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Rosehip is large-fruited. Rosehip is a vitamin bomb for the body. Varieties of wild rose: photo and description


Rose hip - perennial shrub, a genus of plants in the Rosaceae family. Its second name is wild Rose". Rosehip not only has beautiful flowers, but is also a storehouse of vitamins. On suburban area he rightfully holds the record for the content of vitamin C, ahead of apples and currants. When planting a shrub, you need to take into account the composition of the soil, as well as the absence ground water, because their stagnation can lead to root rot. Rosehip care mainly consists of watering, pruning and feeding the plant. Reproduction is carried out by root offspring, seedlings, as well as by growing from seeds. About 100 varieties of wild rose grow on the territory of the Russian Federation.

When choosing a wild rose for planting in a summer cottage, it is best to give preference to varieties with high content vitamins.

Rose wrinkled (R. rugosa). One of the most popular species among gardeners. Its height reaches one and a half meters. It has a huge number of shoots, which facilitates the process of reproduction. The species is frost-resistant and is not afraid of soils rich in salts. It can grow in poor soils and windy areas. The homeland of the wrinkled rose is the Far East.

Rosehip May, he is Sh. cinnamon (R. cinnamomea L., R.maialis Herrm). In the wild, it grows independently in the European part of Russia, up to Siberia. The height of this plant fluctuates around 2 m. It is distinguished by rare thorns, and on shoots with flowers they are not at all. The flowering of the species occurs in May.

Rosehip May
Rose hips (R. acicularis Lindley). Winter-hardy variety that can withstand severe frosts (up to -40 degrees). The height of the shrub varies in the range from 1 to 3 m. The fruits of the needle-rose hips are high in vitamin C, and their size reaches 1.5 cm.

Webb Rose (R. webbiana Wall. ex Royle). A perennial plant, the height of which reaches 1 m. It has rare, slightly curved thorns. The flowers are red or pink, sometimes white. It grows mainly on the slopes of mountain ranges (in the Himalayas, Pamirs, Tibet and Mongolia).

Dog rosehip (R. canina)- a type of plant with a low content ascorbic acid. Its distinguishing feature is the absence of a hole at the top and quickly falling leaves.

Advice. Rose hips can be easily tested for vitamin content. It is believed that vitamin plant species can whistle. If you blow into the hole at the top of the fruit, you will hear a small whistle.

Among the breeding varieties are:

"Vitamin VNIVI"- early medium variety. Requires pollination. Therefore, you will need to plant another bush, but of a different variety. It has massive fruits and a considerable amount of vitamins. The yield of the variety is about 2.5 kg per plant. There are no thorns in the places of fruiting, which facilitates the process of collecting fruits.

"Vorontsovsky 1"- a hybrid of two roses: wrinkled and Webb. In addition to vitamins C and bioflavonoids, it has a high content folic acid. The yield is slightly higher than the previous one and is about 3 kg.

"Large-fruited VNIVI"- winter-hardy, high-yielding and resistant to diseases and pests variety. Differs in long flowering. Rose hips are usually used to make jam, jam and other preparations.

Rosehip large-fruited VNIVI
"Russian 1"- vitamin grade. Grown mainly in the Ural region. Productivity from 1.5 to 2 kg. Rust resistant.

"Globe"winter-hardy variety, high, contains many vitamins.

"Finger"- winter-hardy and pest-resistant variety. Grown in the West Siberian region.

"Victory". Not much different from the previous variety. In addition to the above characteristics, it has a pleasant aroma.

"Titanium"- a tall shrub with fruits growing in 3-5 pieces. The yield is very high, resistant to diseases and pests.

"Apple"- a low shrub with large fruits with a sweet and sour taste.

"Sergievsky"- a variety with an average ripening period. Fruits are sweet and sour with a high content of vitamin C.

Ural Champion. A very winter-hardy variety that is suitable for cultivation in all regions of the country.

Landing and care

Rosehip is a quite unpretentious shrub. It is planted to obtain fruits that contain a large number of vitamins. In particular, vitamin C. In addition, the plant emits an incredible aroma during the flowering period.

Rosehip planting is carried out in the fall. The place should be bright. But even in a shaded area, it will grow well. But if you want to get good harvest rose hips, it is better to choose a site well lit by the sun.

