Well      06/16/2019

We make a homemade sawmill with our own hands. Do-it-yourself band sawmill? Why not! Homemade band sawmill

Wood is widely used in everyday life in the manufacture of various structures, their decoration and other work. Owners of a private plot constantly lead construction works: make an extension, renovate the fence, increase the reliability of structures, and so on. The ease of workability, as well as the availability of wood, initially determined their popularity. Many owners of private houses and plots in their own practice have determined that it is much cheaper to purchase logs and get a board, beam, edge from them than to buy finished lumber. Also, do not forget that sometimes the length and thickness, width of the boards or timber used are important. Therefore, their own production can significantly reduce time and money costs.

To obtain lumber from a log or other workpiece, a band saw is often used. The popularity of this equipment has determined the emergence of a huge number of different machines, some of them are compact and designed for installation in the home workshop. However, the cost of household options is quite high, it is advisable to buy them only in the case of the stream production of lumber or other wood products. That is why many decide to do homemade design. band sawmill it is created with your own hands within a short period of time, for which you should know: what parts are needed for this, how the assembly is carried out.

Cost and effectiveness of industrial options

Why there is a great desire to carry out the creation homemade version machine performance? An example is the Taiga band sawmill, the cost of which, depending on performance, can vary in the region of 112-165 thousand rubles. Even the simplest version, which does not have high performance, will cost at least 90 thousand rubles. A homemade band sawmill will cost several times cheaper. A do-it-yourself machine is suitable for occasional use.

Difficulties in self-manufacturing of the machine

The device of a band sawmill is quite complicated. The performance of the band sawmill, the service life without the occurrence of breakdowns, and much more depend on the quality of the assembly being carried out. You should start making your machine after considering the following points:

  1. Installation work is carried out using welding. Therefore, without welding machine it is practically impossible to carry out work on the creation of a frame and other elements. To change the shape and size of structural elements, you will need a power tool and a milling machine. Of course, the creation of some elements can be entrusted to professionals, but this will significantly increase the cost of the work.
  2. During operation, a large load is placed on the band sawmill. Therefore, the design must be stable and durable. To do this, the structure is fastened to the base, and the frame and other elements are produced taking into account the possible weight of the processed logs of about 300 kilograms.
  3. If a home-made gasoline band sawmill is being created, then the need for work on sharpening the saw and wiring the working part should be taken into account.
  4. There are quite a few various designs, which allow you to specify the thickness of the resulting product.
  5. Consideration should be given to the safety of the equipment. The installed saw and band can cause significant harm to human health.

It should be borne in mind that the design of home-made band sawmills is only suitable for cutting boards of various lengths and widths.

There is enough a large number of options for home-made band sawmills, the drawings of which are based on the use of electric and gasoline engines. At the same time, electric versions are very popular due to the best performance and ease of use. But not in all cases it is possible to use Electrical engine as a driving force, since electricity is not available on all land plots.

Conduct a review of specific machines, the drawings of which have exact dimensions. After all, each production requires a table of various sizes, as well as an electric motor of different power.

The procedure for making a homemade band sawmill

The above points indicate the main points for the production of a homemade sawmill. You can make a band sawmill yourself with minimal cost. After all, you need to buy or find only an engine, pulleys and rollers, find a metal profile for the frame and a saw blade. The reliability of the design depends on the technical condition of all nodes and the quality of their connection. Therefore, before using the sawmill, you should carefully check it.

It allows you to save significantly if there is a need for constant processing of wood during the construction of houses, on the farm, or if you have your own small production.

Of course, you can not rack your brains and buy a tool, but a do-it-yourself tool, as mentioned above, will be much cheaper.

A band sawmill is better known to many as a band saw. Depending on the scope of work, the type of tool is selected.

The sawmill can be belt type, chain or disk type. We are considering the manufacture of a tape type.

The principle of operation of a band sawmill is very easy to explain using the example of spools of thread.

The whole structure resembles the rotation of two coils, between which a thread is stretched. This thread plays the role of a saw, and the distance between the coils is the maximum size of the log.

