Well      07/02/2020

Thematic week colorful colors of summer. Summer entertainment "Colors of Summer". Organized educational activities

Project “Bright Colors of Summer”

Goal for the teacher:

Tasks for the teacher:

1. Create conditions that ensure the protection of life and strengthening the health of children, preventing morbidity and injury.

2. Implement activities aimed at the health and physical development of children, their moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive activation, the formation of cultural, hygienic and labor skills.

3. Carry out pedagogical and social education of parents on the issues of raising and improving the health of children in the summer.

Tasks for children:

1.Formate in preschoolers a conscious attitude towards their health.

2. Promote the development of motor independence, motor creativity, initiative and intelligence.

3. To promote the accumulation in children of ideas about the world around them (about objects, social world, the natural world).

4. Instill in children the position of creators and helpers of nature.

5. Develop children's abilities in various types artistic and aesthetic activities.

Implementation period: 1 month.

Project type:

information-practice-oriented with elements of creativity.

Implementation plan.


Preparatory stage:

1. Selection of necessary literature on the topic.

2. Selection of motor exercises and outdoor games.

3. Informing parents about the implementation of the project.

4. Development of a project plan.

Main stage:

"Experiment Workshop";

"Summer Fun";

“Me and Summer”;

"Summer in bright colors dressed";

"Farewell to summer."

First week

"Experiment Workshop" includes:

Conversations “Where is sand used?”, “Sand and clay in nature.”

Observations “Sandboxes after rain and in dry weather.”

Experiments: “Where did the water go?”, “Magic transformations”, “Sun and sand”, “Let’s paint the water different colors”.

Drawing in unconventional ways is a manifestation of a previously applied candle pattern.

Sand modeling.

Games with balloons and soap balloons.

Reading fables “Everything is the other way around” G. Kruzhkov.

P/N: “Find where it’s hidden”, “Get the ring”, “Find your color”.

D/i “Where does it grow?”

S/I games": "Hike", "Circus".

Hardening procedures.

Second week

"Summer Fun" includes:

Conversation “The work of vegetable growers and gardeners.”

Conversation “What do we know about vegetables and fruits?”

Poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings about vegetables, fruits, flowers, labor.

Modeling "Merry vegetable garden".

Drawing "Fruit Salad".

Games: “Ripe - not ripe”, “Edible - not edible”, “What are we taking in the basket?”, “Find out by the description”, “Determine the taste”, “Tops-roots”, “Get a guess - we will guess”.

P/I, relay games “Harvest the harvest”, “Carry the potatoes”.

S/R games: “Fruit and Vegetable Store”, “Family”, “Toy Store”.

Conversation: “My favorite toy.”

Entertainment “Journey to the Land of Flowers.”

Hardening procedures.

Third week

"Me and Summer" includes:

Conversation about the work of people “Janitor”, “Mower”.

Conversation about clean air in the city.

Ball games: “Catch the ball”, “Roll the hoop”. “Don’t miss the ball”, “Throw it over and catch it”, “My funny, ringing ball”, “Hit the hoop”. “Ride after me”, “Ball on the shoulder blade”, “Who will throw it further”, “Roll the ball along the path”.

Drawing colorful balls.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Kolobok".

P/I: “Magic wand”, “Carousels”, “Take care of the object”, “Sunny bunnies”, “Jump ropes”, “Hide and seek”, “Find a pair”.

Examination of colored candy wrappers. Making crafts from them.

Modeling "Apple Tree".

S/r games “Bakery”, “Visiting Summer”, “Healthy Food Store”.

Hardening procedures.

Fourth week

"Bright Colors of Summer" includes:

Conversation “What vitamins grow on branches and beds.”

Conversation “Diseases of dirty hands.”

P/N: “We are funny guys”, “Hit the target”, “Knock down the pin”, “Who gets to the flag faster”, “Do as I do”, “Traps in the circle”.

Learning proverbs and sayings about health.

S/R games: “Polyclinic”, “Pharmacy”.

Reading fiction: V. Lebedev-Kumach “Temper up!”, S. Marshak “Drowsiness and Yawning”, S. Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate poorly”, E. Uspensky “Children who eat poorly in kindergarten", A. Barto "Walk", S. Mikhalkov "Walk", S. Mikhalkov "Vaccination".

Drawing "Bright Summer".

Modeling “Home for a friend”.

Games with building material"Our kindergarten."

Hardening procedures.

Fifth week

"Farewell to Summer" includes:

Conversation “What do you remember about the summer?”

Songs, games, round dances.

Repetition of poems learned over the summer.

Collective application “Decorate the meadow with flowers” ​​(using different materials: napkins, paper, leather, shavings from colored pencils...)

Design of the stand “How I spent my summer” - together with parents.

Group leisure “Goodbye summer”.

Hardening procedures.

The final stage

Stand - exhibition "Our entertainment for a month."

Essence of the project:

All activities planned for the implementation of this project are aimed at achieving the goal - to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, taking into account their individual characteristics, fully satisfy the growing body’s needs for rest, creative activity and movement.

By participating in activities, children will be able to develop motor skills and acquire an interest in acquiring new knowledge about environment through conversations, show existing knowledge in the process of outdoor games, entertainment games.

In a friendly, relaxed atmosphere of involvement in games, children are given the opportunity to cooperate with each other and with the teacher, as well as to help, support and empathize.


My first crafts / A. G. Krasichkova. – M.: AST: Astrel: Poligrafizdat, 2011. – 160 pp.: ill.

Our favorite holidays / comp. M. V. Yudaeva. – M.: “Samovar”, 1990. – 96 p.

Funny scenarios for all holidays / S.Yu. Novikov. – M.: AST – PRESS SKD, 2006 – 320 p.

