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Frame country houses. Frame houses Finished projects of frame country houses

Wood-Brus offers construction frame houses"turnkey" in Moscow. We use high quality materials from trusted manufacturers. Mounting and Finishing work are carried out in accordance with the project according to the approved schedule.

This technology is the best option for building a country cottage or summer cottage. The advantages of "skeletons" are accessibility, the ability to use plots with any landscape, type of soil for building. Such houses turn out to be very warm, they do not shrink, therefore, the facade decoration, internal walls can be done immediately after the main construction work.

Construction of frame houses

The main structural element is the frame, which is sheathed with timber or panels. In parallel with the wall cladding, they are insulated with basalt wool slabs. A large selection of insulation modifications allows you to choose materials with additional sound insulation, wind protection, and increased fire resistance. Mats with an elastic structure are used to insulate surfaces of complex curvilinear shape - balconies, bay windows, verandas with a non-standard layout. Insulation boards with a rigid structure can serve as the basis for applying plaster, facing the facade with clinker tiles.

The main stages of construction work:

  • Base installation. When choosing the type of foundation, the design load on the foundation is calculated, the type of soil, the depth of its freezing are taken into account.
  • Installation of the first crown. The foundation is covered with several layers of rolled or coating waterproofing. Along the perimeter of the outer walls, a beam is attached to the foundation.
  • Subfloor installation. On the strapping at a distance of 0.5 m from each other, floor beams are mounted. A heater is laid between them, a sheet pile board is laid on top.
  • Frame installation. Installed on the harness vertical racks, they are strengthened with jibs, diagonal ties. Mount fencing posts for window and door openings.
  • Wall cladding. Mineral wool slabs are inserted between the racks, sewn up with plywood or OSB panels. A beam is launched along the upper edge, which performs the functions of the upper strapping.
  • Roof installation. Mounted truss system for a roof with two slopes, hip or hip type. A counter-lattice is mounted on the rafters, a vapor barrier is laid, and roofing material is fixed.
  • Installation of windows and doors. You can put windows made of metal-plastic, PVC or wood. Entrance door- reinforced steel.
  • Finishing. The choice of finish depends on design solution, budget.

You can use ready-made projects of frame houses or order an individual one. This option is of course more expensive, but takes into account all the requirements of the customer.

Examples of our work

Advantages of frame construction:

  • High speed. You can build such a cottage in 3-4 weeks.
  • Strength. "Karkasniki" are the main type of housing in seismically active areas.
  • Good thermal insulation. Technology features provide minimum losses heat.
  • Aesthetics. You can "hide" communications in the walls, inside the floors, under the floor surface.
  • Availability. If compared with the construction of a cottage made of brick or foam block, then the savings will be 35-40%.


  • Low biostability. This disadvantage is eliminated by treating the tree with antiseptics.
  • Fire hazard. Protection natural materials flame retardants serve from fire.
  • Susceptibility to moisture. Walls coated with moisture-resistant compounds acquire hydrophobic properties.

Our company is building

frame houses for giving - an economical and profitable housing solution. You can order the construction of such a house at Sayala LLC. The main office of the company is located in Pestovo, but we serve Moscow, the Moscow region and the Moscow region. You can choose a building by photos and description.

Technology for the construction of turnkey frame cottages

Frame-panel assembly is similar to the frame technology of building construction. In both cases, houses are built according to the type of constructor, only in the first case, the “details” are not racks and crossbars, but separate shields. They are made for individual projects. After delivery to the object, they only need to be fastened together.

Construction is fast and minimal cost funds for additional equipment - the elements are light, powerful cranes are not needed to lift and install them. The complex part of the manufacture of such buildings takes place at manufacturing plants.

Frame-panel dachas are erected from the bottom up from the foundation. First comes bottom trim in the form of bars, after which shields are installed and the upper trim is made. At the end, the roof is placed. Frame houses are erected starting from the skeleton in the form of racks and crossbars according to the volume of the building.

Advantages of frame cottages

Country frame houses serve up to 100 years. Structure features:

Frame houses for summer cottages create coolness on hot days and keep warm on cold days. The main thing to consider when designing such buildings is the correct thickness of the insulation and operating conditions. If the house will be used only in summer, it is enough to install 100 mm insulation boards, and if in winter, then the thickness should be at least 200–250 mm. The price of the "winter" option in this case will be higher, and thermal insulation properties- better.

Projects of frame dachas from "Sayala"

Photos and projects are placed on the pages of the catalog. Typical buildings with verandas, bay windows, attics and other small-form architecture can be modified according to the wishes of the customer. Alteration of projects is free, as is the delivery of building blanks over a distance of up to 500 km. Own production of timber allows us to carefully monitor the quality of raw materials.

