In a private house      06/14/2019

Rating of door locks for entrance doors. Premium locks. Classes of door locks

The choice of metal locks is not an easy task.

To reliably protect your home from intruders, you need to competently approach the choice of a lock. The point is that the level of reliability different models is significantly different. Therefore, we suggest that you find out which mechanisms are the most reliable, and how to choose the best model.

First of all, we note that there are no ideal constructions; any one can be opened. But, for the opening of some models, experienced "safecrackers" need less than a minute of time, while on others they have to work at least half an hour or even more, which significantly reduces the likelihood of break-in (see Breaking the door and counteracting it).

Any item can be opened.

To do right and conscious choice in favor of the most reliable model, it is necessary to find out what are door locks.

So, all existing mechanisms can be classified according to two criteria:

  1. installation method;
  2. Type of secret (locking mechanism).

Installation method

By location on door leaf mechanisms are divided into the following types:

Illustration Description

Mounted - usually used on outbuildings, such as sheds, utility rooms, garages, etc.

Mortise - as you might guess, these products crash into the door leaf. Accordingly, for their installation in the door there must be a special pocket.

Overhead - installed on the door with inside and do not require cutting. As a rule, such locks can be closed from the inside with a latch or a rotary turntable.

Note! In terms of reliability, there is no difference between overhead and mortise models. Therefore, the choice depends on the features of the door and your individual preferences.

Keyed masks with one-sided notch are not reliable, this is evidenced by the reliability rating

Secret type

There are quite a few various options secrets.

The most common are the following:

  • Cylinder- these models have a replaceable locking mechanism, which is called a mask. Thanks to this, in case of failure of the mechanism or the loss of keys, it is not necessary to change the entire lock.

It is better to put the masks under the perforated keys are the most reliable

The reliability of the mechanism depends on the type of mask, i.e. from the secret. The most reliable are the masks for perforated keys (with laser sharpening). After them, in terms of reliability, there are mechanisms for cruciform keys and elements with a two-way secret.

An ordinary lock with a one-sided notch, as a rule, is opened by experienced robbers within two to three minutes;

  • Lever These models are quite reliable. In terms of hacking complexity, they often surpass cylinder counterparts. However, it should be borne in mind that reliability largely depends on the quality of the product, and not just the principle of its design. If, for example, the well is wide, then it is quite easy for an attacker to open such a lock.


As a rule, lever models are designed for cutting into the door leaf. Among the shortcomings, one can single out that the key is usually larger than for a cylinder lock, so it is inconvenient to carry it in your pocket;

  • Disc (crescent)- products with such a secret are resistant to low temperatures and other negative influences. Therefore, they are often installed on gates and other exterior doors.

As for protection against hacking, according to statistics, they are Lately became the most exposed. Therefore, it makes sense to install them on the front door only as an addition to the main lock - a cylinder or, for example, a lever lock.

The biometric mechanism is the most reliable among iron products

Important: Biometric locks that are capable of recognizing fingerprints are currently considered the most reliable. They are also the most convenient, since you do not need to carry keys with you. However, the cost of such products starts from 500 USD, so not everyone can afford them.

Nuances of choice

We examined the most common door locks - what are the secrets you now also know. But what is the best castle to buy? First of all, keep in mind that the reliability of the lock depends not only on the principle of its construction, but also on the quality of workmanship.

As a rule, sellers divide all existing locks into the following categories:

  • “A budget option for which there is no guarantee” - these are usually low-quality Chinese products, many of their parts are made of silumin and other cheap alloys. Of course, it is better to refuse their acquisition;
  • “Affordable and quite good” - such locks include products of domestic, Turkish and Chinese production. They can be conditionally attributed to the middle class, respectively, these products are most popular;

  • "Expensive and reliable" - this class includes products from Finnish, German, Israeli and Italian manufacturers. They are made of durable materials, as a result of which they are not easy to open;

English manufacturers are considered reliable

  • “Expensive and most reliable” - these models are produced by English and Austrian companies that have been famous for the quality of their locks for many years. The price of such products starts from 10,000-12,000 rubles. And if you add additional elements to them, such as armor plates, magnetic protection, etc., then the cost will increase significantly.

