Shower      09/26/2020

Why does clean skin always itch. Itching of the skin of the body - what diseases cause skin itching and how to treat them? Periodic itching all over the body: types and accompanying symptoms

If you have encountered such a delicate and unpleasant problem as itching and itching in the intimate area in women, then the material is for you. We will tell you in detail and without hesitation what causes discomfort and how to get rid of them.

If you do not treat and do nothing, it will not go away by itself. Often it is associated with disorders in the genital area, and left unattended, leads to more serious diseases.

You need to see a doctor. Take special drugs that help in a particular case, too. But first you need to figure out what's going on.

Why there is itching and itching in intimate places in women, girls, photos will not give an answer. But listening to your own body, analysis and identification of the characteristics of the disease - will give. Let's understand where the burning sensation, irritation of the most delicate part of the body came from.

Advice. Learn to listen to your own feelings, to understand them. How long ago did the problem appear, does the burning increase at certain moments of the day, does it depend on food intake, experiences, activity? Try to analyze, evaluate the features of the course of the disease, so that later you can describe it to the doctor in as much detail as possible.

This will help you quickly identify the cause.

Severe itching in the intimate area in women: causes

The causes of severe irritation in the intimate area in women are different, but are often associated with disorders in the genitals. It can be both a disease and hormonal disorders that have arisen during pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, or entry into menopause.

It itches because the nerve endings are irritated. The problem can appear in girls, women who have an active sex life, and even older ladies. No one is immune from the disease: even virgins are subject to it, so it cannot be said that the sexual partner is always to blame. There are many unfavorable factors, and in each case they have to be dealt with separately.

So, weak or severe itching in intimate places in women - the reasons:

First of all, any doctor to whom a patient with similar symptoms turns will find out where the discomfort is concentrated: inside or outside? Let's find this out too.

Advice. Wherever it itches, this condition cannot be called normal. In any case, this is a violation, the cause of which must be established. Contact a therapist. After reviewing the complaints, he will give a referral to the right specialist.

Why and from what itching and itching in an intimate place in women inside

The main question, why does it appear, has a lot of answers. Often the trouble does not come on its own and is one of a whole complex of symptoms. The common cause is always the same: violations of the internal microflora. Why they happened remains to be seen.

There are three main answers:

  1. Diseases associated with the reproductive or urinary system;
  2. Hormonal disorders, improper functioning of the endocrine gland;
  3. Special female conditions (pregnancy, lactation, etc.).

It is impossible to determine exactly what caused the manifestation of such a symptom without a special internal examination, testing, establishing other manifestations of the condition: edema, cracks, dry skin, discharge, etc. It seems that it is easier to establish why it itches on the outside, but this is not entirely and not always the case.

Why does itching and burning occur in the intimate area in women outside

External burning is no easier than internal. It is sometimes simply unbearable, mechanical scratching does not give any relief. A woman faced with trouble becomes irritable, cannot concentrate, breaks down and gets angry. Again, only a specialist will really help, because it is impossible to answer the question of why external itching occurs in the intimate area without a professional examination. Plenty of reasons:

  1. Hormonal imbalance;
  2. Non-observance of personal hygiene or ignorance of elementary rules;
  3. Wearing synthetic underwear;
  4. Improper diet and lifestyle;
  5. The presence of acute or chronic diseases urinary area.

Is there really nothing you can do but go to the doctor? It is possible, but often the remedies only relieve itching in the intimate area, but the drugs prescribed by the specialist treat it.

Itching and itching in the intimate area in women: treatment by a doctor and at home

If there is an itching of the intimate area in women, we advise you to consult a doctor. However, you can alleviate the condition by changing your own lifestyle and using a href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Folk remedies against itching itching”>folk drugs, as well as some drugs. We will tell about this.

Itching and itching in intimate places in women: treatment and what to do if it itches all the time

Those who are faced with a problem are immediately looking for an answer to the questions: what to do to relieve itching in the intimate area in women, how to treat a possible disease. First of all, reconsider your lifestyle, nutrition. Often the problem occurs with excessive consumption of fatty or salty foods, alcohol. Stress is also affected.

Do not provoke a problem: lead a calm, measured lifestyle, walk a lot. Breathe fresh air, get maximum positive emotions. Answering the question of how to treat female itching, from folk remedies doctors advise douching based on chamomile, St. John's wort, lingonberry leaf, calendula. Rubbing the labia with antiseptic agents, treatment with a soda solution help.

Itching in the intimate area in women: drugs

The following drugs neutralize itching in the female intimate area:

  • Fluconazole ( antifungal drug synthetic origin)
  • Pimafucin (an antifungal drug based on natamycin),
  • Terzhinan (a complex drug with antibiotic properties),
  • Amoxicillin (an antibiotic agent of semi-synthetic origin),
  • Nystatin (an antifungal drug).

Dear subscribers, hello! Today I would like to consider the problem of pruritus, what it can cause and what to do if the whole body or some localized areas itch.

