Toilet      03/03/2020

Do-it-yourself warm foam glass plaster. Warm plaster - heat-insulating facade. Basic rules for applying warm plaster

Choosing insulation for interior wall decoration is a task that today has many solutions. Many people prefer well-known materials such as polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

However, there is a less traditional method of insulation, which has not yet gained particular popularity due to high cost of the composition. We are talking about a material called “warm plaster”, the features of which will be presented for consideration in this article.

What is this material?

Thermal insulating plaster – a combined material that combines conventional rough plaster and insulating components.

Mineral additives contained in the mixture gives the solution thermal insulating properties. Warm plaster contains the following types of fillers:

  • porous (expanded polystyrene granules, perlite, foam glass, etc.);
  • binders (cement, gypsum, lime);
  • polymeric materials – plasticizers.

Thermal insulating plaster – highly porous material, due to which it is sometimes called “drying”.


Depending on the filler, which gives the composition thermal insulation qualities, warm plaster divided into several types, each of which has its own characteristics.

With perlite

Perlite is a material based on expanded perlite sand. It is a type of volcanic glass and has a texture similar to pearls, but contains more than 1% water.

The peculiarity of the material is ability to increase (5-20 times) and swelling (10-12 times) as a result of heat treatment. Perlite plaster is used for façade finishing and interior walls, both in industrial and residential premises.

Advantages of perlite mixture:

  • high heat and sound insulation properties;
  • high-quality adhesion when applied to various mineral surfaces;
  • plaster is fireproof and gives additional fire resistance to the treated surface;
  • has good vapor permeability;
  • environmentally friendly and harmless to health;
  • It is distinguished by its flexibility and ease of use.

The downside is high gyroscopicity, that is, the ability to absorb moisture four times its weight, which is why the surface needs finishing.

Do-it-yourself application of warm plaster for interior work

The walls need to be prepared cleaning them from dust and dirt and removing the old coating (wallpaper, tiles, paint, etc.).

For better adhesion the surface can be impregnated with primer deep penetration. The honeycomb structure, as well as the presence of reinforcing fibers in the composition, gives warm plaster resistance to cracking, so that the surface being finished does not require the installation of reinforcing mesh.

Before applying the composition the walls should be thoroughly wetted warm water for high-quality adhesion of the solution to the surface.

Next you need mix the solution using an electric drill and mixer, following the instructions on the package. You can check the readiness of the composition by scooping the mixture onto a spatula and turning it over. If the solution does not fall, then it is ready for application.

The application process itself is the same as finishing with conventional cement mortar. Beacons are installed on the wall, between which they throw the mixture and level it with the rule. The layer thickness, as a rule, is no more than 5 cm.

To apply the final leveling layer a thinner solution should be used, which is smoothed with a plastic grater, thereby eliminating minor defects, pits and irregularities. After 48 hours, the plastered surface can be covered.

Application warm plaster: Video instruction.

To insulate walls from the inside without losing the usable area of ​​the room, it is optimal to use warm plaster. It is effective for both external and internal work. In cases where it is necessary to insulate a wall in an apartment, this method is ideal.

Types of plaster compositions

The composition of traditional plaster includes:

  • Binder (cement, gypsum);
  • Fine filler (sand);
  • Water.

For thermal insulation of internal walls, a classic solution can be used, but it will have to be applied in a thick layer of up to 10 cm. To obtain a more effective result, the sand filler is partially or completely replaced with components that can better retain heat:

  • Shredded foam;
  • Vermiculite (granular material obtained by firing hydrated mica);
  • Perlite (mineral of volcanic origin).

A layer of plaster with these fillers at the same thickness will give a greater effect than using a traditional mortar, and by reducing the layer, you can get the optimal heat transfer effect of the wall.

Ready-made plaster compositions for internal thermal insulation They are produced mainly on perlite. It has a relatively low bulk density - 200...400 kg/m3. It is slightly less for vermiculite - about 100 kg/m3. Perlite is used more often due to its low cost.

Both cement and gypsum can be used as a binder for insulating walls with warm plaster from the inside. In the first case, the wall will be stronger, but will require more careful cladding, since the cement is gray, you will have to heavily cover the color, for example, with gypsum putty. Gypsum is suitable only for interior work; it itself has low thermal conductivity, which further enhances the thermal insulation effect.

Advantages and disadvantages of warm plasters

The advantages, of course, include:

  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • Sufficient layer strength;
  • Small application thickness (no more than 5 cm);
  • No reinforcement required during application.

The main disadvantage of the coating that needs to be taken into account is the high hygroscopicity of mineral heat-insulating plasters. Gypsum, perlite and vermiculite are porous materials that can absorb significant amounts of water. Basic recommendations on this matter:

  • In wet rooms (bathrooms, showers), enhanced waterproofing of the wall is required. Moisture-resistant putties and ceramic cladding are suitable for this.
  • In corridors, kitchens and rooms it is enough to maintain normal humidity of no more than 60%. For additional protection use a deep penetration primer under wallpaper or decorative plasters.

Slaked lime will also help reduce the hygroscopicity of the composition. It does not affect the thermal conductivity of the layer in any way, but it noticeably reduces moisture absorption and improves the plasticity of the solution.

How to make warm plaster with your own hands

The cost of ready-made mixtures is high; it is much cheaper to make the preparation yourself. This way you can save a lot, especially if you need to insulate all the walls in a house or apartment. An additional bonus of large volumes of work is high (total) material consumption, i.e. It is unlikely that you will be left with half a bag of unnecessary cement if you immediately calculate everything correctly and buy the required number of components.

What you will need:

  • Cement brand M150-M200. This one is inexpensive - about 150-250 rubles per 50 kg bag;
  • Perlite (M75-M100) costs about 100 rubles per 50 kg;
  • Vermiculite will cost more - about 450-500 rubles per 50 kg;
  • Slaked lime- approximately 120 rubles for 20 kg;
  • Washed construction sand - 100 rubles per 50 kg;
  • Water - from the tap according to the meter.

