Shower      03/03/2020

The right color for the walls in the hairdressing salon. Hair salon design: tips and examples (photos). Hair salon in minimalist style

Wall color is one of the fundamental factors for general design premises. The choice for each building or institution is by no means random; you need to focus on a few tips in order to properly equip your own salon. For example, a client comes to a salon with excellent specialists and affordable prices, however, the design of the hairdressing salon itself leaves much to be desired, and the color scheme of the walls reduces the choice of the desired color to zero, as well as distorts the visitor’s original hair color. In addition, before designing, you need to buy hairdressing equipment of an economical range, which will then allow you to correctly calculate the budget for creating the interior.

First, the walls should not be painted in either very dark or very light colors. Remember that any girl (or man) comes to the hairdresser and wants to leave there a different person. The atmosphere and decor around should be inspiring, without being too harsh, for example, bright red or yellow, but creating a comfortable, cozy atmosphere. All these factors contribute not only to attracting customers, but also comfortable work the master himself, since cool neutral shades or a combination of them allows the hairdresser to see the original color without distortion, and also to choose the necessary paint.

Some features of creating an interior in a hairdressing salon

It is important to immediately think through the color zone of not just one zone, or several, but to make a general style decision for the entire hairdressing salon. Separate zoning has long gone out of fashion, and besides, it does not contribute to a feeling of comfort for both clients and the master. The hairdresser will have to be at work all day; it is unlikely that a bright red color with black streaks will contribute to his composure and inner harmony.

It is better to give preference to calm, cold tones; in this case, you can zone several rooms (for example, a men's and women's room), but this should be done in one style solution. In addition, you immediately need to look at furniture for a beauty salon that is inexpensive, but of high quality. Please note that your interior must match the exterior. Don't forget to buy hair salon equipment cheaply in order to save your overall financial capital. Immediately think through your room design completely in a single style, and then no matter what color you choose, it will look organic and attractive.

The place in which beauty is born must be beautiful - despite the tautology, this statement can be considered indisputable. And the place where the sacrament of the birth of female charm takes place must be doubly beautiful.

Have you ever noticed the interior of an average beauty salon? If this is so, then you have probably noticed the fact that the owners usually do not spare money on the decoration and design of such premises. In the process of creating an aesthetic and relaxing interior, a variety of design means are used, and one of the most effective techniques can be called a technology that has already managed to create a real sensation - decorative self-leveling floors. Here are some compelling reasons in favor of self-leveling flooring in a beauty salon.

It is beautiful

Self-leveling decorative floors can be classified as one of those interior solutions that can make even a sophisticated and seasoned consumer hold their breath in admiration. Agree that even the most sophisticated linoleum, original laminate or expensive parquet board will not cause such a reaction. But the self-leveling floor will truly surprise and remain in the memory of salon visitors.

Modern technologies for constructing self-leveling and 3D floors make it possible to use all kinds of decorative elements– chips, sparkles and other similar additives, which will fit perfectly into the overall playful and romantic mood of the beauty salon. In addition, the solid capabilities of the current design allow you to “draw” almost any image on the floor, from emerald green grass or a futuristic cosmic rainbow to the salon’s corporate logo. By the way, the last technique usually works flawlessly, since a floor decorated with the brand’s logo evokes special respect from the client - after all, in this case we are not talking about just another “one-day” business, but about a truly reputable establishment that knows its worth. Simply put, we can say with 100% confidence that the masters of such a salon will not be left without work.

It's practical

However, the exquisite aesthetics that a skillfully executed self-leveling floor with a pattern will bring to the interior is not the only reason why the catalog of decorative floors is worth opening right now. In addition, there are a number of more prosaic, but no less important advantages that floors made using this technology have. Briefly they look like this:

1. Self-leveling flooring in a beauty salon is the most convenient solution in terms of maintenance. Such surfaces are easy to clean, and wet cleaning can be carried out as often as the situation requires (for comparison, try to imagine what would happen with such intensive care, say, with a banal carpet or parquet board).

