In a private house      03/03/2020

How to make a warm balcony in a panel house. How to insulate a loggia or balcony in a panel house: secrets and nuances. Balcony insulation technology

The layout of most apartments in panel houses includes loggias, which are most often used as a place for storing old things and drying clothes. However, having completed the insulation of the balcony in panel house With your own hands, from the outside and from the inside, you can significantly expand the possible scope of its use. Many, having insulated the loggia, expand the living space of the apartment, turning it into a separate room or increasing the area of ​​the adjacent room.

Where to start?

If the planned scope of work involves redevelopment in the apartment, then you need to start by contacting the relevant supervisory services to agree on the list of works and obtain permission. Having received the necessary documents, you can safely begin work.

If in the house Wall panels do not provide the required level of thermal insulation, then it may be worth insulating the balcony from the outside.

This is associated with such difficulties as working at height (in cases multi-storey building) and, as a consequence, the involvement of specialized organizations. You can also do internal insulation. This type of work can be performed without the involvement of third parties.

First you need to clean the entire balcony, repair all the cracks and existing damage. It is especially worth paying attention to those places where the reinforcement is exposed. This will avoid further destruction of structures, and will also allow for high-quality glazing of the balcony. Also, do not forget about treating insulated surfaces with antiseptic compounds. This will help prevent mold and mildew from appearing in the future.

Glazing of the loggia

The choice of glazing should be approached especially responsibly, since the quality of the glazing will directly affect the level of thermal insulation of the balcony. Today the most attractive in terms of price/quality ratio are metal-plastic windows from 5 – 6 chamber profile and double-chamber glazing. You can, of course, limit yourself to single-chamber glazing. In this case, it is necessary that the glass have an energy-saving coating.

Balcony glazing

It is also possible to install aluminum windows, the design of which provides for the presence of a thermal break. That is why this type of windows has a higher coefficient of resistance to heat transfer. Such windows will help keep the heat on the balcony in winter time of the year.

Another option is the possibility of installing wooden windows that combine the advantages of metal-plastic and aluminum windows. Such windows will also be the most environmentally friendly, as they are made of natural wood. However, it is worth considering that the cost of such windows is the highest. In any case, no matter what option is chosen, the main thing is high-quality glazing.

Which material to choose?

After glazing, you can proceed directly to the insulation of the ceiling, walls and floor of the balcony. First you need to decide on the materials that will be used as a heater. It should be noted that the laying technology of various materials is identical due to the proximity of their geometric shapes and structure (sheets, plates). The main attention should be paid to the thermal conductivity of the selected materials. It will directly affect their cost.

The most popular heaters for thermal insulation of a balcony are:

The most preferred material, taking into account the existing set of properties, is penoplex. This material is produced according to the principle new technology, which gives him:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • long service life;
  • ease of installation;
  • increased cost.

In cases of limited budget, you can choose another insulating material, for example, foam plastic, with minimal losses. The greatest cost savings come from the following balcony insulation scheme:

  • for floor insulation, choose mineral wool or a similar material;
  • for the ceiling - penofol or similar material;
  • We will insulate the walls with foam plastic sheets having a thickness of at least 75 mm.

It is worth noting that the choice of insulation material is also greatly influenced by the material that will subsequently be used to finish the ceiling, walls and floor.

Ceiling insulation

Ceiling insulation

At first glance, it may seem that insulating the ceiling is a more complex process compared to insulating walls or floors. However, this is not quite true. The sequence of work in this case is as follows:

  • a foil rolled insulation, for example, penofol, is glued to the ceiling cleaned and treated with an antiseptic;
  • a sheathing for the future ceiling is attached on top of the insulation, which can be made of either wooden slats or a ceiling metal profile;
  • an electrical cable is being laid for future lamps;
  • finishing material is attached.

Installation of insulation is possible different ways. This can be gluing using:

  • regular PVA glue. However, here we must remember that in order to avoid the formation of bubbles, the insulation must be rolled with a roller;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • tile adhesive.

You can also avoid using glue altogether and fix the insulation using self-tapping screws.

In this case, self-tapping screws with wide heads are used. The choice of option for attaching insulation to the ceiling depends on the specific situation. It is worth noting that the price of insulating a loggia in a panel house will largely depend on the type of materials used.

Insulation of walls and floors

Thermal insulation of walls is the most large-scale type of work. It must begin with the installation of the sheathing. The lathing is mounted from wooden beam, the thickness of which is selected based on the thickness of the insulation. Most often, timber 40x40 or 50x50 mm is used for this purpose. If the insulation material turns out to be thicker, then additional supports are placed under the sheathing.

Floor insulation

Work should start with installation vertical racks at the corners of the balcony. The remaining racks are attached in increments of about a meter. After leveling the racks, they are fastened to the walls using dowels, followed by transverse installation. The transverse step is approximately half a meter.

After the sheathing is ready, foam boards are laid. The sheets are fastened using special plastic dowels, which are shaped like a mushroom. The approximate consumption of dowels will be from 5 to 7 pieces per sheet. If as finishing cladding If plaster is used, the foam sheets must additionally be glued. Can be used as an adhesive material various adhesives, tile adhesive or polyurethane foam. If, after installing the heat-insulating material, there are gaps between the beams and the foam sheets, then they should be “blown out” polyurethane foam. To avoid the formation of condensation and waterlogging of the insulation, a vapor barrier film is attached to the sheathing beams on top of the insulation.

