Shower      03/05/2020

Homemade chainsaw with your own hands. How to independently make a snowmobile and other homemade products from a friendship chainsaw. Electric power generator with internal combustion engine from a chainsaw

- This is a device that is sometimes simply indispensable in the household. work speed, high performance, ease of use are just a few of the advantages of this device.

However, not all consumers know that the use of a chainsaw is not limited solely to working with wood, and many of its structural parts are so functional that it becomes possible to build completely new mechanisms that are completely different from the original design of a gasoline machine.

This is due, first of all, to the design characteristics of the chainsaw: its engine is reliable and unpretentious, and fuel leakage is almost completely excluded. About what can be made from a chainsaw, then we will discuss.

Features of creating a motor drill from a gasoline saw

In order to make a motor drill with your own hands from a chainsaw, first you need to adjust the engine speed, since the maximum performance for comfortable and safe work not required.

An element such as a gearbox, which needs to be fastened to the chainsaw engine, can cope with this task. At this stage, it is important to think over the fastening system so that the parts of the future structure are tightly connected to each other.

In order for the device to work reliably, the drill and knives for it must be selected so that these parts coincide in rotation with the "native" mechanism.

Motor drill from a chainsaw. The video demonstrates the use of the tool as an ice drill.

Chainsaw scooter device

With the help of a chainsaw engine, you can assemble not only devices for manual use, but also a full-fledged vehicle that runs on combustible fuel. One of these designs is a homemade scooter with a chainsaw engine.

To create this device, you need a regular scooter equipped with a handbrake system and inflatable wheels. The motor from the saw must be mounted on the rear platform of the scooter and make sure that the line of stars of the motor and the rear wheel matches.

To control the level of power supply on such a scooter, the hand accelerator must be connected to the wires responsible for turning the chainsaw motor on and off. In case of difficulties, it is allowed to install a special pedal.

A bicycle with a chainsaw engine, the so-called moped. The principle of using the engine is the same as that of the scooter.

How to mount a sawmill from a chainsaw?

One of the devices where the structural parts of a chainsaw are used to work with wood, not only for the purpose of cutting it, is a sawmill, with which you can cut beams of the desired diameter with high quality.

Today, many residents of the private sector have old saws with internal combustion engines gathering dust in their closets, such as the Ural or Druzhba. This is not surprising, because progress does not stand still, modern equipment is much lighter and more convenient to use. Today, the editors of the site have prepared a review for those who know how and love to give seemingly old things a second life. The material will tell you about what homemade chainsaws you can do with your own hands, how to do it and what you need to work. Along the way, it is worth disassembling and ways self-manufacturing techniques in short step-by-step photo and video instructions.

Read in the article:

What you can do with your own hands from a chainsaw: several options

There are a huge number of homemade products. Here everything is limited only by the imagination and skills of the home master. The editors of the site have collected 10 options for using chainsaws, which we will consider in today's article:

  1. Snow blower for the local area.
  2. Homemade snowmobile from a chainsaw.
  3. A small sawmill that will be very useful in the private sector.
  4. An ice drill is a good help for winter fishing.
  5. Boat motor.
  6. Moped from a bicycle with a chainsaw engine.
  7. Karting, which will be a good helper in the comprehensive development of the child.
  8. Generator - for those who like to relax in nature with comfort.
  9. Winch - it will help pull the car out of the mud in the forest.
  10. Petrol cutter.

Need to know! Any of the listed equipment is easy to purchase in specialized stores, however, many readers will agree that making it yourself is much more pleasant and cheaper.

Let's explore these options in more detail.

Chainsaw snow blower: manufacturing features and necessary materials

Consider how to make a snow blower, from which (in the manufacture accessories for a chainsaw) in the summer, you can easily mount a walk-behind tractor.

Important! Even if the home master has no experience welding work, in the presence of inverter device and some training on unnecessary metal parts, such work is quite doable.

To begin with, let's take a step-by-step look at the manufacture of the main assembly of a snowplow - an auger, without which throwing snow is not possible.

