Well      03/08/2020

What is the best way to cover the walls of a garage? Non-standard ways to decorate the inside of a garage. How to cover walls for warmth

– this is a second home. This is where many “men” spend all their evenings and weekends. Therefore, the improvement of this additional “living” area is important. Even if in your case this is not the case, then anyway, any person wants to feel cozy and comfortable in the room. And in this situation, it is important how to line the inside of the garage. What materials can be used? Some options will be discussed in this article.

Requirements for finishing materials

To sheathe the walls of a garage, it is very important to choose the right material. This will depend not only appearance, but also safety and durability. So, the material must meet the following requirements:

  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • not afraid of temperature changes;
  • non-flammability;
  • ease of care;
  • aesthetics.

These are general requirements for materials. Everything else will depend on the taste and financial capabilities of the garage owner.

Plaster is the cheapest option

Usage sand-cement mortar for finishing walls in non-residential premises - this is an old and proven method. A layer of plaster will protect against excess moisture and slightly insulate the garage. In addition, cement and sand are non-flammable substances, which means the level of fire safety increases.

The mortar for plaster is prepared in the usual way. For one part of cement, take three, four or five (depending on the brand of cement) parts of sifted sand. Then, using a trowel, the mixture is applied to the surface. If the walls are uneven, you can apply several layers.

To increase durability and improve appearance, all walls can be painted. For these purposes, it is better to take waterproof or facade paints. In this case, the surface can be washed.

Using ceramic tiles

Another popular method is using ceramic tiles. This finish is not afraid of fire, mechanical stress and chemicals. The tiles are also easy to clean, and (if the installation technology is followed) they are not afraid of water.

As a more reliable option, you can choose clinker tiles. This material is made from special clay using special firing. As a result, all the pores of the tile are closed, and it is absolutely not afraid of water. But such finishing material is quite expensive.

Decorating walls in a garage using tiles (regular ceramic or clinker) requires certain skills. In addition, such material is quite heavy, so only strong walls can withstand such a load. Finishing tiles can be used if the garage is built of brick or concrete.

A newly built garage will shrink, so tiling is not advisable until this process is completed.

Wood finishing

Quite often, wood is used to decorate the walls in the garage. Wooden panels or lining can be used to beautifully decorate the interior space quite quickly and without dirt. In addition, it will cost relatively inexpensive.

But this material has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, wood burns well. Therefore, such finishing increases the fire hazard. Secondly, wooden structures Due to temperature changes and changes in humidity, they may begin to warp. This will seriously affect the appearance.

Wood absorbs odors well. After a long period of use, the walls of the garage can begin to smell very unpleasant.

But there is one alternative. The walls in the garage can be sheathed with oriented strand boards or OSB. This material consists of 90% wood chips, and the rest is a special waterproof resin. Thanks to this composition, the slabs do not burn, are not saturated with odors and are not afraid of excess moisture. The structure of OSB allows you to hold driven nails well and another plus is that there is no danger of damage by insects (which cannot be said about ordinary wood).

Application of plastic panels

Can also be used modern material. Plastic panels are perfect for decorating walls in a garage. This material does not burn and will not be damaged by excess moisture. In addition, the walls can be easily washed, which is very important for keeping the garage clean.

It is better to use as panels for finishing facade materials. They are stronger and more durable. But even these panels have one significant drawback - they are fragile. Plastic can easily break from a strong impact.

When choosing a material for decorating walls in a garage, you need to weigh the pros and cons, look at the photo and choose suitable option. It is important to understand for what purposes you will use the garage. If it is constantly held renovation work, then it is better to choose reliable plaster or strong ceramic tiles. If the garage is needed only for storing a car, then wooden or plastic panels can be used. They are not as durable and practical, but they have a more attractive appearance.


This video shows how a garage is sheathed with corrugated sheets:


Any car owner wants his car to be parked in a securely protected place. But many people not only store their car in it, but often spend a lot of time in the garage themselves. The choice of cladding will depend on the purpose: whether you use it as storage or often go there with friends. In any case, this is a non-residential premises: the appearance of the materials fades into the background, but practicality is at the forefront.