We will also figure out how to alleviate the condition, what reasons provoke the desire to scratch and how to treat this problem.

What are the causes of itchy skin - why everything itches

Among the people, such an attack, when you want to scratch your body for no apparent reason, was called pruritus. But it is important to understand that the symptom always has a place to be.

It's just that when visible, objective reasons cannot be found right away, then such a generalizing name is invented. So, what could be itching.

With scabies, it’s clear that a tick works there, called scabies itch, so it makes you want to comb the area between the fingers, where the problem is most often localized. But today we will not talk about scabies.

In medicine, the main substance responsible for different kind allergic reactions are called histamine. It is he who provokes manifestations of itching in our case. It is also responsible for allergic cough, runny nose of an allergic nature, etc.

Why does histamine provoke such reactions in the skin? There is a version that this is due to a lack of water in the body. It was water that came in the form of water, and not in the form of teas, soups, sodas, and so on.

Previously, before such a massive invasion of chemistry into our lives, people rarely encountered inadequate body reactions to simple events.

Now, every year, allergies are more and more asserting themselves. And itchy skin is the easiest, simplest thing the body can afford to pay attention to what is happening to it.

Dehydration is a mass phenomenon. Everyone suffers, and children especially, given that they love to drink the notorious soda, and plain water make them try to drink ... Adults have the same thing - teas, coffees, some drinks, but not water. And redness of the eyes is one of the manifestations of a lack of water.

Do an experiment- drink clean water instead of the usual drinks for a couple of days, it is advisable to buy drinking artesian water produced in your region.

This water will be closest to your body, do not chase expensive water, just drink and listen to your body.

If there is a mood, then you can drink medicinal table water for three days of their local producers from wells in your region.

This option will be even better, since, among other things, you will also balance your energy water and electrolyte balance.

The itching on the skin will go away! And without any antihistamines, because any blockage will come out somewhere else and most often the problem will be already deeper.

Skin itching from cold and dryness

This type of skin itching is the easiest to cure. If your skin starts to itch from the cold, then it needs to be moistened, and not with water, but with fat, it can be animal, but it can be vegetable.

Try either goose fat, from animals, or olive oil , from vegetable. These are the most the best means. Moisturizing creams are also possible, of course, but there can be all sorts of fragrances and other additions that I would not recommend ...

Itching of the skin of the legs

In the legs, the lymph flows much more slowly, congestion, tissue damage, etc. occur more often. If the skin on the legs begins to itch, then it is necessary to carry out soda bath sessions and rubbing all legs, up to the crotch. You can either wipe down or sitz baths of the lower body.

For wiping, take a tablespoon of soda for 5 liters of water. Pour out warm water in a bowl of soda, stir and wipe the skin with your hands or with a cloth.

You will see how much "dirt" the soda will pull out of the skin. By the way, after soda wipes, the skin is always silky and moisturized.

If baths, then pour three tablespoons of soda into half of the bath. The water should be warm and comfortable. In the water, also rub your feet, in addition, you can process the whole body. It will only get better.

General itching of the skin over the body

Any vague itching of the skin over the body may be due to excessive acidification of this excretory organ. Let's not forget that The skin is one of the most important excretory systems in humans. .

So, any acidification already blocks the functions of the skin, remember how pleasant it is after a bath, after washing! This is just due to the fact that the skin has cleared and is fully functioning again.

In hot weather, she works more actively, so sometimes you even need to take a shower twice to keep her in good shape. And here again they can come to the rescue soda rubs. Already the entire body. The principle is the same: for 5 liters of water - a tablespoon of baking soda.

Wipe with either a sponge, a cloth, or just your hands. In any case, alkaline care will cleanse the skin, the sebaceous glands will actively produce oil, you will feel that the skin becomes oily.

After such treatment, the skin will be soft, delicate, actively breathing.. Many problems that previously arose with the skin will pass without a trace. Of course, all of the above applies only to those cases where the nature of the itching is precisely of an allergic nature.

Itching on the skin of a psychic nature

In some particularly sensitive women, itching on the skin can manifest itself as reaction to intense excitement or stress . In this case, taking soothing teas, glycine, adaptol can help. But even simple medical-table mineral water will also have a very beneficial effect.

Such problems are still rare and therefore are solved on an individual basis, and general recommendations little help here.

Algorithm of actions when observing skin itching

If you have itching on your skin for a long time, and simple water intake, soda rubdowns do not work, then you should check for diabetes, look at the liver, thyroid gland.

Only a specialist can make a diagnosis, it is not worth starting such a case.

Treatment with holy water and Thursday salt

The method is based on the biochemical action of water and salt. Everything is according to science, but since the water is holy, and Thursday salt, calcined in Pure Thursday, then the result will be the better, the stronger the person's faith.

So, every day, before each meal, drink a glass of clean water, with the addition of 7 drops of holy water to it. Then moisten your finger with saliva and dip the pad of your finger in Thursday salt, lick and dissolve the salt in your mouth, then swallow the saliva and eat after 10-15 minutes.

