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Wall panels: a modern take on simple and stylish interior design. Posts tagged DIY panels

Hanging original panel on the wall, you can create a unique and unique interior. An extraordinary decoration will become the pride of the owners of the house and will attract the admiring glances of guests.

This decorative element is easy to make yourself using a variety of available materials.

Expanse for imagination

There are many ways to create a wall decoration in the form of a panel. At the same time, the creative process is limited only by the imagination of the master and, as a rule, does not require special skills. All you need to make a wall panel with your own hands is good idea, inspiration, necessary materials and time.

The imagination of decorators is limitless and today, to create a wall masterpiece, not only banal paints are used, but also:

  • colored paper;
  • wire;
  • various fabrics;
  • buttons;
  • satin and grosgrain ribbons;
  • yarn;
  • photos;
  • sea ​​pebbles and shells;
  • colored sand;
  • nails;
  • metal buttons;
  • glitter;
  • vinyl records;
  • pages of old books, newspapers and magazines.

The image can be flat or three-dimensional, have or not have a frame, and consist of one or several parts. In this case, the panel can have a plot or be an abstract picture.

Modern housewives love to decorate their kitchen walls with panels of spices and shaped pasta, dried herbs and flowers, wine corks, cutlery, lids plastic bottles, coffee beans, various cereals and even culinary dough products.

Travel lovers will love decorations made from old geographical maps, magnets purchased in different countries. You can create a panel for photographs taken on tourist trips, gradually adding to it.

Any decorative panel created with your own hands will emphasize the individuality of the owners of the house, demonstrate their creative nature, and create a cozy and unique atmosphere. However, before you ask yourself how to make a panel in a room, you should decide on the technique for creating the future masterpiece.

Types of panels with your own hands

The undoubted advantage of creating panels with your own hands is the variety of techniques for this type of creativity.

We will consider the most well-known techniques below.


The panel is created in free form or according to watercolor templates, oil paints, gouache, pencils, markers, crayons, charcoal, toothpaste.

Simple stick-on or appliqué

Decoration elements are glued to the base using stationery glue, universal glue, epoxy glue, PVA glue, “ liquid nails».


Installation of various volumetric parts of the panel, composition elements and techniques into a single artistic whole.


Decoration technique work surface using a paper ornament (you can use the top colored layer of napkins) and glue, followed by applying various finishing coatings.


A technique for making compositions from long and narrow colored strips of paper twisted in a spiral. The paper modules are twisted using a gypsy needle with a wide eye, after which the end of the strip is fixed with glue, and the modules themselves are given required form. The details are connected to each other to form a picture. Such a panel can have a base or be directly mounted on the wall.


Embroidering pictures with a cross, beads, yarn, ribbons. The panel can combine smooth embroidery and decoration (buttons, zippers, voluminous embroidered elements). In this case, burlap, linen, rolled cotton or plastic canvas are used as the base.


Sewing technique from fabric scraps different textures and colors. The fabric sheet is glued to the base or stretched over wooden frame.

Original decoration The interior can be a frame composition (threads of colored yarn are wound on thin nails, half driven into a wooden base), a mirror, tiled panel (a mosaic of pieces of mirror and tile), a panel for photographs in combination with unusual decorative elements (sea pebbles, gramophone records) .

Tools and basic rules

For the manufacture of decorative panel You can use a wide variety of materials with your own hands. However, before starting work, you should take care not only of the main details, stencils and templates, but also of the tools that will be useful for creativity.

Tools and materials that you may need to make your own panels:

  • base (cork, chipboard, cardboard, plywood, various fabrics, plexiglass, leather, plastic, foam);
  • universal glue or “liquid nails”;
  • scissors;
  • a simple pencil;
  • brushes;
  • sponges;
  • double-sided and regular tape;
  • fastenings for panels;
  • hammer;
  • stationery knife.

If you plan to work with wood, you may need:

  • jigsaw;
  • stain;
  • sandpaper.

The wall panel looks most advantageous on walls of a contrasting color, when there is a lot of free space around. Decorators do not recommend hanging additional decorations on the wall where the panel is mounted.

Basic placement rules:

  1. Optimal height composition is 1.5-1.7 m.
  2. Daylight and artificial light should fall directly on the composition.

You should take care of your wall decoration carefully, brushing off dust from all elements every day. In case of severe contamination, the panel should be treated with dry cleaning products.

Emphasis on the topic

Whatever available materials the panel is made from, it should fit perfectly into the style of the interior.

