Water pipes      06/17/2019

How to glue a plastic baseboard to a wall. How to choose glue for plastic ceiling skirting boards, fillets, cornices. Gluing the floor plinth

Installation of baseboards is the final stage of repair and is carried out after the floor and walls are completely finished.

These elements help not only to close the gap between the wall and the floor, there are structures in which communications can be hidden.

Depending on the type of flooring and the material of the plinth, its fastening can be done in different ways, to the wall or to the floor.

Depending on the material from which the skirting boards are made, as well as on the type of flooring, there are several ways to install these elements.

They differ from each other both in the method of fastening and in the fasteners used.

Using dowels

In this case, you need to screw the plinth not to floor covering, and to the wall. This is due to the fact that many materials used for flooring can expand and contract during use, so if a baseboard is attached to them, it will become deformed.

Most often these elements attached to concrete wall or brick using dowels and screws:

  • work begins from the far corner, a hole is made in the wall, a dowel is inserted into it, and then, using a self-tapping screw, the corner element is screwed on;
  • first the elements are attached to long walls rooms, on level areas the step between fastenings should be 50-60 cm, but if the walls are uneven, then additional screws are installed in places of bends;
  • also mounted on the opposite wall;
  • if necessary to install outside corner, then holes are made in it on both sides;
  • existing joints are covered with decorative strips.

Instead of dowels and screws, you can nail the baseboard using nails that are fixed in wooden pins.

For clips

Often plastic skirting boards and strips made of other materials are attached to special fasteners, which allows, if necessary, to quickly and easily dismantle them.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. in increments of 30-40 cm, special clips are securely attached to the wall; if the surface is uneven, then they are installed more often;
  2. The bar is inserted into the clips and with a light blow with your fist, it is securely fixed in it.

On glue

Can be installed using glue or liquid nails. This can be done in the case when you do not plan to dismantle these elements, since you will no longer be able to remove them without damage.

Installing skirting boards with glue is only possible if the surface of the walls is perfectly flat, otherwise the elements will not be able to adhere tightly to it.

Glue for baseboards “Instant Grip” or “liquid nails” is applied in drops to the plank in increments of 40-50 cm, after which the element is pressed tightly against the wall, held slightly and a strong fastening is obtained.

Thus, Can be attached directly to wallpaper, then it will be easier to dismantle it. Using glue, you can install these elements on curved walls, but before that, a leveling strip is fixed to them.

Without splice application

We looked at installation with corner elements, but you can do without them.
First, the ends of the planks that are placed in the corner are cut off at an angle of 45 degrees using a miter box, after which they are mounted end-to-end, and the joints are covered with a decorative strip.

Installation of skirting boards with cable duct

In this case, fastenings can be done using one of the described methods, but before starting work, remove the strip covering the cable channel from the baseboard, install it, install the cable and close the strip.

Mounting features

Depending on the material from which the plinth is made, one or more of the described methods for installing the specified elements is used.

Installation of plastic plinth

Such elements can be installed with glue, with special clips or with self-tapping screws. There is no dust when installing with glue, before attaching the floor plastic skirting board, you need to measure them clearly, keep in mind that they are glued once, and dismantling them will no longer be possible.

It is necessary to dose the glue correctly and try not to smear the floor covering.

If you want to securely fasten, use self-tapping screws. Although this is a lengthy process, it is the most reliable.

First, holes are made in the plank at a distance of 50-60 cm, then it is placed against the wall and the places for the dowels are marked. In the marked places, holes are made into which dowels are inserted, after which a strip is applied and secured with self-tapping screws.

When screwing self-tapping screws into a plastic baseboard, you must ensure that it does not bend or crumple.

If the strips do not have a cable channel, then the caps of the screws are closed with special plugs, which the craftsmen recommend gluing, and if there is a cable channel, then they will be closed with a special strip.

The plastic plinth can be attached to the floor and using special clips.

This installation method allows you to dismantle the baseboard, but when using it, the walls must be perfectly flat, and this is not always the case.

Do-it-yourself installation of plastic skirting boards, step-by-step instruction:

  1. Mounting points are marked on the wall;
  2. holes are made in the baseboard;
  3. insert dowels and, using self-tapping screws, attach special clips, the distance between which is 40-50 cm;
  4. Now all that remains is to apply the plinth and with the help of light blows with your fist, it is fixed.


Installation of wooden plinths is more difficult than plastic ones, since there are no special corners. Corners butt together and in order to cut the baseboard correctly, you will need a miter box. It's rare that a room has a 90-degree angle, so the adjustment of the planks is usually done locally, and done by hand.

If it is necessary to join wooden planks along the length, you need to make even cuts and select the material so that there are no knots or chips in this place.

Installation is carried out using self-tapping screws, with a distance between them of 70-100 mm. After marking, screw the screws into the plank so that they appear slightly on the other side, then place the plank against the wall and mark the holes for the dowels. Drill holes, insert dowels and fix the bar.

