In a private house      06/23/2020

How and how to plaster exterior brick walls with your own hands: step by step instructions, video. Do-it-yourself exterior plaster at home How to plaster exterior brick walls with mortar

Plastering facade walls considered an integral part of the construction works. It is from this stage that the beautification of one's own housing from the outside begins, which in the future will create an attractive picture of the appearance of the building, which attracts the eyes of others.

Perform plastering of external walls at the stage of preparation of the base under decorative coating, and also used as a base solution for surface decoration. So that you can quickly and competently complete this part of the work when arranging own house, read the rules below for choosing the right mortar and plaster application technology.

Benefits of plaster finish

In addition to creating a noble appearance in accordance with all current trends, external wall plaster has a lot of advantages:

  • serves as a barrier against the penetration of moisture, but at the same time let air into the room;
  • special components that are part of the plaster mixture contribute to an increase in the level of noise and heat insulation;
  • a variety of finish textures, which makes it possible to give the top layer facade plaster any structure;
  • allows you to further change the color and texture of the cladding.

Important! Separately, we note that do-it-yourself external wall plastering is quite acceptable due to the simplicity of the technology and the absence of the need to purchase expensive equipment to complete the full scope of work.

Surface types suitable for plastering

The quality and reliability of the plaster layer directly depends on the material of the surface of the facade, on which the finishing work will be carried out.

Surfaces made of the following materials are suitable for plastering:

  • stone;
  • reinforced concrete slabs;
  • tree;
  • monolithic concrete.

Important! Depending on the type of base chosen Supplies and the estimated surface area will vary and the price of plastering the outer walls.

Work sequence

The whole process of wall decoration in this way is schematically divided into 4 successive stages:

  1. Choosing the right plaster mortar.
  2. Preparation of the plastered surface.
  3. Correct installation of beacons.
  4. Applying a layer of plaster on the surface of the facade.

Important! When doing the plastering of external walls with your own hands, be sure to follow this conditional sequence in order to properly organize yourself and reduce time costs.

Types of facade plaster solutions

In specialized stores today, a wide range of modern plaster materials is presented, which differ in composition, functional properties and the preferred method of application.

To decide on suitable material to perform plastering of the exterior walls of the house, check out the most common types of compositions:

Rules for preparing the surface to be plastered

Take the preparation of the walls very seriously, since the quality of all the plastering work carried out directly depends on their condition.

Perform preparatory work as follows:

Installation of lighthouses

Beacons for plastering are metal guides built into the walls in a certain sequence, passing through which the rule smoothes the plaster mortar, giving the surface smoothness and evenness.

Even the most inexperienced builder can easily perform plastering on lighthouses, if all the recommendations described below are strictly followed:

Plastering technology

The whole process of applying plaster is divided into 3 successive stages:

  1. splashing.
  2. Application of the base layer.
  3. Grout.

Important! Be sure to follow all of the following technology rules for each process in order to achieve the desired result.


  1. Prepare a solution whose consistency resembles diluted sour cream.
  2. Add a little PVA glue to the plaster mixture - it will give the solution best properties adhesion.
  3. Using a small bucket, spray the solution onto the surface to be plastered.
  4. Wait for complete drying.
    Important! The more roughness the cast layer of plaster forms, the better the next layer will adhere to the surface of the base.

Application of the main layer of plaster

  1. Throw the solution on the walls between the lighthouses.
  2. Make sure that the thickness of the plaster layer does not exceed 5 cm.
  3. Attach the trapezoid rule with its narrow side to the beacons and move it in different directions, gradually rising up.
    Important! With the help of such manipulations, you will even out the excess mortar and give the wall even lines.


Plastering of external walls - video

Watch the video example, which consistently shows the entire process of plastering the facade of the house.


The whole process of self-plastering facade walls is easy to perform if you follow the above rules and recommendations. Only under this condition you will certainly achieve a positive result, appearance the facade will look dignified and of high quality, and the period of preservation of its integrity will delight you with its duration.

Each residential building or technical room needs an external decorative trim, because it not only gives the building a pleasant appearance, but also protects bearing walls from the influence of destructive factors environment.

Plastering the walls of the house outside has already become commonplace, every year more and more new ones appear. Decoration Materials By affordable price and their use becomes easy and does not require special practical skills.

The plaster prevents the penetration of moisture into the room and negates the formation of mold and various pathogenic fungi. Also, this layer serves as additional sound and thermal insulation, which significantly reduces the cost of space heating.

Plaster mortar is a special building mixture, which consists of binders and filler.