The idea of ​​hanging photos of bright family moments on the wall in the bedroom is good, but it is much more interesting to create a collage out of them. Such a panel for photographs can be changed in size, decorated with memorable items, inscriptions, and children's handprints. A panel made of fabric made using the hot or cold batik technique would also be appropriate in the bedroom.

A bright panel made using the quilling technique will be an excellent addition to the interior of a child’s room, and a composition that includes “edible” details will be in the kitchen and dining room. Mosaic tiles look good in the bathroom, and classic patterns look good in the living room.

Each of us is an artist, but not everyone knows about it. Creating a panel with your own hands is a great way to unleash your creative potential, please your family and diversify home interior. Dare!

Photo gallery

We bring to your attention 16 more photos of different ways to design panels.

Volumetric panels on the wall can decorate almost any room. It is true that it is worth saying that a quality product has a rather high price and not everyone can afford it. But in principle, anyone can do it if they want.

Today we will talk about some options for this product, and in the video in this article and photos you can see the entire progress of the work and select the desired option.

Wall panels, which come in both quite small and very large sizes, serve as a decorative accent in the interior of the room. The basis of the panel can be various materials such as hard cardboard, plywood or fiberboard, thick fabrics or artificial leather, glass or metal.

  • You can create panels using a variety of techniques such as inlay, embossing, embroidery, knitting, carving, decoupage and many others. The choice of manufacturing technique depends entirely on the skills and abilities of the master, as well as the semantic load, which can be something abstract or geometric, or may have a completely clear plot.
  • In choosing materials for decoration and finishing, the master can give free rein to his desires and preferences, because there is a great variety of things that can be used for these purposes: shells, sea stones, objects made of plaster or salt dough, dried flowers, glass fragments, buttons, photographs, fur, beads and much more that you could wish for.

Look impressive and original wall panels made of fabric, made using patchwork technology and glued to the base or tightly stretched onto the frame. This interior element can really be created quite the easy way, covering a wooden panel with tapestry or fabric with a jacquard pattern.

In modern times, on store shelves you can see volumetric and flat panels, decorated with 3D elements or imitating high relief and bas-relief, as well as unique carved works.

The shape of wall panels can be a variety of shapes, be it an oval, circle, square or polygon. In addition, panels can consist of several parts or one.

Choice wall panel must be conscious, because this decorative element will attract attention.

Principles for placing wall panels

Exist general tips according to the correct placement of panels in the interior:

Attention: Avoid placing panels next to photographs or paintings. The ideal interval from floor to panel is 1.5-1.7 m.

How to create a wall panel

You can make the panel yourself. First of all, you need to choose the material. The principles described above should be applied here.

Attention: You should give preference to material with which you have already dealt and are familiar.

Panel made of material

A wall panel made from fabric yourself is a laconic and noteworthy choice. To create such a decorative item that is in harmony with the overall interior, you do not need any skills, but only your desire.

To create a fabric panel, you will have to make a frame from chipboard or rigid cardboard, or use an unnecessary mirror or picture frame. A world map wall panel is best done in this version.

Attention: If you want to make knitted panels on the wall, then you simply knit it and after that its fastening is done in exactly the same way.

There are several ways:

  • The initially selected fabric must be stretched, wrapped on the reverse side and secured with glue;
  • The resulting workpiece can be attached to the frame.
  • First you need to prepare the frame from wooden slats;
  • We cut out a piece of material taking into account the folds, stretch it over the frame and attach it to the back in any convenient way, be it nails, glue gun or a construction stapler.
  • TO front side foam rubber is glued to plywood;
  • We cover the resulting blank with the selected fabric, fixing it on the wrong side of the product using a construction stapler.

In the same way, a tapestry panel on the wall is made, which can also be a decoration for the living room.

Panel made from tile fragments

The technology of creating a mosaic from glass pieces is currently very popular, using which you can decorate not only an interior element such as a panel, but also a photo frame, a flower vase, or lay out an ornament directly on the wall. Such a panel on the wall in the bathroom or kitchen will be very useful, because it is not afraid of moisture.

Action plan:

  • Fragments of tiles, mirrors or chandelier shades must be cut into approximately equal-sized pieces using a glass cutter;
  • The surface that serves as the basis of the composition is cleaned of dirt;
  • To the dry workpiece, using a glue gun, we glue the elements that play the role of a background one by one, leaving a distance of 2.5-5 mm between them;
  • We lay out the mosaic in a pattern or according to a previously sketched sketch;
  • dilute the resulting composition as desired, for example, with shells or beads;
  • Having completed the main work, you must dilute the grout and apply it rubber spatula, removing excess with a moistened sponge;
  • We leave the resulting panel to dry for 4-6 hours.

