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How to check the earth is acidic or not. Methods for determining soil acidity

The yield of vegetables and fruit crops in your area depends on many factors. One of them is the favorable composition of the soil, namely its acidity. This indicator can be decisive for the healthy growth and development of horticultural crops. Therefore, it is important to be able to determine the acidity of the earth yourself.

Types of soil acidity

During the analysis of the composition of the soil, first of all, an indicator of its acidity is determined, which is measured in pH (from the Latin pondus Hydrogenii - “hydrogen weight”). The acidity scale consists of 14 positions.

The acidity scale will help you determine the pH of the soil in the area as accurately as possible.

There are three types of soil acidity:

  • slightly acidic (soil with a pH value above 7);
  • neutral (soil, whose indicator is pH 7);
  • acidic (soil below pH7).

How acidic the soil is is determined by the amount of lime it contains. If the volume of this substance is small, the soil will be acidic, and vice versa.

Note! Even on the territory of one site, acidity indicators often differ, sometimes even at a distance of 1 meter. It is recommended to take soil samples at least every 2 meters to get more accurate pH data.

Most cultivated horticultural plants prefer neutral or slightly acidic soil.

Various ways to independently determine the level of acidity

Before planting plants, you need to prepare the soil for them. You can easily find out its pH level in order to correct a possible problem in a timely manner.

Using Vinegar

The easiest method to determine how acidic the soil is is to use regular table vinegar. You only need to add a few drops of this remedy to a handful of earth.

Ordinary table vinegar will help you with the determination of acidity

Abundant foaming will indicate that the soil is alkaline. Neutral acidity of the soil will give moderate foaming, high will not show any reaction. This means that you can plant plants in such a land without additional measures.

Uses of grape juice

Pure grape juice is highly acidic, so it will also help you with the problem at hand.

Dip a small lump of soil into a transparent container with juice and observe the reaction. When interacting with neutral soil, a reaction will occur with the release of bubbles and a change in the color of the liquid to a lighter one. Alkaline soil will give more abundant foaming, acidic soil will not react to interaction with juice.

Try to use natural grape juice. The one sold in stores is heavily diluted with water, and it contains preservatives and stabilizers that will not allow you to get the right result.

A very simple and convenient method for determining acidity is the use of special indicator strips. They are freely available in all specialized stores and even pharmacies.

Indicator strips are litmus papers coated with a reagent that changes color when interacting with the medium, depending on its pH level. The packaging is provided with a color scale to help you determine the acidity.

Test strips are very easy to use

  1. Take a handful of soil and put it in cheesecloth, folded in 4-5 layers. Place in a container of distilled water and shake well so that the salts and minerals from the soil can completely dissolve.
  2. Dip an indicator paper into the prepared water, hold for a few seconds and remove it. After a while, the strip will change color. Using the table on the packaging, you can determine the level of acidity.

A decoction of red cabbage that changes color when it comes into contact with the soil can show the level of acidity.

Other ways to determine soil acidity

There are several other methods that will help you infer the pH level of your yard.

Ground appearance

The way the soil looks can also help determine its acidity. For example, pay attention to the water stagnant in the pits. The following signs will tell you about high acidity:

  • rusty tint of liquid;
  • the presence of an iridescent film on the surface;
  • plaque Brown on soil after water absorption.

Another sign of acidic soil is whitish layers at a shallow depth.

Take a close look at appearance soil: it can tell a lot about its condition

Note! Soil acidity can be affected by a variety of factors. It is recommended to check the pH level every season in order to take the necessary measures to bring it to the desired indicators in a timely manner.

By the weeds

Common weed grass will tell you how acidic the soil is in your area.

When weeding beds, pay attention to what weeds grow on them.

Grows well in acidic soil

  • heather;
  • plantain;
  • horsetail;
  • spikelet;
  • cornflower;
  • Ivan da Marya.