2. Decorative floors with a pattern have one pretty thing interesting property– with a successful choice of color and image, they visually expand the room, which makes it possible for both employees and visitors of the salon to breathe more freely.

3. This kind of coating is not afraid of impacts, falling heavy objects and other mechanical influences. You can move furniture or equipment as much as you like - the floor will not suffer at all. Self-leveling floors are also not afraid of contact with chemicals.

In addition, the “floors of the future” fully comply with all other requirements for coatings used in in public places– they are environmentally friendly, hygienic and not subject to fire.

My husband and I are planning to open a beauty salon. Choosing flooring for a cosmetology room, a very noble material fell into my soul - zebrawood parquet board. I can already imagine how beautifully the floor will play with texture in my temple of beauty. Will I violate any requirements?

Larisa, 29/11/15

Dear Larisa! According to Articles 4.3 and 4.5 of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities” (approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Inspector of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2010 No. 58), the floor covering must fit tightly to the base, the joints between materials on the floor must be sealed. Waterproof materials should be used to cover the floor. Parquet is not one of them!

In accordance with Article 6.3 of the Code Russian Federation on administrative offenses dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ (as amended on November 3, 2015) violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, expressed in violation of current sanitary rules and hygienic standards, failure to comply with sanitary, hygienic and anti-epidemic measures, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine: on citizens in the amount of one hundred to five hundred rubles; for officials - from five hundred to one thousand rubles; on persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity - from five hundred to one thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days; on legal entities– from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days.

It can also be noted that the presence of parquet on the floor in a cosmetology office will not give you the opportunity to obtain a medical license to provide cosmetology services. But even if you decide to limit yourself to providing household cosmetic services to the population, the parquet floor will suffer greatly due to the rules for cleaning beauty salons, which include, in particular, constant washing of floors with disinfectants.

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Issues of placement, arrangement and equipment of hairdressing salons are regulated in “Building Codes and Regulations” II80-75, Part II “Design Standards”, Ch. 80 “Public service enterprises”, as well as in the “Sanitary rules for the design, equipment and maintenance of hairdressing salons” (No. 981-72 of June 19, 1972).

As consumer service enterprises, hairdressing salons are included in the system of comprehensive services to the population in accordance with planning and development projects for cities and other populated areas.

Hairdressing salons can be located both as part of shopping and public centers of cities and towns, in separate buildings and extensions, and on the first floors of residential buildings and administrative buildings. Hairdressing salons are provided for in the construction of baths, hotels, airports, and train stations. The number of places in hairdressing salons is determined at the rate of 2 places per 1000 people.

Newly built hairdressing salons, as well as after reconstruction and repair, can be put into operation only after receiving permission from the sanitary inspection authorities (SES).

When locating hairdressers in residential buildings, the entrance to them must be isolated from the entrances to residential apartments.

It is not allowed to set up hairdressing salons in basements due to insufficient natural light.

The following premises are provided in hairdressing salons: a lobby, a wardrobe for visitors, a waiting room, work rooms, a room for drying hair, a utility room, a rest room, a wardrobe for staff, a storeroom for clean linen, a storeroom for dirty linen, a storeroom for perfumes, rooms for administration, sanitary facilities and showers.

The number of listed premises in a hairdressing salon depends on the number of workplaces. In small hairdressing salons (five or fewer workplaces), it is allowed to combine separate rooms, for example, a common waiting room for visitors to the men's and women's rooms.