Note! It is advisable to install cylinder locks with additional protection - an armor plate, which prevents the possibility of drilling. In this case, the locking knot becomes more reliable.

Armor plate improves reliability

It follows that quality, as always, costs money. But, most of our fellow citizens are interested in how to choose a door lock from an inexpensive segment, which is the most difficult task. As we found out, in most cases you can trust domestic and Turkish manufacturers.

But, of course, it is necessary to pay attention to the castle itself, namely, the following points:

  • Build quality - take the product with your own hands and carefully inspect. The lock should not cause a feeling of fragility. It should be heavy enough and well-assembled. Movable mechanisms should not have large backlashes;

  • The quality of the locking mechanism - the key should enter the mask quite gently, but at the same time it should not hang out and fall out of it. During the turn, no "jamming" and "biting" should occur;

  • The material of the mask - it is desirable that the locking mechanism be steel, as brass is easily drilled. True, sometimes manufacturers specifically insert carbide rods, which complicates the task for attackers.

No mechanism will save a low-quality door from burglary

Here, in fact, is the whole basic instruction for choosing a lock. And finally - do not forget that the locks must match the quality of the door.

For example, it makes no sense to put a premium-class lock on a cheap Chinese design, since any more or less experienced “burglar” will not even try to open it, but simply hack it.

To reliably protect the door from burglary, install two different types of mechanisms

Tip: it is advisable to install a pair of locks on the door with different locking devices. This will make her more unapproachable.


Now you know which door lock is the most reliable, and how to choose the right lock in general. Finally, watch another video in this article.

The front door, even a metal one, will not provide security by itself: you need a reliable lock. A strong, durable, burglar-resistant mechanism is more expensive than a door, but it makes an apartment or a house feel like a fortress.

type of instalation

There are locks:

  • mortise;
  • inserts;
  • invoices;
  • mounted.

Mounted for housing are not purchased. Overheads are rarely used due to the inconvenience of installation and low aesthetics. Most often choose mortise and inset locks.
The mortise is located inside the door leaf, attached to it, not visible from the outside, closed with a bar from the end. Inset - a kind of mortise. Installed between two steel door leafs, is its element.
Oversized, designed specifically for heavy durable structures, is issued with additional fastening. Minus - with a forced change of the lock, you will have to disassemble the door.

Important: the entrance to a house or apartment must be equipped with mortise or inset locking mechanisms of increased secrecy.

What are they made of

All parts must be made of stainless steel. Heat-treated, often containing special additives of chemical elements for strength and preventing drilling of parts.
Products made of solid metal-ceramic and aluminum alloys. Soft metals are not suitable, because they are prone to oxidation during temperature changes, which leads to deformation of internal mechanisms and difficulty opening with a key.

Important: locks made entirely or partially of plastic, silumin, and other fragile materials can only be installed on doors inside the apartment.


There are two groups:

  • simply locking, also called upper;
  • fixing-locking with a fall mechanism, or lower, with handles.

The handle acts as a trigger for a latch, or otherwise, a tongue that holds the door in the closed position. The latches here are not the main detail, there are also crossbars and a “secret”.

Important: for greater reliability, two locks are cut into the entrance doors: one fixes and locks, the other locks additionally.

Security classes

There are four of them - from the first to the fourth, indicated in the passport. It was found that it takes 5-10 minutes for a burglar to open a class 1 locking device. From a quarter of an hour to 20 minutes - to open a lock of the 2nd class. Only 3 and 4 will fit street doors. Hacking them is difficult even with special equipment.

Important: entry group requires enhanced protection. It is preferable to install a device of the 4th security class.


