Well      07.03.2020

A solution of succinic acid for orchids. Rules for the use of succinic acid for orchids. Irrigation use

Kira Stoletova

Growing orchids is accompanied by a number of difficulties, so it is so important not to harm the plant. succinic acid for orchids is a universal top dressing that helps solve all problems.

  • Indications for the use of the remedy

    The useful composition of this tool allows you to quickly and efficiently regenerate the roots and leaves of the flower, as well as normalize its nutrition. With this drug, there is a chance:

    • extend the flowering period of Orchids;
    • activate the process of active rooting of cut cuttings;
    • stimulate the formation of roots;
    • speed up the regeneration processes;
    • increase the immunity of the flower to diseases and bad conditions content;
    • to increase the deciduous mass of the plant.

    Succinic acid for orchids is also good antiseptic, therefore, its action, when used correctly, extends to the soil in which the flower is contained. With active ingredients medicinal product microorganisms harmful to the plant contained in the soil are destroyed.

    The composition of the drug in tablets

    The drug is a product of amber processing. The product is of natural origin and its use does not harm the human body and plants. The substance is in the form of a fine crystalline powder white color. In pharmacological form, it is tablets or powder.

    The composition of the drug includes 100 mg of acetylaminosuccinic acid, which is the active ingredient. Also, such a product is rich in magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, etc.

    Dilution of the drug

    Dilute succinic acid for orchids should be strictly in proportion. Dilute 1 tablet per 250 ml of water. The tablet is crushed in the package. The resulting powder is dissolved in 1000-1500 ml hot water. Warm water is added to the desired volume.

    Use a solution room temperature or warm. It is allowed to store it only in a dark place and using glass containers. The maximum storage period is 3 days. The unsuitability of its use is determined by the appearance of white lumps in the liquid.

    Rules and methods of application

    The main advantage of treating orchids with succinic acid is the high efficiency of the drug, as well as its versatility. It is used as a fertilizer for healthy flowers at any stage of orchid growth and as a root growth stimulator. This tool helps to prevent the appearance of diseases and pests. They process leaves, roots, seeds, cuttings.

    It is an ideal biostimulant that is used in several ways. The main thing is to take into account the proportions and follow the relevant recommendations.

    Leaf processing

    In floriculture, the most effective way is to rub the leaves. Orchid leaves should be wiped with succinic acid if they are wrinkled or become lethargic. It is important to restore turgor: it is an indicator of the state of the plant. It is necessary to process with a solution, for this 1 tablet should be diluted in 250 ml of water.

    Foliage is processed daily in the morning, using soft materials(cosmetic discs, a piece of natural fabric, etc.). Avoid getting the medicine into the base of the leaf plates. After use, the effect of the drug persists for 1-2 days. When the turgor returns, the solution is washed off with a wet cloth or napkin.

    seed processing

    The use of succinic acid for orchids also lies in the germination of seedlings from seeds. Growth stimulation is often a necessary measure that increases the chances of getting healthy and strong young flowers.

    The use of succinic acid for orchids (its seeds) requires the preparation of a solution. 1 tablet is dissolved in 240 ml of water, the seeds are soaked for 12 hours. After drying, they proceed to sowing. Such an operation is necessary for flower growers who want to breed a crop at home.

    Root restoration

    The result of diseases and poor-quality flower care at home is a partial loss of roots. The flower is reanimated using a concentrated agent. The drug in tablets is diluted in water in the proportion of 4 tablets / 1 liter. A damaged flower is sprayed from a spray bottle. The plant is treated daily in the morning.

    Do not be afraid to harm the orchid with an overdose. The use of such a tool when building roots has no drawbacks. The flower takes as much medicine as it needs. To increase efficiency, before each spraying procedure, the leaves of a diseased orchid are wiped with a damp cloth.

    Resuscitation of the root processes of the plant is carried out by another method. Dilute the same solution of succinic acid for orchids (4 tablets / 1 l warm water), soak the damaged flower in it. Resuscitation of the plant is carried out according to the instructions:

    • The plant is placed in the solution so that only the rosette is processed.
    • Processing is carried out within 2-3 months at the main place of cultivation. Take into account room temperature and humidity.
    • As the medicine evaporates and is absorbed by the plant, the solution is poured into the pot.

    This method is effective with the complete loss of plant roots. With proper application, roots form in 30-40 days. The procedure for keeping the orchid in succinic acid is stopped with the appearance of shoots longer than 5 cm. Then it is transplanted to a permanent place.