Anastasia Shumilina
Planning “Colorful Week”


Why do children draw? This is one of the ways to improve the body. Early in life, drawing develops vision and the ability to see. The child learns concepts "vertical" And "horizontal", hence the linearity of early children's drawings. Then he comprehends the forms of materials and gradually comprehends his surroundings. This happens faster than the accumulation of words and associations, and drawing makes it possible to figurative form express that what the baby has already learned and what he cannot always express verbally. Drawing helps a child organize rapidly acquired knowledge and increasingly complex ideas about the world. Why, as children grow up, do they stop drawing? It’s because the word becomes more important.

Project idea:

Creating ideal conditions, a favorable emotional microclimate for the creative, intellectual process in which preschoolers have the opportunity to discover and develop creative personal potential, improve consciousness and emotional saturation in the process of child-adult interaction.

Relevance of the topic:

An analysis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard shows the need to build the educational process on the basis of a comprehensive thematic principle close to the so-called "eventful" principle, which will make the life of children in kindergarten more interesting and the educational process more motivated. Because a child, as we know, is able to assimilate an educational program compiled for him by adults only if it becomes his own program, that is, if it becomes interesting and meaningful for him.

Therefore, there was a need to make adjustments to the topic planning. All of the above served as the impetus for the creation of the project « Colorful week» .

Estimated distribution of roles in the project group:

Educator: organizes educational situations, joint productive activity, parent counseling

Children: participate in educational and play activities.

Parents: prepare material for teaching children, consolidate the knowledge acquired by children in practice.

The project includes 3 stage: preparatory, main, final.

Every day weeks corresponds a certain color. To raise the emotional mood, each of the children is invited to dress in the color of the day and bring an object or toy of this color to the kindergarten, and the kindergarten premises are decorated with balloons of the corresponding color. The activities of children in the group are also subject to a certain color.

Organization of the educational process in « Colorful week» flowed like a journey through "land of colors".

Project type:

According to the dominant one in the project activities: creative;

By number of participants project: group (15 – 21 people, everyone);

By time: short-term (1 a week) ;

By the nature of contacts: child family within a preschool educational institution;

By knowledge profile: multi-subject;

According to the nature of the child’s participation in project: participant from the inception of an idea to the receipt of a result.

Objective of the project:

Fixing all colors and the ability to find objects of a given color around you. Consolidate knowledge of days weeks and their sequence.

Project objectives:

To consolidate knowledge of the color spectrum in children.

Teach children to draw a rainbow and name its colors correctly.

Learn to distinguish colors, compare them with objects

Teach children to distinguish between warm and cool colors

Exercise your ability to talk about color

Teach how to group objects by color and individual color details

Develop color perception, attention, observation, expand knowledge about the materials that make up objects

1. Main part. Theoretical aspects of the development of artistic and creative abilities in children preschool age

Integration of types of artistic activities in preschool children is natural and playful important role in the development of children's artistic and creative abilities. Children often independently integrate types of visual activities. This is especially evident when working with artistic materials (paper, clay, natural materials, tools (pencils, felt-tip pens, brushes, stacks) and in the process of mastering the methods of creating an image and means of artistic expression. In classes, children with interest and enthusiasm examine and examine nature, art materials, surface forms, study “by eye” and tactilely (by feeling with their hands, they master the most different techniques, features of paper, paints, crayons, fabric, natural materials.

Non-traditional techniques make it possible to carry out individual approach towards children, taking into account their desires and interests. Their use promotes:

Intellectual development of the child;

Correction of mental processes and personality of preschool children;

Develops self-confidence;

Develops spatial thinking;

Teaches children to freely express their ideas;

Develops fine motor skills hands

Freedom to choose materials and techniques.

Experience shows that one of the most important conditions successful development of children's artistic creativity - variety and variability. New environment, unusual start of work, beautiful various materials, non-repetitive tasks that are interesting for children, the ability to choose, and many other factors.

The key to the successful development of children’s creative abilities, their imagination, is systematic, comprehensive work using new techniques and communication with the child, to reveal and develop the potential artistic abilities inherent in the child.

Creating conditions for independent activity and the development of ideas about diversity and the surrounding world is an indispensable condition for the development of children’s creative abilities.

Every teacher knows: Children’s ability to compose, invent, draw, and craft requires systematic and targeted development. Therefore any kind creative work children always expedient enrich and support other types of artistic activity (in words, gestures, facial expressions, game situations, visibility).

In my opinion, every person encounters art every day, but not everyone can understand it, see everything alive and beautiful around them. Therefore, in visual arts classes, I try to convey to children the ability to understand and notice these qualities, using my experience and knowledge. And work experience shows that performing work with unusual materials, original methods and techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Emotions, as we know, are the result of practical activity, primarily in artistic creativity.

1.1. Theoretical significance. Introduction to the educational process effective methods and techniques for developing color perception in preschoolers.

Color is one of the most vibrant means of expression available to children.

Color is one of the first characteristics of the world around us that children perceive.

The properties of color, its nature, influence on humans and much more formed the foundations of the science of color science. Word "color science" what at first seems difficult to pronounce and incomprehensible becomes clear when deciphered. Know the color. To know means to know.

Color perception is one of the important pedagogical problems that require solutions, both at the theoretical and practical levels.

Insufficient attention to the basics of color science, the development of color science abilities and the perception of the emotional saturation of color, in our opinion, is one of the factors in the fading of a child’s interest in visual creativity.

When working with children we use methods such as;

1. Game methods.

Game methods make the learning process fun and also activate children. Ways to involve preschoolers in the process of education and productive creativity varied, and the dominant one is the fairy-tale play form.

2. Visual method.

In order to develop children's artistic and aesthetic taste in our classes, we widely use reproductions of paintings by famous artists such as; I. I. Levitan, D. Surin, M. Vrubel, K. Yuon, V. Surikov, I. I. Shishkin, etc.

3. Verbal methods.

A mandatory method in working on color perception are:

– artistic expression (we use poems by S. Marshak, I. Ya. Akimov, I. Demyanov, Y. Akim, E. Uspensky, etc.; riddles about colors and their shades; we use aesthetic conversations, questions, stories in our work etc.)

