Mixer      08.03.2020

Textile in the style of a chalet. Alpine chalet style in the interior of the kitchen and living room. Distinctive features of chalet-style interiors

If the coziness, comfort and atmosphere of the hearth are much more important to you than a tribute to fashion, then the chalet style is what you need. This direction will allow any room to be turned into a cozy family corner, if you make some efforts and support the main theme.

Chalet is the name of a small French house located in picturesque alpine meadows. In such small but cozy buildings Shepherds and hunters have lived since ancient times. The style was born as a result of the peculiarities of the lifestyle of these people, who simply did not have the opportunity to create expensive decoration and furnish housing with luxurious interior elements. They were content with what they had and actively used the gifts of nature. But over time, the design of cozy chalets was reshaped into an independent style and began to gain popularity. And today, this is the interior design chosen by people who want to hide from everyday hustle and bustle and forget about worries.

The chalet style started not so long ago, but this concept has already become popular among lovers of exclusively natural materials. This style, which creates a romantic atmosphere and gives a sense of calm, is suitable for city dwellers. After all, it is they, like no one else, who most often need to temporarily get rid of the daily hustle and bustle, plunging into the world of alpine villages.

To understand the essence of interior design, designed in the style of a chalet, it is worth considering the main characteristic features of this direction:

  • Simplicity and comfort. And although these two concepts may seem incompatible to some, in fact, in order to relax and feel freedom, it is enough to use unpretentious and concise interior elements that do not overload the space and do not strain the eyes.
  • The use of predominantly natural materials such as clay, stone, wood. Of course, today such textures are successfully imitated by modern coatings, but during the construction of real hunting and shepherd chalets, other construction and Decoration Materials were simply inaccessible, so naturalness is not a tribute to fashion and not an indicator of chic, but the only possible option.
  • Calm natural range, which is dominated by restrained and soft tones that set you up for relaxation and create an atmosphere of home warmth and comfort. There are no bright and catchy spots in the interior, and they are out of place and not needed. Shades such as milk, chocolate, cream, wood, sand, beige, pistachio, terracotta and other similar shades are welcome.
  • Soft natural light. During the existence of the first and present chalets, electrical appliances were practically not used and were replaced by lamps, candles and other similar light sources. And so the lighting is natural, soft and somewhat muffled.
  • Simple decor. The shepherds and hunters did not have the money to buy expensive luxurious accessories, but they strove for comfort and decorated their homes as best they could. But this decor has a special charm.

Stylized finish

The main task that a chalet-style finish should perform is the desire for naturalness. And therefore, rough and seemingly untreated or minimally processed surfaces are appropriate in the interior. This gives the design charm and emphasizes the origin of the style, as well as unity with alpine nature.

It's worth starting from the floor. It can be dark, and this will additionally dim the bright light. Choose as the main coating, but not lacquered, but matte, which preserves the natural texture of the wood cut. Also, the floor may well be plank: sanded and treated from mold or covered with one layer of varnish. To imitate a stone coating, you can use stylized porcelain stoneware. And to increase comfort, it is worth equipping a heating system (although, of course, such technologies were not used in real chalets).

Chalet-style walls deserve special attention. They are best kept in light colors, such as milky or beige. For decoration, you can use plaster imitating clay, which often covered the walls of shepherd's and hunting houses. You can choose a fine or medium-grained composition, and when applying it, it is not necessary to achieve perfect evenness, some errors will emphasize the simplicity and some roughness of the finish inherent in the direction. The plaster can be supplemented with decorative stone laid around the perimeter at the bottom or used to accentuate or highlight certain areas, such as a fireplace or an entrance. Also, the walls can be sheathed with light clapboard.

The ceiling can be whitewashed or trimmed with clapboard, like the walls. But distinctive feature real chalets was the presence of beams that were used to strengthen the roof structure and reduce the load placed on it. In modern housing, such functions are not needed, but the beams will be appropriate and will support the main theme in the chalet style. Such elements can be quite massive and rough. And to turn them into a kind of accent, use a dark tree for manufacturing, which will look especially advantageous against a light background and create an interesting contrast.


It is generally accepted that French furniture is refined, elegant and light. But not the one that was used to equip cozy chalets. Shepherds and hunters had no money, but they had carpentry and carpentry skills, which made it possible to make the necessary items with their own hands. And they turned out to be strong, solid and stable, but at the same time massive and rough. Wood was used as the main material, and mostly dark species, and it was these shades that emphasized the solidity of the structure.

The choice of specific pieces of furniture will depend on which particular room is being furnished. But in any case, you should limit yourself to a small set of everything you need, because excesses are not welcome and can overload the chalet-style interior. For example, in the bedroom you can put a massive bed on thick legs with a wide headboard. Nearby you can place a simple cabinet. Things will be stored in a large spacious closet (preferably with hinged doors), and linen in a simple chest of drawers, which can be a worthy replacement for a chest.

If a living room is decorated in a chalet style, then a spacious and comfortable sofa on massive wooden legs with armrests, which can be decorated with carvings, can take center stage in it. For upholstery, simple and even somewhat coarse fabrics, such as linen or cloth, are used. This piece of furniture can be supplemented with a pair of armchairs designed in the same direction. It is better to refuse the wall, replacing it with several shelves or a rack and a chest if you plan to store things in the room. And to place the TV, use a cabinet, but having a maximum simple design and design.

Lighting and decor

Particular attention in the chalet style is given to lighting: it should be pleasant, soft, restrained and subdued. Therefore, modern bright lamps in such an interior are definitely not the place. You should choose lamps that are as close to natural light as possible, and it is best to direct the rays upward so that they are reflected from the surface of the ceiling and gently scattered around the room, spreading evenly throughout its space.