Panel of photos

Creating a panel from photos is quite easy. To do this, you need to purchase a larger frame with glass in the store and fill it with episodes of your life. But you can approach the design of such an amazing thing more creatively by using the quilling technique.

This technique provides unlimited opportunity to create with your own hands. original decor, requiring almost no costs. You can also make children's panels on the wall, which will be great both at home and in kindergarten.

In order to implement your plans, you will need:

  • Dye in a can;
  • Small scissors;
  • Colored double-sided paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • 5 wooden slats;
  • 4 photo frames.

Action plan:

  • we create a base from wooden slats and attach frames to it;
  • We fill the distance between the frames with flowers, hearts, spirals made using quilling technology;
  • At the end decorative works Spray the product with dye from a can.

Wooden panel

Glowing panels on the wall should not be made with this material, because the lamps heat up and the material can catch fire. But at the dacha it can decorate the decor and make the room cozy and attractive.

To create you will need:

  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Glue gun with a stick;
  • Stain;
  • The boards are of equal thickness and different in length;
  • Plywood syst.

Action plan:

  • the boards are sawn at an angle of 45 to the required length and schematically distributed on the plywood;
  • wooden planks are processed sandpaper, including the edges, and covered with stain;
  • after the stain has dried, the boards are coated with clear varnish;
  • wait for the boards to dry and attach them to plywood sheet using a glue gun;
  • In order to decorate the edges of the panel, sections of the required length are cut out of the boards, covered with dye or stain and fixed to the sides of the product.

The distance between the frame and the boards can be finished with wood putty.

Mirror panel

You shouldn’t make such a wall panel for a kindergarten, because glass is an increased danger. Although this option is successfully used for the hallway. After all, if it is not large, then the panel will be useful from a practical point of view.

Glass will also be an assistant if you decide to make a forged panel on the wall, because in this case you can make a wonderful composition.

The creation process consists of the following steps:

  • We make a sketch, putting down all the dimensions;
  • Take a mirror sheet and cut it out necessary elements, numbering them;
  • The edges of the blanks must be processed and laid out in the intended order on a plywood sheet;
  • We fix the decorative elements on the base using a glue gun.

A panel of mirror elements can be supplemented with splashes mosaic tiles, laid out, for example, in the shape of a rhombus or an oval.

  • To avoid distortion of the reflection, the panel should be fixed on an absolutely flat wall;
  • To prevent the side edges of the panel from matching the boundaries of the outer corners, use a border or baguette.

Bamboo panel

In this way, it is quite possible to make a floral panel on the wall, because bamboo and flowers will look quite harmonious.

When deciding to create a bamboo panel, you must comply with the following conditions:

  • Avoid proximity to heating devices when placing panels;
  • Maintain a certain air humidity in the room;
  • Provide internal ventilation to the plant by making holes with a diameter of 2 mm in individual vertebrae of the trunk;
  • Varnish the bamboo composition in several layers.
  • To create the presented decorative item, like a bamboo panel, you simply need to stick the plant to the wall in the chosen direction, be it vertical, horizontal or diagonal.

In the presented rather simple way, you can create an exclusive headboard for a sleeping bed or a neat winter Garden in the living room, allocating space for a TV or delimiting the room into zones with such unique columns.

A DIY panel on the wall is not at all difficult. You have instructions for the most common materials. All that remains is to make the right choice.

A panel on the wall is one of the most interesting decorative ornaments, in the creation of which there are no restrictions - a complete flight of fantasy. According to this interesting topic The editors of the online magazine site have prepared comprehensive material with a small surprise - interesting step-by-step master classes.

Decorative panel in the interior

This room design element can be created from a wide variety of materials. Many believe that exclusivity is achieved not only by creating a special design, but also by using a variety of materials in one composition. Here you should take into account the characteristics of each and their compatibility.

Carved wood panels on the wall

Wood always counts the best option to create decorative elements for any room. This material is durable and excellent appearance. Environmentally friendly elements are perfect for creating panels, or.

To create a unique interior, you can use different parts of wood. These can be either branches or small sections of the trunk. Many people use ready-made canvases. Eg, . Using special tools (wood cutters or) each element is manufactured separately. At the final stage individual elements are collected in a special pattern.

