Well      08.03.2020

Hidden LED lighting in the interior. LED strip in the interior: application features Room decoration with LED strip

More recently, room lighting was limited to a chandelier, wall sconces, floor lamps. Today, designers have a unique opportunity to revive and diversify living and office spaces using LED strip in the interior.

It is used both as the main and additional lighting of the room, creating a cozy and warm atmosphere. At the same time, complete safety is guaranteed when using such lighting, the absence of harmful and annoying flicker, and energy savings.

What is LED strip?

An LED is a semiconductor device that emits light when electricity passes through it. The LED strip is quite thin and flexible. In specialized stores it is sold in rolls. The angle of illumination of the LEDs is 120°.

On reverse side almost all tapes have a sticky backing that simplifies installation. There are tapes in which fastening is provided on clips, which is also convenient for installation.


An important parameter in the LED product is color shade glow. Ribbons can be divided into two groups: multi-color and single-color. When voltage is applied, single-color tapes emit one color: white, red, blue, green or yellow. There are products of turquoise, crimson, purple glow.

White LED strips, in turn, are divided into subgroups according to the color temperature (cold, neutral or warm). Non-standard options include infrared and ultraviolet products.

Multi-color tapes are produced using multi-chip LEDs, each crystal in them emits specific color. The most common are strips based on RGBW and RGB LEDs. Designation from English letters indicates the color of the glow: B - blue, G - green, R - red, W - white.

LED strips are connected through a controller that regulates the power of color channels. Today, manufacturers produce ordinary and moisture-resistant LED strips, which are successfully used in wet rooms: they even decorate jacuzzis and pools.

Where is the tape used?

LED strip in the interior is good because it can be used in any room. Due to its flexibility, designers successfully use it to highlight niches, cabinets, any areas of the room that need to be highlighted and emphasized.

The safety of this material allows the use of LED strip in the interior of the nursery. Parents may not be afraid that the baby will turn over the floor lamp or drop the table lamp. In addition, such a tape can be attached at a height inaccessible to a small owner.

The LED strip in the interior is perfectly combined with traditional lighting sources - there is no need to refuse from spotlights and chandeliers, which we are so used to. Although the brightness of the tape is sufficient to illuminate small room, it is often used as an elegant touch, an additional accent. Often with this original lamp emphasize beautiful designs in the room. The flexible bright tape will accurately repeat the outlines of any surface: it can be bent, cut, so that not a single corner is left in the dark.

LED strips for backlighting

Imagine this situation: you thought and made on the ceiling original design, which was decorated with patterned wallpaper or fresco. But when you turn on the blurry spot. In this case, an LED strip will help you: glue it around the perimeter of the recess. In the same way, you can arrange a recreation area, furniture. A place to relax at the touch of a button turns into a shimmering disco hall.

Together with led strip for illumination, we recommend purchasing a device that regulates the brightness of the lamp - a dimmer. This will allow you to create settings for slow fade and dim modes, give you the ability to automatically turn off at right time lighting.

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceiling structures are becoming more and more popular every year in residential premises. The decor of such coatings is carried out using various highlights. One of the most popular of them is the LED strip. Installing it under a stretch ceiling or inside the structure depends only on the preferences of the homeowners.

Installation of LED strip under a stretch ceiling is possible for any design. And if such a backlight is located behind the stretch fabric, inside the structure, you will have to choose a special type of fabric - light-transmitting. In addition, in this case, certain requirements must be met. First of all, this concerns the distance from the tape to the stretched canvas: it must be at least ten centimeters.

Consider the place where the transformer will be located (if the backlight is multi-colored) and the control unit. They do not take up much space, but at the same time, free access to the blocks should be provided.


LED strips in the interior of the bedroom are most often used as an additional. A cozy atmosphere in this room will be created by colored LEDs for walls, mirrors, paintings, photos, to illuminate the ceiling. The lighting colors for the bedroom can be any - it all depends on the personal preferences of the homeowners. With the help of such tapes, you can originally highlight the furniture and inner part cabinets.

Kitchen led strip

In the kitchen, such lighting not only decorates and transforms the interior, but is also practical. Here, the tape is fully used to illuminate the work surface and cabinets. The LED strip for the kitchen looks interesting and unusual on the bottom (in this case, the floor is illuminated), as well as on the top of the cabinets. Usually, floor cabinets are installed on legs, which are covered with a panel at the end of installation or can remain open. Luminous tape is attached to the bottom of the cabinet and illuminates the floor. For such illumination, a sealed tape should be used, since moisture can get on it, for example, during cleaning.