IllustrationAction to take

The first thing you need is to cut from sheet metal here are some blanks. The thickness of the sheet should not be less than 2 mm. The outer diameter is 300 mm, and the width working surface- 70 mm. You will need 4 such blanks: 2 on each side (the dimensions are given approximately, it all depends on what the screw casing will be made of). After they are welded (two each) and mounted on the shaft. The most time-consuming work here can be called the stretching of metal rings to the state of a screw (spiral).

Two parts are mounted on the shaft in different directions, and “blades” are welded in the middle, which will throw snow. It is rational to make them from a metal pipe with a diameter of 100 mm. The chain drive gear can be taken from any old motorcycle (driven, from the rear wheel).

Frame. It can be made independently from sheet iron with a thickness of at least 1 mm, however, it is more convenient to use an old one for this purpose. gas bottle or a barrel from under fuels and lubricants.

Please note that the assembly of the casing and the frame of the auger-rotor can be done on bolts. This saves the home craftsman from performing welding work after the auger is made (welding is indispensable in its manufacture).

The frame is assembled on skids or wheels - it all depends on the wishes of the home master, but it is worth noting that the design on wheels is more maneuverable.

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“The higher the auger handle and the greater the angle of inclination, the more the snow blower will dig into the snow. This should be taken into account during production. It is better if the handle is adjustable in height and angle.

It remains to install the engine and tension the chain (also from any faulty motorcycle). We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the approximate drawings of such equipment.

How to make a snowmobile from a chainsaw with your own hands: the nuances of work

To make a snowmobile, you will need factory-made tracks, a brake or gas cable from a car, and a children's snow scooter. The main thing here is to correctly calculate the dimensions of the engine mount frame. Let's try to figure out in detail how to make a snowmobile out of a chainsaw.

IllustrationAction to take

As you can see in the photo example, chain drive performed similarly to the previous option. To increase the power of the unit, we increase the driven sprocket, and for more speed- reduce.

The frame with the engine is attached to the children's snowscooter. By the way, if you install wide wheels instead of skids, and fix a plow or cultivator at the back, you get a full-fledged walk-behind tractor from a chainsaw.

The chainsaw is mounted on the frame without changing the design. Only the saw blade is removed.

The cable is pulled from the gas supply of the chainsaw and is fixed together with the handle on the snow scooter handlebar.

Such a snowmobile from a chainsaw (“Friendship” is preferable than “Ural”) is capable, in addition to an adult, of carrying a load of up to 100 kg.

Is it possible to mount a homemade sawmill from a chainsaw

It's pretty simple. There is no need to remove anything from the saw itself. It is necessary to weld the stand on which the chainsaw will be fixed with rollers (on which the installation will slide along the rails) and, in fact, install the rails themselves. What the design looks like can be seen in the next photo.

Important! All parts of the frame must be firmly fixed. The same applies to logs - you need to consider their fastening between the rails. Remember the safety rules. Their non-observance is dangerous for life and health.

Making a motor drill from a chainsaw with your own hands: how difficult is it

In order to understand how to make an ice drill out of a chainsaw with your own hands, you need to understand the drive shaft device, determine its dimensions and the attachment points of the drive gear. For the manufacture of an adapter for auger auger, you will need the services of a professional turner. Otherwise, problems with combining the auger of the drill (the handle is not needed) should not arise.

Do-it-yourself chainsaw ice drill schemes

To make it easier for the reader to understand how the work is done, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several diagrams and photo examples.

It is convenient to use a gearbox from an old puncher as a connector.

Do-it-yourself boat motor from a chainsaw

Here, the only difficulty may be the manufacture of fasteners for the boat and the installation of the gearbox. For a technically competent master with education, this will not be a problem, but for a novice home craftsman it will be difficult. However, there is an alternative - to purchase a screw with a gearbox in a specialized store, and turn to turners for an adapter. In any case, it will be cheaper than buying outboard motor factory assembled.

