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Comprehensive wiring replacement from removing wires from strobes to installing new sockets and switches. How to replace the wiring in the apartment

If you are planning to do a major renovation of the apartment, you need to change the wiring. In houses that were built a long time ago, the wiring is not designed for modern usage. During the construction of old structures, specialists could not even think that in addition to the main electrical appliances that were used at that time, people would use many other equipment. It turns out that the bandwidth of the old wiring is less than the power of all electrical appliances that is consumed. In addition, the service life of the wiring - about 30 years old. But if you want to ensure uninterrupted voltage and extend the life of electrical appliances, you should not wait until the wiring is 30 years old. You can replace the wiring with your own hands.

Choosing the right cable

Most people, at the beginning of drawing up a diagram and work plan, are faced with the problem of which type of wire to choose. Wires are divided into several types. Main:

  • aluminum
  • copper

Of course, it is best to buy copper. They are strong and reliable, and also have more long term operation. All specialists in the construction of both panel and other houses use only copper wires. When sockets or switches are connected, the core of aluminum cables is easy to break off; with a copper stranded cable, such an unpleasant situation is impossible. In addition, the copper cable has a good bandwidth.

Scheme of installation of sockets and switches

Before laying electrical wiring, you need to carefully work on the layout of the location of sockets and switches at home. It is with the help of the scheme that the wiring in the apartment will be carried out. For example, if you know in advance where you will put the computer, you can run a separate cable there, which will power all computer devices that have increased power consumption. The same applies to the rest of the powerful equipment.

How to distribute the number of outlets:

  • living room. In the living room, it is recommended to install 5 outlets with a common frame (or whatever is convenient for you) for connecting video and audio equipment, two outlets at the soft corner and one outlet each where you need additional power sources
  • bedroom. Outlets should be near bed, desktop, if available. The rest - optional
  • corridor. A double socket will suffice here
  • bathroom. The number of sockets depends on what electrical appliances you will use here. On average, one or two outlets are enough
  • kitchen. Near the cutting table, it is worth installing from three to five outlets. Place the rest as needed.

According to standard regulations, home sockets should be at a distance 30 cm from the floor, and the switches - on 85 cm.

Dismantling old wiring

So, after you have drawn up the layout of all the sockets and switches in the apartment, you can begin to dismantle the old wiring. This process can be done by hand. It depends on how the old wiring was done. Before doing all the work with your own hands, you need to disconnect the wiring from the meter in the apartment. If the wiring was placed in the channels, then the dismantling of the old wiring and the laying of the new one are carried out in parallel. To one side of the old cable you need to wind a new one, then you need to get the other end of the old wiring. That is, you will not need to hammer walls and create unnecessary problems. But if the scheme of the new wiring of the house does not match the old gasket, then strobes will need to be made in the walls.

When, when the wiring is embedded in the wall, the first step is to find out in which part of the house it is laid. You can find it by noticing the strobes embedded in the walls, or by using a special device. You can also study the scheme of the house. After you have located it according to the diagram, you can change the wiring.

Correctly change the wiring at home with your own hands

So that during the laying of a new cable there are no unforeseen trips to the store, all tools and materials must be stocked up in advance. So, to replace the wiring you need:

  • perforator
  • Bulgarian
  • soldering iron
  • building level
  • led screwdriver
  • spatula, putty, electrical tape
  • cord, screwdrivers, side cutters, flashlight
  • new wires

When everything you need to replace the electrical wiring in the apartment is, we proceed to the process itself. On the wall we make markings in the place where the new electrical wiring will be laid. Then, using a puncher and a grinder, you need to make strobes - perfect option for walls panel house. It is best to lay the wiring in a corrugation, this will not only increase the level of safety, but also facilitate the process of replacing electrical wiring in the future. After the strobes are made, it is necessary to lay the cable from the meter to the junction boxes. We place the cable in the corrugation and place them in the strobes. From the junction boxes we lay the cable to the outlet, switches and lighting fixtures. In this case, you should carefully look at the diagram. Then we connect the branchings of the cable to the trunk in junction boxes. This must be done with a special terminal block, which will ensure high quality and safety. When all the work in the junction boxes is over, it is necessary to proceed with the input of power supply in the apartment.

