Shower      04/06/2019

White water lily (Nymphaea alba). White water lily photo - description of white water lily

The water lily is a well-known aquatic plant with large heart-shaped leaves floating on the water and large flowers above them. The genus Water Lilies contains about 50 species.

Here is information about the beautiful aquatic plant Water Lily from Wikipedia:


The Latin name of the genus comes from the Greek. Νυμφαία - "nymph", probably related to the word Νύμφη meaning "pupa".

A water lily is often mistakenly called a water lily; At the same time, the white water lily is called a water lily.

Economic importance and application

Water lilies form thick creeping rhizomes rich in starch under water at the bottom. These rhizomes can be used as raw material for making flour and producing starch.

Tannins are removed from them by soaking cut rhizomes or flour obtained from them in water. Roasted water lily seeds can serve as a coffee substitute.

The most interesting, in my opinion, types of Water Lilies:

Nymphaea alba L. typus - White water lily

Nymphaea candida C.Presl - Pure white water lily, or Snowy white water lily, or Snow white water lily

Here's more detailed information about Water Lily:

Water lily (nymphea)

White water lily

Water lily pure white

Water lilies (Nymphaea) are aquatic plants that grow in temperate and tropical regions of the globe - from the equator to Scandinavia and Canada.

Fragrant water lily

The Latin name was given by the name of one of the water nymphs. In Slavic fairy tales, the idea of ​​water lilies is associated with the mysterious image of a mermaid. Scandinavian legends say that each water lily has its own friend - an elf, who is born with it and dies with it.

According to ancient Greek myths, the water lily was once a white nymph, but then she died from love for Hercules, who remained indifferent to her, and turned into a beautiful flower.

The water lily nymph is also called the “child of the sun”: its beautiful flowers open in the morning and close at dusk.

The genus has about 35 species. There are two large groups nymphs - winter-hardy (hardy water lily) and tropical (tropical water lily).

Most tropical species are too thermophilic and can only grow in greenhouses or winter garden, since their development requires a water temperature of at least 25°C.

And here winter-hardy varieties can be grown in open reservoirs in the northern regions of the European part of Russia and Siberia. The most common winter-hardy species are:


Water lily pure white, or snow-white- Nymphaea candida. Usually found in Central Russian natural reservoirs.

In the substrate of the bottom of the reservoir, it develops a powerful rhizome with a tuberous surface, reaching 5 cm in thickness. White cord-like roots extend down from the rhizome, and flexible, succulent petioles and peduncles rise to the surface of the water.

Flowering of water lilies begins in May-June and sometimes continues until the first frost, the peak of flowering occurs in July-August.

At this time, ponds are covered with beautiful wide leaves 20-25 cm in size floating on the surface, round in outline and with a deep notch at the base, and snow-white flowers with a delicate aroma, reaching 10 and sometimes even 15 cm in diameter.

The flowers have 4 green sepals on the outside, and on the inside there are numerous white petals arranged in several rows, turning into stamens in the center. Each water lily flower lasts approximately 4 days.

After flowering, the peduncle curls and the fruit develops under water.

When the capsules are ripe, they open, and seeds covered in mucus and resembling fish eggs spill out, they float for some time, and after the mucus is destroyed, they sink to the bottom and germinate. This is how plants reproduce in nature.

White water lily - Nymphaea alba L. Homeland - freshwater reservoirs of Eurasia and North Africa. This is a rarer plant in our flora.

A rhizomatous perennial with rounded leaves floating on the surface of the water on long petioles. The leaf blade is up to 30 cm in diameter, noticeably unequal, entire-edged with a heart-shaped base.

Young leaves are reddish, mature leaves are dark green above and reddish-purple below. The flowers are large, up to 15 cm in diameter, slightly fragrant, milky white, with petals gradually turning into numerous stamens with flattened and expanded stamen filaments.

The fruit is berry-shaped, round, multilocular, slightly flattened at the apex. Ripens under water.

There are forms: N. alba-rosea, N. alba, N. alba-rubra.

Dwarf water lily - Nymphaea pygmaea
A tiny white water lily, possibly of hybrid origin, with flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter and oval dark leaves, beet-colored with a lining.

