have probably seen them near large stores, the subway, in crowded places.

This way you can earn from 100 rubles at one o'clock . You can get a job as a promoter if you have a pleasant appearance, are not afraid to communicate with people, are active and positive in life.

Promoters are often involved not only in the distribution of leaflets, but also in other activities that stimulate sales of the company's goods and services.

You can work as promoters already in high school

It can be:

  1. Product tastings. You have probably seen how in large stores friendly young people in the form of a certain company offer you to try such and such sweets, drink juice or eat a piece of sausage. This is called product tasting.
  2. Test drives. Now we're not talking about cars. Bicycles and hoverboards are taken for test drives. Even irons and vacuum cleaners can be taken for a test drive at some companies.
  3. days open doors. Another type of promotion. Open days are periodically held by all large companies: educational institutions, factories, creative studios. Your role is to distribute leaflets, booklets, meet and register guests, escort them to the right place (hall, office).
  4. Exhibitions and presentations. Usually the exhibition is an indoor pavilion (business center) or an open space (if the weather is good). Here, representatives of various companies "get up" with their stall or promotional stand. The exhibition is actively advertised in advance, attracting a large number of potential customers and partners who come to the venue of the event. Your task is to attract as many people as possible to the “stall” (promotional stand) of a certain company that hires you: distribute the same leaflets, business cards and take contacts of potential customers.

Method 5. Earn money as a courier

Delivery of parcels or mail, documents or goods - a good option for a part-time job if you are a high school student.

Of course, students are more preferred in such work, but if you show yourself with a potential employer in a conversation with a potential employer better side, then be sure to get a courier. Jobs can also be found online.

Method 6. Work as a counselor or animator

Summer camps, playgrounds, shopping centers animators and counselors are required all year round.

As a rule, in such work it is necessary to organize the leisure of children, help adult counselors and educators, fulfilling their one-time assignments.

Love children and fun, contests and loud fur? You have a direct road to animators!

Example from my life

My family and I periodically go on vacation to various hotels by the sea, and there are necessarily animators there - young boys and girls who dress up in funny outfits and entertain children: they hold contests with them, show theatrical shows, play, dance.

Older animators (students) organize leisure activities for adults: they hold discos and competitions, play sports games with vacationers.

Ask your parents and they will help you find a job as an animator.

Method 7. Work at a car wash

You can work part-time at a car wash on the weekends or provide car washing services to neighbors and acquaintances. If you are not afraid of such a “dirty and wet” work, then you are a great fellow. You need to start small to understand the value of money, and then learn to earn more.

Most jobs require people over the age of 18, and car washers are no exception. But you can work officially and from the age of 16. Sometimes this requires the written consent of the parents, and most importantly, the desire of the employer to hire a minor.

Method 8. Work as a waiter

To work as a waiter, you must be friendly and helpful person, look good. The job is suitable for both boys and girls. Students can earn up to 2,000 rubles a day on tips if it is a popular cafe (restaurant) with wealthy clients.

This is one of the most profitable jobs available to students and youth.

But it's not just about making money. If you are good at it, then cheap McDonald's will not be your destiny.

Over time, as you become an adult, you will be able to make a career in this area, becoming an administrator, then a restaurant manager. Later, if you want, you can open your own business - the same restaurant or cafe.

Method 9. Teach adults (pensioners) how to work on a computer

Teaching others is an interesting and rewarding activity. Some adults are still not friends with modern devices. Computers and smartphones are a dark forest for them, I know this from my mother, who is 63 years old.

Now there are a lot of courses for adults, they are especially popular for pensioners. You can teach them how to work on a computer, in office programs and on the Internet. Learning to create websites, layout, programming, work with audio-video and graphic editors is a great opportunity for high school students to earn money.

Granddaughter, how can I create a folder here?

You can first work as a teacher with pay by the hour at an educational institution, and then, after gaining experience, open private courses.

Method 10. Provide computer assistance

Now everyone has a computer, some families have several, including laptops, tablets and other gadgets.

Periodically, they break or programs stop working. However, not many people have knowledge at the level of system administrators or programmers. This is where you come to the rescue.

You can start with a regular ad on Avito and other electronic bulletin boards that are popular in your city.

Set your own prices.

Do not neglect paper ads, they are read by those who are not friends with the Internet.

For example, grandmothers and elderly people who have children far away, but have a computer. These are your potential customers.

Having sold computer assistance services, you can offer others - computer training (idea of ​​the previous paragraph).

How to make money on the Internet for a student - 10 ways to make a profit using a computer or smartphone

I am sure that every student at least once thought about making money on the Internet. Chances are, dear friend, you are one of them too. I have provided below actual ways earnings for youth 10-17 years.