Completion of wiring work

The final step in replacing the wiring is connecting the wiring of the apartment to the meter. In this case, if there is no elementary knowledge in this area, you should not do the work yourself, it is better to call an electrician. old counter and machines need to be replaced. When all work is completed, we connect the apartment wiring to the machine and turn on the machines. If the machine didn’t knock out, it means that you were able to change the wiring in the apartment with your own hands without incident. It remains to check the sockets and switches, whether they work.

As you can see, changing the wiring with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Often people, when they read the entire order of work, get scared and call specialists. Do-it-yourself wiring replacement will cost several times cheaper than with the help of specialists. But if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better not to risk it.

During major repairs, many decide to immediately change the wiring in the apartment. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, if your house was built a long time ago, then the entire electrical network that was laid in it is already outdated both physically and morally. Secondly, earlier for wiring in Khrushchev or Stalin's houses aluminum wires were mainly used, and this metal, as you know, is highly corroded, and becomes very brittle during operation. Thirdly, modern electrics are characterized by high power household appliances. About 20-30 years ago, the project laid down a load of about 3 kW for each apartment, now this figure has increased significantly.

So, as you can see, the replacement of wiring is not a whim and a whim, but an urgent need. Let us consider in detail how to carry out this process, where to start, which part of the old wiring must be changed, and in which cases it can be left.

Main stages

Immediately you need to decide whether you can replace the wiring in the apartment with your own hands or whether you will invite professional electricians. Keep in mind that during the overhaul of a residential building, work related to electricity is the most complex and voluminous part.

Accordingly, material costs will also be high. If you have no restrictions in funds, then it is better to invite specialists.

Replacing electrical wiring in an apartment with your own hands is based on three main components.

  • Definitely all aluminum wires must be replaced with copper. We have already mentioned that the metal is susceptible to corrosion, in addition, it has a soft structure, it is squeezed out from under the screw terminals, its soldering is a complex and expensive process, and aluminum twists weaken over time. All this can eventually lead to unreliable contact connections.
  • It will be necessary to switch from the previously used circuit with a solidly grounded neutral (TN-C) to a circuit with protective earthing of consumers (TN-C-S). The power supply according to the previous TN-C scheme was used in the Soviet Union involuntarily, because there was mass electrification, the electrical networks were very long, and in addition, there was an acute shortage of non-ferrous metals. Since the end of the 90s, the transition to electricity supply according to the TN–C–S scheme began, which ensures the safe operation of consumers, regardless of general condition networks.

  • It will be necessary to mount a group connection of consumers with separate branches, while branching from the main apartment panel through junction boxes was previously used.

By new scheme you will have a separate branch from the common shield, made with a single piece of cable, for each group of consumers.


On initial stage all work will be of a theoretical nature, that is, it will be necessary to clearly define the scheme and the amount of materials.

Before you change the wiring in the apartment, draw up a diagram on which you draw a plan of the living space. It will be most convenient to take it from the technical passport and redraw it on paper in a box.

An example of drawing up a diagram and further editing on video:

In this drawing, display where all large-sized furniture will stand (so that you do not plan to install sockets behind it) and household appliances (in this case, on the contrary, the sockets must be mounted nearby). Determine the location of the switches, as a rule, they are mounted near front door into the room. Mark where you will need outlets other than where you install a fixed household appliances(refrigerator, oven, air conditioner), that is, it is advisable to decide in advance where you will put or hang the TV, music center, computer.

Draw the locations of the lighting elements - sconces, bedside lamps, floor lamps.

Be aware that powerful household appliances, such as a water heater, electric stove, washing or Dishwasher, "warm floor", should be connected to the mains not through sockets, but with a separate line from an individual machine.

Transferring the wiring plan to the walls

Now transfer the drawn up scheme to the walls of your apartment, after all, you will be doing repairs anyway, so it’s still possible to draw on wall surfaces. Mark the location of sockets, switches, lighting fixtures and junction boxes (they are usually installed at the entrance to the room). There is no strict size for their placement, but try to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Switches are located at a height of 0.8 to 1.5 m from the floor level.
  • The same parameter for sockets varies from 0.3 to 1 m, everything here will depend on your interior. The main thing is that you then feel comfortable using them.

