Well      03/26/2019

Painting the lining with water-based paint after antiseptic. What paint is better to paint the lining inside the house

This thin board is considered a truly universal cladding, as it is perfect for any surface, both inside and outside the building. But at the same time, wood has significant disadvantages - it is subject not only to the influence environment(humidity, ultraviolet radiation), but also damage by insects (wood-boring beetles), rodents. Besides, this material relatively flammable.

Before considering the question of how to paint the lining, you should understand why do this at all?

  • The paint coating acts as a protective layer that protects the board from all negative external influences.
  • External processing of the material significantly increases its service life and allows you to maintain the original shade of the cladding unchanged.
  • With the help of a properly selected coloring composition, you can change the texture of the wood or simply (if necessary) update the appearance of the surface.
  • External processing of the lining greatly simplifies the process of cleaning indoors. Such a board can be washed without worrying about the fact that it will subsequently “lead” due to absorbed moisture.

If a decision is made on the advisability of surface treatment of the lining, then you should decide what specific purpose is being pursued:

  • only to protect wood from damage;
  • to increase service life while simultaneously decorating (changing the appearance) of the surface.

The question of how to paint the lining inside the house does not consist only in choosing one or another coloring composition. In fact, this is a whole complex of activities in which painting itself is only the final stage. At the beginning of the article, the main operational disadvantages of wood were already noted. Therefore, before starting surface treatment of the material, it is necessary to carry out several more operations.

If this is neglected, then after some time you may encounter such defects as cracking of the board or paint layer, “peeling” and peeling of the latter, and some others. In fact, it will soon become clear that the time, the labor, and the money spent are all gone, and you need to start over.

Therefore, it would be more correct to start the conversation about how to paint the lining inside the house, precisely with the issue of its pre-treatment.

How to paint lining inside a house


Any wood has a certain moisture content. According to existing standards, its level in wood building materials should not exceed 22%. If the lining has already been installed and has been in use for some time, then it is natural that it could absorb moisture in the air. Therefore, such cladding needs to be dried. And it is better if the boards are dismantled.

This will allow not only to process them efficiently, but also to detect existing defects that are invisible during a superficial inspection. For example, a fungus with reverse side boards.

Before further work with the lining, it should be sanded (sandpaper).

Reduced flammability level

For this purpose, compounds are used that have the general name “fire retardants”. By the way, so-called “fire-resistant” paints are available for sale. But from our point of view, they will not give the same effect as special compounds, since fire retardants penetrate more deeply into the structure of the wood. It is advisable to use such paints for coating linings that are used in areas with a high degree of fire hazard. And then as an addition to special teams.

Protection against dampness

These remedies (from fungus, mold, bacteria) are called antiseptics. There is a wide range of products - glazing compounds, surface compounds and a number of others. Some of them contain harmful substances, therefore, to treat lining indoors, antiseptics are used specifically for “ interior work" By the way, effective protective agents are stain (colorless or tinted) and wax. The latter, moreover, “makes” the board shine.


Used for lining made of coniferous trees. When the temperature rises, such boards release resins, which sharply reduce the protective functions of the “finish” coating (paint, varnish). There are special antiseptics on sale - primers.

What is better to paint the lining


Acrylic varnishes

They preserve the texture of the material and at the same time play a role protective coating. It is advisable to apply the composition in two layers: the first is transparent, the next is tinted. Experts recommend products for interior work water based.

Synthetic varnishes

They shine incomparably better. Plus, they “smooth out” minor irregularities. But their use has specifics, since most of these compositions contain harmful substances. They are mainly used for outdoor work, so specialist advice is necessary. They are clearly not suitable for processing lining in the kitchen, nursery and a number of other rooms.


Oil paints

Of all types paint and varnish materials- one of the cheapest. But their drying time is somewhat longer than that of analogues on a different basis. Plus - a specific smell. Before painting the lining inside the house with such paint, you need to take care of the appropriate ambient temperature. In a cold room, such compositions take a long time to dry, and if there are also drafts and dust, then it will quickly settle on the lining. There is no point in explaining what such a surface will look like later.

In addition, oil paints “fade” quite quickly, so even a recently painted surface no longer looks so attractive after a short time. Another significant “minus” is deep penetration into the structure of the tree. In fact, such paints seal all pores, and the material loses one of its main advantages - the ability to “breathe”.

Based on this, such compositions should not be used to completely cover surfaces. If necessary, only for certain areas of the room.