Cooking technology:

  1. The first step is to take the required amount of water. It should be at room temperature.
  2. Dry ingredients can be mixed in advance.
  3. The dry mixture is added to the water in portions; each addition must be thoroughly mixed. construction mixer or a drill with the same attachment. A whisk can be purchased at any hardware and construction store.

How to make warm plaster yourself: recipes

Components should be purchased based on the selected composition.

  • 1) Simple composition: cement, sand and perlite are taken in a ratio of 1:1:4, the mixture is mixed with the required amount of water until the working consistency of thick sour cream.
  • 2) For a large volume of work, you can prepare a solution from 190 kg of cement, 1 m3 of perlite or vermiculite, 270 liters of water. The volume should be divided into equal parts before mixing, since the finished solution sets within 2-3 hours.
  • 3) A solution with a plasticizer is prepared from 1 part cement, 4 parts perlite, 0.9 parts water; 1 m3 of perlite will require 4-5 liters of PVA glue, which acts as a plasticizer. PVA should be diluted in water, which will be used to mix the mixture.
  • 4) Sand-perlite mortar is prepared from 1 part cement, 2 parts sand, 3 parts perlite. The amount of glue should be 1/100 of the amount of cement, i.e. per 100 kg of binder 1 kg of glue. The mixture is mixed with water until it works.
  • 5) Cement and perlite in a ratio of 1:4 are mixed with water and PVA in an amount of glue of 1% by weight of the binder.
  • 6) Cement-lime mortar with insulating granules is prepared in the proportions: lime - 1 part, cement - 1 part, perlite sand - up to 5 parts. This plaster is perfect for wet rooms.

Solutions based on gypsum binder are prepared in a similar way without the use of glue.

PVA glue can be replaced with liquid soap, dishwashing detergent or specialized superplasticizers that are sold in construction stores. The latter should be used according to the instructions.

Warm plaster based on perlite is low in cost; this filler can be replaced with more expensive vermiculite, then the weight of the layer will be lighter, and the effectiveness of the coating will noticeably improve. Cheap polystyrene foam in granules can also replace perlite, but the thermal conductivity of the plaster will not increase. The only caveat is that polystyrene can evaporate harmful substances with significant heating, therefore it is rarely used for residential premises. This does not mean that it is prohibited for use; on the contrary, for cool rooms and walls where there is no heating from the sun, this filler will be a good ingredient.

Review of popular warm mixtures

If collecting the components yourself confuses you, you can always purchase a ready-made mixture in the store. It is important here not to run into fake and low-quality material. To avoid such troubles, carefully read the information on the packaging; it always indicates the characteristics of the composition, method and place of application.

To make your choice easier, here are the 5 most popular dry mixes for preparing warm plaster.

Knauf Grünband

The German brand offers a mixture for preparing warm plaster based on cement and polystyrene granules. The material is suitable for interior and exterior work; the solution fits well on any base made of brick, concrete, stone, or building blocks. Any cladding can be applied to the surface: tiles, plastering decorative materials, wallpapering, etc. To increase adhesion efficiency, the manufacturer recommends treating the surface with deep penetration primer on the appropriate material before applying the solution.

The cost of the Knakf Grunband plaster mixture is about 360-400 rubles per 25 kg bag.

Warm plaster "Mishka" was developed in Russia and is ideally adapted to the local climate. The coating does not allow water to pass through and has low thermal conductivity. A layer thickness of 2 cm is equivalent brick wall 50 cm! The plaster is suitable for interior and facade work.

Modern plaster based on cement and foam glass has excellent thermal conductivity and moisture resistance. Suitable for outdoor and indoor use. For effective protection against cold and noise, a layer of 5...40 mm is sufficient. The solution is lightweight and does not require a strong foundation or special preparation. Can be applied to uneven but cleaned and primed surfaces made of brick, all types of concrete and stone. Does not retain moisture and has breathable properties.

For effective material you will have to pay about 680 rubles per 12 kg bag.

Warm plasters of the ThermoUm series from the company " Green house» have excellent sanitizing parameters, low thermal conductivity, do not retain moisture, and can be applied to any substrate. The products have been tested in European laboratories and have appropriate quality certificates. Produced and supplied to order.

UNIS Teplon

UNIS Teplon gypsum-based mixture is a lightweight warm plaster for interior use. Perfectly adapts to any type of surface, suitable for use in dry and damp rooms. The layer thickness to achieve insulation parameters is 5…50 mm, depending on the characteristics of the main wall. The main advantages of the composition are the absence of shrinkage and ease of application.

You can buy a gypsum-based UNIS Teplon mixture for 375 rubles (30 kg).

Technology of insulating walls with warm plaster from the inside

Wall insulation with inside The standard layout of the premises looks like this:

  • 1) The surface is cleaned of old decoration;
  • 2) A primer is applied with a deep penetration compound;
  • 3) The first layer of plaster is applied. If a thick coating is to be applied, the first layer should be thin; it is recommended to spray: the solution is brought to a liquid state (like liquid sour cream), drops are applied to the wall surface with a brush or brush. After they have dried, you can begin plastering;
  • 4) The main layer is applied different methods. A thin coating does not require the installation of a mesh; it is applied with a wide spatula or building rule. You should immediately make the surface level. If the layer is thick, it is advisable to stretch the mesh and secure it to the wall with dowels, even if the plaster manufacturer does not say so. Reinforcement is necessary for mortar layers from 50 mm.
  • 5) When using gypsum plaster and its high-quality application will not require subsequent puttying. When working with a cement composition, after 1-2 hours, if there are significant unevenness or scratches, you can take a brush, moisten it in water and slightly blur the unevenness. Do not be afraid to rub the wall - the cement has already set and only a surface that is not sufficiently leveled will get wet. Then puttying should be done.

This algorithm is valid in cases where repairs are carried out for the purpose of insulation in a finished building with an insulated facade. If the house is just being built, it is necessary to provide sufficient wall thickness or high-quality insulation from the outside, since the interior alone cannot protect the room from heat loss.