Method 1. Become a video blogger

Popular YouTube bloggers like IVANGAY make money from their videos tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles per month . Particularly advanced guys "cut" several million.

If you are drawn to perform on camera, you have charisma and creative ideas - open your own YouTube channel. By the way, according to my observations, video blogging is very popular among schoolchildren.

Streams and replays of computer games are one of the most popular topics among teenagers aged 12-17.

The popular video blogger IVANGAY will make his viewers laugh again...

You can start capturing video directly from your computer screen or on your phone.

After training for a month or two, you will get better and better. Finished videos need to be placed on your YouTube channel.

Promoted channels also attract direct advertisers.

By the same principle, you can create your own text blog - a separate site on which you will write articles, notes, your thoughts and make money on it using the same advertising.

Payment can be accepted by electronic money: WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi.

Do you want to create your own profitable blog and do this type of activity professionally? Then take the SMM and blogging course at the Foxford online school.

It will help to successfully develop your own blog or public. On the course, you will get acquainted with the success stories of young bloggers and get systematic technical knowledge for effective work. The course will also help you sell your services expensively online, helping others with SMM promotion and creating their own blogs.

Method 2. Make money on streams and computer games

Online broadcasts of games with comments are a fashionable trend on which you can earn money. Schoolchildren and young people surf the Internet and play Tanks, Dota, WOW and other popular online games.

Telling how to pass this or that level, find the necessary artifact or defeat the enemy, you will earn money on the “donations” of your viewers.

Do you like to play? Then earn on it, do not waste time in vain!

If you play really cool, you can make a good income from your hobby. Now in Russia, the CIS and around the world there are tournaments on popular computer games with prize funds of millions of rubles. It's called esports.

In Russia, specialists in the field of eSports are officially trained. Russian state university physical education, sports, youth and tourism prepares such specialists.

Esports is especially popular in Korea and China. There are hundreds of millions of young people playing computer games and "get sick" at the virtual "hands-on" championships with entire stadiums.

Some schoolchildren make money by playing for money with other participants or by selling virtual game artifacts for real rubles or dollars.

Method 3. Create websites to order

All companies (businesses) need websites. Also, many people work for themselves: apartment decorators, furniture makers, taxi drivers, lawyers and advocates, accountants, designers, hairdressers. The list goes on.

It doesn't matter that you're young and in school, what matters is what you can do and how well you do. Now, in just a couple of weeks, thanks to YouTube videos, FREE courses and articles, you can learn how to make websites. This activity allows you to earn from 5 000 rubles per month to infinity.

You can start working alone, and then create a creative team of a designer, photographer, videographer and programmer. So in the future, you can open a whole digital agency (digital agency) or a center for marketing services that can be provided remotely.

That is, you work in Izhevsk, and your customer may be from Moscow or another country.

You can learn how to create websites and other popular Internet projects on the course " Web developer from scratch» the well-known online school "Netology".

Method 4. Edit videos

Video editing is a great opportunity for a part-time job on the Internet. Customers will send you "raw" material and their wishes for the design of the future video, and you will bring their ideas to life, of course, supplementing them with your creative vision.

The cost of his work 1000 rubles 1 second video. That is, a 30-second video for a client costs 30 000 rubles, and there is no release from customers. Because he makes a very high quality video product.

You can start by learning the computer programs Adobe After Effects or Adobe Premiere Pro.

By the way, now the modern direction "Motion design" is gaining popularity in video animation.

You will also be taught to learn this art and find dear clients in the online university "Netology" on the course " Motion Design for Beginners».

Method 5. Make advertising layouts

This way of earning for schoolchildren belongs to the "designer". If you own such graphic programs as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel Draw, then you can earn good money.

These business cards are created by schoolchildren in computer programs and earn on it from 300 rubles a day! What are you worse?

Every company public organization, even the school you attend needs to design promotional and presentation materials.

You can design layouts for business cards, booklets, banners, and all this without leaving your home at the computer. Customers can be found among familiar adults, as well as by creating your own group in popular social networks.

All layouts are conveniently done in design programs, the most popular of which is Photoshop.

To learn how to work in it from scratch and create excellent layouts and graphics, I recommend that you take Zinaida Lukyanova's Adobe Photoshop training. She is a master in this direction and has been teaching the art of creating graphics for children and adults for several years.

Method 6. Complete tasks on sites for money

There are a number of sites and job exchanges on the Internet where you can “like” for money, write comments, and be added to certain groups.

For example, on the Otzovik website, you can register and earn several rubles per comment. Reviews will have to write about household appliances, banking services, mobile operators.

