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How to glue wallpaper evenly. How to hang wallpaper alone. Practical advice. How to properly glue paper wallpaper: features of cutting and gluing

To properly and beautifully hang wallpaper in a room, you don’t have to be a professional. This can be done by anyone, even those who do not yet have any experience in this matter. The main thing is that a certain sequence of actions be followed. It is also necessary to understand the seriousness of the upcoming work, to have patience and strength in order to correctly complete each stage. Thanks to all this, the result will be one hundred percent worth it!

Preparing walls for pasting (main stages)

If you have started renovations in your own home, you will probably be concerned not so much with how to hang wallpaper, but with the question of how to properly glue wallpaper? In any matter, in the construction industry, the first stage is the preparatory work, so to speak, the rough work. The most important thing is to thoroughly prepare the wall you will be covering. After all, not only accuracy, but aesthetic appearance walls after finishing renovations in the room.

The first stage is to remove old coatings from the walls.

Of course, if you happen to be making repairs in a new residential building that has just been put into operation, then here preparatory work no need to carry out. You can skip this point right away. But if there is still old wallpaper on the walls, then you need to get rid of it.

If you are concerned about the question of how to beautifully hang wallpaper, then you should not glue new wallpaper on top of old wallpaper. Otherwise, there is a high risk that new ones will form bubbles. Or maybe, due to moisture and glue, a layer of fresh wallpaper will simply peel off. In addition, it will be very difficult to make the walls perfectly smooth this way.

To remove old wallpaper you need to prepare:

  • A knife with a fairly wide blade. A spatula will also work.
  • Old unnecessary rags.
  • Soap solution.
  • Spray.

How to properly glue wallpaper in a room? It's actually quite simple. Using rags and a sprayer, thoroughly wet the walls. To remove the adhesive, it will help soap solution. Remove layers of old wallpaper using a knife or spatula. After all, a pre-moistened wallpaper layer comes off much easier.

If there is paint on the walls, you also need to get rid of it before gluing new fresh wallpaper, as it can also have a negative effect. Most suitable way to remove old layer paint from the walls - use special remedy for this.

After removing the old layers of paint or wallpaper, you will see a picture of the condition of your walls. They may need to be “sealed”, leveled, puttied, etc. This will be the second step when considering the question of how to beautifully hang wallpaper.

At the second stage - leveling and putty

Much here depends on how smooth walls by level. If there are very large and serious irregularities on the surface of the walls, then it is best to hire professional craftsmen. They will level your walls using drywall or make plaster on the beacons.

In any case, even if the walls are level, they may have small cracks or dimples. And in this case, it will be necessary to resort to putty work and the use of leveling mixtures. See on our website how to properly glue wallpaper photos.

The third stage is sanding the surface of the walls

Sanding is necessary so that after a while any small particles, grains of sand, etc. under the new wallpaper. To do this, as a rule, sanding paper or a grater is used, with which you need to work on the wall: lightly pressing, make semicircular movements until the flaws are eliminated. Residues on the walls are removed using a brush with sufficiently long bristles.

How to properly glue wallpaper on walls should not worry you much, since the process is actually not very complicated. The main thing is to take it seriously.

Fourth step - priming work

Of course, we can stop at the third point of work. But. When carrying out renovations in your house (apartment), you will probably be interested in exactly how to properly glue wallpaper. Therefore, it is better to do the work right away with high quality, so that the result will please you for many years to come.

You will need to prime the walls so that the putty is as stable as possible, and also so that adhesion is as effective as possible. For this you can use a specially purchased primer solution or dilute the glue. The liquid must be applied evenly onto the walls using a roller and left to dry, approximately this takes one day. In addition to everything described above, you can watch a video or how to properly glue wallpaper photos. That’s all, actually, with the preparatory “events.” After this you can wallpaper the room.

How to properly glue wallpaper on walls

Pasting process different types wallpaper - different. There is no identical principle in this matter. Each of them is specific and original in its own way. Below you will learn more about which wallpaper to hang and how to apply it correctly.

Decorating walls with paper wallpaper is a classic of the times. They are inexpensive, environmentally friendly, do not allow air to pass through, and applying them is not difficult.

But how to glue paper wallpaper That's right, it is important to know if you have chosen this type of material:

  • With the wrong side down, roll out the roll on the floor. Next, using a pencil or just a tape measure, you need to indicate the height of the wall you need, adding 10 cm as an error.
  • Using scissors or a knife, the roll is cut into pieces of the required size. Often, it turns out to be four strips from one roll, especially if there is no need to select a pattern. If the selection of the design is important, then look at the packaging. It usually indicates what the tolerance in cm may be.
  • For a perfectly even pasting on the wall, markings are also made with a pencil or measured with a tape measure - where exactly the wallpaper should be pasted.
  • The glue must be diluted according to the instructions indicated on the package, and then applied evenly to the strip of wallpaper.
  • The strip must be applied directly to the wall using a roller. It is very important to do the work carefully so that the wet part of the paper does not tear.