What does a band sawmill do?

  1. Prepare logs, that is, adjust them to one size and shape;
  2. Sawing logs according to a given pattern after setting up the equipment;
  3. After sawing, small defects remain that cannot be eliminated using home-made sawmills, so further wood processing is done manually.

The band sawmill works as follows: the log is fixed on the platform and remains stationary, the mobile cart starts its movement and cuts the tree, the saw is in a horizontal position.

To end up with a board right size, you must initially set the parameters by the operator. The saw blade acts as a saw, which must be well stretched.

How a homemade sawmill works, see the video.

Before work, it is necessary to prepare the equipment: for this, they sharpen the saw, set the teeth.

What materials are needed to create a sawmill?

It should be noted that the materials are selected depending on whether the drawings are made or not, because it is correct drawing is the basis of a quality product, thanks to which the calculation of materials is made:

  • Pulleys can be taken new or old in good condition;
  • Pipes of various diameters;
  • Rails - you can make yourself from the corners. It is better to place the corners with an edge up, this is necessary in order to extend the “life” of the wheels;
  • Profile pipes for creating sleepers;
  • Channel.

In addition to materials, you will need the following tools:

  • welding machine;
  • milling machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill, it is more convenient to use an electric one;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • sets of screwdrivers and wrenches;
  • clamp;
  • bolts, nuts and other fasteners;
  • rulers, tape measure, squares, etc.;
  • hacksaw.

Sawmill design

The block principle underlies the organization of work.

It involves various variations of the device, starting with the basic one, where the saw is fed manually, ending with the most complex units, when the saw is fed automatically, the cutting thickness is set, the electronic system is programmed, etc.

Components of the structure:

  • to organize the movement of the sawing tape, a frame with two guides is used;
  • screw mechanism for lifting the tape;
  • hydraulic or spring unit for belt tension;
  • driving and driven wheels (pulleys);
  • wheel guard;
  • tape holder;
  • V-belt transmission;
  • electric motor;
  • rail for movement band saw;
  • eccentric clamps for holding a bar (log);
  • emphasis;
  • wetting liquid tank.

To create an even, reliable product, it is necessary to make drawings according to which the entire structure will be assembled.

At the same time, the drawing must be studied and understood, otherwise you can simply lose not only time, but also money.

First, a frame (fixed part) of the machine is made, which has a U-shape.

It can be made from two channels, which can be replaced by two rails (for lack of the first materials). If you use rails, then they need to be installed so that the sole is on top.

The bed can also be made from corners (50x100 mm).

The height of the channel should be at least 14 cm, the length should be about 8 meters.

Holes must be drilled along the entire length of the materials in increments of 1-1.5 m. After that, with the help of pipes, the length of which is 25 cm, the channels must be pulled together.

Threaded rods or bolts are used for this.

In this case, the structure is additionally strengthened with the help of braces, since it is necessary to achieve the rigidity of the product. See drawing.
Next, a mobile trolley is assembled, the dimensions of which are set depending on the width of the bed, while the trolley on both sides should be slightly larger (about 8 cm) than the bed.

The length of the mobile structure should be approximately 60 cm. Most often, the trolley is made of steel plate, the thickness of which is 46 mm.

A special steering wheel is installed on the side of the structure body, which provides control of the trolley.

The guides on the sides must be equipped with sprockets to which the steering wheel is connected.

The entire structure moves with the help of a tensioned chain, which eliminates the free movement of the steering wheel.

So that during the operation of the sawmill the log does not jump out, it is necessary to make clamps that are made of pipes.

It is more convenient to use pipes whose inner diameter does not exceed 35-40 mm, since movable rods will be installed inside.

Clamps must be placed on the pipes from above. The metal corner is the material from which the clamps are constructed. Clamping cam mechanisms must also be installed.

If the clamping elements are less than 15 mm, then there can be no talk of reliability of the design.

If you take up the engine at the end of the work, then you must purchase it in advance so that the proportions of the entire structure are correct.