All lamps should be stylized, harmoniously fitting into the interior of the house. So, a chandelier made in the form of a forged simple frame and individual plinths placed on it, imitating candlesticks, can act as a central source. The main light can be supplemented with a local one, for example, wall sconces, table lamps, floor lamps with lampshades made of a simple dense fabric that dims the light.

The decor is appropriate and even necessary, but unpretentious simple elements, such as:

  • The fireplace can take center stage and be used not only for decoration, but also for additional heating of the room.
  • It is logical that the hunter's house can be decorated with trophies and weapons, such as guns, animal skins or horns, and other attributes.
  • Simple textiles, for example, knitted checkered blankets, pillows in laconic plain thick pillowcases.
  • In the center of the room, you can spread the skin of an animal or a carpet imitating it.

The chalet-style interior is simplicity, comfort and the atmosphere of a home. This direction remains relevant in 2017 and continues to be used by designers. Try to apply it to home improvement and you.

Chalet style houses

Recently, there has been a huge demand for the construction of houses from environmentally friendly materials, which caused an unprecedented popularity of the chalet style. Decorating a house in this way means forever connecting yourself with nature. There are distinctive features, thanks to which the special luxury of such an interior is emphasized:

  • the foundation of the house is a stone foundation;
  • gable roof with steep slopes;
  • during construction, the cardinal directions are strictly taken into account;
  • only natural materials, as in the performance construction works, as well as when finishing.

The most important point in the construction of a home is to choose a strong and durable foundation, in our case, this foundation is made of natural hard stone. Natural wood is used to build walls - the most environmentally friendly option. The appearance of the chalet-style building is distinguished by its special luxury, but at the same time the dwelling looks so simple and at ease that it resembles those same alpine houses.

Finishing, both internal and external, will require special taste and imagination from the owners. Focus on the little things: everything should look simple and concise, but at the same time complement and complete the image of the interior.

Facade decoration

The Europeans intercepted the trend of building houses in the style of a chalet from the Alpine shepherds, who live in such dwellings all their lives. This happened because the facades of these buildings look luxurious and original. In our country, this idea was quickly picked up, and now there is whole line houses with such decoration and interior.

The appearance of the facade of any house is determined by three important components: the foundation, walls and roof. The balcony and its luxurious execution, as well as the decoration of windows and doors, adds originality to the style of the chalet.

The basement facade is made mainly of natural stone, which allows the house to withstand all natural disasters. As for the upper level of the dwelling, wood is mainly used here - log cabins of coniferous trees. The main difference between the facade in the style of a chalet is attic floor, which allows you to significantly increase the interior space in the house and exterior finish. Since the chalet style requires a strict construction of the dwelling according to the parts of the world, most of the roof is located precisely in the facade of the house. This adds a special luxury to the dwelling, since the steeply sloped gables, which immediately catch the eye, look stylish and original.

Chalet style kitchen design

Creating a chalet-style kitchen means combining lightness and sophistication at the same time. The colors in such a kitchen should not be bright, attracting attention. When choosing the colors of the walls and ceiling, they prefer the one that matches the materials used as much as possible, for example, the color of wood or natural stone. Light shades are not completely excluded from such an interior, but they should look harmonious. Recommended colors: gray, burgundy, brown - shades that will make the interior noble. A matte surface will look beautiful and elegant, subject to a combination of colors and the exclusion of bright details.

There are some rules when designing a chalet-style kitchen:

  • a large number of shelves various utensils;
  • utensils hanging on hooks;
  • it is allowed to use countertops made of artificial stones;
  • using retro style for rough details.

Since the main emphasis in any home is on maximum comfort and an increase in interior space, it is customary to use only built-in furniture and household appliances in chalet-style kitchens. In the interior it is necessary to combine natural wood with stone. As for the emphasis on details in the kitchen, here it can be made more than noticeable: a fur skin thrown on the floor, or a checkered plaid.

living room design

The interior of the chalet-style living room is loved by fans of environmental friendliness and cleanliness, which means that the choice of colors is decided by itself: natural colors. When decorating the living room, special preference is given to amber or cream color. Here you can add bright accent expressed in small detail.

The ceiling, walls and windows are all made of wood - this will add coziness and comfort to the living room, which is the main place in the holiday home. Not a single living room can do without a huge fireplace in a room made in the style of a chalet interior. It not only decorates it and creates a special atmosphere, but also serves as the main source of heat. If you do not need it or the arrangement of the room takes place in small apartment, then you can always buy an artificial fireplace.

Soft sofas in such a living room are only welcome, since the main emphasis of style is still on convenience and comfort. These should be simple models using natural colors, but looking like vintage furniture from the 20th century. Do not forget about the large built-in TV in the living room, so that on winter evenings, wrapped in a blanket, watch your favorite TV shows. In the living room, the presence of the following interior items is desirable:

Such a living room will be appreciated by lovers of a cozy atmosphere and tranquility.

Bedroom design

The bedroom should be distinguished by special comfort, because this is the very place where after a hard day's work you want to return and recuperate. The interior of the chalet-style bedroom is designed for this - to create convenience and comfort with its atmosphere.

In such a bedroom, most often there is a huge functional blood, several bedside tables and a closet - ordinary, unremarkable furniture made from natural materials. All the originality and interest of the room is built on additional details. A fur skin is placed on the floor - an excellent design solution that allows you to beat the simple, at first glance, atmosphere of the bedroom. Chic curtains in cream or brown shades are hung in the room, original designer textiles are located on the bed. Pictures, lamps on the shelves, a decorative fireplace - all this plays a huge role in creating and completing the interior.