How to make a moped from a chainsaw and a bicycle: an algorithm of actions

IllustrationAction to take

First, remove the cover and dismantle the canvas. Next, you need to make just such a gear and weld it to the chainsaw disk. You should be careful - the asterisk must be fixed perfectly evenly. Otherwise, a chain that has flown off at high speeds may cause injury.

We have the engine behind the seat. This is the most optimal place. The attachment to the bike frame must be strong. Pay attention to the position of the stars. On the rear wheel, in addition to the small one, there is also a large one. This is done so that the torque is transmitted evenly.

We start testing. We pedal as if we were riding a bicycle. But we are tired and...

... we start the engine, and the rear wheel begins to rotate already with the help of the motor, the legs rest.

Now it remains to install the gas handle on the steering wheel, and on the road - a do-it-yourself moped from a chainsaw is ready.

Not to say that it is simple, but there are no particular difficulties in this work. By simple calculations, you can understand that the maximum speed of such vehicle- 113 km / h. However, it should be understood that the person sitting on it adds load, and the speed decreases. On average, 65 kg of weight will reduce it to 60 km / h. That's why the best option there will be a moped from the Druzhba chainsaw, as more powerful than foreign counterparts.

Assembling a kart from a chainsaw with your own hands: a repetition of the past

The essence of the work is identical to the previous version, except that the engine is mounted on a kart frame, and there is no need to mount a gearbox from sprockets and two chains. Everything is much simpler here. If a respected reader has mastered the algorithm of actions for creating a moped, there will be no questions about assembling a kart.

How to assemble a gasoline generator from a chainsaw with your own hands

This work is even easier than all the previous options. It is only necessary to think over the frame on which the chainsaw will be fixed (without the blade), and the generator itself, as well as the belt drive. Here, not sprockets with a chain are already used, but pulleys with a belt. In this case, you need to install the generator so that it can be adjusted to tighten the belt as needed.

Chainsaw winch: manufacturing and applications

The areas of application of such a unit are very extensive - from construction to pulling cars out of mud or pits. For manufacturing you will need:

  • old hand winch;
  • chainsaw;
  • a rigid frame on which everything will be installed;
  • two sprockets and a durable motorcycle chain to transfer torque from the saw engine to the gear of the gearbox.

Having familiarized with the device of the snowmobile and the auger-rotor, it will not be difficult for the reader to imagine how such a unit should look like. But just in case, we will provide below a few photo examples.

Making a chainsaw from a chainsaw with your own hands

A petrol cutter or trimming - that's what can be done from the Druzhba chainsaw if you have drawings, photo examples and some free time. Such a unit will be useful not only for woodworking. Installed on it diamond disc, you can cut tiles, porcelain stoneware or paving slabs. Below are photos of the finished units. Such attachments for chainsaws are inexpensive, and you can purchase them at any specialized store.

Features of creating homemade products from the Ural chainsaw

These saws are more suitable for powerful units- sawmill for example. However, despite the high power, it is clearly not worth installing an engine from the Ural on a bicycle to improve driving performance. The fact is that the increased power is compensated by strong vibration, which can lead to the fact that the chain will fly off on the go. And this is fraught with trouble.

Helpful information! The undoubted advantage of the Ural is that the new device can be found on store shelves today. This means that for newer models there will be no problems with service and spare parts. The main thing is to keep your hands in place.

Features of making do-it-yourself homemade products from the Druzhba chainsaw

You can make any homemade products listed in our today's article from the Druzhba chainsaw with your own hands. Vibrations from the engine are minimal, and if you need to increase the power, you can upgrade the gearbox. However, there is a significant minus in Druzhba - the saw has long been discontinued, which means that maintenance and spare parts may be difficult.

Given the relatively low prices for chainsaws on Russian market, it would be more appropriate to use modern equipment for the manufacture of various homemade products.