The simplest option is plastering walls in garage. But we will look at other methods in the article below.

  1. Impact resistance;
  2. Easy to care for;
  3. Moisture resistance;
  4. Fire resistance;
  5. Strength;
  6. Resistant to temperature changes.

Before you choose,how to decorate the walls in a garageyou need to decide what the actual requirements are of this premises? The garage is a cold and damp place. At the same time, the presence of technical dirt can ruin any type of cladding.

The material for the walls should be chosen to be impact-resistant, it is better that the surface is not afraid of scratches. We often store a lot of flammable substances in the garage, so its lining must be fire-resistant or at least not resistant to combustion.

Another decisive factor is ease of maintenance. Few people would want to constantly wash walls, so the material should not be susceptible to aggressive substances and not be afraid of wet cleaning.

Before cladding, garage walls are usually insulated. However, this should not be overdone. Many people think that the ideal conditions for keeping a car are the same as those for a person. Quite the opposite. The temperature in the garage in winter should not exceed five degrees. Strong temperature changes will not benefit your iron horse, but will only harm.

Another one common mistake This is a lack of ventilation. There is no need to plug every last hole, as this will prevent the car from being ventilated and you risk getting hurt yourself. In the garage, a lot of harmful gases that are dangerous to health and life collect from the car. A ventilation system is a must.

How to insulate walls in a garage:

  1. Mineral wool
  2. Glass wool
  3. Styrofoam

One of the most common insulation materials is mineral wool. This is a breathable material, it will not create a can effect. The weak side of cotton wool is that it absorbs moisture, so when using it you need to protect it with a vapor barrier.

Glass wool is one of the cheapest insulation materials. But working with it is much more difficult. You need to work carefully, wearing protection and gloves. You won't be able to scratch your nose while working. Glass wool is afraid of water, so it is wrapped in foil insulation for protection. If water gets on the glass wool during operation, it can be thrown away.

The most common insulation material is polystyrene foam. It is also used in apartments, houses, and garages. It's easy to work with and inexpensive. It is easy to cut and weighs little. Polyfoam is not afraid of moisture, insects, rotting, no additional processing is required. But he also has weaknesses. Polystyrene foam does not allow air to pass through and burns quite well.

Maximum heat loss occurs through the garage door, so insulating it is most important. You may not even need to insulate just the gate. Their insulation occurs in the same way as walls.

How to decorate garage walls

In most cases, finishing is more of an aesthetic nature, but it is worth thinking about the practical side. You can lay insulation under some types of cladding, which will save your car.

  1. Plaster
  2. Tile
  3. PVC panels
  4. Lining
  5. Plywood or OSB


An old and simple finishing method. It will hide imperfections without taking away centimeters from the space. But such a finish, of course, will not save your walls from dirt, but you can put insulation under it. As such, you can use ordinary polystyrene foam. The sheet thickness must be at least 5 cm. Do not take thin sheets, in our fierce winter they will simply be useless.

Treat the walls with two coats of primer. This is necessary because it is what prevents moisture from accumulating. Below, near the floor, a frame is fixed on which the slabs will be placed. They are attached to the wall with glue. For better adhesion, the glue needs to be spread around the perimeter of the entire sheet; if there is nothing, then you can apply it in drops on the edges and in the center.

After completely covering the entire perimeter of the walls, plaster the walls. Using a spatula, spread the glue evenly over the wall. While it is still wet, install the serpyanka. The slabs can be secured using mushroom dowels. Then apply plaster. The layer should be half a centimeter. Once dry, walk along the wall. sandpaper to get rid of shortcomings. Depending on the result, you can leave it like that, go through another layer of plaster, or paint the wall.


Tiles have been and remain one of the most common types of wall decoration in rooms with high humidity and dirt. The garage is no exception. It will survive any weather conditions and will not deform. However, you should be careful with chips, you don’t need to hit the tiles with tools, it is quite durable, but it’s still better not to take risks. The tiles are easy to maintain, so they work well.