In order for wood to last as long as possible, it must be subjected to additional processing. Coating with varnish, paint and special compounds that prevent rotting and the appearance of wormholes. At the same time, buy wooden panel on the wall as in budget option, and real works of art.

Wall panel made of ceramic tiles

Mosaic elements are attached to a degreased surface. To do this, you need to use special glue. When creating your own interior model, you can already use ready-made elements. They are sold in stores in kits that include everything you need.

Panel made of glass and mirror - a little journey through the looking glass with Alice

Glass options for wall panels will add variety to your room. The glare will make the room new every time. This material is recommended for use when decorating a kitchen. On flat surface we glue individual elements and create exclusive designs. In order for the panel to look finished, it is recommended to use.

Important! This room design option allows you to clean without risking destroying the composition. Glass is the most wear-resistant material that can last for more than a year.

IN Lately are especially popular mirror panels. But this material is difficult to process. Accordingly, you can use a variety of substitutes: special, and so on. That is, in fact, any materials that have the properties of a mirror are used.

When using glass and mirrors, you can create the most amazing decor options for. Designers recommend using these types of materials to decorate living rooms.

Panels made of decorative plaster - work for real masters

To create, a special mixture is used, which is based on the use of finishing. On this moment Several types can be distinguished. In particular, they are popular. Each drawing will be in relief. Smooth options are, in fact, the creation of a full-fledged picture.

The surface is covered with special materials that make the surface easy to maintain. You can quickly change the drawings if necessary. This material is considered the most wear-resistant.

Textiles as an art form

A wide variety of fabric types can be used to make wall panels. You can even use burlap to create a unique option. That is, you can take any fabric that you find in your bins.

1 of 5

The elements are sewn together with threads. These panel options just need to be sewn and hung on the wall. Accordingly, this type can be regularly updated by changing interior features. You can create it for every season and holiday.

Wall panel using macrame technique

Weaving has been famous since ancient times. Modern knotted macrame options allow you to quickly create the most bizarre and beautiful patterns. After you knit this or that product, you need to fix it on the wall. This version of the panel attracts with its originality. Handmade considered the most popular. Needlewomen can create patterns in the national style, which will make it possible to create a unique interior in.

Paper panels - beautiful, elegant, but short-lived

To create decorative elements, just remember the labor lessons in kindergarten. To do this, you need to select a drawing and take colored paper or. By gluing together small elements, you create individual paintings that can be safely considered real decorations. Therefore, do-it-yourself paper panels are a fairly popular type of decoration among needlewomen. And what is important – the cheapest.

The panel can be mounted on the wall different ways. In particular, elements can be . At the same time, it is possible to use buttons and other materials.

Related article:

: what is the difference between these decorative elements, what compositions are in trend today, features of the selection and placement of interior paintings in different parts at home, tips on decorating an office, where and at what cost you can buy paintings and posters - in our publication.

Photopanel on the wall

Experts consider this species the most interesting. In order to create a decorative element, it is necessary to apply the selected material to the wall surface using a special print.

You can select a wide variety of images and combine them into a single composition. This interior design option will make the room a real place to relax. Many people strive to give their rooms the look of a beach or forest. These pictures bring peace.

Related article:

Choosing a location for installation, existing methods fastenings, the best fasteners for fixing modular paintings to surfaces made of various materials- we will look at it in the publication.

Wallpaper wall panel

There is no need to purchase new ones to create paintings. It is enough to use the waste that remains after completion repair work. Simply select an image and implement it as a painting on the wall.

This way you can decorate any room. By the way, when using detergents, a bathroom panel is created.

Panels made of salt dough or 3D images from childhood with your own hands

This option is suitable for families with children. Don't forget what kids just love to do various crafts from plasticine or . There are no limits to imagination here. Each element of the picture is created separately.

Ultimately, every detail becomes an element of the overall picture. You can create a wide variety of decorative decorations.

Other types of panels

Decorative elements can be made from any materials. Including using improvised means. In this case, it is recommended to combine materials. For example, you have wood and glass. Try to combine these materials into a single, cohesive composition. Or you can just make a simple and beautiful wall panel from.

In addition, the panels differ according to the type of premises. Only environmentally friendly elements are suitable for children's rooms. For the bathroom you need to use materials that are not afraid high humidity. The living room is decorated in light colors. The theme of the image can be emphasized with frames and other related elements.