When covering walls with paper wallpaper, it is important not to overexpose the “wet” material. Otherwise, there is a big risk that bubbles will appear or the pasting will be uneven. Wallpaper spread with glue can lie for no more than five minutes, after which it must be immediately glued to the wall.

During the renovation process, or rather pasting the walls, close the windows and doors so that there are no drafts in the room, which is why the glue can dry out quickly and the wallpaper simply won’t “stick.”

The marking of vinyl wallpaper is similar to the previous described option. Therefore, the first couple of points from paper wallpaper should be repeated exactly here.

If vinyl wallpapers If you have drawings, then you need to glue them along the strip. In this case, it is necessary to select a suitable pattern for each subsequent stripe. In order not to wonder during the work process once again The question of how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper, you only need to read the article once, from which everything will be extremely clear and understandable. The next steps will be:

  • Apply a thin layer of primer mixture or glue to the area of ​​the wall on which you are gluing the wallpaper and let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Next, apply the same solution to the prepared strip of wallpaper and, using a roller, apply it to the wall.
  • Next, the following stripes are applied, one after another. Compared to paper wallpapers, which are laid one on top of the other, vinyl wallpapers are applied end to end.

Especially if you have chosen light wallpaper for the room, and not only that, you need to take into account that the glue is applied in a very thin layer. Otherwise, there is a risk of the train hitting the adjacent lane or simply leaving traces. Why is this necessary?

If bubbles suddenly form, smooth the wallpaper towards the edges from the central part of the strip.

And at the end of pasting it is necessary to trim off the excess parts at the bottom of the strips. To ensure that the wallpaper does not get chewed, cut it when the material dries on the walls, and also use a sharp blade for this procedure.

How to properly glue non-woven wallpaper

The gluing process is the same as with vinyl wallpaper. The only difference is that you coat adhesive composition All you need is a wall, because the non-woven base itself already contains a certain polymer composition.

As a matter of fact, there probably shouldn’t be any difficulties in the question of how to properly glue non-woven wallpaper!

How to hang wallpaper for painting

Such wallpaper can be either non-woven or vinyl. Therefore, they must be glued according to the instructions described above.

But before applying paint to the surface of the wallpaper, it must dry very well after pasting.

The paint selection is simple. To avoid any smudges and to avoid “hiding” the wallpaper texture, it is recommended to choose acrylic paint on water based.

How to properly glue wallpaper on drywall in a room

Taping drywall is one way to complete the finish on your walls. The wallpaper will fit very well, lightly and quite simply on such a surface. The main thing is that the seams between the sheets are sealed.

But in the future, when you have to re-repair the walls, there will be a surprise. The fact is that wallpaper fits perfectly on plasterboard. But you will need to remove them with him next time. But to make removal easier for the future, you can treat the sheets with plaster. As for the rest, it all depends on the type of wallpaper that you prefer to purchase, and which wallpaper to hang and how - you already know that!

Pasting walls with unusual wallpaper

How to properly glue wallpaper to the ceiling

If you have not previously covered walls or ceilings, then hire someone to help you in this matter. To understand how to properly glue wallpaper to the ceiling, the main thing is to know the specifics of this work. Preparing the ceiling surface is done in exactly the same way as on the walls. Next, follow our recommendations:

  • It is best if the first reference line is drawn along which you can guide yourself in order to paste the first strip of wallpaper. To make the joints less noticeable, you should start gluing from the side - away from the window.
  • In order not to complicate your task, fold the strips in a “snake” pattern, approximately 30–40 centimeters long. Then the coated folds will touch one another, and you can avoid glue from dripping onto your head.
  • To get rid of bubbles, use a roller to smooth out the stripes, moving from the center to the edges.
  • When the wallpaper is dry, you will need to trim off any excess pieces of wallpaper with a sharp blade.

So that you don’t have to jump here and there and make a lot of unnecessary movements, prepare in advance for the work. Dress “correctly”, turn off the electricity, close windows and doors to avoid drafts.

Two methods can be used to cover walls with wallpaper with a pattern.

1. The first strip is glued to the wall. And when the second strip is measured, the pattern is combined directly on the wall.

2. The stripes are combined without being glued, while still on the floor.

To ensure that the geometry of the patterns is not disturbed, it is recommended to glue the wallpaper strips end to end.

Pasting walls with photo wallpaper

With the help of such materials you can perfectly increase the visual space in the room. In addition, this is a very stylish and original solution.

