Shower      06/14/2019

Wicker hammock. Do it yourself. Hammocks for the garden: what are they? How to make your own hammock? How to weave a hammock from wool without slats

DIY hammock. Ideas, strapping scheme, master classes

There are different models of hammocks. But the requirements for all of them are common.

1. The most important thing is the reliability of the fastening and supports. The hammock can be hung between two garden trees, pillars or supports of children's swings. If these are trees, then with a trunk no thinner than twenty centimeters in diameter. If the supports are pillars, then they are sunk into the ground no less than a meter. Exactly the same as for installing a swing. It is important to know that the more the hammock sags, the less the load on the supports.

2. Hanging a hammock on standard height 1-1.5 m above the ground. The distance between the supports is up to 3 m. If we bury them, then we calculate the distance between the supports of the hammock as follows: the length of the hammock + 30 cm. If we attach it to ready-made supports, then we vary the length of the hammock - we stretch it more or lower it lower, or we tie it higher and give more deflection.

3. Hammock fastenings. Ropes need to be thick and strong. At least eight millimeters in diameter. And don’t be lazy to reinforce the fabric with eyelets, if necessary according to the model.

4. Fabric for a hammock is good to use: tarpaulin, mattress teak, camouflage and the like. Synthetic fabrics are lighter, stronger and cheaper, but after spending the night in such a hammock, you will realize that you have made a mistake. The body must breathe. Moreover, a hammock made of natural fabrics takes the shape of the body much faster. A quality hammock is not meant to last for decades. You will have to change it every two years.

5. If the hammock is made of cords, then it will be made of cotton threads. The knots on them are tightened tighter, and it is more pleasant to touch them than slippery nylon ones. In places where the rope can fray and where it comes into contact with the tree, we put a clamp made of a nylon tube on it.

Let's look at a few popular models and how to make them correctly.

DIY Mexican hammock

It is made without crossbars, just from a piece of durable fabric. Like a cocoon, a Mexican hammock envelops a person completely, relaxing every centimeter of the body.

It is impossible to fall out of it. It is also difficult to get into it :) Therefore, it is not recommended for elderly or sick people to use such a hammock. For everyone else, this is the most beautiful model. I folded it into a case and threw it into my backpack. The weight of a Mexican hammock is no more than a kilogram. And a home is ready for you under every tree, like a real Indian hunter.

In order to make such a miracle, you will need 2 pieces of fabric 1.5 m wide and 3-3.2 m long. Tuck each piece and stitch around the perimeter. Then we follow the instructions, focusing on the diagram shown in the photo.

1. Sew 2 m along the long sides (green line in the picture).

2. Do not sew what is marked with a yellow line in the picture. This will make it very convenient to put a rug or “foam” inside the hammock, which will increase comfort.

3. Fold the narrow side (red line in the picture) 2-3 cm and stitch.

4. We thread the cord into the resulting “tunnel”.

5. Cross the cord and tighten its ends. The fabric will gather into a knot.

6. We wrap the ends of the cord 2 times around the tightening area and tie it with a knot.

7. Wrap the hanging rope around the tree several times, placing a cloth or putting a tube on the rope. This will protect both the tree and the rope. Next, the hanging rope is attached to a knot, which secures the hammock fabric with a “noose” knot.

All that remains is to check the strength, adjust the tension force and have fun!

If you leave the hammock as is, it will wrap you in a cocoon. And you will feel like a baby in a sling. If you put a rug inside, the structure will be more rigid and spacious. Both options are good!

Brazilian hammock on wooden sticks

If you hang it low enough, you can safely use it for children and the elderly.

You can make a Brazilian hammock with your own hands in this order:

1. Take two pieces of fabric 90x200 cm. Two wooden sticks (many people recommend handles for shovels) 90 cm long, a drill, two packages of clothesline 10 m each. So it will not come into contact with the body, you can take nylon.

2. We sew two panels of fabric together. We bend short sections by two centimeters and stitch them. We make markings for the eyelets every 8.5 cm.

3. We install eyelets in the marked places. We do 10 on each side. If you do not have access to such benefits of civilization, make loops from the same fabric by cutting 20 squares of 20x20 cm, folding them in half, stitching and sewing securely to the edges. The rope will pass through them in the same way as through eyelets. But metal fastenings still much more reliable. Insert them if possible.

