Well      05/23/2019

How to paint a bed white. How and with what to paint wooden furniture. What paint to paint a wooden bed, table. Features of painting a crib

Why paint a crib? Each family has its own answer to this question. Someone’s kid chewed it with their teeth, someone is trying to create a bright mood in the nursery, or wants to restore inherited furniture. Only one thing is embarrassing - the danger of paint and varnish coatings for the health of the baby. We are solving this issue today, because there are non-toxic paints for updating the interior. Subject to the staining technology, they will help restore the bed in a few days.

In anticipation of the birth of the baby, you need to prepare everything you need in advance, including a crib. If it is not new, then the bed for the child can be updated by painting

How do manufacturers paint beds?

Manufacturers of children's furniture usually use oil paints. They improve appearance beds, give it a velvety even tone, protect the tree from damage and dirt. The added antiseptic components prevent mold and wood decay.

Lacquers used in production water based do not have a pungent odor, pleasant to the touch, allow you to admire the pattern natural wood. They are afraid of chemical detergents, so it is enough to wipe them daily with a damp cloth. It is important that the coating does not contain dangerous lead and formaldehyde (this is indicated in the quality certificates).

How to paint a crib at home?

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It makes sense to paint a crib for a baby if it is not new, because at the time of purchase you can buy furniture for almost any nursery colors. For work, it is important to choose non-toxic paints, observe safety precautions. It is undesirable that future mom updated the coverage. It is necessary to attract close people to this.

For children's furniture, it is necessary to carefully choose the paint, as it must comply with all safety parameters and not include hazardous compounds.

How to paint a baby bed? When choosing materials, it is important to focus not only on the desired shade, but also on complete safety for newborns (see also:). They should not contain toxic solvents, toxic oxides, volatile chemical compounds, salts of heavy metals and other harmful impurities. These requirements are met by the following types of paints:

  1. Acrylic water based. Wear-resistant, easy to use, do not collapse from constant cleaning. However, their cost is quite high.
  2. Nitro paints. Forms a durable fireproof coating. They dry quickly, do not have a pronounced smell, and have a low price for painting 1 sq.m.
  3. Water emulsion. Non-toxic, cover furniture easily and densely, have no smell, can close cracks 1-2 mm deep, last up to 5 years.
  4. Wax oils. Provides flawless coverage qualitative composition. The oils soak into the wood, and the wax creates an outer water-repellent coating. The only drawback is the high cost.

If parents decide to paint the crib on their own, it is important to understand that it is not always possible to achieve the desired color. In addition, the baby may develop a habit of chewing on the sides, which negatively affects health when using paints and varnishes. When selecting paint, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the certificates of conformity with the conclusions issued by state supervisory authorities.

Is it possible to varnish the crib at home?

The most popular color that parents prefer to paint children's furniture is cream, brown, pink, blue. However, many of them only want to emphasize the natural texture of wood and protect it from negative environmental factors. Non-toxic acrylic varnishes are suitable for this. They are transparent, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, chips and damage, and do not have a strong odor. Nitro-varnishes and water-based coatings are not suitable for children's furniture. The first are toxic, the second are impractical, because they are destroyed by liquid.

applied to the surface of the crib acrylic lacquer emphasizes the structure of the tree and gives it a classic natural look

Acrylic composition can cover the furniture at the final stage. Previously, its surface is painted, sanded (sanded with sandpaper No. 80,100) and covered with a water-based stain. In the first case, the furniture will take on a more well-groomed appearance. In the second option, the stain will darken the wood in several layers, and the varnish will emphasize its pattern.

How to quickly remove old varnish from the surface of the crib?

Removing old varnish from furniture will not work quickly. Skills and tools required (Bulgarian, Grinder, a round nozzle on a drill in the form grinding wheel, special wash). Craftsmen recommend using the Dufa Abbeizer wash. However, the product has a smell, it does not behave equally well on all surfaces.

Masters do not advise, without special need, to wash off the existing varnish from a wooden surface. You should walk on the old surface with sandpaper, apply stain (to darken the wood) or paint. After drying, a fresh coating can be applied.