  • In the bathroom, it is desirable to do without installing sockets. If there is an urgent need for this, then it must be connected through a residual current device (RCD). The distance from the socket to the elements of the bathroom (sink, bath, shower) must be at least 0.6 m.
  • Distribution boxes are located at a distance of 15-20 cm from the ceiling surface. Do not forget to take this into account if in the future you plan to lower the ceiling (make it stretch or from plasterboard sheets).

From boxes to switching devices, draw the wire paths.

These tracks must be strictly vertical or horizontal, no zigzags or oblique lines are allowed, do not try to save on materials like that.

Necessary materials

Now, based on all the work done, you can determine the amount of materials that you will need to change the wiring in the house. Count how many junction boxes, sockets and switches you have planned. If the wiring is of a hidden type, then for each switching device you will still need a socket. Measure the amount of wire you need along the drawn gasket routes using a tape measure. Be sure to take it with a margin for cutting at the joints (6-10% of the total length).

For do-it-yourself wiring, choose a three-core wire or copper cable. A section of 1.5 mm 2 will be enough for the lighting network, 2.5 mm 2 for socket groups, and 4 mm 2 for powerful electrical consumers.

We advise you to purchase a high-quality German conductor with NYM marking, with PVC insulation. Of the domestic cable products, the conductor of the VVG brand is in the greatest demand. Also, for laying conductors, you will need a corrugated pipe, and in the case open type wiring cable channels. It is better to buy metal corrugation, as in case emergency polyvinyl chloride can decompose and release toxic substances.

The choice of cable and machines on the video:

Must protect home electrical network from overloads, short circuits and current leaks, so you can’t do without automation. It will be necessary to install an RCD and circuit breakers(or combined options - differential automata). They are selected according to the rated current depending on the load that will be present on the protected line. Let's give you an example of what machines are approximately needed for an ordinary three-room apartment:

  • common introductory machine - 40 A;
  • for the socket group - 25 A;
  • for lighting - 16 A;
  • for powerful consumers - at 32 A.

When choosing automatic machines, give preference to the leaders in the market of electrical products - Legrand and ABB.

Distribution boxes are of two types and they differ from each other only in design.

Square and rectangular boxes are more spacious, while round boxes are much more convenient to install.

Drill for such a box round hole in the wall is much easier than chiseling a square or rectangular niche.

Be sure to choose sockets with grounding. If there are small children in the house, then you will need special devices with protective shutters (so that the child cannot pick foreign objects inside). Pay special attention to the rated current for which the switching device is designed, otherwise problems may arise when connecting powerful consumers.


Before you change the wiring in the apartment, you will need to stock up not only with materials, but also with a fairly large number of tools. If you do not have all the necessary devices, then it may make sense to still turn to professionals. Check out the list of everything you need to install a new wiring, and then make a decision for yourself.

The ideal option is to rent a power tool.

  1. Perforator and a set of drills for concrete (as well as a concrete drill, a core drill and a chisel). This tool is necessary for mounting holes for sockets, switches and boxes.
  2. Level, plumb line and cord for marking the laying of wires.
  3. Bulgarian (and a circle of stone to it) or a wall chaser for making furrows in the walls for wires.
  4. Spatula and gypsum (or alabaster) for putty strob after wires are laid in them.
  5. Mounting knife or a special device for removing the insulating layer on the wires (stripper).
  6. Pliers, a set of flat and Phillips screwdrivers, side cutters.
  7. Soldering iron with solder and rosin for connecting wires.
  8. Indicator screwdriver for determining phase and zero.
  9. Long carry. During repair work, you will use a temporary hut to power the power tool, and its length should be enough to reach the most remote rooms and corners.

Dismantling old wiring

Replacing the electrical wiring in the apartment with your own hands begins, first of all, with a complete de-energization of the room. Turn off the introductory machine to the apartment and make sure that there is no voltage.

Dismantling the old wiring is easiest to start with switches and sockets, remove them, thereby freeing the tips of the wires. Open the covers of the junction boxes and disconnect all the switching nodes. Now, gently pulling on the old cable, release it from the puttied strobes. A special device will help you find wires in wall surfaces - a pointer concealed wiring, some in this case even use a metal detector.