It grows at a depth of up to 30 cm, just like its varieties: white “Alba” (small green leaves, propagated by seeds), yellow “Helvola”, red “Rubra” (leaves with brown spots).

Water lily (Nymphaea tetragona)
Another species that is found in Russia in our North and Siberia. It is quite miniature, white flowers do not exceed 5 cm in diameter.

Tuberous water lily (N. tuberosa)
A large North American water lily with horizontal rhizomes on which there are tuberous outgrowths. The flowers are white.

Used for depths greater than 1 m. Its varieties: “Rosea” with pink flowers with red stamens and "Richardsonii" with exceptionally large snow-white flowers lying on light green leaves - they also prefer depths of 1 m or more.

Fragrant water lily (N. odorata). From North America
The flowers are white, up to 15 cm in diameter, with numerous sharp petals, fragrant, in accordance with the name. The leaves are bright green, purple when young, and usually reddish below when mature.

Planting depth is 40-80 cm. There are a number of varieties with pink, yellow, cream flowers. Interesting dwarf ones: white “Minor” and yellow with spotted leaves “Sulphurea”, both of them are suitable for ponds 30 cm deep.

Hybrid water lily - Nymphaea hybridum
Of course, the main advantage of hybrid nymphs is their amazing beautiful flowers, symbolizing absolute perfection. But these plants are decorative not only during flowering.

Some are grown for their incredibly showy leaves. Depending on the variety, the leathery, heart-shaped leaves differ in size and color. In some plants it is light green, in others it has a burgundy tint, and sometimes it can even be marbled-spotted.

The predominant number of water lily varieties are of hybrid origin. In particular, varieties of K. Leydeker (N. x laydekeri) and K. Marlika (N. x marliacea).

Location: nymphs prefer a sunny location - in full shade they do not bloom and produce small leaves. For some varieties, sunlight for several hours is enough for good flowering.

Depending on the variety, each nymph specimen requires a water surface area of ​​0.5 to 4 or more square meters. The pond will appear overgrown if the leaves do not show the water.

Ideally, 60% of the mirror surface of the water should remain free.

There should be gaps between groups of plants of different colors. It is clear that it cannot grow in a small pond a large number of water lilies.

You cannot install fountains in a pond with water lilies., since these plants prefer stagnant water, otherwise their flowers will not develop.

Often the desire to have a good collection of aquatic plants determines the size of the reservoir already during its design and construction. But the splendor of the nymphs is worth it.

Planting and transplanting: The time to purchase and transplant water lilies is from the beginning of May to the end of September.

Plants can be planted directly into the ground at the bottom of the reservoir, and in small pools it is much more convenient to place them in various containers (pots, boxes, baskets, bowls, etc.).

In this case, it will be convenient to remove the plants for the winter or move them to another place. For planting, it is better to choose low but wide containers with drainage holes.

If the holes and crevices in their walls are too large, the inside of the containers can be lined with burlap or perforated plastic film.

Usually, to plant nymphs, they try to take silt from the bottom of some reservoir, but this does not make much sense. It is much better to use old compost with the addition of coarse sand and garden soil.

Bone meal is an excellent fertilizer for water lilies. But it cannot be scattered on top of the substrate - it will immediately be washed off with water.

You can mix it with soil, but in this case it will quickly mineralize, the nutrients will dissolve in the water, will no longer have a beneficial effect on the nymphs and will lead to flowering (greening) of the water.

The best and most ingenious way to feed aquatic plants is to place tennis ball-sized balls made from a mixture of clay and bone meal under their rhizomes when planting or as needed.

Place the plant in the ground without deepening the growth bud. To prevent the newly planted plant from floating up and the soil from being washed away, sprinkle the surface of the soil with gravel or small pebbles. Compact the soil well and water the container.

Carefully place the container in the pond at a depth so that the leaves of the nymphea float freely on the surface.

The optimal depth to which the container is lowered depends on the variety.

For dwarf nymphs, 15-25 cm is enough, for vigorous ones - 70-100 cm.

For most varieties and species, the ideal depth is 30-60 cm. By this we mean the distance from the growth bud to the surface.

In spring, nymphs develop faster if they are brought closer to light and warmth. For this purpose, while there are no leaves, the plants are placed smaller - at half the specified distance.