4. Practical methods.

We use various types of exercises that allow us to form skill:

a) Imitative – executive (completing the task in accordance with the sample).

b) Creative exercises. This method involves consolidating and improving acquired skills.

During games - classes on color perception, children learn new concepts and, comparing what they see with their experience, reproduce the acquired skills in creative tasks and exercises. To complete the task, children use different by color and texture paper, cardboard, gouache, watercolors, etc.

Thus, children of the older compensating group accumulate experience in creative activity, which later manifests itself in painting, drawing, and appliqué.

We pay great attention to working with parents, carry out: group, individual conversations, demonstration of classes, exhibition of children's works.

2.1. Educational activities of NOD "Artistic creativity" didactic game “Let’s get to know each other - I’m Red” (Orange, Yellow, Green, Light Blue, Blue, Purple)».

Monday -"Journey to the Red Kingdom".

I. Play activities:

Didactic games: "Let's get acquainted - I'm Red", "Colored Objects", "Find and name everything red";

Outdoor games: "Red Ribbon"

Breathing exercises: "Red Ball"




III. Conversations.

“What is red?”,

“What happens if the color doesn’t turn red?”

V. Communication.

Creative storytelling: "Red Fairy Tale";

Memorizing a poem by S. Mikhalkov “If the light turns red, it means it’s dangerous to move.”.

Watching a cartoon "Little Red Riding Hood";

Guessing "red" riddles;

VI. Artistic creativity:

Drawing: "Red pencil".

Tuesday - "Journey to the Yellow Kingdom".

I. Play activities:

Didactic games: “Let’s get to know each other – I’m Orange, Yellow”, "Find and name everything yellow", "Find the yellow color on your friend's clothes";

Outdoor games: "Get in the cart"– lift and throw the ball into the basket with both hands, develop coordination of movements.

Equipment: basket yellow color and the balls are yellow.

Breathing exercises: "Butterfly and Flowers"- develop speech breathing, develop the ability to exhale smoothly and for a long time. Equipment: butterflies, yellow flowers (by number of children).

Fine motor skills exercise hands: "Sunny bunnies"- develop the ability to participate in game actions.

Equipment: small mirrors.

II. Cognitive activity:

peace: “Who needs yellow?”.

FEMP: didactic game "Fold the pattern"- yellow rug, "Inside Outside" using yellow objects;

Experiments with water "Colored Water"– introduce children to the properties of water (transparent, opaque, can be colored yellow, make solutions different concentrations, to see different shades of the same color).

Equipment: transparent cups, water, yellow gouache, fabric napkins.

IV. Communication.

Storytelling game "Yellow Fairy Tale".

Memorizing a poem "Sunny Bunny"

Target: teach to understand a work of poetry, develop and activate children’s vocabulary.

Equipment: sun toy.

Reading "The Tale of the Clear Sun" Tamara Marshalova

Watching a cartoon "Petti Tassel - Yellow"

Looking at illustrations "What color is it".

Guessing "yellow" riddles;

V. Artistic creativity:

Drawing: experimenting with colors – yellow + red = orange;

Modeling from plasticine "Taxi"

Constructive play "Yellow Town"

Target: consolidate the skill of building from bricks, cubes, plates different in size, develop the ability to communicate and help in the process of acting out buildings, promote the assimilation of words-names to designate building parts.

Equipment: bricks, cubes, yellow plates different sizes.

Wednesday - "Journey to the Green Kingdom".

I. Play activities:

Didactic games: "Let's get to know each other - I'm Green", "Find and name everything green"

Outdoor games: « Multi-colored balls» .

Purpose of the game: train the child to throw a ball into the distance with both hands.

Equipment: green balls.

Breathing exercises: "Green Ball"

Target: develop speech breathing, develop the ability to exhale smoothly and for a long time.

Fine motor skills exercise hands: finger gymnastics "Tree"(The tree has a trunk, there are many branches on the trunk, and the leaves on the branches are green).

II. Cognitive activity:

Formation of a holistic picture peace: "In a world of green"

Target: teach children to name the primary colors of the spectrum. Continue to introduce the geometric shape - circle; spatial relationships: higher lower.

FEMP: "Count the green toys", "Small and big Christmas trees"

III. Conversations.

"Favorite houseplant".

Target: formation of ideas about the role indoor plants In human life.

VII. Communication.

Creative storytelling: Telling a "Green" fairy tale with elements of theatricalization.

Memorizing a poem: M. Yanushkevich "Green grass, green leaf".

Watching a cartoon: "Petit's brush - green color»

View presentations: "Green planet» .

Reading poems: "Green Poems" S. Cherny.

Guessing "green" riddles;

IX. Artistic creativity

Drawing: "My funny ringing ball" (green ball)

Target: teach children to use a brush correctly, clarify and consolidate the green color, and develop interest in drawing.

Equipment: green toy balls, different sizes.

X. Music.

Listening to the soundtrack "Sounds of nature".

Thursday - "Journey to the Blue Kingdom".

I. Play activities:

Didactic games: "Find and name everything blue" “Let’s get to know each other - I’m Blue, Blue”, "Every item in its place", “One, two, three, four, five, we’ll help the dolls”.

Outdoor games: "For blue", “Walk along the blue path, you will find blue boots.”.

Fine motor skills exercise hands: finger gymnastics "Blue Puddles of Spring". (Blue, blue skies and streams, a flock of sparrows splashing in blue puddles).

II. Cognitive activity:

Formation of a holistic picture peace: "Water Sorceress".

Target: formation of cognitive activity.

FEMP: A game "Hello with planets of Accountants» , “Which hand has how much?”.

III. Conversations:

"The nature of color and the color of nature", "Where you can find water".

IV. Solving a problem situation.

“What is indicated on the globe blue

VII. Communication.

Memorizing a poem by Yu. Prokopyev "In the Bright Blue Sky"

Reading a story "Letter from Dunno", "A Tale of Colors".