For the example under consideration (the length of the bed is 8 m), the engine power must be at least 10 kW, and the saw diameter must not be less than 1 m.

Otherwise, the dimensions of the entire structure must be revised to smaller ones.

In order for a homemade sawmill to work more efficiently, you should pay attention to some recommendations:

  1. The design must be stable and strong, since it is necessary to work with logs of various weights and sizes;
  2. It is necessary to carry out work on the assembly of equipment directly at the place where it is planned to be placed. This is due to the massiveness and heavy weight of the structure;
  3. It is necessary to constantly monitor the operation of the equipment and adjust the settings, since the design is done by hand, without the use of precise programs and computerization;
  4. Home-made sawmills are “scattered” with chips, so you need to either build additional structures or clean up after the work has been completed;
  5. A wide band cut affects the formation of a large amount of waste;
  6. To provide effective work mobile trolley, it is necessary to use gaskets and plates, while the gaskets must be taken in thickness more than the channel by 0.5 mm;
  7. The motor can be easily replaced gasoline engine. This option will be simpler, because you can use a chainsaw, or rather its engine. The chainsaw blade will go as a tape. How to make a gasoline band sawmill, see the video;
  8. All fixing elements must be securely fastened to ensure safe work the whole structure;
  9. To ensure efficient operation, the saw must be sharpened and the teeth set apart.

Disc sawmill

Consider a simpler type of homemade sawmill.

In order to make a circular sawmill, you will need to find a circular saw. An electric motor will be used as a motor.

First you need to make a welded frame, on which you will need to put a metal plate with a slot for the disk. From below, the plate shaft must be attached to the plate on bearings and pulleys.

The wheel of the electric motor is connected to the saw by a belt.

To ensure good belt tension, it is necessary to use the mass of the engine itself, and you can also use weights. The sawmill is ready.

Wood is widely used building material, especially for suburban housing construction. And very often sawmills come to the aid of builders different type. Today we will look at what a homemade band sawmill is, which can process wood of different species.

You will see a video of a homemade band sawmill on the topic of its assembly and find out what are the advantages of this device and how to make it at home.

Advantages of a homemade band sawmill

Band sawmill is universal in terms of the fact that it can work with different tree species and process them into blanks such as:

  • veneer;
  • boards;
  • bars;
  • guards;
  • furniture accessories, etc.

Homemade band sawmill weighs an average of one and a half times more than the material being processed, so the workpieces with its help are of high quality and durable.

Sawing wood on a band-type sawmill is much easier than on other types of this unit. So, sawing can be performed taking into account the characteristics of each wood, and the amount of sawdust will be minimal.

Band sawmills have the following advantages:

To make a homemade band sawmill, you the following details are required:

  • rails;
  • steel corners;
  • channels;
  • bolts;
  • pipes;
  • electric drill;
  • clamping plates;
  • boards or bars;
  • hairpins;
  • braces;
  • chains.

To have a visual representation of the process of assembling a band-type sawmill with your own hands, we recommend watching a video on this topic.

Unit design features

You need to know the design of the band sawmill if you are going to assemble it yourself. Her the scheme is organized according to the block principle, which allows different arrangements. However, it may be simpler, or it may be more difficult. Complex design includes automatic feed a saw blade, a device for determining the thickness of the cut, the current load, as well as elements for feeding by saw logs and others.

The nodes of the band sawmill are as follows:

The frame of the sawmill consists from several welded soles where the rollers are. The frame in the form of the letter "P" consists of channels placed in parallel and fastened to each other. The driving pulley is attached to the end of the frame, and the driven movable pulley is opposite, respectively.

In the middle of the frame on the brackets are collapsible type guides. They include several sections and are easy to transport. The bottom contains support rollers, where the anchor bolts are screwed in, and the log supports are placed at the top. The guides are attached using the channel beam, where the hitch is located. It also helps to move the sawing device. The log on the rails is fastened by means of screw clamps and stops.