After the leaves grow, the nymphs are lowered to the recommended depth. The leaves will drown, but after 2-3 days they will reappear on the surface of the water.

Water lilies can be planted in the soil of the bottom of a reservoir if it is up to 30 cm thick.

To prevent the rhizomes from floating, they are attached with wire or, similar to planting in a container, the ground is pressed down on top with crushed stones and small stones.

Plants planted in early dates, manage to take root and bloom quite luxuriantly in the first year of life in a new place. When planting water lilies in large bodies of water, you can tie a stone to pieces of rhizomes and throw them into the desired place.

Variety "Peach Glow"

Variety "Black Princess"

Wintering: One of the biggest difficulties in the culture of water lilies is their preservation in winter. Each gardener will have to solve this problem individually.

Plants can remain in their places in winter if they are at a depth of half a meter or more (counting from the growth buds to the surface of the water), and the reservoir is very large.

In this case, there are no problems with wintering water lilies: they winter well without special shelter.

If the reservoir freezes to the bottom, then the containers with water lilies should be removed, placed in containers with water and placed in a cool but frost-free place.

You can leave the water lilies in the pond, but to do this they will have to be covered with peat and covered with a layer of leaves, sawdust or sand on top. This should be done when your pond is left without water in winter.

Many types of water lilies are plants of tropical and subtropical climates. They live in reservoirs, the water level in which during the dry season is greatly reduced, and the bottom in some places becomes bare and dries out.

In such unfavorable conditions, water lilies are preserved thanks to their tubers, which contain eyes and renewal buds.

Some tropical types of water lilies can be grown in temperate climates, but for the winter they must be removed from the pond and stored in containers with water in a warm, bright place.

Nymphs awaken in early spring, when the ice melts and the water begins to warm up. At this time, it is time to return plants that have spent the winter outside the reservoir (in a frost-free basement) back into the pool.

Containers from the basement or greenhouse are transferred to the pool and installed at the required depth. By this time, it may be filled with melt water, which does not need to be drained to install containers. If there is not enough water, the pool is filled with tap water.

A few days will pass, and the water will “bloom”, becoming cloudy green. And in a week it will be crystal clear, but only under one condition - do not change the water. Spring frosts for frost-resistant species no longer pose a danger, even if a crust of ice forms again.

Diseases and pests: Water lilies, as a rule, do not get sick and do not have malicious pests. However, in dry, hot years they can be damaged by aphids. The plants themselves are not affected, but some buds do not open and die.

Reproduction: pieces of rhizomes and seeds.

Seeds are planted in the ground at the bottom of a reservoir, or in containers with soil, then immersed in water. Under our conditions, hybrid water lilies are not regenerated by seeds; they can only be propagated by dividing the rhizomes.

The rhizomes of water lilies are branched and have dormant buds. For propagation, you can use any piece of rhizome with a bud. It is usually recommended to sprinkle the cuts with crushed charcoal. Pieces of rhizomes without buds are not suitable for propagation - they can only be thrown away.

Of course, roots and leaves do not tolerate drying out, so do not prolong the process of dividing and planting rhizomes and keep them in damp paper or cloth until planting.

If the water lily grows directly in the substrate of the bottom of the reservoir, then the main thing when dividing the bush is to properly dig up the rhizome. Using a sharp shovel, cut out a marked square of approximately 20 x 20 cm at the base of the rosette and carefully pull the leaf petioles.

Once the main rhizome is cut, the plant will drag itself out of the water with little effort.

The leaves of the dug up water lily are separated from those remaining in the water and, if there are a lot of leaves, they are partially removed. The plant is placed in a container with water and in this form is transported to the planting site, and is also stored for several days.

Usage: for decorating freshwater bodies of water with standing or slowly flowing water.

I hope to find water lilies in one of the nearest reservoirs and transplant them into the ponds of the eco-park. I'll try to look for water lily seeds on sale.

I strongly recommend visiting the page and be sure to familiarize yourself with 25 more Aquatic plants: Water lilies, of course, delight the human eye, but the inhabitants of the reservoir also need other Aquatic plants that supply them all with oxygen, and some with food. In addition, thickets of aquatic plants contribute to the reproduction of many fish and allow fry to hide from predators, which increases the natural productivity of reservoirs.