How to place a panel in the interior

When placing, you should consider a few basic rules:

  1. The panel should look harmonious with the rest. For example, if you use expressive images, then it is recommended to make the background of the remaining surfaces calmer and more monochromatic.
  2. We take into account the purpose of the room. The image should bring calm and a feeling of comfort. Accordingly, it is not recommended to decorate with elements that are heavy in meaning. Feelings of pressure and nervousness will not allow you to rest peacefully. It is not recommended to decorate with dark colors. All images should be of joyful luminaries.
  3. Each element must have its place.
  4. The image must be holistic and complete. That is, if you decide to decorate the walls volumetric panel, then choose a place where the drawing will be visible in full size. It shouldn't be cut. This may make you feel uncomfortable.

Thus, in order to give your interior originality and exclusivity, we recommend using various types of panels. Moreover, this decorative element can be safely created without the help of specialists.

How to make a panel with your own hands from newspaper tubes

DIY decorative panel - affordable interior decoration for everyone who is interested in this technique. The video below will tell you in detail how to prepare newspaper tubes for subsequent weaving. And we will look at how to make a fan panel.

Illustration Action Description

Prepare two semicircles from durable.

According to their size + 1cm on each side, cut a semicircle from the fabric.

Glue the prepared tubes onto one of the semicircles.

Cover the second part with fabric and also attach it well to the existing workpiece. This will be the face of the future product.

On the back side, to give rigidity, glue a semicircle with a large diameter.

Weave the first row with a voluminous braid according to the principle shown in the photo.

Weave subsequent rows simply - through one tube. In our case, we got 6 rows.

Then step back from the first weaving block by 2-3 cm and continue using the same technique. To prevent the work from slipping, make stops from cocktail tubes.

When the weaving is finished, finish the job by sealing the tubes.

Be sure to plant the last row on.

Trim off any excess parts.

Also shorten the main tubes so that no more than 3 cm of free edge remains.

Weave a voluminous braid from tubes.

Glue the resulting braid along the edge of the product. Decorate the fan with lace and a bow.


Sooner or later, we all want to add something new, fresh, and interesting to the interior.

One option in this case would be to decorate the wall with a decorative panel.

A decorative panel for the kitchen is exactly that bright and extraordinary interior detail that will highlight your mood and create additional comfort.

Types of panels for the kitchen

The size and shape, as well as the material and method of manufacturing the panels can be different:

  • Fabric - the use of all kinds of appliqués, embroideries on fabric or tapestries;
  • Wooden - carved products from various types of trees;
  • Ceramic - these kitchen panels are made from pieces of tiles;
  • Graphic - various reproductions of paintings;
  • Sculptural - small sculptures made of plaster or metal.

A special option is a kitchen panel made with your own hands from scrap materials: cereals, clay, beads or shells. In addition, the kitchen panel can be made from salt dough.

It is important to remember that all objects in the kitchen constantly interact with high temperatures, moisture, odors.

Therefore, you should carefully consider the choice of materials that will be easy to clean and clean.

Placing panels in the kitchen

Let's look at a few photos of panels in the kitchen to form a complete picture of how and where this decorative element can be used.

When choosing a panel, you should be sure to observe the proportions of the size of the kitchen and the dimensions of the panel: in a small room, the placement of a large panel will be unsuccessful, as it will visually reduce the room.

This option will look more appropriate in a large room, and the panel can even occupy a significant part of the wall. You can focus attention on it with the help of additional lighting.

The golden rule of any interior is that all accessories and details should complement it correctly. The panel is no exception.

Note! Modern design kitchen interior

Each style requires its own panel options. For example, a wall panel for a kitchen in classic style can depict vegetables or fruits, bright landscapes.

Panels made of wood or ceramics are perfect for kitchens in rustic style. In addition, dried flowers or fruits can be used.

Shell kitchen panel

Methods are increasingly used today artificial aging objects or surfaces. This can be achieved using special varnish or paints.

At home, you can achieve the crackle effect using ordinary eggshells.

We invite you to consider one of the options on how you can make a panel for the kitchen at home.

First of all, select two wooden blanks, napkins, a file, several egg shells, decoupage glue, PVA, primer (acrylic) and paints (also acrylic).

Egg shells can be taken in absolutely any shade. To create a panel, it must be cleaned and dried.

Apply primer to the workpiece and let it dry. Then start posting eggshells, starting from the center and moving to the edges, filling the entire surface.

The convex side of the shell should face outward. Next, press on the shell so that it forms cracks and takes the shape of the surface of the workpiece.

Over the next 6-8 hours, the workpiece will have to dry, after which it can be re-coated with primer and dried again. You can decoupage the panel using special napkins or rice paper. You can also print any image.