Construction and renovation of a house involves leveling walls and reducing heat loss. For this purpose, dry mixtures and insulating materials are used. All this can be found in one warm plaster. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article.

What does it represent?

Plaster compositions are a mixture of binding elements, fillers, plasticizers, performance-improving additives and sand purified from impurities with different fractions. Most warm plaster is presented in dry form, which should be diluted with water before use.


The building material differs from other analogues in specific fillers. It is they who give the result properties similar to heat-insulating materials.

In particular, the main additives are:

  • vermiculite;
  • wood fibers or sawdust;
  • modified clay;
  • powdered pumice;
  • polystyrene foam in granules.

Except functional features The listed elements give the coating a different structure.

Some options are used as finishing decor. Others cover paint and varnish materials after preliminary priming and complete drying of the surface.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main task of plaster is to level the base. Material according to its own physical characteristics different from most of the offered products.

Lightweight and practical finish

Among the positive ones are:

  • high degree of adhesion to mineral and wood substrates, which do not need to be pre-leveled;
  • if the maximum permissible layer is observed, the use of reinforcing material is not required;
  • the breathable composition of the coating does not allow heat and cold, noise and dust to pass through;
  • predominantly contains natural raw materials;
  • comfortable use;
  • frost resistance and resistance to changes in weather conditions;
  • light weight, which does not allow “cellulite” deposits to form under the weight of the solution;
  • forms a coating close to monolithic;
  • With the exception of the filler in the form of polystyrene, the constituent substances are non-flammable materials.

In addition, warm plaster is considered unattractive to rodents and organisms related to microbiology. This eliminates the use of various kinds of antiseptic compounds that can cause an allergic reaction.

Many positive aspects and advantages over analogues do not exclude the presence of disadvantages. These include:

  • as a rule, the maximum value of the applied layer does not exceed 20 mm;
  • if plaster is used as an alternative to other heat insulators, then the layer must be at least 5 cm, which affects the foundation due to the total load;
  • depending on the composition, the material is able to absorb moisture, so this indicator should be taken into account when choosing;
  • When applying the solution again, be sure to use a reinforcing mesh.

It is believed that such a warm plaster, but you should not consider it a composition that fully replaces the insulation. The material has, among others, a similar property, but it is not the only one.

Application area

The gypsum binder composition is used only indoors. On a lime and cement base, warm plaster is used to finish the facade of the house, including its decoration.

Upon closer examination, the solution is used in the following cases:

  1. Filling cracks, crevices and voids.
  2. Sealing joints between floors.
  3. Formation of openings for windows and doors.
  4. Insulation: walls and building structure as a whole; water supply risers; sewer system.

The material also copes with leveling the base. But in view of the cost, it makes sense to give preference to analogues with a permissible single-layer application exceeding 2 cm.

Types and features

Gypsum heat-insulating plaster is characterized by minimal resistance to variable humidity. Therefore, it is used only inside dry rooms. More often, cement is used as the basis, since it copes with changes in operating conditions much better. For façade elements, exactly these compositions are used.

Plaster with heat-insulating additives for outdoor use differs in fillers, which affect the characteristic properties of the mixture:

  1. Organic are represented by expanded polystyrene with a fraction of 1-1.5 mm, which is not very durable. Added to cement and lime compositions. The versatility of warm plaster is limited by its flammability. It is recommended to treat the coating with materials as a finishing decoration.
  2. Minerals make up for the deficiencies of organic matter. These include: quartz glass is hydro-resistant, does not allow heat to pass through and does not shrink; porous raw materials of volcanic origin : mica vermiculite is not afraid of anything except water; Obsidian perlite needs protection from moisture.
  3. Sawdust is inferior for a long time drying, but are excellent for processing bricks and wood. Among such fillers are used: sawdust, paper.

The latter mixtures usually have cement or clay as a base. Manufacturers recommend using such mixtures for interior work. This is due to the fact that during the drying process the presence of wind is not allowed.

Mineral fillers also include pumice with expanded clay. These materials are inferior to analogues in all respects, therefore they are used extremely rarely.

Top manufacturers

If we consider building materials from the point of view of manufacturers, the most famous brand is the German company Knauf. This brand has established itself among the first in the post-Soviet space.

The materials are of high quality. All tasks assigned to the material are carried out in accordance with the specified parameters. The main condition is compliance with the rules for using and preparing plaster.

Domestic analogues also cope with the main tasks, to one degree or another. For example:

  1. Houncliffe contains acrylic and glass. Can be applied to any porous substrate. It has low thermal conductivity, is vapor permeable, and does not accumulate moisture. Differs in environmental friendliness. The material is relatively new, so it is almost impossible to purchase a fake.
  2. Termoum can be used to treat any substrate inside and outside the room. The plaster contains 99% mineral elements, which indicates its environmental friendliness and non-flammability. Pores in the coating occupy 55% of the volume. This allows moisture to not linger in the base. Hydrophobicity allows the product to be used as a moisture barrier for walls.
  3. Varmmix It has high adhesion to any substrate without the use of primers. Unlike the previous option, it can be used for thermal insulation of the façade of a building.

Warm plaster Umka is suitable for indoor work. It is characterized by high strength and moisture resistance. It does an excellent job of insulating walls from noise and cold outside.

Thermal insulating plaster Knauf Grünband

German warm plaster for the facade Grünband can be applied to any base. The application method can be either manual or machine. The latter allows you to speed up the processing process.

The tasks that Grünband copes with:

  • waterproofing of facades and rooms with high humidity;
  • strengthening the base surface;
  • preventing the appearance of cracks during shrinkage of the building or from mechanical impact from the outside;
  • decorative design of the base, which only needs to be painted.

The fraction of components does not exceed 1.5 mm. This suggests that the coating differs in coating density and comfort relative to the application of the solution.

How to make warm plaster with your own hands

The modern market is presented with everything necessary to make your own plaster, including warm plaster. The mixture is usually based on cement and purified sand.