4. We also make markings on the sticks: we retreat 2.5 cm from the edges and then 8.5 cm further.

5. We drill holes with a diameter of 20 mm so that the 8 mm cord can fit freely in two folds.

6. We cut the cord into meter-long pieces and pass each one through a hole in the stick, then through the grommet, and again through the stick. We align the ends.

7. At a distance of 0.5 m from the stick, we collect all the cords into a bundle, tie them into a knot and tighten them securely.

8. We braid the knot. The hammock is ready.

DIY wicker hammock

You can easily create it if you are familiar with macrame skills. In this case, you will need durable wooden slats without a single flaw (cracks or knots). We make holes in them every four to five centimeters. The diameter of the holes is equal to three diameters of the cord.

A cotton cord with a diameter of 8 mm is required. The length is calculated as follows: the distance from rail to rail multiplied by 3, multiplied by the number of holes. For example, if we choose a hammock length of 2.5 m with a standard width of 90 cm, then the body of the hammock will take about 150 m of cord and 20 m for fastening. We fasten each cord in a stick with a loop and weave the fabric. Each knot is woven from four cords. We try to make the cells no larger than 7 cm. The simplest weaving for a hammock is shown in the figure.

We pass the completed mesh through the holes in the bar, and connect four of them into nodes. For strength, you can use metal rings.

Making a hammock-cradle

The round hammock-cradle is already one of the design delights of our time. In order to make it, you will have to sacrifice a metal hoop. In addition, we will need:

— 3 m of fabric with a width of 1.5 m;

- the same amount of padding polyester;

— 8 m of reliable belt tape;
- a little patience and a free evening.

A hammock is a wonderful place to relax in the country. You can sunbathe, relax, read books and even sleep in it. The stores are filled with interesting offers; there are now hammocks for every taste, with or without canopies, with swings, from any material. But you can make a hammock yourself using a photo or a master class.

How to make a hammock with your own hands?

First you need to decide on the shape and material for the hammock. Whichever option is chosen, you need to buy quality materials, so that the hammock does not quickly become unusable. Hammocks are classified by size into:

  • Family (width from 180 cm)
  • For two (width from 160 cm)
  • For one (width from 140 cm)

It will be easier to make a hanging rectangular hammock from fabric yourself.

Necessary materials:

  • Thick fabric 2 m long, 3 m wide
  • Fabric for straps
  • Clothesline 100 m
  • Denim thread 3 spools
  • Two wooden sticks 90 cm long, 2.5 cm in diameter.
  • Scissors
  • Lighter
  • Sewing machine
  • Drill

On wooden sticks On both sides we drill holes for the rope at a distance of 2.5 cm from the edge. We fold the fabric in three layers, the width of the product should be 1 m. We bend the edges by 2.5 cm and make a basting seam around the perimeter, so that a rope can be inserted inside the seam. We sew the main seams using a machine.

From an additional piece of fabric we make straps 15 cm wide and 60 cm long. You will need 4 straps on each side, fold them in half and sew them to the main product. We insert the sticks on both sides into the straps, the hammock is almost ready.

We insert 6 m long ropes along the length of the hammock, pull them along the seam, thread the rope into the hole of the stick, and tie a knot. All that remains is to weave the ropes. We cut the rope into 8 sections of three meters each and 16 sections of 3.5 m each.

The edges of the rope must be scorched with a lighter so that they do not unravel. Sections of three meters will be located in the middle between the central straps, and 3.5 meters between the side ones. We fold the ropes in half, fasten them to a stick, tightening them into loops.

The ropes must be woven together using knots, connecting at the end with the side ropes. When everything is intertwined, we make a common knot and weave two braids from it in order to later tie them around the trees on which the hammock will be.

Using brightly colored fabric, you can make a unique and interesting hammock that will stand out from the crowd. It is better to hang bright hammocks in the shade so that sun rays the fabric has not faded.

Sticks for fastening ropes, better processed grinder or small sandpaper. Also, to avoid chafing of the ropes, it is necessary to coat them with varnish.