To illuminate the top of the cabinets, you can also use an open tape, since it is not exposed to any external influences. The use of LED strip in the kitchen is not limited to highlighting the space above and below cabinets, but is also successfully used to illuminate their interior, which, you see, is very convenient.

The internal lighting of the cabinets can be connected so that it turns on simultaneously with the lighting of the kitchen or it can be used with special sensors that respond to the opening of the door, to touch. There are also contactless ones - you can turn them on if you hold your hand next to them. This is very handy when you have wet hands, for example. Even more important is the lighting of the work surface. Housewives know how inconvenient it is when a light source is behind your back when cooking. LED backlight in this case is installed under wall cabinets. It is important that the LED strip is located in such a way that the light falls at an angle or straight down and does not hit the hostess in the eyes.


LED lighting for stairs two-story house or an apartment is not only very beautiful - it also ensures the safety of the household. To do this, you can use both single-color and multi-colored ribbons that will enrich the interior. LED strip does not require skills for its installation - each person can cope with this task. In addition, such a backlight can be installed many times, which allows you to change the space at any time convenient for you. And one more important fact: the cost of this material is quite affordable, and the service life of such a tape is about ten years, which makes such an acquisition very profitable.

Modern interiors impossible to imagine without the use of lighting elements. And if quite recently the purpose of various lamps was only to illuminate an apartment or house, now light acts as the main designer and creator of the unique look and atmosphere of the room.

When creating the system, LED strips, duralight cords, fluorescent lamps are used as a light source. Best Choice in this case, the use of an LED strip will be used.

Benefits of using LED strip:

  • they are flexible, thin, they can be cut. This allows you to reliably hide the tape from the eyes in almost any design;
  • most often tapes are produced on an adhesive basis, which makes their installation extremely simple;
  • it is possible to use tapes with special controllers for mixing colors and creating almost any shade;
  • light intensity can be adjusted with a dimmer;
  • along with conventional tapes, moisture-resistant options are available that can be used for pool or jacuzzi lighting equipment;
  • LEDs are inherently low power consumption, so you can leave the backlight on for a long time;
  • do not require maintenance due to long term services.

Why do you need lighting in the interior

Used in the interior of the apartment to achieve a variety of purposes:

  • highlighting with the help of light a certain area in the room or a design element, for example, lighting an apron in the kitchen area;
  • decoration or embellishment, such as mirrors or pieces of furniture;
  • giving the room additional volume, height due to illumination. So, installing an LED strip under the ceiling will visually make the room taller;
  • creating the necessary atmosphere in the house: festive, romantic, etc.

Lighting helps create unique interior, implement interesting design ideas, hide layout flaws and focus on the merits. Refusing decorative lighting in a room means depriving it of a fair amount of attractiveness and functionality.

ADVICE!When installing the backlight, it is necessary to pay attention to the harmonious combination of the color of the tape and the materials present in the interior. So, blue, white and other cool colors are well suited to metal products, but wooden surfaces look better in warm tones of illumination.

Basic backlight use cases

LED strips have found their application for highlighting various interior elements. It can be cabinets, shelves from various materials, design of the pool area in country house, installing LEDs on the wall behind the TV, interior lighting of drawers or creating luminous compositions in the nursery. Among the main options for using LED tape, it is worth noting stairs and walls, furniture, kitchen area and curtain decoration.


Illumination of the stairs with LED strip serves not only as a decoration, but also ensures the safety of movement in the dark. You can install the LED strip in several ways: on the wall, on the side of the steps; under each step or through one; along the entire length of the step or, for example, only in its middle part; embed in the railing. Turning on and off the staircase lighting can be carried out both with a standard switch and with the help of motion sensors. When using the latter option, electricity is significantly saved, since the light turns on only if a person approaches the stairs.

It is very important to correctly direct the flow of light to the stairs. Otherwise, the shape of the steps may be distorted, which is unsafe when moving along them.


Wall lighting allows you to visually change the dimensions of the room, add “airiness” to the interior, highlight various designs from drywall, for example, niches, columns, arches. Using the LED strip, you can highlight a picture or photograph, focus on photo wallpapers or panels, emphasize the texture of the material for wall decoration, for example, artificial stone.