The price of the finished mixture depends on the filler used, which can be:

  • gypsum;
  • cement;
  • river sand;
  • lime.

The mixture is also used for sealing construction joints between concrete slabs overlapping and for leveling of any kind of surfaces.

Types of external plaster

In the vast majority of cases, the plastering of the walls outside is carried out using a special decorative composition, which can be applied both on the base layer and on top of the installed insulation.

Various natural or synthetic dyes can be added to such mixtures to obtain the desired color, or bulk components to create texture when applied to the surface.

Before you decide how to plaster the outer walls, you need to superficially study physical properties different types solutions in order to choose the right mixture for you.

IN modern construction several types of decorative mixture are used, which, according to chemical composition conditionally divided into:

  • silicate mixtures;
  • polymeric;
  • silicone;
  • mineral;
  • homemade mixes.
  1. Silicate solutions are made in liquid form and immediately after opening the container are ready for use. However, the disadvantage of such plasters is a limited set of colors.
    Silicate mixtures must be used up immediately, since they can no longer be stored after opening the container. This type of plaster provides waterproofing and is resistant to mechanical damage.

  1. Plastering of the outer walls of the house, which are constantly exposed to the sun and high temperatures, is usually done with polymer mixtures.
    They may include various synthetic resins, such as:
    • polyvinyl acetate;
    • acrylic-styrene;
    • acrylic dispersion;
    • epoxy;
    • polyurethane.

These plaster mixtures are well combined with almost any kind of substrates, are resistant to ultraviolet radiation and withstand high temperatures up to 90 degrees.
The main advantages of such plasters are durability, but their price is an order of magnitude higher than analogues.

  1. Silicone mixtures, as well as polymeric ones, are resistant to sunlight and mechanical stress. Have long term operation, are stored for a long time and provide good waterproofing.

  1. Mineral mixtures are made in dry form on the basis of cement. To work, it is enough to dilute the mixture with water to the desired consistency and you can get to work. Mineral plasters do not support combustion, provide a breathable surface and their price is affordable for everyone.
    Among the shortcomings can be noted low elasticity, and poor adhesion, which requires additional preparation of the base. Everyone can prepare such a finishing solution with their own hands, in the presence of river sand and cement.

All types of mixtures described may contain:

  • polymer granules to improve thermal insulation;
  • small crumbs of marble, granite or quartz for decoration;
  • glass sand to create shine in the sun;
  • crushed stone of fine fraction to create a unique texture.

Surface preparation

Before you plaster the outer walls with your own hands with any kind of mixture, you need to prepare the base.

The surface to be cut must be:

  • as even as possible, with closed cracks and, if necessary, in advance;

  • have solid foundation so that the layer of plaster does not fall off along with part of the base;
  • clean and dry, this will ensure good adhesion of the mixture to the surface;
  • have a positive temperature, since the mixture will not stick to the frozen base or fall off the wall when thawed.

brick wall decoration

On surfaces from different material, the technology of plastering exterior walls is almost the same, with the exception of some minor nuances. Walls out brickwork before applying the solution, it is necessary to moisten with a spray gun or a wide paint brush.

The seams between the bricks must be cut to a depth of 1-1.5 cm for reliable adhesion of the plaster layer. If a thick layer is needed, then the guide beacons are first leveled, the mixture is applied in equal portions from the bottom up and leveled with. Finishing plaster applied after complete drying of the base layer.

Tip: If beacons are not required and the mixture is applied in a thin layer, then this is done using a wide one.
For a thin layer, the surface can not be wetted and the seams between the bricks can not be selected, but it is necessary to impregnate the surface twice with a primer and wait until it dries completely.

For better adhesion of the mixture to the surface when applying a thin layer, do-it-yourself plastering of external walls is carried out using a special plaster mesh, which is applied to the wall to be treated and fixed with dowels.

Concrete wall decoration

Walls made of concrete or aerated concrete place special demands on technological process finishes that you need to know before properly plastering exterior walls with such a base.

The strength of the selected plaster should be less than the strength of the base, this will prevent the formation of layer stress at the joints of the base. The mixture should provide good breathing of the wall, since concrete has the ability to accumulate moisture and give it away. Vapor permeability protects against the formation of fungi and condensate.

The decorative mixture should be applied only on the main layer of plaster, the thickness of which should be from 10 to 50 mm. The main layer, before applying the decorative one, must be primed or finished with a mounting grid installed on a liquid base (photo).