Insulation of the floor begins with laying waterproofing. Since the balcony is glazed, a polyethylene film will perfectly cope with this function, which will reliably protect against accidental leaks. Logs made of wooden beams are laid on top of the film. They must be aligned horizontally. We lay insulation (mineral wool) between the joists. Laying must be done tightly so that no gaps form between the joists and the insulation. We lay a vapor barrier film on top of the insulation, and then a subfloor. As a subfloor, you can use plywood with a thickness of 10 mm or more or OSB boards. The subfloor is secured using self-tapping screws.

Balcony cladding

Once the insulation of the balcony is completed, you can move on to covering it. For this you can use a wide variety of materials. One of the options is lining or eurolining. The lining is made from natural material, therefore not capable of harming human health. At the same time, it is characterized by increased cost. It can be attached to the sheathing using a construction stapler or nails.

Lining the loggia with clapboard

Another finishing option is to use plastic panels. Especially if they have a pattern or texture that imitates natural wood. This type of finishing is affordable. One of the simplest ways to fix a panel is to use “liquid nails”. You can also consider the possibility of finishing the balcony with pressed cardboard panels covered with a special film. However, the use of this material requires exclusion of any contact with water.

Finishing is the final stage of work on the insulation of the balcony, after which it always becomes beautiful and warm.

Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

Panel houses They have thin walls and poor thermal insulation, which is why it is so important to keep the rooms warm. Frequent replacement of batteries is not always able to change the situation, so in winter the house may be cool. To make your apartment comfortable, it is important to know how to insulate not only the walls, but also the balcony from the inside with your own hands in a panel house. A large amount of warmed air leaves the rooms through the loggia or balcony, especially if the space remains open for a long time.

Choice of insulation

Many people believe that glazing the loggia space is not necessary. However, it is important to understand that the balcony is often blown from both sides, and in winter it is very cool from the inside and outside. Why is it necessary to carry out insulation:

  • In most cases, balconies protrude beyond the frame of a residential building, so air flows from all open sides, which cools the walls.
  • With the help of insulation, you can avoid drafts and discomfort, and also create a pleasant microclimate in the apartment.
  • Thermal insulation will help raise the temperature in the room, this is especially true for the bedroom or nursery.
  • Heat will be retained inside your apartment for a long time, since it will stop supplying cold air.
  • You won’t have to use the heater often, which will save money on electricity.
  • Concrete is a poor thermal insulator, so it allows cool air to pass through well. In addition, this way the structures cool down quite quickly.
  • After installing insulation materials, the balcony will become a real living room.

To understand how to insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands in a panel house, you need to understand the features and types of materials. The most popular insulation materials are: mineral wool and polystyrene foam for walls, as well as expanded clay for flooring. It is worth noting that heating of balcony slabs should be carried out only after glazing. How to choose material and means for heat insulation:

  • We choose. To isolate cold air, several types of window structures are used:
  1. Wood frames. They solve insulation problems poorly and require additional specific care due to the characteristics of the material.
  2. Aluminum windows. Designed for cold glazing, as they do not hold well warm air. Such frames can only save you from strong winds and heavy rainfall. However, their light weight and affordable prices very attractive to consumers.
  3. Made of metal-plastic. Such windows are considered the most expensive option; they are resistant to sudden temperature changes and have heat and sound insulating properties. As a rule, these are windows with a 5 or 6-chamber profile and two-chamber glazing. The metal-plastic profile is durable, but has a lot of weight, which can become an obstacle to installation on a balcony slab. How to insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands in a panel house is shown in the video below.

The quality and result of glazing work will greatly influence the overall insulation of a balcony or loggia. Of course, it would be more environmentally friendly to install wooden windows, but metal-plastic frames have the highest coefficient of heat transfer resistance. They are reliable and protect the room well from cold air in the winter. They have the shortest service life aluminum windows, therefore they are not recommended for use in residential areas.

  • Choosing insulation for balcony slabs. Once you have finished with the glazing, you can proceed to the main stage of the work process, namely insulating the balcony slabs from the inside. First, let's figure out what properties the material should have:
  1. Environmentally friendly and safe for health (insulation should not emit toxic substances).
  2. Good thermal conductivity.
  3. Waterproof.
  4. Long service life due to its durability.
  5. Fire resistance (the material should not emit acrid smoke when burning).
  6. Vapor-repellent properties.

All materials can be used for floors, ceilings and walls, but during installation it is worth considering their features and specifications. The most popular of them are:

How to insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands in a panel house? It is often cool in apartments located in panel houses due to quite thin walls and poor thermal insulation. If there is a loggia good decision This problem can be solved by insulating the balcony; in addition, this allows you to expand the usable area. Currently on sale a large number of materials with which you can perform this operation yourself.

Why is it cold in a panel house?

Its cellular structure retains heat well and does not allow sound to pass through, since the partitions between the cells dampen heat transfer and sound vibrations.

Available in a variety of options, varying in thickness - from 20 to 200 mm and density - from 15 to 50 kg/cub.m. The density of the foam should be selected based on need. If it is covered on top with additional plywood or other strong material, then you can take a lower density, since the higher the density of the foam, the worse it retains heat.

High-density polystyrene is stronger and easier to install and secure. It will help smooth out the unevenness of the walls, and not just insulate them. But the best option for leveling is extruded polystyrene foam.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded or extruded polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam, although they consist of the same substance, differ in the technology for creating granules. At elevated temperatures, the granules are mixed and squeezed out of the extruder, due to this a uniform, closed-porous structure is formed, which has a high density.