Installation with finishing nails It is carried out using the same technology, but instead of plastic dowels, wooden pins are used. This method makes it possible to make the attachment points invisible, but it is not suitable for uneven and loose walls.

MDF skirting boards

Depending on whether you plan to remove the plinth after a while or not, you choose the method of its installation. MDF skirting boards are most often installed with glue, but in this case, the walls must be perfectly smooth.

You can fasten such elements using self-tapping screws or clips; the technology for performing the work is the same as in the previous versions.

If you do the installation incorrectly, you can damage both the plank itself and its fastening, so the work should be done carefully and slowly.

Accessories and tools

To perform the above work, you will need the following tools:

  • hammer drill or impact drill;
  • measuring instruments;
  • pencil;
  • metal hacksaw or circular saw;
  • miter box;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • fasteners for baseboards.
In addition to the strips, when installing skirting boards you will need this accessories: right and left plugs, external and internal corners, connecting elements.

If you decide to install skirting boards yourself and want to do this work efficiently, You must adhere to the following expert advice:

        • The plinth is installed only after the walls have been finished and the flooring has been laid.
        • Before purchasing these elements, you need to decide on their type and calculate required amount material.
        • Count the number of internal and external corners, take into account the length of the room in order to purchase the required amount of fittings;
        • The joining of skirting boards in the corners is carried out using special fittings, which are available for plastic elements.
        • Wooden, MDF, ceramic and polyurethane elements are joined end-to-end, with their sides trimmed using a miter box.
        • If the walls and corners are uneven, then you can first make strips of cardboard that match the size of the baseboard, put them in place and cut them to the shape of the corner. Using the prepared stencil, the planks are already trimmed.
        • If necessary attaching skirting boards to drywall, it is necessary to take into account that this material does not have high strength, so they are used special fasteners which is called "Butterfly" or "Molly" installation can be done using glue.

Questions to the expert

How to cut plastic skirting boards for flooring?

Since it has a hollow structure, it cannot be cut with a tool with large teeth. The best option there will be a hacksaw for metal or manual jigsaw, they have fine teeth, and their separation allows you to make smooth and beautiful cuts.


Depending on the type of plinth used, surface quality, wall and floor material, there is different ways fastening of these elements.

Before installing the planks, it is necessary to correctly assess the condition of the walls and choose the fastening method that ensures their maximum adherence to the surface.

Subject to the developed technologies, any home craftsman can cope with such a task as installing skirting boards.

Useful video:

Installation of skirting boards on video:

In contact with

When we talk about skirting boards, we most often mean those that are intended to disguise the junction of walls and floors. However, in city apartments and country houses V last years You can often see skirting boards that are located right under the ceiling and frame the room around the entire perimeter. This is a ceiling plinth that combines a lot of advantages, starting from hiding wall defects and ending with giving the ceiling a special charm. Today we will learn what glue to use to glue the ceiling plinth, and how to plant a baguette on it.

Buying a ceiling plinth

The junction of walls and ceiling usually requires decorative design. The most common type of decor is the installation of ceiling plinths. The ceiling plinth is called a fillet; it consists of strips of a standard length - about 2 meters. Fillers can be polyurethane, wood, gypsum and foam, but regardless of this, the principle of their installation remains unchanged, only some nuances appear in the work process.

So let's get started! The first thing you need to do is decide on the material of the ceiling plinth. Foam and polyurethane baguettes are considered the most economical and easy-to-use products. They are similar to each other because they are polymer compounds. Ceiling skirting boards made from foam plastic are not as high quality as polyurethane ones.

If we compare polyurethane moldings with foam moldings, the former are heavier and more expensive, but at the same time they also have sufficient elasticity. But foam baguettes are not flexible at all; they cannot be bent, as they are likely to burst. It's all enough important point when installing a baguette. If the ceiling structure has different bending radii, then the high elasticity of polyurethane will come in handy.

Polyurethane is more durable than polystyrene foam, which can crumble and break. Polyurethane skirting boards can be used not only in rooms that have normal humidity, but also in those rooms where humidity is high: in bathrooms, in kitchens. But foam products don’t like moisture too much.

The next thing you need to do before hanging the ceiling plinth is to measure the perimeter of the room to find out how much plinth you will need. Suppose dimensions your room is 4 by 6 meters, therefore its perimeter is 20 meters. Since the average length of fillets reaches 2 meters, accordingly, you will need 10 fillets, but it is better to buy another additional ceiling plinth just in case.

Now you need to decide on the width of the baguette, because wide moldings low ceilings will not look appropriate, reducing the size of the room. Equally important is the combination of baseboard and walls. Plain walls will look more interesting if you match them with a molding with a pattern or some kind of texture. And absolutely smooth skirting boards without any patterns will go well with walls that are decorated with ornaments.