To impart heat-insulating properties to the plaster, perlite or vermiculite is added to the composition in a ratio of 4 to 1 relative to cement. PVA construction adhesive can be used as a plasticizer in quantities of up to 60 grams per 10 liters of plaster. It is important to mix all the elements thoroughly, leave for about 20 minutes and repeat shaking.

DIY application technology

Warm plaster is used more often for exterior work. External wall plastering activities are carried out in warm weather. It is advisable that there is no wind. This way the result will be of better quality. If beacons are used, then after the coating has hardened they should be removed and the voids should be filled with warm plaster.

Preparatory work

The base requires standard preparation before plastering. To do this you need to eliminate:

  • old coating in the form of plaster and paint;
  • protruding reinforcement elements;
  • available material for wall insulation;
  • excess adhesive mortar between the blocks from which the building is constructed.

It is advisable to fill all the recesses first. Some manufacturers claim that priming is not required. Most experts disagree with this.

Necessary tool

To prepare the plaster you will need a container and a mixer. You can purchase a special attachment for a drill or hammer drill. To work with the solution you will need spatulas (facade and auxiliary) and a rule.

Devices and tools

When using beacons, plaster is applied by machine or manually. Then the mixture is leveled with a trapezoid-shaped cloth. The surplus is further used.


When applying the solution in a single layer, no additional reinforcement is required. However, there is often a need for a coating in excess of 20 mm. In this case, use a mesh with cells up to 5x5 mm. It will not allow the coating to crack.

The reinforcement process looks like this:

  • the first layer of plaster is applied;
  • after 100-120 minutes, the plaster mesh is attached using a notched trowel;
  • the next layer of solution is applied after 1.5-2 days.


Each stage, with the exception of reinforcement, is carried out after the base or fresh coating has completely dried. Priming is taken into account in this case.

Calculation of the amount of material

Before covering the plaster, be sure to take into account the fact that the solution has a limited action time. As a rule, it is equal to 4 hours.

Layer thickness calculation

For sound insulation, a layer of warm plaster 5 mm thick is sufficient. For thermal insulation, 50 mm is considered optimal. For leveling, the layer is calculated depending on the differences that will need to be eliminated. If they exceed 5 cm, then it is recommended to first use analogues without heat-insulating fillers.

Mixture consumption

If the plaster layer is 20 mm, then you will need about 12 kg of dry mixture per 1 square meter. meter. With a two-layer coating, 2 times more material will be required.


Application rules warm material in fact the same as other counterparts. The differences are in the reinforcement and the drying time of the coating. In particular, the latter is about 3 hours. Thermal insulating plaster gains maximum strength within a month.

Applying the mixture

To give smoothness, the hardened surface is moistened with water and treated with a grater. Possible deficiencies can be corrected within 2 hours.

Let's sum it up

Warm plaster is used as a leveling building material, similar to its conventional counterparts. The mixtures are also used for treating facades and walls indoors with any humidity. Characteristic feature This plaster has a heat-insulating property, along with which the coating does not allow noise to pass through.

The affordable cost of warm plaster and a wide range of applications have a clear advantage over analogues. Besides, T warm plaster can be prepared with your own hands.

High price utilities and energy resources can push owners of apartments and country real estate to carry out additional work over wall insulation. One of the options for increasing the thermal properties of such bases is the use of special warm plaster. What is it and what kind of coating is there - read about all this in our article.

Thermal insulating plaster: types and features

In the formulations of warm plasters, some of the components of conventional leveling compounds are replaced with materials that can be used to enhance the thermal insulation properties of the hardened mortar. For example, quartz sand or part of it is replaced with perlite, vermiculite, polystyrene foam, etc. additives in in bulk form. Cement or gypsum can be used as a binder. In the first case, the finished composition is suitable for external and internal finishing, in the second - only for internal work due to the high hygroscopicity of gypsum.

The main part of the dry mixtures presented on domestic market, is a perlite plaster. Expanded perlite is used as a filler, which in appearance may resemble coarse sand or small gravel of a grayish-white color. The material is quite light - bulk density is around 200-400 kg per cubic meter. m. depending on the grain size. It is somewhat lower for expanded vermiculite. The density of this additive to plaster is approximately 100 kg per cubic meter. m. (bulk). Another property that must be taken into account when using thermal insulation solutions is the high hygroscopicity of hardened coatings. The hygroscopicity of the material is up to 5 volumes of water per 1 volume of expanded component.

Despite the high water absorption coefficients, vermiculite and perlite plasters can be used for external insulation of a building. The main thing is that they are not directly exposed to precipitation, and the steam passing through the walls of the house does not linger in the coating.

The low density of the solution components ensures a reduction in the mass of the finished coating, which can be taken into account when designing a house. There is an opportunity to reduce the load on the foundation and rely on a cheaper foundation for construction.

A short video about plaster based on polystyrene foam.

Two videos on how to prepare warm vermiculite plaster.

Plaster Teplon (GK Unis)

You must have heard of this finishing material like Teplon plaster. It is a ready-to-mix dry mix based on gypsum binder. A special feature of the composition is the addition of perlite, a porous rock of volcanic origin. It is this additive that gives the manufacturer the right to call his plaster warm. Teplon mixtures can be used for interior decoration premises. The coating turns out to be relatively light, allows you to level the base and give it additional sound and thermal insulation properties.

Types and technical characteristics

At the time of writing the review, the company produced four types of plasters under the Teplon brand. Moreover, three of them are intended for finishing dry rooms and actually have some thermal insulation properties, and the fourth, moisture-resistant modification is not positioned as “warm” (the thermal conductivity coefficient is not specified for it).

Remember that such coatings are highly hygroscopic, so we can talk about the advisability of their use only if the humidity in the room is normal. We are talking about “warm” compositions. And do not forget that you need to insulate the walls from the outside, not from the inside. Accordingly, using completely different materials.