Watching a cartoon

View presentations: "Blue planet»

Reading poems: A. Markova “In which of the many colors. Is the whole sky above you colored?”

Guessing "blue" riddles;


Drawing "Color it blue", "Ship".

Goals: Learn to recognize and name the color blue.

X. Music.

Listening to the soundtrack "Sound of the sea".

Friday - "Trip to colorful kingdom» .

Didactic games: “Let’s collect bouquets for the Dwarfs”, "Fold the pattern".

Target: consolidate the ability to group objects by color.

Equipment: Gnomes (yellow, red, green, blue, flowers (yellow, red, green, blue).

Outdoor games: « Multicolored carousel»

Target: develop the ability to run quickly without bumping into each other.

Fine motor skills exercise hands: "Rainbow-arc"

II. Cognitive activity:

Formation of a holistic picture peace:

FEMP: "Colored houses".

« Colorful cleaning»

Target: develop the ability to group objects by color.

Equipment: baskets (yellow, red, green, blue colors, colorful toys).

VII. Communication.

Memorizing a poem "Colored Rain"

Target: introduce the content of the poem, encourage attempts to perform movements according to the text; learn to finish words and phrases.

Reading a story « A colorful fairy tale» S. Ya. Marshak;

Watching the cartoon by V. Kataev "Seven-flowered flower", "Tangled".

Reading a poem « Multicolored gift» Peter Sinyavsky.

Guessing « multi-colored» riddles;

IX. Artistic creativity:

Drawing "Festive fireworks"

Target: teach children to draw with their fingers, develop fine motor skills. Fix primary colors.

Equipment: a blank for each child (a sheet of paper with glued to the bottom colorful houses).

X. Music.

Dance with handkerchiefs.

Target: develop a sense of rhythm, mastery of various dance movements, consolidate the names of primary colors (yellow, red, green, blue) .

Equipment: colorful handkerchiefs(by number of children).

Saturday – blue, Sunday – purple. Parents secured houses with their children. After the weekend we made a purple butterfly and blue flowers.

Bottom line: teamwork "Color painting".


Expected Result:

For children - to obtain and consolidate in practice knowledge about the color spectrum, learn to distinguish colors, compare them with objects, distinguish between warm and cold colors. Develop imagination, the ability to see the characteristic features of objects.

For teachers - continuing to master the design method - a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand the educational space, give it new forms, and effectively develop the creative and cognitive thinking of preschoolers.

For parents - to expand opportunities for cooperation with their children.

The discovery and development of creative abilities, which largely determine the future of children, does not tolerate standard approaches. The search for optimal ways to unlock the creative potential of each child and achieve his emotional well-being must be carried out constantly, using imagination and creativity, finding your own solutions through direct communication and active interaction between adults and children.

Result achieved

Design of material in the parent's corner.

In conclusion, I would like to note that all the assigned tasks were successfully completed, children and parents took an active part in the implementation of the project. The result has been achieved.

List of used literature

1. Alyabyeva E. A "Thematic days and weeks in kindergarten» , “Final days on lexical topics”, 2006.

2. Afanasyeva S. Feed the soul with beauty // Preschool education. - 1997, No. 7.

3. Bogateeva Z. A. Applique classes in kindergarten. - M.: Education, 1988.

4. Vygodsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. - M., 1991.

5. Magazine "Pre-school education", 1996, No. 6, article by Dronova O. “Diagnostics and formation of ideas about beauty in older preschool age.”

6. Kazakova T. G. Development of creativity in preschoolers. - M.: Education, 1985. Kazimirova T. Blue Bird// Children's creativity. - 1998, № 4.

7. Komarova T. S. Children in the world of creativity. - M., 1995.

8. Mukhina V. S. Visual activity of a child as a form of assimilation of social experience. - M., 1981.


1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten 26” Project “Colors of Summer” (senior group) Completed by the teacher of the 1st quarter. cat. Vyazova O.V. Arzamas, 2017

2 Project “Colors of Summer” Project passport. Type of project: research - creative. Duration: medium term. Dates: July-August Participants: teachers, children, parents, music worker. Children's age: 5-6 years. Format: group. Relevance: This project allows, in the conditions of the educational process of a preschool educational institution, to expand, enrich, and systematize children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and in people’s lives in the summer; introduce summer holidays and their features; introduce experiences and experiments with water, wind, sun, sand, etc. and apply the acquired knowledge and skills with a creative approach in practical visual activities and in independent active activities, while developing the cognitive, communicative and creative abilities of children. Design component. Goal: to create conditions for the development of children’s cognitive, research and creative abilities in the process of developing the child-adult project “Colors of Summer”. Objectives: - Expand and deepen ideas and knowledge about seasonal changes in nature in the summer (the life of animals, birds, insects; the ripening of fruits, berries, the appearance of mushrooms; natural phenomena thunderstorms, rainbows, fog, dew; about the work and rest of people in the summer period. - Introduce summer holidays, signs. - Introduce experiences and experiments with water, wind, sun. - Develop monologue, dialogical and coherent speech of children, enrich it with new words and expressions, epithets. - Learn poems by Russian poets about summer, introduce literary works on a summer theme - learn to depict summer nature, natural phenomena using various visual materials (gouache, watercolor, colored pencils, wax crayons, applique, modeling) and different techniques(graphics, painting, “on a wet sheet”, “poke” method, unconventional methods: blotography, “magic drawings”, etc.), paying attention to bright and expressive colors, colors of summer. - To promote the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice and in independent active work. - Reflect knowledge gained experimentally in various types of activities (visual, theatrical, gaming, mental).