Choosing adhesive for baseboards

All adhesives for ceiling plinths on the market today are divided into acrylic and polymer based on their composition. When deciding what glue you will use to attach the baguette, you need to proceed from the functional purpose of the room. If you are making repairs in a nursery, then give preference to safe acrylic glue. And for the ceiling in the kitchen and bathroom you will have to consider a polymer sample.

Acrylic adhesives are produced using water based, so they do not have a pronounced odor. But they are not suitable for use in rooms with high humidity levels. Polymer compositions, on the contrary, are moisture resistant and durable, but contain chemical solvents that keep them in a liquid state. And before the composition dries, which can last up to one week, a specific unpleasant odor will be felt in the room.

However, regardless of significant shortcomings, the most popular when installing ceiling plinths are polymer adhesives - “Titanium” or “Moment”. Buyers value these substances for their reliability and versatility. Different modifications differ from each other in setting speed and level of resistance to low temperatures.

There are also samples on sale that are intended for gluing almost wet parts; there are those that can set in seconds, which is very convenient when working under the ceiling. But you can attach wooden fillets not only with adhesive, but also with screws and nails.

Making your own glue

In addition, you can mix glue from scrap materials. It is customary to glue gypsum and foam plinths onto a putty solution, and this solution will also be used to seal the gaps that are formed when the profiles adhere to each other and to the walls and ceiling.

To prepare this solution, take 1 volume of water for 1 volume of fine finishing putty of any production and 1/4 volume of PVA adhesive. Mix everything, knead until a homogeneous mass is obtained that has a creamy consistency without lumps or clots and let stand for a few minutes. Immediately before use, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed again.

You can use this composition both as glue and as putty, gluing baguettes and covering the gaps between walls and baseboards within two hours. The resulting adhesive is water-based, therefore it has the same properties as acrylic adhesive and is not suitable for rooms with high humidity.

Preparing for installation of a baguette

Before installing the ceiling plinth, remove the material from the packaging and leave it in the room where installation will take place for a day, only after that you can start working. One of the difficulties that arise when gluing a baguette is cutting off the fillet from the end. After all, each strip of the plinth must meet the other in the corner of the room exactly at an angle of 45 degrees.

To cope with this task, you should stock up on a miter box, which is necessary to guide the knife or saw at a given angle. The miter box has several slots under different angles tilt - 90, 45, 60 and 67.5 degrees. Place the fillet in the installation at a 45 degree angle and cut the piece with a knife, then smooth the ends of the cut. It is very important to first cut the corner of the plinth and only then adjust it to fit the footage.

But if you cut the corner incorrectly, you will have to cut it again and the length of the plank will also be shorter, which will lead to the formation of a gap in the ceiling. In order not to have to worry about cutting the plinth and joining the corners, you can always purchase decorative corners and subsequently install them on top of the baguette at the joint.

Prepare the ceiling surface thoroughly - it must be dry and clean. If the base is wooden or plastic, then it should not contain greasy stains. The ceiling should be puttied and the walls should be leveled where the plinth will be placed. The use of putty allows for better leveling. Therefore, the connection of fillets in places where they adjoin the wall and ceiling will be almost invisible. Sometimes all you need to do to prepare your ceiling is a couple of swipes with a damp sponge!

Procedure for gluing molding

When renovating, as a rule, two methods of installing a ceiling molding are practiced. The first method is that the baseboard is glued after the room has been wallpapered. In the second method, molding is installed after leveling the ceiling and walls and priming them. The second method is certainly preferable, although it is more labor-intensive.

Firstly, you won’t have to reinstall the ceiling molding when changing the wallpaper. Secondly, if there is no smooth walls The gaps between the fillet and the wall will look very unsightly; it is much easier to seal them before wallpapering, since there is no fear that you will stain the walls. Therefore, before gluing the ceiling plinth, you should not glue the wallpaper, this way you can get a much better result.

Before attaching the plinth, you should definitely pay attention to the choice of where to glue the first plank in the corner, because the adjacent one will be glued to it. How you glue it is how the corner will look. It is better to glue the plinth in the following sequence: first, glue the pieces in the corners and only after that you can glue the baguette around the perimeter. If the strips in the corners are glued evenly, then no difficulties will arise on straight sections of the wall.

In the case of stretch fabrics, it is definitely better to glue the baseboard before you wallpaper the surface. It is better to choose PVC plinth, which is light in weight. Do not attach the baguette to suspended ceiling- exclusively against the wall. It is better to first protect the panel with polyethylene. Otherwise, the technology for attaching the plinth is similar to that described above, with such an amendment that it is better to use special glue instead of sealant or putty.

If you decide to equip the room with decorative lighting using a ceiling plinth, then remember that, in general, there are no radical differences between the procedure for gluing a plinth without lighting and with it. If you want to decorate your room in this way, then before attaching the ceiling plinth, lay electric wires backlight.