At high temperature outdoors, the layer must be moistened periodically for uniform drying, because under the influence of the sun or heat, the outer layer dries faster than the inner one and cracks may appear as a result.


Having studied the above material, you now know how to plaster walls from the outside, taking into account various surfaces and temperature conditions. It is also worth considering that each type of decorative solution has its own characteristics and different ways application, which must be indicated on the packaging from the manufacturer's factory.

Considering these indications and observing common technology work, you can independently finish the outer walls of your building without the involvement of third-party specialists. You will be more successful if you watch the video in this article.

Plastering the walls of a house from the outside is a simple, easy, and cheap process, however, like any business, the ode has its own nuances and "pitfalls" that are dangerous for beginners. What is it about?

To save money and time associated with redoing or restoring plaster, you must clearly understand some of the main actions that will negatively affect the quality of the plaster:

The plaster should not be applied in several layers (that is, the layer is dry, you applied the next one) - it will have poor strength, and then, due to the uneven drying of the layers, cracks form in the joints on the walls, which will lead to subsequent repairs.

It is strictly forbidden to apply plaster on walls that have not been treated with impregnations - this can lead to peeling of the plaster. This is especially common for concrete walls.

It is forbidden to plaster the walls when the ambient temperature is extremely high, for example, over 30 ºС. The erroneous opinion is that if the plaster dries quickly, then it is of high quality. Drying of the plaster should take place at 15 ºС, when direct sunlight does not fall on it. Compliance with these standards will allow you to get plaster that does not have cracks, stains and other “cutting eyes” blunders.

If a brick wall is being plastered, then the seams must be deepened. You must clean the seams with any metal tool. This is done so that additional heat losses do not occur and adhesion increases.

Work should not stop for longer than 1-2 hours. If you do not follow this rule, then the wall will have characteristic spots that do not give the building a pleasant appearance.

Plaster mortar for outdoor work must be well mixed, and have a uniform consistency, the application of plaster with visible lumps or with unmixed impurities is prohibited.

Both the wall and the plaster must not be exposed to water, dust or dirt. Any of these impurities will help the plaster peel off faster. This is especially important for external plaster, which is subject to precipitation and temperature changes.

Proper facade plastering video:

In addition to the decorative purpose, according to all modern trends, plaster has a number of significant advantages:

  • Prevents the ingress of moisture into the room, and does not prevent the penetration of air;
  • The special composition gives the coating heat-insulating and noise-absorbing qualities;
  • Wide choose textures allows you to give the coating a very different structure;
  • Has the ability to implement visual changes in the future.

Plastering the exterior walls of the house will be a great way to make the structure brighter, more noticeable against the general background. Plaster mixtures are:

  • silicate;
  • Silicone;
  • Mineral;
  • Polymer;
  • Self cooked.

In all these compositions, in addition to the main components, the content is allowed:

  • Polymer particles that provide heat retention;
  • A crumb of stone, for a visual effect;
  • Glass sand will give shine;
  • Small particles of crushed stone will help create an original texture.

How to plaster exterior walls? It is necessary to consider in more detail:

  • Silicate solutions are ready for use immediately after hiding the original packaging. Such mixtures are not presented in the widest color scheme. Full use of the product is necessary, since it can no longer be stored after the container is opened. This type of plaster is a reliable barrier to moisture penetration, well withstands moderate mechanical loads;
  • Silicone mixtures are also quite elastic, have good resistance to various atmospheric phenomena, and are prone to self-cleaning. The plaster coating has high performance characteristics. The disadvantages include a fairly high cost in comparison with other finishes;
  • mineral mixtures. Cement is the main ingredient. Dry components require dilution with water according to the manufacturer's recipe. Plaster mixtures of this type are inexpensive, remarkably "breathe", they are easy to work with. The disadvantages include not very good elasticity, and high requirements for the surface, which will serve as the basis for the plaster layer.

If you are a beginner and do not know what is the best way to plaster the outer walls of the house, use polymer plaster mixtures. They are applicable to almost all substrates, resistant to temperature changes, create an attractive cladding that is different long term services.

Similar properties are made possible thanks to the artificial resins that make up the composition.

You can do and self-cooking mixtures. To do this, you need to take cement, fine sand and water, and then mix them in the proportions specified by the recipe. This is an affordable, but rather laborious way, which is very attractive for its financial availability.

It is important not only to know how to plaster exterior walls, but also on which surfaces the mortar will adhere well:

  • stone surface;
  • Wooden;
  • Reinforced concrete;
  • Monolithic concrete.