  • In order to avoid damage to the canvas, you should not skimp on glue, buy good material.
  • The surface on which this type of wallpaper is pasted must be carefully prepared: leveled, primed, puttied.
  • According to the instructions, it is imperative to make markings on the walls. Pasting is done in the direction - away from the window. The joining of horizontal and vertical lines must be strictly at an even angle of ninety degrees.
  • White stripes need to be cut off at the edges.
  • Immediately after coating such materials, they need to be glued. There is no need to wait, otherwise you may not get the desired effect!
  • To avoid damaging the surface, you need to smooth the wallpaper using a roller or rag.

How to properly glue wallpaper in corners and how to properly glue wallpaper away from the window

How to paste correctly? More on this below.

Wallpaper on the ceiling:

  • Relative to the window. You need to start gluing from the window.
  • Regarding the wallpaper. To maintain symmetry, start from the center in different directions.
  • Regarding angles. You shouldn't start with them. In this case, there is a risk that the process will go wrong further.


  • To the window. To avoid visible joints, start pasting from the window.
  • To the wallpaper canvas. You need to start from the ceiling. But you need to navigate by “evenness” precisely by the first glued strip.
  • Regarding angles. The first strip should be glued to a flat section of the wall; do not start from the corner. Further, if it turns out that the wall is not very smooth, it will be better to cut out separate pieces to glue the corners.

Having basic knowledge in the matter of wallpapering, you can now hang two types of wallpaper! It's all about opportunity and desire! And then, the matter remains small.

Not only a professional can hang wallpaper correctly, but also a person without special construction knowledge and skills. The main thing in this is to follow a certain sequence, be patient and approach each stage with full responsibility. This is the only way you will get an excellent result.

As in any construction business, the first stage is rough preparatory work. Before you start creating, you need to well prepare your canvas, namely the wall for pasting; the accuracy and aesthetic appearance of your renovation will depend on this.

Step one - rid the walls of the old coating

If you are renovating a new building that has just been put into operation, you can skip this step. If there is old wallpaper on the walls, you will have to get rid of it.

It is not recommended to peel off old wallpaper on walls, since this creates a risk that under the influence of moisture and glue, the old layer will peel off or bubble. In addition, it is quite difficult to achieve a perfectly flat surface of the walls.

To remove old wallpaper we will need:

  • Spatula or knife with a wide blade;
  • Rags and sprays;
  • Soap solution.

The process is very simple. Use rags and sprayers to thoroughly wet the walls (the soap solution will act as an adhesive solvent), and remove the layer of old wallpaper with a spatula or knife. Once wet it will come off very easily.

Do not forget that painted walls are also not best surface for a new layer of wallpaper, so you will have to get rid of the paint. Sanding or priming are not the best best ways cleaning the surface, using a hair dryer or grinder- rather labor-intensive and “dirty” cleaning methods, not to mention the fact that you will have to breathe paint fumes or dust, which can cause poisoning. The ideal way to remove paint from walls is with a special remover.

Having cleared the walls of the old layer, you can see how suitable the wall is for pasting, what cracks and dimples need to be leveled and puttied, and this is the second step.

Step two - putty and leveling the walls

The second step depends entirely on the level of evenness of the walls. If the walls are completely crooked, then most likely you will have to resort to the help of professionals who will level the walls with plasterboard or plaster according to the beacons.

Even if the level of the walls is normal, only the surface itself leaves much to be desired (for example, it has small irregularities, chips or dimples), you still cannot do without putty or any leveling mixture.

For more information on how to prepare walls and level them, watch this video instruction.

Step three - sanding the surface

To prevent grains of sand and putty particles from appearing under the new layer of wallpaper over time, the leveled surface must be thoroughly sanded. This can be done by applying gentle pressure with a grater or sandpaper - with wide semicircular movements until visible flaws are eliminated. Residues should be removed with a long-bristled brush.

Step four - primer

It would seem that you can stop at the third step, but for better adhesion to the surface and greater stability of the putty, priming the walls is also necessary. In this capacity, either diluted wallpaper glue or a special primer solution can be applied. The primer is evenly applied with a roller to the entire surface of the wall and left to dry for about a day.

The third and fourth steps are described in detail in the following video:

This completes the preparatory work, and you can proceed directly to wallpapering.

We glue the wallpaper correctly

There is no identical pasting algorithm for all types of wallpaper; each has its own characteristics and nuances. Let's take a closer look at them.

Paper wallpaper

The classic option for cosmetic wall decoration is paper wallpaper. This is an inexpensive, environmentally friendly, breathable material that is not particularly difficult to apply. Paper wallpaper is glued as follows:

  • The roll is rolled out on the floor with the wrong side up, the height of the wall + 10 cm (error) is marked with a pencil and tape measure;
  • Use a knife or scissors to cut the roll into pieces; usually you get 4 strips per roll, if you don’t need to select a pattern. If there is a drawing on the packaging, as a rule, the tolerance is indicated in centimeters.
  • The wall is marked with a pencil and tape measure so that the pasting is as even as possible.
  • We dilute the glue according to the proportions indicated on the package and apply it evenly to the strip, focusing Special attention edges. Let it soak for a couple of minutes.
  • Using a roller, carefully apply the strip to the wall without damaging the paper, which is particularly sensitive after it gets wet.