In addition to the LED strip to illuminate the walls, you can use LED wallpaper. They are panels with a pattern, between which LEDs are fixed. Such wallpapers do not require gluing, they are attached to the wall with adhesive tape. Similar innovations are produced by OLED and Philips. Products are absolutely safe, easy to care for and allow you to create a unique and cozy interior.


A modern design technique is the use of LED strip lighting for curtains. It allows you to achieve the effect of penetration sunlight through curtains, emphasize the structure of fabrics and visually "break" the boundaries of the room. The best effect is achieved when placing the tape in a niche for the eaves.


You can also find application in any room for LED lighting of furniture with LED strip. With its help, you can highlight the bed in the bedroom, create a romantic or, conversely, passionate atmosphere. A sofa or armchair illuminated in the living room will seem to “float” in the air, which will add lightness and mystery to the interior. Glass shelves, both open and in cabinets, in combination with LED strip will create a radiant play of color and add appeal to the objects placed on them.


In the kitchen for LEDs, the following lighting scenarios are applicable:

  • Illumination of the working area using LED strip installed under upper cabinets kitchen set;
  • highlighting kitchen apron from within. If the apron is made of glass or other transparent material, it turns into an independent lighting fixture. It looks very impressive;
  • lighting inside cabinets with glass doors;
  • creating the effect of a hovering kitchen set by installing an LED strip under the cabinets;
  • highlighting individual elements e.g. glass holders.

When planning decorative lighting in a room, you should definitely consider the type created interior. The use of colors in apartments decorated in the style of classics, ethnics or country is unlikely to be appropriate. The most advantageous here will look lamps that emit a warm yellow light.

On the contrary, in minimalist interiors, with elements of futurism and hi-tech, you can give free rein to your imagination and experiment with different color combinations. Although, it should be noted that the coldness and beauty of the metal are most successfully emphasized by white LEDs.

The most important rule when creating a lighting scheme is a sense of proportion. Don't make out of an apartment Christmas tree and highlight everything that is possible. At the planning stage, you need to analyze all possible lighting scenarios, understand what is really necessary, what you can refuse without compromising the appearance of the room, and what will generally interfere with rest and relaxation.

ADVICE!To optimize the performance of the lighting scheme, you can use special devices– time relay. With their help, the backlight will turn on and off at a predetermined time.

The use of LED strips in the apartment allows you to create an exclusive look of the room, expand its boundaries, create the necessary atmosphere and mood. The possibilities of its use in decorative interior lighting are virtually endless. Ease of installation, variety color solutions and durability leave far behind all competitors.

Natural and artificial lighting plays an important role in interior design. Among modern lighting devices, LED-lamps are very popular - semiconductor devices that convert electricity into light emission. LED lighting in the apartment best way emphasize the beauty of interior design, highlight the advantages of design and compensate architectural features rooms.

Basic moments

The attractiveness of LED lamps is obvious - lighting creates a pleasant atmosphere, you can use solid, colored LEDs, combine different light sources. The use of LEDs in the apartment allows you to implement design ideas, give the rooms original look, visually emphasize the dignity of the style.

Lighting using LEDs allows you to decorate walls, ceilings, floors, highlight any functional area of ​​the room. Products are easy to install, easy to attach to base surface, you can install them yourself.

An important feature of LEDs is that the devices do not heat the surfaces with which they come into contact or are in close proximity, which eliminates the risk of fire.

Advantages and disadvantages of ice lamps

LED lighting devices appeared on the market relatively recently, quickly gained popularity among consumers. According to reviews, they have important advantages:

  • Low power consumption- diode device full power uses 70% less electricity than conventional light bulbs.
  • Long service life- with proper calculation and development of a power scheme, lighting works for about one hundred thousand hours.
  • High degree of resistance to damage– devices are made of durable materials, do not have incandescent elements.
  • No flicker effect- when using led lamps, the voltage on the organs of vision is reduced.
  • Minimal heating and heat generation- due to low heat transfer, all energy is directed to lighting.
  • Ease of installation– Users can very easily install LED lights with your own hands, using glue, self-tapping screws.

Important! LEDs are compact in size, it is convenient to mount them in corners, niches, narrow openings, where the installation of chandeliers, ceiling lamps and other products is excluded.