For concrete pavement a separate approach is needed. When choosing how to plaster the outer walls of the house, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the material both absorbs moisture and gives it back. It turns out that exterior finish should be softer than the main surface. Such measures will help prevent cracking, and the right product will not lead to evaporation and condensation.

The plastering of external walls from gas silicate blocks should occur differently than brick or concrete surfaces. It is unacceptable that the plastering of the outer walls of the blocks is carried out cement-sand mortar, since in this case it is not necessary to allow a violation of vapor permeability and the internal climate in the house.

Plastering of exterior walls made of aerated concrete is carried out using special light plaster mixes. One of the best options is a mixture of lime, sand, a small proportion of cement.

And if the outer walls are made of gypsum, how to plaster? For such a foundation, gypsum will be the most the best option. You can also use gypsum mixtures with the addition of lime. Cement mixtures are not suitable for these purposes, as chemical incompatibility is formed.

Do-it-yourself plastering of external walls requires careful surface preparation. This stage is very important, since the final result will depend on it and further terms surface operation. The process includes:

  • Removal of the old layer of plaster material;
  • Inspection and verification of the base for integrity, strength;
  • Removal of visible contaminants in the form of dust, oily stains. Creating a dry and clean surface will ensure good adhesion to the applied product;
  • When working with brick wall you will need an additional increase in joints and the creation of holes that will improve adhesion;
  • The next step is to treat the surface with a primer. The product can be applied with a brush or roller. Give preference to deep penetration formulations;
  • Now you need to mount the paint grid on the wall, and remove all the irregularities and cracks found with putty. The use of a reliable and proven method is also welcome - installing beacons. Observing with accuracy all the rules for their installation, you can get a perfectly flat surface.

The technology of plastering external walls includes enough simple steps. If you have some experience repair work- you can do everything yourself.

To plaster outer wall at home, you need to learn certain steps:

  • splashing. For execution this stage works, it will be necessary to prepare a liquid solution, to which liquid PVA glue is added. The resulting composition is sprayed onto the surface using a small bucket capacity. The process must be done in a measured manner. The more roughness is formed on the wall, the better the whole material will hold. Before continuing work, you need to wait for it to dry;
  • Application of the base layer. The finished composition should be like thick sour cream. The application takes place by applying between the beacons. The layer should not exceed 5 mm. Having attached the rule with the narrow side to the lighthouses, move it from side to side, and then smoothly heading up;
  • The finished composition should be like thick sour cream. The application takes place by applying between the beacons. The layer should not exceed 5 mm. Having attached the rule with the narrow side to the lighthouses, move it from side to side, and then smoothly heading up;
  • For the finishing grouting of the coating, it is necessary to use a special grater, which will help in smoothing out small cracks. We move in a spiral from a small circle to a large one;
  • Drying also needs a certain amount of time. It will take about 5 days to set;
  • The plaster, which gives the wall texture, is not applied in a continuous layer of mortar, but at small intervals. They are closed by stretching the solution when it begins to dry out.

For those who decide to learn all the information on how to plaster a wall on the street with their own hands, you need to learn how the material is applied to the basement and corners of the building.

The basement refers to special areas of the house that need special protection. That is why it is covered only with moisture-resistant cement-based compounds. Also, at the turn of the wall and the basement, installation will be required waterproofing materials. If this area is solid, then it is plastered with a wall, which is not typical for a speaker.

Work on the corners is left for later. To finish them, you need to use polymer types decorative plaster, which is characterized by a high degree of resistance to mechanical stress.

No one will argue that exterior wall plastering is important during construction. The materials used for this do not always provide a quality result if important requirements and technologies have not been met.

For those who are so interested in the question: how to plaster the outer wall with your own hands, you should follow a number of rules:

  • On a newly built house, the process of applying plaster becomes possible after a couple of months. Ideally, if this period is extended to six months. Otherwise, as a result of shrinkage of the building, cracks may appear;
  • Plastering outside is carried out only after implementation internal works fully finished;
  • Before plastering the outer wall of the house, it is important to complete all types of repairs - to carry out all communications, eliminate all holes, fill openings if necessary;
  • It should be borne in mind that the base must always be stronger than the applied material. Do not allow reverse situations. Cement mixtures can be classified as durable plasters and lime-based materials as weak ones;
  • Having chosen a specific plane for finishing, it is necessary to gradually complete the entire range of work without interrupting the finishing;
  • Monitor the outside temperature during renovations. It should be moderate and not fall below 5 degrees Celsius. This is due to the fact that the plaster will not stick to the frozen wall as it should, but if it is too hot, it will simply slide off. If the air is still hot outside, spray the plaster with water to prevent cracking.