The soft and calm shades chosen for the decoration of the room are used to create a comfortable atmosphere. Desirable choice of colors: green, chocolate, ash; sharp transitions and shades - strictly "no". The room should remain a mystery and a mysterious atmosphere.

Chalet style apartment

The interior of such apartments is made of natural stones and wood. Their processing is a rather complicated process, and natural materials are not cheap. But in the end you will get a unique apartment design, where not only a stylish and harmonious design, but also environmentally friendly materials. Ceilings and floors are finished with high quality woods.

The apartment uses only rough and massive furniture. The ideal option for a chalet would be large tables and chairs made of high quality wood. Cabinets, despite their external simplicity, can be chosen functional, for example, those that operate from the control panel. Leather, fabric and wood are the materials that create a noble interior in the apartment. Focus on these items.

If there is enough space in the apartment, and such premises are chosen for the chalet, then a fireplace will serve as an indispensable detail in one of the rooms. Many people prefer hand-made design elements. Fur skins perfectly complement the floors of warm natural shades. Don't forget about lighting: chalet-style apartments often use huge chandeliers, as well as lamps on each bedside table.

Distinctive style features

Despite the fact that the style of the chalet is close to the classic rustic country, when described, it has a number of distinctive features.

  • Finishing is done with natural materials, wood, stone.
  • Walls and floors can be without additional finishes, such as untreated wooden floors or walls.
  • The interior contains products made of leather and skins.
  • Some interior items can be forged.
  • Furniture has simple form.
  • The lighting in the interior is warm and diffused.
  • Ceiling decorate wooden beams.

The photo shows a living room with a sloping roof. The interior of the room uses: natural materials, wall decoration with wood, beams on the ceiling, wooden furniture and pillows made of skins and fur.

Color solution

The chalet style palette has natural colors. Yellow, honey, beige, chocolate are associated with wood, the main material. alpine style. Olive, green and light green are reminiscent of a field of grass, and white and gray shades of snow on the tops of the mountains.

Chalet in a country house

A private house is the best place to embody the chalet style. The cottage can be filled with all the distinctive details and fully convey the atmosphere of an alpine farmhouse. The material of construction has always been wood and stone.

The chalets are characterized big windows and a cozy attic, where it is pleasant to drink morning coffee and enjoy the fresh air. The staircase in the interior of the house is also made of wood, it can be supplemented with forged elements.

The hall will be decorated with a stone fireplace, around which a seating area of ​​a massive sofa and a pair of armchairs can be arranged. Considering that the main material of the chalet direction is wood, it is necessary to comply with all fire safety rules.

A good idea would be to divide the kitchen-studio into zones using a solid wood bar counter. The kitchen set is also made of natural materials.

Interior of country houses and baths

The cottage and sauna of the chalet are distinguished by their simplicity and comfort, but the result is a real Swiss house. During the construction, only wood and stone are used, a distinctive feature of the building is a roof with two slopes, the edges protrude noticeably beyond the walls. The walls do not need to be finished, the color and texture of the wood will fill the space with comfort, the ceiling will be decorated with beams.

Inside, the country house is filled with wooden furniture of simple shapes, cozy bedspreads, self-woven carpet and animal skins.

In the photo on the left, the interior of the compact wooden kitchen in chalet style with various elements of red color.

The decoration of the bath is completely made of wood, a stone stove is installed in the steam room. The design can be complemented by cozy details.

Apartment design

In city apartments it is difficult to make repairs in the original classical style chalet. The walls of a standard apartment are decorated in bright color scheme with the help of plaster, the floors are covered with board, stone, laminate. So that the ceilings do not seem low, they can be decorated with several beams on a light background.

The furniture in the interior has a simple form, the sofa and armchairs are covered with natural fabrics or leather.

The kitchen set, tables and chairs are made of wood. The kitchen is filled with earthenware, and the interior of the living room and other rooms are filled with candlesticks and pillows. But do not overload the chalet interior with unnecessary details.

Photo in the interior of the rooms

The central part of the living room can be a fireplace. It can be installed in the conditions of the apartment, while it will be safe and emphasize the rustic style in the interior. For furniture upholstery and curtains, preference is given to natural fabrics, such as matting. The sofa will be decorated with a couple of pillows and a blanket.

Pictured is the seating area in the living room. The interior uses an electric fireplace.


The walls can be finished with plaster, wood paneling, stone imitation tiles. The flooring is made of tiles, stone or laminate.

The kitchen set is preferably made of wood, the facades can be painted or have a natural color, the worktop is made of marble or artificial stone. The interior of the chalet is not overloaded with unnecessary details, while being very cozy and functional. Earthenware will successfully fit into the interior.

On the picture kitchen set from natural wood. The interior is made in the same color scheme, with the exception of the stone countertop.

Bedroom decoration

In the bedroom, only the necessary pieces of furniture, a double bed, bedside tables and a chest of drawers can stand. In a compact bedroom, the walls and ceiling can be finished with light plaster and decorated with wooden beams. One of the walls can be decorated with a panel of boards. The spacious bedroom harmoniously looks natural wood color. Comfort in the chalet will add a skin and a blanket, massive candlesticks and soft diffused light.

The photo shows a bedroom with a sloping ceiling decorated with wooden beams.


The main advantage of the chalet style in the interior of the nursery is the maximum use of natural materials. Colors can be added with toys and colorful textiles.

In the photo is a children's room with bunk beds. Textiles and chairs add colors to the interior.


Due to the high humidity, the use of natural wood in the bathroom of an apartment is impractical; it is more expedient to finish with tiles imitating stone or wood. As furniture, you can use a forged rack and a wicker basket. Hooks, a faucet and copper-coloured decorative accessories complete a chalet-style bathroom.

On the picture

Finishing Features


The classic chalet-style wall decoration is made of natural wood. It can be wooden panels or timber with a minimal finish.