Landing order: step by step instructions

1. Dig a hole length, width and height, which should be about half a meter.

2. At the bottom of the dug hole there should be a small hill of soil.

3. Gently lay out the roots and cover with earth.

4. Water the planted plant.

5. Shelter for the winter period is not required.

Advice. Landing can be done in the spring, but it is better to do this before the formation of buds. This is done so that the rosehip can more easily endure the landing.

Another rule of planting is maintaining the distance between the bushes. It must be at least 120 cm.
Rosehip care consists of watering, pruning and feeding. In the first year of life, especially in drought, the plant needs periodic watering. Mature shrubs are watered infrequently, but plentifully. Watering is required during the period when the ovaries appear, provided there is no rain. It takes up to 30 liters of water for a young bush, and even more for a fruit-bearing bush - about 50 liters.

If the rosehip bush is cut, it will become a worthy element of landscape design.
Often, wild rose is used as a hedge. In order for the plant not to lose its decorative effect, it should be cut off periodically. Pruning is done in autumn or in early spring before the appearance of the kidneys. You can also prune at the end of winter, when all the dried and dead branches are visible.


Top dressings require special consideration. Root top dressing is carried out about four times during the year: before and after flowering, at the beginning of fruit ripening and after harvesting.

For the first top dressing, organic fertilizer is required, which is bred at the rate of 3 tbsp. l per bucket of water.
The second dressing consists of half a glass of "Agricola" in a bucket of water. Sometimes organic fertilizer is added.

The third top dressing is to use only Agricola.

For the last feeding, take a bucket of water and 2 tbsp. l funds "Agricolaaqua". Rosehip bushes are treated with this solution after flowering three times with a frequency of 10 days.

Propagation of a wild rose

Rosehip propagation is carried out in several known ways.

Growing from seed. The collection of seeds for planting is carried out in August, when the fruits are not yet fully ripe.

1. Fruits are harvested.

2. Seeds are removed and washed.

3. Sowing is carried out in September, deepening the seeds by 2 cm. The distance between the seeds should be at least 5 cm.

Rosehip seeds

way green cuttings. A convenient method with a high percentage of rooting.

1. Cuttings are cut with an oblique cut.

2. Dip into the root growth activator.

3. Transplanted into pots.

4. Cover with a film and moderately water as the soil dries.

5. Planted in open ground.

Reproduction by root suckers. The method is used to preserve the properties of the mother bush. Used infrequently.

The division of the bush. A shrub about 6 years old is dug up and the rhizome is divided into several parts. Small shrubs are immediately planted in the ground, without waiting for the roots to dry.

Diseases and pests

"Wild Rose" is prone to diseases and attack by pests. These include rust, powdery mildew, gray and brown rot, and rose flies, leafworms, spider mites and sawmills.

From insects will help get rid of the use of infusion of garlic with laundry soap. The shrub should be sprayed with this mixture before flowering and after harvesting the fruits. The drug "Topaz" will help from rust, and Bordeaux liquid will cope with black spotting.

Treat the bush from pests several times a season
Rosehip is a high-vitamin plant, perennial. Often used in landscape design as a hedge. Landing and caring for him is not burdensome. special role playing feed. They are held four times a year. Rose hips are used to make tea, decoction, jam and jam. The shrub contains a large amount of vitamin C and is excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of colds.

Growing wild rose: video

Walking in nature in autumn, and meeting rosehip bushes on the way, everyone admires its bright red fruits. But how many people know that they make not only delicious tea or jam? Rosehip is a real forest healer.

Rosehip or wild rose - a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals! Do not pass by, but collect these wonderful berries for yourself and your family, and you will receive vitamin and mineral “capsules” completely free of charge.

Now, in winter, when our body is weakened by the lack of sun and natural vitamins, it's time to remember the "golden berry", so today we'll talk about rose hips in as much detail as possible.

The benefits of rose hips

What is useful rosehip? First of all, the huge content of vitamins D, P, K, B1, B2, B3, A and, of course, C in berries. Its amount in them is a hundred times more than in oranges.

Fleshy fruits also contain important minerals: sodium, iron, selenium, manganese and slightly less magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur and silicon.