I invite everyone to speak out in

The snow-white water lily is a unique aquatic plant, which can rightfully be called the most beautiful plant inhabitant of water. In addition to their unusual appearance, white water lilies (the second name for water lilies) have medicinal properties.

Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer of them, and in many countries the plant is listed in the Red Book.

The snow-white water lily grows in bodies of water with standing or slowly flowing water, having a depth of up to 2 meters (lakes, ponds). The plant is found in subtropical, temperate and tropical regions.

Fragile in appearance, it has a rhizome reaching 3 meters long. The creeping dark brown roots of the plant cling tightly to the surface of the water. For breathing and strengthening the tissues of the water lily, the root surface has many air channels.

The stems of the plant are straight, round in cross-section, stretching all the way to the surface of the water. Depending on age, stem color may change from burgundy-green to light green. The density of the stem gives the plant the ability to withstand gusts of wind and remain in place.

The snow-white water lily has underwater leaves and leaves floating on the surface of the water. The underwater leaves are filmy and folded into a “cap”, under which the buds and developing above-water leaves are located.

The outer leaves are dark green, heart-shaped, and reach 30 cm in size.

Snow-white water lily flowers located on floating leaves, and have a diameter of up to 15 cm. Flower stamens yellow color, its calyx has 4-5 large petals, and the remaining petals are located along the contour. The flower is milky white.

Biological features:

  • flowers open after sunrise, but close and go under water before it sets;
  • flowers remain closed in the rain;
  • underside of floating leaf converts light energy into heat energy;
  • the length of the leaf petioles is longer, the greater the depth of the reservoir;
  • The water lily predicts the weather: if the flower does not open in the morning, the day will be rainy, and if the opened flower closes in the middle of the day and disappears under the water, bad weather is expected.

Pure white water lily blossom

Flowering time depends on climatic conditions. In sunny and warm climates, the plant blooms in mid-June. If conditions are cool or it is in constant shade, flowering begins in July.

The duration of flowering also depends on the weather, and can last until October.

Her can be grown on your own plot by organizing a small pond. The only condition is that the artificial reservoir is of sufficient size.

Planting is carried out using rhizomes, on which the buds should be located. Placed in a special container, the root is covered with earth and gravel, then lowered to the bottom of the pond.

What are the benefits of snow-white water lily?


The root contains starch (about 50%), essential oils, sugar and protein. In addition, the rhizome is a source of tannins and alkaloids.

These properties allow wide apply the root in pharmacology: for the production of homeopathic collection Zdrenko and decoctions for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

In many countries around the world, the root is eaten fried and pickled. In Scandinavian countries, the root of the flower is used as a raw material for the production of high-quality flour and seasonings.

The rhizome is toxic in its raw form. During preparation and consumption medicines the dosage must be strictly observed.

Raw water lily rhizome is toxic


Plant flower apply to receive an infusion. This remedy helps fight fever and painful thirst. An infusion of flowers is an excellent sleeping pill and sedative, and a decoction of water lily and hawthorn buds has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle.

Has a strong psychotropic effect. It is prohibited to start treating the nervous system with strong decoctions without the prior approval of a doctor.

Externally used as “mustard plasters”. This remedy helps with colds and radiculitis, fights inflammation on the skin. Baths with the addition of infusion are used for pain in muscles and joints.

Widely applied for cosmetic purposes. Rinsing your hair and scalp with an infusion of the plant will help get rid of dandruff. A decoction of leaves and flowers is a whitening agent that relieves freckles, unwanted tanning, and skin inflammation.


  • To support the work heart muscle: 1 liter of boiling water, pour 4 tablespoons of a mixture of water lily petals and hawthorn flowers (take plants in a 50/50 ratio). The resulting mixture is infused for one night, filtered, and consumed every 2 hours, 1 tablespoon.
  • For cooking soothing decoction you need to take 5 large flowers, add 0.5 liters of water, and boil over low heat. Next, the mixture is filtered (the released green liquid should get into the medicine). After this, the broth must be boiled again and kept on fire until the volume is reduced by half. Take the medicine at night, 5 drops.
  • Get the remedy for toothache You can do this: pour 1 tablespoon of clean rhizome with 250 ml of boiling water and put on fire for 15 minutes. Cool the broth until room temperature, and use as a mouth rinse.
  • To obtain painkiller, wrap 2-3 tablespoons of flowers in gauze and place in boiling water for 2 minutes. Apply the compress to the sore spot. This remedy helps fight myalgia and rheumatism.
  • To prepare an infusion that fights With skin diseases , you need to boil a mixture of two tablespoons of petals and 500 ml of water for 5 minutes. Next, the medicine is infused for about 8 hours and filtered. After which it is used to wash the affected skin.