Making equipment with your own hands from old technology- enough an exciting activity. It's nice to give a second life to devices that have served their time. Having trained on Druzhba or Ural, you can begin to remake newer models of foreign firms. In any case, it will cost much less than purchasing specialized factory-made equipment. Wherein House master You will also receive satisfaction from the work done as a bonus.

We hope that today's article was useful to our dear reader. We will be glad if you share your experience in making various homemade products in the discussions below - this can help novice home craftsmen. There you can also ask questions if they arise in the process of reading .. Write, share, ask. And finally, according to the established good tradition, we offer you to watch a small but very informative video on the topic of chainsaw alterations.

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Remember famous movie with brutal Mel Gibson? In a post-apocalyptic world, people fight for water, fighting with incredible vehicles and using homemade mechanics to survive. You can bet that most of this was running on gasoline engines, because they are the only fully autonomous equipment. And in the real world, this tool is in the arsenal of almost any summer resident. If you have a chainsaw, you will not be lost in any situation. With your own hands, using simple devices, you can make many useful devices for the economy on the basis of Druzhba or Ural.

Do not rush to get rid of the "old woman" chainsaw, it will still come in handy!

Survival ideas: what you can do with your own hands from an ordinary chainsaw

This tool is convenient in that it does not depend on a current source. You can work with it away from home. Whether you need a pump, a generator, a snow blower or an ice ax, a chainsaw will be the heart of any homemade car. So you will not only save money, but also get a really powerful and reliable technology. Based on a gasoline engine of 4-8 liters. With. you can build a home sawmill, a snowmobile sled, a generator for lighting, and even a cultivator. Consider the most popular homemade from chainsaws and the technology of their manufacture.

Powerful chainsaw snow blower

Owners suburban area rarely enjoy heavy snowfall. At such a time, they have one main concern - to clear the access roads and the passage to the house, remove the snow from the parking lot for the car and make their way to the exit to the highway. Not everyone has enough time and energy to work with a shovel. Therefore, snowplows are very popular during the season.

But such a tool costs at least 30,000-35,000 rubles, and this is not affordable for everyone. What's in technical specifications is this a device? All the same Gas engine with a capacity of 5-8 liters. With. And if this is so, then the power of the chainsaw is theoretically enough for a homemade snow blower. The snowplow device is simple, pay attention to the diagram:

And now a small master class on making the device:

ImageDescription of works
For the main shaft, on which the shovel will be fixed, metal racks will be required. In this case, racks from the VAZ 2110 were used. They must be welded together using a metal coupling.
To drive, you need a star from a motorcycle. It is welded into the shaft.
For the screw, you will need two rectangular metal sheets and spiral cuts. All this is cut from durable metal at least 2 mm thick.
Blades and spirals are welded in a mirror image to the shaft.
The body of the shovel is made of metal with a thickness of at least 1 mm. The shaft is installed inside on automotive bearings.
In the upper part of the body, you need to make a hole for the snow discharge pipe.
A movable cover should be installed on the snow discharge pipe so that the direction of the flow can be adjusted.
The chainring from the saw needs to be replaced with the front chainring from the motorcycle. To do this, you will have to make a bore.
The engine itself must be mounted on a frame with rubber pads for shock absorption.
To fix the steering wheel, you should make a strong stand from a steel pipe.
The ignition and speed control system can be taken from a moped or motorcycle.

After assembling the main part, it remains only to install skis and a fuel tank on the structure. The entire structure as a whole will weigh no more than 35 kg, so even a fragile woman can manage it.

How the whole device will look like in the end, see in this form:

Do-it-yourself universal chainsaw snowmobile

Winter fishing or hunting - favorite hobby many. Without a snowmobile, you won’t get to the treasured lake, and running through the forest for game up to your waist in the snow is no pleasure. Such a “toy” costs a lot - from 80,000 rubles. And again, a chainsaw will help you out. What you need to prepare: a suitable sled with skis or tracks. The sleigh itself can be welded from steel, but better aluminum corner. The lighter the design, the faster it will run. As a basis, you can take the device of a children's snow scooter on three skis according to this scheme:

The impetus for the movement of a self-made self-propelled gun from a chainsaw is transmitted by caterpillars with hooks that push the sled forward. You can replace the tracks with a shovel with 7-8 blades, it is installed under the seat. The principle of installing the engine is the same as on a snowmobile - with a drive and gears from a motorcycle or moped.