Typically LEDs are used. Next, the wires must be covered with a plinth, while remembering that we are gluing the ceiling plinth not to the ceiling, but to the wall. There should be some distance left from the ceiling molding to the ceiling surface. That's all the techniques for gluing skirting boards in different cases.

Can be used for sticking moldings finishing putty or glue. In the first case, the manufacturing company is not particularly important. If you want to hide communication lines under the ceiling plinth, then first attach them to the wall or ceiling. In this case, as when arranging decorative lighting using a ceiling profile, the baguette will only be attached to the wall. If the wire pulls the profile during installation, it will be very difficult to glue it.

Immediately before installation, moisten the mounting points on the ceiling and wall with primer or water. This way you can prevent the substance from drying out quickly and make the fastening procedure easier. Next, dilute the putty and apply a thin layer using a small spatula over the entire reverse side fillets so that there are no voids left in the corner when they fit.

Place the plinth on the ceiling with one side, the other on the wall and press it. Carefully remove any putty that has come out with your finger or spatula. After this, remove the remaining putty from the baguette with a dampened rag. Also coat the joints of the moldings with putty and wash them with a wet rag.

In addition, you can glue the ceiling plinth with glue. Gluing the ceiling plinth using glue is easier than using putty, but requires additional investment. Putty almost always remains after the ceiling and walls are almost leveled, and you will have to buy glue. For example, for a room up to 20 square meters in size, you will need two packages of acrylic sealant.

Remember that to attach the plinth with glue, the walls and ceiling must have a high-quality surface for adhesion. It is customary to apply the glue with a spatula or gun. Apply a thin strip of glue to the back of the baseboard, which is intended to adhere to the ceiling or wall. If you have a suspended ceiling, then the adhesive should be applied only to the lower part of the baguette, which will be directly pressed against the wall.

After you have glued the ceiling plinth, wait a little, and then press the strip firmly to the place of gluing. The glue sets quickly. Pressing with your hands during fastening may leave marks and dirty spots on the ceiling plinth. To avoid fingerprints on the baguette, you need to wash your hands more often.

Any excess compound that appears must be wiped off with a dry cloth. To make the corner of the plinth, use a cut piece of fillet in such a way that it follows the profile of the already cut one, and glue them together. Repeat the gluing technique until you have glued all the planks along the entire ceiling border.

Masking joints and painting

If, after gluing the ceiling plinth, there are small gaps between the planks, this is absolutely not a problem, because they can be easily eliminated by rubbing in white sealant. If you haven’t whitewashed or painted the ceiling yet, then the best option will be the next one.

Use a light putty to go over all the glued planks, coating them like a paint compound, and after drying, remove the excess using fine sandpaper or a special sanding sponge for plastering work. After such final finishing, the ceiling and moldings will become one, and you, in turn, will not find a single gap.

After you have glued the ceiling plinth and eliminated all the imperfections, you can start painting the plinth. The process of painting the baseboard is considered optional, but if you want to give your ceiling a finished and more attractive look, then you still need to paint the baseboard.

But if the baseboard has White color, then it must be painted, otherwise it will begin to acquire a yellowish tint over time. For this purpose, as a rule, water-based, acrylic or latex dyes are used. You can also use nitro paint, but the surface of the baguette should be primed before applying it.

As a rule, painting for the best adhesion of the glue should be done no earlier than a day after the gluing procedure. The most practical paint composition is acrylic or water-based paint. Carefully paint each fillet with a brush so that everything around it is not painted over. It will be best if you do this before wallpapering.

We have now figured out how to properly glue the ceiling plinth. Take into account all the subtleties of installation; be sure to carry out the installation before final finishing walls, start from the corners, and then attach the molding in a straight line. When attaching a molding under decorative lighting or tension fabric, the technology will be different, but not fundamentally, it is important to remember some nuances, and the work will go like clockwork.

The plinth is the final element in finishing the floor. It gives the flooring a noble appearance, hides gaps between the walls and the lower ceiling, and also helps to mask minor repair imperfections. The most popular types of floor planks are wooden and plastic baseboards. It is their installation that we will talk about.

There are several methods for installing floor plinths, namely:

  • on nails or screws;
  • on special fastenings;
  • for glue or liquid nails.

The operating technology is selected depending on the quality of the surfaces and materials from which the slats are made.

Installing skirting boards with your own hands, how to properly attach the skirting board to the floor

Installation of corners without cable duct

Installing skirting boards with your own hands, if they do not have cable ducts, can be done using all three methods. A profile mounted on a special bar with spikes looks best. It is attached to the wall using dowels, and the decorative profile is snapped onto it.

The good thing about the method of attaching skirting boards to a substrate is that the frame is quickly mounted and just as quickly dismantled; the wire can be hidden inside even in the absence of a special box, and there are no traces of mechanical intervention left on the outside. The only bad thing about this method of operation is that after a one-time dismantling, problems may arise with re-installation.