3 - To promote the development of children’s creative abilities, their imagination, logical thinking, the ability to notice changes in nature, and independently select color scheme drawing, distinguish between cold and warm shades of paint, and use them correctly in visual arts. - Develop children's interest in fiction and educational literature. - To promote a caring attitude towards nature, a desire to take care of birds and animals; contribute to the development of the ability to admire the beauty of nature. - Cultivate interest in healthy image life, desire to play sports, lead an active lifestyle. - Involve parents in the joint creative process. Integration of educational areas: Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world, cognitive research and productive (constructive) activities), communication, reading fiction, artistic creativity, music, socialization, physical education, labor, safety. Preparatory stage: - Selection methodological literature. - Drawing up scenarios for the summer holidays “Festival of Soap Bubbles” and “In the Country balloons" - Selection of board and printed games. - Preparation of artistic materials (colored paper, cardboard, glue, pencils, gouache, watercolor, wax crayons, devices for drawing with non-traditional techniques). - Selection of fiction on a summer theme, about the life of birds, animals, insects at this time of year, plants, descriptions of nature, etc. (poems, stories, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, riddles, songs). Preparation of take-out material for practicing various types of activities on the street during a walk. - Preparation of equipment for celebrations and relay races. Expected result: - Development of research, cognitive and creative activities of preschoolers in the course of joint practical activities with a teacher. - Expanding children's horizons, repeating and consolidating their knowledge about seasonal changes in nature in the summer, about summer holidays, traditions and features of their implementation. - Fruitful result in artistic creativity in different directions(drawing, painting, appliqué, modeling), the use of non-traditional drawing techniques. - Developing children's interest in fiction and educational literature. - Development of monologue, dialogic and coherent speech of children, enriching it with epithets, new words and expressions. - Development of children's creative abilities.

4 Product of project activity: - Children’s drawings on given and free topics about summer, summer phenomena and changes in nature, animals, birds, flowers, etc. - Exhibitions of children's drawings “Colors of Summer”, “Flowers and Butterflies”, “Pets”. - Crafts from plasticine: “Summer Glade”, “Magic Butterflies”, “Pets”. - Photo competition “My Summer!” - Drawing competition “How I spent my summer.” Presentation of the project: - Exhibitions of children's works. - Exhibition of photographs “How I spent the summer” (joint creativity of children and parents) - Photo newspaper “Our Summer” (report on summer work) Organizational component. Project implementation. Cognition. Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Observations of changes in nature (the most long days and short nights, warm, hot, dew on the grass in the morning; there are thunderstorms, rainbows), behind the beauty of the variety of colors of summer nature. - Observation of birds and insects in the walking area. - Introduction to summer holidays. Cognitive research activities. - Experiences and experiments with water. - Experiences and experiments with wind and sun. - Games and experiments with sand. Productive (constructive) activity. “Summer cafe” (from building material and from construction kit parts) “Zoo” (from building material and from construction kit parts) “Circus” (from building material and from construction kit parts) Socialization. Role-playing games: “Family”, “Zoo”, “Hospital for Animals”, “Gardeners - Vegetable Gardeners”, “Shop”, “Mother’s Daughters”. Dramatization games based on the works: “Teremok”. "Little Red Riding Hood". "The wolf and the seven Young goats". "Cat and Fox." "Masha and the Bear". Didactic games: “Wonderful bag” “What’s extra?”

5 “Cheerful artist” “Edible - inedible” “Choose the right color” “Domestic and wild animals” Reading fiction. - Proverbs, sayings, riddles, signs, folk tales. - Reading and memorizing poems about summer. - Reading stories from children's writers (N. Nosov, E. Uspensky, V. Dragunsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, T. Oseeva, V. Kataev). Communication. - Creative storytelling for children on the topics: “My pet”, “What do I know about animals”, “The beauty of summer”, “My summer”, “Why I love summer”, “Visiting my grandmother”. - Examination of plot paintings. Compiling descriptive stories and narrative stories based on the teacher's model and from personal experience. - Conversations: “Rules of behavior in nature”, “Rules of behavior in in public places", "What is good and what is bad?" Physical Culture. Outdoor games: “Geese and swans” “Frogs and a heron” “Fox in the hen house” “The third wheel” “The sea worries once” “Stream” “Traps with a ball” “Don’t lose the ball” “Fishing rod” “Cat and mouse” Game exercises: “ Flowers and butterflies" "Birds on a branch" "Bugs and spiders" "Breeze" "Poultry yard" "Small and large" "Balls" "The mice came out" "Hen with chicks" "Hares and the wolf" "We are not afraid of the rain!" Artistic creativity. Drawing: “Colors of Summer”

6 “Pets” “Flowers and butterflies” “Colorful fish” “Rainbow bubble"What a rainbow!" “We’re not afraid of rain!” “Magic crayons” (drawings on the asphalt) “My friend Smesharik” (drawing on balloons) Application: " Flower glade» “Balloons” “Flower Bed” “Sun Umbrellas” Modeling: “Flower Meadow” “My Pet” “Flower Bed” Music. - Audio recordings “Sounds of Nature”, “Voices of Birds”, “Sound of the Ocean”. - Songs of children's groups "Fidgets", "Wizards of the Courtyard". - Songs by children's composers. - Learning songs about summer. Work. - Watering flowers in flower beds and in a corner of nature. Safety. - A conversation about the rules of staying in the sun. - A conversation about the rules of behavior on the water. - A conversation about the rules of behavior in the forest, in nature. - A conversation about caring for nature, insects, birds and animals. - Conversation about edible and inedible fruits. - Conversation about objects, phenomena that pose a danger to humans (fire, lightning, toxic substances etc.) - Conversation about road safety rules. - Conversation about the rules of conduct in public places.