From leftover fabric you can sew a bag for small items, which will be attached to the side with clothespins; it is convenient to put water, books or just a phone in it.

Pillows in a hammock can be secured with ropes so that they do not fall off from the wind.

If you take the fabric shorter, the hammock will sag less and vice versa.

If desired, you can sew a larger hammock using more fabric and sticks larger diameter and length.

If it is not possible to secure a hammock to trees, you can make your own base from timber. Additionally, you can make a canopy to relax in the shade on hot days.

Of course, wicker hammocks can look more interesting and impressive, especially if you use ropes of different colors. Weaving a hammock is a very complex procedure; skill is required. If difficulties do not frighten you, you will need to find a weaving pattern and master classes with detailed explanations on the Internet.

When using a hammock in the country, you should think about the most convenient fastenings. For the winter, the hammock must be removed so that it does not deteriorate due to weather conditions. Also, then it remains possible to conveniently install the hammock in different places, when traveling outdoors.

Home hammock

You can also make a hammock in the apartment, at least for children. You can sew a hammock according to the previous master class, slightly changing the fastenings and size.

In an apartment there are two main questions: “Where should I install it?” and “how to fasten?”. You can hang a hammock on installed mounts in the ceiling or walls, if you don’t want to spoil the recently made renovation, you can fix the hammock on the children’s wall.

If there is no space in the house, but the children really want to hang a hammock. You can take a long fabric and tie it across the tabletop from the table. It turns out very successful homemade product, which does not require additional effort and costs. After playing, it can be easily removed and stored in a closet.

Photos of do-it-yourself hammocks

This hammock is a symbiosis of a chair and a swing. It can be hung in the house on a hook screwed into the ceiling, and outside - on a crossbar or a fairly strong tree branch. To ensure that the hammock itself is strong and reliable, choose the appropriate fabric (thick cotton, tarpaulin), threads, cord and carabiners.

You will need:

Wooden plank (optimally oak),

Durable cord

About 2 sq. meters of durable fabric,

A durable carabiner (2 pcs.),

Sewing machine and strong threads,

Iron and ironing board.

1. Fold the fabric in half and cut it as shown in photo 1. Tuck the parallel sides of the piece and sew on the machine (photo 2).

2. Now on the two raw sides of the part you need to make drawstrings into which the cord will be threaded. When measuring the width of the drawstring, be guided by the thickness of your cord. Tuck and stitch the fabric as shown in photos 3, 4 and 5.

3. Drill two holes at both ends of the board, as shown in photo 6.

4. Thread the cord through the drawstrings and into the holes of the board as shown in the photo. Be sure to tie the knots tightly.

5. All that remains is to organize a place to attach the hammock and hang it.

2. Wicker hammock using macrame technique: master class

Macrame is the art of knot weaving from cords or thick threads. To make such a wicker hammock, you need to master a couple of the simplest knots of the macrame technique - it’s not difficult.

You will need:

Durable thick cord in one or more colors,



Two dies for the edges of the hammock (in this case, the dies are taken from an old hammock; you can also drill holes in strong planks of the length you need).

1. First, one of the hammock dies will serve as the basis for weaving. Secure it in a position convenient for work (mounts for the curtain rod are used here, but you can come up with something else).

2. Cut 21 pieces from the cord, each about 730 cm long. Fold each piece in half and secure it to a die, as shown in the photo.

3. When all the pieces of cord are secured, start tying knots. Step back a few centimeters from the die and proceed as shown in the photo.

4. Continue making knots. You should end up with something like this:

5. Having weaved the first row of knots, step back some distance from it and start a second row of the same knots in a checkerboard pattern. Continue in this manner until you have a network like the one in the photo.

6. Now remove the loops from the die. Trim the lower ends of the work and tie it to form loops. Thread ropes into the upper and lower loops and secure the edges of the hammock to the dies. Tie the ropes at the top and bottom in a knot, making a loop to which the hammock will be attached.

3. Hammock with leather loops: master class

Another version of the classic hammock is with hinges made of durable leather. If your machine will not accept thick leather, replace it with a fairly thick and wide braid made of cotton or synthetics.