As already mentioned, for the convenience of workers at large enterprises, hairdressing salons with a small number of jobs (three or less) can be opened in institutions. At the same time, the administration is obliged to create all conditions for compliance with hygienic standards and rules when working in them: a permanent dry, bright and well-ventilated room with a water supply and an area of ​​at least 18-20 m2 must be allocated for the hairdressing salon. The room can be partitioned off with a screen to create a utility room. The area of ​​the utility room must be at least 4 m2. The utility room should have a closet with a supply of clean linen, a chest for storing dirty linen, a washbasin and a table for storing shaving equipment. Dressing tables and waiting chairs are installed in the bright part of the room. Hairdressing salons with less than three workplaces are equipped with hangers for visitors' outer dresses. The distance from dressing tables to waiting areas must be at least 1.5 m. If the hairdressing salon is designed for one workplace, then the area of ​​the workroom must be at least 8 m2.

In hairdressing salons with more than five workplaces, several premises are provided.

The lobby is equipped with a wardrobe at the rate of 0.3 m2 per workplace. The wardrobe should have open hangers. If additional space is allocated, it is allowed to set up a kiosk for the sale of perfumery products.

In mixed hairdressing salons, the waiting room should be separate for men and women and equipped with comfortable furniture, armchairs, a coffee table, etc. The area of ​​the waiting room is determined at the rate of 2.5 m2 per workplace up to 10 workplaces and plus 1.5 m2 for each subsequent workplace. There is usually a cash desk in the waiting room. A workroom for serving women should have an area of ​​8 m2 per workplace, and for serving men - 6 m2. The width of the workroom must be at least 5 m. Workrooms are equipped with permanent devices at the rate of 1 device for every 3-5 workstations.

The hairdresser's workplace should have the following dimensions: the distance between chairs is 1.3 m; the width of the workplace, including the chair, is at least 1.8 m; the distance from the outer chair to the wall is 0.7 m.

The workplaces of hairdressers are equipped with toilets, which are installed along two parallel walls, if the width of the workroom is at least 5 m; if the width of the hall is smaller, they are located on one side. The toilets consist of two hanging bedside tables, a mirror, a sink, a chair and a footrest for the visitor. The sink installed under the mirror must have a hot and cold water. In cases where it is not possible to install a sink, a separate room is allocated for washing hair, equipped with the necessary equipment for this type of work. The room for washing hair should be adjacent to the work area and well ventilated. The finishing of such premises is carried out according to generally accepted standards (see below). Toilet boards on bedside tables (mirror cases) are covered with glass, marble, or plastic, which are easy to clean and disinfect.

In manicure rooms of women's hairdressing salons, the standard area per workplace should be at least 6 m2. If there is no separate room, manicure tables are installed in the workroom near the window. The manicure table should be covered with polished glass or plastic, which should be disinfected frequently. The height of the table from the floor is 75, width 45 and length 80 cm. For convenience, a crossbar is made between the legs of the table, on which the manicurist places her feet. There should be drawers under the table cover for storing tools, materials and napkins. There should be a sink for hand washing near the manicure tables.

The pedicure room must be located in a separate room, the area of ​​which is determined at the rate of 6 m2 for each workplace. The entrance to the pedicure room must be from the waiting room. The room should be well lit and ventilated. The office is equipped with earthenware foot baths with hot and cold water supply. Chairs for visitors are placed on a raised platform (20-25 cm), and a chair for a pedicurist is placed on the floor next to the table. The office should have a closet with a supply of clean linen, a tank for collecting dirty linen (preferably with a lid), a table with an installation for boiling tools, and a washbasin.

The hair drying room is usually located in a separate room adjacent to the work room. Its area is calculated based on 2 m2 for each dryer horn. The principle of operation of the dryer is that a fan supplies heated air to the visitor’s hair. The air in the device is heated by an electric coil.

Currently, the domestic industry produces devices with air recirculation and automatic shutdown. The devices can be installed in work rooms at a distance of 1.5 m from the hairdresser’s toilet. Each dryer is allocated 2 m2. In the women's hall there are 1.5-2 drying machines for each workplace.

The utility rooms of the hairdressing salon must have a sink with hot and cold water supply, gas or electric stove, a table for used razors, a cabinet or hanging glass shelf for clean utensils, a trash bin, kraft paper bags for collecting cut hair. In utility rooms, booths should be installed for shaking out negligees.