On slightly acidic soil, they develop well:

  • Highlander;
  • rose hip;
  • burdock;
  • alfalfa;
  • thistle;
  • woodlice.
  • Administrator, by watering with kefir, we did not ruin the plant, as it could have been done not only with sulfuric acid, but also with other chemicals and solutions. And they really increased the acidity of the soil, because the soil was checked on indicators.
  • Alya Garifullina, Anya, hello! And if on the surface of the soil (in flower pot in particular) white coating does this mean the soil is acidic?
  • In fact, the opposite is true: the higher the pH, the more alkaline the soil, the lower the pH, the more acidic.
  • The author of the article messed up everything with the pH of the soil, everything is just the opposite. He also writes that the more lime the more acidic (Appendix No. 1) the soil is ABSURD! Do not write anymore, but study well!
  • Yes guys, learn. The word TOMATO in plural has the ending -OV, TOMATOES. Yes, and a lot of commas standing incorrectly. Head, carefully edit the text.
  • Alexey, yes, the child mixed up when writing the work. We noticed it ourselves, but it was already too late. The work has already been posted on the site.
  • Martin. We have already written about the error in the RN. And in Appendix #1, you obviously misunderstood. I quote - "Slightly acidic soil is better for a flower. That is, soil - in which there should be more lime."
  • Galina, of course there are grammatical errors in the work, because the child is just learning. This is his first independent work, as they say without cuts. We do not pretend to be geniuses and erudite. For me, it is better to read such a work than an essay in which there is not a single word of its own, "licked from cover to cover." I would like a discussion on the topic of work. Can someone share their experience of determining the acidity of the soil. And not just writing something, as long as there is a credit for the discussion.
  • Radmila, if a child would share _his_ way of determining acidity, then there would be no price for this work. And since this method is licked from the Internet, and besides, it contains a fundamental error, then there is still little criticism of this "work". Where was the "leader" looking? This is our modern education.
    And actually, I don’t understand, Radmila - did you study in the second "A" class a year ago or who? Who is behind the name Radmila?
    And the work must be removed from the site - otherwise the shame will only increase.
  • Alexei, which of the methods contains an error?
  • Both ways are correct. The first one is widely known. The second - did not meet. I assume that this is the invention of a second grader. Bravo! Was wrong with too harsh assessment. There is know-how.
    The words "and also contains a fundamental error" - refer to the classification of soil in relation to pH.
    This would have to be redone, otherwise everything would be turned upside down.
  • Novel May 16, 2013, 23:31
    People are purposefully looking for information, and in this case I am no exception, but unfortunately, instead of finding answers to my questions, I received even more questions than answers. It is impossible to post material on such serious issues for public viewing anyhow as verified, or maybe without verification at all - the anti-review of the teacher is unambiguous!
    I propose to carry out a check and work on the errors, in the appropriate places the erroneous _cross out_ and write the truth. In the comments where people point out errors, make notes "corrected in the article"
  • Victor September 3, 2013, 10:42 am
    Radmila, good afternoon! Regarding the statements of Dear Alexei - alas, he mixed everything up (it happens). http://www.o-smorodine.ru/kak-virastit-smorodinu/47-kak-opredelit-kislotnost-pochvi.html - it is written correctly about acidity indicators - the higher the pH, the LESS acidic the soil (i.e. pH - an indicator of the "alkalinity" of the soil). We will not talk about the absence of some commas in his comments - this already smacks of a flood. Alechka, good luck with your studies and become a great agronomist!
  • Hope November 29, 2013, 10:57 am
    For a long time I was looking for an easy way to check the acidity of the soil without buying special analyzers, and accidentally stumbled upon this work. At first, I simply skimmed through the entire article, dwelling in detail only on the verification options. The kefir experiment interested me, and when I saw the signature at the end of the article - honestly! - I almost fell off my chair from surprise that this is the work of a second-grader girl. I re-read it again and already noticed (I am a philologist by education) some childish style and minor errors in this context. But for me this is not important, I emphasize once again, in this context, since finally I found the necessary information in a simple presentation. Many thanks to those who teach children in this gymnasium, for caring about the future of our country and for the pleasant impressions of work. Well done Radmila!
  • Thanks for the article, it was very helpful for me!
  • Dear, great article. Didn't notice any inconsistencies. And the adult uncles and aunts themselves messed something up ...
    Read more carefully. Glad smart girl! And it is clear that there is a huge participation of adults in the design of the work, but is this the main thing, because the child is only eight years old!
  • Yes, guys, I'm a beginner, I study a lot myself and you completely confused me in this matter.