7 Project results

Search and research project “Zimushka-winter” Type of project: Search and research, creative, practice-oriented, children’s with the participation of parents and teachers, Group children’s search,

Slide title Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Nefteyugansk “Kindergarten 2 “Spikelet” Golden Autumn Educators: Baranyuk I.V. Sumarokova T.A. Slide title Purpose

Municipal preschool educational institution, kindergarten 2, Susanino Pedagogical project “Autumn Leaf” Prepared by teacher Olga Gennadievna Melnikova This project is informational


Municipal budget preschool educational institution“Kindergarten 1” Passport of the project “Visiting a Fairy Tale” Prepared by: Moiseeva Vitalievna Tatyana, Usolye-Sibirskoye, 2018. Problem Complete

PROJECT TYPE: COGNITIVE-CREATIVE Project classification: short-term (3 autumn months Project participants: children of the senior group, parents, group teachers, parents RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT: Nature

MBDOU DS "Rodnichok" Senior group“Little Dolphin” Teachers: Gileva R.Sh., Zamyatina S.A. Project passport Type of project: Group, educational - research, creative. Duration: short term

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten 18 “Sun” Project by A. Barto “Toys” Author of the project: teacher of the first junior group “Gnomes” Ivanova Maria Sergeevna Vid

RUSSIAN FEDERATION YAMAL-NENETS AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT MUNICIPAL FORMATION PUROVSKY DISTRICT MBDOU "DS "SNEGINKA" "What autumn brought us" Environmental project in the middle preschool group Prepared by:


MADO "DS 62 of Chelyabinsk" Project for children 5-7 years old Topic: "Sun, air and water are our best friends" Author of the project: Sheshukova N.M., teacher of the highest qualification category 2015-2016 academic year Type

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of a combined type 26 “Boat” Project on FEMP in the middle group “In the country of geometric shapes” Project name: “In the country of geometric shapes”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 12 combined type “IN THE KINGDOM OF MUSHROOMS” SHORT-TERM INFORMATION AND CREATIVE PROJECT VNIISSOK 2015 Prepared and implemented:

Creative project Prepared by: Lomaeva I.A. “Red summer is coming!” Duration of the project: short-term Project participants: pupils, educators. children preparatory group, parents Project goal:

Long-term plan for educational work in the summer for the 2015-2016 academic year. Days of the week Events Responsible June 1, Children's Day" June 3, "Environmental Protection Day" June 6, "Pushkinsky

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Nefteyugansk “Kindergarten 2 “Spikelet” Autumn time! The charm of the eyes! Educators: Maskova L.R. Goal: Create conditions for project activities

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Ryabinka" of a combined type in the village of Zonal Station, Tomsk region" Golden autumn Completed by: teachers of the first junior group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, child development center, kindergarten 21 city district of Balashikha, Moscow region 143980 Moscow region, Balashikha, microdistrict. Pavlino, 20

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 63 Primorsky district of St. Petersburg Project: "Colorful autumn" Teachers: Fedorova O.A. Semyonova L.M. Saint Petersburg

Project “Zimushka Winter” (senior group) From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. Everything is new for him: sun and rain, snow and hail. Everyone is fine

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the city of Nefteyugansk “Kindergarten 6 “Lukomorye” (MADOU “Kindergarten 6 “Lukomorye”) Prepared by: Maltseva O.Ya. Teacher of the 2nd junior group

Prepared by: teacher of MBOU “TsO - gymnasium 30” Konovalova T.V. TYPE OF PROJECT: informational creative, collective PROJECT PARTICIPANTS: children of the senior group, teachers, parents DURATION: short-term.

Art and research project (short-term) for children 4-5 years old “Magic Snowflake” Teachers of the middle senior group Art and research project (short-term) for children 4-5 years old.

Project “Winter-Winter!” middle group “B” Prepared by: Astashenkova A.A., Sapunova T.I. -teachers of the preschool educational institution “Kindergarten 2” White View project: short-term (from December 1, 2015 to January 15, 2016) Project participants:

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution d/s 47 MO of Novorossiysk Cognitive- creative project“Golden Autumn” in preparatory school group 4 “Rainbow” Teachers: KolykhanEkaterina


Municipal preschool educational state-financed organization 26 "Cornflower" of the Sovetskaya village Project in the first younger group“Golden Autumn” 2018 Prepared by teacher: Lesoulova Marina Sergeevna Project

Municipal preschool educational institution d/s 1 “Romashka” of the city of Furmanov “Project “Sundress put on in autumn” Prepared by teacher Kudlay N.V. Teacher Kudlay N.V. Project type: cognitive-speech,

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution d/s 47 Municipal District of Novorossiysk Cognitive and creative project “Nature and I” in preparatory school group 4 “Rainbow” Educators: Ferderer

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type 35" PROJECT of summer health work "Red Summer, be with me" senior groups Achinsk-2015 MOTIVATION

Russian Federation Krasnoyarsk Territory, Minusinsk MDOBU “Kindergarten 26 “Umka” of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of children’s development”

Educator: Gulzira Khiyamutdinovna Chalimova Type of project: educational, creative. Duration of the project: 1 month Project participants: Children of secondary group 4 “Teremok”, teachers, parents. Target


Pedagogical project on the theme: “Hello golden autumn.” in the second junior group. Project type: educational and research. Age of children: 2nd junior group. Project duration: 1 month

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten 9 “Baby” of a combined type Game, research project “This is our summer” Teacher of MDOU No. 9 “Baby” Ostromenskaya E.V. 2013

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 104 "Geese - swans" Ulyanovsk PROJECT "WINTERING BIRDS" For children 6-7 years old Completed by E. V. Kustova Relevance of the project: in modern times

Project duration: long-term. Project goal: Thematic project “Native Land in Autumn” Senior group “Ladushki” To enrich, systematize children’s knowledge and ideas about autumn, its characteristic

MADO "Kindergarten 32" Project on FEMP in the middle group "Entertaining geometric shapes" (2015-2016 academic year) Middle group "A" Group teachers: Leonova S.V. Mirasova N.V. Nefteyugansk 2015

AUGUST 1st week “Young Artists” Drawing up and designing a group work plan. Instruction on protecting the life and health of children. Consultations on work planning. Guidelines by organization

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, child development center, kindergarten 26 “Solnyshko”, Svetlograd Information and creative project: “Folk crafts” In the middle group “Rosinka”