To be fair, we note that the thermal conductivity coefficient of Teplon plaster is 0.23 W/(m×°C), and such thermal insulation materials as extruded polystyrene foam, ordinary foam plastic and mineral wool - 0.029÷0.032, 0.038÷0.047, 0.036÷0.055 W/(m×°C), respectively. And we remember that the lower this value, the better the heat-shielding properties are characteristic for the same thickness of the material. What does it mean? And the fact is that achieving the same thermal protection of walls when using warm Teplon plaster is more difficult than when installing a special thermal insulation material.

Work technology

  1. Requirements for temperature and humidity conditions for work are standard: from +5 to +30 °C at relative humidity up to 75%. Because All brands of Teplon plaster are produced using gypsum binder, then the condition of the base must be appropriate: clean, dry, without damaged or poorly adhering parts of the wall material. Working surface primed with active concrete composition (for smooth concrete foundations) or deep penetration soil (for cellular concrete and other hygroscopic materials). Subsequent operations begin after the soil has dried.
  2. Installation of plaster beacons is carried out according to the standard scheme; only the appropriate brand of Teplon solution is used to attach the beacons.
  3. To obtain a solution of the desired consistency, add a kilogram of powder for every 450-550 ml of water. When using a moisture-resistant brand of water, take less - 160-220 ml. Mix with a special mixer or perforator with a stirrer. After that, the mass is left alone for 5 minutes. and mix again. The further fate of the plaster is determined by the value of its viability.
  4. The resulting composition is applied to the walls manually or mechanically (for the MN composition) in a layer 5-50 mm thick. The thickness of the ceiling coating is less - 5-30 mm.
  5. An hour after mixing the solution, the layer of plaster is trimmed along the beacons using the rule. At this stage, all coating defects are corrected: depressions, bumps, waves, etc.
  6. If it is necessary to apply a layer with a thickness of more than 50 mm, then this is done in several stages: layer by layer, after the previous coating has hardened, treated with a primer and over a plaster mesh.
  7. On final stage possible glossy surface. It is started 2 hours after trimming the set solution. The coating is wetted clean water, rub with a special sponge grater, and the emerging milk is smoothed out with a wide spatula.


Some Umka plaster mixtures are also positioned as warm: UB-21, UF-2, UB-212. In addition to heat and sound insulation properties, the manufacturer is distinguished by the environmental friendliness of the compositions, their hydrophobic properties, non-flammability and frost resistance.

We compare the brands of heat-insulating plasters Umka
Comparison criterion UMKA
UB-21 UB-212 UF-2
a brief description of For all types of stone bases for interior and exterior decoration For walls made of gas silicate and hollow ceramic bricks. Thin-layer, for interior and facade work Finishing layer for finishing any type of stone bases, inside or outside. Thermal insulation properties are an option. In general, plaster is decorative in nature.
Recommended layer thickness, mm 10-100 5-7 up to 20
Volume of water per 1 kg of mixture, l 0,53-0,58 0,58-0,64 0,45-0,47
Consumption of dry mixture, kg/m 2 /layer thickness, mm 3,5-4/10 2,5-2,9/5-7 1,1/2
Viability of solution, min 60 90 60
Thermal conductivity coefficient of hardened plaster, W/(m×°C) 0,065 0,1 0,13
Price/packaging €15/9 kg €18/12 kg

All work is carried out in almost the same order as for Unis products. Because in essence it is a similar product.

Below is a short video about Umka plaster.


Warm plaster Mishka is suitable for finishing walls made of any materials, both for external and internal work. The thermal conductivity declared by the manufacturer is 0.065 W/(m×°C) - the same as for Umka UB-21 products, which gives rise to some thoughts on this matter. 7 kg of dry mixture is mixed with approximately 3-3.3 liters of water, the solution consumption is approximately 3.5-4 kg/m2 at a 10 mm layer. The cost of a bag (7 kg) is approximately 650 rubles.

Knauf Grünband

Another option for a ready-made mixture from a well-known manufacturer. You can read more about it.

Making warm perlite plaster with your own hands

You probably already noticed that all compositions for warm plaster contain components that determine their thermal insulation properties. Most often it is perlite or vermiculite; mixtures with expanded polystyrene are also found. It is their low thermal conductivity coefficients that allow, on average, to obtain good values ​​for finished coatings. By using such additives together with or instead of certain fillers, such as sand, as well as binders such as gypsum or cement, you can be sure of mixing a mixture with the desired properties.

Unfortunately, prices for ready-made mixtures do not inspire confidence. What if you prepare the solution yourself?! Moreover, individual components, such as cement, perlite, lime, are relatively inexpensive. For example, a ton of M500 cement can be bought for 3000-4000 rubles, 20 kg bags of slaked lime - 170 rubles each, perlite (grades M75 or M100) - approximately 1500-2000 rubles. per cubic meter If the amount of work is large and the budget for implementation is limited, then it’s time to get creative. We offer you several recipes for making warm perlite plaster with your own hands.