A significant disadvantage of LED light sources is the high price. Expensive high-quality models cost from 2000 rubles, budget options will cost from 90 rubles, but the latter, according to reviews, do not work for long. In case of failure of one device, the LED network ceases to function. Since the LED is a semiconductor device, the resistance of the conductor can affect the brightness, power, light intensity.

Varieties of LED lighting for apartments

Lighting an apartment with LED sources depends on several parameters: the dimensions of the room, interior features, visual zoning, the purpose of using artificial lighting. According to these criteria, several types of illumination of the ceiling, walls, furniture and interior are distinguished.

Let's highlight the main types:

  • Diffused artificial lighting. Acts as the main source of light radiation. Devices evenly fill the apartment with light, covering the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The main requirement for light is neutrality, the absence of unlit "spots" in the room, calm radiation.

  • LED work light. It is used when zoning the interior space of a room. Led-lamps are located in functional areas where brighter, more precisely directed light is required. This could be a work area. desk, illumination of the area for cooking and eating, the area around the mirror.

  • Accent lighting in the development of apartment design. Accent - drawing attention to some object, fragment, area of ​​the room. Light sources are positioned so as to visually illuminate paintings, figurines, bookshelves and other interior elements.

  • Decorative LED lighting. It does not perform a practical function, it is used to emphasize the aesthetic appeal of the apartment. Well-placed lighting, spotlights help to visually expand the boundaries of the room, complement and “revive” the atmosphere.

Lamp types

Manufacturers of LED products produce lighting with different technical and operational characteristics. When choosing, you need to focus not only on the size of the lamps, but also on their type of glow, power.

There is no strict classification of LED lamps, but conventionally all devices can be divided into several broad groups:

  • According to the source used in the lamp, there are SMD LEDs with a long service life, COB - models of increased reliability with a uniform distribution of light, powerful and heavy-duty lighting products.

Important! When choosing an LED device, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer of the product. Luminaires must be made of quality components.

Powerful LED lamp option

Life time

There is a concept of an average service life for led devices - it is 50,000 hours of continuous operation. Modern lighting technology is different complex design, many functional components.

Reliable manufacturers of diode lighting sources in the characteristics indicate that the service life corresponds to the generally accepted value of L70 or LM70:

  • the year of operation of the LED will be 9000 hours;
  • manufacturers set a full service life;
  • the operation of the device is affected by network fluctuations;
  • reduces operating time low light output;
  • the design of the LED light bulb plays a role.

Manufacturers of LED products designate a warranty period of up to one to two years - lamps with a short and medium life, from three to five years - high-quality LEDs, designed for up to 100,000 hours of operation.

Types of lighting fixtures

It is possible to perform lighting in the apartment different ways: highlight work areas, install main light sources, implement decorative and accent lighting of the room. By purpose, dimensions, installation method, there are several types of lighting devices with LED sources. Consider their features.

Design features tape device– flexible board with diodes and conductive copper tracks. Each LED is enclosed in a housing.

LED strip lighting in the apartment has important advantages:

  • Long service life;
  • Minimum energy costs;
  • Flexible base, easy installation;
  • Room lighting control;
  • Compact dimensions of lighting equipment.

Tape lighting can be used in places where the installation of other lighting devices is not possible: the perimeter of the room, furniture details, framing paintings, mirrors.


Chandeliers powered by diodes are nothing more than LED ceiling lights. For an apartment, pendant products with replaceable lamps are also used to organize the main or additional lighting in the room. The body of the chandeliers is made of metal, and the shades and lampshades are made of plastic, glass, and acrylic material.

Some models are equipped with remote controls remote control as in the photo below.

Advantages of LED chandeliers according to consumer reviews:

  • a large selection of shapes and sizes;
  • light intensity control;
  • installation on stretch ceilings;
  • changing the color of the light flux;
  • uniform illumination without flicker.

Ceiling chandeliers create a pleasant atmosphere, emphasize the artistic style of the room. In Moscow shops you can buy LED ceiling chandeliers exclusive design, which will occupy a central place in the interior.

Ice panel

A popular option for lighting technology is led panels installed in large-sized rooms. A well-designed design allows you to harmoniously fit the ceiling structures into the interior of the apartment. According to the type of installation, the panels are classified into built-in and overhead (suspended).

Products can have a round, rectangular, square shape. The thickness of the panels is 14-15 mm, so it is convenient to use the lamps for apartments with low ceilings.

Also, such lighting equipment is produced with and without shades. For some models, it is possible to control the brightness, color, direction of lighting distributed by LED panels.