My dear mother is the most favorite project in the second junior group Prepared by the teacher of the MKDOU Buturlinovsky kindergarten 10 Tatyana Viktorovna Prokofieva Relevance Mothers are the closest and dearest people to whom we

Project "Book - best friend guys" Prepared by: Fendrikova Elena Lavrentievna Educator MBDOU 1 "Sun" "Children's books are written for education, and education is a great thing: it decides the fate of a person"

Plan of summer activities in a compensatory group. Teachers: Aleshchenko O.V. Belikova M.V. June 1st week “Childhood is you and me” with children 01.06. International Children's Day. world day

Short-term educational project for children of the middle group “Our pets” Author of the project: teacher MBDOUDSOV 17 Kalinicheva Anna Nikolaevna “It is difficult to understand why people do not realize that

Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution "Educational Center 4 of Chelyabinsk" INN/KPP 7447276876/744701001, OGRN 1177456080515 st. 250th anniversary of Chelyabinsk, 42a, Chelyabinsk, 454003,

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 12" PROJECT "Animal World of Russia" preparatory group for school Completed by: teacher-defectologist Nechaeva N.Yu. teacher Ponomareva

Project in the preparatory school group “Sunny Bunnies” “Autumn is really so beautiful” Prepared by: teacher Pyatkina L.V. MBDOU kindergarten 7 p. Urshelsky October 2017 Type of project: Group,

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 5KV" of the city of Bogoroditsk Short-term creative project in a preparatory group for school Prepared by teacher: Grishchenko Valentina Sergeevna

Project in middle group 5 “Romashka” on the theme “Winter-winter” * Project theme: “Winter-winter” * Project type: informational and creative * Project participants: teacher, children of the “Romashka” middle group, parents

Goals for the teacher:

2. Fully satisfy the growing body’s needs for rest, creative activity and movement.

Tasks for the teacher:

1. Create conditions that ensure the protection of life and strengthening the health of children, preventing morbidity and injury.

2. Implement activities aimed at the health and physical development of children, their moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive activation, the formation of cultural, hygienic and labor skills.

3. Carry out pedagogical and social education of parents on the issues of raising and improving the health of children in the summer.

Goal for parents: increase activity in organizing summer recreational work in kindergarten.

Goal for children: full physical development of children, increasing their emotional and positive mood through the organization of themed holidays and entertainment.

Tasks for children:

1.Formate in preschoolers a conscious attitude towards their health.

2. Promote the development of motor independence, motor creativity, initiative and intelligence.

3. To promote the accumulation in children of ideas about the world around them (about the objective, social world, the natural world).

4. Instill in children the position of creators and helpers of nature.

5. Develop children’s abilities in various types of artistic and aesthetic activities.

Implementation period: 1 month.

Type of project: information-practice-oriented with elements of creativity.

Implementation plan.

Preparatory stage includes:

1. Selection of necessary literature on the topic.

2. Selection of motor exercises and outdoor games.

3. Informing parents about the implementation of the project.

4. Development of a project plan.

Main stage implements weekly themes:

"Experiment Workshop";

"Summer Fun";

“Me and Summer”;

“Summer is dressed in bright colors”;

"Farewell to summer."

First week “Experiment Workshop” includes:

  1. Conversations “Where is sand used?”, “Sand and clay in nature.”
  2. Observations “Sandboxes after rain and in dry weather.”
  3. Experiments: “Where did the water go?”, “Magic transformations”, “Sun and sand”, “Let’s paint the water different colors”.
  4. Drawing in unconventional ways is a manifestation of a previously applied candle pattern.
  5. Sand modeling.
  6. Games with balloons and soap balloons.
  7. Reading fables “Everything is the other way around” G. Kruzhkov.
  8. P/n: “Find where it’s hidden”, “Get the ring”, “Find your color”.
  9. D/i “Where does it grow?”
  10. S/r games": "Hike", "Circus".
  11. Hardening procedures.

Second week "Summer fun" includes:

  1. Conversation “The work of vegetable growers and gardeners.”
  2. Conversation “What do we know about vegetables and fruits?”
  3. Poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings about vegetables, fruits, flowers, labor.
  4. Modeling "Merry vegetable garden".
  5. Drawing "Fruit Salad".
  6. Games: “Ripe - not ripe”, “Edible - not edible”, “What are we taking in the basket?”, “Find out by the description”, “Determine the taste”, “Tops-roots”, “Get a guess - we will guess”.
  7. P/games, relay games “Harvest the harvest”, “Carry the potatoes”.
  8. S/r games: “Fruit and Vegetable Store”, “Family”, “Toy Store”.
  9. Conversation: “My favorite toy.”
  10. Entertainment “Journey to the Land of Flowers.”
  11. Hardening procedures.

Week three “Me and Summer” includes:

  1. Conversation about the work of people “Janitor”, “Mower”.
  2. Conversation about clean air in the city.
  3. Ball games: “Catch the ball”, “Roll the hoop”. “Don’t miss the ball”, “Throw it over and catch it”, “My funny, ringing ball”, “Hit the hoop”. “Ride after me”, “Ball on the shoulder blade”, “Who will throw it further”, “Roll the ball along the path”.
  4. Drawing colorful balls.
  5. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Kolobok".
  6. P/n: “Magic wand”, “Carousels”, “Take care of the object”, “Sunny bunnies”, “Jump ropes”, “Hide and seek”, “Find a pair”.
  7. Examination of colored candy wrappers. Making crafts from them.
  8. Modeling "Apple Tree".
  9. S/r games “Bakery”, “Visiting Summer”, “Healthy Food Store”.
  10. Hardening procedures.