  • 1 part cement to 1 part sand and 4 parts perlite (calculated by volume) is mixed with water until the required consistency is obtained (thick sour cream);
  • the proportions of cement and perlite by volume are 1 to 4. So, for 375 kg of cement you will need approximately 1 cubic meter of perlite sand. The mixture is mixed with 300 liters of water; PVA glue can be used as a plasticizing additive in a volume of 4-5 liters. The glue is mixed in water, to which a dry mixture of perlite and cement is subsequently added;
  • the volumetric ratio of cement and perlite is 1 to 5. For 290 liters of water, use 4-4.5 liters of PVA, 300 kg of cement and a cube of perlite;
    - by volume: 1 portion of cement, 2 portions of sand and 3 portions of perlite. As an additive, you can use liquid soap or PVA in an amount of no more than 1% by weight of cement;
  • 270 liters of water will require a cube of perlite and 190 kg of cement;
  • 1 volume of cement, 4 volumes of perlite, approximately 0.1% by weight of cement PVA glue;
  • volumetric ratio of cement to perlite in the range of 1:4÷1:8. The additive can be liquid soap, dishwashing detergent, PVA - up to 1% by weight of cement;
  • pre-prepare the mixing solution (hereinafter referred to as RZ): dissolve the sodium salt of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) in a measured volume of water in a volume of 0.5% of the expected volume of warm plaster, as well as plasticizers - 0.5% by weight of the subsequently added cement. All components are thoroughly mixed and the solution is allowed to settle until the viscosity of the CMC increases. Further variations are possible depending on what density the plaster needs to be obtained (bucket - 10 l). For example, for 12 liters of RZ add 12 liters of cement, 2 buckets of perlite, 2.5 buckets of sand (the density of the resulting solution is approximately 1500 kg per cubic meter). For the same volume of RP, 1.5 buckets of sand, 3 buckets of perlite, 1 bucket of cement are poured - a mixture with a density of 1200 kg per cube is obtained. For 20 liters you can mix about 5 buckets of perlite, 1 bucket of sand, 12 liters of cement - we get a solution with a density of about 800-900 kg per cubic meter

All these PVA and liquid soap can be replaced with superplasticizers, for example, from Poliplast. This component is very important, because it determines the behavior of the solution and the mixture’s need for the volume of mixing water.

You should understand that any recipes are given for guidance only. To achieve success, you will have to experiment with the ratio of components and test the resulting solutions in operation. And only after the mixture is ideal for your finishing conditions, you can mix large volumes. Special attention Pay attention to the water absorption capacity of the thermal insulation components. They actively retain moisture, which, if there is a lack of mixing water, can affect the technology of hardening the cement mixture.


If you do not perceive warm plaster as the only solution for insulating a residential building, but only as an opportunity to bring the thermal characteristics of the building to the required values, then the result will not be long in coming. Using such a solution, you can simultaneously level the base and give it new properties. And don’t be afraid to experiment with making your own plaster – it will cost less than buying ready-made mixtures!

When putting on a fur coat in winter, we don’t forget about a sweater or vest. Something similar happens to our houses when, instead of the usual finishing, thermal insulating plaster is used, which makes the house cooler in hot weather and warmer in cold weather.

What is thermal insulation plaster

New Construction Materials, performing a specific task are being developed in the field of building decoration. The main purpose of using heat-insulating plaster is to ensure thermal conductivity of no more than 0.175 W/m-K with a bulk density of up to 500 kg/m³. If this condition is not met, the material does not insulate heat sufficiently. Ideally, a plaster coating that retains heat should be an analogue of classic facade insulation, that is, it should be sufficiently strong, durable, and fireproof. The developers were able to solve the problem by replacing fillers that conduct heat well with components that have low thermal conductivity. That is, sand and stone chips in gypsum or cement compositions were replaced:

  • expanded vermiculite;
  • foam glass;
  • sawdust;
  • straw cutting;
  • perlite, etc.

The result was different kinds warm plasters that meet the specified requirements, which differ according to the area of ​​use:

  • warm plaster for interior work;
  • heat-insulating facade (for external use).

In addition, the compositions were modified, giving additional properties, resulting in heat-sound-insulating plaster. This type of finish serves as both an acoustic and thermal barrier.

Thermal insulating compounds are used both for rough work (leveling) and for finishing.

Another class of components are modifiers. They are added to increase the lifespan, increase the elasticity of the solution, and prevent drying cracks. Manufacturers use proprietary plasticizers when creating mixtures. When making the composition with your own hands, detergents or PVA glue, ready-made modifiers available in construction stores, and microfiber are added to it.

Advantages and disadvantages of warm plasters

In order to reduce heat loss, they are used in construction various materials: mineral wool, polystyrene foam, etc. They are laid on the walls outside.

Compared with such home protection, warm compounds have the following advantages:

  • simple application that a beginner can handle;
  • the material is highly plastic, it can be sealed hard to reach places structures;
  • no surface leveling required;
  • no need special mount, to improve adhesion, surface wetting is practiced;
  • the use of mesh reinforcement not over the entire area, but at corners and to repair cracks;
  • a high adhesion rate allows the composition to be applied even to a metal base;
  • the material is microporous, which makes it breathable and helps dry the walls;
  • fire safety of most compositions;
  • an additional benefit is good sound insulation of the insulated room;
  • resistance to biological damage;
  • the coating is frost-resistant, not afraid of temperature fluctuations;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • use of waste for the production of plaster composition (reducing the polluting load on nature);
  • does not crack from vibrations and does not change under the influence of UV rays;
  • thin layer application gives additional insulation when using mineral wool and other insulation materials.

Warm compositions have their disadvantages:

  • the compositions are more expensive than insulation materials (taking into account the reduction in the cost of work and the reduction in costs for related materials, such as mesh, the cost is comparable);
  • the increased dead weight of the coating with the additional load from absorbed water requires a strong foundation;
  • necessary protective covering, since porosity promotes rapid absorption of moisture (compositions with foam glass and expanded polystyrene do not have this disadvantage);
  • compositions with organic components (sawdust, straw) are limited in use (only indoors);
  • The insulation layer is thick, so it takes a long time to dry;
  • some fillers are flammable (polystyrene).

Calculation of the thickness of the layer of warm plaster

To make such a calculation, use SNiP 23-02-2003.

Thermal conductivity of plaster - the ability of the material to conduct heat. If the room temperature is higher than the street temperature, then when the heating is turned off, the heat “leaves” outside through the walls (35%) and other structures. The intensity of heat loss depends on the area, thermal conductivity of the wall material, the difference between street and home temperatures, and other parameters. To quantitatively express the thermal conductivity of plaster coatings, λ is used - the thermal conductivity coefficient of the plaster (how much it is capable of conducting thermal radiation through an area of ​​1 m2, a layer 1 m thick with a difference of 1 ° C). For example, for plaster compositions the value of the coefficient λ in descending order (W/(m*°C)) is as follows:

  • cement with sand – 0.93;
  • cement-lime with sand - 0.87;
  • lime with sand – 0.81;
  • clay with sand – 0.69;
  • gypsum – 0.35;
  • clay with sawdust – 0.29;
  • gypsum with perlite – 0.23;
  • cement with perlite – 0.3.