Mechanism of sawmill and rails allows you to adjust the logs across the width of the mutually spaced rails, even if the frame is damaged. The guides are suspended so that they do not depend on each other, so if a large log falls, the bed will remain intact. And to make the rails longer, you need to attach a section to them.

For cutting and processing wood, a saw with a width of 60 mm or less is used. And the saw of the band sawmill is tensioned by means of a spring-screw mechanism. There are locks on the front beam and on the sliders of the driven pulley, which help to install and remove the band for sawing.

What should be considered before assembly?

Before work, consider the following nuances:

Stages of assembling a homemade band sawmill

To base the frame of the sawmill, we will need channels 8 m long and 140 mm high. You can use several rails turned upside down, as well as steel corners measuring 50 by 100 mm. All blanks must be straight.

The work steps will be:

  • drill holes in a small amount along the entire length of the channels at a height of about one and a half meters. In the same quantity, make screeds from pipe sections 250 mm long. To fasten channels and ties, take threaded studs or bolts about 300 mm long;
  • mount the guides on racks assembled from channels and bolted together. The number of racks depends on the length of the frame. If it is equal to 8 meters, then there should be 4 pieces. They need to be placed 100 cm from the end of the guides;
  • to give the bed extra strength, put braces. The structure is assembled on site, as it has an impressive weight. To give the guides a horizontal direction, you need to substitute bars or boards under the racks. Also, if necessary, you can dig the ground;
  • assemble a movable trolley based on metal plate 45 mm thick. Its length should be about 60 cm, and the final calculations depend on the dimensions of the electric motor. The width should be such that the edges of the trolley extend beyond the channels on all sides by about 80 mm. Plates and gaskets of one thickness or another will help move the cart along the length of the guides;
  • when assembling the sawmill, make sure that the gap is as small as possible. Also, the gaskets should be about 0.5 mm thicker than the channel shelves. Gaskets and clamping plates are attached to each other by means of special bolts. And in order to prevent lateral play, plates must be screwed to the base of the cart from the side of the bolts;
  • the trolley can also be mounted on bearings, and at the top of it you need to put corners for mounting an electric motor.

Installation of the key components of a band sawmill

To move the trolley with a circular saw along with the engine, special chain required. It is pulled in order to exclude free play, which is installed on one of the bushings on the asterisks along the edges of the guides.

One of the advantages of a homemade band sawmill is to ensure the comfort of work by equipping it with a log fastening mechanism. Such mechanisms are made on the basis of pipes with a diameter of about 40 mm. We insert movable rods into these pipes, at the top we place clamps based on a corner measuring 40 by 40 mm and cam clamping devices. In relation to the existing distance to the cutting line, the length of the clamps should be from 15 mm.

Install the main components of the sawmill:

  • electric motor;
  • file.

It is advisable for the device to purchase an electric motor with a power of 10 kW, and the file should have a diameter of one meter. If you cannot find these elements according to the given parameters, then the bed should be smaller. remember, that component size affects the size of the future sawmill.

As you can see, assembling a band sawmill with your own hands is not so difficult if you understand the design features of this device and have all the necessary components for work on hand. And its high-quality implementation is the key to the successful operation of the device.

Not everyone can afford the purchase of a finished sawmill, especially since it only pays off with constant use (read commercial). Is it possible to make a sawmill with your own hands? What difficulties should a do-it-yourselfer who decides to independently saw up unprocessed logs into industrial wood face?

Homemade band sawmill

Let's make a reservation right away - it is very difficult to make a band sawmill yourself. It's not so much about components, extensive turning and welding work, the need for sharpening and wiring saws in a special way, but in the well-functioning performance of the entire complex.

It is necessary to ensure the loading and stability of movement up to 300 kg of one log, the adjustment of the cutting thickness, and most importantly, safety precautions. But if the availability of free wood won, we make a band sawmill with our own hands.

We will explain the principle of tape cutting with an example: take two spools of thread, stretch a thin tape between them. Forcibly rotating the tape - we cut the log, the distance between the tapes - maximum size timber. It is convenient to cut boards with band saws.