I must say right away that this is not a very profitable way, but the first 100-200 rubles you can get without problems and believe in online earnings for schoolchildren, "feeling" the first online profit.

First profit you can earn WITHOUT investments on the VKTarget website. There you need to carry out simple buildings to promote VKontakte pages (put likes, join groups) and get money for this.

Method 7. Write texts on copywriting exchanges

I already wrote above about the girl Victoria, who started earning in the 9th grade before 12 000 rubles per month on writing texts via the Internet for various sites. The activity of writing texts is called copywriting.

Learn to type quickly on the keyboard and express your thoughts beautifully through text, then you will become an excellent and rich copywriter

The course " Copywriting Basics» Online University «Netology».

You can find clients on copywriting exchanges. The exchange is a site where customers meet - those who need texts and authors - those who write them.

By the way, it is not necessary to write to order on the instructions of the employer. First you can write text on any topic, and then just put up for sale. It will be bought by an interested site owner.

  • Contentmonster is one of the most famous copywriting exchanges. Here you will find thousands of customers for your texts. Excellent conditions for authors, high prices for texts and the reliability of this site have been tested for years.
  • is the largest copywriting exchange. Here it is also convenient to check the text for uniqueness. This function is required mainly by the customers of articles, so that an unscrupulous author does not sell him stolen text from another site.
  • - this year the exchange celebrated its 10th anniversary. Not only authors of articles will find orders here. Translators and photographers also find clients on For them, the site has its own sections. A lot of schoolchildren and young people earn good money here. For example, authors with experience receive more than 100 rubles for 1000 characters of written text.

The main skills in this type of earnings are the ability to beautifully express thoughts in writing and quickly type on the keyboard.

Good copywriters earn up to 5 000 rubles in a day.

Method 8. Perform one-time tasks on the Workzilla website

Workzilla is a popular site where employers post small jobs:

  • type text;
  • edit photo;
  • make a simple website and so on.

I have several schoolchildren I know who work on this freelance exchange, earn from 2,000 to 13,000 rubles a month!

Even without having much experience in any computer field, schoolchildren here earn money.

For example, there are tasks like " transcription" audio file.

The better your keyboard skills, the more you will earn from transcription.

Method 9. Promote people's pages on social networks

A great way to earn good income. The trick is that you can take from your customers subscription fee, that is, a fixed amount per month for the services of promoting their pages on social networks.

For example, a perfectly adequate payment of 2,000-5,000 rubles per client per month. If there are three such clients, then your earnings per month will be from 6 000 before 15 000 rubles .

You will need to join groups, put likes and so on.

In social networks, you can promote not only the pages of people, but also groups of companies and entrepreneurs

To do this, you must have at least a little knowledge of the principles of page promotion, be able to write small texts and edit pictures at a basic level.

You can learn how to promote people's pages on social networks and make money on the Internet by obtaining a profession in demand on FREE online training by Dmitry Chevychalov Profession Internet marketer».

Method 10. Create a public and make money on advertising

It used to be quite easy to make money on public pages, it was done by schoolchildren, students and adults. Now, with increased competition, this is more difficult to do, but still possible.

Public (public page) - type of page with public materials in social network with an author or a group of authors, which is available to a wide range of readers (users).

Anyone can make money in public, although this takes time, because it must first be created and then filled interesting materials. And only after a few months you will receive the first money.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question 1. I am in the 9th grade, I heard about cryptocurrencies, mining and crypto trading, is it worth doing this to earn money and how much should I invest first? Nikolai, 15 years old, Murmansk

Nikolai, the topic of cryptocurrencies and trading is really popular on the Internet now, but I will immediately warn you that you should not take this matter seriously at such a young age.

  • First, you need a solid initial capital - several thousand dollars.
  • Secondly, due to inexperience, you are likely to lose this money.

I have a guy friend, though he is older than you, who earns hundreds of thousands of rubles a month on crypto trading. He told me that the first year or two, while versed in this topic, was losing money. I have not yet met schoolchildren who make a profit on cryptocurrency, although I am sure that they also exist.

Question 2. How can a 12-year-old schoolboy make money if I don’t know much about anything? Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod

Vladimir, to be honest, you can try to help adults you know for money. You are at a wonderful age, and it is best to study now, and you will still have time to earn money.

I recommend that you pay attention to Internet technologies, because they are the future, and earnings here are quite high. Especially if you are good at something: computer hardware, programs, games, and so on.

Schoolchildren, like you, walk and relax in the summer. Ask your parents to enroll you in computer literacy courses or study special programs during the holidays.