The coefficient λ =1 means that the heat loss will be 1 W for a wall thickness of 1 m. If this figure is not 1 m, but 20 cm, then the heat loss will be 1: 0.2 = 5 W. If the temperature difference is not 1°C, but 6°C, then the losses will be higher: 5 x 6 = 30 W.

To determine the thermal resistance, use the formula R = d/λ, where λ (taken from the table), d is the thickness of the material.

For example, heat resistance (R) for a foam concrete wall with a thickness of d = 51 cm

R=0.51/0.3=1.7 (m2*°K)/W.

From the table for external walls, take the standard value of their heat transfer resistance for the desired region. For example, for Moscow it is 3.28 (m2 * K) / W, which means design resistance foam concrete in Moscow is not enough for a house wall. And for Sochi (1.79) too.

With thickness d

R=d/ λ or d=R* λ

Using this formula, we calculate d \u003d Ra * λ \u003d 1.58 * 0.23 \u003d 0.363 m or 363 mm. We are not satisfied with a plaster coating of such thickness, so using insulation would be optimal.

For Sochi d = (1.79-1.7) * 0.23 = 0.021 m or 21 mm. In this case, for the Sochi region, the thermal conductivity of the plaster (gypsum-perlite) is quite sufficient.

Areas of application for warm plaster

Facade walls are not the only place where warm plaster is used for exterior work. It insulates plinths, floors and ceilings, closes gaps, insulates sewer risers, as well as water supply risers. In addition, it is used as insulation for garages and other auxiliary buildings.

According to the application, the following varieties are produced:

  • finishing coatings
  • for rough finishing.

Varieties of heat-insulating mixtures for plastering

Thermal insulation compositions are classified by the type of binder: gypsum, cement, etc., as well as by the type of insulating filler.

Straw based

The material used for a long time is insulating plaster made of clay with straw grain. Straw in clay coating acts as reinforcement and creates voids.

As a result, the plaster coating can be thicker without delamination or cracking. It is applied as a rough layer on the wall over shingles by hand. The coating is breathable, absorbing excess moisture from the air and returning it when the room is dry. Before application, the walls are moistened or sprayed with clay mash. The main disadvantage is the long drying time. The main advantage is a favorable microclimate and low cost.

Sawdust based plaster

Sawdust has long been used for home insulation. They covered the rubble and ceilings. They were added to clay and lime mixtures for coating walls. Sawdust retains heat better than wooden beam, since the thermal conductivity coefficient of sawdust is 0.06 – 0.07 W/(m2 °C), and wood – 0.18. In terms of heat retention, sawdust is much closer to polystyrene foam.

Compositions with sawdust can have a different mineral base - clay, gypsum (Armenian plaster: 3 parts of gypsum, 1 part of sawdust), cement and lime. The main application is indoors. Before mixing the composition, sawdust is sifted through a sieve with a cell diameter of 5 mm.

Polystyrene as filler

A type of polystyrene foam - polystyrene foam - is used for various purposes, for example as a filler for anti-stress toys, upholstered furniture, pillows for sleeping. The material is ultra-light (up to 98% air), does not absorb water, and is not food for microorganisms. Applicable in cement screeds for insulating floors (1:4:4 - cement/polystyrene granules/sand), and also as a heat-insulating leveling layer (1:3) laid under the screed.

Plaster mixtures with polystyrene are used for work on facades and indoors. They are produced on the basis of cement or cement with lime. Although they do not burn, they can release toxic substances when ignited.

Plaster mixture with the addition of foam glass

Small glass balls (up to 2 mm), which contain air bubbles that are not afraid of water, are perfect for use as a filler for warm plasters for facades. Such compositions are easy to install, retain heat well, and do not get wet.

Mixtures based on perlite, vermiculite and expanded clay

When volcanic lava frozen on the ground comes into contact with water, obsidian hydroxide is formed - porous round granules similar to pearls. Because of this, the hydroxide is called perlite. The granules have high porosity, which reaches 40%, and are capable of absorbing water 4 times more than their own weight (hygroscopicity is a disadvantage of such mixtures). For plaster composition (external and internal use) more commonly used expanded perlite.

The mineral group of hydromicas contains vermiculite, consisting of small exfoliated scales of brown-golden color. Vermiculite swells when heated and fills with air. It is used in light concrete compositions and warm plaster mixes. Has antiseptic properties. Perlite and vermiculite absorb odors and water well, so they need finishing plastering.

Expanded clay granules (crumbs) are produced by firing some low-melting types of clay. When fired, light granules that conduct little heat are formed. different sizes. For warm facade plaster granules up to 5 mm in diameter are used.

Basic rules for applying warm plaster

To make a truly heat-insulating plaster screen, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. It is important to properly prepare the foundation.
  2. To mix the dry mixture (SS), take the amount of water according to the instructions.
  3. In a large container, mix the entire volume contained in the package with water, so it is guaranteed that each portion will contain the required proportion of components.
  4. The SS is poured into the poured water, being careful not to create dust. The mixture is stirred for 5 minutes with a mixer at low speed (areas close to the sides and bottom are treated). Then give the solution 5 minutes to “ripen” and stir for another 2 – 3 minutes.
  5. Work quickly, trying to use up all the solution before the end of its life. A solution that has begun to set for application to the wall is unsuitable.
  6. Work is carried out at temperatures above +5°C, below +30°C. Drafts, direct exposure sun rays and rain are not allowed. During facade work, a canopy is made.
  7. Before plastering, turn off the power to sockets and switches.
  8. Use safety glasses to protect your eyes.
  9. Used beacons are removed after applying the solution. You cannot leave them in the wall, as they serve as cold bridges.
  10. The use of primers is necessary to ensure adhesion sufficient to hold a thick plaster coating on the wall.
  11. The insulating layer should be no thicker than 25 mm. If greater thickness is required, apply several layers intermittently to dry. The surface of the overlapping layers is not smoothed for better adhesion.