If in some place there is no way to dismantle the cable, then do not try too hard, do not destroy the walls. Leave the problematic section of the wiring in the old furrow, just carefully insulate its ends on both sides.

Installation of new wiring

It should be said right away that it is not recommended to change the wiring partially. If you already undertook to repair again, then do it everywhere. The only case when it is allowed to replace only part of the home electrical network is if there is a wire break somewhere and it needs to be fixed.

And now the process of installing a new wiring. Perhaps in some of the rooms the path of the wire from the box to the sockets and switches will remain the same. This is good, you will not need to hammer new strobes.

In the case when you planned to do everything in a completely different way, start with holes for switching devices and junction boxes, and already between them make strobes for laying wires.

Note! Since you have already dismantled the old wiring, and you are only laying the new one, there will be no voltage in the apartment at all. To connect a power tool, use a temporary hut that can be thrown from the input shield, or arrange with neighbors to power them through a carrier.

Cut the necessary pieces of conductors and corrugated pipe. Tighten the wires into the corrugation and place them in the strobes made. Don't forget to leave ends on both sides for joining. Install the sockets in the holes made, tighten the wires in them and now you can fix them with alabaster mortar.

Strobes can not be covered with a continuous layer of alabaster, it is enough to grab every half a meter.

Connect wires to sockets and switches, install switching devices in sockets. Now make all the necessary connections in the junction boxes.

Keep in mind! If you want to make lighting on a balcony or loggia, then you don’t need to pull a whole branch there, the lamps are connected through the sockets of neighboring rooms.

Be sure to test new wiring before starting finishing works in the apartment.

If there are doubts between partial and complete replacement of electrical wiring, then the answer can be found in the video:

We explained to you how to replace the old wiring, there are no particular difficulties here. Those who have ever done electrical work and are well versed in electrical engineering can handle it on their own. But sometimes it is better not to take risks, and at least consult with professionals.

Wiring in a house or apartment can last about 25 years. After that, it needs to be completely or partially replaced. Failure to do so may result in fire, malfunction of outlets, and electric leakage. The modern load on the wiring, associated with a huge number of electrical appliances in use, requires replacement even before the specified time.

In private, panel or brick houses the service life of the wiring is practically the same, and depends only on the load and the quality of the materials used. Before carrying out work, you should find out how to replace the wiring, as well as what materials and tools to use.

Over time, even high-quality electrical wiring in a new private or multi-storey building begins to collapse. Certain areas may fail earlier than others and may require partial replacement.

There are several signs that indicate the need for a complete replacement of the wiring with a new one. These include:

  • occurrence bad smell burning, which most often occurs when a large number of powerful electrical appliances are turned on at the same time;
  • the appearance of sparks from sockets when devices are turned on;
  • lack of power in some outlets;
  • the occurrence of current leakage through the walls;
  • the wiring breaks off easily, the wires lose their flexibility, dry out.

These signs indicate the need for urgent replacement old wiring to prevent fire or other dangerous consequences.

Replacing old or laying new electrical wiring - which is better

It should be noted right away that partial replacement of electrical wiring is ineffective and irrational. This method can only be used as a temporary measure. The wiring should be completely changed so as not to return to this issue for 20-25 years. Full replacement of electrical wiring includes the replacement of the shield, sockets and switches.

In some cases, replacing the wiring with a new one is not possible. Therefore, you will have to cut off the old highways and lay the wiring along the new one. To make a decision, it is necessary to evaluate the wiring diagram.

For example, in typical buildings of the Soviet era, the wiring diverged along the floor in special strobes, and a wooden or parquet floor was laid on top. The wires went to the sockets and switches under the plaster or in the voids of the ceilings. In this case, the replacement of wiring is impossible without the need to remove the floor and plaster on the walls. Therefore, you will have to cut off the old wires and lay new ones in more convenient places for this.

The easiest is to replace the open type wiring. In this case, replacement can be carried out even without the need for repairs.