It is very important not to overexpose the wallpaper paper based, otherwise you risk getting bubbles and uneven coating. The maximum time that wet wallpaper should remain is 5 minutes, then it must be quickly glued to the wall.

When gluing, do not forget to also close windows and doors to avoid drafts, which may prevent you from “grasping” the walls due to the glue drying quickly.

Vinyl wallpapers

Cutting rolls of vinyl wallpaper is no different from marking paper wallpaper, so we simply repeat the first 2 points of the previous section “Paper Wallpaper”. In the case of a pattern, you will have to glue one strip at a time, selecting the pattern of each subsequent strip. Next we glue the vinyl wallpaper like this:

  • We prime or coat the wall with a thin layer of glue and let it dry for 15-20 minutes;
  • We coat the cut strip and apply it to the wall using a roller;
  • Subsequent strips, unlike paper wallpaper, are applied end-to-end, without overlapping one another.

All layers of glue - both on the wall and on the wallpaper - must be applied in a very thin layer so that when rolled out with a roller, its residue does not get onto the outer surface and leave marks, especially on light-colored wallpaper.

If bubbles appear, the wallpaper should be smoothed from the center to the edges.

The final touch will be trimming the excess wallpaper near the baseboard. This should be done with a sharp blade only when the wallpaper is dry to avoid “chewing” it.

Non-woven wallpaper

Wallpaper on a non-woven basis is glued in the same way as vinyl wallpaper, only for them you do not need to coat the strip itself, since it already contains a binding polymer; just wet it well special glue wall.

Wallpaper for painting

There are 2 types - either vinyl, so we paste them according to the above instructions. Before applying paint, let the wallpaper dry perfectly, ideally for about a day. We select paint - for interior decoration At home, water-based acrylic ones are optimal. They do not smudge, fit perfectly and do not hide the texture of the wallpaper.

Pasting on gypsum board

One of the options finishing drywall is . They simply, easily and very evenly lie on the surface of the gypsum board if you first seal the seams between the sheets. However, those who decide to change their wallpaper in the future will be in for an unpleasant surprise. They lay down easily when pasting, but they are dismantled along with the layer, so it is advisable to treat the surface with plaster before application. For the rest, be guided by the type of wallpaper you will glue.

We glue unusual wallpapers

Pasting the ceiling

I would like to immediately note that alone better ceiling do not glue, especially if you are new to this matter. We prepare it in the same way as the surface of the walls before pasting, i.e. we clean off the old layer (paint, whitewash or wallpaper), putty any unevenness, if any, and be sure to prime the surface.

  • It is advisable to draw a control line (the place where the first strip is applied) to which you will focus. To make the joints less noticeable, glue starting from the window and moving towards the opposite wall.
  • To make the gluing process easier and not wash the glue out of your head later, when coating the strips, fold them in a snake shape, about 30-40 cm long, so that the coated folds touch each other. And then gradually unroll the wallpaper while gluing it.
  • We level and remove bubbles in the applied strip with a roller from the center, moving towards the edges.
  • After drying, cut off the excess on the wall with a sharp blade.

On a note! Before starting work, turn off the electricity, close the windows and put on clothes with wide pockets with everything you need (a roller, a knife, a rag) so as not to jump up and down on a stepladder for a tool.

Customizing the drawing

How to properly glue wallpaper with a pattern? There are two options.

  • Paste the first sheet on the wall, and when measuring the second, combine the pattern directly on the wall;
  • Combine two un-glued strips on the floor and only then glue.

It is advisable to glue the strips end-to-end so as not to disturb the geometry of the pattern.

We glue photo wallpapers

Photo wallpaper in the interior is not only original design solution, but also the opportunity to visually expand the space. With their help, you can “open” a window to a paradise garden full of flowers, create a delightful view of the cityscape, turn a doorway into an arch or change the ceiling to blue sky with clouds.

Examples of interesting interior solutions with photo wallpaper can be found in the video below:

Some tips for pasting photo wallpaper:

  • It is better to glue photo wallpapers with special glue so as not to spoil the extremely thin canvas;
  • We glue them onto a perfectly flat, prepared, puttied surface;
  • Be sure to mark the surface of the wall by centimeters, as indicated in the instructions. We start from the window. Horizontal and vertical lines should form even right angles of 90°.
  • We cut off the white stripes along the edges of the photo wallpaper;
  • We coat parts of the photo wallpaper, do not wait, as is the case with other types, we immediately stick them on the wall.
  • Gently smooth it with a roller and a rag, without damaging the fragile surface of the wallpaper.