In apartment lighting systems, wireless-type LEDs equipped with a motion sensor are locally used. The device reacts to the presence of a person, turns on, provides a bright light in the illuminated area, goes out after a certain time. The range of illumination depends on the characteristics of a particular model.

Among the advantages of lighting engineering are compact dimensions, light weight, easy installation, bright light. When the sensor detects thermal radiation, the sensor reacts to movements and turns on the device if the room is dark.

Devices with a motion sensor can be installed with your own hands in the corridor, bathroom, toilet, hallway, dressing room. Wireless lamps are relevant for families with small children.

Proper LED lighting

In the interior space of the apartment, you can use spotlights, strip lighting, LED chandeliers, create decorative lighting for individual interior items. The installation of products, the characteristics of the power supply, the choice of the layout of the light sources may differ, depending on the room, the design of the devices and the installation location of the devices.

Related article: Lighting for indoor flowers: choice, features and types of lamps

The main rule for organizing the lighting of an apartment is the harmonious arrangement of lamps, taking into account the dimensions of the room. For small rooms, small LED devices are installed; in medium-sized apartments, you can use lamps different designs, shapes and sizes, and in large rooms large lamps, chandeliers, sconces, floor lamps are appropriate in combination with small accent details.

Living room

The living room is the most spacious room in the apartment, which means there should be a lot of light here. Mostly in this room they use the central light in the form of a chandelier, but there are other options.

Three types of LED lighting are used in the hall:

  • General - light sources are located around the perimeter of the ceiling of the hall as in the photo below, the central place is occupied by a chandelier or panel.

  • Working - the recreation area near the sofas and armchairs is illuminated by LED strip, coffee tables sconces are installed, wall-mounted built-in lamps are installed in the ceiling.

  • decorative directional- serves to frame the interior fragments of the hall (niches in the wall, shelves, paintings, photos, mirrors).

In the living room, contour lighting around the perimeter of the ceiling looks favorably using spotlights or led strips, effectively emphasizes the beauty of tension, multi-level flows, makes the hall taller, more spacious.


The design of the bedroom with lamps must be done carefully so that the lighting fixtures create warm atmosphere, the light was not too bright or colored, and the intensity of the lighting did not interfere with rest, sleep. The main and additional light sources are installed in the bedroom. The contour of the ceiling is evenly illuminated with spotlights.

If the room is small, you can hang a small surface-mounted or built-in LED chandelier in the center. Separately draw up a bedside area using special wall sconces, compact floor lamps. Looks nice and original LED lights under the bed.

If there is a picture above the head of the bed, the decor element can be illuminated with LED strip, use decorative lighting of the dressing table mirror, wardrobe.


In the apartment, the children's room is designed taking into account the age and gender of the child, and the room is visually divided into several zones: play, work, bed. The child should not lack lighting, so LED devices with bright uniform light are installed in the nursery. The ceiling is decorated with a central chandelier or an ice panel; spotlights can be installed around the perimeter.

In the nursery, it is necessary to provide directional lighting in the desk area, using Wall lights And desk lamp. By the bed or sofa set a compact night light on bedside table or mount an ice lamp on the wall.

In the play area, you can make the original wall lighting using LED strip. It looks very beautiful and fabulous.


The interior space of the kitchen is usually small, there are several areas in the room that need to be well lit. General lighting is organized using compact ceiling lights built-in type or hanging chandeliers. In the working area (cooking place, stove, sink) there are bright LED lamps that give a cold glow.

Countertop and dining area lighting

In the kitchen, it is important to use tape lighting, which can be laid in niches, corners, under glass, above shelves with dishes. Decorative lighting emphasizes the contours of the tabletop. There are tape options in which the light sources are enclosed in aluminum or plastic profile– harmoniously combined with furniture design.

The dining area should be brightly lit. warm light. Suitable for this hanging chandeliers above the dining table.

There are no sources of natural light in the corridor of the apartment, without quality lighting the room will be dark. Several options for the location of lamps:

  • IN narrow hallway diodes are placed on the ceiling, directing light to the upper part of the walls in order to visually expand the corridor. For the same purpose, an LED strip is also installed around the perimeter.


The possibilities of using LED strips are huge: they can illuminate the working area of ​​the kitchen, emphasize the interior, create a romantic or festive atmosphere. Self-adhesive LED strips allow you to implement the most daring interior lighting solutions.