This abundance of minerals and vitamins makes the wild rose arguably the most popular, cheap, and affordable superfood.

The use of wild rose

  1. Due to the content in fruits, fruit acids, it is used in the treatment kidneys and bladder. They normalize metabolism and prevent the formation of stones.
  2. Rosehip tea soothes an irritated stomach. It stops nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and restores the mucous membrane.
  3. The fruits are natural diuretic and help the body get rid of toxins.
  4. Flavonoids protect the body from pathogens such as bacteria and viruses.
  5. Vitamin C - effective remedy against infections, in particular against flu and colds.
  6. Rosehip boosts immunity and restores the body after illness.
  7. Due to the powerful anti-inflammatory action of the fruit, the plant provides valuable assistance in the treatment of arthritis, gout and rheumatism: Joint pain decreases, swelling and stiffness go away.
  8. Protects from stress and hormonal problems. It normalizes blood pressure and other circulatory disorders resulting from stress, such as headaches, migraines and dizziness.

Rosehip is a fantastic skincare product

The abundance of fruit acids in the fruit makes rose hips ideal for skin care inside and out. They remove dead particles, narrow enlarged pores, cleanse and regenerate skin cells, make it supple, smooth and radiant.

Best for outdoor use rosehip oil. With its regular use, the skin improves in general, age spots and freckles decrease, eczema, dermatitis and burns disappear.

Collection of wild rose

It is a shrub that blooms in spring with beautiful white or pink flowers. Midsummer to late autumn in place of flowers, fruits develop, which turn red or orange in autumn. Their taste is sweet and sour, and the riper they are, the sweeter they are.

You need to collect them in sunny and dry weather - from mid-September to mid-October. The fruits should be bright red and not very soft. If, when lightly pressed on the fruit, the pulp and seeds appear from it, the rosehip is overripe and therefore not suitable for drying. From it you can prepare infusions, syrup and jam.

Berries can be harvested several times from one bush, because they rarely ripen at the same time.

Drying rose hips

If dried at home, then they need to be cut in the longitudinal direction and put in the oven at a temperature of about 40 ° C, no more.

On hot days, rosehip dries very well on outdoors under the sun.

It is better to dry the fruits immediately after harvest, as soon as the freshly picked wild rose, having dried, retains its natural color.

How to properly store rose hips?

Attention: When collecting raw materials, wear gloves, the branches of the bush are very prickly. When cutting fruit for drying, it is also recommended to wear rubber household gloves, because the small hairs in the fruit can cause skin irritation.

Rosehip Recipes

Tea for kidney stones

  • dry rose hips - 1 tablespoon;
  • boiling water - 500 ml;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice - 3 tablespoons.

Pour boiling water over the berries and let it brew for 8-10 minutes. Add honey and lemon juice. Drink the infusion three times a day before meals for a glass.

Tea against chronic nephritis

  • dog-rose fruit;
  • forest horsetail;
  • blueberry;
  • plantain;
  • 300 ml of water.

Mix all dry herbs and berries in equal amounts. Take a teaspoon of the collection and pour boiling water over it. Steep for 10-15 minutes, then strain. Drink this tea in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before going to bed for 0.5 cups.

Rosehip infusion

Preparing the infusion is very simple. You need to crush a little or cut the berry in half and brew with boiling water. Boiling is not necessary. It turns out especially good rosehip in a thermos. After an hour or two, the vitamin drink is ready, the benefits of which are difficult to overestimate. It is desirable to strain the infusion before use.

For half a liter of water, two tablespoons of wild rose are usually taken.

Important: scientists have found that vitamin C, enzymes and fruit acids contained in berries do not disappear during the preparation of decoctions, infusions or syrup, you see, this is a big plus.

Rose hips can be for children and even need to be brewed and given to drink, especially for those who have reduced immunity. It helps them cope with a cold or flu faster, improves their appetite and restores strength.

How to take rosehip

The infusion turns out to be very tasty, so you can drink a lot of it, but you don’t need to!) For adults, one or two glasses a day is enough, for children 1/2 glass. Take two weeks, then you need to take a break.

Rosehip infusion as a diuretic apply in the morning on an empty stomach, ¼ cup.

At colds and flu the infusion is taken, on the contrary, in the evening before going to bed with a spoonful of honey.