Stages of painting a crib

Before you paint the bed, you need to prepare the materials and surfaces of the furniture. You will need paint, a roller (a small flat and a large round brush), a sponge and a rag. There are aerosol coatings that are applied by spraying, but their use leads to an increase in material consumption. During painting work, you should adhere to the plan:

  • disassemble furniture into elements;
  • clean off old paint(if no coating is planned on top of the existing composition), using a spatula, grinder, brush, chemical wash;
  • remove dust, process resinous knots (if any);
  • putty flaws, chips and cracks;
  • sand the surfaces with sandpaper and remove dust with a rag;
  • if painting on the sides is planned, the surface should be primed after grinding;
  • using a roller or brush, apply a thin layer of paint, carefully covering the ends and the wrong side;
  • after the first layer has dried, apply the next, leave until completely dry.

Coloring is carried out in several layers after complete drying of each

It is correct to paint the bed not with one dense layer, but with two or three thin ones. Carry out the procedure 3 weeks before the start of operation of the furniture. This will allow timely elimination of coating defects and completely weather the most subtle smell of paint. If, after staining, the coating began to bubble and lag behind, the work is redone: the surface is cleaned with sandpaper, degreased and painted. The final drying time takes up to 8 hours.

Often the bed is inherited by the baby from older brothers, sisters, friends and relatives. It does not always have a look that suits the parents, and you have to deal with restoration. The following activities will allow you to update the appearance of a sleeping place in a short time:

  1. Checking the possibility of restoration of the coating. It is important to determine if the old coating contains lead. If this is the case, then the paint has already eaten into the wood, and it is impossible to clean it off. From such a bed should be abandoned.
  2. Safety assessment. Infant bed instructions are subject to change. Furniture that was safe 10-15 years ago may not meet modern requirements. Pay attention to the distance between the sides of the crib. It should not be so large that the baby can stick his head through.
  3. Preparing for a new color. It is worth removing traces of old paint, dusting, sanding, making sure there are no burrs, sharp corners.
  4. Painting. Masters recommend choosing Tikkurila, Dulux, Bright, PF-115, Symphony Winner paints. Tikkurila Miranol, Enamel Poli-R, Krasivo (Kvill) brands are suitable for painting white. Alpina, Tikkurila Euro Pesto, Enamel Aerosol coats are well painted in brown. It is not recommended to use alkyd enamels of red and yellow flowers from manufacturers Kudo, LA-060 Element, PF-115 Lacra because they contain lead.
  5. Choice of bedding. The mattress and linen should be new, similar in size to the bed, so that the baby is comfortable.
  6. Strength test. It is important to make sure that the model is ready for long-term operation. For this, mechanisms and loops that can harm the child are being checked. The frame of the crib can be wrapped in a protective cover that the baby can chew on without harm to himself.

Note to crafty parents: how to make a baby's crib unique?

Various decorations in the form of pillows, pads on the sides of the crib will give not only a unique look, but also create additional protection for baby

give sleeping place baby designer gloss with your own hands can be done in a few days. This inspires parents who love to work on their own to improve the interior of the apartment and house. In this case, it is better to view photos of interiors in children's rooms and act in this way:
(we recommend reading:)

  • think over the author's design of the bed (pattern, decor);
  • choose color pick desired paint(acrylic, latex);
  • calculate the cost of work and proceed to execution;
  • make decor from fabric: patchwork quilt, crib sides, canopy and more (we recommend reading:);
  • add wheels, do ventilation holes in the bottom of the bed;
  • decorate bed linen with applications, stripes according to the style of the nursery.

Parents should be aware that sometimes you can do without paintwork. In this case, the crib should be sanded and left in its natural form. Often, when restoring a baby crib, craftsmen use special wax-oils, which allows them to preserve the natural shade of wood. However, if you want to express the uniqueness of the children's room with the help of certain color, only staining with safe materials will help.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in Clinical Psychology

Future parents should responsibly approach the issue of painting a crib. They must understand that they are risking the health of their child. Therefore, the requirements for paints are based, first of all, on the absence of substances and impurities harmful to the child:

  1. The composition of the material that will be applied to children's furniture should not contain chemical compounds evaporating into the atmosphere. They can cause allergies, mucosal irritation, and other health problems.
  2. Before painting the bed, it is necessary to check the composition for the presence of toxic oxides, salts of heavy metals, toxic chemicals and other harmful substances. It is no secret that in the process of learning about the world, children are very fond of biting everything, so there is a possibility that a small piece of the coating will enter the child's body, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.
  3. Based on the first and second points, the material must be made on the basis of harmless solvents. After drying, particles of solvents used in the manufacture of paints and varnishes will still remain on the surface.
  4. The composition should contain both non-combustible materials and those that will not emit harmful substances during combustion.
  5. The surface of the furniture is always subject to wear due to rubbing, washing, food ingress, humidity and temperature in the room, mechanical stress during games. Therefore, it is necessary to add elasticity, strength, wear resistance, and cleanability to the requirements of the finishing layer.
  6. The finish should be glossy, as matte finishes get dirty quickly and are harder to clean.
  7. The color of the finishing layer should be bright, juicy, cheerful and cheerful, as children are very fond of such shades.

Types and characteristics of materials

Paints and varnishes that meet the above requirements can be divided into several types: acrylic, acrylate, water-based paints and nitro paints. There are also separate special paints and varnishes, but they are rarely used because of the very high cost.

The best choice are acrylic paints water based. They do no harm, are easy to apply, and have a rich color palette. The advantages also include wear resistance, high resistance to mechanical stress, no emissions of harmful substances, long shelf life (5 to 10 years). The structure of acrylic paints is not destroyed due to constant cleaning. However, they also have one drawback: the relatively high cost.

Acrylate materials are also very wear-resistant and elastic. They create a perfectly even coating that is harmless and safe. However, this coating is short-lived and requires careful cleaning and washing.

Water-based coatings are good choice for those who did not use acrylic and acrylate. They are safe, but at the same time short-lived and easily erased.

Oil-waxes are most often recommended by European manufacturers. Consist of natural oil and wax. The oil is deeply absorbed into the wood, while the wax remains on the outside, thus creating a protective water-repellent coating that is resistant to all types of wear and tear. Of the shortcomings, only the high cost can be noted.

Also a good option if there is nothing else at hand. Relatively wear-resistant, the coating is fireproof, durable.

Gives a flawless look. The main disadvantages are high cost and fragility.

Bed painting

For the main work process, you will need a sponge, brush and roller. The roller is needed for applying a layer on even large surfaces. The racks and rods of the crib are processed with a brush. The sponge is used for small parts. There is a paint in an aerosol package, that is, the crib can be painted by spraying. But this method is too expensive and increases the consumption of paint.

During the staining process, care must be taken to ensure that drops do not collect in inappropriate places. Do not use roller or brush a large number of paints.

It will take very little time to work. Let's highlight its main stages:

  1. First you need to remove the mattress from the bed and disassemble it, if possible. Transfer the details to the place where the crib needs to be painted.
  2. If there old layer, then it must be removed. In this case, you will need a building hair dryer, spatula, grinder with a metal brush.
  3. Use fine grit sandpaper to polish the surface of the wood, making it smoother.
  4. Large parts must be polished with a drill with a special round nozzle with emery pads.
  5. Remove dust from all treated surfaces in order to apply the most even layer.
  6. Small parts must be washed in soapy water and dry.
  7. Treat all sanded elements with a stain.
  8. After drying, assemble the bed, connecting all the details tightly.
  9. Apply paint to all parts in two layers.
  10. Next, clean with a cloth or sandpaper the places where the drops have accumulated.
  11. After painting, the bed must be placed outside (for example, on a balcony) so that the paint is completely dry.

You can do it differently. After removing the old layer, putty is applied to wooden surfaces based on a polymer composition.

It covers all cracks, chips and flaws. Further, all the details, similarly to the first method, are polished with sandpaper. The primer is applied. Then everything repeats from point 8.

It is not necessary to paint a baby bed with only one type of material. You can be creative and paint over only some elements, while others can simply be varnished, since the surface of the tree itself is very beautiful. You can make furniture multi-colored. So the baby can learn to distinguish colors.