How to choose the right LED strip? Let's figure out what types of LED strips exist. There are several parameters in which they differ, and each of them is reflected in the marking.

Glow colors

They are marked with the first letter of the color name in English, which is immediately after the abbreviation LED and before the letters SMD (element type designation).

According to the color of the tape are divided into:

The most widely used sizes are 3528 with dimensions of 3.5 by 2.8 millimeters and 5050 with dimensions of 5 by 5 mm. There are also other sizes.

Size determines how much light energy an element emits per unit of time.

The larger the crystal, the more energy they can radiate. The numbers for monochrome elements are as follows:

  • a 3528 chip allows you to get a flow from 0.6 to 2.2 lumens;
  • size 5050 - 2-8 8 lumens.

Indicators for universal LEDs below:

  • for 3528 - from 0.3 to 1.6 lumens;
  • size 5050 - 0.6 to 2.5 lumens.

The data are for crystals without protective coating. Its presence reduces the intensity of the value.

The total brightness is obtained by multiplying these figures by the number of elements in the segment.

Number of LEDs

The density of elements per meter of tape may vary. Firstly, the LEDs can be arranged in one row, or in two or more. However, the number of LEDs in a strip per meter is a multiple of the number of rows multiplied by 30. That is, in a single-row strip it is a multiple of 30, in a double-row strip it is a multiple of 60, and so on.

Degree of protection

It is marked as IP. There are two numbers in the marking, the first indicates the degree of protection against the ingress of solids, the second - from moisture. Sometimes manufacturers use their own designations.

The tape may not have a protective sheath and is suitable for dry areas. For rooms with high humidity, tapes coated with moisture-proof varnish are produced. Moisture-resistant tapes have a sealed silicone housing, they can be mounted in water.

LED strips placed in plastic pipe, well protect both from mechanical influences, and from water. The stronger the coating, the higher the numbers on the marking (up to IP65 - IP68).

It is also worth remembering that the additional shell increases both the price of the product and the degree of overheating (silicone does not remove heat well).

Supply voltage and power

The supply voltage required for the tape is indicated by a separate number on the marking. Most often it is 12V, sometimes - 24V. For connection, voltage converters of the common network are needed.

Converter power is calculated from power consumption running meter tape, which can be found on the package. You can calculate it yourself.

The choice of LED strip for the interior is determined by what functions you want to assign to it. Photos of various LED strips in the interior, which are in abundance on the Web, will help you understand what exactly you want from additional lighting.

White light in bluish tones will emphasize the appliances in the kitchen and complement the lighting, red ribbons will help create an intimate atmosphere.

Remember that colored light can visually distort the colors of objects. This effect is strongest in blue ribbons. Consider this factor when choosing lighting.

Effectively LED lightening looks on the ledges of the ceiling, and liquid wallpaper will help to mask the tapes.

Properly choose the LED strip and carefully consider its installation, and your lighting will bring you aesthetic pleasure, as well as last a long time and reliably.

Photo of LED strip

Bright, soft, strong, not harsh - LEDs have proven that artificial lighting can combine such seemingly different qualities. Today, you will not surprise anyone with multi-colored LED cords and ribbons, they decorate facades and windows, shop windows and signboards, but in the home environment, such decor began to be used relatively recently. It is not known who first came up with the idea of ​​inscribing an even, plastic radiance into home interior, but the idea turned out to be surprisingly tenacious.

Features and functions of LED backlight

LED lamps can be said to have eclipsed traditional lamps and surpassed them in a number of characteristics:

  • they are more economical;
  • their service life is much longer;
  • they are durable and compact;
  • their temperature is lower;
  • their brightness is easy to adjust;
  • they do not require special color filters;
  • Finally, LED lamps can serve as a great interior component.

Not surprisingly, LED lighting is rapidly crowding out other types, and new homes are being built either with the idea that they will be equipped with LED lighting, or with LED lamps already built in.

However, the “flexible neon”, as such lighting is sometimes called “among the people”, has not only a colorful and elegant role; in the interior, it performs various functions:

  • Steps, openings and corridors are illuminated with LED lamps and ribbons, making them more visible, for example, at dusk;
  • contour illumination, divide it into parts;
  • highlighting niches, moldings, cornices and mirrors, visually add volume to the room;
  • using LEDs, they highlight decorative accessories, focus on the right items;
  • thanks to LED cords and ribbons, you can embody a huge number of artistic ideas and make the interior unique.