Glue or liquid nails are rarely used when working with plastic strips due to the fact that reusing the material is not possible.

The most reliable way is to fasten the baseboard to the floor using self-tapping screws. The screws are screwed into the plank and then into the wall or floor. The distance between the screws should be about 30-50 cm (in the corners - no more than 10 cm from the junction of adjacent walls).

Laying planks with cable duct

Here everything is noticeably simpler, and therefore there is no need once again think about how to attach a plastic skirting board. In this case, the only correct option would be to use screws.

In order to install the plinth with your own hands, you need to remove the central insert, trim plastic profile under right size and attach it to the mounting location. The screws are inserted into the channel and screwed into the wall. After this, the wire is placed in a box and covered with a central strip.

In exceptional cases, plastic slats can be “planted” on liquid nails. In particular, this has to be done when the walls in the apartment are loose.

Fastening plastic and wooden skirting boards, laying and installation

Installation of wooden planks on nails

Wooden decorative corners can be attached to regular and liquid nails. Lay the plinth on the floor using metal fittings must be done very carefully, because wooden parts may crack during nailing. To prevent this from happening, before nailing the wooden plinth, it is recommended to make small through holes using a drill with a thin drill bit. To avoid damaging the outer coating, it is advisable to drive nails through a wooden or metal spacer.

There should be a distance of about 20-30 cm between the fasteners. The fasteners should be long enough to pass through the batten and be fixed in the floor. The angle of inclination of the nail according to the standard is 70-80 degrees.

Instead of classic fittings, special screws can be used to attach the plinth to the floor. They are convenient because it is possible to “recess” the caps inside the slats, and fill the resulting depression with wood putty.

Features of gluing with liquid nails

The theory of how to correctly install a plinth with liquid nails is no more difficult to master than the technology of conventional installation with screws. To lay pre-cut wooden planks, you need to use a gun to apply an adhesive substance to the adjacent surfaces in small dots at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other, attach the baseboards to work area and hold for one minute.

Unlike plastic strips, which are closed with couplings in the corners, installing a wooden plinth involves joining the parts. Corner elements are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. For the outer corner the cut should be downward, and for the inner corner it should be upward. It is convenient to use a miter box for cutting slats.

And one more important point: before installing wooden plinths, you must level the walls.

Questions and answers

How to attach a plastic skirting board

Installation of PVC skirting boards can be carried out only after calculating the exact footage using the strip itself with a corner placed on it, and not a tape measure. This will save a lot of time, nerves and material. Drilling mounting holes at a distance of 1 m is permissible only for absolutely flat walls of large footage. How to attach a plastic plinth if the walls are short, have many contours or have an error in level - just reduce the distance between the dowels. However, the distances do not have to be the same. Dowels or self-tapping screws are placed in places where the planks depart from the wall, i.e. it is necessary to additionally secure the baseboard.

We glue the baseboard with liquid nails

The plastic floor plinth itself bends quite easily and will adhere to the wall when attached to special glue or liquid nails. Additional fasteners on adhesive compositions really applies in extreme cases due to the impossibility of dismantling without damage. On lightweight polyurethane skirting boards, glue is applied pointwise, approximately at a distance of 0.5 mm from the edge, so as not to stain the front surface. Important! You need to place it very carefully! Do not release the structure immediately after pressing it against the wall and apply pressure for 5-10 minutes (depending on the characteristics of the composition). Gluing is carried out starting from the corners.

Options for installing skirting boards yourself

Do-it-yourself plinth installation is done using three technologies:

  • Through screwing with self-tapping screws or dowel-nails.
  • Fastening onto specialized strips or mounting clips.
  • Gluing to panels using specialized glue.

In this case, a combined method of gluing with mechanical fixation is often used, which ensures a reliable fit and fastening. This installation method is common due to problems that arise in different mounts, so clips and latches lose their elasticity over time, which leads to unfastening, so to the question of whether it is possible to glue the loose baseboard, there is a clear answer, no problem! Moreover, during installation, the snap points are often immediately coated with glue.

We fix the plinth with cable duct

The best in terms of aesthetics is considered to be a plinth with a cable channel, which makes it possible to conceal electrical communications and hide installation elements, while the structure fits even to uneven walls is ensured by spring clips at a high level. However, all this is a matter of necessity, and often, for simplicity, they choose the opposite design without a cable channel.
Installing a plinth using this technology is quite simple (see photo):

  • Fixed through and through to the wall on the " quick installation» metal channel profile.
  • If necessary, electrical communications are laid into the channel.
  • Using pressing movements until it clicks, fasten it to metal profile plastic plinth pre-cut to size, taking into account the size of inserted plastic elements (corners, connectors).

How to lay the baseboard?