Before installation, the wall is primed and installed with glue. For best result The adhesive is applied and spread over the tiles and a thin layer is applied to the wall. Special crosses are installed at the corners of the tiles to ensure that the distance between the tiles is the same. After drying, the crosses are removed and the seams are rubbed. One significant disadvantage of laying tiles is the price; you will spend quite a bit of money.

PVC panels

Like any material, plastic panels have their strengths and weaknesses. It is better to buy plastic panels for facade work; they have better characteristics. The panels are easy to care for. They are light weight and easy to install. There are two installation methods: directly to the wall or on the frame.

The panels are not afraid of water and temperature changes. They can easily withstand all-weather conditions, and they do not require additional processing.

Calculating the required number of panels is easy: just measure the length of all the walls and divide by the width of one panel. Add 2-3 panels to this number in case of deformation during transportation or during work. Attaching panels to glue is not particularly difficult: just apply it to inner part panels and attach to the wall. But frame installation involves more complex work.

The surface must be washed and dried before work. Mark the wall from below to install the first plank and mark the vertical lines for attaching the profile. Installation begins with the side slats, stretch the ropes between them using a tape measure and level. This way the vertical guides will be straighter. An internal profile is installed at the corners, and a starting profile is installed at the bottom. Secure the bar into it until you hear a characteristic click. Then install all the strips until the wall is completely filled.

Wood finishing

Cladding with clapboard is one of the most popular types of cladding. This type of cladding will only add fire in the event of a fire, but it looks great. To ensure safety, you can treat the wood with a special fire-retardant compound. The main thing is to pay attention to its composition, no toxic substances. This will not completely prevent your skin from catching fire, but it will significantly reduce the risk.

Many people choose lining because of its convenience. It’s easy to screw shelves and nails onto the tree, and it’s generally easier to work with. The material will not be damaged. This is for the garage important condition, that’s why many people choose lining.

Before installation, treat the wall with an antifungal compound to prevent mold and mildew from collecting under the wood. The lining, like plastic panels, is mounted on the frame. The installation process is no different.

Sheathing with plywood or OSB

Another popular type of cladding. However, OSB and plywood sheets are not waterproof, so they must be treated with a moisture-repellent compound before installing them in the garage. In terms of cost, these materials are in the middle of the price category. They can be painted or tiles placed on top.

Often a garage is associated with a room that is not cleaned, is constantly dirty, stinks and only true men can stay in it. But it is not always the case. Despite the dirty work, your garage can be clean and well-maintained. Everything is achieved thanks to good interior finishing. If previously the choice of materials was limited, today there is no shortage. There are a lot of finishing materials, which allows you to make your garage a pleasant place where you want to go.

In addition, high-quality finishing also performs protective functions. What exactly to choose for finishing is entirely your decision. Both personal preference and budget come into play here. In this article we will look at design options and how the interior decoration of the garage occurs.

Garage interior finishing - is it necessary?

Many may ask why decorate the inside of the garage at all. It’s clear that when it comes to exterior work, everyone wants to make the garage beautiful and attractive. And the supporting structures will be reliably protected from external influences. After all, frost, rain and wind - all this negatively affects the walls of the building. But nothing threatens the structure inside the garage.

In fact, interior decoration is also important. Whatever one may say, the walls of the garage will also be protected. This applies to dirt, moisture, mechanical damage and other factors. The second point is aesthetic beauty. It has been proven that in a comfortable environment you work better and are more pleasant to be. And since motorists spend a lot of time in the garage, this is important. Moreover, when you plan to carry out insulation, you will definitely have to finish the garage. The finishing will protect the insulation so that it does not lose its properties. But the question arises: what kind of finishing material should be used to decorate the inside of the garage?