Acrylate paints

In addition to having a good shine, they are elastic. If the board is partially deformed (for example, due to temperature changes), then the paint will not crack or begin to peel off. Such compositions are considered the most reliable and durable, but their cost is significantly higher than other paint and varnish products.

As an example, let's take products such as Pinotex and its Russian (much cheaper) analogue Aquatex.

Speaking about how to paint the lining, it is worth noting that it is better to do this work with a brush rather than a roller, and a soft one at that.

Useful tips

  • If the board is degreased with an alkali solution, the coloring composition will “adhere” to the base better. This will allow you to forget about the next repair for a long time.
  • To increase the effectiveness of wood protection, paint and varnish compositions are applied in several layers. You need to follow the rule that 3 thin ones are better than 2 thick ones.
  • Painting work should not be carried out at elevated temperatures. Intensive drying of paints and varnishes will negatively affect the quality of the coating.
  • When processing boards, few people work on their ends, and they require no less attention. The entire range of preparatory measures is also carried out for these parts of the lining.
  • Experts believe that for interior surface painting work the best option(from an environmental point of view) are acrylic scuba tanks.

When choosing paint composition there is no need to “blindly” rely on the Seller’s recommendations. It is necessary, first of all, to focus on the specifics of the premises and the conditions for its further operation.

Painting clapboards on the outside of a house is important point room decoration. After all, this is where the greatest influence of the external environment is. The price of the material is quite high and as a result it is not correct painting the lining will quickly become unusable.

Today we will look at how to paint the lining outside the house in detail. Also in the video in this article and photos you can see the individual stages of selection and parameters of materials.

Lining is a natural material. The best indicators of durability on the outside of the building are shown by finishing made of coniferous wood, but it is not very durable when compared with metal or siding (see).

The following negative aspects affect wooden lining:

  • Humidity change, which occurs during the day, as well as with changing seasons;
  • Negative temperatures outside in winter and heating in summer;
  • Ultra-violet rays, which gradually lead to the destruction of wood fibers;
  • Various microorganisms, of which there are quite a lot in the atmosphere;
  • Fungal infection, which affects the tree;
  • Common mold formed due to lack of ventilation and improper installation;
  • Pests various kinds small insects and rodents.

Of course, over time, wooden lining will dry out, which can lead to deformation. Therefore, it would be ideal if the finishing is processed and painted immediately after its installation.

Attention: When purchasing material, take it only after checking it for moisture. It should not be higher than 12 percent.

Painting the lining point by point

We will discuss below how to paint the lining outside the house. But any coating must be applied to a properly prepared surface, otherwise it will not last long. The preparation system is the same for all dyes.

Let's look at the preparation in more detail:

  • It is best, of course, to paint the lining that was installed outside immediately. But in practice you don’t see this often. It is definitely worth taking into account temporary factors, and in some cases, poor quality previous painting.
  • Paint that peels off in rags, a surface that is too dry, areas affected by rot - all this can often be found outside on walls where the painting was done poorly or not at all.

Therefore, before moving on to painting, the lining is processed. The work will not cause difficulties and is done with your own hands, but it will take a lot of time.

The following steps must be completed:

  • Cleaning. We go over the surface with a brush, if there are areas destroyed by rotting - with a scraper. We remove all dirt and dust. If there is old paint, we remove it especially carefully (see). After this, wash the surface with a high concentration of soda solution - ten liters hot water about 0.3 kilograms of soda;
  • Destroyed areas should be replaced with new lining strips;
  • Separately, it is worth highlighting the moment of fighting mold. For this, there is a huge selection of special products that are used to treat the walls outside the building;
  • For high-quality paint adhesion, the surface can be additionally degreased by using detergent, which contains alkali;
  • We carry out grinding;
  • We prime with special compounds(see), which do not allow mold, mildew and bacteria to develop, this stage can be skipped. But if you want the coating to be durable, then it is still better to do this procedure. Then the paint will adhere better, and the coating will be durable and of sufficient quality.

Only after all the activities have been carried out can the surface be painted or coated with different compounds. The owner will decide which particular wall treatment option to choose based on his preferences. Paint for lining for exterior work is quite different and the choice is yours.


One of the most functional and modern methods processing wooden lining outside are considered special impregnations. They prevent bacteria from multiplying, which prevents rot and the appearance of a blue tint on the tree.