Where to start and how to glue in corners

How to glue wallpaper correctly?
In relation to the windowIn relation to the wallpaper canvasRelative to angles
Wallpaper on the ceilingWe begin gluing from the window, moving towards the opposite wall so that there are no noticeable overlaps.It is best to glue wallpaper to the ceiling, starting from the center and gradually moving to the edges, this way symmetry will be maintained and the final work will look neater.It’s better not to start from the corners, because... there is a risk that the strip will go crooked.
WallpaperAs a rule, they glue from the window, since the joints are not visible.We start gluing from the ceiling, but we align it not along the ceiling line, but along the first strip of wallpaper. That's why it's so important to stick it evenly.

In the future, if the wall is not level, it is better to glue the corners with separate cut pieces of wallpaper.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can carefully, quickly, and most importantly efficiently, make your own cosmetic repairs.

It is best and most convenient to glue wallpaper together. But a situation may arise when one person is forced to do the wallpapering of a room. This is quite a feasible job, you just need to prepare in advance working space and tools.

Preparing the wall surface

Typically, all wallpaper must be removed from the walls. However, if the previous ones are tightly and well attached to the wall, you can glue the new ones directly on them. There are also non-woven coatings, they have upper layer is removed, and the non-woven backing remains on the wall.

Under the layer of old wallpaper, fungus and mold may appear, which are not visible, but are harmful to human health. That's why old finishing still needs to be removed.

Removing old wallpaper from the wall

Before you start working on the walls, you must turn off the electricity and remove and protect sockets and switches.


  • construction film or cardboard;
  • needle roller or wallpaper tiger;
  • sponge or foam roller;
  • narrow sharp spatulas;
  • sandpaper or drill with a special attachment;
  • steam mop or iron.

The work can take quite a long time if the old wallpaper does not come off the wall well or is glued with PVA glue.

To easily get rid of old wallpaper alone and without helpers, you need:

  1. Carefully cover the remaining pieces of furniture in the room with construction film.
  2. Cover the floor with the same film or cardboard. Cardboard slips less - this is important, since the work is carried out using glue, which can get on the floor.
  3. Place a damp cloth near the exit so as not to spread garbage to other rooms.
  4. Go over the surface of the walls with a needle roller or wallpaper tiger so that when wet, the solution can more easily reach the adhesive layer.
  5. Moisten the wall with a rag, sponge or foam roller.
  6. After 10-15 minutes, remove the coating using a spatula.
  7. Clean the surface from wallpaper residues sandpaper or a drill with a special attachment.

The wallpaper will be removed faster if you use a steam mop or a vertical steam iron. The canvases then move away from the wall more easily.

Preparing the wall for pasting

No less important is the process of preparing the wall. The appearance of the new wallpaper depends on how it is prepared. If poorly prepared, the canvas may not stick well (if sand remains on the surface) and fall off. Creases and other unpleasant damage may appear on the new wallpaper. But even one person can prepare the walls following the following algorithm.

Therefore it is necessary:

Attention! All walls must be treated with putty. Since if you plan to stick light wallpaper, the uneven coloring of the surface may be visible through it.

Now the wall is ready for further work.

Pasting walls

For pasting one person will need the following tools:

  • scissors or construction knife with replaceable blades;
  • bucket and water for diluting glue;
  • fur roller with medium pile;
  • brush;
  • plumb line and chalk (pencil);
  • ladder;
  • putty knife;
  • rag (rags);
  • plastic spatula or foam roller;
  • wide metal spatula;
  • narrow plastic roller;
  • screwdriver.

Before you begin directly pasting the walls, the wallpaper must be cut into pieces, the length of which will be equal to the height to the ceiling.

Attention! Never cut pieces exactly in height - always leave a margin of 10-15 cm. If the coating has a pattern, the margin will be used to match the pattern.

After the canvases are cut, we proceed to diluting the glue. It must be diluted exactly according to the instructions. The glue is applied to the wallpaper from the inside out using a roller in a layer of at least 1 mm. The edges must be carefully coated with a brush. Since wallpapering is done by one person, they need to be rolled like an accordion (without bending).

Pasting the room begins from the corner of the room. Using a plumb line, mark a vertical line from which work will begin.

Comment! The line should be drawn lightly with white chalk or pencil, in strokes. If you draw a line boldly or with markers (felt-tip pens), it may later appear on the pasted wallpaper.

Having taken the folded sheet of wallpaper, you need to climb up the stepladder, since the pasting starts from the ceiling. We disconnect one edge and apply it to the wall, leaving a small piece so that we can then cut it evenly along the ceiling or molding.