Criteria for choosing material for cladding

To ensure that all the work you have done is not in vain, you need to choose the right material for each surface in the garage. It is important that it is able to withstand a certain load, the influence of the external environment, as well as aggressive technical substances that are typical for a garage. If you make a list of requirements, it will look like this:

If we continue the topic general requirements to the characteristics of finishing materials, then they also exist and there are many of them:

  • Each material must be fire-resistant and not burn. A garage is a room with a high risk of fire, as it contains flammable substances;
  • the finishing surface must be resistant to chemical attack;
  • No less important is the material’s resistance to moisture;
  • in the event that the garage will not be insulated, choose materials that are resistant to temperature fluctuations;
  • In order not to change the cladding after a few years, choose high-quality and durable material. It’s better to pay more, but do it once and for several decades.

Among other things, I would like to note one more factor, it is not the main one, but it is important - the aesthetic side. Then being inside will be pleasant not only for you, but also for other visitors.

Garage floor installation

More often ordinary people They use the garage simply to store the car. In such cases inspection hole do not do. In this case, the base floor can be simple soil, tightly compacted. To do this you will need to do concrete screed. Now we will look at how you can make a garage floor with your own hands.

First you need to level the ground. Add sand or crushed stone to places where there are large differences. The base needs to be waterproofed. For this you will need roofing felt. Lay it on top, laying the sheets overlapping. Then moisture from the concrete solution will not be absorbed into the soil. This foundation is laid on reinforcement mesh. So, you will make the concrete screed even stronger.

After that, beacons are placed on the level. They will serve as a guide and allow you to make the floor level. Next you need to cook concrete mortar, which is poured onto the floor. Its composition is simple:

  • sand;
  • cement;
  • crushed stone

But to get a quality product, you need to achieve correct ratio components. For pouring a garage floor, the following proportion is suitable: 2:1:3 (sand, cement, crushed stone). All this is filled with water. You will need just enough of it to get the right consistency. The solution should not be liquid or thick.

Advice! To prepare this amount of concrete, use a concrete mixer.

Now you can start pouring the floor in the garage. Ideally, do everything at once. Then the floor will not have cracks and will become monolithic. This work cannot be done without an assistant. The thickness of the screed should be at least 10 cm. After filling, all that remains is to level the surface and leave everything until completely dry (about a month). You will see more details about the process of pouring the floor in this video.

This is all? Not at all. You can't leave the garage floor like this. After all, concrete will absorb moisture and collapse. And the oil you spill will leave a black stain on the floor. Over time, the entire garage floor will turn into a solid black spot. What to do? Use finishing materials.

The simplest and cheapest of them is moisture-resistant and wear-resistant paint. It's corny, but concrete base will be protected. Plus, you can clean your garage floor. The second option is to cover the screed with marble chips. Ideally, use ceramic tiles and their varieties. Some use paving or clinker slabs. These materials are very wear-resistant and can withstand different loads.

Garage wall decoration

The design of garage walls is more varied, and there will be a little more work. The garage has one floor and four walls. What materials are used to decorate the inside of garage walls? Here are the most popular ones:

  1. Plaster
  2. Drywall.
  3. Ceramic tile.
  4. Dye.
  5. Lining.
  6. OSB sheets.

Plastering walls is somewhat reminiscent of pouring a floor. This is the so-called wet method level the wall, protect it and prepare it for further finishing. The work process is simple, but labor-intensive. It all comes down to placing beacons on the walls, preparing the plaster and the process of applying it with special tools. However, not everyone can cope with this task. This video will help you with this.

By plastering the walls, you can level them and prepare them for further finishing with paint, tiles or plaster.

Advice! Since there will be a lot of tiles on the walls, it is recommended to combine finishing options, saving money.

For example, tiles can be laid to the middle of the wall or less, because it is in those places that the walls are particularly affected. And the upper part of the wall is painted with paint for facade work.

But to insulate your garage, you'll be taking away valuable space. It is much more profitable to use another method of finishing the garage - covering it with plasterboard, clapboard or OSB sheets. Why? It's all about the cladding technology. To perform it, you need to make metal or wooden sheathing With a certain step. After that, sheets of plasterboard, lining or OSB are attached to this sheathing.

