Well      06/14/2019

Upholstery of a street wooden door with a galvanized sheet. How to sheathe the door. Video - How to upholster a door with your own hands

Any material wears out; the difference is only in the intensity of the process. Even metal doors installed at the entrance to the house, under the influence of precipitation, ultraviolet light, gradually lose their attractiveness; and wood - even faster. Upholstery of doors with dermantin with a competent approach allows, simultaneously with decorating the canvas, to increase its sound and thermal insulation properties. Therefore, this method of finishing is often considered as one of the points of the whole complex of measures for warming a home.

Features of the choice of materials

Correctly sheathing the sash is still not enough to achieve the desired effect. You also need to understand what exactly. Leatherette in everyday life is called differently: leatherette, granitol, eco-, amidis- or vinyl leather. Newest technologies make it possible to supply the material to the market in various modifications, differing in texture, shades and a number of properties. Therefore, dermantin gradually became a generalized term. But door upholstery with leather (natural or its synthetic counterparts) is made according to one technology, with only slight variations, depending on what goals the master pursues (only decoration or also insulation), and what the canvas is made of (metal, wood) .

Preparation stage

When choosing a material for upholstery, you need to pay attention to its properties.


  • Elasticity. Quality products should only slightly spring, but not stretch like rubber.
  • Density. Too thin leatherette for upholstery of the front door, given the specifics of its use, intensity, it is not advisable to buy. But for interior it is quite suitable.
  • Appearance. The presence of at least small stains on the painted material, the slightest spots - clear sign low grade goods.
  • Smell. If it is clearly felt, you can not hope that it will soon disappear. Such dermatin, even suitable for all other criteria, is suitable only for exterior finish entrance doors. Definitely not worth using indoors.

What to consider:

  • Upholstery should be purchased with a small margin, about 15% of the calculated value. Firstly, if the measurements are made inaccurately, then you don’t have to puzzle over how to get out of the situation. Secondly, in the process of do-it-yourself upholstery of doors, dermantine strips are often used as decorative elements for the sash. Therefore, a small margin will definitely not be superfluous.
  • When choosing a material, the specifics of its use should be taken into account. For example, vinylis and eco-leather are excellent for exterior finishing of entrance doors, as they are characterized by inertness to low temperatures. But the latter has a porous structure, and therefore it is necessary to take into account such a factor as humidity at the door installation site. If the determining criterion is the strength of the upholstery, then it is better to give preference to amili leather.


  • Foam rubber. Pros - a large selection of thicknesses, ease of cutting and laying, low cost. Approximate service life is 10 years. But all insulation characteristics are at the level of average values.
  • Batting. This heater will last about 3 times longer. But there are significant disadvantages: it gradually sags, accumulates moisture, toxic components and acrid smoke are released during combustion.
  • Isolon (a kind of PES). One of the modern versions of roll insulating materials. Differs in the increased noise absorption and low thermal conductivity. Upholstery of wooden doors using such a substrate is one of the best options for their insulation.

Additional materials

  • fastener elements. For wooden canvases, upholstery studs with large hats are needed. The range of products is significant, and it is not difficult to match the color and texture of artificial leather. Plus - staples to the construction stapler, for insulation. But for the cladding iron door you will need a special (polymer) glue, which is used to fix the heat insulator and dermantin.
  • Decorative cord (or braid). Options are steel strings or self-made upholstery strips.
  • Number plate. If you get off the door to the apartment, then you will definitely need it.

Step-by-step instruction


  • Dismantling. It will not work to sheathe the door with dermantin, moreover, with high quality insulation, without removing it from the hinges. It is laid on any base or supports that will ensure its stability. For the convenience of upholstery, it is advisable to lay the sash on 4 stools.
  • Surface cleaning. Depending on the design of the canvas, all fittings, locks, and old trim are removed from it.
  • External inspection of the base. Minor defects do not matter: they will be hidden by dermantin. But if on wooden door revealed signs of rot, fungus, small cracks, then the necessary measures should be taken: treat the wood with preparations, close up small splits with adhesive sealant.

Insulation mount

  • There are different opinions about the advisability of laying it, and most users refer to the specifics of the opening and the side of the canvas. And yet it is desirable to use it, albeit a small thickness. Any roll thermal insulation material it is characterized by elasticity, and therefore it will become an excellent substrate for leatherette or its modification - it will be easier to stretch the canvas, give texture to the entire finish, and the appearance of wrinkles on the upholstery over time is excluded.
  • Fixation is made with glue or staples, depending on the materials of the sash and the heat insulator.

