Mixer      06/17/2019

How to clean a gas boiler: several simple ways. How to clean a solid fuel boiler How to clean a pyrolysis boiler from tar

Comfort of private home owners, especially in winter time, directly depends on the serviceability of the heating system, and the flawless operation of the heating boiler is guaranteed only if all its parts are contained in in perfect order. Sometimes the functioning of equipment is disrupted for a very trivial reason - due to contamination of some parts, for example, a gas water heater or a heat exchanger. Let's consider whether it is possible to clean a gas boiler on your own and whether it is safe.

Pipes through which hot liquid circulates sooner or later inside covered with plaque. This process is reminiscent of the deposition of lime on the walls of a kettle: the thicker the layer of scale, the slower it heats up. Salt deposits on the walls of the heat exchanger can cause problems.

This is what heat exchanger pipes clogged with scale will look like (sectional view) if preventive maintenance and cleaning of internal channels are not carried out regularly

Are these troubles really that big? See what awaits you if you do not flush the lines in a timely manner:

  • Overheat. The gas boiler is designed in such a way that the coolant, during the reverse movement, must cool the internal parts of the heating elements. Limescale deposits interfere with proper cooling, so the equipment can break down at any time.
  • Breakage of important parts. For example, narrowing the diameter of pipes leads to an increase in the maximum load on circulation pump, as a result of which it may also fail.
  • Increased fuel consumption. Due to deposits, the thermal conductivity of the pipes decreases sharply, and more energy is required to heat the liquid as required, that is, gas consumption increases. Accordingly, the costs of operating a gas boiler will also increase.

To avoid these troubles, it is necessary to wash regularly.

The frequency of the procedure depends on the liquid that is used as a coolant. Suppose a heating system using antifreeze requires cleaning approximately once every 2 years, while you need to monitor the quality of the liquid and, if necessary, completely replace it. Pipes in which purified water circulates should be washed once every 3-4 years. The higher the hardness of the liquid, the more frequent the cleaning measures.

Heat exchanger flushing methods

When choosing a washing method, they usually rely on their own capabilities and knowledge. Let's look at three generally accepted methods.

Method #1 - manual cleaning

To perform this, it is necessary to carefully remove the heat exchanger from the boiler, otherwise there will be no free access to contaminated surfaces. Next, we choose either mechanical cleaning or washing with solutions. To remove deposits mechanically, you will need a scraper, brush and vacuum cleaner. For flushing, which is good for double-circuit boilers, use a salt-dissolving liquid.

At manual way All cleaning actions must be careful and careful. When installing the heat exchanger in place, you should carefully check the tightness of the connections.

After removing the heat exchanger from the boiler body, you will understand that the inner surface of its main part - the curved pipe - needs to be cleaned, and it will be extremely problematic to perform a full cleaning manually

Method #2 - chemical solution through a booster

It involves the use of special equipment - a booster, with which an acidic washing solution is pumped into the heat exchanger. It is passed through the pipes several times over a long period of time; as a result, the deposit dissolves and is removed along with the flushing liquid. As a result, throughput and thermal conductivity indicators increase. Even the most persistent contaminants - salt deposits of carbonate and deposits of ferric iron - can be treated with an acidic solution. The remaining acid in the pipes is neutralized with a special solution, which is finally released into the heat exchanger.

Method #3 - hydrodynamic flushing

Does not require equipment disassembly. It consists of pumping in water (in some cases with an abrasive filler) and then pumping up pressure. The movement of fluid at increased speed causes the destruction of deposits, which are eventually discharged. There is a danger of exceeding critical pressure levels, which could result in pipe rupture.

It is not recommended to clean the heat exchanger yourself. The best decision– contact professionals who are authorized to work with gas equipment. Knowing the cleaning methods and sequence, you will be able to control the work of specialists.