This concept includes several indicators: the theoretically possible number of lock and key combinations, resistance to strikes and opening with a master key, the probability of selecting keys, and strength.
Locks of low secrecy can have combinations from 10 positions to 10 thousand, there is no anti-vandal protection. The keys and pins are simple, the materials are fragile, the assembly is of poor quality, inaccurate.
In average possible combinations up to 5 million, a complex system pins. The internal parts are steel, while the handles and body are made of less durable materials.
Locks for entrance doors top secrecy provide up to a billion combinations, protection against master keys and mechanical influence. Materials are high-strength, not afraid of fire, acids. Quality assembly of precisely manufactured parts.

Internal mechanisms

The secrecy of the constipation provides an internal mechanism by which the lock is called. Plus cylinder locks - ease of replacement: if necessary, only the larva changes - the main part of the device. The key for it is adjusted to an exclusive combination of pins. If they do not match, the castle will not give in.
Cylinder models have many varieties:

  • Cross-shaped - with good secrecy, but poor burglary resistance: can be opened with a suitable screwdriver.
  • Pins, if sharpened to an English key, are low secret: the number of possible combinations is small. If the key is perforated, the secrecy can be 3rd, even 4th class. It will be possible to open the lock only by knocking out the larva. Armored protection required.
  • The internal locking mechanism of disk locks contains moving disks connected to each other at a certain angle, due to which secrecy is further increased. And it is not possible to drill the cylinder - it turns.
  • Instead of a key, magnetic cylinders are provided with a key fob, which is applied to the cylinder and turned. There is no well - there is no way to use a master key. But there is an armor plate - for reading the code and at the same time - strengthening the mechanism.
  • Eurocylinders have increased security. These are inserts made of superhard alloys, armor plates, titanium cases, an increased degree of secrecy, a magnet in the key.

The lever lock consists of plates that, under the influence of the key, are installed in a specific combination. If it is correct, the lock opens. If not, it will remain closed. The lock, which can be called reliable, has 6 levers, protection against master keys. Such locks are resistant to burglary, cold, moisture, durable, widely applicable.

Important: if the seller calls the lever lock safe, he is disingenuous. Safe locks are installed only in safes.

Recognized as unreliable for front doors crossbar locks. The device is of a low degree of security, master keys are easily selected for it, the key is large, simple, easily copied.
Combined locks are popular - they complement each other with cylinder and lever mechanisms. In this case, an attempt to hack one blocks the other.
Electronic-mechanical, electronic locks or smartlocks. To enter the door with such constipation, one key is not enough. It is required to dial a code, or insert an electronic (magnetic) card, or leave a fingerprint, or give the opportunity to scan the retina.
There are even invisible locks like Flash lock with remote control. There are no key holes on the door, so infiltration outsiders becomes almost impossible.

Lock rating: the best manufacturers and best-selling models

The recognized leaders are the companies: Italian Cisa and Mottura, Israeli Mul-T-Lock, Finnish Abloy, Spanish Tesa, etc. Reliable products are manufactured Russian manufacturers Mettem, Guardian, Kerberos, Elbor and Crete.
Please note, ABUS EP-10, cylindrical pin lock, made in Germany. Completely made of extra strong steel. The cylinder is not knockable.

Finnish lever lock ABLOY. A million combinations, a body made of solid steel, additionally reinforced with armor plates. The hook-shaped crossbar makes it difficult to knock out the mechanism.

The lever lock CISA 57.986.48 is popular with four crossbars, a reverse latch, two crossbars for vertical locking, a strong overlay for levers.

One of the most reliable is the Italian lock MOTTURA 54Y787 with four cylindrical crossbars, a changing secret element, and protection against knocking out of the crossbars.

The rating is headed by the coolest larva, for any cylinder locks of the Austrian company EVVA, model MCS. Strengthening the lock with a high-quality mortise armored plate will protect the entrance metal doors from breaking and penetration by almost 100%.

Russian manufacturers, focusing on the best European designs, produce locks with high quality, while sometimes cheaper.