Since there will be free space between the lathing slats, it is filled with insulation. It can be mineral wool, polyurethane foam, penoplex or polystyrene foam. In this case, the thickness of the slats will be equal to the thickness of the insulation. From above, all this is covered with a vapor barrier film, and only after that the drywall, lining or OSB is fixed.

Drywall is fastened using self-tapping screws, butt joint. Subsequently, it is puttied and finished with another finishing material of your choice. The lining is fastened using the tongue-and-groove method, using nails, clamps, staples or self-tapping screws. OSB is fixed with nails or self-tapping screws, butt joint. You can see what this finish looks like in the photo.

The advantage of drywall

For the garage, special moisture-resistant plasterboard is used, which has green color. What's good about this material?

  1. Has little weight.
  2. Easy installation.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. Versatile, once completed you can do any finishing you like.
  5. Gypsum is able to absorb excess moisture, and when dry, give it away.

Advantage of lining

  1. Frost resistance.
  2. Due to the impregnation, it does not burn.
  3. Durability.
  4. No dirt or construction debris after work.
  5. Resistance to mechanical stress.
  6. Environmentally friendly.
  7. Easy to install.
  8. Has an attractive appearance.

Benefits of tiles

  1. Durable.
  2. Durable.
  3. Reliable.
  4. Does not burn.
  5. No dirt or construction debris after work.
  6. It has high resistance to chemical and physical influences.
  7. She is easy to care for.
  8. Aesthetically attractive.

The choice may be difficult, but you must decide. If you like naturalness and beauty, use lining. If you are a fan of durability and reliability, tiles are for you. If you are limited in funds, then use drywall followed by painting. There are many options, it's up to you.

Garage Ceiling Finish

The interior decoration of the garage space ends with the ceiling. This is a special area, since there is practically no physical influence on it. That is why the requirements for finishing materials for garage ceilings are not so serious. If necessary, you can also insulate the garage ceiling. Then the device technology is similar to wall decoration. To ensure that the materials are in harmony with each other, sometimes the ceiling cladding is made of the same material as the walls. But this is optional.

The most common materials for finishing garage ceilings are PVC panels and simple plastering. Why PVC? The material is quite light, easy to work with and, most importantly, it is cheap. Although the list of positive aspects does not end there. Plastic is easy to clean and is resistant to aggressive agents. He is not afraid of evaporation and temperature fluctuations. And finally, manufacturers of finishing materials tried to color scheme and patterns. This coating will last a long time. If necessary, the damaged part can be easily replaced.

Nevertheless, the owner himself has the right to decide what to cover the ceiling with. It could be the same wooden lining, OSB or drywall. The materials are also suitable for use on garage ceilings. You just need to take care to provide high-quality waterproofing of the ceiling. Without it, materials will deteriorate. The easiest way to make a water barrier is to cover everything with roofing felt or waterproofing film. And the condition of the roof needs to be assessed. If roofing material damaged, then repair everything.

Have you already built your garage? If the foundation is ready, you have erected the box and completed the interior decoration of the garage, then all that remains is to take care of its appearance from the outside. After all, this will be the business card of your garage. It should look presentable and tasteful. If you are not a supporter external beauty, then we want to assure you that decorating the outside of the garage is not done only for appearance. Thanks to this finishing, you can protect the walls of the garage from external influences and extend its service life for many years. Is this already interesting? If yes, then we invite you to find out what materials you can cover your garage with.

The matter is not limited to banal dyeing or applying a fur coat. There are really a lot of materials for work and they all have their own characteristics. Let's look at each of them separately.

What is special about the exterior decoration?

It is important to consider this issue so that the material you choose does not lose its properties after a couple of months. What is the difference between the inside of a garage and the outside? The differences are obvious. Externally, the finishing will be constantly exposed to external influences. This includes precipitation, ultraviolet rays, constant temperature changes, mechanical and physical stress. All this will have a negative impact on finishing material, and if it is not of proper quality and characteristics, it will not last you long. Have you ever seen wallpaper being glued to the outside? That's funny. The same can be said about other materials.