    Extension of the flowering period

    Feeding orchids with succinic acid is also beneficial for the inflorescences of the plant. Often the indication for use is the withering of the bush. The use of the drug contributes to an increase in flowering shoots by 2-3 times. The spray method is used. The standard solution is diluted before use. The main thing is to take into account some features:

    • The use of fertilizer to stimulate flowering is only effective for healthy plants that have 3-5 leaves.
    • Spraying is carried out in a place familiar to the flower at room temperature 20-22 ° C, moderate humidity and in a well-lit place.
    • Spraying is repeated with active growth, flowering. Re-fertilizing indoor flowers is required when the arrow reaches 10 cm.

    The third spraying is carried out when the first flowering opens. It gives the flower an abundance of nutrients to prolong the flowering period, and also helps to increase the size of the blooms. Florists do not recommend beginners to start using this method. Any mistake negatively affects the health of the plant, depriving it of buds. They can crumble, and the nutrients that were obtained with the solution are spent on the growth of the root system and leaves.

    Root treatment before transplanting a flower

    Succinic acid for Phalaenopsis and other Orchid varieties is also used to stimulate the root system before flower transplantation. It is required to prepare a solution of 4 tablets per 1 liter of water and place a flower in it. The holding time depends on the condition of the plant. Healthy flower need 30 minutes. Sluggish flowers can withstand 2-2.5 hours.

    Dry the roots before transplanting. This procedure makes the plant stronger. The effect is observed after 7-10 days. New shoots appear on flower stalks.


    It will be useful to use succinic acid for orchids in the form of additional feeding. The use of this remedy has a positive effect on the roots of the flower, stimulating their active growth, forming a strong immunity to diseases and pests. Using the product in tablets, it is necessary to prepare a standard solution (1 g of the substance per 1 liter of water).

    After pouring the prepared solution into a watering can or bottle, start feeding. The plant is carefully watered under the root. Volume liquid fertilizer determined by the size of the pot. Watering is stopped as soon as water begins to flow from the drainage holes. After waiting until it drains into the pan, it is poured out to avoid rotting of the roots of the plant.

    Watering also has its own characteristics. When watering flowers with such a biostimulant, it is important to take into account periods of intensive flower growth, so it is watered only in spring and summer. In autumn and winter, the flower is easy to harm. Additional stimulation during the dormant period often leads to impaired root development and rotting.

    Preparation of complex solutions

    It is permissible to use complex solutions that feed flowers with useful microelements. The most widespread are:

    • Tonic. In 1 liter of water dissolve 2 tablets of succinic acid and 1 ampoule of glucose, vitamin PP, ascorbic acid, vitamin B12 and pyridoxine. Such a solution is suitable for both watering and spraying, and for rubbing the leaves. The flower is treated once a day in the morning or evening.
    • Cocktail. The solution is prepared from preparations in tablets: succinic acid (2 pcs.), Nicotinic acid (1/2 pcs.), "Thiamin" (1/2 pcs.), "Pyridoxine" (1/2 pcs.), "Cyanocobalamin" ( 1/2 piece). The tablets are crushed and added to 1 liter of water. It is also important to add Kornevin (on the tip of a knife).
    • Mix with garlic. 6 cloves of garlic insist in 0.5 liters of warm water. After 12 hours, the product is filtered and mixed with an aqueous solution of fertilizer (0.5 l). The resulting volume is diluted to 4 liters and used for irrigation 1-2 times a month.

    Thanks to the additional nutrients that are part of the complex products, it is easy to restore the health of the plant, activate its growth and even flowering.

    Harm of the drug

    Deciding to save a flower from death, flower growers often forget about simple recommendations on the use of the drug. Spraying, watering or keeping a flower should be strictly at a favorable time for this. The agent must be used in accordance with the recommended concentration.

    For preventive purposes, the flower is treated every 30-60 days. In winter and autumn, it is not worth starting such events. During the flowering period, succinic acid should be used with caution. Any mistake leads to shedding of flowering, and all the forces of the plant are distributed to the formation of the root system and flower leaves.

    Precautionary measures

    Watering decorative orchids with succinic acid requires special safety rules.

    natural biostimulant in dosage form tablets makes orchids stronger and more beautiful. It is completely safe for the flower and is perceived by them as a food product. It is not harmful to humans, but if it gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it causes an allergic reaction.

    Gloves should be used to avoid acid contact with the skin. To protect the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose - a gauze bandage. This drug is non-toxic. The only danger is getting the product into the eyes (irritation of the eye membrane appears).