  • that the work was written by a 2nd grade student should be indicated at the VERY BEGINNING, so that people do not waste time .... the search engine gives the link in the first pages, and the information in the article is rather primitive and dubious in places ... I personally am against like that, there are websites and pages for children on the Internet, let young naturalists-writers practice there ... there are enough adult "reasons" ...
  • Radmila, radmila thank you very much. A very useful article. The text is easy to read and easy to remember.
  • In vain, some readers are unhappy with the article. Girl - well done! I read it with pleasure and noted something for myself. I did not notice inconsistencies in the essence of the issue, and grammatical errors were on the conscience of the teacher.
  • Thank you. I emphasized for myself, in particular, checking for soil acidity. Useful article.
  • With all due respect to the author, pH9 is an alkaline soil, but by no means slightly acidic.
    Such things need to be known.
  • complete absurdity. chemistry mismatch. physics and common sense. you need to study better. and the one who checked along the way didn’t go to school at all. For the rest, read the comments.
  • I was looking for an answer to my question for a very long time, because on all sites in order to understand something, you need either the education of an agronomist or a good knowledge of chemistry, and I am a designer by profession) I have long been looking for a way to check the acidity of the soil, but I have not even heard of such ! but now I'll try) if you, of course, grow strawberries in the fields, then, of course, this article will not be enough, but if I have 5 rows of strawberries, then, believe me, I have absolutely no time to delve into a bunch of chemical processes . And about grammatical errors ... what kind of smart people are you all here! professors are alone! if this article was in Russian, then yes. And in this situation, the information itself is important, and not where the comma is, although grammar is also welcome. If you need a super smart article experienced agronomist- there are a lot of them on the Internet. If your knowledge allows you to understand them - go ahead!) People, be simpler and kinder! It will be easier to live, believe me. Thanks for the article!))
  • For the second grade, it's just super that there is generally an understanding of acidity / alkalinity in a child. I personally learned about this only in the course of agronomy at the Agricultural Academy.
    The article has no scientific value, there are errors, I hope that people will be more attentive and see the author before relying on it in their everyday life. Determining pH is now still easier with a device or strips, this is a question of 200-500 rubles, but the result is verified.
  • Faith January 11, 2016, 17:28
    The comments were confusing, but I learned for the first time that it was possible to determine the acidity of the soil in this way, but I would like to gain experience not from a child, but from a professional. I have a problem, I work in winter garden, but there is almost no information on how to care for plants in greenhouses. There is a white-gray coating on the ground, I assume the salinity of the soil (it has not changed for 30 years), but what should I do about it?
  • Dear Radmila, I sympathize with you that you have such leaders who fill your head with wrong information!
    Head Zifa Raisovna, have pity on the children and don't fill their heads with your ignorance! They are drawn to KNOWLEDGE, and you stuff them with nonsense!
  • ah, this is the second grade ... And I was preparing to reproach the author for oddities.
  • Thanks for the article! Now I know what kind of soil I have on the site
  • To passing commentators: It's not very pedagogical to "kill" a student with your "valuable" comments. YOU CAN NOT DO IT THIS WAY!!! There is information on the issue, and thanks for that. The rest is just your bad mood and dissatisfaction with life, raise your spiritual level, because solving your problems at the expense of young people means falling below the acceptable level.
  • Irina May 21, 2016, 06:19
    Alena, it was non-pedagogical to put all this on the Internet. Here, you know, adults solve their adult problems. Therefore, in order not to strike at the self-esteem of a child unprepared for the realities, such a work had to be placed in Murzilka or somewhere else without the possibility of leaving comments to other visitors. The result - the child was simply unlucky with teachers. Both in terms of education and in terms of preparation for adulthood.
  • I just don't have enough words for commentators. In this work, everything is set out in 5++++++ .. And you citizens, you need to learn to read more carefully. Campaign with the Russian language you are in a quarrel, and apparently from an early age. The fact that it was said above that the acidity of the soil changes with the amount of lime in the soil is a fact. But the commentators turned everything upside down. This article says correctly that "Acidity depends on the presence and amount of lime in the ground. If there is little lime in the ground, then the soil becomes acidic." Who can refute the fact that the less lime in the soil, the more acidic the soil becomes? I understand if a second grader wrote that the more lime, the less acid in the soil, then everyone would understand. And so, if the child wrote the other way around, then the "smart" uncles and aunts could not turn on their brains and understand what was said in this phrase .. The sins of others, you are all eager to judge,
    start with your own and you won’t get to strangers ... AND THE SECOND GRADE STUDENT IS A HUGE REPECT. KEEP IT UP..
  • And in the second grade, chemistry is not yet taught
  • Just Zhenya May 17, 2018, 07:28
    But I'm just watering the plants in the garden with sulfuric and other acids, because the soil is highly alkaline!