All parts of the snow-white water lily plant have medicinal properties. The plant is collected depending on which part of it is needed.

The roots are collected late autumn, leaves and fruits are harvested at the end of summer, and flowers - during their most active flowering period (July or August, depending on climatic conditions).

Collecting water lilies permitted only in areas of intensive growth to avoid destroying it rare plant. Collection should be done as carefully as possible.

When collecting, you need to make sure that the plant is definitely a white water lily. If you make a mistake, taking the medicine can be harmful to your health.

General contraindications for use

Medicinal and cosmetical tools from the plant white water lily prohibited for use by children, pregnant and lactating women. It is contraindicated for persons suffering from an allergy to nymphalin and hypotension.

Snow-white water lily - amazing plant, striking in beauty and surrounded by a mass of myths and legends of peoples different countries peace. At the same time, she has impressive list medicinal properties that allow its use in cosmetology, pharmaceuticals and herbal medicine.

Description of White Water Lily (Water Lily) .

  • Literary names of the plant: White water lily;
  • Latin (botanical) name of the plant: Nymphaea alba;
  • Generic name of the plant: Nymphaea;
  • Common names of the plant: White lily, White nymph, Water lily, Nymphea.

This is one of the most beautiful aquatic plants, a symbol of purity and mercy. With its appearance it made people think about themselves. Each place where the Water Lily grew had its own ideas about its origin.

Thanks to its features, it is used both in official and in folk medicine. The same in decorative purposes on various artificial and natural reservoirs. On various ones you can examine all the features of the structure and appreciate its beauty.

The water lily belongs to the water lily or nymphaeaceae family; it is a perennial aquatic herbaceous floating plant, located along the banks of fresh water bodies, reaching 3 m in height. Thanks to its useful medicinal properties, White water lily (Water lily) refers to medicinal plants. The white water lily (Water lily) is a plant unique in its beauty, every person will find something of their own in it, warmth, cold, joy and disappointment, it has many faces and this is its charm.

Stem, erect (or rather directly floating), rounded in cross-section, dense in composition, which does not allow it to break loose in strong winds or currents (does not allow additional stems). The stem stretches from the underwater rhizome to the surface of the water; leaves do not form on the stem; it grows separately. The stem, depending on age, can have colors from burgundy-green to light green.

Leaves simple, floating on the surface of the reservoir, rich dark green in color (the lower part of the leaf can have a color from green to burgundy-green), heart-shaped, can reach 35 cm in diameter. The petiole, as long as the water lily itself, connects the leaf and rhizome of the plant. The composition of the petiole is the same dense as that of the stem, only rhombic or rounded-rhombic in shape.

Flowers, lily flowers are large, bright white, rich in color, solitary, quite large, can reach 20 cm in diameter. The calyx of a flower with a rounded base often consists of 4-5 petals. The petals are numerous, located along the entire contour of the flower, and are matte white. The stamens of the flower are bright yellow. The White Lily flower has its own peculiarity: it opens only in clear sunny weather in the morning, and also, when the sun goes down, it closes in the evening at a certain time. The plant blooms from late June to early September. The white water lily flower itself has a delicate, weak aroma.

Fruit, the plant blooms almost all summer (from June half to early September), the fruits of the water lily are green, spherical, ripen under water by the end of August - beginning of September. Appearance is the shape of a jug, which is where it comes from Russian name plants, like yellow water lilies.

Root system, the rhizome of the Water Lily takes root well in the silt of the reservoir. The rhizome is thick, white (dark brown), creeping with dark scars, covered with the remains of leaf petioles, takes roots well in the mud of a reservoir. Throughout the rhizome there is a system of air channels designed to allow the plant to breathe and gives strength to the plant tissues, making the plant less susceptible to rupture.