Prevention and repair of gas equipment by specialists guarantees that it will be used quality equipment, proven materials, safe technologies - and all this in compliance with standards

Cleaning the boiler from soot

Along with cleaning the chimney, the channels of the gas boiler itself are also cleaned. If the chimney becomes dirty and there are problems with draft, the equipment is automatically switched off. If soot accumulates inside the boiler, shutdown does not occur, and residents of the house may be poisoned by combustion products. In addition, contaminated equipment does not function properly, so it is recommended to carry out the cleaning procedure annually, especially for boilers operating year-round.

Disassembly and soot removal

To remove the boiler parts and clean them, you will need a simple set of tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • brushes (soft and for metal);
  • brush;
  • open-end wrenches (No. 8-17);
  • rags.

By performing the steps described sequentially, you can completely clean the internal parts of the gas water heater and prevent an accident or smoke in the room.

Any tools that can be used to remove limescale With metal surface, and you can’t do without wrenches

So, the first thing to do is turn off the gas. Then remove the boiler door and disconnect the wire leading to the piezoelectric element. Then we unscrew the thermocouple, the ignition electrode and the pilot burner tube one by one. It is better to mark the position of the nozzle in the burner so as not to disturb the setting. The gasket located under the pilot burner should be replaced with a new one. Carefully take out the nozzle, the copper tube, and then the burner, unscrewing the set of clamps.

To unscrew the nut fixing the copper tube, a wrench No. 17 is suitable, to remove the ignition electrode - No. 10, to unscrew the screws securing the pilot burner - a flat screwdriver

Having taken out the thermometer sleeve, remove the boiler lid along with the insulating sheet. Then we take out the gas duct, having first disconnected the terminals from the traction sensor. Clean the swirlers removed from the heat exchanger with a brush. Similarly, we clean the base and outer part of the heat exchanger. We blow out the internal channels with a vacuum cleaner.

To clean the burner we use brushes and a brush. The flue must be wiped from all sides. Special attention nozzle cleaning required: outer surface It is enough to clean it with a brush, but for the hole you will need a thin needle, the diameter of which is smaller than the diameter of the hole. If you accidentally increase the width of the hole, the combustion mode will be disrupted.

All elements of the heat exchanger, internal and external, must be cleaned with a stiff metal brush. It is convenient to remove settled dust and lime residues with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth

The brush is ideal for cleaning plaque from internal surfaces of any shape - heat exchanger elements, copper tubes. The longer the handle. the more convenient it is to reach hard-to-reach places

Reassemble in reverse order

We return the main burner, copper tube and nozzle to their place. Then we install the pilot burner on the new gasket, after cleaning it with a metal brush. When connecting the ignition electrode, it is better not to use a key, but to act manually so as not to damage the ceramic base. We also fix the remaining parts in their places. As a control test, we use soaping of the compounds. Tightness of fixation copper tubes and burners can only be checked during switching on.

When assembling the pilot burner, one rule to remember is that the tip of the thermocouple should be located opposite the place where the flame appears.

Preventive and cleaning work better to do it the day before heating season. In any case, the parts will be covered with soot, which accumulates over time, so the procedure for cleaning the elements of a gas boiler is very important - both for the efficient functioning of the boiler itself and for the safety of the residents of the house. And we remind you once again - it is better to entrust any work with gas equipment to specialists!

Each owner of a private home, before putting a solid fuel boiler into operation, should familiarize himself with how to clean the device and how often such a procedure becomes necessary. Cleaning solid fuel boilers is a labor-intensive process, however, if you comply with the operating conditions of the boiler and fuel requirements, you can avoid frequent repetition of such a process.

Let's consider the reasons that contribute to the contamination of the heating unit, the consequences of clogging, what cleaning of a solid fuel boiler is, and which parts of the boiler need to be cleaned.

Almost any unit that is associated with the combustion process, as a result of its operation, emits not only thermal energy and carbon monoxide, but also a mass of combustion products. During long work solid fuel unit in operating mode, soot and volatile ash particles accumulate in large quantities on the walls of the furnace, in the smoke channels. A similar situation is typical for all types of solid fuel equipment, with the exception of pyrolysis devices, where dry firewood and briquettes burn out completely, turning into combustible gas.