Not everyone has the opportunity to send a sample to a lab to find out. qualitative composition soil on your suburban area. However, this knowledge is very important for the care of the land. And then nature comes to the aid of the gardener. The plants settled here, as well as the state of planted garden crops, will tell you what type of soil your acres belong to and the presence of the amount of necessary microelements.

Everything in nature is interconnected and harmonious. And every type of soil, whether acidic or alkaline, has its own plants that prefer that level of acidity. The level of acidity is usually determined by the pH value of the soil:
A soil with a pH of 4-5 is considered strongly acidic;
Slightly acidic - from 5.5 to 6.5;
Soils with a pH of about 7 are called neutral;
Salt or alkaline are lands with a pH above 7.


How to identify acidic soil

Strongly acidic soils are not the most suitable conditions for growing garden crops. An indicator of such places is the presence of plantain, horse sorrel, horsetail on the site. Instead of garden beds, it is better to set up a garden here, since some plants, unlike most, even like high acidity. They are treated as ornamental plants(hydrangea, lupine, rhododendron, azalea, ranunculus) and some berry bushes(lingonberries, blueberries).

Plants that love acidic soil

On slightly acidic soils, there are wheatgrass, dandelion, clover, coltsfoot, chamomile, bluebell, fern, snowdrop, cornflowers. Here you can already afford to plant pumpkin and nightshade. This a good place for growing cucumbers and zucchini, tomatoes and eggplants, potatoes and pumpkins. In addition, these are suitable conditions for planting currants, gooseberries, lemongrass, sea buckthorn. If you plan to arrange flower beds and flower beds, choose geraniums, roses, peonies, tulips, daffodils for this site.

Neutral soil acidity

When nettle, shepherd's purse, quinoa predominate, this indicates a neutral acid reaction. This soil composition is favorable for growing most cultivated plants. These include: cabbage, beans, peas, carrots, beets, radishes, celery, parsley. This is a good place to plant apple and pear, plum and cherry trees. Will be successful and planting raspberries, garden strawberries. Lovers of floriculture will be pleased here lush bloom dahlia and bright irises.