The total duration of the course is 21 days . In the future, on a regular basis, you can drink such water every day in the morning, before breakfast.

The method with plain water is exactly the same, but sea salt or pink Himalayan salt. You don’t need a lot of salt at a time, just the fact that it is in your mouth after drinking water is important.

That's all! Today I will answer everyone who asked questions this week. All the best, health to you and confidence in the future!

In conclusion, I offer you a video that talks about acidifying and alkalizing food. Why is the balance of the acid-base composition of the fluid in the human body important?

Majority skin diseases accompanied by itching. At the same time, the body itches in different places, the reasons for this are often hidden and cannot be established with certainty. In some cases, itching turns into neurodermatitis, in others it disappears without a trace. Why is there a need to scratch?

Itching is a special sensation, the cause of which is various stimuli from the body or the external environment, causing a scratching reflex. Many scientists consider itching to be a modified feeling of pain, because, like the latter, it appears as a result of irritation of nerve endings located in the thickness of the skin between the dermis and epidermis.

But why does a person itch? Thus, he conducts a kind of massage of the affected areas. As a result of friction, blood flow and lymph movement are accelerated, harmful substances are removed and irritation of the nerve endings stops.

Often, itching of the skin is a physiological sensation of perfectly healthy tissues, resulting from the accumulation of metabolic products in one place. It has no visual manifestations and passes quickly enough.

In medicine, pruritus is divided into 2 types: universal (localized in some limited area) or common (whole body). The localized appearance can occur in various areas of the body, ranging from the head to the limbs. The most common sensations are in the anus and genitals.

Both types of itching can be constant or intermittent. Also distinguish the intensity of sensations, which can vary from slight to very strong. With strong manifestations, a person loses sleep and appetite, suffers from a constant desire to scratch sore spots, and often tears the skin to blood.

Scientists have noted that more often the skin on the body itches at night and in the evening. The explanation is simple: by evening, the vessels dilate, which leads to increased blood circulation. Skin cells receive more heat, and this, in turn, increases the level of exposure to irritants. Affects the degree of manifestation of itching and is stable heat that occurs when a person is in bed. It is believed that increased blood flow contributes to the rapid delivery of decay products of substances to the cells and tissues of the skin.

Of great importance in answering the question of why the body itches is the psychological factor. During the day, a person is distracted by household or work affairs, paying less attention to the manifestations of itching, in the evening and at night the body switches to subjective sensations.

Condition occurrence factors

If the patient complains for a long time that the body itches, but the skin and mucous membranes do not have visual changes, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis, which sounds like an itch of unknown etiology, that is, the cause of the condition is not clear.

This condition can be explained by two factors of influence. One of them is related to:

  1. Hypersensitivity nervous system, which responds to minor internal irritations with a strong feeling of itching. This can occur with neurasthenia, hysteria, after infectious and colds, with mental pathologies and stress. Often, the condition is accompanied by other symptoms of nervous disorders - increased reflexes, pain, etc.
  2. Increased susceptibility, in which the body begins to itch not under the influence of stimuli, but at one glance at them. So, suspicious individuals begin to itch when they see a flea, a bug, a caterpillar, a cockroach, or a skin lesion in another person. With the conditioned reflex nature of the condition (mnemoderma), the sensation of itching occurs with memories of past skin pathologies.
  3. Direct contact with external stimuli. So, if the body itches, the reasons may be that the caterpillar gets on the skin, irritating the hairs on the body; some types of plants; household or industrial chemicals. External irritants can be low or high ambient temperature, synthetic clothing and other factors.

The second factor is related to the impact of internal stimuli. If the whole body itches and itches, functional disorders may be the culprits. internal organs. For example, with metabolic disorders or the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the amount of decay products increases. They affect the nerve endings in the skin, causing toxic itching.

This condition can occur due to pathologies of the liver or gallbladder, when bile accumulates in the blood. Or with slow bowel movements and constipation, when the level of toxins in the body rises sharply.

Toxic itching is promoted by such disorders in the body as pathologies of the endocrine organs (especially the thyroid and pancreas), cancer, diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, hyperhidrosis, obesity, etc.


Pathologies accompanied by symptoms

A condition in which the whole body itches can be a symptom of various pathologies. The most common ones are:

  1. Neurodermatitis is a chronic multifactorial disease, often caused by neurogenic-allergic causes and manifested by skin rashes. Pathology can develop due to disorders of the immune and nervous systems, hereditary predisposition or allergic reactions. If the cause of the condition is an allergy, the neurodermatitis may be called atopic dermatitis.
  2. Urticaria is an inflammation of the skin caused by allergens. It is characterized by rapidly appearing rashes of intensely itchy, pale pink blisters. They differ from dermatitis in terms of manifestation: usually urticaria disappears after a few hours.
  3. Increased dryness of the skin, or xerosis, which occurs under the influence of commonly used detergents, sun rays and natural aging. The secretions of the sebaceous glands are reduced, which contributes to the occurrence of irritations, as a result of which the skin is constantly itchy.
  4. Diabetes mellitus, in which an increase in blood glucose leads to severe itching, while there is no rash, and no other defects are observed. Usually the body of people suffering from diabetes is in a dehydrated state, due to which dryness and itching of the skin develops. In severe cases, itching can be accompanied by cracks and fungal infections, which also cause discomfort.
  5. Scabies is an infectious disease caused by a scabies mite, or itching. It is characterized by severe skin lesions and itching sensation. Particularly strongly parts of the body begin to itch at night.