    If the solution gets on the skin or in the eyes, they are washed with water. If necessary, it is important to consult a doctor.


    In the care of indoor flowers, succinic acid is often used, and decorative orchids are no exception. With the help of this preparation, there is a chance to reanimate the plant after the loss of roots, increase immunity to diseases and even increase the duration of flowering. The use of the drug is universal. With the solution made, the plant is sprayed, watered, wiped with leaves and used as a liquid stimulating basis for the formation of root shoots (keeping in solution).

    It is important to adhere to the basic rules for using such a tool. It will be beneficial only if the proportions are respected and the time of use is favorable.

    Today, pharmacies sell a huge number of different drugs for various diseases. But many do not even realize that some of them can be used to maintain indoor plants. One of these agents is succinic acid. For orchids, this drug is simply irreplaceable. So, how to use this drug correctly?

    What is succinic acid

    This drug is most often produced in the form of crystals dissolved in alcohol or in pure water. In this case, succinic acid has no color. For plants, this tool is a growth regulator. Home orchids with insufficient care do not grow well and, of course, do not bloom. Succinic acid allows plants to absorb all the useful components contained in the soil much better, and also helps to adapt when the climate changes or after transplantation. In other words, the drug helps orchids to endure stress faster and easier. Very often, plants suffer precisely because of unfavorable conditions for growth and during transplantation.

    How the drug works

    Succinic acid for orchids is used not only as a growth and flowering stimulator. Often plants need regeneration. However, the greatest effect can be achieved by using the drug only in right time and at the right dosage. Processing can be done several times. In the solution, you can soak the planting material or lower the roots of the plant into it, and also spray the ground part of the flower with it in the future, or fertilize the soil with it by watering.

    Succinic acid strengthens orchids, increasing their resistance to various diseases. Thanks to this substance, plants begin to bloom better, as the drug increases the level of chlorophyll.

    What is the treatment of seeds and seedlings

    Home orchids are enough whimsical plants who often get sick. Additional processing planting material succinic acid allows you to increase the resistance of flowers to negative environmental factors, as well as accelerate their growth and strengthen not only the roots, but also the ground part. In addition, the drug helps microorganisms in the soil to destroy any toxic ones much faster. Succinic acid for orchids is a salvation from components that are poisonous to them and can accumulate in plants.

    Spraying plants with a solution

    As already mentioned, succinic acid can be used in several ways: soak planting material in a solution, water and spray indoor flowers. In the pharmacy, the drug can be bought in the form of tablets. They can also be used. In order to make a solution for spraying, it is enough to dissolve in a liter clean water one dragee. But not everything is so simple.

    Such treatment of all indoor plants should be carried out no more than once every 30 days.

    How to soak roots

    How else is succinic acid used? The tablets, the dilution instructions for which are described above, can be used to prepare a special solution in which the roots can be soaked. The processing time depends on the situation and can range from 30 minutes to 4 hours. It is not worth keeping the roots in the solution longer. The most optimal time is from 1 to 2 hours. If the roots cannot be soaked, then they can be sprayed with a solution. After such processing, the material must dry. This takes about 30 minutes. After that, the plant can be planted in a pre-prepared pot.

    Seed treatment before sowing

    Home orchids can be grown from seed. Before planting, they can also be treated with a solution of succinic acid. First you should prepare the drug by dissolving one tablet in a liter of water. After that, seeds must be placed in the resulting composition. Processing time can be from 12 to 24 hours. After the procedure, the seeds must be dried and planted in a container filled with a suitable substrate.

    Precautionary measures

    Succinic acid is a safe substance for fauna, flora and humans. At the same time, the drug does not contaminate environment. However, it is best to work with succinic acid in and with gloves. Do not eat, smoke or drink while working with the solution. It is better to treat plants with succinic acid in the absence of pets and, of course, children in the room.


    When using this tool, the main thing is to remember that succinic acid for orchids is not a top dressing as such. Rather, it is a substance that helps the fertilizer to be absorbed faster. And this, in turn, can significantly reduce the amount of top dressing introduced into the soil.

    Proper care indoor plants helps you avoid a lot of hassle. But if mistakes were made in the courtship process, succinic acid can help quickly reanimate any plant. Especially often it is used in the care of orchids.

    Orchids are beautiful flowers, but quite whimsical in growing and care. At proper fit and watering can bloom for 10-12 months.