Notes and Cautions

  1. Staining must be done two to three weeks before the start of operation of the crib in order to identify and eliminate defects after the surface has dried.
  2. If the surface is bubbling and lagging behind in layers, then it must be cleaned again with sandpaper, treated with a solvent and painted again.
  3. Using spray paints work in a well-ventilated area and use personal protective equipment.
  4. Coloring should be done in clean room dust-free, in which there are no flying insects, as they can stick to a fresh layer.
  5. If upper layer dry, this does not mean that the bottom layer is also dry. Final drying takes 7-8 hours.


Based on the above, we can conclude that painting a crib is not very difficult and not too expensive. The main thing is to choose the right material and strictly follow the instructions for performing paint and varnish work.

How to paint a bed so that you get good result? To do this, it is necessary to take seriously not only the preparatory and painting work, but also to the selection necessary materials. Even a small mistake made during the painting process can be fatal.

To neatly and beautifully paint the bed, you need to stock up:

brush or dust cloth, polyethylene, gloves, scraper, spatula, sandpaper (fine), sanding pad or block, masking tape, construction mixer, pallet for paint, brush, roller, paint of the required shade, special varnish for wood, alkyd primer coat, putty or grout, a special agent for cleaning the coating.


1. Before painting the bed, it is necessary to carefully prepare its surface. Often, this takes more time than the painting itself, but nevertheless, work at this stage should not be neglected. A layer of paint will not hide defects on the surface of the bed, so they must be eliminated without fail. Where does preparatory work begin?

  • wipe the surface with sandpaper;
  • the dust formed during grinding must be carefully removed with a dry, clean cloth;
  • if the bed has already been painted, the old coating should be removed using a hard bristled brush or scraper and washed thoroughly with a special detergent;
  • a degreasing compound, an antiseptic, a layer of priming paint are applied to the cleaned base, after it dries, cracks, irregularities, and if necessary, the entire surface are primed. To obtain best result, it is better to apply putty in two layers, especially since when it dries, it shrinks;
  • when the surface dries well, it is necessary to sand it with sandpaper and remove the resulting dust.

Many people wonder how to repaint furniture that was originally dark in white. Of course, you can, it is not difficult to do even at home. The most important thing is how to prepare the piece of furniture that we will be repainting.

First you need to prepare the tools and materials with which we will clean the old coating and apply a new one. You need to choose where the work process will take place, since this is not only the smell of paint, but also its drying. A piece of furniture will be completely ready for use a day after repainting.

You also need to take care of security measures. This is not only goggles and gloves, you also need a respirator or a gauze bandage on your face. It will be needed both from the smells of paint and chemicals, and from dust when removing the old coating and cleaning the surface.

Again, you need to decide where you can repaint the furniture. The room should be well ventilated and should not be small insects, which, sticking to a freshly painted plane, will put all the work down the drain.

What tools and materials will be needed

To clean a piece of furniture from the old coating and paint it, we need:

  • Detergent diluted in warm water- for cleaning and degreasing the surface.
  • Soft brush - sweep away dust after sanding.
  • Primer - for leveling the surface of the product.
  • Putty - for sealing deep cracks, scratches and chips.
  • A set of screwdrivers - disassemble a piece of furniture.
  • Rubber spatula - for priming and puttying.
  • Building hair dryer or chemical special means- to remove old varnish.
  • Acrylic paint in cans or cans.
  • A tray for paint, if it is in a can.
  • Lacquer matt or glossy - to protect and shine the painted surface.
  • Roller - for painting wide surfaces.
  • Brushes - for painting small details and corners.
  • Masking tape or film - to protect non-paintable surfaces (mirrors, glass).

Advice! Choose a primer with a shade that matches the color of the paint. When choosing brushes, make sure that the bristles do not crumble.

What paint to choose

It is better to use furniture and water-based paint (see). These include acrylic compounds, they are non-toxic and breathable, giving the wood the ability to "breathe". This is very important factor This will help protect the product from mold and mildew. In addition, acrylic paints are practically odorless, and we will not have to put the household out of the house while repainting the furniture.

Also good alkyd paints made on the basis organic solvent. Their price is the same as that of acrylic. They are particularly suitable for damp areas such as bathrooms.

Oil paints and nitro paints are suitable if you have a separate room for painting furniture, as they take longer to dry than acrylics and have a rather strong smell.

When choosing a paint, you should immediately pick up the primer under it. Manufacturers produce paint and primer for their paint, so their adhesion will be much more effective.