Ordering cheap frame-panel country houses on a turnkey basis, you will save yourself from big expenses and constant control over the situation. Our specialists will independently bring materials, mark the territory and assemble the cottage in a short time. Detailed information check with consultants by mail or phone.

We will build a cottage inexpensively and efficiently. Every summer it will fill you with bright emotions and create warm memories.

Owners of suburban areas dream of their own cottages. Country frame houses allow you to get a large living area and implement unusual design solutions.

Projects of cottages for giving can be very different. Appearance buildings, their interior decoration and the number of rooms depend on a number of factors.

The main types of layouts of country cottages

The layouts of houses depend not only on the wishes of the customer, but also on the region in which construction is planned. As practice shows, in the Moscow region they prefer single living spaces, in the style of studios. The provinces prefer classic rooms.

Despite this, all layouts have common features. In the vast majority of cottages, the lower floor is reserved for rooms. general use. There is a living room, kitchen, pantry, boiler room, bathroom and a large bedroom.

Second floor - private rooms and bedrooms. If a lot of people live in the house, then an additional bathroom is made on the top floor.

Huge Advantage frame buildings It is believed that redevelopment can be done at any time. This will not cause any particular problems, since there are no main walls in the house except for the frame itself.

For this reason, construction companies easily go to meetings with customers and redo the layout at their request.

Reasons for the popularity of country houses

Important factors in the promotion of houses can be considered:

  • Accelerated pace of construction.
  • Affordable price cottages.
  • Complete absence of shrinkage.
  • Possibility of quick redevelopment.
  • Excellent thermal insulation properties.
  • Resistance to seismic shocks.

The combination of these factors made frame structures popular all over the world. In the US and Canada, more than 80% of all low-rise cottages are built on frame technology and there is no tendency to change the situation in the construction market.

In Russia, the popularity of turnkey frame cottages is only gaining popularity, but there is a trend towards explosive growth in construction. By 2030, more than half of the buildings will be built using frame technology.

A do-it-yourself country house is easiest to make using the technology of a frame house. We present you 5 projects of frame houses with photos that will help you in choosing the layout and design of a country house. In addition to useful plans and photos, we will tell you about the basic points of building a frame house, which must be taken into account when choosing a project.

Frame house project 1:
country house with an open plan.

For a frame house, a columnar or columnar-strip foundation is usually used, which significantly reduces the cost of building a country house. After all, about 30% of the total construction budget is spent on creating the foundation of a house.

The columnar foundation eliminates the need for a significant volume earthworks, reduces the cost of expensive building materials. For this type of foundation, costly work on heat and waterproofing is not needed. Such a foundation perfect solution for sandy soil or soil with high level ground water.

In the conditions of building a country house with your own hands, you can take a red burnt bu brick for a columnar foundation. Columns in two bricks are able to hold on themselves a light one-story frame house.

In addition to brick as supports, you can choose concrete blocks or asbestos cement pipes. In the case of pipes, they will serve as a kind of fixed formwork for pouring concrete pillars.

A properly built columnar foundation will serve you for over 100 years. This a good option foundation not only for the house, but also for any suburban buildings- baths, sheds, gazebos, etc. It is fair to mention the lack of a columnar foundation - this is the absence of a basement in a country house. If having a basement is important to you, then building a freestanding one can negate all the savings from this type of foundation.

Frame house project 2:
country house-studio.

For flooring in a frame house, wooden beams treated with an antiseptic, reinforced with crossbars, are used. The floor must be reliably insulated, because with a columnar foundation, it is blown through with us. The main feature of the frame house is an effective insulation system.

Floor coverings in a frame house are a pie of rough floor boards, mineral wool, vapor barriers, OSB boards, substrates for finishing floors and finishing floors. It is this design that guarantees a warm floor in the coldest winter.

The ceiling of a frame house has a similar structure, but the first element is a plasterboard slab instead of a subfloor.

Myself country house IC, built using frame construction technology, is a rigid frame made of wooden beams and corner braces that enhance the strength of the structure. All wood for the construction of the house is treated with antiseptics and modern impregnations against fire.

Outside, the frame house is sheathed OSB boards and windproof membrane. Then between wooden racks insulation is laid (mineral wool, cellulose) and from the inside the “pie” is sewn up with a second OSB board.

Quality insulation modern materials- a kind of puff cake made of OSB, vapor barrier film and mineral wool will provide reliable heat to the country house. A correctly made frame floor 10 cm thick corresponds to a 2 m brick wall in terms of thermal insulation.

Frame house project 3:

The exterior finish of a frame house is made according to the principle of a ventilated facade, where wooden slats, which form an air gap ensuring the dryness of the insulation and thus increasing its effectiveness in any weather.