As an engine for a chainsaw snowmobile, you can use "Friendship" or more modern models, for example, "Calm". The steering wheel will fit from an old bicycle, motor control is displayed on it, or, if possible, immediately adapt the design from a moped - everything is ready there.

The brakes on snowmobiles were invented by cowards. But in fact, with a chainsaw engine, it will not develop a dangerous speed, so just letting off the gas is enough. Do not get your hopes up, such a product will not be registered by any traffic police. So you can't drive it on the roads. But you don’t have to pay taxes and pass inspection. For driving at night, do not forget to put a lantern on the structure.

How to make a snowmobile out of a chainsaw in the video:

Homemade sawmill from a household chainsaw

In private households, construction never stops. I rebuilt the house - conceived a gazebo, finished the gazebo - I need a garage, a fence, a barn, a dog house. And so on ad infinitum. If there is no extra money, the cheapest way is to buy a round timber and dissolve it yourself on boards right size. A home sawmill can be built from the same chainsaw.

ImageDescription of works
We replace the stock nuts with special mounts, they are bored from a hexagon.
On the saw table metal pipe install a movable coupling with a platform for attaching the saw.
The thickness of the board is adjustable with the help of movable racks. The higher you raise the racks, the thicker the board will be.
It remains only to fix the saw on the movable coupling with the help of hexagons and work.

A primitive sawing device can also be made right at the site of felling trees. For work, you do not need to change the design of the unit, you just need to make a small device for a chainsaw that directs the movement of the tire. See how to do it:

Do-it-yourself chainsaw ice drill: scheme and practice

They say that without difficulty you cannot pull a fish out of a pond, but in winter I would like to limit this work by twitching a mormyshka. An avid fisherman is never limited to one hole.

But if the ice is 0.5 m thick, most time you spend on drilling, losing strength and mood. An ice drill will help to cope with this task quickly and effortlessly. We look at how much such a gadget costs: from 8,000 rubles. Why buy it if you have a chainsaw at hand? To make an ice drill, you need an old electric drill- we will make a drive out of it. How to make an ice drill from a chainsaw with your own hands:

ImageDescription of works
A working gearbox is required from an electric drill.
From a part of the anchor from a drill, a bushing and a 27 head, you need to make such a tool. He will directly transmit the rotation to the drill.
Another element must be made with your own hands from a piece of metal and a pipe. This is a gearbox mount.
The mounting structure is fixed to the saw with two bolts.
This is how a gearbox mounted on a saw with a bushing looks like.
A drill is inserted into the sleeve. In the future, a drill tube is put on it and fixed with a bolt.
Important advice! The key to successful operation and safety of the tool is the presence of a guide for the movement of the drill. Many neglect this part of the design, and as a result, the drill breaks in the first minutes of use.

How the homemade design will work is shown in the video:

Do-it-yourself motor drill from a chainsaw

The motor drill is arranged according to the same principle as the ice drill. The difference can only be in the nozzle. In earthworks, the speed of rotation of the spiral should not be too high, therefore, in homemade design it is necessary to provide for the regulation of speed and a simple shutdown.

Do-it-yourself boat motor from a chainsaw

If we compare the cost of an inflatable boat and a motor, it turns out that the boat is at least twice cheaper. The simplest 4-horse gasoline outboard motor will cost 40,000 rubles. Expensive to say the least. But the PATRIOT PT 6220 chainsaw with a power of 4.35 liters. With. - only 8,900 rubles. The power is the same, but the cost of the motor is five times cheaper! And what, tell me, is the point in acquiring an expensive boat engine?