You will need:

Hammock fabric (thick cotton, tarpaulin, other durable fabric),

Fabric for strengthening the edges of the hammock,

Machine and strong threads,

Leather for loops (option - braid for loops),

Twine or strong rope,

Scissors, pins.

1. Decide on the length and width of the hammock you need and cut out a piece of appropriate size fabric. Tuck the long sides of the piece and sew on the machine.

2. Finish the sides of the hammock to which the loops will be attached by making the hem wider and strengthening it with an additional strip of fabric folded in half on each side.

3. Cut the leather into pieces for loops. Focus on the thickness of your hammock cord.

4. At equal distances from each other, mark places for attaching the hinges.

5. Sew the loops as shown in the photo.

6. Thread a rope through the loops. Tie the ends with a knot on each side, making a loop (see photo). Wrap both loops with rope for strength.

4. A simple hammock in 10 minutes: master class

This hammock option is one of the easiest to make. In addition, it turns out to be very light (due to the low weight of the fabric) and mobile, since it does not have heavy and rigid parts. It is convenient to take such a hammock with you to the forest or park for a walk.

You will need:

Lining fabric (3x150 cm),

A pair of carbines,

About 6 meters of strong rope.

Follow the instructions shown in the video.

More hammock ideas:

1. This hammock can be made from a rug or blanket.

2,3. Two versions of hammock chairs - in different colors look completely different.


Using the example of making a simple mesh, you can consider how to knit a hammock with your own hands. For a hammock, you need to make a mesh fabric stretched between rigid crossbars and longitudinal slings. Materials that will be needed:

A hammock is not only unusual solutions for relaxation, but it is also a leader among furniture in terms of compactness, mobility and extraordinary sensations.

  • two bars;
  • slings;
  • thin twine, cord;
  • shuttle;
  • 2 templates.

Before you start knitting a hammock, you need to find out whether the selected cord is suitable for this product. The cord or twine should be at least 3-4 mm in diameter. To test the strength, a 1.5 m long section is tied to a thick branch or crossbar of a horizontal bar. A bucket of water is attached to the other end. The bucket is raised 10-15 cm and abruptly released. If a sudden stop breaks the cord, it is not suitable for making a hammock. If the cord is made of cotton, jute, flax, hemp or kenaf, the same test must be carried out with a wet cord. Natural fibers have poorer adhesion when wet.

Calculation of the amount of materials and time for work

The hammock should be knitted in such a way that the cells of the resulting network are in the shape of diamonds. When such a network is loaded, the main pressure will be on the crossbars and only to a small extent on the longitudinal slings.

If the net is made with square cells, its properties will be similar to thin rubber and will sag only where the load is on it. This is due to the fact that the tensioned cells will drag the longitudinal slings towards the center. Such a knitted hammock will cause difficulty getting up from it and inconvenience when relaxing in a lying or sitting position.

For greater strength and stability, the 3-4 central diagonals in both directions can be made thicker by using double string in their manufacture.

Example 1. Stages of making a hammock: 1 - Marking the holes, 2 - Making holes in the crossbar, 3 - Attaching the outer mesh cells to the sections of the slings, 4 - Installing metal washers on the ends of the slings.

A mesh to the size of a single bed is usually knitted about 200 cm long and about 100 cm wide. The accepted average length of the side of a cell in the network is approximately 7 cm. With this side value, the distance between the two nearest vertices will be approximately 4.5 cm, and between the farthest ones - 13-13.5 cm. To obtain the required number of loops in a row, divide the width of the mesh ( 90 cm) by 4.5 cm, and the resulting number 20 is the required number of loops. To find out the number of rows, the length (200 cm) is divided by 6.6 and you get 30. The number of cells can be found by multiplying 200 by 30, for a total of 600 cells. The number of knots corresponds to the number of cells; it takes about half a minute to tie one knot, so it will take 5-6 hours to make the entire mesh.

To find out how much cord it will take to knit a hammock, the length of one cell is multiplied by their number, adding 5-10 m for connecting the mesh with crossbars and for knots. For the size already under consideration, this length is 110-120 m if the net is knitted with a simple knot, and 150-160 m if knitting a hammock requires the use of double knots. You will need to tie a hammock with double knots if the cord or twine is slippery and elastic, such as braided nylon.