We start with the choice of a production area or premises - at least 3x6 m, verified. The second most important metal wheels trolley and band saw, this must be found or bought. To order a frame of a belt mechanism with wheels, but it is better to buy a ready-made one. Do-it-yourself manufacturing requires skills and a lot of high-precision tooling.

View 1: 1 - rack; 2 - roller; 3 - plate; 4 - screw; 5 - chain; 6 - guide bracket; 7 - movable comb; 8 - screw; 9 - fixed comb; 10 - remote control.
View 2: 1 - pulley for starting the engine (if a three-phase motor is connected to single-phase network); 2 - engine; 3 - pulley; 4 - shaft; 5 - housing with bearing; 6 - base; 7 - flywheel; 8 - finger; 9 - connecting rod; 10 - saw; 11 - screw M14x2; 12 - roller; 13 - guide corner; 14 - rack; 15 - steering wheel; 16 - sleeve; 17 - asterisk; 18 - nut М14х2; 19 - locknut; 20 is an asterisk.

We install guides - any durable smooth metal: I-beam, channel, corner, under them through 0.5 m of support or anchor for stability. The distance between the guides is the diameter of the big log with a margin of about 0.7 m. Maintaining the geometry, we weld everything together. We attach the wheels, the frame of the belt mechanism, the electric motor through the pulley to the trolley.

Consider a change mechanism horizontal movement saws relative to the log. By moving the trolley relative to the fixed log, we cut off the horizontal layer of wood - we make boards.

Circular sawmills have received the greatest handicraft use due to their versatility and ease of manufacture. We will make a circular sawmill with our own hands. Most importantly, we will need a circular saw - a disc of more than 500 mm (the more, the better). The propeller is usually an electric motor, through a pulley that increases the speed.

1 - main sleeper ( steel pipe 80x80x3, 5 pieces); 2 - lining (steel sheet, 40x10x1.22 pieces); 3 - canvas guide (steel channel No. 8, L1750, 4 pcs.); 4 - trolley (hoist carriage); 5 - lower bracket (steel channel No. 18, 2 pcs); 6 - plate - base (stylish sheet s5); 7 - bolt M20) (4 pcs.); 8 - Grover's washer (4 pcs.); 9 - nut M20 (4 pcs.); 10 - asynchronous three-phase electric motor (220 V, 5 kW, 930 rpm); 11 — upper bracket (steel angle 45×45); 12 - blade of a circular saw; 13 - protective casing (steel sheet s2); 14 - steel pin (8 pcs.); 15 - hub of the circular saw (St5); 16 - thrust handle (water and gas pipe 3/4″); 17 - cutting slab; 18 — kerchief resistant (steel sheet s5); 19 — comb (steel angle 45×45, L400); 20 - log; 21 - M30 bolt; 22 - split washer; 23 - washer-lock (steel sheet sЗ); 24 - thrust crossbar (steel corner 45 × 45); 25 - shortened sleeper (steel pipe 80x40x3, 6 pcs.); 26 - pad for extending the web (steel sheet 250x180x10, 2 pcs.).

A welded frame is being prepared, a metal (rarely wooden) plate with a slot for the disk is placed on the frame. The gaps between the disc and the plate are minimal. The saw shaft is attached to the plate from below on bearings and a pulley. The pulley of the electric motor and the saw are connected by belts (reinsurance when the saw is jammed) - a homemade sawmill can work!

one of the options for a homemade sawmill

To tension the belt, use the weight of the engine with the addition of weights. Make the base of the electric motor movable coaxially with the saw shaft, with a deviation under weight in the opposite direction. As a mover, the wheel of a working tractor is often used, driven by a saw pulley without belts.

The principles of cutting are the same as in the band cut - we feed the log to cutting disc. After a disk cut, the surface of the lumber is of higher quality due to the processing speed. Circular sawmills are vertical and horizontal - they are easier to use in mobile installations.