Impregnations also have the following characteristics:

Apply antiseptic

  • The impact on wood is not superficial, but volumetric. The impregnations penetrate a couple of millimeters into the lining;
  • Many compositions protect the surface from ultraviolet rays, which has a positive effect on the appearance of the lining;
  • Protection against excessive loss or penetration of moisture is achieved; the exterior finish will not dry out or become damp even with significant amounts of precipitation.

Depending on the impregnation option, you can solve several problems at once.

For example:

  • Paint translucent or transparent compounds It is worth it when the plans include preserving the original pattern and structure of the tree. You can show the desired color or change it altogether. In this way, the natural beauty of the material can be preserved and an artistic effect can be achieved;
  • An opaque coating helps to completely hide existing imperfections while maintaining the relief. This good way paint in such a way as to hide the destroyed areas that were replaced with lining with a different texture, to disguise all imperfections, knots, and so on;
  • Impregnations with tinting and antiseptic properties are extremely effective, but they also cost a lot. On top of that, painting with similar compositions will require more composition due to absorption.

Oil-based paints

This dye is most often used to coat wood. But this is probably not the best option.

Let's look at what makes it attractive:

We apply oil paint

  • Absorbed into the base, which guarantees protection against moisture;
  • Resistant to temperature and humidity changes.

But even in this case there are some disadvantages, which are often not considered significant, but rather natural:

  • The composition dries for quite a long time - from eight hours to several days. Therefore, contamination and stuck midges are possible. Plus, there is a risk of precipitation and surface changes due to exposure to moisture;
  • Over time, the paint surface becomes dull and the color begins to change. This is especially noticeable on the extreme segments - light and dark color shades.

But if we consider oil paints in general, they are quite functional. They are cheap, do not require special application, retain their characteristics for a long time, and almost everyone can paint using standard options.

Acrylate based paints

It's more modern version, but it costs a lot. Despite this, it provides useful characteristics. For example, due to vapor permeability, varnishes and paints are best used on fresh lining.

Acrylate paints have the following features:

  • Retain their color for a long time;
  • Resistant to weather conditions;
  • Vapor permeable;
  • The coating is elastic, so there is a possibility of cracking from frost or heat.

Such compositions meet environmental requirements, so they can be used to work outside the building, as well as to paint the inside of the room.

Alkyd varnishes

Although alkyd-based varnishes have good user properties, they are not used very often. This is due to the need to have experience in carrying out work so that the surface ultimately turns out neat and beautiful.

If you have the knowledge, then such compositions provide:

  • Smooth surface;
  • Good level of moisture protection;
  • Strength;
  • Stability of color over time.

If the coating was made with high quality, it can last about ten years. After this, the varnish will deteriorate, and the process of removing it for another painting will take a lot of effort.

And more about painting

The most common and simple options painting includes stain treatment. With its help, it is possible to achieve protection from adverse factors, as well as create fancy artistic effects.

  • Among other things, a wide range of colors is sold today, so this option can be safely compared with the use of translucent colored impregnations. This method is usually considered to be the cheapest and simplest, but there is also a significant drawback - the coating will not last too long. The external appearance of the walls will have to be updated once every few years.
  • How could one understand high-quality painting finishing is available and can be carried out without problems with due care and diligence. Modern formulations help provide different protection characteristics, and there is a huge selection of color shades on the market.

In any case, for painting lining, the main factor in durability is the preparation of the surface. Both appearance and durability depend on it. Therefore, do not neglect this issue and the instructions will help you not to miss anything.

Everyone who used wooden material, for example, lining, in the cladding of their house or bathhouse, had to decide on the advisability of painting it in different colors or coatings with a certain composition.

If the decision was made that there should be a coating on the forcing, then the next difficulty arises in determining the specific means for painting. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with the proposed materials and the subtleties of their application.

Why is it painted?

The most important thing that comes to mind for those who have a question about the need to paint the lining indoors is whether it is worth doing this at all? All the pros and cons of such an event will help clarify the situation.

Coated wood:

Without cover:

  • If the cladding material used is not too expensive, then you can periodically replace it, because wood processing products are not cheap.
  • Those who like the color of old wood may not need to use wood coating products.

Processing agents

As for the means themselves that are used to process lining indoors, they have division into types depending on the functions performed and available properties:

  1. Protective action
  2. Compositions necessary to preserve the integrity of the wood structure, which is damaged by insects, fungi, rotting processes, and also prevent drying out. Usually this is a primer or impregnation.