This material can even be used when covering the floor, as it does not deform under strong pressure, levels and supports the surface.

In terms of thermal insulation and lightness, extruded polystyrene foam is better than conventional foam. Also one of its advantages is low flammability.

The sheets have a thickness of 20 mm and usually have a special groove for joining, which makes it possible to achieve a uniform coating without cracks and facilitates installation. Additionally, they need to be secured with polyurethane foam or “ liquid nails" Easily cut with a regular construction knife.

The only drawback of this material is its high price, but usually the floor area of ​​the loggia is quite small, so in this case it is better to spend money.

Polyethylene foam

Foamed polyethylene is an elastic elastic fabric, available in rolls, sheets and strands. Thickness from 2 to 20 mm. Thin polyethylene foam is usually used as a substrate for a laminate, and the densest one as a heater, alone or in combination with other materials.

The most effective polyethylene foam is covered with foil, which allows you to throw heat in the right direction - towards the room. It is important to follow the rules for laying the heat reflector - with the foil side facing the room.

Sheets of polyethylene foam are mainly used for the production of various thicknesses of rugs, for example, for tourism or children's games, it is not very convenient for floor and wall insulation.

Preparing the premises for insulation work

Before choosing a heater, you need to decide on the technology of thermal insulation, but first of all, you need to prepare the balcony for repairs, since the preparation is the same in any case, no matter which method you choose.

Do not ignore the preliminary procedures and do not save on them so that the insulation is of high quality and does not have to be redone in a few years. Proper preparation is necessary to prevent moisture from getting under the insulation, which will cause it to begin to deteriorate, lose the qualities for which you chose it, and become ineffective.

The algorithm for preparing surfaces for insulation is as follows:

  • First, thoroughly clean the walls, ceiling and floor of old paint, various concrete irregularities, bumps, etc. Crushed, breaking concrete must be eliminated to a smooth surface.
  • Then the floor is carefully cleaned until it is absolutely clean. Large debris can be collected by hand, but dust must be sucked up with a vacuum cleaner to detect various cracks in walls and slabs.

Now you can start sealing holes, crevices and holes

  • Cracks visible to the eye are expanded, cleaned, if necessary, moistened with water and filled cement mortar or sealant
  • The gaps between the plates also need to be enlarged, moistened with water and filled with foam.
  • In addition to the damage listed above, cracks, dents, and small potholes may form in the concrete. They will not interfere with fixing the base evenly, but when the temperature changes, condensation may accumulate in them. Therefore, they need to be leveled; this can be done using cement mortar with the addition of PVA glue.

After all the covered defects have dried, you need to cut off the excess foam and remove the remaining sealant. Afterwards, it is necessary to prime all surfaces to protect against mold and strengthen the surface.

Surface waterproofing

At the next stage, you need to protect the floor and lower part of the walls from water. The walls must be waterproofed to the height of the final floor installation.

There are several main methods of waterproofing:

  • Floor covering roll materials, impermeable to moisture, for example roofing felt, which is glued “hot” onto bituminous mastic. Currently, there are roofing felt with a prepared glued mastic layer, which is heated with a burner.
  • Penetrating waterproofing is a special composition for impregnating concrete. If you are going to lay tiles on the floor, then this method is not suitable. The effect of such protection against moisture is based on the fact that it penetrates the cellular structure of concrete and forms crystals that fill the pores of the material from the inside. The crystals become part of the concrete, compacting its structure and preventing water penetration. Since the composition is very toxic, it must be applied with extreme caution, protecting open areas skin, otherwise you may get burned.
  • For tiles, it is recommended to use liquid rubber - a two-component mastic that is cold applied and quickly hardens. It is applied with a roller or wide brush. When hardening, liquid rubber forms a kind of thin moisture-proof film on the floor and walls.
  • Waterproof plaster mixture, which is applied with a wide brush, or, if necessary, with a spatula of a suitable size.
  • Inexpensive way- thickly grated Oil paint, which is easy to apply and hides minor flaws, but is quickly absorbed by concrete, which increases its consumption
  • A time-tested method is to cover the floor with thick plastic film, making sure that it completely covers the height of the future floor and lies correctly in the corners. The film should form something like a bowl that will protect the insulation. Secure it with construction tape or liquid nails.

You can choose any method based on your preferences and budget. All of them perform their main function - they do not allow water to enter the room, which means they reduce the likelihood of black mold, which is very difficult to fight.


Currently the most common are window designs three models:

  • metal-plastic - the most common, characterized by a long service life and high tightness, and are relatively inexpensive. Disadvantages include non-environmental friendliness compared to wooden structures.
  • wooden - modern, sealed, well protected from the cold and can be made in any configuration, but quite expensive
  • , if you are going to use the balcony as a living area, since they are not airtight and do not protect well from the cold

Ceiling insulation

Foil backing for sheathing

It is mounted on construction tape with two adhesive sides or on universal Moment adhesive, which is evenly distributed over the ceiling in small dots and the insulation is pressed against it. It is best to use sheets for this purpose that need to be bent onto the walls by approximately 150-200 mm for additional waterproofing of the joints. Check that the insulation is securely fastened, as the sheathing will be installed on it.

The sheathing can be made either from a galvanized metal profile for drywall, or from a wooden beam - both are suitable for laying mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

The distance between the fastenings of the sheathing elements depends on the width of the insulation; it is desirable that it be close together, without gaps. Since mineral wool is elastic, this interval can be reduced by 30-50 mm for a good tight installation.