Plants on alkaline soils

The alkaline nature of the soil is indicated by chicory, spotted spurge, thyme, sage, and bergenia. Under such conditions, cultivated plants are not very comfortable, and when the pH is above 8.5, the soil is not recommended for use under garden beds. On such soils it is necessary to neutralize salinity. Or settle on them dogwood, barberry, hawthorn, arnica, lilac, juniper. Cedar, quince, pear, crimson, apricot, mulberry will feel good here. For the flower garden choose edelweiss, gypsophila, geyher, delphinium, clematis, saxifrage, lavender.

Green indicators will tell you what substances are missing in the soil

In addition to acidity, it is useful to have knowledge about the deficiency of certain substances important for the development of vegetables in the soil. This can be determined by outward signs plants:
Lack of nitrogen produces a pale color and yellowing of the tops, fragile stems and small leaves;
Phosphorus - the color of the leaves becomes dark green with a blue or purple tint, they quickly dry out and fall off;
Potassium - the leaves turn brown, their edges wrinkle and twist down;
Calcium - the tips of the leaves die off, and the apical buds and roots are also damaged;
Bora - the apical buds and roots also suffer, in addition - the ovary falls or there is no flowering at all.

With a lack of magnesium, iron, copper in the soil, plants are more often affected by chlorosis.

Soil acidity is one of its main indicators. Knowing the acidity of the soil, it is possible with great success to plan the planting of certain crops, as well as regulate this acidity with the help of special chemical compositions.

What is soil acidity

Soil acidity is a value that determines the ability of the soil to respond to various properties acids. Acidity is determined by the pH parameter, which in Latin means "hydrogen potential strength". The pH value varies from 0 to 14. In general, the acidity parameter was first introduced into science in the early 20th century to measure the acidity of alcoholic products. Then this value began to be successfully used in soil science.

Normal soil acidity is 7 pH. Very acidic soil has an indicator of up to 4 pH, strongly acidic 4-4.5 pH, medium acidic 4.5-5 pH, slightly acidic 5.1-5.5 pH. Soil acidity above 7 pH causes an alkaline reaction. An example is the acidity of some foodstuffs and household substances.

  • Stomach acid is an example of a strongly acidic substance with a pH of no more than 2.
  • Lemon juice, vinegar and Coca-Cola have an acidity of 2-3 pH.
  • The acidity of beer, wine and apple juice is 3.5-4.5 pH.
  • milk and pure water have a neutral acidity of 6.5-7 pH.
  • Substances with a pH above 7 are alkaline, such as soap and laundry bleach (9-12 pH).

How soil acidity affects plants

Everyone knows that plants absorb all the useful elements that are contained in the soil. But the content of these elements in the soil directly depends on the acidity. Many of the crops that are grown in our strip grow most favorably in slightly acidic or neutral soil. In addition, fruits grown in acidic soil have a pronounced sour taste. There are a few effective ways to determine the acidity of the soil in your summer cottage.

Soil appearance
The very first and easiest way to determine the acidity of the soil is to examine it carefully. Strongly acidic soil has a reddish and even rusty tint. Water accumulated in the lowlands of acidic soil has a thin iridescent film on the surface.

You can also determine the acidity of the soil by the plants that grow on this soil. After all, each weed grows only where the acidity of the soil satisfies all its needs.

  1. On the soil with high acidity, cornflower, knotweed, spikelet, Ivan da Marya, horsetail, cinquefoil, creeping buttercup, daisy, mint, heather, oak veronica, plantain, pikulnik, tricolor violet, horse sorrel grow. Usually acidic soil has a high moisture content.
  2. Slightly acidic soil is characterized by a large number of other plants. Among them are the bird mountaineer, alfalfa, coltsfoot, alfalfa, wood lice, sow thistle, nivnyak, wild rose, burdock, chamomile, wheatgrass.
  3. The following plants speak of the neutral acidity of the soil - nettle, quinoa, red clover. In general, if nettle grows on the site, this is very good. This suggests that there are many organic acids in the soil that are beneficial for plants.
  4. If the soil is dense and poor in useful minerals, then plants such as thistle, mustard, euphorbia, sweet clover, tarry will grow on the site.
  5. On alkaline soil, poppy and field bindweed can be found.