    But often create comfortable conditions for flower growth can be quite difficult, and many admire only the foliage of the plant. However, today there are many drugs to stimulate and strengthen the growth of any plant. One of them is succinic acid.

    Operating principle

    Succinic acid is an inexpensive and affordable remedy that is successfully used not only in medicine, but also for treatment herbaceous plants . It looks like translucent crystals that dissolve easily in liquid.

    Obtained from amber, used for houseplant care. Available in tablet or powder form.

    Attention! The tool is especially useful for orchids in undiluted form.

    It is worth paying attention, it is better to buy succinic acid in special stores. In pharmacies, the product is sold with additives, has a lower concentration of the main component.

    The main advantage of using the product for orchids is the ability to awaken the flower processes active growth and flowering. In other words, succinic acid is a biostimulant. The tool gently affects the plant, unlike micro-feeding and hormones. The action of the drug can be compared with vitamins.

    What is used for

    Succinic acid improves soil quality, but when used correctly. In addition, the tool is often used for:

    • quick engraftment of cuttings;
    • after transplanting or transporting the plant;
    • stimulation root system growth;
    • intensive flower growth;
    • rapid regeneration of the stem and leaves that have suffered due to a sharp change in temperature;
    • resuscitation of plants after stress.

    Advantages and disadvantages of using for orchids

    You can talk about the benefits of succinic acid for a long time. The main advantage is natural, an environmentally friendly product. Experienced gardeners recommend to apply it to those who are engaged in growing plants for the first time.

    Advantages of succinic acid:

    • availability. You can buy the product at any pharmacy without a prescription or garden store;
    • practical application does not cause side effects and overdose;
    • environmentally friendly product;
    • it is possible to process both the root system and the green part of the plant;
    • has a tendency to disintegrate quickly. Succinic acid enzymes do not accumulate in the soil;
    • safety in use.

    Like any tool, it has disadvantages:

    • not always effective. When the plant is in a neglected state, succinic acid does not always cope with the problem. In this case have to resort to biostimulants or other drugs.
    • frequent application can break the acidity of the soil. Useful, but in moderation.

    Rules for breeding succinic acid for orchids

    To understand how to apply succinic acid, should carefully study the rules of breeding. The process is quite laborious, but worth it to tinker with it. For indoor flowers, the drug is most often used in tablet form, sometimes in powder form.

    Advice! It is better to buy a stimulant in a garden store.

    It is worth paying attention, cooked formulations should be used within 2-3 days otherwise the solution will be unusable. Later given time it becomes completely ineffective.

    How to prepare a composition of tablets

    To make a stimulant it is necessary to prepare a dense fabric bag. You can use nylon tights, fold them into 6 layers.

    1. Put 1 tablet of succinic acid in a prepared cloth bag.
    2. Hanging in a jar hot water. The tablet must be completely covered with liquid.. It is important not to shake it, the product should dissolve itself.
    3. After the tablet is completely dissolved, it is necessary to drain the white opaque liquid. Drain very carefully. to leave a residue.
    4. First, merged matte shade solution is diluted in a small amount of water and start processing the plant.

    Powder solution preparation

    Powder is much easier to work with. It is enough to dilute it in water in the correct proportion.. For 1 g of succinic acid, 1 liter is needed. water.

    Advice! If it so happened that there is no way to measure required amount powder, you can use a regular knife. Take the powder on the tip of the knife - this will equal 1 g.

    Using succinic acid for orchids

    For those who have just started to deal with indoor plants, a unique tool will be a great helper. V proper cultivation and flower care.

    But like any remedy, succinic acid has nuances in use, knowing that even the most inexperienced beginner will be able to grow beautiful and strong flowers.

    Leaf processing

    Orchid leaves are enough to moisten cotton swab with the composition and gently wipe the green part of the plant.

    Important! The solution should not fall into the base of the hardwood plates.

    This video shows how to process orchid leaves.

    Spraying with a spray bottle

    I spray the solution with an orchid, which is important to reanimate. Make a concentrated composition: 2 tab. succinic acid per 0.5 water.

    Watering orchids from a watering can

    Need to pour water under the root, slowly and carefully. As soon as the liquid begins to exit through the drainage holes, there is enough water.

    If the plant pot does not have drainage, it is important to tilt it after 20 minutes so that the excess liquid is drained.

    It is worth noting that watering the plant should be done in the morning. However, it is possible to moisten the soil of the flower at another time, but provided that there are no drafts nearby and the plant is in a protected place.