To ensure that the cords cut into the body less when lying down, it is better to have smaller cells. But to knit a hammock like this, you will need more twine, since a significant amount of it is spent on knitting knots. The increased weight of the hammock in this case can also be an inconvenience if it is planned to be carried outdoors.

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Making shuttles and templates

Example 2. Stages of making a hammock: 1 - Installation of the sling, 2 - Attaching the mesh to the crossbar, 3 - Attaching the ends of the slings, 4 - Installing the outer loops.

For manufacturing you will need a shuttle and a couple of templates. Making a net by hand or by crochet will be much more difficult.

The width of the shuttle should be no more than 3/5 of the length of the cell, therefore, for the calculations given above, it will be approximately 4 cm. Thickness and length depend on the material and personal preference.

There should be 2 templates for making a hammock net with your own hands. different sizes. A template, the width of which is 70 mm, is necessary to accurately maintain the length of each side of the cell. The additional template is 120 mm wide and is needed for knitting the last row. The longitudinal edges of the templates must correspond to the thickness of the cord. To avoid snags in the work, the template is sanded with sandpaper after production.

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Making a hammock with your own hands

Example 3. Stages of making a hammock: 1 - Adding slings, 2 - Making crossbars, 3 - Inserting the sling into the groove.

In order to tie a hammock, the cord is wound tightly onto the shuttle, but not to such an extent as to break the shuttle pin. If more cord fits on the shuttle, then there will be fewer knots on the mesh. The cord is wound until 5-7 mm remains to the top of the shuttle pin.

It is necessary to measure the transverse perimeter of the shuttle with turns of the cord. If it turns out to be wider than 1.7-1.8 sides of the cell (120-125 mm for the calculations performed), the excess turns need to be discarded. Approximately 4-5 m are retreated from the shuttle, and the cord is cut.

The first row of loops is knitted without a shuttle and without a template. Stepping 2.5 m from the end of the cord, make 21 loops. This is one more loop than needed for the mesh. The length of the loops should be the same. The width of the loops for a stationary hammock will be half the diameter of the crossbar, approximately 15 mm. If you are knitting a camping hammock, then the crossbar should easily fit into the loops.

The distance from the knot to the bend can be determined by tying a couple of test loops and controlling their size with a template. The end of the cord is threaded into the finished loops, the loops are tied together, and the remaining cord is folded in half and secured to a hook or nail located at a distance of 1.8-2 m from the floor.

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The process of knitting knots

Example 4. Stages of making a hammock: 1 - Hanging on a nail, 2 - Weaving the second row of knots, 3 - Technology of knitting the fabric mesh, 4 - Crossbar design.

The narrow template is taken in left hand, shuttle - to the right. During the knitting process, it is necessary to maintain the length of the cord between the shuttle and the last knitted loop at 60-70 cm, promptly dropping new turns of the cord from the shuttle as it is used up. It is more convenient to place the loops to the right of the shuttle and cord. The template is held so that the middle of it is under the leftmost loop, and the cord going to the shuttle is above the template.

The string is pressed to the template with the thumb of the left hand, the shuttle is passed around the template from below and it is inserted into the leftmost loop. Having pulled the shuttle halfway through the loop, intercept it from the opposite side and pull it out. Stretch the cord, continuing the movement of the right hand, and move the shuttle down towards you until the template begins to rest against the loop with its upper edge. During operation, the template is constantly held in a perpendicular position to the cords that connect the mesh to a nail or hook on the wall. This is the only way to achieve the same cell size.

As soon as the template rests firmly on the loop, it is necessary to pinch the intersection of the cords with a large and index fingers left hand, without weakening the tension. The fingers should not unclench until the knot is tied.

You need to check the length of the string between the clamp and the shuttle, and if it is less than 60 cm, you need to drop another half a turn from the shuttle.

Example 5. Stages of making a hammock: 1 - Assembling the hammock, 2 - Tying the cords, 3 - Securing the rope.

The shuttle moves in a clockwise direction so that the cord forms a large loop that should lie freely. Its center should coincide with the clamping point. If the cord becomes twisted during the formation of the loop, it is fixed in the desired place with the left end of the template.