Features you should pay attention to when choosing decorative coating:

  • Color.
  • This feature of paint or varnish is selected depending on the interior of the room. Interior design can be selected from photos on the Internet.

    Using the pigmentation of the product, you can create zoning of the room or visually expand the space by using light colors in painting.

    Or you can choose a composition without pigment, which will highlight the wood texture.

  • Compound.
  • Components are very important for many people composition chemicals , namely the absence of those that are harmful to the body.

    All paints or varnishes that have the prefix “bio” are not hazardous to humans. They are used for indoor coating.

  • Manufacturer.
  • It is worth paying attention to this criterion in order not to overpay “for the brand”. There are many options for paints and varnishes produced in the Russian Federation, which are not inferior in quality to European ones.

How to treat the lining?

Another nuance that cannot be avoided when choosing a product for painting lining indoors is This is a painting area. In order not to make a mistake in the parameters of the chosen treatment product, you should know the features of the choice for different types of rooms.

Bath or steam room

Due to the fact that the temperature in this room is always elevated, you should avoid painting its walls.

You just need to treat the walls with a compound that will provide protection to the lining. Such means include wax varnishes. It is also worth knowing that the substance should be applied in a single layer in the sauna itself; in the dressing room it can be applied in two or three layers.


Considering that the open space of a balcony or veranda is exposed to various environmental factors, you should initially apply primer, then paint or varnish.

Inside the house

The first requirement for the chosen means for processing in such a place is the degree of environmental friendliness; you should choose the most environmentally friendly means.

The treatment process itself depends on the chosen product, but it is advisable to in several layers, especially if it is paint or pigmented varnish.

Interior design examples with painted paneling:

Coloring stages:

  1. Any paint coating is applied under conditions temperature regime within 5-30 degrees above zero.
  2. This parameter can be changed by the manufacturer, as indicated on the packaging. If the temperature is lower than specified, this means the composition will freeze, and if it is too high, the applied coating may dry out in uneven fragments.

  3. Movements when painting should be from top to bottom.
  4. Before application, it is advisable to dilute the paint to a more liquid consistency, like milk.
  5. This will allow you to apply thin layers paint, will significantly save time, effort and paint consumption, and will also speed up drying.

  6. It is recommended to cover the part of the lining that does not need to be painted with masking tape.
  7. It is better to paint over those places that are located near the adhesive tape using small brush, using minimal amount facilities. This way you can be sure that the composition will not get under the tape and the surface to be painted will be smooth around the edges.

    Painting lining with wax and oil - watch the video:

Just recently it seemed that natural wood, as finishing material, has sunk into oblivion. But quickly getting enough plastic panels and various tiles, many came to the conclusion that the best solution is environmentally friendly wood. This is especially true for private and country houses, where you want to be in unity with nature not only outside your home, but also indoors. However natural material needs additional processing. Therefore, the question increasingly arises about how to paint the lining inside a country house.

Indeed, why additionally process products that have excellent decorative look. But there are several reasons suggesting that this procedure is simply necessary.

The dyeing process is divided into two important components: protective and decorative. In the first case, it is necessary to process the material to strengthen its properties, in the second - to give it a better decorative appearance.

Painting lining is a procedure that has not only a decorative, but a protective function

Let's take a closer look at the purpose of each composition:

  1. The application of fire retardants reduces the flammability of elements. It is important to understand that it is impossible to completely prevent the spread of flame.
  2. Additional treatment with antiseptics is carried out to protect against the appearance of mold and fungi, which leads to deterioration of the material.
  3. Waxing and varnishing are dual-use options. On the one hand, they protect the surface from various damages, and on the other hand, they emphasize the decorative appearance of the product.
  4. Working with paints involves concealment natural color tree. This does not mean that the material will lose its attractiveness. On the contrary, it is possible to diversify the interior while maintaining the wood texture.

On a note! Untreated elements have a shorter service life, which is sometimes 5-6 years, and even less in the country.

Processing of lining various compositions allow you to extend the service life of the material

Types of painting materials

How to paint the lining? Answering this question can be quite difficult. The fact is that there are many compositions that differ in their characteristics. Their correct use can transform the room or, conversely, ruin the entire appearance.

Protective compounds

These solutions act as protectors, but can provide a certain decorative effect.