Chainsaw manufacturers have long clarified all these points and quite officially release all sorts of attachments for them - from a drill to a drive with a propeller. The price of a nozzle for a boat is 5,000-6,000 rubles. At the same time, there is no need to make significant changes to the design of the saw, which means that after fishing you can easily change the nozzle and cut firewood for the fire. Now about how a homemade drive for a boat works:

ImageDescription of works
Remove the tire and tensioner from the saw.
The lower part of the rack with a screw is made of a gearbox from a drill, a cone from a lawn mower, an oil seal and the screw itself.
The pipe with a stiffening rib is made of aluminum.
To fix the motor on the transom of the boat, we use a clamp. A platform for fixing the engine is welded to it.
To connect the propeller to the motor, the author of the project uses a coupling made of recycled plastic.
The platform with the motor is mobile, its movement is controlled by the handle. It also has power adjustment.
The saw is installed in such a way that the sprocket fits into the clutch, and the standard bolts fix the motor on the site.
For fastening, you will have to prepare suitable nuts, regular ones will not work.

And now the material on how this device works in practice:

How to make a moped from a bicycle and a chainsaw

This homemade Friendship chainsaw is the most popular DIY option. The one on the moped is always the first guy in the village, so many craftsmen start with just such a device.

Important! The design of a bicycle with a chainsaw engine must be especially durable. If this is not the case, reinforce the frame with additional racks.

A driven pulley is installed on the rear wheel, the engine is securely welded to the frame. How it will look like as a result in this plot:

The moped from the Druzhba chainsaw is quite powerful, so be extremely careful and do not forget about the rules of the road!

Continuing the auto theme: do-it-yourself karting from a chainsaw

Coaches of young karting drivers know that more than one engine will burn out during the training process. The problem is that the child driving the car gets lost at speed. For this reason, training karting with a walk-behind tractor from a chainsaw is quite enough to start classes.

The device of karting is primitive: frame, seat, steering wheel and, in fact, the engine. The principle of installing the engine is the same as on a moped, the only difference is in its location. Here's what it looks like:

On such a kart, children can drive without risk along a track adapted for this, and the speed will be quite decent at the same time - up to 80 km / h.

DIY chainsaw generator

Among the tools for survival in any conditions, the generator is far from the last place. What to do if the electricity suddenly cuts off at your dacha, and not only will you be left without light, but also the heating will stop working without a pump. For your own safety net, it is better to prepare the simplest chainsaw generator in advance.

Use a bicycle gear to transfer the torque element. The saw in this case should work at minimum speed.

Here's how it works:

Chainsaw winch

A winch is often needed on the farm: it is useful at a construction site for lifting building materials, pulling vehicles out of impassable spring mud, and in many other unforeseen situations. Again a chainsaw will help mechanize this device.

On sale there are ready-made nozzles - winches. They work like this:

But you can make a simple device with your own hands. You will need to make a solid metal frame to which the motor will be attached, and mount the gear shaft.

Do-it-yourself chainsaw chainsaw, or How to make a grinder: video

The petrol cutter is the same angle grinder, independent of the electric drive. Agree, the tool in the economy is necessary. To make it, you will need a knot from a grinder, a fairly powerful chainsaw, a belt and a pair of tires. How to make a grinder from a chainsaw:

The advantage of the resulting tool is that it is completely autonomous and has good power. Perhaps it surpasses in its characteristics any factory electric grinder. It is only necessary to take into account that the device is dangerous and requires a very careful approach to itself. The most common problem is a burst disc, fragments of which can cause serious injury. Therefore, to work with such a tool without protective cover is strictly prohibited.

Toy for adults: radio-controlled chainsaw car

This toy is definitely not for kids. It's hard to say what practical use you can find a radio-controlled car from a chainsaw, but its creators were hardly looking for it. For enthusiastic modellers, a full report on the device:

Homemade chainsaw "Ural"

Why is it most often possible to find information about homemade products from the Ural saw? It's simple: a powerful, but heavy and noisy saw with reliable Soviet quality was left out of work for many. She was replaced by light and comfortable models of European and Chinese production.