Therapeutic measures


If itching is not associated with any systemic diseases, the measures should be as follows:

  1. Daily observance of rules of personal hygiene.
  2. Elimination of dry skin, as well as all means that can lead to irritation.
  3. Restriction or complete rejection of products that can cause vasodilation: coffee, alcohol, hot food, strong tea, spices, etc.
  4. Room temperature control: it should not be too high. A person should not experience a feeling of heat.
  5. Exception from Everyday life stressful situations. Fighting bad mood, depression, nervous tension, anxiety.

What to do if the body itches for no apparent reason? A few suggestions will help:

  1. To eliminate excessive dryness of the skin, which leads to itching of the body, baths are prescribed daily or every other day. The water temperature should not be hot. The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 20 minutes. So that the skin does not itch, you can use only hypoallergenic soap, preferably odorless ( perfect option- "Children's"). After the procedure, the skin is not wiped, but gently blotted with a linen or cotton towel. Then lubricate with moisturizers - ointment, cream, oil. Unsalted melted pork fat - lard - has a good effect.
  2. If the skin itches, you can try the Cleopatra bath. Add 1 tbsp to warm water. milk and 2 tsp. olive oils. After the procedure, the skin is gently blotted and left to dry completely. The use of moisturizing cosmetic products is not required.
  3. When various parts of the body itch, the cause may be excessive dryness of the air in the room. This can be avoided by placing water containers in the room, indoor plants and hanging wet towels on heating appliances.
  4. If itching appears on certain areas of the body, it may be an allergy to woolen or synthetic fabrics. It is necessary to completely remove them from the wardrobe of people prone to allergies. Some physiological features of a person indicate a tendency to atopic dermatitis: emphasized skin folds on the lower eyelids, a large number of lines on the palms, peeling and dry skin in the deltoid muscles and on outer surface hips.
  5. Allergy sufferers are advised to completely exclude from everyday life everything that can become an allergen: antistatic and washing powders, tight clothing, sudden changes in temperature, irritating food and drinks. Flowers, pets, etc. should be removed from the premises.
  6. If the body itches in different places, wet-drying or cooling bandages will help, bandaging the affected areas.
  7. To avoid injury, if you want to scratch your skin, you need to cut your nails short; in severe cases, you can wear soft gloves.
  8. Regular and thorough wet cleaning of the entire house is required. It is necessary to abandon down and feather pillows, blankets, etc. Upholstered furniture it is necessary to vacuum daily, like carpets, but it is better to get rid of them, thereby eliminating the dust mite, which is the strongest allergen.

If the whole body itches, but there are no symptoms of skin pathologies, the diet should be normalized.

Products should be easily digestible, nutritious, with a low content of extractive and irritating components. The most suitable for patients with pruritus is a diet based on dairy products and plant origin. In addition, milk in this diet also plays the role of a light diuretic that removes toxins and toxins.

What should not be consumed? The list is quite wide: eggs, canned food, meat and fish broths, smoked meats, marinades, cocoa, coffee, chocolate, sweets and spices.


What food is needed? Vegetable and cereal soups, low-fat boiled fish and meat, fat-free cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir, fruits, vegetables and herbs are recommended. With a sharp exacerbation of discomfort, you should reduce the intake of table salt, consuming no more than 3 g daily.

Antihistamines will help get rid of itching: Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin, Trexil, etc. The use of ointments with glucocorticosteroids is indicated: Symbicort, Triderm, Diprogent, Sinaflan, Fluorocort, etc. Ointments, creams, gels and powders with menthol are used, novocaine, anestezin and other substances that have analgesic and sedative effects. Itchy skin can be lubricated with tar and unsalted lard. Hot salt water rubdowns with a small amount of apple cider vinegar or table vinegar may be used.

Update: October 2018

Often, itching is caused by individual intolerance to some substance that has got either on the skin or inside the body - through the mouth or by injection. It can occur with thermal, mechanical or electrical stimulation of skin receptors. The symptom also notifies of an excess in the blood and other substances, except for the histamine that appears with allergies. Some of these diseases can be life-threatening.

Where does itching come from?