Laying insulation in sheathing cells

At the next stage we lay the insulation. The mineral wool will become tight between the beams, especially if you followed the advice and shortened the interval, but polystyrene foam is a hard material, so small gaps may remain. To prevent the penetration of cold, they need to be filled with polyurethane foam, the protruding parts of which will need to be cut off after drying.

Installation of slabs directly on the ceiling

Installation is carried out using special plastic mushrooms. For them, holes are drilled in the concrete directly through the insulation, into which the fungus is inserted, and then a plastic nail is carefully driven in.

Balcony floor insulation

To insulate the floor, you can also choose from various options: dry screed, lifting with a log, or simply covering the concrete floor with extruded polystyrene foam. The latter action is ineffective in maintaining the temperature on the balcony, as in the rooms, it will simply make the floor not too cold.

Expert opinion

Konstantin Alexandrovich

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The most highly effective and most commonly used method is lag insulation.

The logs can be placed directly on the concrete floor or adjusted in height using various devices - metal holders, studs, adjustable or homemade coasters.

Metal holders lift the guides and this good way fastening joists, if their height is sufficient for installing insulation. For a standard loggia (size 3*1.2 m), three rows of logs will be enough.

The holders are attached to concrete and insulation is put on each. Mineral wool is most often used in combination with such fastenings. A square is cut from it, in which two holes are made, through which the insulation is put on the rack.

Having secured the logs in the holders and checked the horizontality, we lay the main insulation over the entire floor area. To achieve a better effect, place another layer of mineral wool, almost to the level of the joists.

Using staples, secure the vapor barrier film on top of the insulation to the joists.

The logs are covered with 10 mm thick plywood on top, and all cracks and crevices are filled with polyurethane foam. After drying, the excess foam is cut off and laid on top of the plywood. decorative coating.

  • If you do not plan to use the balcony as a living space, but simply want to raise the temperature there so as not to let cold air into the apartment, then raising the floor to the threshold level is not required. It will be enough to lay the insulation to the height of the logs, fixed to thin polyethylene foam laid on concrete.

Under these conditions, the joists are drilled through and secured using anchors. The space along the walls and between the joists is filled with insulation and covered with a vapor barrier and plywood.

Insulation of loggia walls

Insulation of walls is done in the same way as on the floor or ceiling of the loggia. Here, too, you can choose a method to your liking - use wooden or metal sheathing or rigid insulation that is attached to the walls special glue or polyurethane foam.

  • Installation of penoplex will be easy if you prepare the panels of the required size in advance. All vertical surfaces are faced equally - on reverse side Apply glue to the insulation and press it firmly to the wall. For additional fastening, you can fix the panels using plastic mushrooms.

But still a more popular option that is suitable for anyone thermal insulation material- This is a method using lathing walls with wooden beams or metal profiles.

Before installing the sheathing, to increase efficiency, it is recommended to make a polyethylene foam backing with a foil surface.

  • Such a substrate will create the effect of a "thermos" and will reliably retain heat on the loggia. Next, the sheathing is fixed on top. The guides should be placed at a distance equal to the width or length of the insulation mats.

Installation of sheathing

The selected heat insulator is laid - foam plastic or mineral wool, it is covered from above with a vapor barrier film fixed with staples on the bars or, when using metal guides, with liquid nails along the upper and lower edges.

Foam insulation

And finally, the final stage - sheathing decorative material, for example, clapboard, or plasterboard for painting or plaster.

Insulation with polyurethane foam

Most modern way insulation is sprayed polyurethane foam. In most cases, it is practiced for insulation from the inside of roofs and outside walls in private houses and cottages, but since this method is fast and easy to install, it is increasingly used on balconies and loggias in city apartments.

The only thing is that this method cannot be carried out independently; spraying is carried out only by professional specialized companies using special equipment.

Before entrusting your loggia to professionals, it is necessary to make additional preparations in the room, that is, to make a crate, as described in the article above. The crate will serve as a frame for a heat insulator and fastening over a decorative finish.

The great advantage of this method is that when sprayed, polyurethane foam expands and fills the entire space without leaving gaps. It can be used not only on walls, but also on the floor and ceiling. The surface becomes completely windproof, that is, it retains heat perfectly. Plus, you are spared the need to carry out additional inspection and fill cracks and cracks with polyurethane foam; you can immediately begin finishing.

Loggia design solutions

Let's see how we can use the additional space resulting from insulating the loggia. In practice, you have one more room at your complete disposal, and only you can decide what it will be like.

For our part, we can offer several ideas on how to use the new opportunities.

The warmest transformation - the loggia turns into a cozy little corner for relaxation. Here you can enjoy the silence with a good book or crafts. If necessary, there is enough space to install a TV or a small table for a laptop.

If a large family lives in an apartment, it is sometimes difficult to find a comfortable, quiet place for your favorite activity. Despite the small space, your new insulated loggia will allow you to place even two separate corners for activities dear to your heart. For example, a cozy deep chair can be placed in one corner, and in the second - small table for laptop.

Very stylish modern version, suitable if the exit to the balcony is from the kitchen. You can even transform the loggia into a kind of dining room.

Ideal for parties, especially in the case of high floors and an attractive view from the window, a window sill can easily replace a bar counter.

Using small details, such as lit candles, you can create the atmosphere for a romantic dinner. Fresh fragrant air and watching the sunset on warm summer days, and in winter - cozy blankets, candles and mulled wine.