In order for the napkin to lie evenly on the surface of the workpiece, carefully remove the upper part of the napkin on which the image is applied, place it face down on the file, and then carefully turn it over, lay it on a dry surface, straighten it and carefully remove the file.

When the napkin is dry, you can slightly highlight some elements of the image using acrylic paints.

When choosing a kitchen backsplash panel, remember that it should match color scheme and mood with the overall interior.

But, at the same time, don’t be afraid to be creative, because by doing something with your own hands, you put your soul into the interior!

Photo of the panel in the kitchen

Original and interesting interior consists of beautiful finishes and decor, of which the panel is a part. Wall decoration brings comfort to the home, emphasizes belonging to the chosen style, becomes a highlight, attracting all the attention to a certain area of ​​the room. How to make a wall panel with your own hands will be discussed in the article.

What is a panel

There are many ways to decorate walls so that the interior does not seem boring. Panels are often used by designers when decorating residential and commercial spaces. This is a design that contains a semantic design or an original ornament that matches the style and color of the finishing materials and the environment.

The sizes and shapes of the panels can be different, as well as the consumables from which amazing decor is created. You can make it yourself literally from whatever comes to hand.

Base for decoration

The panel is a structure consisting of a base and decorative elements. When choosing a base, you need to ensure that its material is combined with other details. Give preference better options of natural origin.

They always look harmonious in the room, create the right atmosphere, and easily fit into any decoration. Many artificial preparations are not inferior in aesthetic qualities to natural raw materials. Thanks to modern technologies produced, their surface can skillfully imitate wood, leather, and stone.

Requirements for the base material:

High density, this ensures reliable retention of all structural elements;

Flexibility, elasticity (it is important that the workpiece does not crumble or crack during operation);

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The presence of smooth surface areas on which panel parts could be attached;

Flexibility to processing (cutting, sawing, etc.).



Drywall, etc.

Selection of equipment

Many techniques are used to make panels. Each deserves attention, but a novice designer should first familiarize himself with basic methods. They are accessible and easy to implement, you can add own ideas and developments.

Quilling is a technique that involves twisting intricate patterns from paper strips cut to the same width. The principle of creating a pattern is based on twisting paper into a tube, followed by fixing the coil with other blanks, which ultimately forms a beautiful pattern or complex ornament. Decorative elements are fixed both to the frame and to each other.

Decoupage– a technique that involves placing an image on a base and then decorating the picture with three-dimensional details. To work in this technique, beads, shells, satin ribbon and other decor are used.

Thanks to wild imagination, an ordinary image printed on a printer turns into a real work of art.

Mosaic– the name of the technique speaks for itself. To work in this direction, glass shards, pieces of plastic, fragments of wine corks, buttons and other interesting things are used, from which interesting pictures are obtained that are of real artistic value.

However, when choosing this option, it is worth considering that laying out even simple patterns requires a certain skill, solid foundation and an adhesive product with high adhesion.

Patchwork- a modern technique developed on the basis of ancient patchwork. Fragments of fabrics are laid out according to the mosaic principle. The shapes and sizes of the flaps used are different, as is the type of fabric. The following materials are ideal for making panels: leather, brocade, silk, tweed, satin, etc. The flaps are fastened together with threads, buttons, paper clips or yarn. Wood and gypsum are used as a base.

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You can also make a panel from a single piece of fabric, which is used in furniture upholstery or other textiles present in the interior. The assembly technology is simple, it is done in two versions.

The selected fabric is stretched onto the base, after which the edges of the textile are folded over reverse side and fixed with glue. Finally, the base is framed.

On plywood base The padding polyester is glued to the front side, after which the fabric is laid. The edges are turned to the wrong side and secured with glue (or staples). Next, using a stapler, a three-dimensional pattern is created on the front side. The locations and number of punctures are determined depending on the pattern on the textile.

Another one interesting idea Creating a fabric panel involves fixing beautiful textiles to a foam base. This can be done using double-sided tape. The folded edges of the fabric are also secured with tape. This design is installed on the wall using gypsum putty.

The sequence of making panels from photographs

Another type of panel is a design made from photographs. This option allows you to demonstrate your skill, as well as focus the attention of relatives and guests on happy moments in the life of the family, significant events and unforgettable meetings.

It’s not difficult to make a panel from a photo; even a teenager can do it. To do this, you will need to purchase a photo frame with a large glass surface. Having chosen interesting pictures, you need to place them inside the frame. You can dilute the background with landscapes and photos of pets.