Another way to finish is stone. A more economical option would be fake diamond, but this material is not eco-friendly. However, it will not hide space, is easy to install and is much cheaper than natural stone. For a small area room, you can use light plaster or plain liquid wallpaper.


Natural wood will be the best option for the embodiment of the chalet style. Its analogue will be a laminate or parquet. A stone or tile with a worn effect will become good option for bathroom, hallway and kitchen. Warmth and comfort in the interior will be added by a light plain carpet with a short pile or a natural animal skin.


The main distinguishing feature of the chalet when finishing the ceiling is the wooden beams. They can be used in the design of any apartment or country house. In a low room, a flat white surface can serve as a background. The design of dark ceiling beams looks interesting against the background of light wood panels.

IN country house or a cottage, the ceiling and walls can be finished with wood of the same color, the interior will turn out to be very cozy. In a small room, the ceiling can be plastered white.

The photo shows the interior of the bedroom of a country house in the style of a chalet. A distinctive feature is the deep bronze bathtub.

Furniture selection

Chalet furniture, like other details, has a number of distinctive features.

  • Like all details of the chalet, the furniture is made of natural materials;
  • Furniture items can be vintage and aged;
  • The furniture is massive and has a simple form;
  • The sofa and armchairs are upholstered in natural fabric or leather;
  • Furniture items can be decorated with wood carvings;
  • Forged objects look harmonious.


Cozy textiles can dilute the brutal atmosphere of the chalet and add color to the interior.

  • The kitchen will be decorated with a tablecloth and napkins made of linen and cotton;
  • Carpets with a short pile will decorate not only the floor, they also look harmoniously on the walls;
  • Textiles will be decorated with ethnic patterns and images of animals;
  • A self-woven carpet looks unusual and cozy;
  • Curtains have a simple cut, straight curtains to the floor can be decorated with tiebacks;
  • Material for curtains: linen, cotton, matting;
  • Relaxation areas will be complemented by pillows and warm soft blankets.

The photo shows a lounge area decorated with sheepskins and candles.


The design of the chalet house does not use an abundance of decorative elements, they only emphasize the stylistic direction.

  • The walls will be decorated with horns and stuffed animals;
  • The interior of the living room and bedroom will be decorated with a vase of dried flowers or wildflowers;
  • Massive candlesticks can stand on a fireplace, dresser or coffee table;
  • Pottery will fill the kitchen or dining room;
  • Animal figurines look harmonious in any room;
  • as decoration and extra bed a vintage chest will become for storage;
  • The TV can be decorated with a vintage frame.


  • Chalet-style light is warm, diffused;
  • Ceiling lighting can be of a point type, or in the form of an unusual wooden or wrought iron chandelier;
  • The area at the head of the bed is illuminated by forged wall lamps or lamps on bedside tables with a simple lampshade;
  • For a recreation area in the interior of the living room, a classic floor lamp is suitable;
  • Candles can stand in candlesticks or on a saucer;
  • Spotlights installed in the interior space between them will help to focus on the ceiling beams.

Photo gallery

Alpine style is multifaceted. Having simple and sometimes rough forms, it has the unique comfort of a rural house. An unusual and very interesting interior solution will be a mixture of styles. The chalet can be diluted with modern details and high-tech elements. Below are photo examples of using the chalet style in rooms for various functional purposes.

In order to distract from the pressure of civilization, you can resort to the design of the room in the style of a chalet. The popularity of such interiors is associated with coziness, comfort, romanticism and the expressiveness of the atmosphere of an alpine house.

Historical facts

The origin of the style is called the southeastern provincial town of France - Savoy. This area borders Italy and Switzerland. The presence of the Alpine mountains, pristine beauty nature could not but affect the buildings of the province.

The term "chalet" was originally "assigned" to rural mountain buildings made from natural materials. Stones and wooden beams served as the most durable materials for the construction of small houses in mountainous areas. Strength, durability, reliability - the characteristics of buildings called the word chalet. Such structures were supplemented with massive, protruding roofs on the sides, which served as an additional "buffer" to protect against bad weather.

The stone foundation and wooden array of houses could easily withstand the climatic collisions of this geographical zone. Strong winds, heavy snowfalls, avalanches and other hardships could be waited out in cozy and warm chalets. Often such buildings were the only shelter for the shepherds who accompanied herds of animals in the mountains.

The analogy with the interior design of these buildings is introduced by designers in modern premises, calling this style the term "chalet". Alpine motifs are clearly seen in the design of the premises and are remembered for a long time.

Character traits

Features of this design:

  1. The use of natural materials (wood, brick, stone, metal, ceramic tiles, glass, plaster, etc.).
  2. Combination in one room of different methods of processing the materials used (combination of pristine and high-tech impact on the material).
  3. The use of compositional and decompositional methods of interior design. The absence of a unifying idea is typical for spacious rooms or interiors free from heaps.
Various natural materials are combined in a chalet-style interior

Distinctive features of chalet-style interiors

Chalet-style rooms very often contain elements of antiquity. Naturally or artificially aged paint, cracks in ceramic surfaces, antique furniture, paintings from past historical eras and unique retro decor are typical of the chalet style.

A lot of all kinds of beams - on the ceiling, walls, in certain areas - distinguishes the chalet from other design incarnations in dwellings. Beams can carry both decorative and functional loads. For example, such elements can be used by specialists for decorating ceilings or as supports for furniture.

Wooden beams on the ceiling - a characteristic feature of chalet-style rooms

Often, beam bars serve to visual separation spaces into zones. Rough processing of beams, their heaviness is more suitable for country "residences". If the chalet style is used in city apartments, then in these cases, designers use artificial materials that imitate natural beams, since real wooden beams are quite heavy.