Storerooms in hairdressing salons are designed for separate storage of dirty and clean linen and perfumes. Storing dirty and clean linen in the same room is strictly prohibited. Clean linen should be stored in a clean linen pantry in specially equipped cabinets or on racks. In pantries for storing used linen, there are chests and a drawer-type or cabinet-type dryer for used linen with steam or electric heating. The pantry for storing perfumes should be equipped with shelves or cabinets. Recommended storage area: 1.5 m2 for each workplace in hairdressing salons, where there are up to 10 workplaces and plus 1 m2 for each subsequent workplace.

The rest room for hairdressing salon workers is equipped with a sink for washing hands and a table for eating. The rest room should have a wardrobe area. The dressing room has cabinets for storing clothes and bathrobes. The closet should have two compartments for separate storage of gowns and clothes. Cabinet dimensions: width 0.35, depth 0.35 and height 1.5 m. At the bottom of the cabinet there should be space for shoes, and at the top for storing tools. If the hairdresser has cabinets with one compartment, then only clothes should be stored in them; I should arrange an open hanger for storing gowns, where each hairdresser is given a separate hook. It is prohibited to store gowns and clothes together, as the latter can become contaminated with hair, skin flakes, and nail clippings.

In hairdressing salons where there is a manager position, a room for administration is provided. In hairdressing salons with less than ten workplaces, the functions of the manager are performed by the senior master.

When constructing new hairdressing salons, a shower cabin is installed so that the staff can take a shower after work. hygienic shower. The sanitary facility for workers must have an entrance from the corridor or utility room. In hairdressing salons with 15 workplaces or more, it is necessary to provide visitors with one sanitary unit per toilet with an entrance to it from the waiting room.

Children's hairdressing salons should be located in rooms with direct natural light. Working chairs of their size and design must be appropriate for the age of children and meet the requirements of the production process. There should be no toys in children's hairdressing salons. They can only be displayed in glass cases.

Special hygienic requirements apply to interior decoration premises. The purpose of these requirements is to prevent hair, skin flakes and nails from being retained in the premises and to allow them to be easily cleaned without causing damage to walls and floors. To do this, the walls and ceilings of all hairdressing salons must be plastered. The walls of workrooms should be painted on a rubbed surface to a height of at least 1.8 m with oil or other waterproof paints. The walls of utility rooms, storage rooms for dirty linen, showers and toilets should be tiled to a height of 1.5-1.8 m with glazed tiles or painted oil paint.

Wallpapering walls is not allowed. The floors in the hairdressing salon should be smooth, dense, without gaps or cracks, so that they do not accumulate cut hair, skin flakes and nail clippings. Floors covered with linoleum or plastic and parquet floors meet these requirements. Wooden floors painted with oil paint are allowed. The floors in the dirty linen closet should be covered with Metlakh tiles. In utility rooms, linoleum can be used as flooring.

Every hairdressing salon must be equipped with sanitary facilities. These include heating, ventilation, water supply, and sewerage systems. In addition to natural light coming through windows, hairdressing salons should have artificial lighting.

To maintain the temperature in the hairdressing salon within 18° C (according to sanitary standards) there is a heating system. Heating can be central or local. If the house in which the hairdresser is located does not have central heating, then it must have a local heating system (water or stove). For both central and local heating, radiators must be regularly cleaned of dust, clipped hair, and skin flakes, as they can burn and release harmful gases into the room air. At stove heating in order to avoid additional contamination of the premises with soot and smoke, stoves should be fired from the utility room or auxiliary premises. Maintaining a constant temperature in the hair salon is of great importance. It has been established that a temperature of 18° C is the most favorable for work, and the master does not get tired quickly. Low temperatures create a risk of developing colds.