White water lily (Water lily) reproduces, seeds and rhizomes (the rhizomes of the plant persist).

Water lily is a light-loving, aquatic plant that grows only in the aquatic environment of fresh water bodies. Being in water, it tolerates any weather conditions well during its growing season. Grows mainly on silty soils.

The water lily is a medicinal, cultivated plant, it is used in medicine, and also because of its bright and beautiful flowers it is used as ornamental plant. Like most nymphaeans, it is poisonous, which requires caution when collecting and consuming in its pure form only after consulting a doctor.

Places of distribution of White water lily (Water lily)

The medicinal plant is very widespread in forest and steppe zone. The white water lily grows in Europe (Western and Eastern), Southern, Western and Eastern Siberia, in Central Asia. Currently White lily also grown as an ornamental plant in ponds, small reservoirs on their land plots. In nature, the white water lily grows in fresh waters lakes, rivers, ponds. The water lily is a very hardy plant, and even with a strong drop in the water level in the reservoir, it will grow, bloom and bear fruit.

White water lily (Water lily) is listed in the red books.

The medicinal plant was brought into their:
- Republic of Adygea;
- Republic of Armenia;
- Republic of Belarus;
- Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Vologda region, Ivanovo region, Leningrad region, Lipetsk region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Novgorod region, Rostov region, Samara region, Saratov region, Tver region, Yaroslavl region;
- The Republic of Dagestan;
- The Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Krasnodar region;
- Republic of Lithuania;
- The Republic of Moldova;
- Stavropol region;
- Republic of Tatarstan;
- Ukraine: Donetsk region, Transcarpathian region, Lviv region, Nikolaev region, Poltava region, Sumy region, Ternopil region, Kharkov region, Chernivtsi region;
- Chuvash Republic.

In many regions, the Water Lily is listed in the Red Books and for this reason the plant should be treated very carefully so that this beauty does not disappear due to human carelessness.

The water lily is the queen of rivers and lakes, the mermaid flower, the nymphea, the water lily, the overpowering grass, the alluring mystery of calm waters - one of the oldest angiosperms on the planet.

With the appearance of its flowers at the beginning of summer, our reservoirs are transformed, becoming elegant and solemn.

Not a single plant is associated with so many legends and traditions among different peoples as with the water lily. In ancient times in Rus', the water lily was considered one of the nine magical herbs, along with weeping grass, flowering fern, tirlich, Adam's head, tear-grass, orchilin, cover-grass and insensible wind. The water lily in this list was listed under the name “overcome grass.” She was endowed with the ability to protect travelers. The dried rhizome was placed in a bag or vessel, which was hung on the chest when setting off.


The scientific Latin name for the water lily, Nymphaea, is no less poetic. It comes from the Greek “nymph”, which means “doll”. In Greek mythology, nymphs are beautiful young creatures, patroness of streams, forests, lakes and other natural objects. According to legend, one of the nymphs suffered from unrequited love for Hercules. Taking pity on her, the gods turned her into the purest flower, shining with its immaculate beauty on the surface of the water surface. From the name Nymphaeum the name of an entire botanical family was formed - Nymphaeaceae, the type genus of which was the water lily.


The purity of water lilies, which poets sing about, is not at all apparent, not a figment of the imagination. The leaves and flowers of these wonderful inhabitants of smoothly flowing waters are covered with a special composition that repels any dirt. This natural phenomenon, known since time immemorial, was discovered by scientists relatively recently. The German botanist W. Bartlott in the 1990s examined the surface of a leaf of another aquatic plant- lotus, using a scanning probe microscope, which gives very high magnification. What he saw there, the scientist patented as a discovery called the “lotus effect.”

Now created various paints and materials that imitate this effect. The surface covered with them does not get dirty. This invention turned out to be most valuable for hospitals, where door handles millions of bacteria enter every day. Made from similar materials, they leave no chance for bacteria to gain a foothold on their surface. The real lotus and water lily are not related plants, but the special surface of their leaves and flowers is the same.


In ancient European herbalists, the water lily was listed as a love potion, with the help of which one could bewitch the object of unrequited love.