"Friendship" and do-it-yourself homemade products from this chainsaw

"Friendship" is the progenitor of the "Ural", and it has become a popular homemade basis for the same reason. Druzhba has a powerful two-stroke engine of 3 liters. With. The device even has a chain brake.

"Ural" and "Druzhba" are distinguished by increased strength and endurance, like most engineering solutions from the times of the USSR. In addition, they refuel with low-octane gasoline, and this is a significant savings. The only downside to this technique is the weight.


Homemade products made from the Ural chainsaw testify to its great capabilities. Originally created as a tool for sawing wood, it has become multifunctional in combination with additional attachments that the industry produces. However, craftsmen never cease to amaze with their ingenuity, creating new original devices.

Today, the industry produces convenient, functional and perfect devices for working with wood. For this reason, still workable Soviet saws have become undeservedly forgotten. But as it turned out, new saws cannot be reused, and the old ones, on the contrary, open up opportunities for widespread use for other purposes. Most often, Druzhba or Ural brand chainsaws, which used to harvest firewood, can be seen in the villages. Now savvy minds have adapted the old units for other things.

The Ural chainsaw was created on the basis of the Druzhba saw, which for a long time helped lumberjacks fell wood, surpassed it in quality and performance. Its main components are a drive with a two-pin or four-pin motor, a cutting bar and a handle. The universal drive allows the saw to be used in various options. An important fact for variation are its design features:

  • engine of sufficient power;
  • light weight and compactness;
  • ability to withstand extreme conditions;
  • autonomy.

The clutch eliminates overload and breakage of the working parts due to its tightness design.

Thanks to these qualities, the chainsaw has found application in the widest areas of the national economy. Homemade products from the Ural chainsaw can be made both simple and complex. The simple ones are:

  • mowers;
  • cultivators;
  • walk-behind tractors;
  • boat engines;
  • pumps;
  • winches;
  • ice axes;
  • Bulgarians.

The following homemade products can be attributed to complex inventions:

  • snowmobiles;
  • snow blowers;
  • sawmills;
  • snowmobile;
  • power plants;
  • helicopters.

Features of creating homemade products

Do-it-yourself alteration of a gasoline unit will require certain knowledge of design, technical drawing. Then the parts made according to the drawings will ensure accurate and high-quality assembly. At home, parts are produced and assembled using lathe, grinders, welding machine.

A cultivator made from a chainsaw does not have enough power to cultivate large areas. But he is quite capable of coping with a small personal plot. To convert, you need the energy of the engine, which turns 2 gears, with one of them transferred to the drive wheel shaft. Such a light cultivator is quite within the power of many craftsmen.

The mower, obtained by alteration, is able to operate for a long time and continuously. Such a homemade chainsaw is made using simple manipulations by removing the tire along with the chain and drive sprocket. After the end of the summer season, the structure is restored and used for sawing wood.

It is unprofitable for owners of small garden or garden areas to buy a walk-behind tractor. Its maintenance and service, the purchase of spare parts, fuels and lubricants require significant additional investments, and often they do not justify themselves. if you have old chainsaw, then you can make a walk-behind tractor out of it. The design principle will be to use a gear system consisting of two sprockets. If power is supplied from the engine shaft to the drive wheel shaft, the working bodies of the walk-behind tractor will begin to rotate. Homemade walk-behind tractor from a chainsaw with a built-in drive power, it will completely provide care for a small area.

In the middle part of our country, winters are usually frosty and snowy. A do-it-yourself chainsaw snow blower will help you clear the snow. To do this, you need to equip the device with a screw mechanism. The material for the blades must be selected durable and elastic. Rubber meets these requirements well. The principle of creating a snow blower mechanism is the same as in other devices. The torque from the engine is fed to the auger. It is convenient to mount a snow blower from a chainsaw on a sled, and you can use it to dump snow water pipe, having previously made a bend.

So, thanks to the talent and resourcefulness of craftsmen, numerous and useful homemade products from the Ural chainsaw appeared.