Accordingly, the finish you choose should have the following characteristics:

  • high moisture resistance;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays and temperature changes;
  • high levels of frost resistance;
  • strength and durability.

All materials must be for outdoor use. Only their manufacturers endow them with such qualities. Now let's look at what you can choose from.

Cheap and cheerful - painting the outside of the garage

It may sound trivial, but wall paint is a simple and reliable way to protect them. The main advantage of paint and varnish coatings as a finish is their low cost. Materials are sold at affordable price, and even an inexperienced person can work with them. To work you will need a minimum set of tools and materials:

  1. The paint itself.
  2. Brush, roller with a tray or spray gun.

Everything is elementary and simple. Among other advantages, I would like to note a huge range of products, colors and shades. In addition, the paint can last quite a long time (if you choose it correctly). You can paint plastered walls, wood trim, brick and concrete. The paint will protect them from moisture and external factors.

But not all paints are suitable for the job. Special formulations should be used for exterior finishing. She has all those positive traits, which we talked about above. What is required for exterior painting?

  1. Prepare the surface, level it, clean it and apply primer.
  2. The paint is applied in several layers, with a break for drying. So, you will get high-quality results and bright color.

Advice! For exterior work I use acrylic, water-based or silicone paint.

In the photo you can see what the garage looks like after painting to evaluate the coating.

Plastering garage walls

Plaster has always remained a traditional finishing method. Its advantage is that the material is not expensive, it is easy to work with, and plastered walls can additionally be covered with other finishes. But the main task of plastering walls is to level them. And thanks to simple application methods, you can create a certain structure and pattern. For example, if we are talking about structural plaster(bark beetle, fur coat).

What is the technology for finishing garage walls? As usual, the walls are prepared, all excess is removed and wetted. You don't have to apply a primer. You can putty the walls along the beacons, which serve as a guide. Plaster mortar is made from cement and sand in a ratio of 1:6. Alternatively, you can use a ready-made mixture that is available in the store. To work you will need a rule, a trowel and a set of spatulas. Plaster is applied in at least two layers. After this, everything is ready for further lining of the garage.

We cover the garage with siding

This is one of the most popular outdoor materials that you can use. Such a garage will look rich, beautiful and neat. Indeed, the appearance of the material itself is very good. The photo shows how nice the garage seems.

Siding can be of several types:

  • made of vinyl (most often this is what is used);
  • made of wood (the second most popular option);
  • made of metal;
  • from cement.

Vinyl products have an affordable price, high performance characteristics and are easy to install. The material is made of polyvinyl chloride, and everyone knows that it is moisture resistant and durable.

If we talk about other positive properties, we note the durability of garage cladding, fire safety, light weight of products, and a wide range of products.

Concerning wooden products, then they are environmentally friendly, can serve as a kind of heat insulator and are safe for health. Only the price for them is a little high. It may not be practical to use this type of siding for a garage.

Note! Metal products are much stronger than other types and are resistant to temperature fluctuations and biological microorganisms. And to protect it from corrosion, self-tapping screws with rubberized heads are used during installation.

But cement products have a lot of weight. This puts additional stress on the walls and foundation.

You can see how to cover a garage with siding in the video:

Wooden lining

Oddly enough, lining is also used for exterior decoration of the garage. Wooden lining made from coniferous and deciduous wood is suitable for this purpose. The advantage of lining is that it is environmentally friendly, has an attractive appearance, retains heat in the garage, protects walls from impacts and is able to withstand temperature fluctuations.

Note! To prevent the garage lining from deteriorating or rotting, it must be treated with special compounds. This is the only way to ensure maximum long term operation.

It is worth paying attention to the classes of lining. There are four of them:

  • class C - the cheapest, characterized by a large number of knots and defects;
  • class B - slightly better processed and has fewer knots;
  • class A - a good option for minor defects and flaws;
  • “premium” class - ideal lining, but very expensive.