Fire retardants

It is necessary to coat products with such a composition that are located in places where fire may occur. Of course, it's better to soak everything wooden materials, used for finishing work.

On a note! It is very difficult to apply fire retardants with your own hands; the effect is not so significant. Therefore, preference should be given to elements that are processed in production.


Substances that eliminate the threat of various types bacteria that promote rotting and destruction. This solution is perfect when you want to leave the material unchanged. The composition will protect the product for a long time, so it will not require additional painting.

Antiseptic protects the lining from various bacteria


In fact, varnishes are already closer to paint compositions, but they have a good protective function. Painting the lining inside the house can be done with different materials:

  • Acrylic lacquer. Great for everyone interior spaces. It can be transparent or translucent. If necessary, the substances can be tinted.
  • Synthetic materials. This option requires caution. At dachas they cover the rooms that are located at the entrance to the house.

It is quite easy to work with varnish compositions, you just need to take into account that to achieve a better result you need to apply them in several layers.

Varnish allows you to protect the lining from rotting, damage and destruction

On a note! An excellent solution can be wax, which protects the elements and gives them a rich shade. But it is quite difficult to apply, because you have to literally rub it into the surface.

Decorative options

Paint for lining is The best way transform a surface that has already served for a considerable period of time. That is, if over time the product began to darken, cracks appeared in places. In this case, it is best to apply paint. As a result, you can completely renovate the interior of your country house and bring to life ideas that will help with this.

Painting lining is one of the best options protection, which also performs a decorative function

How to cover the lining? It should be taken into account that for work they can be used different types material.

Oil paint

It is considered one of the most popular substances. This option has been used for many decades. This is because the solution has excellent characteristics. They consist in the fact that the composition penetrates deep enough into the upper layers of wood, ensuring its long-term preservation. The coating retains its properties for 7-10 years.

Some disadvantages cannot be excluded:

  • The material has a rich chemical smell that takes a very long time to dissipate.
  • The first point leads to limiting the dyeing time. That is, it is not possible to work in winter, because thorough ventilation is required, which can defrost the entire country house.
  • The protective property of paint is fraught with another drawback - the material firmly clogs the pores of the wood, it stops breathing. This means that the microclimate, which is especially valuable when using lining, will be spoiled.

Therefore, this composition is used extremely rarely for interior work.

It should be immediately noted that this type is very similar to acrylic compositions, but has a lower price and the necessary characteristics.

This coloring option has the following properties:

  1. Absent bad smell, which needs long-term ventilation.
  2. The coating is much more elastic, which increases service life. It more successfully withstands an aggressive external environment. This is very important, because many country houses remain without heating during the winter.
  3. The surface remains breathable, which allows you to maintain exactly the atmosphere that is inherent in wooden structures.
  4. The work is done much faster and easier.

Acrylate paint allows you to create an elastic, breathable coating

Of course, such material costs a little more than oil paint, but the result exceeds all expectations.

On a note! To paint the walls from the inside of the house, other options are used, which contain the mark “for woodwork” on the label. One of these varieties is stain. This is an excellent composition that allows you to saturate the wood with depth, but preserve its color and texture.

Acrylate paint for woodwork

How is coloring done?

How to paint lining so that the effect is long and impressive? For such an event you will need a set of tools:

  • Set of brushes and roller. If possible, then a spray gun.
  • Tray. To make it easier to pick up paint.
  • Protective and decorative compounds.
  • Sandpaper, stiff brush.
  • It is better to have a stable stepladder and glasses to protect your eyes.

Using a spray gun allows you to quickly complete painting work on the lining

Coloring consists of several stages. It is much more difficult when work is carried out on an old coating. Then it becomes necessary to remove the old decorative layer and clean the surface well.

Stage one - preparation

Purchased products are checked for possible damage and deformation. It often happens that materials are purchased that belong to a lower class. They demand long preparation– processing is carried out sandpaper, cracks are covered with wood putty. If found on the surface dark spots, then bleaching is performed.

On a note! You need to pay close attention to the presence of knots. Sometimes it seems that these inclusions give a certain charm to the material, but they can cause defects.

If the material has defects in the form of cracks, they are eliminated using putty

Stage two - primer

Need to cover front side linings with priming compounds. This will reduce the consumption of other solutions, increase adhesion, and will also prevent the elements from being subject to deformation. Wherein Special attention given to the knots, they are literally soaked to prevent the possibility of falling out if drying occurs.