There are a number of the most popular types of plasters that are successfully used to create an original facade part: textured, cement-lime, thin synthetic. In composition, they have significant differences, but all are equally well suited for decorating walls.

The pebble structure can be attributed to the most popular finishing option. This plaster looks pretty, but also has good practicality. To obtain a certain result, the plaster layer can be processed almost immediately after finishing and after hardening.

The crumb can be both in the composition and on its surface using a special sprayer. After drying, the surface is fixed with adhesive, which contributes to good fixing and creating a surface resistant to damage.

Very original solution there will be an imitation wooden surface, spoiled by the bark beetle. To create this effect, the top layer is processed with a grater, which is held at a certain angle.

Colored cement-lime plaster looks very colorful. You can replace lime with marble dust, and then the effect will be simply amazing.

This option is not cheap. However, a complete surface decoration may not be performed. It is enough to select some important areas, and the rest, for example, to cover with pebbles.

Thin-layer plasters are very plastic, and allow thin plastering due to the reduction of layers. They are excellent in composition, suitable for use on the most various surfaces. Silicate plaster can also be classified as thin-layer. It is great for processing large areas of facade buildings.

After reading this article, you will know how to plaster exterior walls with your own hands. Let's do this process. The main thing is to follow the prescribed instructions. By following the recommendations, you will definitely achieve positive results, and the beautiful facade of your house will delight you for a long time.

How and with what to plaster the outer walls of the house with your own hands: video

Plaster today is considered one of the most sought-after materials for finishing a building outside. It protects the facade from excessive heat loss. With proper repair work, it is possible to subsequently significantly save energy costs for heating a house.

It also improves the appearance of the building. wall surface after correct processing not subject to negative environmental influences, not destroyed long time. Every builder or repairman should know how to properly apply plaster.


Today it is quite high if you turn to the help of professional builders. The average price of such works today is about 350-400 rubles / m². Therefore, many decide to perform all the actions on their own.

Applying the presented type of finish, you can get a high quality end result. First of all, it should be noted aesthetic appearance. A lot of textures, shades allows you to create a fashionable, stylish design outside of the house.

The price of which today is acceptable for almost every property owner, easy to use. Depending on the type, manufacturer of dry mixes, you can purchase a dry mix (25 kg) from 350 to 500 rubles.

The products presented today for sale protect walls from moisture penetration, are resistant to low temperatures, and prevent corrosion.

Types of plaster

Today, many varieties of mixtures for plastering facades are used. These are textured solutions that differ in a number of characteristics. The most popular manufacturers of dry mixes for such finishing are the companies KNAUF, Ts erezit". Facade plaster may contain various fillers.

To set the desired texture for the finish, the composition of the solution includes components of various grain sizes. It can be marble chips, quartz sand, colored granules, glass dust, wood fibers, etc.

Dyes are added to give color to the mixture. In this case, you can achieve almost any shade. Tinting is carried out in a trade organization using special equipment. This allows, if necessary, to set the base to exactly the same shade, if you have to buy a dry mix. The heterogeneous structure of the solution allows you to hide the unevenness of the base.

Finishing methods

You can apply a coating on the facade of the house mechanically or manually. In the first option, you will have to purchase special equipment. Companies such as KNAUF, C erezit, facade plaster whose production is very popular today, they are developing a special line of products that can be applied mechanically to the base. This approach is preferable for professionals who perform significant amounts of finishing work.

For craftsmen who wish to apply the solution to the facade of their house, it is better to do it manually. This way you can save on the purchase of special equipment. In this case, you only need to purchase conventional tools. To create a certain type of texture, you also need to buy curly spatulas.

In the process of applying the solution in any way, the manufacturer's recommendations should be strictly followed. Only in this case it will be possible to create a strong, beautiful protective layer.

Work technology

Finishing work is carried out according to a certain technology. Properly performing each step, you can achieve good result even without experience in carrying out such actions.

Facade plaster for outdoor work, the price of which will be affordable for almost every owner of a house or cottage, is designed to finish the base of different material. It can be brick, foam concrete, or other types of building materials. The most optimal and in an inexpensive way finishing is considered to be the application of beacons.

The work is carried out in several stages. First you need to prepare the base, then the beacons are installed. Only after that you can start plastering the facade. This method is suitable for manual application solution. It is important to adhere to the proportions when kneading the dry mix, as well as the manufacturer's recommendations regarding its drying time.