Lock service life

There is a warranty period - during which, if defects are found in the product, it can be exchanged or repaired free of charge, and the service life of the product - until it wears out. The actual service life is much longer than the warranty.
Warranty periods for locks are short - from six months to two years. During this time, all problems that arose due to the fault of the manufacturer will be revealed. If the lock has not failed, it will continue to work for several more years.

Since the locks are constantly being modernized, more reliable models appear, the owners change them with a regularity of five years, even if they are still in operation.
Picking up a modern secret lock for replacement on the entrance metal door, it is important to carefully study the features: the internal mechanism, additional protection what it is made of, what are the properties. A reliable lock will keep property, calmness and safety of loved ones, so saving on this important item is not justified. Moreover, a high-quality castle will serve faithfully for decades.

Locks for entrance doors are divided into five categories according to the type of locking device: crossbar, lever, cylinder, combined and electronic. The first two types are traditional, operating on the principle of coincidence of crossbars (grooves) or levers (plates) inside the lock and beards on the key. Cylinder - a more advanced and convenient type of lock for metal entrance doors. Universal locks are considered combined with two mechanisms. They are two-lever, two-cylinder and lever-cylinder. The most modern lock is electronic, which opens without a key, using a remote control, card or code.

About manufacturers: whose products are better?

On Russian market among preferences are Super Lock (Israel), KALE KILIT (Turkey), KESO (Switzer
iya), Kerberos (Russia). A special list includes lock brands ABUS (Germany), ABLOY (Finland), Cisa (Italy), Mottura (Italy), ATRA-DIERRE (Italy).

Brief characteristics of some brands and models:
Super Locks - equipped with a locking system in case of an attempted force or removal of the protective lining. In the event of a breakdown, the larva changes quickly.
Mortise type lock KALE KILIT 252 - recommended for heavy armored doors. Special strength is given by three steel chrome-plated crossbars with a diameter of 16 mm, the projection of the crossbars is 34 mm. Burglar resistance class - the fourth. The case has an additional steel protective plate. Secret with a three-step mechanism,

  • KESO - Material for locking mechanisms - carbide steel. The secret part is a pin mechanism. The quality is confirmed by certificates VdS A and VdS B. (
    Kerberos ("Kerberos", RF). The lock is equipped with a cover made of armored steel Ts85 with a thickness of 4.6mm, which provides protection against drilling. There is a system of anti-master keys and anti-falsification of keys. The manufacturer on the website announces a guarantee for all products for 100 years.

Security class of door locks

The safety class is assigned as a result of tests and confirmed by a special certificate. Security class parameters:

  • secrecy (number of lock combinations);
  • failure-free operation;
  • strength and breakage resistance.
Description Advantages Flaws
I Standard bolt locksEasy installation and low costLow burglar resistance. These locks are not recommended for metal front doors.
II More reliable and sophisticated devicesIt will be difficult for a beginner to cope with such a mechanism.An experienced burglar needs 10-20 minutes to open the door
III Locks on with additional protectionEnhanced protective qualitiesHigh price. Can be hacked by a professional within half an hour
IV The most secure mechanisms with a high level of secrecyCannot be hacked with conventional toolsHigh price. Experienced Master cope with the help of special devices or electrical equipment

Top 5 - the most popular locks for front doors

On the site the rating of the best and most reliable locks for steel entrance doors is published. The choice is based on technical specifications and consumer reviews. The first three lines of the rating are occupied by Italian manufacturers.

  • First place given to castles Italian company ATRA-DIERRE. The Atra Heavy series is especially noted as ideal locks for entrance doors. The lever mechanism can combine a different number of crossbars, combinations with spacers are possible, which gives the lock a special reliability.
  • In second place is Mottura (Italy), the cylinder model MOTTURA 52 YM 515 B / 37, which has a replaceable security element, was highly appreciated. The lock is protected from breaking by blocking from knocking out of crossbars.
  • On the third line– lever lock Cisa-57.535.28.C5 with four bolts 18 mm, reversible latch 19 mm and two bolts of vertical locking. For added durability, there is an anti-vandal level pad.
  • Fourth in the ranking– ABLOY lock (Finland). It has a steel case with armored plates, the level of secrecy is 1 million combinations. Forced opening is prevented by a hook-shaped crossbar.
  • The brand of German manufacturers closes the list ABUS EP-10. The safety of the lock in three planes is provided by 13 pins plus 2 additional ones. Material - specially hardened steel. Copies are made only at the factory.