A ventilated facade will increase the life of the walls of a country house and smooth out sudden temperature changes.

The outer skin of a frame house can be made of wood, siding, brick, decorative plaster. Actually for exterior finish at home, any material will suit your taste and budget.

Frame house project 4:
small country cottage.

Frame houses came to us from Scandinavia and Canada, where the climate is quite harsh and people know the price of a warm house.

Often, for an ignorant person, frame houses look like flimsy and unreliable buildings, but more and more summer residents are mastering the benefits of this modern technology.

Frame house project 5:
cottage with two bedrooms.

Why is the frame house project attractive for building a country house with your own hands?

You can build a country house quickly in one season. You do not need to stretch the construction for several years, when in classic version for a brick country house, a foundation is poured in one year, then a box is erected, then this structure must settle to shrink, then finishing work must be done. In addition, such a house can be built almost all year round(up to -15 degrees).

You can build a country house with your own hands. To build such a house, two people are enough who can completely build such a house in 2-3 months. If you first carry out work to study the intricacies of building a frame house, fully decide on the project and calculate the consumption of materials, then building such a country house over the summer is quite a feasible task for any summer resident.

The frame country house is economical option construction. If you have a limited budget, then using frame construction technologies, you will get not only a cheap, but also a modern warm country house. You will save on building materials, on their delivery, on payment of builders. You can build such a house in a modular way - its design makes the possibility of further extension as simple as possible. So you can break down the construction of a large house into several completed stages, according to your budget.

You will have a warm country house and you will save on heating. The main thing in a frame house - modern systems insulation, when everything in the "pie" of OSB, insulating films and the insulation itself is well thought out, is in its place and works as efficiently as possible for one main goal - to provide maximum effective thermal insulation optimal means.

You can build a country house on difficult soils. Lightweight construction frame house, a columnar foundation is a solution for problematic soils that can be appreciated by everyone who has already tried to build on their own suburban area where, for example, groundwater is high.

Simplicity and economy of finishing works. upholstering inside overlapping a frame house with OSB boards, you get a perfect flat surface, on which it is then quite easy to carry out any finishing work.

Ecological microclimate of a country house. A house built using frame construction technology has the same healthy microclimate as a wooden house.

If you own a tool at the household level, then having a well-thought-out project in your hands, understanding all the rules and regulations for the construction of frame houses, you can build an economical, energy-saving, environmentally friendly country house with your own hands.

Frame houses have become very popular in the world in Lately. For about 9 years, our company has been building one-story and two-story frame houses, cottages and summer cottages with a balcony, attic, terrace, garage according to ready-made standard or individual projects. We are ready to offer our customers the most favorable prices and the shortest time for the construction of your home. The market for building materials and services is constantly being improved and developed, the quality of the material is improving, the time for construction works etc. A striking example of such steps forward in the construction industry is the delivery of frame cottages or houses for permanent residence from 10 days from the beginning of the construction of the house. Terms depend on the building area and the complexity of the project. The wood used to build such houses has a significant advantage over brick or stone buildings: wooden frame houses do not need to shrink. Therefore, immediately after the construction, finishing work can start.

This type of construction solves a lot of problems and has many advantages for the customer, which we will tell you about below. The frame house itself has only 3 components: frame, insulation and sheathing. First, a frame is mounted, which can be made of wood. Next, the heater is installed. Then there is sheathing. And now your house is ready!

Advantages of frame houses

→ Price. Frame house It will cost you much cheaper than brick.

→ Foundation. Inexpensive frame structures First of all, they reduce the cost of laying a powerful foundation. Due to the low weight of frame housing, there is no need to build one under future home. Most often, residential frame houses or country houses are placed on screw piles.

→ Transportation at home. The frame house can be easily transported to another place. Since the house itself is light, this will not cause any difficulties.

→ You can build at any time of the year. erection wooden house from frames can be carried out even at low temperatures. This means that the work does not depend on the season and weather conditions.

→ House construction time. It will take much less time to build such a house when compared with a house made of timber or brick.

→ Communication networks. The technology at home allows you to conduct communications inside the frame. The same can be done with wiring. It will look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.

→ Heat. Houses built using frame technology are very warm. And do not believe that it is impossible to live in such houses in winter. It is not for nothing that frame houses are very popular in Finland, Sweden and Norway.

The correct construction of such a house is the key to a good indoor climate. Wood is an excellent sound insulator and thermostat: in summer it will give you coolness, and in winter it will keep you warm. In the design of the home and architectural solutions there are no restrictions. You can install a fireplace and various decorative elements. The facade of the building over time can also be redone at your discretion, without spending a lot of effort and money. Frame houses are energy saving and seismic resistant.