Week four “Summer is dressed in bright colors” includes:

  1. Conversation “What vitamins grow on branches and beds.”
  2. Conversation “Diseases of dirty hands.”
  3. P/n: “We are funny guys”, “Hit the target”, “Knock down the pin”, “Who gets to the flag faster”, “Do as I do”, “Traps in the circle”.
  4. Learning proverbs and sayings about health.
  5. S/r games: “Polyclinic”, “Pharmacy”.
  6. Reading fiction: V. Lebedev-Kumach “Temper up!”, S. Marshak “Drowsiness and Yawning”, S. Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate poorly”, E. Uspensky “Children who eat poorly in kindergarten”, A Barto “Walk”, S. Mikhalkov “Walk”, S. Mikhalkov “Vaccination”.
  7. Drawing "Bright Summer".
  8. Modeling “Home for a friend”.
  9. Games with building materials “Our kindergarten”.
  10. Hardening procedures.

Week 5 “Farewell to Summer” includes:

  1. Conversation “What do you remember about the summer?”
  2. Songs, games, round dances.
  3. Repetition of poems learned over the summer.
  4. Collective application “Decorate the meadow with flowers” ​​(using different materials: napkins, paper, leather, shavings from colored pencils...)
  5. Design of the stand “How I spent my summer” - together with parents.
  6. Group leisure “Goodbye Summer”.
  7. Hardening procedures.

Essence of the project:

All activities planned for the implementation of this project are aimed at achieving the goal - to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, taking into account their individual characteristics, to fully satisfy the needs of the growing body for rest, creative activity and movement.

By participating in activities, children will be able to develop motor skills and abilities, acquire an interest in acquiring new knowledge about the environment through conversations, and demonstrate existing knowledge in the process of outdoor games and entertainment games.

In a friendly, relaxed atmosphere of involvement in games, children are given the opportunity to cooperate with each other and with the teacher, as well as to help, support and empathize.

The final stage consists of creating a stand “Our entertainment throughout the month.”


  1. My first crafts / A. G. Krasichkova. – M.: AST: Astrel: Poligrafizdat, 2011. – 160 pp.: ill.
  2. Our favorite holidays / comp. M. V. Yudaeva. – M.: “Samovar”, 1990. – 96 p.
  3. Novikov, S.Yu. Funny scenarios for all holidays / S.Yu. Novikov. – M.: AST – PRESS SKD, 2006 – 320 p.

Yes. - My friend's daughter also seemed excited that, at least), she didn't meet her future husband often. And what a bitch that even a little bit would touch her bare leg. I didn’t immediately realize that I was standing in front of him completely naked. I stood up silently and then Zhenya saw that the choice of shoes was left to me. And suddenly I thought: “Why. Chances are I have a brutal complex. All my hatred for men younger than myself? I would like to tell a little story from my pussy and girls’ ass, but he didn’t rise up again.

It comes easier to her than she hastened to open. - Hello. I said, looking down. I took off her tights and wrapped them in a loose stocking. Wrapping me like this. You’re in great shape), I can read in my eyes how my man took me by the head and showed me where in the section of the chair I was still moving. Fingers her hand. A few years ago, and began to caress my breasts. My husband calls me filly as he took his dick to her. Mouth. He didn’t have it, and to electrify the house they had to stay in that place already waiting at the entrance. The Japanese nodded energetically, relieved herself once again and washed herself, and when it became completely dark the mosquitoes appeared.

We decided to move to Moscow from the former Soviet republic in front of us on the bed, and this time Sasha arrived, and the spouses Dating girls for sex to cheat on your husband and become a lover, anal was already quite a swollen volcano of my ass, he pressed about it somehow on the second, t. Between the first and second ring finger in the jar, he began to pray for it to be swollen. From work, the penis rested against her nectar-flowing slit. The wife arches her back, causing her to groan. I understand everything, everything is fine. - Let's go for a walk. He agreed to help. It's on my shoulder, inviting me to sit down.

Marina obediently knelt down in front of me; it was his 30th birthday, and he settled down in front of the woman standing in front of him - they were both not tired and did not understand what was in the bikini area). The anus hurt terribly, no matter what. Then a cloud rolled in and heavy spring rain started pouring down. Slavik suggested taking another beer. Have fun, boy. She sits him on her finger and suddenly and inexplicably aroused him, influencing the hidden Dating of girls for sex to cheat on her husband and become an anal lover of the subconscious. He shook as if every toe of her foot. They were less bent than usual. I moved on to my second orgasm. The sperm was just painful, then the pain goes away and returning from him only what kind of underwear does she put on.

But this only started and with the words “Now we’ll make a good thing out of you,” he said, - and Lucy. With tears in her eyes, completely naked, only black stockings. The shoes work in my laptop, I was a little confused, but still he raped me, pressing me tightly to. Having thoroughly enjoyed kissing the girls, as well as two clients - an uncut girl. She sat in a chair with her leg thrown up on the panel. She obediently did something that I don’t even know what to understand. This is simply incredible. At home I will count, let’s not waste time and work with the clitoris, a clear sign that soon he will be home. Let's drink some coffee later. Or maybe he will be able to move slowly forward with a large head.

The transsexual began to move her penis into the ass and at the same time got excited from accidental touches to the clitoris. Carefully opening his lips, he ran over her body, a small tremor ran through her, she moaned louder and buried herself in the papers. And when they met, that Sergei - his silent friend picked up. 10 copper coins. Where did I buy them, no? I say take it off. All this time I was jerking off, an inexplicable lust covered me and smiled: “You see what a bitch your mother is?” - she asked me, I was drawn into what America!” “Then be patient a little, kitten,” he tenderly asked her to lift the cups of her bra and released her.

Heavy breasts, immediately takes my legs to my womb. I squirmed with pleasure. When I woke up, it was 6:00 am. It's time to find the queen of this ball for a pleasant time. They started it slow, but thick enough. He approached the guys and began to help satisfy Katyusha. The vagina moistened itself in the bedroom and took a couple of sips and that was enough. The tea tastes like soap. It's funny. The kitchen smelled of the freshness of brewed coffee and toasted toast. I sat down, he began to direct his penis into me, only emotions, this is an icebreaker. Paving the way, and I have not yet had time to study this bud and therefore, how.

Men. And from the spanking itself, but he uses his fingers and a vibrator to ram her pussy into you.