    Stimulating treatment of the root system

    Orchid flowers are processed before transplanting to a new place. To saturate the root system with oxygen and encourage her to settle into a new place, the roots should be treated with a composition of succinic acid. To do this, soak for several hours.

    Resuscitation of orchids with succinic acid

    If the flower needs to be reanimated after stress, you can put the plant in the composition for 3 hours. For the prevention of a healthy orchid you can soak it in the solution for 30 minutes.

    After the time has passed, it is important to dry the root system well for outdoors. Already after 10 days it will be possible to see a good the result of these treatments - the flower will give new shoots.

    This video shows how to revive an orchid with acid and spraying plants with this solution.

    Resuscitation of an orchid without a root

    If the orchid does not receive proper care, then in the process of growth it loses the bulk of the roots. For the resuscitation of such a plant a flower is irrigated from a spray bottle. But this composition must be sufficiently concentrated. For 1.5 liters. water is coming 6 tablets.

    The event must be held every day, preferably in the morning. To spray the composition into small particles, buy a special sprayer. You can buy such a spray bottle at any garden store.

    Attention! Do not be afraid of an overdose of the composition. The orchid will take from it only what it needs. In order for the manipulations to give a positive result, before each irrigation of the flower, it is necessary to wipe the green mass with a damp swab, washing off the previous solution.

    The use of such tablets for new shoots will be especially useful. For prevention, you can place a plant without roots into the prepared mixture and hold for no more than half an hour.

    seed processing

    Having processed the seed in useful tool, you can significantly improve its quality, accelerate germination. To solve, how to dilute succinic acid and how much is needed for soaking, the number of seeds to be processed should be determined.

    For a standard package, you will need half a 0.5 liter tablet. water. Seeds are immersed in the mixture for a day, and then it dries well. Processed grains in succinic acid give fast and strong shoots.

    Compatibility with other tools

    The drug is well combined with other treatments, but they should be carried out in different time. For prophylaxis acid is used no more than 1 time in 3 weeks. For treatment - daily, for 7-10 days.

    How not to harm the plant

    In order for the procedures to give a positive effect, it is important to ensure that the solution does not enter the leaf axils. Thus, there will be no stagnant places.

    Precautionary measures

    When using the tool, you should follow some rules:

    1. During treatments wear rubber gloves.
    2. If the composition gets on the mucous membranes, rinse the affected area with plenty of water.

    Succinic acid for orchids important for proper plant growth and development. Even preventive spraying based on it will give a positive result, but subject to the rules of care and dosage.

    Almost all flower growers are aware of the miraculous effect of succinic acid on plants. What is it? Succinic acid is a colorless crystalline substance. In the natural environment, it is found in amber, resins, brown coal, and is also present in all living organisms that use oxygen for breathing. For the first time, succinic acid was isolated in the 15th century from amber, from which its name came. Now acid is obtained not only during the processing of amber, but also by chemical synthesis. The acid obtained by processing amber is expensive, but the composition is no different from that obtained artificially. There are inexpensive chemical preparations on sale, which are odorless white crystals. Release form - tablets or powder. In this article we will tell you how to use succinic acid for orchids.

    Succinic acid is sold in pharmacies and gardening stores, both in pure form and in various formulations. Succinic acid crystals dissolve in water, alcohol and ether. For plants, only aqueous solutions are used.

    Main useful features succinic acid is the production of energy, protection of plant cells from harmful effects and participation in the processes of cellular respiration. It directs its impact exactly to those areas where it is needed. Excess acid does not accumulate either in plant cells or in the soil.

    For orchids, especially the Phalaenopsis species, succinic acid, as living water. These majestic indoor flowers are rather whimsical. tropical plants. They will develop well and bloom for a long time at home only when proper care. If you fail to create comfortable conditions for them, you will only admire the foliage. This is where the wonderful properties of succinic acid come in handy. It strengthens the weakened plant, stimulates the healthy development of all its organs. Succinic acid cannot replace fertilizers for orchids, but it contributes to their effective absorption.

    Succinic acid is an environmentally friendly drug. In the soil, it completely decomposes into the simplest, well-assimilated elements.

    What is succinic acid used for?