Daily most of The population of our planet is faced with the need to unlock and lock the locks on the front doors of their homes, apartments, garages, offices, shops and many other premises. Restricted access allows only a select few who have the key to access to enjoy the privilege of entry. installed lock. Human nature does not allow us to hope that some will not want to take advantage of other people's property, which is why locks were invented. The safety of property depends on their quality and reliability, so the choice of device should be approached very carefully. The key parameters that you need to pay attention to when choosing a lock are:

  • If it is necessary to replace a failed lock, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account the conformity of the landing dimensions, or the possibility of altering them without violating the integrity of the door leaf;
  • Door opening direction;
  • Thickness, type (interior or entrance), material of manufacture (plastic, glass, wood or metal) and design feature of the door leaf (solid or hollow);
  • The presence of a new lock protection against hacking, additional "secrets", etc. features that can resist the intervention of unauthorized persons in the structure.
  • Device cost.

The last factor is the higher, the more levels of protection the castle has. Also, the cost is affected by the popularity of the brand, which is usually in direct proportion to the quality of the mechanism and its safety characteristics.

TOP 10 best door lock companies

A large selection of models from different brands can make it difficult to choose the most preferred lock. Our rating combines the best manufacturers this type of product, widely presented on domestic market. We hope that this review will help you find and choose the most reliable lock.

10 APECs

The most affordable price. Acceptable quality
Country: China
Rating (2018): 4.0

In our rating, there was a place for a Chinese manufacturer. This is really the best Chinese brand, the product quality of which has come close to European and domestic models. Locks have 4 class of secrecy, more than affordable price and quite tolerable quality to pay attention to them. Mortise lever mechanisms have been successfully tested, during which specialists have made unsuccessful attempts to open the lock by manipulating the master keys (selection) and using a roll (power scrapping of the secret mechanism).

Proven in this way in practice, Chinese locks at a low price today are very popular products. Mortise lock APECS 1023/60-AB is very popular on the Russian market. It is installed both on metal entrance doors and on interior wooden ones. Electroplating gives the castle a presentable appearance and makes the structure more resistant to external factors, and therefore more durable.

9 Border

Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.2

On the territory of our country it is the largest manufacturer of locks. It is based on the basis of the factory of calculating and analytical machines, located in Ryazan. The lineup There are about 300 items of products, and the sales market is not only the territory of Russia, but also neighboring countries. The presence of its own design office is the reason for continuous improvement, taking into account the operational experience of previously released models.

In addition to the relevance of the products, the owners in their reviews note the high quality of the materials used in the manufacture of the mechanism and the lock case. The reliability of the device and its high security features make it possible to use Border not only on front doors, but also in gun safes. A model such as BORDER 71602 has decent protection and is popular with domestic buyers, many of whom have successfully used this lock for garage doors.

8 Elbor

Reliable. Affordable price
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.4

The company that produces door locks under this brand can be safely considered a coryphaeus among domestic manufacturers of locking mechanisms. Elbor products are popular among consumers - a fair price and high safety parameters that guarantee reliable protection your premises are the main factors when choosing mortise locks. As evidence of the reliability of the lock systems of this brand, it is enough to say that some models of lever locks (Elbor SAPFIR are recommended by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for installation in gun rooms.

The great popularity of the model is a natural reaction of consumers to the high level of resistance of the mechanism to unauthorized access. In their reviews, the owners of these locks give a decent assessment of the model, both in terms of the quality of work and its reliability. The design feature of Elbor SAPPHIRE is an insurmountable obstacle in the way of most thieves and robbers.