The specificity of laying the insulation is that between it and the edges (along the perimeter of the canvas) there is a gap of about 10 mm.

Roller installation

It is worth doing it or not, the master decides. But if this is a door at the entrance to the house (and the apartment too), it is advisable to fix them. It is only necessary to take into account in which direction the sash swings open. The most common option is outside.

The outer side of the canvas

  • Strips of upholstery material are cut in the amount of 3 pieces. Approximate width - 100 mm. Two - for installation on top and bottom of the web, one - on the side (longer). On the side where the canopies are located, the rollers are attached later.
  • Since they are wrapped up during their formation, the edges of the strips are fixed on the base with the expectation that they look outward with the wrong side.
  • Laying the prepared "bundles" of the heat insulator in these fragments of the upholstery.
  • It remains only to wrap the edges, form a roller and fix its second edge on the sash.
  • The side of the canvas (where the hinges are installed) is insulated differently. Here you need 5 rollers. Three of them are laid along its length so that an opening remains at the locations of the canopies. Everything else is identical, except for the nuance. Where they are installed, small rollers are attached, but not on the door itself, but on the jamb, so as not to interfere with the free movement of the sash.

It remains only to upholster the door with dermantine over the entire area, in a pre-prepared piece or in separate fragments.

The inside of the canvas

The methods for fixing the rollers are the same. Only the places of their fastening change.

  • The sash is only at the bottom, at a distance of 10 - 15 mm from the floor level (or its covering - carpet, carpet, etc.).
  • Block - the specifics of fastening depends on its structural part. From above, the roller should slightly cover the gap between the jamb and the sash (a 5 mm spade is enough). The same applies to castles. But from the side of the canopies, the insulation roller is installed exactly flush with the plane of the canvas, so as not to become an obstacle in the process of opening / closing it.

What to consider:

  • When decorating a door roll material its edges (along the perimeter) are tucked. This will increase the tensile strength of the sheathing at the points of fastening with studs.
  • Since the rollers are installed, it is advisable to wrap the dermantin on them a little, that is, make a slight overlap.
  • Fixation starts from the top. First, 2 extreme hardware, after which the correct laying of the upholstery is controlled. With small distortions, this is easy to eliminate. Next, the canvas is attached on the side (inner).
  • The sheathing ends by pulling the leatherette in the downward and sideways direction. After the removal of air from under it, a rigid fixation is made on the second side and the lower part.

upholstery decoration

The design option, the scheme, the necessary accessories are entirely at the discretion of the master. Numerous examples will easily complement your own imagination.

It remains to add that, in addition to the possibility of restoring the canvas, bring it appearance in line with new finish premises (facade), do-it-yourself upholstery of the door with dermantine gives good savings not only on heating, but also on the work itself. For it, experts charge an average of 1,600 ± 200 rubles, depending on the size. And that's without the cost of materials. The artistic design of the canvas, insulation, installation of rollers and the like are paid at a separate rate. So it makes sense to do it yourself.

Leatherette- a substitute for leather, is one of the most sought-after materials. The material is most widely used in construction and decoration.

The high demand for leatherette is justified by the following characteristics:

  • Frost resistance. The material performs well even when sub-zero temperatures. It also helps keep the heat in the house, so it can be used on front doors;
  • Durability. The material retains properties from 7 to 10 years;
  • Water resistance. The material has moisture-resistant properties, which eliminates damage to the product or insulation;
  • Soundproofing. The material can be used for the front door, since noise will not penetrate the room through the canvas;
  • Ease of care. To keep the look of leatherette, wiping with a damp cloth is enough. You can use a special cream that will give the leatherette a shine;
  • Antiseptic properties. Resistant to bacterial decay, mold and other pests;
  • Resistance to aggressive chemical environment. The material can be washed with any household chemical;
  • Low cost. Sheathe leatherette affordable for the average family;
  • Wide range of textures and colors.

In the process of upholstery of the product, you must adhere to a certain technology. It will allow you to make the most of useful properties material, and provide long term operation. The procedure includes the following steps:

  1. surface preparation;
  2. upholstery with insulation;
  3. leatherette upholstery;
  4. decor accessories.