Rosehip for the face

Since the fruits contain beta-carotene or vitamin A and are an effective antioxidant against free radicals, wild rose preparations have the ability to reduce wrinkles, prevent skin aging and treat sunburn. Commonly used in cosmetology rosehip oil.

Rosehip contraindications

  • excessive consumption can cause intestinal problems: cramps, indigestion, gas, bloating, vomiting, and diarrhea;
  • sometimes causes allergies: itching, rash, sore throat or tongue, difficulty breathing;
  • Caution should be used for thrombophlebitis and serious disorders in the work of the heart;
  • Studies have shown that rosehip interferes with the absorption of iron, which can lead to anemia.

If you have any diseases, questions about the use or intolerance to herbal preparations, be sure to consult your doctor before using wild rose preparations.

Be healthy! Drink rosehip tea and replenish your body's supply of vitamins in simple and natural ways.

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Rose hips are a natural multivitamin concentrate and the main vegetable raw material for the vitamin industry. According to the content of vitamins C and P, rosehip ranks first among all berry crops. Fruits also contain vitamins B1, B2, B6, carotene and other useful substances.

To date, the laboratory of vitamin plants of the All-Union Institute medicinal plants 10 varieties of wild rose have been bred, which are 2-3 times superior to wild-growing forms in terms of yield and vitamin content. In the state farms and forestries of the raw materials zones of the Yoshkar-Ola and Ufa vitamin plants, 180 hectares of rose hips of the Large-fruited VNIVI variety have already been planted. Vitamin VNIVI, Vorontsovsky 3, etc. Plantations of varietal rose hips were planted at the Shafranovo state farm of the Bashkir ASSR on an area of ​​73 hectares, at the Semenovsky state farm of the Mari ASSR on an area of ​​54 hectares. It is planned to plant 1,000 hectares of varietal wild rose plantations in state farms and forestry enterprises of the country, including 250 hectares in the Shafranovo state farm (N. Serebryakova, N. Trofimov).

The economic value of wild rose is not limited to obtaining its fruits. Many types of wild rose are used as ornamental plants for group, alley and single landings. IN last years in the creation of flower beds, a wrinkled rose is often used, which gives a long decorative effect and, like all roses, belongs to the number the most beautiful shrubs. Ordinary dog ​​rose - canina rose (dog rose) - is widely used as a stock for cultivated varieties of roses.

Biological features

Rosehip, or wild rose, belongs to this family. Rose (Rosaceae), genus Rose (Rosa). Distributed throughout the USSR. There are especially many thickets of wild rose in the north of the European part of the USSR, in the Middle Volga region, in Western and Eastern Siberia, as well as in Far East. For breeding with industrial purpose Of greatest interest are two species - cinnamon rose and wrinkled rose, as well as rosehip varieties bred at the All-Union Institute of Medicinal Plants.

rose cinnamon(R. cinnamomea L.). Widespread, grows as a shrub up to 2 m high, with thin shoots and branches. Bark Brown. Flowers solitary or in clusters of 2-3. Fruits are orange-red or dark red, various shapes. Spiny shoots from strong to weak. The leaves are compound, unpaired, have from 3 to 11 leaflets elliptical or ovoid. Like all wild roses, it is photophilous, grows well on the edges of forests, forest clearings, and especially in floodplains and along river banks. The life expectancy of bushes is 20-25 years, with individual stems aging and dying off by 4-5 years of age; the main roots of the plant live up to 20-25 years. Rose cinnamon winter-hardy.

Under natural conditions, it forms quite dense thickets. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively. main way rosehip breeding in vivo vegetative. From the main roots of the bush underground at a depth of 10-20 cm, powerful rhizomes extend parallel to the soil surface, sometimes reaching 3 m in length. Adventitious buds appear on the rhizome, from which root offspring appear. In thickets, cinnamon rose gives from 1 to 3 kg of fruits per bush, and from 1 ha - 700-1000 kg. The fruits of this rose are high in vitamins.