7 Titan

best secret
Country: Slovenia
Rating (2018): 4.6

The company was included in our rating because it began its successful history back in 1896. Exactly 25 years later, the company produced its first mortise lock, and has continued to compete for its customers ever since. The company has successfully passed the ISO 9001 certification and today is a major player in the market door locks, realizing their modern models V different countries peace. The campaign's design department has created a revolutionary locking system that sits discreetly in the door leaf and is controlled via a dynamic radio signal. It is the lock of such a system that breaks the hopes of most of the robbers to gain access to your valuables.

Reviews of owners who installed an additional one on their metal door hidden lock Titan-Battery+ note a high level of security, peace of mind for the safety of their property and reliable operation of the mechanism. The device can work from the network alternating current or from batteries (enough for a year of operation with daily opening of the lock no more than 20 times). The design of the mechanism has 5 levels of protection against dead batteries, and the control panel is provided with a blocking of accidental pressing.

6 Abloy

Better Rationality
Country: Finland
Rating (2018): 4.7

For more than a century, a Finnish company has been producing cylinder-type door locks. Extensive experience and continuous improvement of products allows the models of this Finnish company to be considered the best in resisting hacking attempts. In the arsenal of the company there are devices with the Anti-Panic system, the production of modern interactive locking mechanisms with the implementation of remote access has been launched. The developed master system allows you to combine many locks into one (there is a master key that can open a certain group of doors, each of which has its own key). It is an ideal solution for offices, hotels and similar spaces.

Wonderful models of locks for interior doors have a stable demand and great popularity in the domestic market. The lock ABLOY LE310 deserved a lot of positive feedback, having a convenient configuration and expediency of installation not only on emergency exit doors. The absence of the need to lock when leaving the premises (office, study, laboratory, etc.) is noted by the owners of this system as the most rational and convenient solution. The main thing is that the key is always with you.

5 Abus

mechanism durability. Reliability
Country: Germany
Rating (2018): 4.8

Started in the 1920s with the production of padlocks, the German company Abus has now grown into an international group of companies producing and selling a wide range of padlocks and mortise security locks around the world. And if the design of the lock of this brand is quite simple, then the cylinder mechanisms have an undeniable advantage over competitors. Their structure includes several levels of protection against burglary, reliable and durable.

In the Russian market, the products of this company are valued for the high quality of the material from which the body and details of the lock are made. For installation in interior and entrance doors, the ESK PZ 2 55/20 model has proven itself well. The universal body has an affordable price and compatibility with euro cylinders of different brands. In the reviews, the owners like the presence of corrosion protection, which allows you to install the lock in rooms with high humidity.

4 Mottura

Most practical
Country: Italy
Rating (2018): 4.8

The company occupies a leading position in the market of locking systems due to the unique properties of its products. Half a century of experience and thousands of own developments, patents, allow us to keep consumer demand for high level. The company is one of the few that offer a practical solution to consumers in case of loss of the key.

The system of replaceable secrets allows you to leave the base of the lock, which is a practical and economical solution for lever models. In addition, in certain designs, the technology of recoding the nucleo is implemented - you simply acquire a new set of keys of a certain type and, using a simple algorithm of actions, the secret of the lock is recoded by you yourself under a new key. The Mottura 54.Y787 My Key model, popular in Russia, installed in a metal door, allows you to quickly change the key without having to disassemble the mortise lock mechanism. The reviews of the owners, faced with a similar situation, are full of recognition and respect for the designers for a very practical and modern solution.

3 Cissa

Most Innovative
Country: Italy
Rating (2018): 4.8

Among top brands our rating Italian manufacturer is located thanks to its long history and innovative approach. Modern technologies in the design of lock systems make Cisa products in demand in 70 countries of the world, and the number of manufactured items today exceeds 30 thousand. It was the engineers of this company who first developed an electronic lock. Today, the company offers its modern version - a smart lock, which can be controlled using a phone.