The lower part of the wallpaper itself gradually lowers. We smooth the canvas with our hands and take a plastic spatula or roller. Roll out the entire surface evenly, expelling trapped air and excess glue. The edge of the canvas should coincide with the line drawn using a plumb line.

Along the edge of the wallpaper, remove excess glue using a rag.

We cut off the excess coating remaining on top and bottom using a wide spatula and a construction knife. If gluing was done without removing the baseboard, carefully tuck the canvas under them using a narrow spatula.

Modern wallpaper is glued end-to-end, so we glue the next sheet, trying to place it as close as possible to the previous one. We carefully go over the joints with a special narrow plastic roller so that they adhere more tightly to the wall.

Attention! Sockets and switches are covered with wallpaper. Therefore, after pasting, it is necessary to cut a hole for them using a construction knife and scissors.

Pasting walls with non-woven wallpaper

Gluing non-woven wallpaper has its own characteristics. It’s more convenient for one person to glue them, because you don’t have to cut the canvas right away, but cut them off as needed.

The adhesive for the non-woven covering is applied directly to the wall using a roller. With a small brush you need to coat the vertical and horizontal corners: along the floor and ceiling.

In this case, the canvas itself is not lubricated with glue. Therefore, we place a roll of wallpaper below the baseboard, and climb onto the stepladder, holding one edge in our hands. We glue the top part and then, carefully following the vertical using markings made along a plumb line, glue the edge of the canvas.

Gradually smooth the wallpaper from top to bottom and from the center to the edges with a foam roller or a special plastic spatula. We cut the roll at the bottom using a wide spatula and a construction knife. Then we coat the next part of the wall and continue pasting the room.

A good video on how to wallpaper a room for one person:

In this article, you will learn how to glue wallpaper on a wall with your own hands. Before wallpapering, you need to thoroughly clean the room. The quality of future walls depends on the cleanliness of the room;
The outer parts of the switch, sockets (telephone wires, cables) must be removed in advance;
Dissolve the glue.

  • Measure from the corner a distance equal to the width of the wallpaper minus 1.5 cm and place a dot here. Mark where the seams will go and move them slightly if necessary.

  • Using a level and ruler, draw a vertical line through this point. On the wall where the pattern of the wall wallpaper should be combined with the wallpaper on the ceiling, draw a vertical line from the first seam of the wallpaper pasted on the ceiling.
  • Paper wallpapering read

  • Trim and prepare the first piece of wallpaper. First, straighten the top of the accordion-folded wallpaper. Paste the wallpaper along a vertical line so that the panel has an allowance of about 5 cm on the ceiling. Make sure that the pattern is not cut off at the ceiling line.

  • Cut the top corner of the wallpaper to prevent the wallpaper in the corner from wrinkling. Use your palms to move the wallpaper so that it is in place and its edge is in a vertical line. Smooth out the wallpaper with a smoothing brush.

  • Straighten the bottom of the wallpaper and use your palms to move the wallpaper so that its edge runs along a vertical line. Smooth out the wallpaper with a smoothing brush. Check carefully to see if there are any bubbles left.

  • Use a sharp wallpaper knife with replaceable blades to cut off the excess. If the ceiling is already covered, bend back the edge of the wallpaper with a wide spatula, and then cut off the bent part with scissors so as not to damage the wallpaper pasted on the ceiling. Wash off all the glue from the surface of the wallpaper.

  • Hang the next panels of wallpaper edge-to-edge so that the pattern matches. Leave the wallpaper hanging like this for about half an hour, and then lightly roll the seams with a roller. On embossed or textile fabrics, lightly tap the seams with a smoothing brush.

  • Turn off the power and hang wallpaper over outlets and switches. Make small diagonal cuts to expose the rosette. Along the edges of the electrical panel, trim the wallpaper using a knife with interchangeable blades.

  1. Trim and prepare a whole strip of wallpaper. While the wallpaper is soaking in glue, measure the distance from the edge of the previous pasted panel to the corner at the top, middle and bottom of the wall. Add 1.5 cm to the largest measured value.

  1. Align the edges of the folded wallpaper. Measure from the edge at two points a distance equal to the value obtained in step 1. Place a ruler at these two points and cut the wallpaper with a sharp wallpaper knife.

  1. Place the wallpaper on the wall so that the pattern matches the pattern on the previously hung wallpaper. There should be an allowance of approximately 5 cm on the ceiling. Use your palms to carefully butt the edges of the wallpaper panels end to end. The wallpaper panel should slightly extend onto the unpainted wall.

  1. Make small narrow cuts in the corners at the top and bottom of the panel so that you can glue the wallpaper in the corner without wrinkles appearing on it. Smooth out the wallpaper with a brush, and then trim off any excess near the ceiling and baseboard.