If you install glass sliding doors instead of standard ones, you can delimit the space if necessary.

Bold design solution proposes to expand the living room space onto the loggia. The wall that previously separated the rooms has been turned into a comfortable table.

In this case, the area of ​​the former loggia can be used as a study or hobby room.

By combining two spaces, the living room provides access to large window, which increases illumination, you will feel this well in winter, when there is always not enough light.

It is not difficult to come up with the use of additional warm space, everything is limited only by your flight of imagination. Winter Garden, workshop, office, even a sports corner - everything is doable.

Therefore, if your apartment has a loggia, and you still haven’t thought about insulating it, get down to business urgently.

Let's sum it up

Properly insulating a loggia on your own is not so difficult; anyone can do it. Although this process includes a sufficient number of serious steps, by following the tips and rules described above, you can easily cope with insulating your balcony.

Video of complex insulation of the balcony

Independent connection and insulation of the loggia is a whole story with additional construction, complex technologies and a sea of ​​paperwork. And with an unpredictable result: it happens that after all the work, the insulated wall sticks out from under the glazing, the window handles are too high, and condensation drips from the ceiling. We will tell you how to make a loggia a full-fledged part of the apartment and not regret it!

Mistake 1: reconstruction and redevelopment without permission

Even if you do not want to demolish the wall between the apartment and the loggia, but only want to insulate the space outside the window, it is better to notify the BTI representative of your intentions - so that later you do not have problems, for example, with selling the apartment if there are inconsistencies in the technical passport of the housing.

InMyRoom tip: glaze the balcony using sliding double-glazed windows aluminum profile– and thus equip a summer unheated loggia. This measure will still add space (for example, for storage), and there will be significantly fewer drafts from the balcony. No permit is required for such glazing.

Error 2: moving the radiator to the loggia

If you have received permission to rebuild, then you are unlikely to plan to pull off such a trick. But in any case, know that it is not necessary to remove the pipes for the radiator and the battery itself. outer wall buildings are not permitted. The heat loss on the loggia is too great; if the pipes are not insulated correctly, they can freeze, and accidents are possible; For the heat supply of recently uninhabited meters, one would have to pay an additional significant amount after individual recalculation. One way or another, the batteries are not transferred to the loggia - remember this at the design stage of the insulated balcony.

InMyRoom tip: An electric floor heating system will help you or oil radiator– it can be attached to the wall in the same way as a regular battery.

Mistake 3: installing frameless glazing

Frameless doors look great - when closed they are smooth surface, sometimes not disturbed even by edges. In addition, the doors are conveniently assembled “into an accordion” without taking up the space of the loggia. However, this solution is not suitable for an insulated balcony: single glazing and gaps between the panels cannot protect against the cold. In addition, dirt and dust quickly accumulate on them, fingerprints remain and the mosquito net does not attach.

InMyRoom tip: take a closer look at the latest developments– for example, to thermally insulated tilt-and-slide windows. But best choice for glazing a warm balcony remain PVC double glazed windows with good old swing doors. In fact, they do not take up much space - they can only be opened for ventilation, and opened twice a year to wash the glass outside.

Error 4: remote glazing on brackets

In an effort to increase the area, or more precisely, the volume of the attached loggia, apartment owners build a frame for glazing with a projection of several tens of centimeters. A wide canopy appears along the upper perimeter, on which snow constantly accumulates, and in the off-season rain loudly beats on it. The most important thing is that a glass growth appears on the facade, which spoils the appearance of the building.

InMyRoom tip: an alternative is possible only within the framework of façade uniformity. If your house is completely open balconies(or they should, in fact, be so) – it’s worth parting with the idea of ​​joining or even just glazing. And improve the loggia with green plants.

Mistake 5: insulation in one layer

To create an insulated loggia, the parapet and walls are duplicated with foam block masonry 70-100 millimeters thick - this material has excellent thermal insulation properties and frost resistance, so some people think that it is not necessary to additionally insulate the walls and parapet lined with foam blocks from the inside. In fact, masonry of this thickness can freeze.

InMyRoom tip: add either an extruded polystyrene foam panel or rock wool slabs to the insulation pie.

Mistake 6: neglecting vapor barrier

It is especially dangerous if you use mineral wool as a heater - without a vapor barrier material, it will dampen and ruin the walls and floor on the balcony, and neighbors may find condensation on the ceiling of their loggia. Inside an outdoor building without vapor barrier, of course, condensate appears instantly.

InMyRoom tip: even if you use only foam or other foam materials for insulation, nothing will stop you from adding a thin layer of vapor barrier film to them. For mineral wool, such an additive is an absolute must-have!

Mistake 7: Overusing sealant without protection

Seams with bubbling foam are a perfectionist's nightmare. Aesthetically unattractive, they also threaten to ruin the climate in the apartment: the fact is that foam polyurethane sealants can't stand straight lines Sun rays and exposure to moisture. And without proper protection, it quickly collapses, opening previously sealed gaps and crevices for drafts and street noise.

InMyRoom tip: carefully treat the “foamed” seams - cut off excess sealant, sand the material with a fine sandpaper and cover with putty or acrylate paint (it is better to use both options). If there is no putty or paint at hand, take a special mounting tape - but keep in mind that paint will not adhere well to such seams.

Mistake 8: Improper floor design

Do not try to make the floor perfectly even with a thick sand concrete screed, which will subsequently be covered with a solid layer of tile adhesive, and then ceramic cladding. It is dangerous to overload the ceiling. It is better to insulate the floor using ultra-light materials (we will immediately agree that in this example we are not talking about a floor heating system).