Each stage has its own nuances, so you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the features of the implementation of the listed points.


If the skin is being replaced, it is necessary to stock up on a knife, pliers and, if necessary, a screwdriver. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Removing from the loops.
  2. Dismantling of accessories.
  3. With the help of pliers, all decorative nails are removed.
  4. Leatherette and insulation are removed. Getting rid of the insulation can take some time if it was attached to a metal door with glue.
  5. The surface is being prepared for cladding.

If the door was not upholstered before, then all the fittings are simply removed. It is necessary to remove all elements that stick out on the surface. Under leatherette should go flat surface, so you can level the relief with a plywood slab. You can fasten it with ordinary nails. It is important not to forget to treat the wood with special means.


First you need to decide on the material of the insulation. The most suitable for dermatin are:

  • Foam rubber. Low price, wide range of density and thickness. It has a service life equal to dermatin. Possesses average insulating properties;
  • Batting. Inexpensive material, with a service life of up to 30 years. However, it will shrink over time and may absorb moisture. It is toxic when burned;
  • Izolon (a subspecies of polyethylene foam). Most modern version. It has good insulating properties. The most expensive of all materials, but the final cost will not be too high.

On wooden surface the insulation is fixed with a stapler. On the outside, up to 8 cm must be retreated from the edges. Insulation is applied to the entire area, without indentation. Marking is applied for working with a stapler or driving nails. The step between staples or nails should be 10–15 cm. Processing is carried out around the entire perimeter.

For a metal surface, glue is needed, which is also applied around the perimeter, stepping back up to 8 cm from the edges. We must not forget to cut the insulation on the handle, lock and eye.

Preparation of tools, accessories

To rationally use time, before upholstery, you need to acquire a set necessary tools. The set includes:

  • hammer;
  • stationery knife and, if necessary, scissors;
  • stapler (if not, a hammer is used);
  • roulette;
  • marker;
  • brushes (for metal surfaces).

The list of tools and materials for wooden and metal doors is slightly different. Therefore, the plating technology for each material has its own. It is also important to acquire all the materials at once:

  • leatherette;
  • insulation;
  • staples for a stapler or nails (wooden surface);
  • glue (metal);
  • decorative nails;
  • braid (in case you need to additionally fix leatherette, and decorate the door).

Reference! Choosing decorative nails by design is not difficult, as the market is overflowing with products of various shapes, sizes and colors.

upholstery technology

Working together will go much faster. The second person will help stretch the fabric for comfort and evenness of the relief. The edges of the canvas are always bent inward, which will make the upholstery field durable and aesthetic. Gates should be a few centimeters. The wooden door is upholstered with carnations with a decorative hat. Step from 10 to 15 cm.

Important! It is necessary to ensure that the insulating rollers do not look out of the gates.

Leatherette should not cover the door to the very edges. A few millimeters need to retreat, which will ensure free movement.

Figured design is often used with decorative nails. Soft insulation allows you to create a relief on the surface, which will completely transform the door. Be sure to mark the places for installing accessories with a marker. Next, carnations are hammered into the intended places, which usually have a removable decorative cap so as not to damage it during installation.

Exists a large number of patterns that can be created on the surface: from simple dots to geometric shapes such as rhombuses, squares. On the Internet, you can find many schemes for decorating with furniture nails. Between the nails, you can stretch a decorative thread that will change the pattern and relief.

For a metal door, you need to come up with a drawing at the preparation stage in order to fix the bases of the screw buttons on the glue. In the insulation and leatherette, small holes are made in advance for screw buttons.

Upholstery of a wooden door: video

Upholstery has its own nuances. Wood needs care and protection. Therefore, often wooden doors have an unpresentable appearance. A good restoration option is leatherette upholstery. The tree must be treated with an antiseptic. When working with a wooden canvas, the lining must be fixed with a stapler. Since glue is required for the iron surface, it is much easier to staple the wooden canvas. Furniture studs are used on the edges.

In order to be able to decorate the doors correctly, you must follow the instructions given in the video.

How to sheathe a metal door with leatherette?

A metal door is usually placed at the entrance, so it is extremely it is important to use a quality insulation. Often only the inside is insulated, but the assortment decorative accessories allows you to decorate the outside using a heater.