Installation of skirting boards is carried out only with decorative purpose, i.e. they are inadmissible to record sexual or wall covering, because The material of the floor skirting boards is quite plastic and does not withstand any external loads. The main task of the installation is to hide the corner seam of the walls and floor, in which poor-quality cutting and fixing elements of the installation of finishing materials invariably form.
Installation is carried out after all finishing work has been completed and order has been restored. But, in some cases, installation can be carried out with finishing works walls, this is due to uneven surfaces that do not stand out visually without installing even strips. Walls are leveled using attached baseboards without a cable duct.

Installing (fastening) a wooden plinth

Wooden plinth does not have sufficient ductility to fit tightly to uneven surfaces walls, so its installation in most cases is carried out during the period of finishing the walls with putty materials.

The installation of wooden plinths is carried out using nails or self-tapping screws of sufficient length to securely fix them, so the mounting hardware must be double thickness.
To avoid cracking of wooden skirting boards, the installation sites are drilled with a thin drill, and the head of the mounting element is recessed through a lining of the appropriate shape.

Choosing the right baseboard

Most interest Ask at decorative finishing a room is like installing a plinth, because from one point of view it is a decorative element that only hides the connecting seam of the walls and floor, and from another point of view it is a kind of decorative “ruler” that emphasizes the evenness of the walls.

That is why the question of purchasing the type of plinth should be raised at the beginning of the finishing work. Wooden version It will definitely require puttying of the resulting cracks near the wall, but fixing it before laying the flooring is unacceptable. How to lay the plinth correctly in this case? In such cases, it is easier to choose the installation of a polymer baseboard, which, due to its flexibility, can hide quite significant unevenness in the walls.

How to glue the baseboard to the floor

Quite often it happens that several months after the repair is completed, the baseboards come off and do not fit well to the wall and floor, and the question arises of how to glue the baseboard.
Bonding is complicated by several factors:

  • Material of baseboards and finishing materials of walls and floors.
  • Selecting the adhesive to use for installation.

These two factors are inextricably linked, because active glue can dissolve the finishing materials of walls, floors and the PVC baseboard itself, severely deforming them with an unpleasant external result. But the use of acrylic adhesives is safe, but their drying time is much longer, and the reliability of fixation is somewhat reduced, so laying skirting boards with glue often becomes tedious.

How to glue skirting boards to the floor: installation features

The plinth is designed to decorate the gaps between the flooring and the wall. In addition, it performs the function of protecting edges from damage and hiding defects.

The plank can be simple straight or can contain complex elements.

Installing skirting boards with liquid nails

Fixing the plinth to the floor can be done in several ways:

  • using screws or nails;
  • on clips or anchor fastening;
  • applying glue to the back side;
  • buy self-adhesive baseboard for the floor.

Glue or liquid nails – reliable method, allowing you to securely fasten the bar without damaging it. This applies primarily wooden products, which can crack from hammer blows.

Liquid nails: work procedure for laying skirting boards

Photo of applying liquid nails with a gun

Liquid nails are an excellent alternative to regular nails. Unlike the first ones, they do not spoil the surface and do not leave dents or marks. Securely fix the strip between the wall and the floor .

What is their advantage:

  • high-strength assembly adhesive;
  • quickly fixes fastened parts;
  • Suitable for both natural wood and artificial materials– plastic, MDF, ceramics.

They are applied to the surface using a special nozzle.

Preparing the baseboard for applying liquid nails

Sandpaper helps get rid of dirt

Before gluing the baseboard to the floor, you need to make sure that its surface is clean. To do this, use sandpaper and lightly walk along the back of the plank.

It is better to buy universal liquid nails that are suitable for any material.
They can also be used in conditions high humidity and continue to firmly hold parts during sudden temperature changes.

In addition to liquid nails, waterproof glue 88 is also used.

It is easy to use and has the following advantages:

  • High quality gluing;
  • The seam is elastic and moisture resistant;
  • Does not contain toluene - not harmful to humans and animals;
  • Glue for floor or ceiling plinths remains sticky for a long time, which allows you to work with it for a long time without fear that it will dry out at the wrong time.

Laying stages

  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • cylinder with liquid nails and a nozzle for it;
  • miter box;
  • rubber spatula.

Instructions for laying skirting boards using liquid nails:

  • Measure the perimeter of the room, taking into account all ledges and niches;
  • Calculate the amount of building materials needed;
  • Buy bottles of glue;
  • Cut the plinth into pieces of the required length.

You can cut the plinth only at an angle of 45◦ for joining on external and internal corners.
Before sawing off the second part, it must be compared with the first so that there is no gap at the joint.

  • Apply liquid nails, if the baseboard is narrow, then drop by drop at intervals of 5-10 cm, if wide, then in a zigzag. This guarantees the strength of the fastening.

How to glue skirting boards to the floor using liquid nails

  • The longest section is laid first, starting from the corner. The wall must be absolutely flat, otherwise the baseboard will swell.
  • Immediately after applying the glue, the plank is pressed tightly against the wall. It must be held in this position for some time for high-quality fixation. Usually about 10-15 minutes.