For a garage, you can use box A or B. Due to the tenon-to-groove fastening method, you can easily and quickly install it. To work, you need to make a wooden sheathing on the wall of the garage. Fixation is performed with small nails, clamps or staples. Here is a photo of a garage with clapboard exterior.

One of the types of lining is a block house. Outwardly, it looks like clapboard, but has an oval shape. Wooden panels protect the garage and decorate its exterior. And due to special impregnations, the cladding will last for many years.

Garage finishing with corrugated sheets

Profiled sheeting - universal option, which is used for various purposes. They cover the roof, make a fence and even sheathe the walls. Metal has always been famous for its strength and durability. And thanks to the production technology of corrugated sheeting, it looks beautiful and is reliably protected from corrosion. The polymer coating serves as a protective layer and determines the color of the products. You can choose any option that you like.

What can we say about the price? It is low, so anyone can afford this type of garage decoration. Corrugated sheeting will cope well with precipitation, temperature changes and the influence of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, caring for the coating is quite simple. The material can simply be washed with water from a hose. It is not afraid of moisture and aggressive substances.

Is it difficult to sheathe a garage with corrugated sheeting? No. The material has convenient size. You can order your sizes and cover your garage quickly and easily without any problems. The sheets are attached to the sheathing overlapping one wave and fixed with special screws with rubberized head.

Advice! To prevent the screws from being visible from the outside, buy them painted in the color you chose for the sheets themselves.

Garage finishing with stone

If you want to get a strong, durable and reliable base on the walls of your garage, then stone is your choice. It is not afraid of moisture, temperature changes, and resists mechanical damage and will serve you for many years. Yes and it looks a natural stone noble and rich. It is clear that you will have to pay for such pleasure. You can choose this finishing method if you have unlimited financial possibilities. Your garage will have no equal in uniqueness.

If you save a little, you can choose an inexpensive one fake diamond. It is much more affordable, although not as high quality. But you will have a lot of choice various types and colors of the material.

As for the installation process, there are certain difficulties. It is not recommended to do the work yourself. It is better to entrust the process to an experienced specialist, given that the material is quite expensive. The stones are fixed using a special adhesive solution. It must also be of high quality so that the stones do not fall off over time.

It is worth noting that the stones will make the garage much heavier. If you have made a foundation that is not capable of supporting such a massive structure, then this idea should be abandoned. Otherwise, you risk destruction of the foundation and cracks in the walls. Such a garage will not last long. Therefore, before finishing the garage with stone, it is worth finding out the bearing capacity of the foundation. Will he be able to withstand such a load? Otherwise, this is a good option to make your garage both beautiful and truly reliable. Such a fortress will be difficult to destroy.

Let's sum it up

Making your garage beautiful and secure from the outside is not a problem. As you have seen, there are many options for finishing a building. The good news is that everyone can choose the finish that they can afford, look beautiful and protect the walls of the garage. But there is a small nuance - if you choose a certain type of finishing, you should not buy cheap materials. They do not always differ in quality and have worse characteristics. It’s better to spend money, but do everything for the long term.

Despite the fact that the garage is a non-residential premises, it interior design also requires attention and expense. The RMNT website will tell you what you can use to sheathe the inside of the garage, and what materials you can choose. Let's pay Special attention the pros and cons of each possible option.

First, let's figure out what criteria a material suitable for internal lining garage:

  1. Low temperature resistance. The garage is usually not heated, so the material for the interior cladding should easily tolerate temperature changes and not be afraid of their decrease;
  2. Quite high strength. Car repair work is often carried out in the garage, during which you can accidentally hit the wall. In addition, wheel mounts, for example, and other storage systems for all kinds of items can hang on the walls. That is, the material should not deform due to gravity;
  3. Chemical resistance. Fuel and lubricants are stored in the garage; if repair work is carried out using paint or acid, they can get on the walls, so you should choose a material that is less afraid of chemicals;
  4. It is very advisable to choose a fireproof material, because fuels and lubricants and the car itself are sources of ignition risk;
  5. Easy to care for. You won't carry out general cleaning garage with walls washed every month! The covering material should not absorb odors and should be fairly easy to clean;
  6. Provide for the possibility cosmetic repairs. If the garage siding has been damaged, it should be possible to easily replace the area, repair it, or repaint it.