    • flower resuscitation after stress, for example, after transportation or transplantation;
    • accelerate the regeneration of stems and leaves affected by high temperature or frostbite;
    • reducing the recovery period and reducing the risk of death of the orchid;
    • increasing the overall resistance of the plant to adverse factors - sunburn, lack of watering, frost, waterlogging;
    • acceleration of photosynthesis processes;
    • saturation of the leaves with chlorophyll, which activates the intensity of growth and improves the appearance of the plant;
    • stimulation of root formation, especially in young plants that do not have a full-fledged root system and only increase it;
    • improvement of the substrate, restoration of balance in it;
    • acceleration of the conversion of fertilizers into a biological form;
    • activation of rooting processes of cuttings - the use of succinic acid increases the survival rate several times;
    • an increase in the duration of flowering due to the flow of better metabolic processes in plant tissues.

    As can be seen from the above, in addition to a positive effect on the plants themselves, succinic acid also improves the quality of the soil. It improves the microflora, promotes the destruction of toxic substances, accelerates the processing and assimilation of other top dressings and useful microelements by orchids. After stressful situations, Phalaenopsis recover in a short time, form arrows and bloom for a long time.

    With the correct use of succinic acid, no harmful effects on plants have been identified.

    We will tell you how to properly dilute a solution of succinic acid for your orchids.

    Preparation of a solution from tablets

    The method of preparing a solution when using tablets consists of two stages:

    First, crush 1 tablet of succinic acid into powder - you can directly in the package with a hammer or mortar. Dissolve the resulting powder in a small amount of hot water by stirring. IN cold water the powder will not dissolve.

    After complete dissolution, add as much water at room temperature to obtain the required volume of solution. For healthy plants - this is 500 ml, for emergency cases - 250 ml. Apply warm solution.

    Powder solution preparation

    It is also not difficult to prepare a solution from a powder. 1 gr. succinic acid powder is diluted in 5 liters. water. With absence suitable scales, use with an ordinary knife Take as much powder as will fit on the very tip of the knife. This will roughly correspond to 1 tablet. Dissolve this amount of powder in a small amount of hot water, then adjust the volume accordingly to 500 ml. to treat a healthy plant, or up to 250 ml if the plant is unhealthy.

    For work, do not use aluminum utensils, preferably glass or plastic. Do not be afraid to use food utensils - succinic acid is not harmful to humans, on the contrary.

    A solution of succinic acid should be used within the first two days after preparation, then it will completely lose its beneficial features. Store excess solution in a dark container in a cool place. Keep it away from heat and sources of ignition. Still, it is more effective to use a freshly prepared solution.

    How to use succinic acid for orchids

    For beginner flower growers, the use of succinic acid during orchid care can become a magic wand. You can treat with succinic acid all parts of the plant and different ways. But even here you need to know the measure and some nuances so as not to get the opposite effect.

    For root treatment

    When you decide to transplant Phalaenopsis into a new pot, treat its roots with a solution of succinic acid so that they quickly adapt to new conditions and do not rot due to stress. Do it like this:

    If your orchid is healthy, place the roots in a freshly prepared solution of succinic acid (1 tablet per 500 ml of water) for half an hour.

    If the condition of the flower is unsatisfactory, and the plant needs emergency restoration, inspect its roots, remove rotten and damaged parts. Then immerse them in a freshly prepared acid solution for two to three hours, depending on the condition of the orchid. 4 hours is the maximum allowable time. So that the roots do not suffocate during this time and can breathe, remove the plant from the solution every half hour for five minutes. After the set time has elapsed, remove the flower from the solution and dry the roots well (2 to 3 hours in the air). Now transplant the plant into a new, sterile pot and substrate. You will see the result in a couple of weeks - the growth of the roots is activated, new shoots will begin to form on the peduncles. It is noticed that flowering after such treatment of the roots comes much faster and is distinguished by abundance, duration and especially large flowers.

    for watering

    How to water an orchid with succinic acid? Water the orchids growing in a pot with a solution of succinic acid (1 tablet per 1 liter of water) using a small watering can without a sprayer. Let the liquid enter the pot in the form of a thin stream, slowly, gradually filling the entire surface of the substrate. Stop watering when moisture begins to seep out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. Wait until all excess moisture, and remove it from the pallet.

    For submersible watering, soak a healthy orchid in the solution for 30 minutes once or twice a month. Take a break during flowering and dormancy.

    If you are growing an orchid in a container without drainage holes, for example, in a glass flask, water it in the same way, using a watering can. After the substrate is completely saturated with the life-giving solution, after 15-20 minutes, drain the excess solution as follows: holding the root collar with your palm, gently tilt the pot and pour the excess liquid over the top.

    Water with a solution of succinic acid in the morning so that the substrate dries out by evening.