It must be borne in mind that if dismantled, the plinth will be deformed. It is not reusable.

The same applies to changing wallpaper; if a decision is made to change it, and the strip is glued on top of it, then it will have to be removed too.

  • If during installation some of the glue comes out, it should be removed with a rubber spatula. A front side Wipe the baseboards with a cloth soaked in water.
  • All seams and joints are filled with liquid nails and carefully leveled with the same rubber spatula.

Characteristics of self-adhesive plinth

Aluminum self-adhesive skirting board

Self-adhesive floor plinth was created specifically for those who want to carry out repairs quickly, easily and without unnecessary dirt. It appeared on the market more than 5 years ago and is suitable for decorating rooms with flooring made of laminate and linoleum.

  • It is made from soft PVC or aluminum. It is of interest for large spacious premises, residential or office. You can attach it to almost any flat surface. Self-adhesive plinth is available in a variety of colors, for example, imitation wood.
  • It is characterized by the ability not only to bend, but also to be joined like a regular plinth using connecting elements. Aluminum is glued to the surface using mounting tape or double-sided adhesive tape.
  • When working with self-adhesive skirting boards, it is important to mark the places where it will be fixed. Since it is very difficult to tear it off without damaging the surface of the wall or itself.
  • Caring for this building and finishing element is simple - it can be washed with plain water and a liquid or cream product. Its surface is protected by an oxide film, which protects the baseboard from damage.
  • Soft baseboard tape helps protect walls from damage during cleaning.
  • During installation there is practically no scrap left - you can save money.
  • Convenient to install at any angle.
  • The price of flexible plinth is lower than its hard counterparts.

Working with self-adhesive soft PVC skirting boards

If you know how to glue the baseboard to the floor, you can greatly facilitate the repair process. First, it is important to clean the surface where it will be placed from grease, dirt or dust. To do this, you can wipe with a damp cloth soaked in water or, if the coating allows, then in gasoline.

  • With your own hands, try to carefully remove the protective tape from one edge, having previously marked the places where the baseboard will be glued.
  • Next, starting from the corner, carefully lean the plinth against the wall, pressing it down for better adhesion.
  • Make sure that the tape is laid evenly and does not move.

The soft baseboard is convenient because it already has an adhesive base for installation. There is no need to apply any additional products.

Bent plinth glued with liquid nails


With the advent of glue and liquid nails, laying skirting boards has become much easier. The amount of waste has decreased, and the risk of cracking of the plank due to driving in nails or screws has decreased. In addition, the number of tools for work and the time spent on work have decreased.

this article will tell you no less useful information on this topic.


In progress decorative renovation Inside the house, sooner or later the question arises of how to glue the baseboards to the floor. After all, without this design element it will be impossible to get a room that has a beautiful finished look. Without fillets, it is unlikely that even the most expensive and stylish wall and floor coverings will look properly. Skirting boards are needed to decorate the gaps formed between the floor covering and the wall. Moreover, it helps protect the edges of the floor from various damages. A simple straight line or with decorative elements plank

The plinth not only decorates the room, but also hides the wires.

Skirting installation options

The plinth can be fixed to the floor different ways. These include:

  • attaching with screws and nails;
  • anchor or clip fastening;
  • gluing to the back;
  • Using self-adhesive baseboard on the floor.

Among these methods, one of the most convenient is the option of gluing the baseboard with liquid nails or strong glue.

This way you can securely fasten the planks to the designated location without damaging the structure. Most often, this method is used when working with wood products that can crack under the influence of a hammer or screw.

The objective advantages of liquid nails include, first of all, the fact that their use in no way spoils the surface of the finishing material. After fastening, no dents or abrasions from the hammer can be noticed. At the same time, you will not have to worry about decorating nail heads or screws, which will remain noticeable in any case. The advantages of attaching skirting boards with liquid nails are:

  • high quality adhesive fastening base;
  • quick fixation of connected parts;
  • possibility of use with any building materials: from natural wood and stone to synthetic materials such as ceramics, plastic and MDF.
  • The advantages include the possibility of using these fasteners in conditions high level humidity, due to which it will be possible to glue skirting boards to the floor in any room of the house: living room, kitchen, bathroom or toilet.

How to glue skirting boards with liquid nails?

A plinth with liquid nails will only stick to a perfectly flat wall.

The technology for gluing skirting boards using this product is very simple, since a special nozzle is used for application to the back surface. Preparing the baseboard for applying liquid nails involves treating the surface with sandpaper, which will rid it of dust and dirt. Before gluing the skirting board to the floor, you must once again make sure that the surface is clean. To do this, use the piece sandpaper, which walk along the back of the panel several times. Experts recommend purchasing universal liquid nails, suitable for fastening panels of any material. Experts advise that if it is impossible, for example, to obtain the material described above, replace it with waterproof glue 88. This is an easy-to-use adhesive material that has such advantages as:

  • education of high-quality communications;
  • obtaining an elastic and waterproof seam;
  • absence of harmful substances for humans and animals chemical substances, for example, toluene;
  • The glue is ideal for any floor and ceiling fastenings, and it does not harden for a long time without losing its adhesive properties, which allows you to work with it for a long time without fear of having to add a fresh layer again.