The primer improves adhesion when painting lining

Stage three - impregnation

Now protective impregnations are applied. These are fire retardants and antiseptics. Impregnation is carried out over the entire surface. You must not allow unpainted areas to remain. It is important to consider that such products should not have any foreign (pungent) odors or change the color of the wood.

On a note! Many people mistakenly believe that the process of applying an antiseptic can be eliminated by purchasing a primer that already includes this substance. Firstly, the content of such components in the primer is insignificant. Secondly, the dacha requires careful processing.

When applying protective impregnation, it is necessary to ensure that no untreated areas are left.

Stage four - coloring

How to paint lining inside a house? This procedure begins only after the material has dried well from previous manipulations. The process is:

  1. The paint is prepared in advance. The solution must be well placed, because at the bottom there may be sediment, which includes the main components.
  2. A small part of the composition is poured into the tray if a roller is used. It is better to provide a container for the brush that is easy to carry. Using a spray gun makes the work better, and the paint is poured into a special container.
  3. It should be taken into account that movements are performed along the fibers of the material. You can’t stay in one place, the coating should be uniform.
  4. Several layers are applied, this will provide an excellent decorative effect.

To get good decorative effect, paint should be applied in several layers

On a note! Each subsequent layer is applied only when the previous one has dried. It is better not to give in to the temptation to apply one, but very thick layer. This will lead to the coating starting to peel off, leaving the appearance completely unpresentable.

Still, how to cover the lining? This question is quite complex, the answer to it depends on many factors that are calculated purely individually. But it must be taken into account that if the composition is used over large areas, then it must ensure the “breathing” of the material.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Despite the inexorable development of technology and the spread of synthetic substitutes in construction, natural materials For decorative design houses continue to be in stable demand. In our article we will tell you how to paint the lining inside the house?

Lining - thin wood panel, which has many positive properties: thermal and sound insulation, ease of installation, pleasant appearance. But, like any tree, it is susceptible to the influence of moisture, sun, insects or fungi. To combat these negative effects, painting is used.

How can you paint the lining inside the house?

The choice of one paint or another completely depends on your preferences and requirements. Some people need a hypoallergenic coating, for others the speed of its drying is important. There are many paints and varnishes that can be used to paint the lining inside a house in white, beige, yellow or any other color:

  • acrylate paint is harmless and dries very quickly. Its main disadvantage is its high price;
  • oil paint - dries for a long time and has a persistent odor, therefore it is suitable for painting only in the warm season;
  • decorative glaze - in addition to changing color, it perfectly emphasizes the wood structure;
  • alkyd varnishes;
  • stains are well suited for treating wood without flaws. After all, they don’t paint it over, but only change the shade;
  • opaque enamels - applied in three layers and completely paint over the original structure of the wood.

After reviewing the photos of lining painting that are presented on our website, you will be able to more clearly imagine the variety of existing paints for treating floors and walls inside the house.

Stages of painting lining

  • Before you start painting the lining inside the house at the dacha, it needs to be thoroughly cleaned and treated with fine sandpaper to eliminate possible roughness. If the board cannot be washed with a simple brush, special cleaning agents should be used. Result this stage- clean, white and smooth lining.
  • The primer is selected depending on the type of wood being processed. Apply by roller or spray. For indoor use, the primer must be water-based and not have a persistent or unpleasant odor.
  • Wood surface impregnation by special means necessary for additional protection linings from moisture, fungi and insects. High-quality impregnation should not emit pungent odors. After completing this stage of work, you need to let the lining dry for at least two days.
  • Painting stage. Best result This can be achieved with a spray gun, but a roller or brush will work just as well. The paint should be applied in a thin layer, so you should not repeatedly move the brush over the same place. Usually the paint is applied in several layers. It all depends on the desired color and uniformity of the final coating.

In the video at the end of the article, you can take a closer look at the entire process of directly painting the lining inside the house.

Small painting tricks

Thanks to feedback from our readers, here are some little tricks that will come in handy when painting lining inside a house:

  • the paint on your hands can be easily washed off vegetable oil. Apply it to your hand, hold for 5 minutes and wash off with soap;
  • To remove paint from glass, use a paste that consists of chalk and concentrated soda. Apply the paste to the paint, let it sit for a while and feel free to remove it;
  • Old oil paint can be easily removed using foil and an iron. Iron the painted area of ​​the wall with a hot iron through the foil. Then the paint can be easily removed with a spatula.