  1. On an unpasted wall, measure from the corner and mark with a dot a distance equal to the width of the remaining strip of wallpaper plus 1.5 cm. Draw a vertical line from the ceiling to the floor in this place. Using the same method, cut a new strip of wallpaper this width, starting at the leading edge of the new piece, so that the patterns meet at the corner.

  1. Place the new cut strip on the wall with the cut edge in the corner and the uncut edge along the vertical line. Press the panel against the wall and smooth it with a brush, and then cut off the excess at the ceiling and at the baseboard.

  1. If you are gluing vinyl wallpaper, then bend the edge in the corner and apply vinyl glue along the seam. Press the overlapping panel evenly, wait half an hour, then roll the seams with a roller and wipe the area with a damp sponge.

Option. Projecting corners, as a rule, can be pasted over without cutting the wallpaper. If the corner is not vertical, follow the taping directions. internal corners, but not 1.5 cm, but 2.5 cm is added to the measured value obtained in step 1.

Among the extensive list finishing works, which you can do at home with your own hands, wallpapering takes one of the first places. However, the question: how to glue wallpaper with your own hands raises many questions. Since childhood, everyone has seen how wallpaper is glued, and by adulthood, they have tried to do it on their own at least once and know which wallpaper is best to glue, how to calculate, how many rolls will be needed, whether one person can handle the job.

But, the construction industry finishing materials moving forward inexorably. Old “grandmother’s” techniques, when newspaper was used instead of putty, no longer meet the new quality standards. When we glue wallpaper with our own hands, we should know and follow modern technologies plastering and painting works.

Where to begin?

The question of which wallpaper is best to glue should be approached with all seriousness, if this type of finishing is not a “firefighting” measure to hide wall defects in a rented premises, but a way to give the apartment a cozy and modern look, the interior of which will not change for at least 2-3 years.

You should start by preparing the walls, removing everything that will interfere with work. Remove ceiling (foam) and floor skirting boards. Remove all nails, screws, and anchors from the walls. Remove the covers of sockets and switches. Electrical wires are carefully insulated. No matter how smooth it may seem, the wall should be cleaned of old wallpaper and layers of paint or lime.

To do this, use wallpaper removers (produced by well-known brands: Metylan, Quelid, Kleo, Staratel, etc.). Using a wallpaper remover will significantly reduce the time.

old water-based paint or whitewash can also be successfully soaked with these products. Due to the presence of surfactants (surfactants) in their composition, the liquid penetrates deeply into the old paint, making it loose and easier to clean off with a metal spatula.

After cleaning from old paint or wallpaper, the wall must be swept with an ordinary broom or mop to free it from dust and pieces of old wallpaper (paint). After this, treat with acrylic primer. To do this, use a paint roller with a long handle.
One person can carry out the preparatory work.

Alignment of walls

Visually it is very difficult to determine how level the wall surface of the house is. For testing, use an aluminum rule with a length of at least 1000 mm. In places where the wall has unevenness, make marks with a bright construction pencil. After this, they begin to level the walls.

Rough alignment is carried out gypsum plaster(Rotband, Prospector, etc.) If there are no differences on the wall of more than 5 mm. You don’t have to plaster the wall, but putty it directly. The trade offers a large selection of both ready-made (paste-like) putties and dry mixes for home use. The best choice would be Vetonit LR gypsum putty (for dry rooms), which is very flexible and easy to use.

After the putty has dried, the wall is cleaned with an abrasive mesh wrapped around a sanding block. Dust is swept from the wall with a broom.

The wall is treated with an acrylic primer to give the putty density and moisture resistance.

Cutting out the wallpaper

Before starting work, thoroughly clean the floors of your home. The room should be free of debris and dust. If you need to go into another room while working, take off the shoes you are wearing. The slightest pebble or sliver stuck to the surface of the wallpaper can lead to irreparable defects.

Rolls of wallpaper should be checked against the batch numbers indicated on the packaging. Sometimes there may be a mismatch in the warehouse, and wallpaper from different batches may not match in pattern or tone.

If you find a roll of wallpaper from another batch, do not open the plastic packaging! A printed roll cannot be exchanged in the store.

Each manufacturer gives recommendations for gluing on the back of the wallpaper label. Follow these recommendations carefully. This is especially true for the choice of glue recommended by the manufacturer and the time required to saturate the base with glue.

Plain wallpaper should be cut strictly in accordance with the height of the room. Make allowances of more than 20 mm. do not do it. When the wallpaper gets wet, it stretches a little, and when the excess dries, it can lead to warping and peeling off the wall.

Wallpaper with a pattern requires special attention. After you have cut the first strip, you should lay it with the pattern up and applying the roll to it on the side to ensure that the pattern on the next strip completely matches.

For cutting wallpaper, it is best to use a long, well-sharpened kitchen knife. At the cut point, the wallpaper is bent and the folded area is ironed with force. After this, with light movements of the knife along the fold, they are cut off. Using scissors is awkward and never achieves a perfectly straight edge.