A metal door does not require insulating rollers from the outside. The size of the insulation should be 1–2 cm smaller at the edges of the surface area. Leatherette you need to take a piece 5–6 cm larger at the edges than the door area. This is necessary for the bend. The upholstery process consists of the following steps:

  1. Glue is applied around the perimeter, stepping back up to 2 cm, and in thin strips over the area.
  2. A heater is applied, and pressed for a while. The drying time of the glue is indicated on the package.
  3. Starting from the top, glue is applied to the back of the product at a distance of 5 cm from the edge. Press leatherette for the glue to set.
  4. Similarly, the procedure is carried out on the lateral edges. It is important to stretch the canvas to a uniform relief. Sometimes you have to cut off extra pieces that will prevent you from closing the door.

Lining on the inside

The inside of the front door can be insulated with polystyrene foam. Thus, it will also be possible to simplify the procedure for upholstery with leatherette. The warming process is as follows:

  1. A frame under the foam plastic is fixed along the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe door. For this, strips having the thickness of expanded polystyrene plates are used. The rails are fixed with the help of metal screws, which are fixed in pre-drilled holes.
  2. All large seams and joints are sealed with mounting foam.
  3. Styrofoam plates are installed in the frame, which are fixed with a special glue. The gaps between the plates and slats are also sealed with mounting foam.
  4. A sheet of plywood, even with the area of ​​the door, is nailed to the rails.
  5. Further, the procedure is similar to upholstery wooden products. It is only important to ensure that decorative nails are nailed to the location of the rails.

WITH inside insulating rollers are attached to door frame. They should be placed flush with leatherette from the side of the loops. WITH reverse side and from above the protrusion should be up to 5 mm. From below, the roller is located at a height of 1.5–2 cm from the floor.

When choosing a material for upholstery, it is important to remember the disadvantages of leatherette:

  • Low fire safety. A highly flammable material that emits acrid smoke when burned;
  • Not the strongest material, which is easily scratched and cut;
  • At mechanical damage can't get it back to its original state.

Also have important points, which must be considered when choosing dermatin:

  • The material must be elastic. The hardness of leatherette indicates a fake;
  • Choose a coarser canvas;
  • A pungent odor indicates a low quality canvas.

When upholstering with leatherette, it is important to maintain the sequence of the process, and take into account the characteristics of the materials used. If the technology is not violated, then such upholstery will last up to 10 years.

Additional advantages of leatherette-covered doors are improved sound and heat insulation.

The appearance of entrance and interior doors, even with good care deteriorates markedly during use. If the product is still durable and able to last for a long time, then upholstery of doors with dermantine will help to correct its aesthetic properties. This long-known option for finishing the door leaf has additional benefits in the form of increased sound and heat insulation.

Leatherette has a rich color scheme

What special qualities does the material have that allow the door to be trimmed with leatherette, both street and interior structures? Indeed, the list positive qualities dermatina looks impressive:

  • Humidity resistance. A street door upholstered in leatherette will not have to suffer from rain: water drops easily roll off the surface of the material. With the same success, its waterproofing properties keep the insulation layer intact.
  • Immunity to ultraviolet radiation. While most paints and varnishes fade mercilessly under the sun, leatherette retains its decorative qualities unchanged.
  • Frost-resistant properties protect door upholstery from deformation.
  • Resistance to harmful microflora. Sheathing dermantin is not subject to rot, mold, or mites.
  • Neutral attitude towards chemical cleaners. If the front door upholstery is heavily soiled with leatherette, it can be cleaned with any means.
  • Large variety of colors. The material is presented in such a wide range of shades that it will not be difficult not to choose an option that is in harmony with the interior.
  • Durability. Their operational properties dermatin retains for 7-10 years.
  • Affordable price is not the most important, but still a pleasant fact that only increases the popularity of the material.

When all the positive properties of upholstery are listed, it would be dishonest to keep silent about its shortcomings. Although they are few, they are still there:

  • Relatively low strength. It cannot be said that leatherette needs very careful handling, but, by and large, it is a fabric, albeit a very dense one. You can cut it without much effort, and with very rough handling there is a chance to tear the upholstery.
  • Problematic repair. Cuts or tears on such a surface cannot be fixed, therefore, if the material is damaged, there is nothing left but to sheathe the door with leatherette again.
  • Fire susceptibility. In case of fire, it ignites easily, and since the door is upholstered with leatherette, this can lead to blocking the exit from the burning room.

What to look for when choosing a door upholstery kit

For the upholstery of the door, you need to prepare tools.