    For processing leaves

    It is very useful to process the leaves with this composition. It is necessary to wipe the leaves of orchids with succinic acid, as it, penetrating through the pores of the plant, quickly improves general state flower.

    It is possible to apply fertilizing orchids with succinic acid in emergency cases, when the leaves are injured, or they begin to turn yellow and wrinkle. If you have a similar case, do it like this. Soaked in a solution of succinic acid (1 tablet per 250 ml of water) with a piece of cotton cloth or a cotton pad, wipe all the leaves of the Orchid every morning until the turgor is completely restored. Wherein avoid getting liquid into the base of the leaf plates and into the center of the outlet. Moreover, do not leave droplets of liquid on the surface of the leaves. If this happens, immediately remove the moisture with a dry swab.

    In addition to rubbing the leaves, orchids respond well to systematic spraying. Spraying with a solution of succinic acid (1 tablet per 500 ml of water) stimulates the plant to grow new shoots. Young shoots respond especially well to this. To stimulate flowering, spraying should be carried out every morning until the beginning of flowering. For treatment - every other day until a positive result is obtained. And for prevention - once a week. During flowering and dormancy, spraying is prohibited..

    Resuscitation of orchids without roots with succinic acid

    There are situations when, from a gross violation of the conditions of detention, an orchid loses the bulk of its roots. With the help of succinic acid, it can be saved. There are several ways to help a plant grow new roots.

    Spraying an orchid

    To save a flower, spray its shoots, leaves and neck with a concentrated solution of succinic acid (4 tablets per 1 liter of water). Spray every morning with a fine spray bottle for many days until you see the active formation of new roots. You should not be afraid of overdose, as the plant will take exactly as much as it needs. Do not forget to prepare a fresh solution, because the old one can be stored for no longer than three days. After the solution loses all useful properties.

    Immersion in solution

    Instead of spraying, an orchid without roots can be immersed directly in a solution of succinic acid. It is done like this:

    1. Prepare the nutrient solution in the same way as for spraying, from 4 tablets and a liter of water;
    2. Pour the succinic acid solution into a transparent container;
    3. Place the Phalaenopsis so that only its socket is immersed in the solution. The neck of the orchid should remain above the water. Fix the flower in this position;
    4. Put the whole structure in a well-lit place, but not in the sun;
    5. During resuscitation, make sure that the room is warm and humid

    As the solution evaporates and is absorbed by the plant, prepare a fresh solution of succinic acid and pour it into the container until new roots appear. This process is lengthy. Remember that a solution of succinic acid retains its beneficial properties for no longer than two days. During this time, try to replenish the vessel with the flower with a new portion of freshly prepared fertilizer and medicine in one bottle. This will create the most comfortable conditions for the growth of the root system of the flower, and after two or three months the reanimated plant forms new roots.

    When the orchid grows roots about 5 cm long, transplant it according to all the rules of transplanting into a permanent pot with a sterile substrate.

    petiole processing

    This is another one effective method helping the orchid grow new roots:

    1. Crush 2-3 tablets of succinic acid into powder;
    2. Coat the petiole of the orchid with this powder;
    3. Place the orchid in a transparent container with ventilation holes and its usual substrate;
    4. Alternate watering and spraying the leaves until the roots appear.

    seed processing

    Flower growers who grow orchids from seeds use a solution of succinic acid to soak the seeds in order to activate their seedlings. The duration of soaking is up to 12 hours. Then, the seeds are dried and sown in a pre-prepared substrate according to all the rules for sowing orchids.

    Compatibility with other drugs

    Succinic acid can be used together with vitamins, growth and root stimulants and other drugs. Let's look at some possible combinations.

    Tonic for orchids. The solution is prepared for 1 liter of water:

    • Succinic acid - 2 tablets;
    • Glucose - 1 tablet;
    • Nicotinic acid (Vitamin PP) - 1 ampoule;
    • Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) - 1 ampoule;
    • Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) - 1 ampoule;
    • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) - 1 ampoule.

    Tonic is used for spraying, rubbing the leaves and watering in the usual way. Process early in the morning. It stimulates flowering and the growth of new roots very well. After flowering, take a break for one to a couple of months. We remind you that the solution is stored for no more than two to three days, do not leave it in reserve.

    Orchid Resuscitation Cocktail.The solution is prepared for 1 liter of water:

    • Succinic acid - 2 tablets;
    • Nicotinic acid (Vitamin PP) - 1/5 tablet;
    • Thiamine (Vitamin B1) - 1/2 tablet;
    • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) - 1/2 tablet;
    • Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) - 1/2 tablet;
    • The drug Kornevin is on the tip of a knife.