Thus, one should first evaluate old scheme wiring, in order to understand such places can be used when replacing, and which ones are not, and only after that make a decision. If you are planning a major overhaul of an apartment or a private house, it is better to install new wiring in order to make switches and sockets in the most convenient places for use.

Preparatory work

Complete replacement of old electrical wiring is a rather complicated process, which includes drawing up a plan for the passage of new wires. This plan must be coordinated with a professional electrician so that there are no difficulties in the future.

Preparation for the replacement of electrical wiring is the most critical stage of work. It includes the following works:

  1. Determination of the degree of damage to the wiring. This will allow you to state the fact that it needs to be replaced. Experts do not recommend partial replacement. Most often, this only exacerbates the problem, and at some point you still need to install a new electrical wiring.
  2. Drawing up a drawing on which all the electrical systems of the house should be marked.
  3. Acquisition necessary materials, which include switches, boxes, sockets, wires. All elements for new wiring must be new.
  4. Preparation of tools for the conduct of work. To work, you will need a grinder, a puncher, an indicator, side cutters, screwdrivers, a level, a flashlight, a mounting knife, pliers, a soldering iron.

The purchase of a wire should be carried out only after the length of the route for the cable has been accurately measured. When calculating it, allowances should be taken into account so that the wire is exactly enough. Additionally, you need to stock up with rag tape. Replacing the wiring in the house with your own hands is a rather complicated process. Therefore, if the preparation stage has already caused difficulties, it is better to entrust the work to professional electricians.

Power calculation

The replacement of the electrics must be carried out in such a way that in the future there will be no failures or overvoltage of the network. The mains power must be designed for all appliances in the house. Power depends on the cable cross-section, therefore, to determine it, it is necessary to calculate it:

  • add up the power of all devices connected to the network;
  • additionally add 100 W for each of them;
  • The resulting number must be divided by 220.

If the calculation turned out to be a number that is in the range of 12–15, then you can use wiring with a cross section of 1.5 mm. sq. As a rule, for a standard apartment or a small private house, this figure is normal.

But in some cases, it is required to install a larger wire or divide the wiring into 2-3 lines. Using a thick cable can lead to failures, so the latter option is preferred.

Stages of work

Do-it-yourself wiring replacement requires the exact following of the work steps, as well as compliance with all the recommendations of experienced electricians. Only in this case, you can not only get a decent result of work, but also carry out the wiring so that it does not cause a fire.

Temporary device

When replacing the old electrical wiring in the house, the electrician in the house must be turned off. But it is necessary for the operation of electrical appliances. In this case, a repair time should be made. It is made of plastic or wooden beam, extension cord and socket. This design connects to an external meter to completely de-energize an apartment or house.

Dismantling old wiring

Dismantling of electrical wiring is carried out only after the electricity in the apartment is completely turned off. It's best to use a multimeter to check. Dismantling starts from distribution boxes installed under the ceiling. It is necessary to open the box, find and remove the lead wire. If its removal is not possible, it is recommended to cut it as far as possible and isolate it. The rest of the wires are dismantled according to this principle.

It is possible to carry out wall chasing horizontally and vertically. If the work is carried out inaccurately, and the grooves turn out to be crooked, this can lead to future emergencies.

The boundaries of the grooves are best determined with a puncher, and then manually align them with a chisel. In those places where it is required to make an angle, it is necessary to make an oblique cut and knock out a hole. This is best done with a grinder. The absence of corners will allow the cable to lie flat and avoid bends that lead to breakage and damage to the wire.

To create holes in brick walls, into which the socket boxes will be inserted, you can use the crown put on the puncher. For concrete walls such a tool would be ineffective, so it is best to use a chisel.

Holes for socket boxes must be made in those places where they will be convenient for use. Their places should be determined at the stage of drawing creation. Sockets for air conditioners, hoods and other fixed appliances should be placed as close as possible to the place where the appliance will be installed in order to hide the cord.

Before laying the wires, it is necessary to prepare segments of the required size, as well as corrugations for them. After that, the wires should be tightened into the corrugations, and installed in pre-prepared strobes. The ends of the wires must be brought into the sockets.

After laying the wires, the sockets and strobes must be covered with a solution. Then lead the wire into the electrical panel and lubricate with thermally conductive paste. Connections must be strong and secure. The shield must be attached to the wall with dowels.