Accumulation of combustion products in work area the unit and in the chimney occurs gradually and if the mechanism is not cleaned regularly, soot deposits can become significant. The thickness of the soot layer on the heat exchanger body, just a couple of millimeters, significantly affects the performance of the heating device. Heating of the coolant takes much longer. The power of the main equipment drops by 20-30%, and fuel consumption increases accordingly.

In addition to soot, combustion products also include resins released by organic compounds, regardless of type. Resin accumulated on the inner walls of the combustion chamber contributes to the development of corrosion processes that destroy the main parts of the solid fuel unit.

From rich and many years of experience it was found that the most common reasons accumulations of soot and tar in the firebox and chimney are:

  • low quality fuel;
  • high humidity of fuel raw materials;
  • the heating mechanism often operates at low temperatures;
  • defects and miscalculations in the boiler piping.

On a note: the intensity of combustion product deposits depends on the type of fuel and its physical properties. To operate the unit on coal or wood, today the most available materials. Fossil coal and wood. Any organic fuel leaves ash and ash when burned. The drier the fuel mass, the smaller the volume of residual products during the combustion process. In many ways, the combustion intensity depends on the type of solid fuel boiler. Low humidity of raw materials, additional oxygen supply and operating principle contribute to increased combustion intensity.

Older equipment uses the simplest method of direct combustion, which results in a significant amount of ash, ash and soot. All this settles on the walls of the combustion chamber, is deposited on the heat exchanger and in the chimney. New models are high-tech devices, the combustion process has been brought to optimal parameters, therefore, less ash remains in the ash pan; in most cases, soot evaporates along with carbon monoxide through the chimney. Cleaning the chimney from soot is one of the main conditions for the safe operation of a heating unit in a private home.

Important! The accumulation of soot on the walls of the chimney can lead to a dangerous situation. Soot is tiny, microscopic particles of charcoal that, when high temperature and intense air supply may ignite. There are often cases when a chimney, heated as a result of burning soot, causes the roof to ignite, attic floors. It is characteristic that this problem characteristic of solid fuel boilers with forced draft.

How to clean a solid fuel boiler. Cleaning methods

You can clean a solid fuel boiler with scrapers and wire brushes. Typically, such devices come complete with basic equipment. In each individual case, a cleaning method is used that corresponds design features boiler The following places are required:

  • combustion chamber walls;
  • heat exchanger surfaces;
  • internal walls of the chimney.

All the places listed for cleaning are those elements of the boiler design where heat exchange occurs and the water jacket is located.

There are three ways to clean the boiler:

  • mechanical;
  • steam method;
  • using chemical reagents.

Each of the proposed methods has its own characteristics and key points. For mechanical cleaning, a special set of tools is used. Poker, spatula, pipe cleaners, scrapers and metal brushes.

Important! The unit must be cool before you begin to remove it.

Soot and ash are removed from the combustion chamber manually through simple manipulations. Volatile and solid fragments of burnt fuel are removed quite simply. The situation is more complicated with frozen resin and tar. How to clean your own heating device from these components? The solution is to warm up the device for this purpose. Resin and tar become soft and are easier to remove from the surface with brushes and scrapers. Upon completion, it is necessary to warm up the unit to optimal temperature so that the remaining resin and tar burn out completely.

Using a steam generator, the boiler is steam cleaned of tar, tar and microscopic soot particles. Chemical method designed for the use of various chemical compounds and acid-based reagents. Inner surface fireboxes, and the surface of the heat exchanger is processed chemicals, which eat away deposits. Typically, dissolved chalk and soda ash are used to clean wood-burning pyrolysis units.

The cleaning agent is chosen based on financial considerations and the degree of contamination of the boiler. In each case, if the requirements are met, a positive result can be achieved.

How often should heating appliances be cleaned?

To ensure that your unit is constantly working at optimal modes, issued required power, boiler cleaning should become regular. Using normal and high-quality fuel, you can do this activity once a month.

On a note: When using low quality fuel raw materials, the boiler should be cleaned more often, once every two or three weeks. If operating parameters deteriorate, unscheduled cleaning of the equipment can be carried out.