In our country, electronic locks of this company are very popular. Overhead or mortise, they are ideal solution to control the entrance to offices, residential buildings, entrances and many other premises. Cylinder lock systems of the company have maximum protection against burglary, which makes them popular in our market. The great demand for models such as Cisa 11610.60.1 is explained not only by the reliability of the equipment, but also by the reasonable price.

2 Kale Kilit

Best value for money
Country: Türkiye
Rating (2018): 5.0

For more than half a century, the Turkish company has been developing and manufacturing locks various designs, armored safes and doors. Huge experience and modern production solutions, the introduction of advanced innovative technologies allow the company to remain relevant and in great demand for its products. Popular mortise and overhead models of locks are highly reliable. Recently, an innovative model of a cylinder lock has appeared on the market, which, when attempting to break (drilling, hitting, selecting a key), activates a sound siren with a power of 80 dB.

In our country, Kale castles are popular due to their simple and robust design as well as an affordable price. Lever models are especially in great demand, as their quality is much superior to Chinese ones, and in terms of its characteristics, Kale is in the wake of more reliable Italian brands. Mortise lock KALE 257 has earned great popularity in the domestic market. The simplicity and reliability of the design, the ability to adequately resist attempts to open the mechanism without a key - such ratings in the reviews for this model are given by their owners.

1 Mul-T-Lock

High level of protection against hacking
Country: Israel
Rating (2018): 5.0

This popular company has been in the leading positions among manufacturers of locking systems for more than 40 years, and therefore it occupies in our rating the best place. Service centers are located in many countries of all living continents, maintaining popularity and demand for products. Working with high-security locks, the company has implemented more than one hundred patents and inventions, has developed and manufactures unique machines for creating the most reliable locks. Mul-T-Lock keys and moving parts are made of cupronickel, which makes them more reliable and resistant to external factors, and also explains the large (10-year) manufacturer's warranty. It should also be noted that modern models have key copy protection and make it impossible for third parties to create a duplicate.

Among the wide range of models of lock systems of this company, models for metal entrance doors are very popular in our country. Thus, the Mul-T-Lock "265" lock, which has four locking channels and a gear control mechanism, has justified consumer demand, which is due not only to product quality, but affordable price. In their reviews, the owners note the smooth operation and reliability of the mechanism of this model. The fact that the image of the manufacturer's logo, placed on the front door, deters most potential burglars, speaks of the reliability of the chosen system.

The most reliable locks for premium metal doors are represented on the domestic market, first of all, by the world's leading companies of lock and hardware products with a high degree of secrecy of mechanisms, such as: ATRA, ABUS, CISA, MOTTURA, MUL-T-LOCK, KABA, EVVA, SECUREMME, etc.
This category involves the use of exceptionally reliable locks.
Reliable door locks these manufacturers cannot be opened with a master key or selection of keys, the number of secret combinations of selection reaches several million.
Cylinders (larvae) are made of acid-resistant metal and are equipped with Pobedite rods and steel balls that protect the lock mechanism from drilling.
Pricing policy - from 7,000 rubles to ... obscenity. Every whim for your money!



HEAVY series with one key high security mechanism. Has 3 locking points. The replacement nucleo block is sealed in a separate package. Supplied complete with overlays (brass). The ATRA lever lock with a replaceable security block controls the spacers and bolts, the mechanism provides for more than 1 million secrets.

DOUBLE CYLINDRO - dependent lock with replaceable security element (nucleo). Supplied complete with pads (brass), two anti-drilling plates (external and internal), screws for fixing the cylinder. ATRA principle of operation - the upper lock controls the spacers, bolts and latch, the lower lock has one bolt and blocks the upper lock.

ABLOY Oy Finland

ABLOY lock
Mortise lever has more than 1 million different combinations. The body of the lock is made of hardened steel and is additionally reinforced with armor plates, which are fastened through the body of the lock with six steel screws. The lock is equipped with a hook bolt that clings to the counterpart of the door, which prevents the door from being opened by force (by pushing).