An imperative desire to scratch a skin area occurs when blood with a high concentration of dissolved in it rushes to pain receptors (nociceptors), spread out in a network under a layer of epithelial cells:

  • histamine and/or histidine. These substances are produced in excess by immune cells when some - for each organism specific - foreign proteins enter the body;
  • bile acids produced in the liver. They enter the skin cells and cannot leave them when a condition such as cholestasis develops - when bile cannot completely enter the duodenum, and is forced to stagnate in the cells of the liver and biliary tract;
  • serotonin - a substance formed from an amino acid, which, when released, leads to a significant reduction in smooth muscles located in blood vessels and internal organs. This is a neurotransmitter, that is, a chemical compound due to which a connection is made between nerve endings (a signal passes from nerve to nerve not as electricity, but as a bubble with a chemical substance, depending on the structure of which the activity of a neuron can be inhibited or activated). It is very similar in structure to the psychoactive hallucinogen LSD;
  • cytokines - molecules that make it possible to "communicate" immunity cells;
  • endorphins - natural pain-relieving molecules;
  • nitrogenous slags that accumulate in the blood in case of kidney disease;
  • some other bioactive substances: thyroid hormone calcitonin, pancreatic enzymes (trypsin, kallikrein), VIP neuropeptides and substance P.

Since the body of each person has its own characteristics, no direct relationship has been found between the concentration of the above substances and the severity of the need to produce mechanical stimulation. So, severe itching in one individual may accompany the initial stage of renal failure, while in another it will not appear even with the terminal stage of uremia.

Itching is “subject to” only the skin and those mucous membranes, the layer of epithelial cells in which is in contact with the external environment and is located near the skin: gums, tongue, genitals. The signal from the pain receptors located below them goes along the type C and A-delta nerve fibers, reaches the spinal cord and, together with its structures, is delivered to the brain, to its sensitive area.

Itching can be of a different nature: from a slight “tickle” to a pronounced, painful one. Its nature dictates to a person how to “process” its localization:

  • comb: this is more typical for skin pathologies such as neurodermatitis or eczema;
  • rub gently: characteristic of lichen planus;
  • cool (typical for acute urticaria).

However, based on these characteristics alone, the diagnosis is not made. In the matter of finding out the cause of itching of the skin of the body, the following are important:

  • its localization;
  • the condition of the skin in the place of such sensations;
  • conditions for the appearance and relief of itching;
  • additional symptoms.

Consider the combination of these factors to make it easier to be examined and choose exactly the specialist who can quickly alleviate your condition.

Types of itching

The prevalence of the symptom is the main criterion from which the diagnosis of the cause of pruritus begins. Based on this measure, pruritus (the so-called itch in medicine), can be:

  • Localized (a person can point to a specific place where itching is felt).
  • Generalized (in the whole body, not necessarily at the same time).

Generalized itching

Itching accompanied by changes in the skin

Such a symptom testifies in favor of pathologies that are within the competence of dermatologists. That is, local changes are accompanied by skin diseases that are less dangerous than systemic diseases.

Diseases accompanied by reddening of the skin

Itching and redness of the skin are more characteristic of inflammatory or allergic diseases. This:

  • contact dermatitis: irritation and itching are located in a place that has come into contact with the allergen. The boundaries of redness are clear. For diagnostics, you need to remember what new places you have been to, what new tool household chemicals began to use what clothes or accessory they put on directly on the skin. So, redness in the armpits may be associated with wearing a new woolen sweater / dress or clothes that are familiar, but washed with a new powder. And itching of the skin of the hands - using a new cream or another chemical agent. A characteristic difference This disease is the complete disappearance of symptoms after the end of the allergen.
  • Atopic dermatitis- a disease that affects more often children, but can also occur in adults. Its causes are an allergen, most often taken through the mouth, with food. In children, redness is located mainly on the skin of the face (on the cheeks), the flexor surface of the knees and elbows. In adults: the face is excluded, the wrists, knees and elbows may blush - on their folds.

Combination of itching and rash

Disease Type of rash Localization, features
contact dermatitis Redness with a well-defined border, there may be bubbles at the top of the redness Anywhere. Can recall contact with clothing/accessory/chemical


If such blisters protruding above the cover appeared after mechanical friction of this area - dermographic urticaria

Reddenings that have a border, protrude above the level of the skin, tend to merge with each other, look like a trace from a nettle strike. Anywhere
bullous pemphigoid At first, redness rises above the skin, after which a bubble of tense properties appears in this place In places where there is friction with clothing or accessories (belt bag, watch)
Eczema At first, redness, swelling, which have a clear shape, then bubbles appear here, some of which open, crusts develop in their place. In one place, elements of several stages are observed at once (redness, vesicles, crusts) Symmetrical areas of the skin, more often on the limbs (especially on the upper ones), as well as on the face
Limited neurodermatitis Dry plaques, around which there may be red spots that do not have clear boundaries with healthy skin On the lateral surfaces of the neck, in the folds
Diffuse neurodermatitis In adults - dried spots on the skin, surrounded by a reddish halo, without a sharp transition to healthy skin Eyelids, feet, lips, hands. It may be all over the body.
Swelling and redness, swelling and peeling, there may be red rashes, vesicles or crusts on top In children - after the introduction of complementary foods - on the cheeks, collar zone, upper limbs
Small spots protruding above the skin various shapes, shiny At the age of 2, they are located in the area of ​​the folds
T-cell lymphoma Red rashes on the skin, accompanied by itching, oval Places not exposed to sunlight
Lichen planus Violet, loose elements of a polygonal shape, with scales, rising above the healthy cover Flexor surface of the wrist
Folliculitis Bubbles and pustules Hips, back, chest
Psoriasis Silvery plaques, on top of which - peeling The extensor surface of the limbs, itching of the scalp and neck, palms and soles
Scabies Paired black dots visible Arms, armpits, abdomen, genitals