The shuttle wraps around a loop of two cords from the outside. Continuing the movement of the shuttle right hand, pass through a large loop that is freely lying or fixed by the end of the template. If the loop is secured, it should be released immediately after the shuttle passes through it.

The cord is pulled downwards until the loose loop contracts and disappears between the template and the thumb. This process should be accompanied by a small click, which indicates that the knot is ready and tied according to all the rules. The cord must be kept taut throughout the entire process, otherwise you will not tie the correct knots. The tension force should be approximately 5-6 kg. After making sure that the assembly is ready, the tension is loosened and the clamp is removed from the fingers. If, when you first pulled the shuttle, the cord was not tensioned well enough, there was a gap between the upper edge of the template, or the clamp was loosened when the knot was tightened, you should untangle the unsuccessful knot and tie it again. Otherwise, the two outgoing cords will not be fixed and the adjacent cells will not retain their shape.

In marine terminology, this knot is called a clew knot; it is used to knit fishing nets precisely because it provides a reliable connection with a simple implementation.

After the first knot is knitted, the entire row and the remaining loops are traversed in a similar manner. When the row is completed, the template is removed and the fabric is unfolded so that the loops are again to the right of the shuttle with the cord. You can start knitting the second, third and subsequent rows. The last row is knitted on a wide pattern. The elongated loops of the last row are tied and folded so that small loops are formed. The length of the sides of the cells of the last row should be the same.

A hammock is an excellent means of relaxation, the history of which goes back to the distant past. It is used both at home and outdoors. Relaxing in it is comfortable and pleasant. Make a hammock with your own hands using different materials, very easy.

general information

The history of the appearance of the hammock in Europe is associated with the name of the famous discoverer Christopher Columbus. It was he who brought this exotic device from the Bahamas and showed it to the Europeans. Residents of the Bahamas used these wicker nets for sleeping, hanging such “cradles” between trees.

This use of hammocks appealed to the sailors, who during the voyage went to sleep in them instead of hard shelves and floors.

Currently, hammocks can be found on personal plots country houses and in comfortable apartments. The variety of these products allows you to choose the one that will meet all the requirements of a country resident or owner of city housing.

On a hammock you can:

  • relax, relieve stress;
  • sleep in the fresh air, and for a small child too;
  • read books, have pleasant conversations with friends or family.

Adults using a hammock for relaxation may unknowingly make some mistakes. You should not lie down in it, taking a position along the length of the entire structure. In this case, the hammock panel will not give you the opportunity to breathe freely and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature, since it will completely envelop you. The ideal position in a hammock is diagonal; in this position you can fully experience all the positive aspects of relaxing in a hammock.

Types of hammocks

These products can be classified according to different parameters.

The sizes of hammocks are:

  • family (width from 180 cm). A hammock can become a place where all family members will gather, share news, discuss future plans;
  • for two (width from 160 cm). In such a hammock you can be alone with your loved one, have intimate conversations with girlfriends, or talk like a man to father and son;
  • for one (from 140 cm wide). Sitting comfortably in a hammock alone, you can enjoy the peace and tranquility, read a book that has been put aside for a long time, think about painful things, or just get some sleep.

Depending on the shape:

Cocoons are the most simple design this device. They weigh a little, they can be easily carried and taken with you on trips and hikes. It is almost impossible to fall out of such a hammock, since they “envelop” the body and help you completely relax. But changing your position requires a lot of effort; the process of climbing will also require special skill.

Round hammocks and hanging chairs are more suitable for sitting. Often such forms are used to construct swing hammocks. Having made such a model large sizes, you can have a good time with your friends.

Hammocks are classified according to their historical homeland:

  1. Colombian. They are made from local raw materials - vines or specially processed agave bark, hamaka. The secret of weaving is not revealed. All devices are painted in bright colors using only natural dyes.
  2. Brazilian. Such leisure items are woven from cotton or from raw materials obtained from splitting the woody part of the Brazil nut. These hammocks are highly durable. An indicator of the wealth of such hanging devices is a beautiful fringe made by yourself.
  3. Mexican - fabric hammocks made of synthetic fabric. They can last a very long time without losing their functionality and bright colors.