From the crossing of cinnamon rose and Webb rose, rosehip varieties Vitamin VNIVI and Vorontsovsky 3 were obtained with an average fruit weight of 1.9-2.9 g and a yield of 6.3-7.8 t/ha. The fruits of these varieties contain vitamin C 2757-2881 mg / 100 g and vitamin P - 671-1301 mg / 100 g (A. S. Kiseleva).

rose wrinkled(R. rugosa Thunb.). Distributed everywhere. It is grown in the same conditions as fruit and berry crops. Forms a powerful bush up to 1.5 m high. The shoots are covered with small numerous thorns. The leaves are dark green, leathery and wrinkled. During leaf fall, the leaves become lemon yellow.

The flowers are fragrant, red, pink and white, up to 8 cm in diameter. Flowering begins in May and continues until autumn, as a result of which there are no lean years for this rose. By autumn, orange-red fruits squeezed from the poles ripen on the bushes, reaching a diameter of 2 cm or more. Fruit ripening is non-simultaneous, and therefore they are eaten in two steps. This rose is the most productive of all known forms - from 1 bush it gives up to 3-4 kg of fruit and from 1 ha to 3000 kg.

With a total life expectancy of a bush of 20-25 years, individual stems grow old by 6-7 years of age and are replaced by new ones. Propagated like a cinnamon rose, by seed and vegetatively. Rose wrinkled has a high degree of winter hardiness, hibernates without shelter.

The cultural representative of the wrinkled rose is the variety Large-fruited VNIVI, with an average fruit weight of 7.6 g and a maximum of 12.5 g. The yield of the variety is 5.2 - 10.6 t / ha. The fruits contain 1126 mg/100 g of vitamin C and 544 mg/100 g of vitamin P.

Agricultural technology

Rosehip plantations are predominantly located in floodplains. In gardens, areas with good moisture supply are allocated for him. Rosehip works well on rich and light soils, suitable for laying fruit and berry crops. The soil preparation system is the same as for berry bushes.

Plantations are easiest to establish with root cuttings. To do this, 5-10 days before planting, root cuttings 10-12 cm long are harvested. They are tied into bundles of 25-50 pieces; during transportation, they are wrapped with moss and film. The cuttings are planted under a shovel or plow, placing them horizontally to a depth of 10-15 cm. The soil surface of the occupied area is kept clean from weeds and loose until offspring appear.

Seeds germinate very difficult, and therefore, during seed propagation, they are stratified immediately after extraction from the fruit. Where the autumn is long good results gives early sowing (August-September) with pre-stratified seeds. With prolonged stratification with temperature regime 2-5 C and with early spring sowing, you can also get good shoots. For planting a plantation, it is better to use two-year-old seedlings.

With the breeding and zoning of highly productive rosehip varieties, a number of farms began to use other methods. vegetative propagation. The most effective for the rapid propagation of new varieties of wild rose is green cuttings. Propagation by green cuttings of varietal wild roses is carried out in the same way as it is practiced in relation to other berry crops. Thus, at the Shafranovo state farm, a fogging plant was built for green cuttings of wild rose with the simultaneous planting of 100 thousand cuttings.

After growing in the nursery with varietal root-grown seedlings, a mother liquor and industrial plantations are laid. In the presence of uterine plantations of varietal wild rose, it is advisable to multiply them more simple method- root cuttings. Root cuttings, seedlings and seedlings are placed on the plantation according to the scheme 3x0.75 or 3x1.5 m.

In the 2nd year, the plantation begins to bear fruit. The branches of seedlings and seedlings after planting are cut to about 1/3 of the length. To form a bush with 18-20 branches, only strong basal shoots are left. It is typical for wild rose that basal shoots do not branch in the year of growth. By autumn, inflorescences appear on the tops of these null shoots and late-ripening berries develop. Therefore, annual shoots in the year of appearance are usually not shortened.

Basal shoots of both cinnamon and wrinkled roses are pruned next spring at a height of 60-100 cm to enhance branching. For the same purposes, it is sometimes advisable to pinch annual shoots to 1/5 of their length in July, neglecting a small crop on them.

Annual pruning of bushes consists in cutting diseased, broken, dry and fruit-bearing 6-7-year-old branches and excess root offspring in order to maintain the presence of 18-20 branches of different ages in the bush.

Caring for young and fruit-bearing rosehip plantations is similar to caring for shrub berry crops.

Rose hips are harvested when they are orange-red or red in color. Since the fruits do not ripen at the same time, the collection is made from the second half of August until the onset of frost.