Thus, it is possible to determine the acidity of the soil only by those plants that grow on it. Also pay attention to the concentration of plants. In soil of neutral acidity, as well as in slightly acidic soil, plants feel great, so there are a lot of weeds in this area. And if the greenery is scarce and low, then the soil, most likely, is alkaline.

Klychnikov's method
There is another way to determine the acidity of the soil at home. This is the well-known method of the agronomist Klychnikov.

  1. Collect some soil from the area whose acidity you want to determine.
  2. Dry the ground and fill the bottle halfway with it.
  3. Then take some chalk and wrap it in paper, not quite tight. Dip the chalk paper into the bottle.
  4. Put a compressed fingertip on the neck of the bottle. There should be no air in it, the fingertip should be flattened. Instead of a fingertip, you can use part of a rubber glove, the main thing is tightness.
  5. Then the bottle must be shaken so that the chalk spills out and mixes with the soil. For the purity of the experiment, shake the bottle, holding it with a towel or a cloth glove so that the heat from your hands is not transferred to the glass.
  6. If the soil is acidic, then when interacting with chalk, it will begin to release carbon dioxide. In this case, the pressure in the bottle increases, and the fingertip is filled with air.
  7. The acid level is determined as the fingertip fills with gas. If the fingertip is completely filled, and sufficient pressure is felt when squeezing, then the acidity of the soil is high. If the pressure is medium, then the soil is slightly acidic.

This simple method will help determine the acidity of the soil without any laboratory tests.

It is a piece of paper impregnated with various indicator substances. Litmus paper has several colors, each of which corresponds to a certain acidity.

The principle of determining acidity is as follows. Soil is collected in a piece of clean cloth, the acidity of which must be determined. The knot is tightly tied and lowered into distilled water. When the water is sufficiently saturated with soil, litmus paper is lowered into it for a few seconds. After that, one of the colors appears on the paper, which must be compared on a scale. Each color corresponds to a certain acidity. A yellow to red color is an indicator of acidic soil, while light blue and blue hues correspond to a neutral soil. The determination of soil acidity by the litmus test method is quite reliable. The set can be bought in stores for summer residents.

Soil acidity can be determined using vinegar. Sprinkle some soil to be tested on the glass. Water the ground with 9% vinegar. If strong foaming begins, then the soil is alkaline. With moderate acidity of the soil, hissing will be weak. And if the soil is acidic, then there will be no foam at all.

If beets grow on the site, the acidity of the soil can be determined by the appearance of its tops. When the leaves are red, the soil is acidic. If the tops are green with red veins, then they are moderately sour. Green tops are found in beets grown on neutral soil. Beets do not grow in alkaline soil.

How to reduce soil acidity

Acidic soil is not favorable for growing many crops. Therefore, it is necessary to artificially reduce acidity in order to improve soil fertility. You can neutralize acidic soil with slaked lime, dolomite flour, limestone, ground chalk, limestone tuff, cement dust.

The selected substance is best applied to the soil in spring. Sprinkle lime on the soil with the calculation of one glass per square meter soil. Then carefully dig the ground and level it with a rake. However, be careful. Check the acidity of the soil and only then take action. Because if the soil is alkaline, lime will damage it, plants grow poorly in such soil.

What grows on soil with different acidity

When choosing the plants and trees that you want to grow on the site, it is very important to consider the acidity of the soil.

  1. On soil with high acidity, sorrel grows very well.
  2. Soil with low acidity is well suited for planting pumpkins, cucumbers, spinach, rhubarb, radishes, radishes, tomatoes, zucchini and lettuce.
  3. Neutral soils are favorable for many crops - beets, celery, asparagus, carrots, onions, cabbage.
  4. On slightly alkaline areas, you can grow rye, potatoes, oats.