To prevent severe clogging, it is necessary to regularly inspect the solid fuel boiler. When to use different kinds fuel, the device operates at low temperatures, the unit will have to be cleaned once a week.

Every owner country house always strives to ensure that his home is warm and cozy, especially on cold winter evenings.

To maintain stable temperature regime In residential premises, as a rule, heating systems are used, the main component of which, in particular, can be a solid fuel boiler.

Stable and uninterrupted operation of the boiler unit largely depends on proper care of it. One type of maintenance is boiler cleaning.

In this article we will talk in detail about what combustion products exist, what causes them to appear, and how to effectively remove them from a solid fuel boiler.

In contact with

  • Raw materials for combustion
  • Combustion products and the cause of their occurrence
  • Negative consequences of hoarding
  • Regularity of cleaning procedures
  • Cleaning methods

Raw materials for combustion

The following types of raw materials are used to fire a solid fuel boiler:

When burning these raw materials, as a rule, ash and ash remain, as well as other combustion products, which settle on the working surfaces of the combustion chamber, which subsequently negatively affects the efficiency of the boiler.

Combustion products and the cause of their occurrence

By-products that appear during the combustion process are:

  • soot;
  • resin;
  • tar.

The reasons for the appearance of these substances are the following important points:

  1. Causes of soot:
    • there is not enough oxygen for the combustion process;
    • Fuel combustion temperature is too low.
  2. Factors influencing the appearance of resin:
    • low-quality fuel is used;
    • the fuel material has a high degree of humidity;
    • the boiler operates at low temperature;
    • Too much fuel is loaded into the firebox.
  3. Tar appears in the following cases:
    • weak air flow into the combustion chamber of the pyrolysis boiler;
    • incorrect design of the unit;
    • low height chimney.

As we can see, the main reasons for the appearance harmful substances is poor fuel and technical aspects of organizing the combustion process.

Experts advise: Use only high quality fuel - otherwise the wear and tear on the boiler will rapidly increase.

Negative consequences of hoarding

An excess of harmful substances in a solid fuel boiler leads to the following consequences:

  • the thermal qualities of the boiler are rapidly falling;
  • heating in the house is significantly reduced;
  • there is an increase in fuel consumption;
  • service life is significantly reduced.

Specialist's note: Timely cleaning of a solid fuel boiler contributes to its efficient functioning.

Regularity of cleaning procedures

The interval between cleaning of wood, pellet or pyrolysis boilers depends, first of all, on the quality of the fuel material:

  • if high-quality fuel is used, the boiler unit must be cleaned once a month;
  • in the case of using fuel of low quality and with a high degree of humidity, cleaning should be carried out once every 15–20 days.

Despite the specified deadlines, you must always monitor the operation of the solid fuel boiler, and if the working rhythm is disrupted, you can perform extraordinary cleaning.

Cleaning methods

Probably every boiler owner thinks about how to clean the unit and how to do it correctly. There are four main ways to clean a boiler from soot, tar and tar. Their features include the following important points.

Mechanical cleaning. It involves cleaning a solid fuel boiler from combustion products using a special set of tools, which includes the following elements:

  • poker;
  • scrapers of different sizes;
  • blades of different widths;
  • metal brushes;
  • brushes of various configurations.

It is worth understanding that cleaning the boiler from soot using these tools is carried out only when the unit has cooled completely.

Important point: When cleaning a solid fuel boiler, the damper must be fully open.

As for cleaning the wood-burning boiler from tar and tar, the stages of work will be as follows:

  • Initially, the unit is heated, since the resin and tar have a solid structure, which softens when heated;
  • using blades and scrapers, substances are removed from the walls;
  • After finishing cleaning, increase the boiler temperature for a while in order to burn out the remaining tar and resin.

Thus, we see that cleaning a solid fuel boiler from soot, tar and tar can be done with your own hands.