Harvesting rose hips is a labor-intensive operation, which takes up to 110 man-days. Employees of the laboratory of mechanization of medicinal plants have established the possibility of using the MPYa-1 berry harvester for harvesting wild rose berries with some design changes developed by this laboratory. It takes from 12 to 24 seconds to eat fruits from one bush, depending on its size (Yu. I. Fedorov).

The collected fruits are stored for no more than two days, with a layer no thicker than 5 cm. Fresh fruits intended for delivery to the vitamin plant must be quickly dried at a temperature of 85-90 ° C. Dried fruits become brownish-red or red with a wrinkled surface. Since with sun drying going strong loss of vitamins, then when preparing rose hips for vitamin plants, it is prohibited.

Against the background of all plants, wild rose is distinguished by a particularly high content of ascorbic acid, P-active substances and carotenoids. Small-fruited rose hips are a storehouse of vitamin C. All these vitamins and substances useful for humans are found in rose hips, and vitamin C is also present in the leaves. Carotene gives the pulp of rose hips a characteristic Orange color. In addition, rose hips are a source of B vitamins (B1, B2, B9), E, ​​PP, K. Rosehips contain phosphorus and potassium, as well as trace elements: iron, iodine, zinc, molybdenum, manganese, etc.

Rosehip at their summer cottage

Growing rose hips in your summer cottage means providing yourself with a supply of these valuable multivitamin fruits, which, no doubt, can be considered a very successful idea, the only question is how to properly plant rose hips and then grow. "j"> Rosehip tolerates drought well, and adapts well to poor soils, although, of course, on fertile loamy soil, floodplain soils, as well as sandy loamy crops, they are much better, especially with good moisture. Rose hips will not take root in highly moist or excessively dry sandy soil, it is unlikely that rose hips will grow on calcareous over-calcified soils.

Rosehip can be bred different ways- seeds, division of bushes, with the help of layering and root offspring, cuttings, and finally, grafting.

Proper organization of rosehip plantings

The most reasonable thing is to plant two groups of rosehip varieties on the site: several small-fruited plants and approximately the same number of large-fruited rosehip bushes. Small-fruited wild rose is good for drying, making vitamin tea, healthy infusions, decoctions. Fresh large rose hips are eaten, they are used to make jam, compotes, and processed in other ways. In addition, large-fruited wild rose is often added to various dishes to enrich them with vitamins.

It is important to know that in a group of wild roses of the same variety, most plants do not form an ovary if they are pollinated by pollen from a wild rose of the same variety. It is necessary that pollen from a wild rose of a different variety gets on them, so it is necessary to have more rose hips nearby, but of a different type, variety. Thus, for successful breeding of wild rose on the site, there must be plantings of at least two bushes. different sort, or the same variety, but grown from seeds.

Soil preparation before planting

You can fertilize with compost (manure) at the rate of 6-8 kg per 1 m 2. organic fertilizers must be brought into the land in advance, preferably 20-30 days before planting, if it happens in the fall. For spring planting fertilizers must be applied in October during the final tillage and embedded into the soil by 20-30 cm.

Experienced gardeners rose hips are planted along the border of the site, forming one row from it, either in the form of a curtain on a lawn or in a flower garden, leaving 1.5 -2 meters between plants. Optimal material for planting - these are one-two-year-old seedlings with an extensive root system. For a seedling, a hole with sides and a depth of 30 cm is needed. The size of the hole depends on whether fertilizers were previously applied, if the earth was not fertilized, then it is better to expand the hole to a width of 50-80 cm and make it deeper (40-50 cm). In these pits, having planted a wild rose in them, they fill up the earth taken from the humus horizon, and up to 10 kg of well-decomposed compost or semi-rotted manure. Also add 100-200 g of superphosphate and potassium salt in the amount of 30-50 g. Then the plant should be well watered (at least 8 liters poured), mulch the soil on the surface of the hole with peat or humus, applying a layer of 3-5 cm. rose hips, the aerial part is cut, leaving twigs 5-10 cm above the soil. For good growth rose hips, the soil around the planting must be kept loose, weeds must be removed in time, watered abundantly during dry periods, and then loosened and mulched.