Tire sawmill

It is necessary to start with an understanding of what and how much we will cut. If you need to cut 100 - 200 rafters for a house under construction from free logs, then 400 boards - it is better to use a manual professional chainsaw. Let's do makeshift sawmill from a chainsaw, the method is inexpensive, simple and effective.

drawing the simplest sawmill from a chainsaw (download full drawing)

You will need any equal metallic profile, welding and grinder. We start with the maximum length of the log - practical about 4 m. For such a length you need to find a channel or an I-beam, you can weld it from pieces with reinforcement - the main thing is that the resulting profile is even. We begin to make our autonomous tire sawmill based on a chainsaw.

The design is a strong profile on working height- above the belt along which the fixed chainsaw moves in the cart.

The height is due to ergonomics, a long knee-elbow posture is not useful. Parallel to the main profile, a log is placed on the support frame, a working chainsaw moves along the log and makes the necessary trimming.

A few more details about the features. Main element- the main profile, providing geometrically correct dimensions lumber must be strong and rigid enough if the channel is at least 200. The profile is supported by 3 or more supports connected to the support frame on which the log rests.

If you decide to do chain sawmill with your own hands - be sure to look at the LOGOSOL sawmills. Drawings and documentation can be downloaded on the website and taken as the basis of your homemade product.

The main sawing errors are formed during the vibrations of the cart with the chainsaw, so the advancement of the cart along the profile is at least four rigidly pressed metal wheels, it is necessary to provide manual drive. The simplest is a well crank with a drive wheel along the main profile.

To install a heavy log, slopes are usually set along which it is convenient to push the log sequentially from side to side on the support frame, wedging it on the frame.

The most difficult thing is the adjustment mechanism for the thickness of the product. The simplest way– installation along the edges of the movable vertical plane support frame of screw or any rigid fixation jacks. We adjust the jacks - we adjust the thickness of the product. An example of building a mobile tire sawmill based on a chainsaw can be seen in the photo.

Wood cutting can be done by one person: holding the chainsaw handle and adjusting the gas, we feed with the other hand.


A few thoughts on the feasibility of manufacturing a sawmill. Tested by time and practice - self-production makes sense with free materials. If you calculate the labor costs and materials, and the possible benefits, you will understand for yourself. The worst thing, when self-manufacturing- Few people pay attention to safety. This moment must be considered! Trouble-free operation and quality wood.

How is a do-it-yourself band sawmill made? This question interests many home masters.

Homemade sawmill: View from front side:
1 - rack, 2 - roller, 3 - plate, 4 - screw, 5 - chain, 6 - guide bracket, 7 - movable comb, 8 - screw, 9 - fixed comb, 10 - remote control.

Nowadays, more and more often you can meet people who prefer wooden houses. Therefore, construction teams use in the process of work different types sawmills. But in Lately Band sawmills are becoming the most popular, as they have a lot of positive qualities.

Features of wood processing machine

The tree has long been considered natural material which even our ancestors used. But technological progress does not stand still, and people have come up with a large number of machines for processing wooden materials. One of these machines is considered to be a band sawmill, by the way, it is an indispensable attribute for those who want to build wooden house or works with such material constantly. So, the sawmill perfectly replaces the usual planer for everyone.

Even if after construction wooden house you will not need it, then the machine can generate income. After all, you can take orders for sawing wood, sawing logs and making various wooden blanks. Experts have invented a sawmill that can work with various types trees, namely deciduous and highly resinous. She processes them in such a way that a board, timber, veneer, gun carriage and other types of blanks are obtained.

A home-made band sawmill is often used for the manufacture of blanks, which will later be used for the production of furniture, the creation of shields and glued beams. The machine itself is quite heavy, its mass is 2 times the mass of wood, so you can produce better quality lumber and use the machine longer.

Sawing logs on a homemade band sawmill has a great advantage than others, as it makes work easier. On others tape machines before proceeding to the process of sawing a tree, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of each log. And if sawing takes place on a band sawmill, then the loss of wood is minimal.