Nowadays chemical composition The rhizomes of water lilies have been studied thoroughly. They contain the alkaloid nymphein, which affects the central nervous system, and the glycoside nymphalin, which has a sedative and hypnotic effect. Sometimes you can find references to the use of extracts different types water lilies in perfumery as aphrodisiacs.

PETALS AND stamens

The Nymphaeaceae family is one of the most ancient flowering plants on earth. They belong to the group of so-called basal dicotyledons, which retain many unusual characteristics of ancient angiosperms. For example, they can have almost any number of flower organs - petals, stamens and pistils. In addition, water lilies do not have a clear boundary between the petals and stamens: if you “disassemble” the flower into “details,” you can see a gradual transition from one organ to another. The sepals of water lilies growing in our ponds are green and the petals are white. Only a few species live here: the snow-white water lily (Nymphaea candida), the white water lily (Nymphaea alba), and the northern Siberian species - the tetrahedral water lily (Nymphaea tetragona), also with white, but miniature flowers. The white water lily is much less common than the snow-white water lily. Its flowers are larger, up to 15 cm, with pointed edges of the petals. Young leaves are reddish; with age, only the underside remains colored. In tropical and subtropical species, the range of flower colors is much more diverse - their petals can be bright red, burgundy, pink, yellow, blue, and dark blue. The ripening fruits of water lilies actually resemble a pitcher in shape, which is perhaps why the plant got its name.


Many winter-hardy plants have been created hybrid varieties water lilies that can grow in our climate. The most common of them are those obtained at the end of the 19th century by the French breeder J. B. Latour-Marliac. The secret of his success still remains unsolved. It is believed that in order to give the petals a different color, he crossed the winter-hardy white water lily with southern species. Marliak hybrids bloom until the first serious frost and winter well in our conditions. They do not form seeds, which allows maintaining the purity of the varieties.


The flowers of all types of water lilies bloom for only four days. They open in the morning, at about 9 o’clock, and close in the evening, at about 6 pm. In cloudy weather, they may not open at all, but before the rain they always hide under water.


Kingdom: plants.
Department: angiosperms.
Class: dicotyledonous.
Order: Pitcher-flowered.
Family: water lilies, or nymphaeaceae.
Genus: water lily.
Type: white water lily.
Latin name: Nymphaea alba.
Size: diameter - up to 200 cm, height - 60-250 cm.
Life form: herbaceous perennial.

White water lily, also known as water lily lily- This herbaceous plant, which lives in water - lakes, river creeks, ponds. Its roots are long and thickly branched, they need a weak current. The flower is rightfully considered the most beautiful inhabitant of water. It is listed in the Red Book of many regions as an endangered species.

Legendary plant

The white water lily from the Red Book is truly fabulous, it’s not for nothing that there are many myths and legends about it. In the history of many nations, it is called a talisman that can help against illness, the evil eye, conspiracy, and various evil spirits.

Note! In numerous rituals using the plant, it is not the charming flower that is involved, but the rhizome.

According to an old belief, a traveler who takes the root of this plant with him on the road will be protected from all diseases and evil spirits, which may overtake you on the way. Another name is overcoming grass, that is, grass that can overcome everything.

For the ancient Greeks, the water lily was a symbol of beauty and chastity; a wreath of water lily flowers was woven for girls who were getting married. If we turn to Latin, the name of the water lily is nymph, that is, a semi-deity who is part of nature.

Weather by water lily

The water lily accurately predicts the weather! Main signs:

  1. If in the middle of the day the flower is completely or partially closed, you should wait for rain.
  2. If by 9 o'clock in the morning the flower has not yet bloomed, then by lunchtime it will rain.
  3. If the bud opens at 7-8 and closes at 17-18, then you should wait for clear weather.
  4. When the lily has not risen from under the water at all, it is better to hurry home, as a long and cold downpour is coming.
  5. If in the middle of the day the flower closes and hides under the water, expect bad weather.
  6. When the leaves have completely covered the surface of the reservoir, frosts can no longer be expected.

Myth of Nymphea

This legend tells of a young girl who one day got lost in the forest. In her wanderings, she came across a forest lake, which was so beautiful that the girl wanted to stay there forever. She was tired from her journey and fell asleep on the shore. The gods liked this beauty and turned her into a lake nymph. The nymphea fell asleep at the bottom of the lake every night, and at dawn she rose and washed herself in the first rays of the sun. She lured men to her who were drowning in deep but beautiful waters.