Dry cleaning. A feature of this method of cleaning a solid fuel boiler from harmful substances is the use of various chemicals, and the entire scope of work can be completed using two methods:

  1. The product is poured directly onto the burning fuel (such substances contain a set of crystals that react with soot and resin, crumble them, and then come out along with the smoke).
  2. Using special chemicals, boiler working surfaces that are contaminated with tar and tar are treated (as a rule, the main components of these products are solvents and acid-based reagents).

Specialist's note: when cleaning the boiler chemicals Safety precautions must be observed!

"Soft blasting." This method is considered an American technology for cleaning a pyrolysis or wood-burning boiler from combustion products.

Its essence is that with the help special device A special solution containing chalk and baking soda is applied to the contaminated surfaces of the boiler.

Steam cleaning of the boiler. The essence of the method is that the walls of the boiler are processed using a steam generator, while the boiler unit also undergoes disinfection.

Cleaning a solid fuel boiler from soot, tar and tar can be done in a way that suits your financial capabilities and labor costs. And in conclusion, I would like to dwell on one more aspect of cleaning the boiler from combustion products. There are also several traditional methods cleaning the boiler from soot and tar.

For example, salt is poured onto burning wood, which helps remove soot along with smoke. Also, dried potato peelings are placed on the burning fuel, which, releasing starch, significantly soften the contaminated surfaces for subsequent cleaning. We hope our information will help you to ensure that your home is always warm and cozy.

Watch the video in which an experienced user explains in detail how to properly clean a solid fuel boiler from tar:

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Often in country houses closed heating systems are used. When it is possible to connect a heating unit to a gas main, then solid fuel boilers are used.

It is necessary to periodically clean it from resins, soot and tar. Proper care the product will extend its service life.

Fuel and consequences of combustion

Heating devices can operate on several types solid fuel depending on design:

  • firewood;
  • peat.

When burning any type of solid fuel, residues appear - soot deposits, resin, tar. They need to be removed from the system regularly. Ash, ash and other combustion products accumulate on the surfaces of the combustion chamber. This may interfere with the stability of the device and cause malfunctions.

Causes of solid fuel combustion products:

Appearance of soot:

  • there is not enough oxygen in the system and the combustion process is unstable;
  • not high enough.

Appearance of resin:

  • low quality fuel;
  • crude fuel;
  • the temperature in the boiler is not high enough;
  • Too much fuel loaded.

Appearance of tar:

  • weak air flow entering the combustion chamber;
  • the unit is not designed correctly;

Unwanted waste occurs as a result of improper operation. These factors also increase equipment wear.

The benefits of regular brushing

Cleaning a solid fuel boiler with your own hands is quite simple, especially with the help of special tools and products. There are only four methods for cleaning solid fuel boilers at home.

You can clean the boiler using:

  • pokers;
  • various special scrapers;
  • blades of different widths;
  • metal brushes;
  • ruffs;
  • special means for cleaning boilers.

Safety rules for cleaning:

  1. Do-it-yourself cleaning using tools and products is carried out only after complete shutdown of the boiler.
  2. In no case Do not clean a running or hot boiler.
  3. When servicing the boiler, the damper must be fully open.

Read also: Design and features of a homemade long-burning boiler

The process of cleaning a solid fuel device from soot, tar and tar:

  1. The only process for cleaning a boiler is when it first needs to be heated and then cooled a little.
  2. Use spatulas and scrapers to remove substances from the walls of the device.
  3. After cleaning, heat the boiler again so that the residues burn out completely.

Dry cleaning

The effective functioning of a home heating system depends directly on the quality of its installation and the uninterrupted operation of the equipment, as well as the working condition of the heating lines. The main device in the heating system is the boiler, regardless of the raw material on which it operates.

Therefore, the functioning of the boiler directly depends on the working condition of all its parts and components. To achieve high-quality operation of this device, it is necessary to keep it clean and, accordingly, constantly carry out preventive cleaning measures. How to clean a boiler with your own hands? There is an answer in the article, several options.