Separately, it is worth noting Soviet hammocks. They were made by weaving ropes. In appearance, they were practically no different from volleyball nets.

Modern hammocks most often have a stand. They meet all the requirements of reliability and comfort, look stylish and will fit perfectly into the interior of the 21st century.

All types of hammocks can be bought, but from people with with skillful hands It is possible to make such a chair-bed yourself. The product can be made in different techniques: sewing, knitting, macrame weaving. In this case, you can use both fabrics and strong threads, ropes, old strong things (jeans, coats).

For the construction of suspended structures, it is possible to choose materials that are not so familiar for hammocks, for example, wooden pallets or awning.

How to choose material for a home hammock

Choice appearance DIY hammock depends on your skills. If you know how to sew, go for a fabric product, if you like to knit unusual things, go for a knitted one; you know the basics of weaving macrame - from ropes.

If not for you big difference manufacturing method, you need to weigh the pros and cons of using this or that material.

Fabric product

The advantages of a fabric hammock are that the solid fabric does not have any gaps, it is not blown, and you can put anyone on it. small item, without fear that it will fall and break or get lost (for example, a watch, tablet, cell phone).

Hammock made of threads, cord

A hammock, knitted or woven from threads, can become not only cozy place for relaxation, but also as a wonderful interior decoration or landscape design. All guests who see such a creative structure will be delighted and will remember it for a long time.

Naturally, materials for knitting and weaving must be especially durable. It is advisable that the yarn or ropes be cotton, since lying or sitting in a hammock made of synthetic material is not so comfortable.

When choosing other materials for a hammock, you must take into account:

  • strength;
  • aesthetic appeal;
  • absence of negative sensations upon contact.

In order for the product to last a long time, it is necessary to sew it from durable fabric - tarpaulin, canvas, mattress teak, calico, camouflage fabric, denim. When using synthetic materials, you run a high risk of becoming covered in sticky sweat during the heat, because they do not allow air to pass through. Great option- use of canvas raincoats and jeans. For wicker hammocks, you can use various cords, jute ropes, and twines.

If the hammock is supposed to be covered or covered with something, then the threads may not be natural. The same applies to the choice of material for knitting.

The number of threads used in macrame depends on the knots chosen. All craftswomen who master such types of needlework as knitting and macrame will be able to easily calculate required amount yarn, making a preliminary sample of a fragment of a small hammock.

The materials used to install the hammock on site must be reliable and strong, so the choice of ropes and cords for fastening is no less important. Eyelets may be needed to secure fabric items. special devices(anchor hooks, wooden planks).

Preparatory work

Preparatory stages of production suspended structure include selection, calculation of quantity and purchase of material, preparation the right tools, creating a weaving pattern, patterns for a future product.

Product drawing, determining the size of an outdoor hammock without a frame

It’s easy to make a fabric hammock pattern. Draw a rectangle with sides 230 cm and 150 cm (you must leave 4–6 cm on each side for hems). Based on this, we select the amount of fabric.

The length of the hammock should be greater than your height tall man your family by 60 cm.

If you are making a hammock using the macrame method, then it is advisable to find suitable scheme weaving. The pattern can be dense or mesh, it all depends on your imagination and skills.

You can knit a hammock either by knitting or crocheting. It is best to purchase thick, strong threads and take knitting needles and a hook of appropriate thickness. You can experiment and try to knit a product from ropes or strong cord.

Each craftswoman can choose a drawing at her own discretion. You can knit the hammock itself very simply (double crochet or garter stitch), and make beautiful openwork ruffles or fringe on the sides.

The amount of fabric is calculated taking into account the dimensions of the proposed structure. It’s better if you don’t skimp and take the material with a reserve. You can buy fabric, or you can use old things, stretchers. The main thing is that the product is not dilapidated.

What tools and equipment are needed

The tools you need to create a hammock with your own hands depend on the design you choose.

For a sewn product you will need:

  • sewing machine;
  • shovel or hand drill (for installing support posts);
  • special device for installing eyelets.

To weave a hammock using the macrame method:

  • scissors;
  • tape measure;
  • sewing needle;
  • drill (for attaching to supports);
  • shovel or hand drill;
  • hammer (for attaching the wicker base to the frame).