Step-by-step instructions on how to glue a plinth to the floor

You can use a miter box to cut the baseboard.

All work should begin with cutting the baseboard and preparing the necessary set of tools. This includes:

  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • a tube of liquid nails and a special nozzle, a gun;
  • rubber spatula.

When you have prepared all the necessary material and tools, you can move on to further work. They involve measuring the perimeter of the room, taking into account the existing protrusions and recesses. According to these data, the footage and almost exact quantity are calculated necessary materials. Then buy glue. The next important point is to cut the plinth into elements of the required length. Experts insist on the need to cut the plinth at an angle of 45°, both when creating internal and external corners. Before you start cutting out the second side of the corner, place the panel against the first and try to saw off enough so that no gaps form on the surface of the corner created by the baseboards.

The next stage will be marked by applying liquid nails to the surface of the baseboard, with which it will be pressed against the wall and floor. If you are using a narrow baseboard, then you need to apply it drop by drop, at a distance of 5-10 cm from each other. If you purchased wide baseboards, then the glue is applied to the back surface of the glued panel in a zigzag pattern. This guarantees a strong connection.

You need to start gluing the baseboard on the floor from the corner.

The first segment that will be glued to the floor will be the longest one, which is applied to the corner. Please note that the wall to which the plinth will adjoin must be perfectly flat. Otherwise, the panel will be glued in waves, and the baseboard will eventually swell and fall off, even if it is attached with heavy-duty adhesive. Immediately after the glue is applied to the baseboard, it will need to be pressed tightly against the wall, holding it in this position for a short amount of time so that the fillet is properly fixed in the place allocated for it. As a rule, after about 15 minutes the baseboard will no longer be tearable. But even if you decide to re-glue it and remove it from the gap much earlier, it will be impossible to reuse the same panel, since the strip will be deformed.

It is worth noting that if you plan to re-wallpaper a room in the near future, then it is better not to rush into installing the baseboard. After all, replacing wallpaper cannot be done on top of baseboards, so carefully consider each stage of your repair.

If the installation of the plank is accompanied by glue getting on the surface of the plinth, then it will need to be cleaned immediately using rubber spatula. Then wipe the front side with a damp sponge. All seams formed between the plinth elements must be filled with liquid nails, which can be easily and accurately done using a small rubber spatula.

Self-adhesive plinth, its characteristics and use

Self-adhesive plinth is very convenient to use, since its installation does not require perfectly smooth walls.

Self-adhesive floor plinth was developed and released into retail sales specifically for those builders who do not want to spend a long time fiddling with repairs, but want to finish it as quickly, easily and without creating dirt as possible. This innovation appeared on the market more than 5 years ago and is considered suitable for decorating the interior of rooms whose floors are covered with laminate or linoleum.

TO distinctive features such plinths include:

  1. The material of manufacture is soft PVC or aluminum.
  2. Possibility to be used in large spacious rooms, both residential and office premises. Easy installation on almost any flat surface.
  3. Self-adhesive skirting boards are distinguished by their rich color scheme, including imitating natural wood, stone, etc.
  4. It can be glued in difficult places not only by bending, but also secured with ordinary connecting elements. Aluminum option It is glued to the surface using mounting adhesive tape or on double-sided tape.

When attaching a self-adhesive baseboard, it is important to know exactly, or better yet, mark the places where you will attach it. Since, if applied incorrectly, you will not be able to tear it off, leaving the surface of the wall and floor intact.

Take care of your data finishing material it will be quite simple. You can wash it with plain water and a soft sponge. As a rule, the surface of such a plinth is protected by an oxide film, which protects the plank from various damages. Installation of this material does not involve virtually any trimming, as it is very economical. With its help it is easy to finish any corner. The cost of a flexible plinth is much lower than the option made from solid materials.

What needs to be done to properly glue skirting boards to the floor?

Knowledge of the technology for properly gluing soft skirting boards allows you to quickly and easily cope with this work, which means completing the repair many times faster. First, clean the surface where the tape will be applied. It should be wiped, removing all dirt and dust, wiping everything with a damp cloth soaked in water. And then degrease, for example, using 95% alcohol.

Then take the tape and carefully remove the protective tape from the back side and apply one end to the corner, having previously made a marking for gluing. During this process, lightly press the flexible baseboard against the wall to ensure better grip. Make sure the tape is laid evenly and does not change its intended course.

A soft baseboard is more convenient because it already has an adhesive mounting base. Therefore, there is no need to use other adhesives. Thanks to this equivalent of solid floor skirting boards, it becomes possible to equip a room of any configuration and save on materials and tools.