And one day a very handsome young guy came to the shore of the lake and the nymph fell in love with him. But he did not succumb to her charms and did not go to the bottom. She waited a long time for her beloved, and it was this wonderful feeling that turned her into a beautiful white water lily, the flower of which can be seen in the photo.

Other memories of the plant

The white lily is often remembered not only in myths and legends, but also in poems and songs. It is with it that the beauty of the water surface is associated. Anyone who has ever seen this plant on the surface of water will certainly understand the admiration for its beauty.

Description of the water lily

The pure white water lily grows only in fresh water bodies. It is fragile in appearance, but its rhizome reaches 3 meters. Distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Europe, in some places it is found in Central Asia. It is successfully used in medicine – both traditional and folk. For this and for its attractive appearance, the water lily has earned universal love.


They cling tightly to the muddy surface of the reservoir. The root is thick and strong, its color is dark brown. It is creeping and has leaf petioles on the surface. The rhizome is densely filled with air channels, which guarantees the flower's breathing and strengthens the tissue. Due to this system, water lilies are very difficult to pick.

Stems and leaves

The stems are erect, or more precisely, erect-floating, their cross-section is round. Due to its dense structure, the plant does not move when there is a gust of wind. Does not produce additional stems. The roots are located under water, and the stem stretches all the way to the surface of the water. Its color ranges from burgundy-green to light green depending on the age of the plant.

The leaves float on the surface, not attached to the stem. Their color and heart-shaped shape. The diameter is up to 35 cm, the petiole has the same length as the whole plant, it is connected to the rhizome.


This is what is considered the most beautiful thing about the water lily. When asked what a white water lily looks like (pictured), almost everyone can describe the flower. It is large and deep white. The peduncles are large, up to 20 cm in diameter. The calyx consists of 4-5 petals, the flower itself has many petals, they are located densely along the contour, stamens.

The water lily blooms and pleases with its flowering only in sunny weather and exclusively in the morning. In the evening, when the sun sets below the horizon, it closes. Flowering can be observed from late June to early September. The aroma of the flower is weak.


The flowering of the water lily results in fruits. They are green in color and pitcher-shaped - hence the name. They ripen under water by the end of August - beginning of September.

Beautiful and dangerous

No matter how beautiful the white water lily is, not everyone still knows that it is poisonous. The flower is the most dangerous, followed by the stems and leaves. Although the roots are used for food, they are edible only after heat treatment.

When used externally, there is a risk of allergic reactions in case of individual intolerance.

Important! Children under 2 years of age should not use any preparations based on water lily. IN extreme cases this is possible, but only after consulting a doctor.

Those who work with the plant in bodies of water also need to exercise extreme caution. It is important to remember that some fish cannot tolerate this plant, especially if they are aquarium fish. The danger increases if the stem or flower is damaged. Most cyprinids are insensitive to white water lily.

Contact of children with the stem and flower should be prevented. If this happens, you need to urgently wash your hands with soap and prevent juice from getting into your mouth and eyes. That's why it's beautiful, but poisonous plant do not use to decorate reservoirs in places of children's games and leisure.

White water lily: collecting a plant for treatment

It is undesirable to collect flowers, leaves and rhizomes in the territory where the water lily lives, as this leads to its destruction. The plant population renews itself very slowly. If conditions allow for collection, then this must be done extremely carefully. Some important points:

  1. You need to make sure that the target plant is definitely a water lily. If a mistake occurs, then at best the drug will not help, and at worst it will harm your health.
  2. Collection should be carried out in places of intensive growth.
  3. Leaves and flowers are collected during the flowering period. It is during this period that the green parts have the maximum content of nutrients.
  4. The roots are collected from flowering until the end of autumn, while they can be reached.
  5. The parts of the water lily are laid out in a thin layer, the rhizomes are pre-washed and cut thin plates, dried. The drying temperature should not exceed +60 °C. Dried leaves, flowers and roots can be stored for 2 years.


The beauty and benefits of the white water lily are simply amazing. But you need to act carefully with her; it’s not for nothing that she is associated with forest nymphs, who, according to legend, destroyed people with their beauty.