The presence of a fireplace is another characteristic feature of the chalet-style interior. Of course, a real fire in a beautifully designed hearth is much more colorful than artificial structures, but modern industry produces excellent analogues suitable for a modern interior. False, bio, electric fireplaces in appearance are very similar to devices with live fire and for city apartments can be an excellent replacement for fireplaces with real burning flames.

Chalet style is impossible to imagine without brick and stone elements with a rough texture.

The chalet interior is characterized by the use of real animal skins on the floor, as well as good substitutes in the form of carpets that imitate the colors of wild mountain dwellers or reproduce the outlines of animals. Real animal skins or their replacement can also be seen as furniture upholstery.

Textile design is usually applied with national colors and has more functional purpose than decorative. Plaids, carpets, blankets are designed to warm people living in such dwellings.

And how to be modern people in such premises household appliances? It is unlikely that for the sake of observing the style, someone will refuse the benefits of civilization. You can compromise by “hiding” household appliances behind wall panels or decorating with handmade items - wicker panels, knitted capes or napkins, etc. In any case, a “peaceful” neighborhood of the chalet style and technological progress is possible.

Photo gallery: chalet style in the interior of rooms for various purposes

The design of the bathing area looks interesting and original Cozy atmosphere is conducive to a pleasant conversation Children really like bunk beds Spacious room can accommodate a large number of like-minded people Modern gas stove fits well into the interior of the chalet Kitchen design repeats the elements of the chalet in a modern interpretation Massive furniture, stone and wood finishes , beautiful floor lamps, rough shelves with books - everything corresponds to the style of the chalet Eating in a solemn atmosphere will be significant It is very pleasant to gather with guests in the dining room of a country house Cozy and warm on a bed with soft animal skins

The principles of interior decoration

It is preferable to use natural materials for finishing a room in a chalet style. Clay, wood, stone, brick, plaster fit perfectly into this design.

The concept of style will be violated if you take paint, wallpaper, plastic materials for interior decoration. The most popular material in such interiors is wood.

Modern incarnations of the chalet style, if necessary, allow the replacement of natural materials with artificial ones, but with the obligatory preservation of stylization.

Floor and walls

For the lower part of the room, heavy wooden boards are used. The wood is covered with special agents that give the effect of antiquity, and various shades of colors are used to match the overall design. But the color coating is kept to a minimum, because the natural structure of the tree is valued in the chalet style.

A prerequisite for the durability of the applied wooden materials- treatment with wax, stain, varnish with antiseptic properties.

The walls are not knocked out of the chalet style if you place solid wood panels on them. Artificial aging of wooden wall cladding is a necessary step in the implementation of the design of the chalet. wooden boards can be placed on the walls both vertically and horizontally.

The second most popular material for walls and ceilings is plaster. It can be used both as a base for decoration and as decorative elements. The decor does not tolerate any ornateness and sophistication, the plaster is applied with deliberate roughness.

Stone, clay and brick materials can serve only as part of the wall decoration, as small decorative fragments. Designers use such materials when it is necessary to emphasize certain areas of the interior.


Beam elements on the ceiling can be called a kind of business card of the chalet style. Such elements can successfully hide all surface defects and become a real confirmation of the commitment to style.

Both neat, hewn beams and rough, pristine parts of trees with remnants of bark and small branches are used as beams. For low rooms (below two and a half meters), it is better to come up with a different ceiling design, because such a finish further reduces the space.

Some designers in modern city apartments use to recreate the chalet style. mounting foam, skillfully turned by them into a kind of beams on the ceiling.

Color embodiment

Chalet style tends to natural colors and shades. This is due to the proximity of such a design to everything natural and natural.

The most popular colors of the direction:

  • beige;
  • brown;
  • grey;
  • color of baked milk;
  • green (dim).

As small catchy inclusions, you can use shades of cherry, burgundy and brick. Various accessories, textile elements, decor items can be made in this color scheme.

Traditionally, the chalet style looks like the use of natural wood color on the floor and walls, combined with a beige ceiling. A good option is a combination of milky and dark gray colors in one interior. This color scheme originated as a modification of the black and white colors historically used in chalet houses.

Whitewashed wood wall panels with a dirty gray tint look great with discreet green “spots” of decor that attract attention and “dilute” the monotony of dullness.

Furniture and doors

To furnish a room in a chalet style, you need to remember the main characteristics of furniture:

  • massiveness;
  • simplicity;
  • comfort.
  1. Replace chairs with comfortable and soft chairs.
  2. Use rectangular pieces of furniture.
  3. Aging the upholstery and materials from which the furniture is made.
  4. Refuse to use furniture with legs.
  5. Give preference to black, gray and brown furniture.

Leather upholstery, slightly faded material, fur trim for upholstered furniture are great options for chalet-style room items. In addition to leather materials, velor, woolen, linen fabrics can be used for upholstery. Chalet-style synthetics are unacceptable.

High tech items modern furniture, as well as all kinds of transformers are not suitable for this design.

The doors of the chalet-style rooms are made of heavy solid wood, plastic options in such an interior will look ridiculous. Forged elements, metal handles and locks on the doors will give a special charm and originality.

Doors and furniture made of wood are tried not to be painted over, while maintaining the natural texture of the material.


Alpine chalet houses were located in an area with a lack of daylight, this was made up for by a large amount of artificial lighting. The passage of daylight was hampered by windows equipped with a large number of shutters. Glass in the Alpine villages was a rarity, more often small pieces of it were used, reinforced from the weather with wooden transoms.

Windows were often closed with shutters, which were only a functional element - they protected the windows from blizzards, rain and strong winds. Nowadays, shutters are rarely used for their original purpose, most often they are used as decoration.