Question 3. I have small savings - 20,000 rubles, where should I invest them in order to receive a stable income of at least 3,000 rubles a month? Arkady, 16 years old, Krasnodar

Arkady, 3000 rubles per month is too much 20 000 rubles investment. It is unlikely that you will be able to invest them somewhere without risks, not to lose and constantly receive such income.

It's best to buy something on them that will help you make money. For example, a computer if you are a programmer or designer, a camera if you are a photographer, a video camera if you are a video blogger, and so on.

I bought a new laptop, now I'm ready to earn more!

Question 4. My name is Maria, 39 years old. My son is eager to work, I want to know how to make money for a schoolboy of 14 years old, he is fond of computer games like many at his age, what would you advise?

Maria, to begin with, study the popular ways of making money on the Internet yourself, think about what you would be interested in doing if you were a student. Understandably, most teenagers around your son's age are into computer games.

Find out what kind of games he is interested in, maybe you have a future rich streamer (a person who broadcasts his game on video to other players) or an e-sports player (a professional computer player who earns money on games).

Be sympathetic to his hobby. If a child plays professionally and is doing well, try to hint at the idea of ​​making money on your hobby, and then you will find your bearings.

Question 5. My parents are not rich, and I want to help them right now, tell me how to make money for a 13-year-old schoolboy, studying in the 8th grade? Maxim, Rostov

Maxim, first of all, you need to understand what is closer to you, what you know now or are ready to learn in the near future. All earnings for a student are divided into two global areas:

  1. Real life(waiter, animator, promoter).
  2. Internet (online environment): computer games, website development, YouTube channel.

What is better for a student: earn money in real life or on the Internet (comparison in the table below):

Depending on what you want to prove yourself in, you should look for options for earning. Review this article again, ask your parents to help you figure out a particular way to earn income, and financial results will come after a certain time.

Question 6. How can a schoolboy of 11 years old make money, or rather, I am a schoolgirl and I want to do something, in order to buy different things for myself, I need at least 5000-7000 rubles a month, what can I do? Maria, Moscow

Masha, you are still too young to work. It is commendable that you have such a desire, but to be honest, at the age of 11, I would advise a schoolgirl to study, and return to the topic of earning at least 3-4 years later, when you are 14 or 15 years old.

Think about how you can make money on what you are fond of, but this is not now, but after a few years. I believe in your success!

Question 7. I am the father of a boy, I want him to gradually learn financial literacy and be able to provide for himself in the future, tell me how to make money for a 10-year-old schoolboy, is he fond of design, is he good at drawing? Andrey Fedorovich, 46 years old, Tomsk

Andrey Fedorovich, thanks for the question. It is very commendable that you are concerned about this topic, not all parents are so wise. I am a father myself.

In the professional development plan of your son, I recommend that you study the work of freelance exchanges, for example, the site, in order to further help your child put his design portfolio on the Internet and find the first customers.

It's great if he is interested in web design, this is a well-paid profession, I know from my own experience, since I have been studying design since I was 13 years old. I myself was a schoolboy in grades 7-8 when I started to get involved in this.

In terms of financial literacy, I recommend reading books Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Series and then subtly plant the sound ideas from those books into your son's head. Robert Kiyosaki also has cash flow game for children school age, specially designed for children (desktop version). If possible, get it and play regularly with your son.

Appearance boxes board game"Cashflow for Kids" by Robert Kiyosaki

The main universal rule- the more developed the parent himself, the smarter and more successful his children. Make time own development and you will become a rare example of a great father. I do exactly that.

Question 8. I am 14 years old, studying in the 8th grade, I plan to earn extra money every summer. I would like to know how to earn a student in the summer? Arkady, Sochi

Arkady, you have a wonderful city. The easiest way for you to make money in the summer is on tourists (holidays at sea).

Here are some proven ideas:

  • buy cheap or make marine-themed souvenirs and sell them;
  • sell food on the beach: pies, corn, drinks;
  • together with adults, develop an excursion route and carry tourists along it.


Now it is much easier for a student to earn money than before.

The internet has arrived and now you, as a young boy or girl, can work from the comfort of your home and receive 1 000 rubles a month before 100 000 rubles(if you are a real cool professional in your field).

remember, that estimates- not important !

For example, my parents' generation often said that you need to do well in school, then successfully graduate from college, and then you can get a stable job.

Guys, the world has changed, and often we see how C students and even D students are more successful than A students.

Watch the video below about it:

Main - your head and the right actions. You can succeed in life even with bad grades, develop real skills and abilities in yourself. Do not "absorb" knowledge for the sake of knowledge, which is mostly "dead". By owning them, you definitely will not earn much.

(18 ratings, average: 4,44 out of 5)