During the working day, the air in the hairdressing salon becomes polluted with dust, small particles of cut hair, nail clippings, and skin flakes. During operation, various materials may also be released into the air. chemical substances(for example, when dyeing and perming, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, etc. are released). In addition, there may be various pathogenic microbes in the air. Therefore, correct and efficient ventilation hair salon premises. There are two types of ventilation: natural (through vents, windows) and artificial - using appropriate devices.

Workrooms and utility rooms must have vents and transoms with an area of ​​at least 1/6 of the window. From a hygiene point of view, it is better to install transoms that open in such a way that cold air headed first towards the ceiling.

Large hair salons or hairdressing salons, which are built in special buildings, are equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation. The principle of artificial ventilation is that special devices (fans) supply air to the premises of the hairdressing salon from the street. fresh air and the contaminated one is removed. Clean air is supplied to the working rooms of the hairdressing salon through special grilles in the upper part of one of the walls; polluted air is removed through the same grilles in the upper part of the opposite wall. To prevent drafts, the speed of air supplied to the premises should not exceed 0.5 m/s, which is practically not felt by humans.

Hair drying rooms must have windows. However, vents and transoms will not be able to completely remove polluted and heated air from the room.

Therefore, regardless of the number of seats in the hairdressing salon, exhaust ventilation is required in hair drying rooms.

The “Design Standards” indicate that the amount of air removed from the premises of the hairdressing salon should be greater than that supplied forced ventilation. At the same time, the mechanical ventilation system for all premises of the hairdressing salon must be common, with the exception of household premises and sanitary facilities.

Ventilation systems for hairdressing salons located on the first floors of residential buildings are installed separately from these buildings, and the air ducts should not pass through the premises of residential apartments on the overlying floors of a residential building. In hairdressing salons with up to three workplaces, ventilation is allowed through vents and transoms.

According to sanitary standards, the hairdresser must be provided with water of the same quality as drinking water. Whenever possible, the hairdressing salon is connected to city water supply networks and sewerage networks. In their absence, you have to use water from wells. Such water must be boiled and stored in special tanks. Technicians must use a sink to wash their hands.

If the room in which the hairdressing salon is located does not have hot water supply, then the water is heated in special devices: in titanium, in an automatic gas heater (AGH), etc. As far as possible hot water should be located at each toilet.

Correctly is of great importance organized lighting in hairdressing salons. All premises of hairdressing salons must have natural light, except for storerooms, sanitary premises and corridors. This requirement is based on the fact that under the influence sun rays The death of microbes occurs (mainly under the influence of ultraviolet rays) that are in the air of the room, on instruments and other things. Besides, sunlight has a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes and improves the overall well-being of a person.

Natural lighting in the workroom and other areas of the hairdressing salon should be uniform and sufficient. The ratio of the glazed surface area of ​​windows to the floor area for work areas should be at least 1: 8. Timely washing of windows is very important, since dirty glass blocks up to 50% of sunlight. The distance from the windows to the opposite wall (the depth of the workroom) should not exceed 7 m.

In the evening, hairdressing salons use artificial lighting, which is designed and equipped in accordance with SNiP for the design of artificial lighting.

Basic requirements for artificial lighting: it must be uniform, of sufficient strength, and not produce glare.

Chandeliers and sconces are used as general lighting, the designs of which should be convenient for quick and easy cleaning.

When installing local lighting directly at the workplace, it is necessary to put a lampshade on the light bulbs to protect the eyes of the hairdresser and manicurist from light. The lampshade should be arranged so that the light of the lamp falls on the workplace.

Currently, hairdressing salons use fluorescent lighting, which has a certain advantage over conventional lighting; in particular, fluorescent lighting does not distort the color of skin and hair.

Improperly arranged lighting quickly tires the eyes, reduces efficiency and quality of work.

When choosing a hairdresser, people choose the one where good service, cleanliness, qualified craftsmen and, of course, comfort, style and pleasant design of the room. And this applies to both the hall itself and the waiting area. Therefore, we offer you several good ideas renovation of a hairdressing salon that would fully satisfy the requirements of your clients.