Chalet-style windows are characterized by a large number of sashes.

In past centuries, the fire of a fireplace hearth, a large number of candles, etc. were used to illuminate the inside of the chalet. This type of lighting is outdated.

The modern atmosphere of the chalet interior is impossible without a whole system of lighting devices:

  • chandeliers;
  • floor lamps;
  • hanging sconces.

Chandeliers in chalet-style rooms are often made of deer antlers, thereby once again emphasizing the Alpine design.

Spotlights with halogen or diode lamps are used only with skillful mounting to the ceiling, without violating the selected "Alpine" design.

For lighting a chalet-style room, ordinary ones are more suitable. electric lamps with soft yellowish light. It is these lamps that can create warm atmosphere coziness and comfort.

Floor lamps, sconces are decorated with lampshades or elements hand made- woven, knitted, sewn, etc.

Chalet-style lamps often mimic natural candles.


Chalet style provides great opportunities for the use of textile and decorative elements.

Decorating elements

Chalet-style interiors often contain hand-made things. Craftswomen of various handicraft techniques can decorate your home with exclusive decor - embroidered paintings, knitted blankets, wicker panels, creative baskets, etc.

Pillows with sewn-on fringes, candlesticks made of wood, bedspreads using the patchwork technique, a clay vase - all these items can not only decorate the interior, but also bring comfort and originality to the atmosphere.

Embroidered pillows, a beautiful candlestick, a handmade vase fit perfectly into the chalet style concept.

Alpine chalet houses were decorated with the skins of dead animals, placing them both on the floor (for warmth) and on the walls (for decoration). Modern time provides an excellent opportunity to use such decor, leaving the animals safe and sound. Skillful imitations of animal skins can be used, maintaining the chosen design and without feeling guilty.

The skin of an animal placed in the center of the living room is a coup of designers

If we follow the exact correspondence of the interior to past eras, then the part of the room above the fireplace was decorated with hunting trophies - stuffed birds or animal heads. Guns also often flaunted on the walls in alpine houses. Whoever is not satisfied with this “wild” option, then beautiful paintings depicting hunting fragments or outlandish animals, antique paintings or tapestries can be placed above the fireplace.

Framed photographs, antique dishes left over from distant ancestors will add individuality to the atmosphere and help you feel the family continuity.

For decoration, you can widely use various antique items.


It is desirable to use natural fabrics for textile elements: linen, cotton, wool, etc.

Shades that look harmonious in the interior of the chalet are brown and olive. It is preferable to choose a pattern of matter "plaid" or "snowflake".

Curtains are usually used to darken windows, so dense and non-light fabrics are used.

The aging of textiles can be artificial or real. Things that have been stored in chests for a long time and corresponding to the chosen design theme will be used.

Relaxing in a chalet-style bedroom

Romanticism and functionality are the main characteristics of a chalet-style bedroom.

It is not worth painting walls, floors and ceilings made of wood, it is better to preserve the natural texture of wood by applying a transparent or yellowish varnish to wooden surfaces. If you still resort to paints, it is better to choose light colors.

An atmosphere of calm and tranquility can be created with the help of natural textiles - light linen curtains, woolen blankets, fur blankets, cotton pillows.

Clothes and bedding are put away in a colorful closet or in a chest, organically integrated into the chalet bedroom. The rough facade of these pieces of furniture echoes the design of the large bed, which occupies a central place in the bedroom.

In a large bedroom, you can place a beautiful boudoir with several armchairs and a small table, made in accordance with the requirements of the chalet style.

A room for a night's rest, like a living room, can be equipped with a fireplace, but in the bedroom it is better to use a decorative option.

Often in the bedrooms of a chalet is placed not only adult bed, but also sleeping places for children, often in a bunk version. This is a tradition of past generations, when the whole family spent the night in a bedroom with a fireplace, warming themselves from a heat source.

Photo gallery: bedroom design examples

The traditional pattern of the "snowflake" style is embodied both in the decor of the bed and in the bedspread with pillows The predominance of wooden surfaces is typical for rooms in the chalet style The beige color of the bedroom design has a calming effect traditional elements style The hand of professionals is felt in filling the interior with elements of the chalet style Animal skins or their imitations can be excellent bedspreads on the bed Textiles with a tartan pattern give attic bedroom color of the chalet Even a small bedroom can be successfully styled as a chalet

We examine the hallway in the style of a chalet

Entering the chalet-style dwelling, one can see an entrance hall with a stone floor, rough wooden beams on the ceiling, with benches knocked together with deliberate negligence.

Roughness and uncouthness are inherent in many elements of this style.

A carpet with ethnic ornaments is placed on the floor or a mat made of natural materials, stylized as a chalet design, is used.

In the hallway, it is necessary to focus on lighting, using floor lamps or wall sconces. IN modern interiors the use of spotlights mounted in wooden ceilings is allowed.

If space allows, then in the hallway you can put a small shabby sofa, an artificially aged wedge or pouffe. You can rest on these items while waiting for the household, or sit down, tying your shoelaces.

A closet placed in the hallway usually looks rough and very massive. Such furniture will require quite a lot of space, so this item will not be found in a small hallway.

Photo gallery: examples of hallway design

A fireplace can also be placed in the hallway Natural stone or its imitation is a good material for decorating the walls of the hallway Metal gates with wrought iron decor immediately attract attention Nothing superfluous, and at the same time everything matches the style decorative elements appropriate in the hallway Wooden and stone materials are great for embodying the style of the chalet in the hallway In the hallway of the chalet, a sofa and a massive wooden wardrobe will be appropriate

Chalet style living room interior

A chalet-style living room should be spacious and not interfere with the implementation of the most daring design ideas.