Formation of a rosehip bush

Usually 10-12 branches are left in a wild rose bush different ages, although in small-fruited varieties this amount can reach 18-20., Including basal shoots and offspring from the root in the bush.

In the second year, 4-6 strong basal shoots are left in the small-fruited variety, all weak, broken, diseased branches are removed. Those shoots that remain are cut to a height of 60 cm, stimulating them to actively branch in the summer months. In the third year, weak branches are again removed in spring, leaving 4-6 strong branches from the root, first-order shoots from two-year-old branches are cut into 3-4 buds, from which fruitful shoots will grow in summer. In the next couple of years, they continue to act in the way already described. New root suckers expand the bush in diameter up to 30-50 cm.

As a rule, at a certain age (for a large-fruited rose hip in the fourth or fifth year, and for a small-fruited rosehip in the sixth or seventh year), the number of emerging shoots decreases, the buds become smaller, the fruits themselves become smaller, and their yield is significantly reduced.

Such old branches should be cut off at the root, replacing them with the same number of strong root shoots or root offspring.

Harvesting and drying fruits

The rosehip bush lives on average approx. 20-25 years, and in one place usually no more than 10-12 years. The maximum content of vitamin C is noted in ripe fruits of red or orange-red color. At this point, they must be collected. Rose hips of large-fruited varieties and intended for jam are removed unripe. Varieties that are valued for their high concentration of vitamin C must be harvested before the first frost, which can significantly reduce the vitamin content in fruits.

Rosehip is an unsurpassed source of vitamins. It is especially rich in vitamin C. Previously known as a wild shrub, it began to populate more and more personal plots. In recent years, promising varieties of this crop have appeared on the selection plots of research institutions.

In our cultivar grown, for example, "Russian-1", "Vorontsovsky-3", "Vorontsovsky-2", "Vorontsovsky-1". A bush of these varieties of wild rose gives 1.6 -1.8 kilograms of fruit. The weight of each of them is 1.1-1.5 grams. The fruits of the "vitamin VNIVI" variety are much larger, each - 2.5 grams, and the yield from a bush in our variety plot reaches 2.5 kilograms.

Amateur gardeners will be interested in the "thornless" rosehip. It is called so because it has almost no spines. This variety is inferior to others in terms of yield and vitamin content, but it is very convenient for picking fruits.

Most of the vitamin C in the wild rose "Vorontsovsky-1" - 3.900 milligram percent. In the "vitamin VNIVI" it is 3.720 milligrams.

What is the best way to grow rose hips

Rosehip is the best to grow on sandy, loamy and chernozem soils. Stony, sandy, swampy and saline are unsuitable for this. Most auspicious time for landing - autumn. Pits for seedlings are dug of the same depth and width - rubbish centimeters. Seven kilograms of humus, 200 grams of superphosphate are added to each of them.

Landing make sure that the root neck of the seedling is at ground level. Then the plants are watered and spud.

next spring the overwintered wild rose is unraveled, the main branches are cut off over the fourth - sixth kidney. In the future, when caring for a bush, basal shoots are cut, weak shoots, broken and diseased branches are removed, and six-seven-year-olds are rejuvenated.

Well formed bush must have up to ten basal branches of different ages. Bunch strips are best kept loose and weed-free.

Rosehip must be protected from pests and diseases. The vegetative and generative organs of the shrub can be affected powdery mildew especially in wet years. It is useful to treat bushes and the soil under them against fungal diseases in early spring. blue vitriol(10 grams per liter of water) or nitrafen (20 - 25 grams per liter).

When to collect wild rose

Rose hips are harvested before the onset of frost. You can make a vitamin drink from freshly picked fruits. To do this, they are sorted, washed, crushed, the resulting pulp is mixed with water in a weight ratio of 1:5, boiled for ten minutes and insisted for a day. After filtering to taste, add sugar and citric acid, pasteurize.

When harvesting rose hips they need to be dried quickly. It is better to do this in dryers at a temperature of 85 - 90 degrees. There are no dryers - use the stove, but do not allow the fruits to burn, which can destroy vitamins. Some dry the wild rose under a canopy or in the attic, spreading it in a thin layer.

Two varieties are released in our area new culture- "vitamin VNIVI" and "Vorontsovsky-3".

V. Perevoznikov, head of variety plot