It is important that the interior of the hairdressing salon is functional in terms of convenience for the work of specialists. Each workplace must be equipped, all the essentials must be at hand. It is equally important to make the interior of high quality so that it meets fashion trends using the latest developments and technical innovations.

With our photos you can determine the style of the room and the overall concept. You can decorate the interior beautifully flower arrangements and photographic paintings. You can zone the space using curtains made of beads, columns, multi-level ceiling or floor, different textures and colors.

The best hair salon renovation ideas

  1. Exterior.

First of all, you need to think through the design of the exterior to the smallest detail, namely the facade of the building in which the hairdressing salon will be located. Most people prefer to make it bright so that it catches the eye of potential clients. However, at the same time, it should not be annoying and flashy. You can choose some light and rich shade.

Also, photos of guys and girls with stylish makeup and hairstyles are often used as decoration.

It is advisable to focus on tall signs so that everyone not only notices, but also remembers the name of the hairdresser. It should be spacious so that it can be seen from the other end of the street. But don’t forget that the title should be easy to read and understandable.

  1. Interior.

Any client who gets inside a hairdressing salon wants to be surrounded by a comfortable environment, since comfort is one of the most important requirements. However, you should not focus on style, since the hairdresser must correspond to the direction of its activity. If the interior design is elegant and creative, then clients will get the impression that in such a place they know a lot about taste and will help you choose and change the look.

In our photographs you will see hair salons that meet all the requirements, and, taking into account all the details, you can achieve this too.

  1. Zoning and planning.

If your hairdressing salon serves not only women and men, but also children, then it is better to divide the space into separate zones so that clients of different genders do not overlap, and this does not cause them discomfort.

Moreover, the establishment often has beauty salons, which should also be zoned. However, if the salon has small sizes, and there are 2-3 masters working in it, then division is not at all necessary, although it is desirable. You can successfully zone a space using curtains or partitions. In most cases, doors only get in the way.

  1. Color spectrum.

When choosing a color, follow one rule - the main color should occupy about 70-75% of the entire space, that is, in fact, the ceiling, floor and walls. It is desirable that it be light, because this will make everyone comfortable - both employees and clients.

Furniture can be made quite bright. Don't forget about accessories, which account for 5%. They can contrast or stand out against the background of other interior elements.

  1. Finishing.

First of all, Decoration Materials must be as wear-resistant and practical as possible. Do not forget that quite often you have to perform wet cleaning, so all surfaces must be resistant to moisture. Moreover, they cannot get dirty quickly and heavily, because this will certainly cause a lot of trouble.

As for the floor covering, it is best to make it durable and dense linoleum or tiles. The coating must be wear-resistant, since traffic and traffic will certainly be high.

At the same time, it should not have obvious joints and crevices, because cut hair and dust will get stuck in them, which is unhygienic. The walls can be covered with washable wallpaper, panels or moisture-resistant paint.

One wall can be highlighted with more intense material, bright prints or tones. In addition, you can place beautiful and large photos, which will demonstrate a bright image.

  • In the photographs you will see a variety of hair salon interiors, many of them are made in certain styles. If you also decide to decide on one direction, then it is better to settle on a modern, not very catchy and pretentious design. It is not at all necessary to adhere to strict rules, since not all of your clients are well versed in styles, and it is unrealistic to satisfy the requirements and preferences of everyone. However, all design elements must be harmoniously combined with each other, otherwise the design will seem tasteless.
  • All communications ( water pipes and wires), which more than one subsidiary establishment cannot do without, is better to be disguised, since they will spoil the interior design of the establishment and be conspicuous, which is undesirable.
  • Before starting renovations, you should go through the showrooms to find something original and apply such ideas in the future.

Listen to our ideas for the design of a hairdressing salon, and it will definitely be stylish, which will have a positive impact on the development of your business.