ABLOY lock
With straight latch, hardened steel bevel and drill protection. The straight crossbar of the structure is locked and unlocked with a key or rotary turntable. The slanting bolt is unlocked both with a key and with a handle. Handles are supplied extra.

Armored handles can be installed on almost all lock bodies previously installed in metal doors. The cylinder (larva) is protected by an armored cup with plastic spacers inside to protect against knocking out or breaking the cylinder (larva). A freely rotating steel disc on the handle prevents drilling. In this configuration, a larva (cylinder) is provided to choose from.


CISA single system lock
With one key mechanism of increased secrecy. Full locking in 4 turns. Lever mechanism, lock models are available with the New Cambio Facile recoding function (replacement of the lock cipher). Depending on the configuration -3 or 5 safe keys.

With mechanical conversion system. Is established in metal doors as the main lock.
Comes with: lock case, conversion kit, installation key.
Not completed: cylinder (larva), end plate, overlays.

Cylinder with system (2 in 1). Five bolts of the lock plus a latch. Separate handles MSM Lock or Armadillo are suitable for this lock, it is recommended to install the CISA armor plate. The block of the lock has ears for installation of vertical drafts. Cylinders (larvae) to choose from - any European manufacturer.


Locks MOTTURA 52 series
These are powerful mortise locks designed for metal doors. MOTTURA 52 series can act as top or bottom lock with handles. Some models are equipped with the Nucleo Replay system (replaceable recoded lever mechanism). Comes with 5 keys. Additional equipment: handles, protective manganese plate.

Locks MOTTURA 54 series
Powerful, mortise latch locks with three locking points. Two-system lock with lever mechanisms. Comes with 2 sets of 5 keys each. The action of the master black key blocks the red key. Additional equipment: handles, protective manganese plate.

Locks MOTTURA 62 series Serrablocca
These are lever-pump high-quality, burglary-resistant and especially powerful locks. The body of the lock is reinforced with an armor plate in the area of ​​the keyhole. From the inside, the Mottura 62 series lockable door can be opened or closed with a handle.

Locks MOTTURA 72 series
Mortise lever lock without latch. It is completed with 5 keys, overlays, a reciprocal level. Mottura lock 72 series can additionally be protected by a manganese plate.

Locks MOTTURA 85 series
Mortise lock with latch, has three locking points. The lock can be equipped with handles, a manganese anti-drilling plate, a eurocylinder (larva) to choose from, an armor plate to protect the cylinder.

The replaceable nucleo block allows you to change only the security element of the lock, and not the entire lock, if the key is lost. Security guarantee - the customer himself prints the keys to the new nucleo lock (replaceable security unit).


Locks MUL-T-Lock M602.
The main lock under the handle with a four-way locking system. The lock has two cylinder protectors, a reverse latch. Easily locks with one turn of the key. Installation is desirable with a set of protective fittings.

Locks MUL-T-Lock OMEGA+.
OMEGA+ rotary locks are extremely resistant to burglary or picking attempts. The number of secret combinations exceeds 10 million. When the key is turned in the door, the rotor sets in motion gears that control the bolts and vertical rods, which move independently of each other.

Locks MUL-T-Lock MATRIX.
Recodeable patented rack and pinion locks. Locks have such advantages: absolutely silent, resistant to breaking, easily recoded (by changing the SIM card). Recoding will allow the use of the new keychain an infinite number of times.


Locks SECUREMME 25 series
Two-system lever-cylinder lock. The upper system is a lever mechanism with a replaceable secret mechanism (nucleo), the lower system is cylinder mechanism with the possibility of installing any European standard cylinder (larva) into it. It is desirable to install an armor plate (optional). When the lower mechanism is closed, the key hole of the upper mechanism is closed.

The replaceable nucleo block allows you to change only the security element of the lock, and not the entire lock, if the key is lost. Security guarantee - the customer himself prints the keys to the new nucleo lock (replaceable security unit).