InMyRoom tip: There are many recipes for insulating a loggia floor, but they all essentially boil down to using soft insulation right on top concrete slabs(you can take penoplex or mineral wool). Then it is recommended to put a second layer of insulation - and be sure to apply waterproofing (lay hydroglass insulation with an overlap of more than 15 centimeters). You can make a thin screed on top - and many craftsmen simply lay plywood if there is no significant slope on the balcony: the plywood is thin, light, smooth, and on top of it, in a warm and moisture-protected loggia, you can lay both carpet and laminate. Error 10: inattention to trifles

This error occurs normally in absolutely everyone. But the most common punctures can be eliminated in the bud:

  • when glazing, plan and discuss the height of the handles, as well as the material, thickness and method of installation of the window sill board (if you decide to add a window sill to the frames);
  • figure out whether a mosquito net is needed and how it will be attached;
  • the gaps between the parapet and the floor slab that do not reach the ceiling or the glazing plane of the wall will need to be filled and completed. Determine what materials and tools will be needed - and carry out the work before insulation begins.

InMyRoom tip: If the insulation pie on the walls turns out to be quite thick, take care of additional profile extenders so that the wall does not protrude far from under the glazing.

Residents panel houses in the winter season they may face the problem of cold in apartments. Despite the hot radiators, the room is not warm and comfortable enough. This is especially true for rooms with loggias. This is due to the fact that a fairly large amount of heat can escape through the loggia.

Thermal insulation of a ventilated room will help solve the problem. It will not be difficult to insulate a loggia in a panel house if you have minimal building skills.

What can be done?

There are several ways to eliminate heat loss through a loggia. First of all, it is necessary to make glazing. After this, experts recommend performing thermal insulation, because reinforced concrete slabs, from which panel buildings are built, have high thermal conductivity, which leads to inevitable heat loss.

To give the loggia an aesthetic appearance after insulation, interior finishing will be required. In principle, these steps will be enough to achieve the goal, but some owners additionally spend on the loggia and heating.


Currently, three types of window designs are most common:

  • metal-plastic;
  • wooden;
  • aluminum.

The metal-plastic profile compares favorably with the price of the other two, has a long service life and high tightness. A significant disadvantage of such a frame is its low environmental friendliness compared to wooden structures.

Modern wooden frames can be made in any variety and successfully protect against external factors, incl. and from the cold. However, high-quality products have a fairly high price.

Thermal insulation

The most important stage of insulating a loggia is the installation of heat-insulating material. The process itself is divided into several stages. But before you start work, you need to select the insulation itself.

Selection of thermal insulation material

Market building materials today provides a huge selection of insulation materials, in particular:

  • penofol;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • Styrofoam;
  • penoplex;
  • extruded polystyrene foam.

When choosing insulation, you should take into account several features of the loggia. Firstly, there is no need to resist moisture, because... loggia is enough dry room. Secondly, the work will be carried out from the inside, therefore the thickness of the material should not be very large so as not to take precious centimeters of internal space.

In this regard, most often thermal insulation is performed using foam or foam.


To create a frame, use well-dried wooden blocks 40 cm thick (50 cm in cold regions). The frame elements are fixed to the ceiling, walls, under the window at intervals of 50 cm. The bars are secured with ordinary screws and plastic dowels.

A block adjusted to size is applied to the installation site, after which holes for screws are made in it every 40 cm. Next, dowels are inserted into the holes, after which the block is secured with screws.

Please note that the frame elements are installed not only in planes, but also in all corners in which any load is subsequently expected. For example, under a window it is necessary not only to install bars vertically, but also one horizontally.

Installation of insulation

Since the distance between the sheathing bars is 50 cm, a sheet of foam plastic measuring 50x100 cm is laid without adjustment.

If the slab measures 100x100 cm, use a sharp knife to cut it in half.

The material is fixed using assembly adhesive, which can be conveniently applied with a special notched trowel.

Small cracks are sealed using polyurethane foam, the excess of which is removed after hardening. Large grooves are filled with foam scraps.

Interior decoration

To cover the loggia from the inside, you can use wall MDF panels. The products are attached to a previously made crate. Foam plastic provides stability and rigidity to the structure, preventing damage to the panels. The panels are secured with self-tapping screws.

For the ceiling it is better to use lightweight polyvinyl chloride panels, which can also be secured with self-tapping screws or construction stapler. A starting profile or ceiling foam plinth is installed in the corners.

Placed on the floor plywood sheets and secured with self-tapping screws. Plywood covering It’s better to treat it with drying oil twice. You can also lay linoleum or laminate. Lastly, fix the baseboard.

How to properly insulate a loggia in a panel house

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Insulating the loggia allows you to significantly expand the scope of its application. You can make a separate room from a place for storing old things and drying clothes or expand the area of ​​the adjacent room. Insulation of the loggia can be done different materials, let's look at the most common ones.

Insulation with penofol

This modern material Perfect for thermal insulation of a loggia in a panel house. Penofol has a very important advantage compared to other thermal insulation materials - small thickness. The insulation does not reduce the area of ​​the loggia and allows you to save maximum usable space.

Reflective foil - main element penofol, it prevents heat loss from the room and also reflects it back, creating the effect of a thermos.

This heat insulator has many advantages:

  • easy installation;
  • low thermal conductivity in the range of 0.037-0.042 W/mK;
  • reflections from 90% of heat;
  • high elasticity;
  • excellent noise insulation characteristics;
  • moisture resistance;
  • durability.