Types of LED backlights

Mainly used for interior design duralights And led strip.

– translucent colored or fully transparent flexible silicone cords, filled with small, in the form of a garland of LED bulbs. They can be attached using special transparent plastic brackets.

LED strips- flat boards in the form of strips, which are most often sold in coils. Almost all LED strips on the reverse side have an adhesive base, this is done for ease of installation.
Tapes are ordinary and moisture resistant, they are able to change not only the brightness, the strength of the emitted light, but also the shades.

In addition to tapes and duralights, manufacturers offer various LED devices, panels and even glass blocks, transparent and matte, with LED backlighting.
Connecting LED lighting is not at all difficult - however, along with the tape, you will have to buy a special power supply (adapter).

Ways to use LED backlight

You can decorate your home with LED edging, starting right at the doorstep. Or even behind him, outside.
If you have good spatial vision, then using LEDs on ribbons and cords, you can completely “reshape” the space, make the room seem taller or wider. And, of course, more intimate, because LED lamps are a source of diffused, delicate light.

Consider the most popular and vice versa, the most unusual led tricks.

Behind-the-cornice lighting of ceilings magically transforms the room, if we are talking about stretched, multi-level structures. It “lifts” and at the same time fills the space with a calm, glare-free light, reminiscent of sunrise or sunset.

Niches and lighting are literally made for each other: the illumination built into the recesses produces a magical impression because only a blurry light is visible, but not its source.

Mirrors in LED frames acquire a special depth and visually push the walls apart. It is permissible to use such a dramatic technique in the hallway, in the living room, and even in the bathroom.

You can safely decorate an aquarium or a portable fountain in the living room with a moisture-resistant LED strip: it will be difficult to take your eyes off the enchanted look from the combination of water and light.

An LED strip stretched between the dining room and the living room or the dining room and the kitchen will delimit these two zones, emphasizing their autonomy.

On the ceiling of the bedroom, using LEDs, you can depict the "starry sky", lay out the outline of the constellations or the signs of the Zodiac with a flexible cord ...
In any case, delicate lighting in the bedroom can be a very good solution.

LED lighting is environmentally friendly and safe, which means it is also suitable for children's decor.

She will not only form a slightly mysterious, magical halo, but will play the role of a night lamp with an unobtrusive light. “Draw” with LEDs a scattering of fireflies on the wall or a winter tree. Paste the part of the room where the toys are concentrated with a flexible luminous tape, and the baby will have magical dreams.

LED cords are so versatile that they are increasingly used to decorate furniture. Moreover, pieces of furniture already equipped with LED-backlight appeared on sale.

Luminous tape will duplicate the curves original chair, elegant forms of the sofa, and the bed, decorated with lighting, will also acquire the qualities of a lamp.

In the bathroom, with the help of LEDs, you can imitate the glow of candles or lay out the outlines of outlandish fish, starfish and algae with colored cords.

In the kitchen, “flexible neon” is illuminated work surface. Or they combine two types of lighting: bright above, above the cabinets, and muted below, below them.

An aesthetically good idea is to outline the bar counter with an LED border.

A real extravaganza is obtained when LED lighting is combined with glass objects. It can be some very simple option, for example, a flickering perimeter glass door or doors… Or light accents of the shelving with decorative accessories, glass showcases with dishes, countertops.

LED lighting can be hidden behind drywall panels by cutting patterns into them and covering them with colored, translucent fabrics. It will turn out amazingly beautiful "theater of shadows and light."

With the help of LEDs, many glass objects turn into floor lamps. Floor lamp-stork, floor lamp-tree, floor lamp-column... LEDs are a magic wand that transforms a piece of glass into the moon, firebird feather or block of ice, highlighted northern lights.

In addition, with the help of highlighting one or another shade, it is easy to add imaginary warmth or coolness, romanticism or passion, efficiency or sincerity to the home.

"Flexible neon" and suitable styles

LED lighting fits perfectly into many, emphasizes their character and enhances color. For example, a cold, cosmic glow is suitable, especially if you contour a plasma screen, home theater, panoramic window. Shining lines, however, must remain strict, deliberately sharp. The interior, illuminated in this way, acquires a completely futuristic look.

A not very powerful, warm-colored diode tape will add penumbra and relief to the rooms - a loft will make you feel