Making warm plaster with your own hands

Commercially available CCs are not cheap. There is an alternative. Craftsmen prefer to create warm plaster solutions with their own hands. All components can be purchased for almost nothing. Clay or lime can be used as a natural plasticizer. Liquid soap is also suitable, which is added at the rate of 2 - 3 spoons per 20 liters of mixture. You can purchase a hydrophobizing agent in the store (use according to the instructions).

We offer you several recipes for thermal insulation compositions.

Recipe 1. Mixture for facades:

  • 1 part – cement from M400;
  • 1 part – foamed polystyrene 1 – 3 mm;
  • 3 parts perlite;
  • 50 g – polypropylene fiber;
  • plasticizer (add according to instructions).

Mix the dry ingredients and add enough water so that the solution has a paste-like consistency and does not run off the trowel.

Recipe 2. Indoor mixture:

  • 1 part - white cement M400;
  • 4 parts – filler (vermiculite or perlite);
  • 50 g/bucket of cement - PVA glue or factory plasticizer (adhere to the proportion recommended by the manufacturer);
  • water.

Recipe 3. Thermal insulation from perlite-sand mixture:

  • 1 volume part of cement;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 4 parts perlite.

Recipe 4. Warm composition with sawdust and paper (for rooms and facades):

  • 1 part – cement;
  • 2 parts – paper pulp, soaked into porridge;
  • 3 parts – sawdust;
  • water.

Recipe 5. Lime-sawdust composition:

  • 1 part sawdust;
  • 10 – 15 parts of dry slaked lime;
  • Water.

Lime is a strong biocidal agent that is not attacked by rodents, mold and mildew. Quicklime cannot be used with sawdust, since mixing produces a lot of heat. The solution has a short lifespan, so it needs to be produced quickly. The dry ingredients are mixed, then cement or other binder is added (if desired). Water is added last.

Recipe 6. Clay with sawdust and straw (for walls):

  • 1 hour – clay;
  • 2h. – sawdust (or sawdust with straw).

For ceilings and floors the proportion is 1:10. The solution has no shelf life, as water is simply added if necessary.

Video about preparing and applying warm plaster

Preparatory work

First of all, the wall must be properly prepared. The surface is cleaned of old peeling coating, dust-free and coated with primer. They also neutralize oil stains, remove old wallpaper and paint layers. Disinfect areas of mold and rot. Repairs cracks and potholes. On wooden surfaces shingles are nailed or a mesh is attached. Beacons are installed along the plumb line.

Do-it-yourself technology for applying warm plaster

Finish coating

  1. The wall is moistened with a spray bottle.
  2. The mortar is applied in a layer of up to 1 cm with a trowel or spatula, pressing the mortar mass against the wall to increase adhesion. This primary layer is not smoothed over. If the coating thickness is large, a recessed reinforcing mesh is applied to this layer.
  3. The second and subsequent main layers (primer) are applied up to 2.5 cm thick. They are leveled (without trying to make them smooth) using a grater.
  4. When the total thickness of the coating reaches 4 cm, a second reinforcing mesh is applied. The edges of the mesh sheets are overlapped with an overlap of 10 cm.
  5. When the entire volume between the beacons is filled, the surface of the top layer is leveled by the rule.
  6. After the top layer has set, the beacons are removed and the remaining grooves are filled with solution.
  7. After the solutions have completely dried, a finishing finish is applied over the rough coating.

Mixture consumption

As a rule, the manufacturer on the packaging reports the average consumption of a centimeter layer of the composition per 1 m2. The mixture consumption is calculated based on the planned thickness of the plaster coating. The following consumption indicators correspond to standard volumes:

  • for 1 m2 with a layer of 2.5 cm you will need 10 - 14 kg;
  • the same square 5 cm thick will take 18 – 25 kg.

Work on the reinforcing layer

The reinforcing plaster layer is intended for internal strengthening of a thick coating, applying it to the facade insulation, at the joints of layers with different shrinkage characteristics, as well as in the case of plastering a building before its shrinkage is completed. For example, a reinforcing layer is made where part of the wall is made of gas silicate blocks, and part of it is made of brick. This section of the plaster coating must be reinforced. It is carried out using a plastic or fiberglass mesh, which has sufficient strength and is not afraid of the internal alkaline environment of the insulating plaster coating. Reinforcement work is carried out inside the solution. A layer of the mixture is applied to the ceilings and walls, then the mesh is laid out and recessed. On the facade walls on top of the insulation, the reinforcement work is slightly different. First, the solution is applied in strokes, then the mesh is attached, and then plastered. They work with spatulas and polishers. When the layer has dried, apply the next one on top of it in the usual way.

Manufacturers and prices

The list of companies and the thermal insulation mixtures they produce is long. Popular ones:

  • Umka UB-21 (Ecotermogroup company) is a warm plaster made of lime, cement, sand and foam glass for the northern regions, which requires finishing. With reinforcement, up to 10 cm is applied. Other insulating mixtures are UB-212, UF-2.

  • Cement Knauf Grűnband is made with expanded polystyrene. The permissible layer is up to 30 mm.
  • Unis Teplon has a gypsum-perlite composition that does not require finishing.
  • Au Benputz Perlit based on Portland cement with perlite filler. You can't do without finishing.
  • The Teplolux DeLuxe cement mixture retains heat using foam glass. It is also not final.
  • Thermo Um is universal - used for facades and rooms. The mixture is hygroscopic.

Prices vary. On average, the price of 1 kg of dry mixture ranges from 11 to 21 rubles.

As practice shows, for the main areas of our country, heat-insulating plaster is not yet a panacea. However, its use allows not only to reduce heat loss, but also to reduce the noise level in the premises. For the southern regions, it is an excellent option for insulating houses.