The standard set for upholstery of doors consists of leatherette, insulation and decorative nails. How to choose the right material so that it surely lasts the prescribed time?

Leatherette should have a high density and have elastic properties. Be sure to pay attention to its smell - if it is sharp, gross violations of technology are not excluded. Such material may evaporate harmful substances, which means that it is not suitable for interior decoration.

Heaters - isolon, batting, foam rubber. If you choose based on the lowest cost, this is foam rubber. It has a low density, so when finishing decorative trim forms a beautiful pronounced relief. If the insulation must provide heat and sound insulation, isolon is best suited for this task.

Upholstery of an external or interior door with leatherette

Sheathing a door with dermantine with your own hands is not a very difficult task. To begin with, prepare necessary material and tool. This list is compiled depending on how the door will be upholstered. But the required components of the list will be:

  • leatherette;
  • insulation;
  • scissors, sharp construction knife;
  • hammer;
  • construction stapler;
  • roulette;
  • decorative nails.

Traditional door trim

The door leaf is laid on a flat horizontal surface.

First you need to prepare door leaf. It is removed from the hinges, the fittings are unscrewed, dust is swept away, dirt and grease are cleaned. Before starting the main work, you can immediately prepare the rollers, which will further ensure the insulation of the doorway. For a door that opens into the room, 3 rollers are required, and if outside, then 4. The length of the roller must correspond to the parameters of the part of the door where it will be located, and the width is such that it is possible to lay the insulation roller inside and fold the tape in half lengthwise. To attach the roller to a wooden door, it will be convenient to use a construction stapler. The roller will have to be glued to the iron door. Insulation is laid in the same way: the canvas cut to size is glued or shot with staples.

Then comes the turn of leatherette. The method of its installation depends on the door.

  • Metal doors need glue. First, it is evenly distributed with a brush along the perimeter of the door leaf and a lining is glued to this line, on top of which leatherette is laid on a new layer of glue.
  • Leatherette is attached to a wooden door with a decorative nail.

The final stage of work includes the installation of fittings.

A special way for the lazy

Covering the door with leatherette, without removing the door from the hinges.

This method is called so because the upholstery of the door with dermantine is carried out without removing the door from the hinges. This is especially convenient if the weight of the door is large, which makes it difficult to remove. At the same time, sheathing the door with leatherette on weight is a very inconvenient task.

The beginning of work looks the same as in the previous case: the fittings are removed from the door and cleaned. Then the roller is mounted: the prepared leatherette tape is laid along the edge of the door leaf and fixed every 15 cm construction stapler or nails. At the next stage, a sheet of foam rubber is shot with a stapler. The leatherette sheet should have reserves of 3 cm on all sides. They begin to fasten it from the center line of the top of the door. Carefully stretching, it is nailed around the entire perimeter. Now it's the turn to return to the formation of rollers, the blanks for which we had nailed at the very beginning. To do this, roll up a long roller, lay it along the edge of the door leaf, wrap a strip of leatherette and, twisting the edge inward, nail it with decorative nails every 10 cm. After the fittings are installed, the work is over.

Door upholstery with dermantine using a frame profile

Door trim materials

This method allows you to create almost any, even the most intricate pattern on the upholstery, since the markings for placing decorative nails are made directly on the surface of the door.

Additional details should be included in the door upholstery kit: a one-sided frame profile, which will ensure uniform tension of the fabric, and decorative furniture buttons with a top trimmed with leatherette. These buttons are unscrewed into two separate parts, one of which will be on the door leaf, and the second on top of the leatherette.

After dismantling the fittings and cleaning the door leaf, it is necessary to start marking the lines on which the lower elements of the furniture buttons will be located. With the help of a ruler and a square, we determine the necessary points and generously drip assembly glue on them. Glue the threaded button elements to the surface. We measure the sides of the door and cut the profile according to the measurements obtained. We put it on construction glue around the perimeter of the door leaf. Now you have to wait until the glue dries - it will take about a day. In order not to waste time, we are preparing the insulation: we need to prepare the holes for the buttons.

After a day, we continue the upholstery of the door: we lay the insulation in such a way as to align the holes with the threads of the buttons. If there is excess material that protrudes beyond the edges, they must be cut off. Now it's dermantin's turn. We carry out exactly the same procedure. Now, when all the threaded pins are located in their sockets, you can screw on the decorative hats, after which the leatherette, evenly pulling, is tucked into the profile.