Agronomy is a serious science that allows you to effectively use land for growing various crops. And soil science and, in particular, the determination of soil acidity is the key to successful planning of planting crops in certain areas. Determine the acidity correctly and grow a rich harvest!

Video: how to determine soil acidity

It is necessary to study which will be most favorable for them.

In our article, we will tell you how to determine the acidity of the soil yourself, since it is this indicator that has a serious impact on the development of crops.

Types of acidity

The acidity of the earth is one of the important indicators in the analysis of the soil. It is measured in pH, the scale ranges from 0 to 14.

There are three types of acidity:

  • slightly acidic (soil with a pH value above 7);
  • neutral (soil, the indicator of which is equal to pH7);
  • acidic (soil below pH7).
The level of acidity is influenced by the amount of lime in the soil. With small amounts of lime, most likely, the earth will be acidic.

Important! The acidity index can be different even at a distance of 1 meter. Therefore, before planting, take samples every 2 meters, this will help determine the pH level more accurately.

For most crops, a neutral or slightly acidic soil is more suitable.

How to determine the level at home?

To plant a plant in the "correct" site, you need to know how to determine the acidity of the soil.


The easiest way to find out the pH level of the soil is to use table vinegar. To do this, pour a few drops on a handful of earth.

If you see that small bubbles appear on it, this indicates that it is neutral or non-acidic, that is, it is quite suitable for planting plants.

grape juice

To test your pH this way, you'll need a glass of grape juice and a clod of soil.

The earth must be lowered into a glass and observe the reaction: if the color of the juice begins to change, and bubbles begin to appear on the surface, this indicates the neutrality of the soil.

test strips

Not everyone knows how to check the acidity of the soil at home using test strips. This is a very convenient way, since you can buy them at any specialized store or pharmacy.

Litmus papers are impregnated with a special reagent, the color of which changes depending on pH. Typically, the packaging shows a color scale that can be used to determine the pH level.

Did you know? The number of microorganisms in one teaspoon of soil is the same as the population of the entire planet.

To conduct the experiment, it is necessary to wrap a handful of earth in several layers of gauze and lower it into a container with purified distilled water. After that, it is necessary to shake the container well so that the salts from the soil are well dissolved in the water.
After that, it is necessary to lower the litmus paper into the container for a few seconds. Soon its color will change, and then it will be possible to determine the pH level from the table.

red cabbage

Consider how to find out the acidity of the soil on the site using red cabbage. To do this, finely chop the head. We will need a decoction, by changing the color of which upon contact with the ground, we can find out the level of acidity.

Boil cabbage in distilled water for 10 minutes. After that, the broth is filtered. Purple juice has a neutral pH.

Let's start the procedure. To do this, pour the juice into a cup and place a spoonful of earth there. Then you need to wait about 30 minutes and look at the color of the juice. If it remains unchanged - purple, then the pH of the soil is neutral.
If you bought juice pink color, it speaks of acidic earth. The richer the color, the higher. The presence of blue or green indicates the neutrality of the soil. If the color is bright green, the soil has high alkalinity.

other methods

There are other methods for determining the pH level. Let's consider them.


You can try to determine the pH level by appearance. If you notice that the water in the pits has a rusty tint and an iridescent film, and after it is absorbed, there is a brown sediment on the surface, this indicates an increased acidity of the soil.

Important! Since acidity is influenced by various external factors that can change it, it is worth checking it every season and, if necessary, taking measures to bring it to the required indicators.

Also a sign of acidic soil is the presence of whitish layers at a shallow depth.

By the weeds

You can determine the pH level by the ones that grow on the soil. Plantain, spikelet, Ivan da Marya, feel good on acidic soil.

Slightly acidic soil allows such weeds to develop well:, mountaineer, burdock,.

Grows well on alkaline soil, and.

acid meter

You can also determine the pH level with the help of the device. You can buy it in special stores.