It is advisable to cut out all the wallpaper at once. After cutting, the wallpaper is stacked, front side down. The edges are aligned as much as possible. This work is easier to do with two people.

Preparation of glue

Preparing glue is not difficult. The glue you choose is dissolved in a container of water, following the manufacturer’s recommendations on the packaging. You should not reduce or increase the amount of water. Pour as much as specified by the manufacturer.

Never use warm or hot water to make an adhesive solution, unless you are going to use homemade paste for the sticker.

Modern adhesives based on modified starch contain a large number of additives that prevent the formation of mold and their eating by insects (termites, cockroaches). IN hot water these additives are destroyed and the effectiveness of the fungicidal (antifungal) properties of the glue is reduced. In addition, starch in hot water can form lumps, which, when applied to wallpaper, will inevitably form defects after the wallpaper dries on the wall.

You should always pour the glue into the water, and not the other way around! The water in the container (bucket, basin, keg) is strongly rotated with a long stick and glue is poured into the resulting funnel in a thin stream. It is necessary to use the entire volume of dry glue. You cannot add glue to the prepared solution. Immediately after stirring, the glue has a flaky structure - swelling of the starch grains occurs. Therefore, this glue cannot be used directly after dissolution. It should be allowed to brew for at least 30 minutes. After this, mix thoroughly again. The glue should have a uniform translucent (like jelly) structure without lumps or flakes.

If you notice them, leave them for a while longer for the starch to completely dissolve.


When we glue wallpaper ourselves, we usually work together. It's easier. This saves not only time, but also energy. But with certain skills, one person can glue wallpaper.
First apply glue to the wall. In corners, along the ceiling and floor, it is better to do this with a wide paint brush from natural hair. Having coated a section of the wall around the perimeter, approximately equal in width to the strip of wallpaper, the rest of the plane is treated paint roller. This speeds up the process significantly.

The glue is also applied to the wallpaper strips with a paint roller. How much glue is applied is not important; its excess is removed during the process of smoothing it to the wall. When dry, it becomes transparent and invisible.
After applying glue to a strip of wallpaper, it must be folded in such a way that the lubricated surfaces are in contact with each other. Especially thick wallpaper.

It is more convenient to fold the wallpaper in such a way that each edge falls approximately in the middle of the length of the wallpaper strip. It will be easier to straighten the strip before gluing. After this, the wallpaper is rolled into a loose roll and left for 10-20 minutes so that the glue is well absorbed into the base.
There is no need to be afraid that the glue will dry out or the wallpaper will stick together. Usually at least 1 hour passes before setting begins.

Wallpaper should always be glued away from the window. The first strip is placed on the wall along a line made using dry-dyed cotton thread. To do this, use a construction plumb line. You can use a long one (at least 1000 mm.) building level or laser tool(level) allowing you to build vertical lines.

One person holds the top of the strip of wallpaper, while the other aligns it from the bottom. After that, the person at the top smooths them out using a wide plastic wallpaper spatula. First in the center of the strip, and then, with smooth movements from the center to the edges, trying to completely remove air bubbles and squeeze out excess glue.

When gluing, both workers should have large, clean, dry rags with them to wipe off excess glue.

You should not smooth the wallpaper with rags - you can damage the top layer of wallpaper, smear unstable paint or erase the metallic pattern.

In corners, around heating pipes, and in areas adjacent to door jambs or frames, wallpaper should be trimmed. To do this, it is best to use a retractable construction knife with replaceable blades or a special device for cutting wallpaper in the corners. For cutting round holes- use scissors.

At the junction of wallpaper strips, if the edges do not match, the strips are glued overlapping (50-70 mm). After this, a metal ruler or rule is taken, applied to the junction of the wallpaper, and the two layers of wallpaper are cut through with a construction knife. Then the strip that is inside is removed. The resulting strips are perfectly aligned with each other. The joint area, as in other places when gluing wallpaper end-to-end, is rolled with a special wallpaper roller (not wide 40-50 mm, rubber, with rounded edges), especially thick wallpaper.

If the wallpaper has dropped below the wall and lies on the floor or on the door trim, you should immediately trim it. Otherwise, when drying, they will warp and fall away from the wall.

When gluing wallpaper and during drying, it takes from 24 to 72 hours, windows and vents in the room must be closed, and the room must not be ventilated.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper horizontally? Of course you can. But it’s better to do this in hard-to-reach places: behind heating radiators or above windows if the wallpaper is without a pattern.

Let's sum it up

Pasting wallpaper is not difficult, and even interesting. Although it requires certain skills. If you have the appropriate tools at hand and follow the technology, this is not a problem even for a person taking on this task for the first time. For some, this activity is even interesting in terms of self-affirmation.