The disadvantage of the material is the increased cost.

Insulation using penofol is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. It doesn't matter which thermal insulation material are used, first of all, you need to install double-glazed windows, without which insulation will be useless.
  2. Before carrying out thermal insulation, it is necessary to clean the insulated surfaces - walls, ceiling and floor. All holes and cracks are sealed with polyurethane foam or cement mortar.
  3. You can attach penofol to the wall and ceiling using self-tapping screws, liquid nails and others. suitable means. Most best option fastening penofol with a construction stapler to the sheathing. Staples leave the least amount of damage on the surface of the insulation. When installing penofol, the foil side should be directed into the room, because the main feature of this insulation is heat reflection.
  4. Penofol, unlike membrane films for hydro- and vapor barriers, is not installed with an overlap. The material is joined, the gap is filled with polyurethane foam and sealed with metallized tape.
  5. Thermal insulation of the ceiling is done in the same way; penofol must be fixed with a bend to the walls in order to close the cracks as much as possible and avoid cold bridges.
  6. Guides made of wood or metal are placed on the penofol for attaching the finishing cladding: PVC panels, MDF, Kronospan or plasterboard, which will need to be plastered or wallpapered.
  7. It is advisable to insulate the floor in combination with other thermal insulation materials - mineral wool or polystyrene foam, which are covered with penofol and covered with boards, plywood or chipboard.
  8. Loggia heating is often done using underfloor heating systems. Electrical mats are laid on penofol.

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Insulation of the loggia with polystyrene foam

Polystyrene foam is affordable and versatile; it can be safely chosen for insulating a loggia in a panel house.

  • polystyrene foam is durable and moisture resistant;
  • resistant to aggressive and chemical environments;
  • easy to process, saw, cut, grind;
  • ease of fastening and installation;
  • light weight;
  • polystyrene foam does not lose its insulating properties at critical temperatures and when wet;
  • the possibility of finishing foam plastic with plaster compositions or facing materials.

Polystyrene foam has few disadvantages; for example, it has low sound insulation properties. Also, when ignited, foam releases toxic fumes.

Installation of polystyrene foam can be done in two ways. You can quickly and easily insulate a loggia. wet method installation of foam plastic, for this you need:

  • Clean the walls and ceiling;
  • Prepare glue.
  • Measure areas and cut slabs of material;
  • Apply glue around the perimeter of the slab and pointwise in the middle.

Attach the foam to the wall, check the evenness of the installation building level. The plates are mounted on the wall in the form brickwork, with mixing, as close to each other as possible.

Additionally, secure the foam sheet to special dowels “fungi” or “umbrellas”. If joints have formed in some places, they are filled with foam.

Foam plastic can be plastered by first filling all the cracks and securing the construction mesh. After hardening, the surface is completely leveled with a second layer of plaster. The surface is painted decorative plaster or pasted over with wallpaper.

Installation of foam plastic on the frame The second option for attaching foam plastic is carried out on a pre-installed installed frame from wooden beams or metal profiles. This method is similar to the insulation technology using mineral wool slabs and will be discussed in detail further.

Polystyrene foam is an excellent thermal insulation material that can be used either separately or in combination with other insulation materials. For example, you can effectively and inexpensively insulate a loggia in a panel house using the following scheme:

  • the floor is insulated with mineral wool;
  • polok - penofol;
  • walls - foam plastic with a thickness of at least 75 mm.

Also, sheets of foam plastic can be additionally covered with penofol, enhancing the thermal insulation effect, although the cost of such insulation will increase.

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Mineral wool for insulating a loggia

Here is a list of the undeniable advantages of mineral wool, not counting the low cost:

  • significant thermal conductivity indicator - 0.035-0.046 W/mK;
  • combustion resistance;
  • good sound-absorbing properties;
  • the ability to pass vapors, the so-called “breathable” material;
  • no corrosion processes, resistance to mold and mildew.

The disadvantage of mineral wool is the loss of performance characteristics when the material gets wet or wrinkles. The right technology Installing mineral wool will avoid these problems.

Installation of mineral wool includes the following steps:

  1. Markings are applied to the walls taking into account the size of the mineral wool slabs and the size of the profiles. If wooden blocks are used for the frame, they must be impregnated with an antiseptic.
  2. On small surfaces, vertical slats are sufficient; on large areas, horizontal profiles are installed. The pitch of the profiles should correspond to the size of the mineral wool slabs - it should fit into the frame quite tightly, but not too tightly.
  3. Insulation is placed in the frame; it can be additionally glued with special glue.
  4. The insulation is covered with a vapor barrier on top, the sheets of material are laid overlapping and taped.
  5. For finishing can be used various materials– panels, lining, drywall, etc.

Video: insulating a loggia using polystyrene foam

The main rules for insulating a loggia

Absolute majority modern apartments panel houses have a layout that includes a loggia. Unfortunately, many people use this place only for drying clothes and storing old unnecessary things. But it is precisely thanks to the loggia that you can significantly expand the space of your home on your own, creating extra room or by expanding the adjacent one.

In order to all year round it was comfortable and cozy to be in the loggia, it needs to be insulated. Not everyone knows how to do this on their own and what stages the work should be divided into. Let's look at the issue in detail. proper insulation do-it-yourself loggias in a panel house.