Combination of itching and skin peeling

Itching accompanies peeling of the skin in such cases:

  • The outcome of an allergic reaction, which manifested itself as urticaria. The allergy could be caused by:
    • products;
    • medicines;
    • animal saliva;
    • household and other chemicals;
    • insect bites;
    • cosmetics.
  • Eczema. At the same time, it was first noted different kinds bubbles and redness. These elements are localized, as well as peeling after them, more often symmetrically on the arms or legs, as well as on the face.
  • Violation of the functioning of the ovaries, thyroid gland or. In this case, other symptoms will be noted. For example, insufficient thyroid function is characterized by weight gain, dryness and itching of the skin of the body, and in later stages, a slowdown in mental reactions. To change the work of the ovaries - cycle disorders, difficulty getting pregnant, and so on.
  • "Settlement" in the intestines of worms can also cause itchy flaking of the skin of the whole body.
  • If the face is predominantly flaky, it itches, itches, there is rapid eye fatigue, eyelash loss, frequent “sourness” of the eyes, the reason may be infection with an eyelash mite, Demodex.
  • Another cause of itching can be diabetes. In this case, there are no rashes, but there are general symptoms: hunger, thirst, frequent urination, easy attachment of pustular infection and poor wound healing.
  • The itching and flaking that appeared after the signs of SARS, which occurs in patches of symmetrical outlines, located more often on the trunk and thighs, may be signs of pink lichen. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult a dermatologist.
  • Peeling and itching of the skin of the feet and palms may indicate a fungal infection.
  • and itchy scalp can be signs of:
    • diseases caused by the fungus Pityrosporum Ovale;
    • psoriasis, in which dandruff will be pronounced;
    • folliculitis;
    • buying bad shampoo.

If itching is accompanied by burning

Burning and itching most often occur at the site of inflammation of the skin. This may be a reaction to mechanical irritation when shaving, using a depilator or waxing. Poorly healing inflammation is also possible in diabetes mellitus, which burns due to the pH of the tissues that has changed as a result of this metabolic disease. Burning and itching may be accompanied by vein diseases lower extremities- then the skin may be edematous, a little cyanotic, but without any visible rash.

A combination of these two symptoms can develop in a person when a rash appears (see the corresponding section) - as an individual reaction to eczema, neurodermatitis, urticaria or other dermatitis.

Other symptoms that may indicate the cause of itching

The symptom may also indicate systemic diseases:

  • with cholestasis, in addition to itching, there is also yellowness, if not of the entire skin, then of the whites of the eyes. Itching often appears in places that rub against clothes, intensifies at night;
  • the smell of urine from the body, dry skin sprinkled with white "powder" and its itching, a change in the amount or color of urine indicates kidney failure;
  • itching of the skin after taking a warm bath / shower is characteristic of erythremia - a pathology when the number of red blood cells is much higher than normal.

However, if the skin itches for some time after bathing (shower, bath) only during the heating season, it is possible that the skin reacts this way to the “technical” hot water in a tap containing various harmful impurities. If itching is felt after swimming and in the summer, the reason may be that the water is very hard, with a high content of chlorine.

Itching without other symptoms

When itching appears, and the skin does not show any dryness, no “powder”, no spots, or any change in its color, these can be:

  • disease of the hematopoietic system especially Hodgkin's disease. You need a consultation with a therapist who will feel the lymph nodes of a person, prescribe and decipher a hemogram and other blood tests and refer you to a hematologist or oncologist;
  • senile itching, which appears after 60 years of age for an unknown reason. But, even if you fit into this category, you need to exclude more serious diseases;
  • mental or neurological diseases, the symptoms of which you may not notice in yourself;
  • intestinal population of helminths, which can be ruled out by a stool test for their eggs, as well as blood tests for antibodies to worms. Assigning such a diagnosis is the lot of an infectious disease specialist (he can be found in the clinic in the office with the abbreviation "KIZ").

In any case, you may not notice the symptoms that a qualified doctor will pay attention to, so if itching occurs, contact him.


Treatment of itchy skin is prescribed after an examination, the purpose of which is to identify the cause of this condition. The main analyzes that will help clarify the ethology will be:

  • general urine and blood tests;
  • blood glucose;
  • skin scraping for the definition of fungi;
  • liver and kidney tests (by blood);
  • fecal occult blood test
  • determination of helminth eggs in the feces.