This completes the door trim. After installing the fittings, the canvas is hung in a permanent place.

Tiled upholstery method

Door upholstery with chopped leatherette

Fine painstaking work, but the result looks amazing. It is made from dermantin cut into rhombuses. As a rule, the door is sheathed in a single color scheme, but this method is good because creative people can experiment and create interesting ornaments on the surface of the door.

For this option, you will have to perform more complex markings on the surface of the door: draw them into diamonds of the same size. In the corner of each rhombus, we put the lower element of the furniture button on the glue and set the door leaf aside for a day. Like last time, we make cuts on the insulation, cut the leatherette into rhombuses a little bigger size than markup. A day later we return to the door. We lay the foam rubber in accordance with the prepared cuts, perform additional fastening with a stapler along the edge and door leaf (3-4 brackets around each pin). We start laying out rhombuses around the perimeter. We bend the edges of the blanks and shoot them with a stapler. It is necessary to ensure that in the process of upholstery on the dermantine there are no distortions.

How to sheathe a door with dermantine so that it is not only durable, but also beautiful? We have offered several options, choose your own, which you can implement, and the result will be stunning.

Sections of the article:

Door upholstery with dermantine - light and inexpensive way decorating and warming the home, which begins with the entrance to the house or apartment. To perform this work, you will need to know some of the features of the door trim. Namely: the properties and characteristics of leatherette, the lining material used, tools when working with wood or metal, decorative, fasteners and more.

Dermantin: pros and cons

Dermantine (from ancient Greek leather) is a type of artificial leather made from cotton fabric and a layer of nitrocellulose covering the fabric on one or both sides.

Leatherette for upholstery of doors is positioned on the market as a substitute for expensive genuine leather, not inferior to it in terms of individual characteristics. It is also used for furniture upholstery, book pieces, bags, wallets and car interiors.

Dermantine is finishing material which has the following advantages:

  • Not subject to rotting and decomposition, resistant to various microorganisms;
  • Moisture resistant, does not allow moisture to penetrate into the layer of lining material, protecting it from mold and unpleasant odors;
  • Relatively durable material that can last ten years with proper care;
  • Resistant to abrasion and chemical reagents (acids and alkalis);
  • Easy to wash and clean with ordinary detergents: soap and powder;
  • Frost-resistant, able to withstand temperatures up to minus 35 degrees (depending on the type of leatherette).

Despite all the positive properties of dermantin, many are not satisfied with its shortcomings, namely: with the slightest damage (cut or rupture), the leather substitute cannot be repaired and a separate part replaced, thus full door upholstery with dermantin is required. When burning, the leather substitute emits harmful substances that are unsafe for human health and contributes to the rapid spread of fire, as it is combustible and fire hazardous. These disadvantages are not so important, given that dermantin has a lot of useful consumer qualities, some of which are described above.

TO distinctive properties dermantina include the fact that leatherette can be easily and simply cut, it does not crumple, does not wrinkle and does not shrink. In addition, there are enough on the market wide choose material color types from gray to red. So you can choose what will most harmoniously fit into the interior of the apartment.

What characteristics should be considered when buying leatherette? When buying leatherette for upholstery, you should pay attention to how the material stretches, whether it forms cracks when stretched. Also look at such a parameter as wear resistance, it should be at least 30,000, and preferably all 50,000 cycles. The greater the number of cycles, the stronger the fabric is to abrasion.

Leatherette should be resistant to kinks from bending the material and scratches. Also consider the characteristics of leatherette for UV resistance if your door is in direct sunlight. most time.

The surface of the leatherette can be smooth or matte, imitate aged leather, etc. Pay attention to the color scheme of the artificial turf, what color and texture will best harmonize with the design of handles and hinges, a peephole and other fittings.

Regular and decorative upholstery

When choosing material for upholstery in a store, take into account the type of door constriction. There are two types of screed: regular and decorative.

Conventional upholstery includes a simple trim of the door leaf with a smooth sheet of leatherette, which is attached to the base only at the edges. A decorative tape is also attached around the perimeter, fixed to the door every 10 cm.

Decorative or carriage upholstery of doors with dermantine is a kind of decoration performed on a base of wood or MDF - panels nailed to the door leaf. First, the fabric is stretched over the entire door leaf, and then in some places it is fixed with buttons or nails with leather caps. In this case, the pattern on the canvas from the buttons can be diamond-shaped or square, depending on the preferences of the owner of the premises.