The temporary hut should be turned off, the wires from the meter and ground should be put into the shield. After that, it is necessary to isolate the wire from the meter and put it in the electrical panel. The finished structure must be carefully fixed, after which it is possible to perform wall plastering and further decorative finishing.

Final stage

Replacing the old electrical wiring ends with the installation of sockets, sockets, switches and lighting fixtures.

An important step in replacing the wiring is to check each branch of the wires with a short circuit tester. To do this, turn on the electricity, then apply current and find the phase and zero using the indicator. This will make it possible to the right wires to the appropriate terminals.

After inserting the wires into the desired terminals, it is recommended to check them again for a short circuit. If there are no problems, you can turn on the main machine and supply electricity to the house or apartment. It remains only to check the operation of all sockets, lamps and switches.

And only after that you can start finishing the walls and other repair work. Otherwise, it may be necessary to re-chase the walls in order to identify places of poor wire connection.

Features of replacing electrical wiring in various rooms

So that the replacement of electrical wiring in a private house or apartment does not cause problems in the future, you should Special attention pay attention to the placement of electrical equipment in various rooms. This must be taken into account at the stage of drawing drawings. This will allow you to perform the work as efficiently and quickly as possible, as well as ensure the convenience of using sockets and switches. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand how to change the wiring in all areas of the house.


Despite small size rooms, replacing old wiring in the bathroom and toilet can be difficult. It's connected with high level humidity. If the work is done poorly, electric shock is possible. And if in another room it is not dangerous, then humidity, wet and slippery floors can make it fatal to humans.

In addition, high-power equipment is installed in the bathroom. We are talking about water heaters, washing machines and dryers. And the wiring should guarantee their stable operation.

Therefore, when replacing old electrical wiring in the bathroom, the following conditions must be met:

  • when installing the boiler, you should immediately buy long cords;
  • for electrical equipment, preference should be given to three-core cables;
  • in the bathroom you need to install special sockets that have a special cover to protect against moisture;
  • the minimum distance from sockets and switches to the bathroom, shower and washbasin should be 60 cm;
  • for extension cords, it is better to install the outlet in the next room.

If the toilet is not combined with the bathroom, the wiring in it is limited only to the lighting branch for the ceiling. Therefore, the wiring can be combined with the bathroom.


When laying wiring in the kitchen, it is recommended to use two branches. One of them can go from the bathroom, and the other should be separate. For electrical wiring, use a wire with a cross section of 4 mm. sq. In this case, the wire must be in a special protective sheath. In the drawing in the process of preparation, the following connection points should be noted:

  • for lighting devices (chandelier, additional sconce, spotlights);
  • switches;
  • triple sockets to turn on the stove, oven, refrigerator, multicooker and other kitchen equipment.

For lighting working area it is not recommended to display a separate branch. Not only does this not comply with safety regulations, but it also makes no sense from an economic point of view. One point can be selected to turn on the toaster, blender, multicooker, coffee maker and other equipment that turns on for a short time. For the refrigerator, select a point that is located on the opposite wall from the points for other appliances. In addition, all sockets must be at least 60 cm away from the sink.


For wiring the corridor, two branches are required - for lighting and sockets. If the corridor is long, you will need to install several lighting points. In addition, it is in the corridor that switches are most often installed for the bathroom, kitchen and living rooms. In some cases, it is advisable to install a sconce near the front door. Lighting fixtures, switches and additional sockets for the corridor should be thought out even before the start of the wiring replacement.

Children's room

There are special requirements for the quality of replacing old electrical wiring in a nursery. If the child is small, sockets and switches should be installed at least 180 cm from the floor. It is also best to use special devices with a protective disk that will protect young children from electric shock.

It is recommended to use separate branches for lighting fixtures, sockets and switches. A separate line can be used to turn on household appliances, such as a heater, TV or computer.

living rooms

For the bedroom and living room, you should also use three branches of wiring: for sockets, lighting and household appliances. In the bedroom, an additional branch of the electrical wiring may have power adjacent to the children's room.