The advantage of such a machine is high-quality wood processing, compactness, reasonable price, light construction, low weight, ease of installation and transportation, cost-effectiveness in operation. And most importantly, it consumes a small amount of electricity.

The principle of operation of the band sawmill

The whole process of work consists in performing three stages, namely:

  1. We prepare the material, that is, logs. You can take logs different sizes, but then they must be pre-prepared so that after processing all the material looks the same.
  2. Now let's start the process of processing the tree. To do this, you need to set up the machine, following the instructions, and then set the program, and the technique does everything for you.
  3. The final moment: if you see any errors, then we process them ourselves.

The principle of operation of such a machine is that sawing occurs wooden beam in a stationary state under the action of a moving saw band. It is fixed on the driving and driven pulleys and tensioned with a force that ensures a straight cut.

We lay the log on the machine between two guides and fix it with movable supports.

We set the thickness of the tree ourselves, for this an electronic ruler will come to the rescue or hydraulic mechanism on the machine.

But sawing, laying, clamping and flipping the material you do yourself.

In order to prepare the sawmill for work, it is necessary to sharpen the saw and dilute the teeth. It is important to remember that for different tree you need to independently carry out the process of setting the speed of work.

The entire structure is made with the help of a traveling path and the direction is carried out in one direction, thereby regulating the process, even through mechanical deformation. To ensure the required size, you need to monitor the dimensions of the material being processed.

The stability of the saw blade position is ensured by the mounting of the stabilizing rollers. The first roller is responsible for the immobility of the drive pulley, and the second one moves along the guide, thereby providing a free section of the saw. At this moment, the saw is fed and the log is cut along.

Making a band sawmill with your own hands

Materials and tools:

  • channels;
  • corners;
  • Bulgarian;
  • electric motor;
  • pipes;
  • bolts;
  • racks;
  • braces;
  • boards;
  • bars;
  • steel plate trolley;
  • rollers;
  • chain;
  • asterisks.

How is a band sawmill made by hand?

If you urgently need a band sawmill, and the factory price does not suit you, then you can assemble it yourself.

To do this, you need to know a few nuances:

  1. The basis of this design is two channels, which should have a length of 8 m and a height of 140 mm. For this purpose, two rails can be used, but they must be with the sole up, or corners 50x100 mm. It does not matter what material you take, it is necessary that it be straight.
  2. After you have decided on the material, you need to drill holes, they are made at the same distance - in increments of about 1.5 m. Then we proceed to make screeds, that is, we take pipe sections of the appropriate diameter, the length of which should be 250 mm. To connect everything, we additionally take threaded studs or bolts, the diameter of which is 290-340 mm.
  3. Once everything is assembled, we proceed to the installation on the racks. The number of racks is determined based on the length of the bed. For example, if its length is 8 m, then their number is approximately 4 pcs. End posts should be installed at a distance of 800-1000 mm from the edge.
  4. Further, a do-it-yourself band sawmill is made as follows. To make the bed rigid, you need to additionally install braces. But remember that all this weighs a lot, and you need to install it on the spot. In order to ensure a horizontal direction, you can additionally dig the ground or simply lay boards or bars.
  5. Now you need to install a movable cart, which is usually made of steel plate. Its thickness should be 46 mm and length - 600 mm. True, such parameters directly depend on the size of the electric motor.
  6. And now, you need to pay attention to the gap - it should turn out to be minimal. The thickness of the gaskets must be greater than the thickness of the channel flange. Plates and gaskets are clamped with M8 bolts in the amount of 8 pcs. If possible, the trolley should be mounted on bearings or rollers. Two corners must be installed on top - this is necessary for mounting the electric motor.
  7. For the cart to move with circular saw and engine, an additional chain is needed. It is pulled so that there is no free play at the steering wheel. AND final stage- this is the mounting of sprockets at one of the bushings, which are located along the edges of the guides.

The main elements of a band sawmill are the motor and the saw. Therefore, try to purchase a motor with a power of at least 10 kW, and a saw with a diameter of 1 m. If you cannot purchase such a motor and a saw, then we make the frame smaller.