Where to begin? Stages of work

The entire process of do-it-yourself insulation should be divided into several main stages. Such as:

  • preparatory work;
  • balcony glazing;
  • choice suitable material for insulation;
  • headliner;
  • covering floors and walls.

It should be noted that before starting work on insulation or redevelopment of your own loggia, it is imperative to agree on all the necessary documentation with the relevant service.

Preparatory work

Preparatory work represent, so to speak, cleaning and cleaning the loggia. That is, it is necessary:

  • remove everything in the loggia old finishing, and also dismantle all old window frames. Also, if there is any wood covering on the floor, it must also be removed;
  • clean the walls, ceiling, and floor from dust. If possible, you can use construction vacuum cleaner;
  • restore all cracks, chips, and places of destruction formed during operation, using cement mortar.

It should be noted that before carrying out any work on insulating a balcony with your own hands, you must get rid of all structural defects, especially those in which reinforcing bars are visible.

If this is not done, then in the future corrosion will develop under the layer of newly installed insulation, which will lead to the destruction of the base of your loggia.

The final stage of preparation is the treatment of all surfaces of the loggia, which will subsequently be insulated, with a specialized antiseptic substance.

It is this that will prevent the formation and development of fungus and mold under the insulation layer.

Installation of loggia windows

The selection of balcony glazing should be approached with all responsibility, because the degree of thermal insulation of your loggia will depend on the selected windows. Currently, the most optimal, attractive and economical option glazing are windows with two-chamber glazing, made of metal-plastic and having a five-six-chamber profile.

Yes, of course, single-chamber glazing can be used. But then it is important that each of the glasses has a specialized energy-saving coating.

The second glazing option is the installation of aluminum windows. The main feature is the presence of a thermal break, which allows you to retain and retain heat in the loggia during the cold season.

The third most environmentally friendly, but also the most expensive option is to install wooden window frames.

Their main feature is that this type of window perfectly combines the characteristics of the two types listed above.

How to choose the right material for insulation?

The next, and also one of the most important stages is to select a material suitable for insulating a loggia with your own hands. It should be said right away that on the modern market there is simply a colossal variety of materials intended for insulation. The laying technology of each variety is similar due to the similarity of the structure of the material and its shape.

On the modern market, the most common materials for insulation are:

  • Styrofoam;
  • mineral wool;
  • penoplex.

When choosing, you should pay attention to such characteristics as thermal conductivity, ease of installation and installation, cost, and long service life.

Of the three materials listed above, the leader in most characteristics is penoplex. Its only drawback is only the increased cost.

If your financial situation is too limited, then you can easily choose another material, for example, polystyrene foam.

Performing ceiling insulation

All work on insulating a loggia in a panel house must begin with insulating the ceiling. Do not forget that covering the ceiling surface is a more labor-intensive task than it initially seems. Consider how to properly insulate the ceiling of the loggia.

First of all, foil insulating material should be glued to the ceiling that has been previously cleaned and treated with an antiseptic substance. After that, you need to build a frame for your future ceiling. It is best to make this kind of construction either from wooden slats or from a metal profile. Next, electrical cables are laid to enable further installation. lighting fixtures. The final step is the installation finishing material.

It is worth noting that, if desired, you can not use any of the above adhesives at all, but use ordinary self-tapping screws to secure the insulation.

The most extensive stage of the work is finishing the walls. It all starts with installation wooden frame. Also, if necessary, you will have to place supports under the frame.

Upon completion of the installation of the wooden frame, slabs or sheets of the previously selected insulating material must be glued between its beams. Finally, a vapor barrier film should be attached to the frame, which can protect the insulation material from excessive moisture.

Let's move on to insulating the floor. The whole complex of work begins with laying waterproofing material, since the balcony was previously glazed, a regular polyethylene film can cope with this task without much difficulty.

The next step is to install wooden logs, which need to be leveled in a horizontal plane using a level. After installation, you should start laying insulation materials. Do not forget that the installation should be done tightly so that no gaps are formed.

The final stage of insulating a balcony in a panel house is laying a vapor barrier film and installing the flooring.

The process of insulating a loggia in a panel house is not too complicated, but it includes many processes, each of which is important in its own way. But rest assured that by following all the above tips and rules, you can easily cope with the insulation of your balcony.

How to insulate a loggia in a panel house - which method is better

To insulate a loggia in a panel house, you must first determine which insulation to use, which finishing option to choose and how to carry out the installation correctly. Let's look at a few of the most common options.

Penofol insulation has become popular today

Penofol allows you not to reduce the area of ​​the loggia due to the small thickness of the material - an advantage that other thermal insulators for loggias cannot boast of, small area which, as a rule, forces us to save every centimeter of usable space.

There are many experts who claim that the modern material penofol is ideally suited for insulating a loggia in a panel house.

Its distinctive feature is its small thickness. This is an undeniable advantage, as it makes it possible to save maximum usable space in the room. The thermal insulation properties of penofol are ensured by a two-layer structure. One of the layers, aluminum foil, reflects 97% of the heat. There are also variations of penofol that have a foil coating on both sides. This allows you to create the so-called “thermos” effect and ensure maximum heat retention.

Insulation of the loggia is best done in conjunction with the replacement of double-glazed windows.

To determine how to properly insulate a loggia using this material, you should study the detailed technology:

Foam plastic: a large selection of cladding options

Even a non-professional can work with polystyrene foam, so this inexpensive material so popular among our population. The only thing we must remember is that its fumes are extremely harmful in the event of a fire - phosgene released at this moment is a deadly gas.