How to clean a gas boiler - options

In addition, regular flushing of the heating system pipelines is required. Since, over time, limescale appears in the pipes, which impedes the quality movement of heat carriers. In addition, the deposit does not allow for a complete cooling process of the heating elements of the boiler. All this can lead to overheating of equipment, in particular a gas boiler, and increase gas consumption. Also, thermal conductivity in highways is significantly reduced.

Thus, to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the heating system, it is necessary to carry out cleaning measures within a certain time frame. Find out how to clean your boiler if you have hard water. It is worth noting that with a higher water hardness, measures to clean the heating system should be carried out much more often.

Cleaning the boiler from soot

When carrying out the procedure for flushing the boiler heat exchanger, you must rely on your capabilities and existing knowledge in this area. In practice, the following basic washing methods are usually used:

1) How to clean the boiler yourself. To carry out the cleaning procedure, it is necessary to remove the heat exchanger from the boiler. After this, you need to decide on the cleaning method, either apply a mechanical cleaning procedure, or carry it out by washing with chemical solutions. Flushing with chemicals is most often used to clean boilers with two circuits.

All actions when dismantling the heat exchanger and reassembling it should be performed carefully. When restoring it into place, you need to make sure that all connections are tight.

2) Cleaning with chemicals using a booster. This cleaning method involves using a special device, the so-called booster. With its help, a special acidic cleaning solution is poured into the heat exchanger, which is forced to move along the heating lines and dissolve the plaque present on the walls of the pipes. The washing solution circulates through the system for a certain time, as a result of which the plaque is removed along with the washing liquid to the outside. To completely eliminate acid from the lines, they are washed with a special solution that neutralizes acid residues.

After the procedure, the throughput of the highways increases significantly, and their thermal conductivity also increases.

3) How can you clean the boiler using the hydrodynamic method. When using this cleaning option, disassembling the heating equipment is not required. To do this, it is downloaded into the system plain water and a certain pressure is created, which forces the liquid to move along the lines with acceleration, destroying all deposits on the walls of the pipes. Special fillers can be added to the water to achieve a better cleaning effect.

However, experts do not recommend performing this cleaning procedure yourself, since there is a risk in calculating the creation of pressure and if it is exceeded, a rupture in the lines may occur. Therefore, in this case, it is better to use the services of professional specialists.

How to clean a gas boiler from soot

When carrying out cleaning activities, it is necessary to carry out these procedures to clean all passages of the boiler gas type. Since, in case of contamination of the smoke passage, the draft properties of the boiler are disrupted and it automatically turns off. In addition, at least once a year it is necessary to carry out cleaning work to remove soot from inside the boiler. Otherwise, there is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

To carry out work on cleaning parts of a heating gas boiler, you must perform the following steps:

  • turn off the gas supply;
  • remove the door from the boiler, while disconnecting the existing wires;
  • carry out step-by-step dismantling of the thermocouple, a special electrode for ignition, as well as the burner tube;
  • mark the location of the burner nozzle to ensure its subsequent correct setting;

  • replace the gasket under the burner;
  • unscrew the fasteners and pull out the nozzle, followed by the tube and then the burner itself;
  • the sleeve is pulled out from the thermometer;
  • remove the lid from the boiler and the insulation sheet;
  • the gas chimney is removed;
  • turbulators are cleaned using brushes removed from the heat exchanger;
  • The outer part of the heat exchanger and its base are cleaned using a brush;
  • Using a vacuum cleaner, all channels inside the heat exchanger are blown out.

How to clean the boiler and burner with your own hands using a brush and a brush. All sides of the channel along the passage of smoke are thoroughly wiped. When cleaning a nozzle, the outside of the nozzle is cleaned with a brush and the spray hole is cleaned using a needle with a smaller diameter than the hole. Moreover, this procedure must be performed quite carefully so as not to increase the diameter of the nozzle hole, otherwise the combustion process will be disrupted in the future.

After completing all cleaning activities of the gas boiler, the process of assembling parts is carried out exactly in the reverse order. After they are placed and secured in place, all connections are checked; for this, they can be soaped. The tightness of the shrinkage of all tubes is checked after the system is turned on.