The interior is reminiscent of the interior hunting lodge. The fireplace serves as a source of warmth and comfort, all the attention of people in the room is riveted to it. Nowadays, the fireplace plays a more decorative role, but all the same, the accent of the living room should be made on this element.

If the area of ​​​​the room allows, then it is better to make the fireplace real, with live fire, not forgetting all the necessary safety measures. If this is not possible, then successful analogues that imitate flames will do.

In modern interiors, fireplaces get along well with plasma TVs located above this heating device.

The window openings of modern living rooms have also changed. Now they look like panoramic glazed areas, opening up space for contemplation of the external environment.

The second obligatory element of a chalet-style living room is massive and solid furniture: sofas, armchairs, chairs, chests of drawers, cabinets in the appropriate style and color. Natural materials are used to create these items, as well as for upholstery of upholstered furniture.

The use of rough beams and other unhewn elements is not suitable for small living rooms, so only polished and smooth materials are used in such interiors.

To illuminate the living room, whole multi-level systems are used with a central chandelier, lamps on the walls and floor lamps on the floor. Each level of the system serves to perform the necessary function: from a general bright “illumination” to subdued lighting in a cozy corner of the sofa (for intimate conversations or reading your favorite books).

Massive upholstered furniture and a fireplace are important elements of a chalet-style living room

An example of a successful chalet-style living room: wooden beams on the ceiling, a large fireplace with real fire, opposite it is a massive leather sofa, an animal skin on the floor, rough furniture decorated with candlesticks with candles, a stuffed deer head is attached above the fireplace.

One of the old French styles in the interior is a chalet. Translated from the French "chalet" - a hotel or a house in a rural style. Initially, this word denoted small rural houses in the Alps, which served as a haven for travelers and shepherds in bad weather, later they began to call them a whole direction in interior design, made in a rustic style.

Features of the chalet style in the interior

Chalet style in country house implies all the same techniques that were used in the late XIX - early XX century. This:

  • simplicity;
  • practicality;
  • naturalness;
  • warmth and comfort.

The chalet style often uses raw wood ceiling beams.

Raw materials are often used in the interior:

  • unpainted wooden floors,
  • walls plastered or lined with wood, but without final finishing,
  • protruding ceiling beams,
  • large fireplace, roughly lined with natural stone.

All items in the interior seem durable, stable, massive, reliable. It is these principles of the chalet style that have made it so popular in the design of country houses.

Regarding the colors that should prevail in the interior of the chalet, designers note mostly warm, natural shades:

  • dark brown;
  • vanilla;
  • cream;
  • chocolate;
  • terracotta;
  • ocher;
  • brick;
  • caramel.

Natural materials, a fireplace, calm natural colors - the rules of the chalet style

As for accents, the colors of dark green or burgundy will be the most successful.

Furniture, like everything interior decoration, rough is welcome, with carelessly processed surfaces, aged, but massive. Comfortable simple leather furniture - sofas and armchairs - is appropriate in the living room.

Lighting in the room should be soft. Often designers use heavy, stable floor lamps, as well as an abundance of candles in massive forged candlesticks. Such light, combined with the fire in the fireplace, creates an atmosphere of peace, tranquility, warmth in the room, and this is exactly what is lacking in everyday life.

The decor should match the entire interior:

  • clay products;
  • rural embroidery;
  • textiles are only natural, it is better if the fabric is not dyed;
  • bunches of fragrant dried herbs;
  • old paintings or photos (how to decorate a wall with them - in the material);
  • Forged Products.

Any items related to hunting - deer antlers, animal skins, etc. - are relevant for a chalet, like for no other style.

The right materials in chalet style

Those who decide to decorate a country house in the style of a chalet should remember what should not be in the interior. This:

  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • chromed metal parts;
  • artsy accessories, decor, etc.

But must be present:

  • tree;
  • stone;
  • natural animal textiles or plant origin- wool, fur, silk, linen, cotton;
  • iron.

Log house in the village - the most suitable option to arrange it interior chalet style. Ceiling beams - do not hide, and if they are not there, you can build decorative ones. Fireplace - a solid yes! Be sure to overlay with a stone, and casually throw a fur bed in front of it.

Plastic windows are not a suitable solution for a chalet-style home, however, everyone understands that modern materials often cannot be avoided. If you still choose plastic, let it imitate wood. Decorate windows not with fussy curtains, but with simple, natural curtains or wooden blinds.

By the way, wicker items (furniture or decoration) are allowed. They give a massive, solid environment a little airiness and grace, and thanks to the natural performance, they are in perfect harmony with the rest of the design elements.

In a country house, decorated in the style of a chalet, it is always warm and cozy

To understand the style of the chalet, imagine yourself on a cold winter evening in a cozy armchair in front of the fireplace, covered with a woolen blanket, with a glass of good wine. The house is warm and comfortable, the fire crackles. Despite the blizzard outside the window, inside the building one feels peace and reliability. If this is yours, then choose a chalet-style interior, and you will not regret it.

Despite its simplicity and unpretentiousness, the chalet style does not look shabby or unpresentable. On the contrary, the nobility of natural materials, solid furniture, rare decorative elements give it a special charm and aesthetics, noticeable and falling in love at first sight.

The following video will open the secrets of the chalet style:

Judge for yourself: having become the owners of a peasant house of the 16th century, our heroes made a lot of efforts to ensure that the dwelling, completely renovated from the inside, from the outside looked like a painter and carpenter had not set foot on its threshold for 200 years.