While the tests are being performed, to alleviate the symptoms of itching - if there are no signs of kidney or liver failure, which the doctor should tell you - antihistamines are prescribed: "Edem", "Fenistil", "Diazolin", which do not cause drowsiness or drugs are more powerful, but with this effect ("Suprastin", "Tavegil").

With a localized focus, an antiallergic ointment for skin itching can be used, for example, Sinaflan, Akriderm, Apulein, hydrocortisone ointment, or other corticosteroid agents. Other local preparations of non-hormonal origin are sometimes prescribed - Prograf or Elidel.

If itching is caused by cholestasis, bile acid absorbable drugs are used successfully. When the cause of the symptom lies in a blood disease, specific drugs are used - inhibitors monoclonal antibodies. Psoriasis is treated by combining local and systemic drugs that normalize the division of skin cells.

In the case of extremely pronounced itching, weak opiates are prescribed, and the treatment is supplemented with hirudotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation of the skin, and.

Thus, the causes of itching of the scalp and body are diverse. Most often, these are various allergic reactions both to a substance that has got inside the body, and to a substance that has touched the skin. But there can also be life-threatening diseases of the kidneys, liver, or even blood diseases. To clarify the cause and choose a treatment, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Skin itching is a symptom of many dermatological diseases and often causes unbearable suffering to a person, depriving him of rest and sleep. In most cases, the skin turns red, covered with a rash, and flaky. Sometimes unbearable and obsessive itching throughout the body is not accompanied by any of the listed symptoms. Let's try to figure out why itching appears without rashes and how to get rid of this problem.

Possible reasons

Itching itself is not a disease, but serves as a signal that some kind of failure has appeared in the body.. After all, the desire to scratch is a response of the nervous system to the impact of any stimuli. Itching that appears all over the body can have many causes. Let's take a closer look at the most common ones.

hepatitis and cirrhosis

Severe itching accompanies many liver diseases, and in most cases it occurs long before all other symptoms. This is due to the fact that the cells of a diseased liver cannot fully cleanse the blood of toxins that accumulate and gradually poison the body.

Hepatic itching begins on the palms and feet, and then spreads throughout the body. Its characteristic feature is the impossibility of elimination with the help of antihistamines.

Most often, with cirrhosis and hepatitis, the body itches at night, causing unbearable suffering to the patient.


More on the most early stages diseases, an increased content of glucose in the blood contributes to the clogging of small vessels with sugar crystals and prevents the normal elimination of toxins. At the same time, the skin, losing moisture, dries up and begins to itch.

Itching in diabetics is localized in the groin, on the genitals, buttocks and abdomen. Sometimes the palms, feet and bends of the elbow joints itch. As a rule, diabetic itching is observed in older and older people, especially in women.

depression and psychosis

This symptom is a frequent companion of many mental and nervous disorders.

Experts have found that under the influence of overvoltage and stress, the body produces an increased amount of histamine, which is the cause of allergic reactions. Nervous itching most often occurs on the arms, legs, or scalp.

In some cases, itchy sensations in mental illness take the form of tactile hallucinations. It seems to the patient that insects or animals are crawling all over the body. More often suffer from such disorders women after 40-45 years.

Oncological diseases

The relationship between itching without a rash and oncology was discovered by physicians back in the 19th century, but the mechanism of its occurrence is still not clear. Most likely, the reason lies in the increase in the level of toxins in the blood, which causes responses in the body. Most often it accompanies cancer of the pancreas, intestines, genitourinary system.

Itching in oncology can have a generalized form or be localized in certain parts of the body. So, with uterine cancer in women, the genitals itch, with neoplasms in the intestines - the area around the anus, with brain cancer - the nostrils.

People who have a hereditary predisposition to oncological diseases, when itching appears without a rash, should undergo a full examination and pass all necessary tests to prevent the development of a terrible disease.

Itching in the absence of a rash is caused by the scabies mite, which can become infected through someone else's clothing, bedding, or other household items.

In this case, the stomach, elbow cavities and areas between the fingers most often itch. The sensation is worse in the evening or at night.

Blood diseases

Many blood diseases are accompanied by itching, which can be localized to a specific area or be widespread. The most common cause is iron deficiency anemia, which is characterized by dizziness, pallor of the skin, changes in taste. Itching is concentrated in the pelvic organs, chest or on the genitals.

Reaction to medication

Cause severe itching of the head and the whole body can take some medicines. More often, the reaction occurs to antibiotics, acetylsalicylic acid, vitamin medications, as well as to oral contraceptives and anabolic steroids.

If itching occurs, you should immediately stop taking the medication and consult a doctor who will prescribe antihistamines or other drugs to eliminate the unpleasant symptom.