Now let's talk specifically about each type of material that is suitable for interior cladding and garage decoration.

Option one - PVC panels

The advantages of using PVC panels for lining the inside of a garage include:

  • Affordable price of material. Great option for those who do not want to spend a lot of money;
  • Easy to install, you can do it yourself and in a short time;
  • Moisture resistant. This is especially important if condensation may occur in the garage in winter;
  • There is no need to paint, varnish, or decorate in any way;
  • It’s easy to hide insulation under plastic panels to get a warmer garage;
  • It is easy to repair - you only need to replace the damaged panel;
  • PVC panels weigh little, that is, there will be no significant load on structural elements buildings.

But PVC panels in the garage also have a lot of disadvantages, and they are quite serious:

  • Easy to damage. Plastic panels are afraid of shocks, break easily, crack, dents appear;
  • They do not tolerate temperature changes well and can become deformed during winter frosts. True, there are panels that are specifically designed for facades, but they are significantly more expensive, which eliminates one of the advantages we have listed.

But regarding flammability, PVC panels fully meet our criteria. For them to ignite, the temperature must exceed +391 °C.

Option two - lining

The portal site has already written in detail about the features of the lining. From the point of view of use for garage cladding, this material has several advantages:

  • Ecological cleanliness. Wood, what else can I say;
  • Long service life;
  • Attractive texture, pleasant appearance;
  • Installation is also quite simple;
  • Not afraid of temperature changes, often used, for example, when arranging balconies and loggias;
  • The price is affordable;
  • Sufficiently high strength, resistance to mechanical loads.

Of course, lining as a material for covering a garage also has its disadvantages:

  • If antiseptics are not used, problems may arise due to high humidity and pests;
  • Wood burns, and in a garage this is an increased risk. Fire retardants are needed;
  • It is difficult to clean dirt from the lining; the lining will have to be varnished so that it does not absorb foreign substances, for example, machine oil.

Option three - OSB boards

Oriented strand boards (OSB or in the English abbreviation OSB) are also a fairly common choice for cladding garages. Their advantages include:

  • Durability;
  • Ability to withstand temperature changes;
  • Not afraid of mold;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Quite presentable appearance, can be painted if desired.

Disadvantages of OSB for finishing a garage:

  • It burns because it is based on shavings, that is, wood;
  • It is necessary to check the content of formaldehyde, which can cause harm to health;
  • Heavier than all of the above materials.

Option four - plaster

This is not cladding, as in the previous three cases, but finishing. Suitable for garages made of brick, gas blocks, cinder blocks, and other block materials. The advantages of plastering inside the garage include:

  • Cheapness and availability;
  • The ability to do everything yourself;
  • The ability to renew and decorate the surface, maintain it in good condition;
  • Environmental cleanliness;
  • Non-flammability;
  • Resistance to mechanical stress and frost;
  • Sheathing is not needed, so finishing will slightly reduce the usable area of ​​the garage.

Disadvantages of plastering inside the garage:

  • You can do finishing only at above-zero temperatures;
  • The absence of sheathing is not only a plus, but also a minus - there is nowhere to hide the insulation layer;
  • Leveling the walls with plaster is a labor-intensive process and requires skills; the panels are easier to install.

Option five - ceramic tile

The advantages of this material are undeniable:

  • Beauty;
  • Durability;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Resistance to dirt and chemicals;
  • Non-flammability.

However, ceramic tiles have disadvantages:

  • Expensive, especially in comparison with PVC panels and OSB boards;
  • Beats;
  • The installation process is quite complex and lengthy;
  • Heavy weight.

The choice is, of course, yours. We have simply listed the materials that most of chooses owners to furnish their garages. If you have other options, please suggest the article in the discussion.