Most of the Alpine resorts, with the end of the ski season, plunge into deep hibernation - only not in winter, but in summer. Social life freezes, hotels empty, lifts stop ... The town of Gstaad in the Swiss Alps is an exception to the general rule. Life here does not slow down even with the arrival of spring. Throughout the year, the city hosts events that attract a wide variety of audiences. Either the Yehudi Menuhin Music Festival, or the tennis championship, or the week of balloons, or the polo cup ... At the same time, Gstaad managed not to turn into a vanity fair like Courchevel and St. Moritz.

Magdalena Stuber

A stone's throw from fashionable hotels are peasant houses, whose inhabitants, like their ancestors hundreds of years ago, graze cows in alpine meadows and earn their living by selling milk and homemade cheese.

The kitchen-dining room is located on the site of the former hayloft. In order to better ventilate the hay, the timber was laid at intervals, which the architect Stefan Jaggi simply glazed. In order to properly illuminate the room, three additional windows were cut through in the roof.


Many of the resort's regulars, including movie stars of the caliber of Roger Moore, come here simply for the peace and quiet and the opportunity to live a little normal life. These include Magdalena and Beat Stuber. Five years ago, they spent a holiday at the local hotel Gstaad Palace and since then dreamed of getting their own home here. It didn't matter that they already had an apartment in glamorous St. Moritz. Gstaad promised something completely different.

The facade of the house now looks the same as before the start of the “perestroika”, only the windows are new.


Having warmed up in the sun, the wooden beams begin to creak: it seems that the house is waking up and stretching.
In the yard, instead of a tractor, there is now an Aston Martin


View of the house from the side of the road. The entrance is located on the second floor, a wooden staircase leads to it from the parking lot.


No sooner said than done

A local acquaintance helped the Stubers find the chalet of their dreams: “My neighbor's husband recently died. It will be difficult for her to manage the household alone. She might want to sell the house." Soon all three were standing at the gates of a 16th-century peasant house. “So warm emanated from its blackened walls, and the surrounding meadows, where the cows were grazing peacefully, beckoned us so much that we wanted to buy this house immediately,” recalls Beat Stuber.

Local law demanded that the building should not stand for a single day without a roof. To replace the rotten logs, I had to dismantle and reassemble first one half of the house, then the other.

The deal was agreed immediately, in hot pursuit. The new owners began to look for an architect from the locals who would dare to bring the building crumbling before their eyes to life. And such a person was found. Over the years of his career, Stefan Jaggi has repeatedly proved that he can solve the most difficult tasks of wooden construction (and at one stage or another they are all the most difficult).

On winter evenings, the family gathers in the living room by the fireplace with a sandstone portal. The warm color of the stone is in harmony with the wall cladding. Sofas, Markus Wyttenbach, coffee table, Schreiner.


It was difficult to obtain permission for the reconstruction, as the house was located on land intended for Agriculture. The construction took two years. Out of principle, the new owners employed only local artisans and used only traditional materials. An old grain granary was used for logs, stones were taken from the nearest quarry, tiles were collected from houses that were going to be scrapped.

Checkered cushion on the bench by the fireplace - by Markus Wyttenbach.


The guest bedroom is furnished living rooms in peasant houses. Under the beds there are drawers where you can store suitcases or spare pillows.


The local law on the protection of ancient monuments required that the structure should not stand for a single day without a roof. “Therefore, in order to replace the rotten wooden elements, it was necessary, having numbered each beam, to disassemble and reassemble first one half of the house (bringing supports under the roof), then the second,” recalls the architect. He proposed to cover the roof not with iron, but with shingles familiar to these places.

Stairs from the first floor, where the bedrooms are located, to the second, turned into a public area. Hidden lighting emphasizes the expressive texture of wood.


Stefan showed maximum respect for the architecture of the house: from the outside, the building now looks almost the same as before the reconstruction. “We kept the old shell, but filled it with new content,” says the architect.

In the estate, everything remains the same: only in the garage, instead of a tractor and a mower, there is now an aston martin of the latest model.
The main decoration of the master bedroom is an old stove lined with tiles.


She was satisfied with the work of local masters. “They turned out to be very sincere and professional guys and were sympathetic to my whims.” After the construction was completed, she invited all the workers to a housewarming party.

Kitchen furniture from old boards made by a local carpenter according to the sketches of Magdalena.


A story about a real person

Stefan and Magdalena have completely redecorated the chalet, but thanks to the use of authentic materials, they have managed to preserve the atmosphere of antiquity. Downstairs, where under the former owners there was a barn for four cows and several pigs, today there is a wine cellar, a laundry room and a boiler room. From the cellar you can go directly to the alpine meadow. On the ground floor there are two bedrooms with separate bathrooms and dressing rooms and a cozy rustic living room with a tiled stove; in the evening it is nice to sit here with a book.

The doors of the kitchen cabinets are not glazed, but covered with metal mesh - like in old peasant houses.


The master bedroom has a view of the whole of Gstaad. “When the sun warms the southern facade, you can hear the wooden beams creaking softly, as if the house is waking up and stretching!” says Magdalena.

Desk in the guest room, as well as in the kitchen, made by a local carpenter.


The most radical changes took place on the second floor. Stefan broke all the partitions between the hayloft, the kitchen and the small rooms where the peasant family lived, turning the entire floor into one room that combines the kitchen, dining room and living room with a fireplace. Behind a barn converted into a garage, neighbors' cows graze.

The bathroom has plumbing fixtures, fixtures and a faucet from Depot.


“Farmers often bring us milk and cheese, help us mow the grass and shovel the snow. We do everything together, as in a real village,” Magdalena rejoices. “Here you feel a connection with the earth and nature, you feel like a real person,” Beat echoes her. - We spent a lot of time and effort to restore this house - and never regretted it. The result was worth it!

The bathroom and dressing room are lined with old wood. Sections of the walls above the bathroom are lined with alpine limestone.