Other reasons

Not only the listed diseases can cause itching without skin rashes. Other reasons include the following:

  • some food;
  • personal hygiene products;
  • synthetic clothing or bedding;
  • washing powder and detergents;
  • animal hair;
  • chlorinated bathing water.

In addition, itching can become a harbinger of dermatological diseases, appearing before other symptoms - redness, swelling or rash. This may be at the initial stage of atopic dermatitis, seborrhea.

Itching during pregnancy

Women who are expecting a baby often complain of constant itching in the abdomen and chest. At the same time, there are no other signs indicating skin diseases. In medical practice, this condition is called "polymorphic dermatosis of pregnant women" and is explained by the natural stretching of the muscles. During this period, a woman's body undergoes hormonal changes, which can also cause itching.

In the vast majority of cases, after childbirth, the unpleasant symptom completely disappears. However, if itching brings discomfort to the expectant mother, then it must be eliminated with the help of medications or folk remedies, which should be prescribed only by a doctor.

If itching in a pregnant woman is localized in the genital area, this may be one of the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis or thrush. In this case, a visit to a dermatologist and gynecologist is required, since the disease can cause serious complications for the mother and the unborn baby.

Senile itching

This diagnosis is often made in people over 65 years of age. It has been observed that men are more likely to experience age-related itching than women. At first, one area itches, and then spreads to the whole body, acquiring a generalized character. Unpleasant sensations appear in the late afternoon and disturb the person throughout the night.

If we exclude the presence of skin or internal diseases, then the cause of senile itching should be sought in age-related changes organism. Older people experience drying and thinning of the epidermis, disruption of keratinization processes, degeneration of nerve endings, and atherosclerosis of blood vessels supplying the skin with blood.

To eliminate an unpleasant symptom, it is enough to moisturize well skin using special nourishing creams designed for older people. To improve sleep, you can take sedative teas or tinctures. medicinal herbs- motherwort, valerian, mint, lemon balm.


Itching without a rash can be a symptom of many serious illnesses that require immediate treatment. Before you start taking drugs and undergo procedures, you need to accurately establish the cause that caused itching.

You need to make an appointment with a dermatologist who will conduct a thorough examination. In the absence of skin pathologies, the doctor will refer you for a consultation to other specialists - a general practitioner, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, allergist, urologist, gynecologist or neuropathologist.

The patient will need to pass laboratory tests, undergo ultrasound of internal organs, computed tomography and other types of research. Only after the doctors restore the full picture of the disease, it will be possible to talk about the appointment of medical procedures.


The list of drugs and the method of their use are determined by the disease or condition that provoked the patient's itching. To relieve symptoms, use as traditional medicines, and no less effective folk recipes.

Medical treatment

Most fast way get rid of itchy skin - treat the problem area with ointment. For this, it is recommended to use the following drugs:

Oral antihistamines will help eliminate itching: Cetrin, Suprastin, Zodak, Tavegil, Diazolin, Clemastin, Telfast.

To normalize sleep and relieve nervous tension caused by constant itching, sedatives will help - motherwort tincture, peony tincture, Persen, Notta, Novopassit. The doctor may prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures - electrophoresis, electrosleep, aromatherapy, radon or sulfur baths, hypnosis.

Each of the listed drugs has contraindications and side effects. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them without the appointment of a specialist, so as not to aggravate the condition.

Folk recipes

Along with pharmacological agents, you can get rid of itching with the help of recipes. traditional medicine. The most effective, according to patients, are the following:

  1. Mix in equal parts string, sage, lavender, chamomile and nettle. Pour 5 tablespoons of the collection with 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for 1 hour. Use the infusion for taking a bath before going to bed, the duration of the procedure is at least 15 minutes.
  2. Wipe itchy places with a 5% solution apple cider vinegar or half a lemon.
  3. Pour pine buds or young needles with water at the rate of 1 liter per 100 g of raw materials and bring to a boil. Wrap in a blanket and let cool completely. Use as compresses on problem areas of the skin or for baths.

Peppermint oil or ice compresses from frozen herbal decoctions will help quickly relieve severe itching. But, since each of the proposed remedies can cause an allergic reaction, their use must be agreed with the doctor.

In what cases you need to see a doctor

A sudden itching without a rash should alert a person and become a reason to visit a specialist. But sometimes it's not just about a consultation, but about immediate medical care.

An ambulance should be called if the patient has the following symptoms:

The sooner the patient is helped in such cases, the greater the likelihood of his speedy recovery and getting rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Prevention measures

The most important principle of preventing disturbing itching is the timely detection and treatment of any chronic diseases and the prevention of their recurrence. In addition, the list of preventive measures includes the following:

  1. News healthy lifestyle life, get rid of bad habits.
  2. Spend more time outdoors.
  3. Avoid nervous overload and stressful situations.
  4. Do not use drugs indiscriminately.
  5. Follow a hypoallergenic diet.
  6. Strengthen immunity.
  7. Choose cosmetics according to age and skin condition.

By following these simple but effective rules, you can forget about itchy skin forever and maintain health for many years.