Schemes and drawings of decorative upholstery.

Sheathing elements for a wooden door: rollers, lining material, nails

When preparing for a hauling, it is important to know about the basic materials and elements due to which the door sheathing process takes place.


When upholstering doors with dermantine, rollers are used. A roller is a special element that serves to protect the house from drafts and cold. It forms a tube of lining and leatherette, nailed around the entire perimeter of the entrance to the door leaf or to the door frame.

The method of placement depends on the type of door opening. If it opens into the room, then the roller is placed on the back side of the entrance to the house. The roller should extend beyond the box by a few millimeters. In this case, the distance between the canvas and the roller should be such that the roller "slows down" the opening of the door and it slams shut with little effort.

With the method of opening the structure outwards, the roller is nailed to the door leaf itself. At the same time, it is fixed first, and then the lining is added.

Upholstery of doors with dermantine is carried out without a roller in only one case: if metal structure installed without special bars that allow you to attach rollers to them.

backing material

Upholstery lining is most often used foam rubber or isolon with the addition of batting. It is not excluded the use of one batting or synthetic winterizer. When using the latter, a more rigid and ribbed structure is obtained.

Foam rubber allows you to achieve softer and smoother surface drops. He possesses the best properties sound insulation than batting and synthetic winterizer, and isolon boasts the most outstanding thermal insulation. Isolon is a new lining material made of polyethylene, more expensive, but also more perfect. He doesn't miss cold air and absorbs noise, being an environmentally friendly material.


Upholstery of doors with dermantine is carried out using special nails with wide hats. Sheathing nails can be either metal or leather (leatherette). Steel nails come in silver and gold.

Leather nails are made manually, so their cost may be slightly higher than conventional ones. In addition, there are special decorative nails that serve as door decoration.

To betray the door leaf beautiful and modern look It is not at all necessary to spend huge sums to pay for the hauling masters. Do-it-yourself door upholstery with dermantine is easy and simple, you only need proper preparation doors to the hauling and tools with materials.

Preparing the door for reupholstering

How to determine the dimensions of the material required for upholstery of doors with dermantine, given the dimensions of the door leaf?

The leatherette should be equal to the area of ​​the door plus 15 cm on each side. For rollers, one cut 14-15 cm wide and equal to the height of the door and two cuts cut along the width of the door leaf are required. The number of rollers is increased if the door opens outwards (all four sides are upholstered). Foam rubber or isolon is cut out the size of a door leaf, the thickness of the insulation should be no more than 2 cm.

Let's count the number of nails. It depends on the pattern and the distance between the nails. For standard door you may need somewhere around 50-60 pieces without taking into account the pattern.

Tools for work: hammer, stapler, knife, pliers, scissors, nails. For metal doors, upholstery is carried out without nails, on an adhesive basis. Glue will need at least 100 ml.

door technology

We free the door from everything superfluous: from handles, hinges, old upholstery, etc. At the first stage, they will only interfere. The methods of fastening the leatherette to the door leaf differ depending on the material of the door.


We make rollers: right on the door we fix strips of leatherette face down with a stapler. We lay the tubes of insulation and tuck, closing the foam rubber. We clog with a stapler or nails. At the bottom of the door leaf, the material must be hammered so that the distance between the roller and the floor is 1-2 cm, otherwise the roller will simply rub off at the points of contact with the floor.

We strengthen the lining: we fix the foam rubber with a stapler starting from the middle of the door leaf (so the likelihood that the material will warp will be reduced to zero). We fix the lining so that the distance to the edge of the door is 1-2 cm. We fix the batting on the foam rubber layer (it protects the foam rubber from damage).

We fasten the dermantin: first, we turn it 6-8 cm from above and fix it with nails, making sure that there are no folds and creases. Then, straightening, we stretch on the sides and hammer with nails around the perimeter of the door. Properly stretched material does not wrinkle or form folds. The distance between the nails is a maximum of 10 cm, a minimum of 5 cm.

For a metal door, the process is a little faster and easier, the fastening is done with glue.


The door is removed and placed on a flat base, for example, on four stools. Lubricate with glue around the perimeter of the canvas and in the center, fix the insulation. Press the foam rubber to the surface and leave to dry a little.