Foundation preparation

Plastering brick facades or made from any other materials, you must begin with the preparation of the base. If you skip this step or do it poorly enough, the result will be of insufficient quality.

First you need to remove old finish. It is beaten with a small hammer or wooden block. Where the sound is deaf, the old finish is knocked out with a chisel and hammer. In some cases, you will need to use impact puncher. It also removes dirt, oil stains and dust.

It is desirable to reduce as much as possible the number of irregularities, bumps on the base of the walls. If this is not done, you will have to apply the plaster in a thick layer. Material consumption will increase significantly. Therefore, it is better to properly prepare the surface of the walls than to spend the family budget on the purchase of an additional dry mix.

A brick base requires, in some cases, jointing. This procedure allows you to increase the adhesion of the solution to the base. The plaster will hold tight, and the life of the coating will increase. Some builders during construction brick walls houses leave the facade with empty seams. This allows you to prepare the base for finishing faster.

For foam blocks, the jointing is not done. This also applies to walls reinforced concrete slabs"rough" masonry, in which the surface is smooth. A mesh for plastering facades is immediately stuffed onto such varieties of materials. A deep penetration primer must first be applied. It will enhance the adhesion of the solution to the base.

When choosing a primer, you should give preference to trusted manufacturers. It is also necessary to adhere to the correct concentration of the solution. In this case, the film will be strong.


Assumes the use of beacons. These are metal guides. They are installed on the base to indicate the level of plaster application. The rules, leveling the layer, slide their nose along the tops of the lighthouses.

It is believed that the application similar way finishing allows even a non-professional to make a perfect smooth surface. However, the master needs to familiarize himself with the technology for installing beacons on a plane.

It is necessary to determine the verticality of the wall with a plumb line. Deviations from the level must be determined before installing the guides. If the top of the walls is inclined in depth, this indicator must be taken into account. Beacons are customized to a certain size. The excess height of the guides must be cut off.

Installation of beacons

Produced after the installation of beacons. From the corner at a distance of 20 cm, a point solution is applied. Their diameter should be about 5-15 cm. The height depends on the intended layer of plastering. If the rule is 2 m long, the beacons can be placed 1.7 m apart. If the wall is too large, it is necessary to increase the guides.

Each beacon is installed in the solution and sunk a little there. The level rule is applied on top of each element. If necessary, the position of the beacon is adjusted to achieve the perfect vertical position of the trim. To avoid deviations, errors, it is recommended to pull the "laces" between the two extreme elements during the alignment of the beacons. After the solution has dried, the voids formed under the lighthouse are filled with putty.

Applying the first layer

Plastering takes place in 3 stages. Mechanical plastering of the facade allows you to perform all actions faster. However, in this case, be sure to work in a respirator and goggles. Otherwise, the solution may enter the respiratory tract or eyes.

The dry mixture must be diluted to the consistency of liquid sour cream. In this case, the manufacturer's recommendations must be taken into account. Ready-made ones are also on sale. Some professional builders recommend adding PVA glue to the solution. It will give extra strength. Putty will lie well on the wall.

The mortar is applied to the wall with a ladle. The mixture must be poured onto the base without pouring it. Roughness on top layer are welcome. After surface treatment, the solution must dry.

Base layer

The next step is the main facade plastering. To do this, you need to prepare a solution. It should be the consistency of thick sour cream. It is thrown on the surface between two lighthouses. It should be noted that the thickness of all layers of plaster should not exceed 5 cm.

With the narrow side, it is necessary to press the rule to the beacons. The tool is moved from side to side. The edges of the rule should not fly off the tops of the guides. The movement is made in an upward direction. The excess is cut off. This results in a perfectly smooth surface.

If during the alignment process it turned out that the solution is not enough, it should be added. The mixture is poured into the hole formed. Then again draw the rule over the surface.


Assumes the completion of the final stage. The surface needs to be sanded. This procedure is performed after the cement finish coat dries. For this, special graters are used. They can be made of foam or wood.

If a putty is used that is not based on cement, the manufacturer's recommendations should be followed. They must be indicated on the packaging.

Grouting allows you to smooth out small irregularities, seal sinks after applying the rule. The grout is performed in a spiral. Circular movements begin with wide movements, gradually moving the tool towards the center. A tubercle in the center is stretched from a large circle. In the reverse action, it is completely leveled.

Considering how it happens facade plastering, everyone who wants to can do the procedure well. In this case, the surface will be perfectly flat. Following the recommendations of professional repairers and builders is a guarantee of a good result of the final work.