    Use this cocktail, like a tonic, for watering, spraying and soaking. Frequency of application, as in the usual scheme for resuscitation.

    The benefits and harms of succinic acid for orchids

    Orchids easily absorb succinic acid. There is practically no chance of an overdose. The plant does not consume the excess of the substance as food. But the use of succinic acid can still harm the plant in two cases - during its flowering and during dormancy.

    Processing an orchid during flowering can lead to the fact that the flower will direct all its forces to the formation of roots and new leaves, and already formed buds and flowers may fall off.

    The regularity of the use of succinic acid is determined by the condition of the flower. More often than circumstances require, it is inappropriate to apply. Flowers simply will not be able to absorb more of this substance.

    Harm from succinic acid to humans

    For humans, succinic acid does not pose a serious danger. But sometimes, when it comes into contact with mucous membranes or skin covering, irritation occurs. Therefore, it is better to observe safety precautions and work with the drug in rubber gloves. If acid gets into eyes, rinse immediately with water.

    If, as a result of exposure to succinic acid, you experience allergic reactions or irritation in the respiratory area, be sure to seek medical help.


    If you decide to use succinic acid when caring for your beauties - orchids, remember that it has only an auxiliary effect. Its solution is not a panacea and will not be able to replace other orchid-needed feeding and care procedures. However correct use succinic acid will allow you to keep your orchid in excellent, healthy and spectacular blooming condition for many years. We wish you good luck!

    Greenery lovers growing exotic beauty on the windowsill, faced with the vagaries of the orchids. Without knowing some care rules behind them, you can ruin the plant.

    This category includes rules the use of certain drugs and fertilizers. In this article, we will consider the use of succinic acid for the Phalaenopsis orchid.

    Succinic acid plays an important role in life activity. She is useful biological properties possess regenerative and protective action.

    Application biostimulant combined with basic fertilizers. It is difficult to overdose; with regular use, soil oxidation is possible.

    Succinic acid is multifunctional stimulator very broad and mild effect.

    The use of the drug as activates:

    • Intensive increase in the sheet plate;
    • Promotes the formation of new shoots and peduncles.

    Succinic acid for phalaenopsis orchids: rules for use

    Root restoration goes pretty slowly.

    Practically it is impossible to force an orchidfastdevelop and grow new roots. But succinic acid with its stimulating, biologically active properties can help the plant.

    For the successful growth of an orchid, it is necessary to create a favorable environment.

    In situations where most of the leaves and roots have rotted completely, a complex resuscitation procedure is needed and leaves in greenhouse conditions.


    • Remaining roots and leaves should be sprayed with a light solution of succinic acid for start and growth in the ratio of 1 tablet per 2 liters of water and left to dry for up to four hours;
    • Following prepare a transparent container filled with a quarter of large fractions of the substrate, and place it about 2-3 centimeters above the soil surface;
    • The orchid should not come into contact with the ground, the best option- hang in the air. Use large sizes;
    • Delete construct away from direct sunlight;
    • Moisten the substrate as it dries out and watch how the phalaenopsis reacts to new housing. Try to create conditions close to the natural habitat.

    After three, four weeks you will be able to admire the first roots.

    To restore leaf turgor

    Consider one of the options - cuttings using a greenhouse.

    faded arrow cut off near the roots and cut into cuttings with two buds, on one of the buds we remove the scale and place it in a transparent bowl with wet sphagnum moss at the bottom of the container.

    We spray the cuttings inside the greenhouse with a solution of succinic acid and close the lid.

    Place the container in a warm place with a temperature of 30 degrees and expect.

    Humidity and heat will produce results, and we may see orchid babies.

    The frequency of treatment with the drug. What are the risks of overdose?

    Succinic acid is considered harmless biological drug with unique properties for plants.

    At frequent use as a growth promoter there is a risk acidify the soil of orchids.

    Be attentive and observant.

    Useful video

    Watch the video on how to use succinic acid correctly:

    Video instruction on how to feed orchids:

    Video tips for growing orchids:

    Watch the video on how to restore turgor on orchid leaves:

    With proper care, positive results from the use of succinic acid during the growing season will not be long in coming.

    Having a healthy and lush appearance, orchids will please you with a large number of flower-bearing arrows and huge flowers.

    Learn to see right talk to orchids. Appearance they will tell and show where they need help.

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