Then the main cut of the leatherette is glued starting from the top, in the same way as with wooden structure, moving to the sides and ending at the bottom.

We hope that our article will help you to easily and without errors complete all stages of work.

If you want to update the entrance to your house without significant costs, there is a great way out of the situation - do-it-yourself upholstery of the door with dermantine. To do this work is actually very simple, but you must first clarify all the nuances. Depending on the material from which the door leaf is made and the direction in which the door opens, there are certain differences in the principle of fastening the new upholstery.

Leatherette sheathing is a great way to update the door

Preparatory work

Among everything that can sheathe an old wooden or metal door, dermantin, of course, is the best option It's affordable, looks good, and is easy to work with.

First of all, you need to purchase all the necessary materials:

  • dermantin (should be 10 cm more than the door leaf on each side);
  • lining material;
  • furniture nails;
  • thin decorative cord;
  • glue;
  • furniture stapler.

It is better to remove the door leaf from the hinges, so it will be easier to work. Then remove all fittings, remove the old coating and clean the door of dust and grease.

In order to sheathe the door with dermantine as correctly as possible, it is necessary to pay attention to the direction in which it opens, this is necessary in order to use the number of rollers required in each case, if outside - you need four pieces for each side, inside - three are enough. These rollers will help better insulation opening.

The upholstery of the front door carries a high mechanical load - this must be taken into account when choosing leatherette

For each roller, you will need a strip of leatherette 10-15 cm wide and a piece of lining, for example, a synthetic winterizer. Fasten one edge of the strip along one side of the door. front side down, then roll up the synthetic winterizer and wrap it with the second end of the dermantine. The work can be done with a stapler, nails or glue in the case of a metal sheet.

Attaching the backing material

Before sheathing front door dermantin, you should take care of its heat and sound insulation. If you use foam rubber, the effect will be minimal, it is better to purchase more modern material- isolon, it is quite dense and copes well with these tasks. The lining should completely cover the door leaf; on the side of the hinges, when opening it externally, it is necessary to leave a small indent.

Foam rubber is most often used as a lining material.

If you are working with a wooden door, the lining is fixed with furniture stapler, placing staples every 15-20 cm along the perimeter of the canvas. If it is required to sheathe a metal door, the canvas is covered with a layer of glue, a heater is laid on top and gently pressed.

Working with dermantine

Now let's figure out how to wrap a metal door directly with dermantine. To neatly draw the edges, it is necessary to tuck the dermantine and, with the help of staples, fix its edge from the inside, then we glue the hem, the edge of the material with glue and press it. You need to move gradually in one direction.

The upholstery of the door is made using the simplest tools.

It is much easier to upholster a wooden door with dermantine with your own hands - we tuck the edges of the material and nail it with furniture studs with a wide hat in increments of 10-15 cm.

When doing this work, it is necessary to ensure that the places of fastening of the insulating rollers do not look out from under the bent edge of the dermantine, in addition, you need to step back from the edge a few millimeters so that the new upholstery does not interfere with the free movement of the canvas.

Final design

The last step is the installation of accessories. In the new upholstery, it is necessary to make cuts of the hole slightly smaller than the size of the holes in the canvas, this is very simple, since they are well felt through the leatherette and the substrate. Replace the handle and lock peephole, loops. Then you can proceed with the installation of the canvas in the opening, put it on the hinges and you can enjoy the work done.

Impeccable quality execution of the upholstery of the front door with dermantine

In order to make the final result look a little more interesting, you can not only sheathe the front door from the inside, but add a few curly elements to its surface. To do this, you can use the remaining furniture nails. Carefully mark the places for their installation on the surface of the dermantine, after you hammer in the nails, you can tuck a decorative lace under them. Leatherette and soft lining will change: the contours will be pressed through and a peculiar pattern will appear on the surface of the door. Usually rhombuses are made in this way, but other schemes can be used.

Schemes of decorative upholstery of the door

The easiest way to work with a wooden door, but with a sufficiently thick and dense layer of the substrate, you can make such a decor on an iron door. To do this, you need to fasten the nails or buttons with a strong thread on the reverse side before sheathing the fabric, connecting the foam rubber and dermantin.

Do-it-yourself door trimming with dermantine is quite simple and interesting, besides, it allows you not only to save on purchase new door, but also gives a unique opportunity to create your own author's version of the finish. When done correctly, it will look no worse than the industrial version.