For knitting a hammock:

  • hook or knitting needles;
  • scissors;
  • sewing needle;
  • drill;
  • shovel or hand drill.

All tools used must be in good working order. When working with them, you should follow safety rules.

Step-by-step instructions for making a homemade hanging fabric hammock

You will need:

  • 2.5 m (or 20–30 cm more, depending on the person’s height) of dense fabric;
  • 20 eyelets;
  • 2 wooden bars(according to the width of the hammock);
  • 2 large metal rings (for pulling lines);
  • 2 metal hooks (for hanging);
  • 20 m thick cord.

All work consists of several steps:

  1. A pattern is created and the fabric is cut.
  2. The edges of the fabric are folded to a width of 5–6 cm and stitched sewing machine along the entire perimeter of the future hammock. If the material “does not crumble”, then the bend can be made only on the sides of the structure fastening.
  3. Markings are made on the short sides for eyelets (10 each).
  4. Holes for eyelets are cut. You can use a utility knife or small scissors for this.
  5. Eyelets are installed. In this case, you need to try not to confuse and place front side these metal structures to the corresponding side of the hammock.
  6. Holes are drilled on the prepared bars in the same places where the eyelets are placed. A cord is pulled through them. In this case, you need to adjust the tension by passing the cord sequentially through all the eyelets and the ring.
  7. The hooks are driven into the supports. The hammock can be hung.

Video: how to weave a sitting hammock with your own hands

How to make the most beautiful hammock from mesh or tarpaulin

The product will look complete if you add some decorative elements or functional attributes.

By hemming the padding polyester or placing it between two layers of fabric, you will add comfort and coziness. You will be pleased to be in such a hammock; it will be quite soft. A blanket and pillows will also help achieve complete relaxation.

The functional qualities of the hammock will be enhanced if pockets are sewn to this device (for storing books, glasses, bottles of cool water). For a knitted product, you can provide removable or sewn openwork borders, and a beautiful strip along the entire hammock can be knitted or crocheted.

For a hammock woven using the macrame technique, fringe and tassels would be appropriate. The main condition is that they must be made of the same material as the product itself.

Bright, colored ribbons, woven or sewn into the product, will make it a noticeable and unique element of the interior. As decorative elements you can use large wooden beads; an excellent addition to the finished hammock would be a canvas stretched over this device, which can provide good protection from direct sunlight and drizzling rain.

Photo gallery: successful finishing of rope products

How to fix a hammock in the countryside on a ready-made base

It is very important not only to properly make a product for relaxation, but also to hang it correctly. Optimal parameters to strengthen the hammock are:

  • height 1.5 m;
  • width between supports 3 m.

The distance between the support posts is calculated depending on the length of the hammock and the size of the binding. You need to add 30 cm to the resulting value. For example, if the length of the hammock together with fasteners is 2.5 m, then the supports are strengthened at a distance of 2.8 m.

You can hang a hammock:

  • between two trees;
  • between the walls of buildings;
  • under the ceiling (if the hammock is indoors);
  • using specially created structures.

If it is not possible to make stands, and you have to use existing supports (tree trunks, fence posts), then hang the hammock in this way:

  • if it sags a lot, then go higher;
  • if it is too tight, then lower it.

How to hang a product on a tree or pole

Do not attach a hammock to thin trees. It is better to use wooden trunks with a volume of 20–30 cm for this. In order not to harm the tree, when attaching ropes around the trunk, you can place plastic or thick fabric under the cords.

You can use metal hooks that are mounted in the walls of suitable buildings, but you should not use this type of fastener for supports.

The ideal position of the hammock after hanging is the shape of a banana; this is the sagging that is considered optimal. Can be used as a support mount special frames, which are purchased in stores or made independently.

Caring for a product made from scrap materials

Any product that is constantly used needs care. The hammock can be washed by machine (if there are no wooden slats) or by hand. The water temperature should not exceed 60°C, especially when synthetic products are used.

Items made from wool or very thick fabrics can be vacuumed.

To make the hammock last longer, try to remove it from the street for storage in winter.

You can easily and quickly make a hammock yourself. The main thing is to understand the principles of design, execution and fastening of this recreational device.