To replace the wiring in a three-room apartment, you will need to use about 15 branches. It is not recommended to use a separate branch to install the air conditioner. It must be plugged into an outlet near it. This is a safety requirement.

The benefits of replacing electrical wiring during a major home renovation

Capital repairs of the house or the apartment - troublesome and expensive business. Therefore, many owners refuse to replace electrical wiring in order to speed up repairs and save money. However, overhaul of housing is carried out quite rarely, therefore, during this time, the wiring most often becomes unusable and becomes unsafe.

  1. Electrical wiring can be replaced in accordance with modern safety requirements.
  2. You can install sockets, switches and lighting as convenient and functional as possible. The number of outlets and their location will eliminate the use of extension cords and tees.
  3. If there are problems with the wiring, you won’t have to spoil a fresh repair in order to subdue it. And the new wiring will last at least until the next overhaul.

Replacing the electrical wiring in the house is a difficult task even for an experienced person. Therefore, it is important to follow all stages of the work, draw up detailed drawing and consult an electrician. And if there is any doubt about own forces It is better to use the services of professionals.

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Most often, the replacement of electrical wiring is carried out when making major repairs in the apartment. Do-it-yourself installation to replace electrical wiring in an apartment usually precedes a number of reasons, but basically it is a mismatch between the wire cross-section and electrical conductivity. Often this problem occurs in Khrushchev. In the era of Soviet times, there were no such a huge number of electrical appliances in apartments, and therefore the installed cables performed their function to the fullest. However, modern progress does not stand still and today we cannot imagine even one day without a coffee maker, electric kettle, toaster, mixer, etc.

In Khrushchev's buildings, wiring consisting of aluminum wires is most often used, which weakly withstands the voltage of modern electrical equipment and thus can cause short circuits and overvoltages in the network. Under the warranty, the service life of the wires is indicated for twenty years, according to the service life of the Khrushchevs, they have long outlived this period and urgently require the replacement of electrical wiring with a modern and powerful one. An electrician in an apartment is considered a very dangerous process, but it is quite possible to carry out repair work on your own, subject to all the requirements for operation and safety in working with electricity.

Experts recommend replacing the electrical wiring throughout the apartment; it is undesirable to change the wires in partial sections. Partial replacement is considered a more time-consuming process and does not give such a complete result as completely replacing the wiring in Khrushchev, that is, with the installation of new sockets, switches, electrical panel, cables and wires. To start the process of replacing old wiring with a new one, you need to know exactly the scheme of the old wiring. With a detailed study of the circuit, a situation may well arise in which not a replacement, but a new wiring is required.

Replacing the electrical wiring in the apartment includes the following requirements:

The wiring must be carried out in special boxes, and the bare ends should be insulated with insulating materials.

Work stages

Replacing the wiring in the apartment is carried out in several stages:

  1. Drawing up a diagram;
  2. Development of a drawing of an apartment with drawing a route for laying wires;
  3. Marking the route of laying wires;
  4. Laying wires;
  5. Installation of electrical equipment (RCD, switches, sockets, lamps, ventilation equipment, electric stoves, etc.);
  6. System testing and connection.


The initial stage of circuit development is determined by the choice of wiring method.

There are two types:

  • open way;
  • hidden wiring;
  • combined wiring.

After determining the type of gasket, a drawing of the apartment is prepared with a mark on the locations of household appliances, sockets, lamps and switches. For living rooms, sockets are marked out with the calculation of 1 piece per six square meters, and in the kitchen the number increases by 3 times, since there is a refrigerator and many other necessary and powerful electrical equipment. For an electric stove, a socket with a cable cross section of 4 square meters should be installed. mm.

For a competent calculation of the number of sockets and switches, you need to accurately determine the total power of electrical appliances. In cases where there are devices with big power consumption of electricity, it is recommended to connect separate lines with circuit breakers. After placing the sockets and switches on the diagram, you need to determine the location of the junction boxes so that they are within easy reach for a person.

The next step is the distribution of electricity consumers into groups. Often the distribution occurs according to the following principle:

  • sockets;
  • lighting;
  • kitchen power supply;
  • a group of powerful electrical appliances - an electric stove, air conditioning;
  • a group of dangerous electrical appliances - a bathroom, a washing machine.

When selecting groups, they plan to install power cables. The diagram indicates the route of the wires, the type of section and the material.

After drawing the installation locations of sockets and switches on the drawing, it is necessary to check the literacy and reliability of the data.

When choosing a hidden wiring method, you need to prepare wall surfaces and draw a laying route with a marker or pencil.

The following tools are used for replacement work:

  • angle grinder;
  • impact machine (perforator);
  • sockets, screwdrivers, pliers, pliers;
  • soldering device;
  • fasteners (terminals, brackets, clamps);
  • mounting knife;
  • putty knife;
  • level.

Important: Cable wires are purchased after an accurate measurement of the route footage. Usually, 3-4 meters of allowance are added to the length of the wire.

List of required additional materials

If you decide to do the wiring in the apartment with your own hands, you should take care of purchasing the following materials:

  • to mount the lighting system, wires of the VVG brand with a permissible cross section of 1.5 are used square millimeter, and for sockets - a three-core cable with a cross section of 2.5 square millimeters;
  • residual current devices (RCD) and circuit breakers. RCD is used to protect the system from current leakage, and automata prevent short circuits;
  • distribution boxes;
  • choose depending on the number of machines, RCD. If you intend to mount a large number of elements, then you need to purchase a shield large sizes. According to the structure, metal and plastic structures are distinguished, experts advise installing metal ones, as they are more durable and are used for a long time;
  • connecting insulating elements (PPE) - electrical tape, dowel-nails, clips.

Switchboard installation

In order to correctly carry out the replacement of electrical wiring, you need to start the process with the installation of a new electrical panel. In new apartments modern type for shields there is a niche equipped power cable. In Khrushchev, a niche is not provided, so an electrical panel is installed hinged way V convenient location. In Soviet-era apartments, the wire is carried out by drilling a hole and pulling it into the premises.

The phase layout in the room electrical panel is as follows: in the upper part - zero terminals, in the middle - circuit breakers, in the lower part - ground. When connecting the access cable, we connect the cable as follows: wire of blue color to the zero terminal yellow color- to the ground, and white color- to the top contact of the circuit breaker.

Concealed wiring

Electrical wiring with a hidden type is laid in strobes. Gates are specially prepared channels in the cavity of the walls. The process is considered time-consuming and dusty; it requires a wall chaser or a puncher with diamond crown. Sometimes the wiring is carried out along the floor, but this requires the removal of the old floor covering.

Important: Ditch the walls in panel houses prohibited in accordance with legislation No. 508-PP of October 25, 2011.

The depth of the channels is determined by the layer of plaster, it must be taken into account that the layer of plaster should be approximately 10 millimeters. Holes for junction box and sockets are cut out with a special crown. In the event that it is possible to lay wires in the voids of the ceilings concrete slabs, you can do without shtrobleniye.

The laying of wires of a certain section is carried out according to a previously prepared scheme. For convenience, cable wires are cut into convenient segments and laid.

Important: Convenient length pieces are needed to ensure that a particular section can be easily replaced if damage is found.

In boxes distributing electricity, wires are connected using PPE. Then carry out the installation of sockets and switches.

The next step is to test the entire system. In the case of the full functioning of all branches, an electrician should be called to connect the system from the power board. After confirming the operability of the electrical wiring, the walls are covered with plaster and are engaged in exterior trim apartment interior.

Wiring in cable ducts

This method is considered less laborious than gating. If the wires are laid in channels, then it is imperative to purchase special skirting boards and boxes for connecting to consumer groups.

In accordance with the new project, skirting boards are attached to the floor in the right places and lead wires to sockets and switches. With this method of wiring, surface-mounted sockets are used.


The final stages of wiring in any way (hidden, open or combined) are testing the system using a multimeter with the function of ringing the mains.

After checking all the wiring and making sure that the connection is error-free, they check the sockets and switches. Correct scheme looks like this: zero, ground, phase. After commissioning, you can do the interior decoration.

An incorrectly designed circuit and wiring errors can lead to undesirable consequences. Therefore, in order to be sure of conducting the correct electrical wiring in the apartment with your own hands, you need to scrupulously study all the requirements and standards.