Arriving at the store, we see what a variety of white paint is presented. What shade to repaint the furniture in white?

Professionals advise taking probes and, attaching them to furniture, observe for several days. For example, lighting is very important when choosing a shade. Natural light changes throughout the day, and in the evening we turn on the light bulbs and the hue changes.

Different tint colors look different. Matte paints create a soft look by absorbing light. Glossy paints reflect light, which makes whites very bright.

Also white colors can be:

  • warm- semitones of red, orange or yellow are added to white.
  • cold- white color with the addition of green or blue undertones.

Interesting! If there is a purple undertone in the white color, then over time the color will begin to appear pink. White paint with yellow undertones has been in vogue for many years and is now considered old fashioned.

Choosing shades white color, you need to take into account both the lighting and the overall picture of the entire interior of the room.

Getting Started

Below is step-by-step instruction how to repaint furniture with your own hands:

  • First you need to properly wash the piece of furniture with detergent diluted in water. We are waiting for complete drying and disassemble the product for spare parts (drawers, doors and handles).
  • We clean all planes with sandpaper with a fine-grained surface. This will help erase the old paint and even out small irregularities in the product.
  • Apply a layer of primer to level the entire surface of the furniture, wait for drying. If there is on the surface deep scratches or chips, seal them with putty. On top, apply another layer of primer.
  • We clean everything from dust and dirt with a soft dry brush, you can also use a vacuum cleaner. It is not recommended to wipe the dust with a damp cloth, as the dirt will clog into the pores and cracks of the surface.
  • We cover the places that we will not paint with masking tape or film. You also need to protect the floor and nearby objects, especially if you use spray paint.
  • On a completely dried product, apply the first coat of paint and wait for it to dry completely. Only then can the next layer be applied. Two or three layers are enough for a piece of furniture to acquire a new white color.
  • When all layers of paint are completely dry, you can apply a layer of varnish. Depending on what you want to see, you can use both glossy varnish and matte. It will protect furniture from wear and tear and give a special charm.

Old lacquered furniture

Yes, just like repainting polished furniture and any other. The only catch is the old cracked varnish or polish. E

It can be removed in several ways:

  • The mechanical method is the cheapest and most affordable, but also the longest and most laborious. Old polishing or varnishing is removed with sandpaper or a scraper. After choosing it, do not forget to wear safety glasses so that dust and small pieces do not get into your eyes.
  • The chemical method is quite expensive, it's special chemical substances applied to old surface and then washed off with water. They come in the form of powder, gel, foam and so on. When removing old varnish in this way, you need to protect the skin and mucous membranes.
  • The thermal method removes the old coating with a building hair dryer. Heating the plane with one hand, scrape off the polish or varnish with the other. With this method, you need to be careful with temperatures so that ignition does not occur.

Important! The thermal method of cleaning the surface of old varnish is not suitable for all types of coatings. Heating may not remove the top layer, but simply char the surface.

In the video in this article you can see how to remove the old coating.


Having tried, to the question whether it is possible to repaint the furniture in a different color, we can safely answer - of course, you can.

How to paint a children's wooden crib? - This question worries every parent who is faced with this problem. Often parents are puzzled by this question when they decide to update the paintwork on children's furniture. This may simply be due to the natural wear and tear of materials over time or in the event mechanical damage. Today we will figure out what paint to choose, how to spend everything necessary actions which products are safe for your baby's health.

Features of covering children's furniture

Before proceeding with the decision of the question of how to paint wooden bed necessary to choose the right paint product. The main condition is the choice of a remedy that would not harm the health of the baby. Below we will give you some tips on choosing materials for the external transformation of children's furniture.

  • The composition of the paint and varnish should be free of harmful substances, as they will evaporate into the air and can adversely affect the health of the baby. The child may develop itchy skin, irritation of the nasal mucosa, or cough.
  • Paints should not contain heavy metal salts, harmful organics, toxic chemicals and toxic oxides.
  • Stop your choice on a water-based harmless paint and varnish product. Don't opt ​​for phenol, xylene or toluene.
  • Please note that the material must be non-flammable.
  • The paint must be elastic and durable, as all children's furniture often needs to be wiped several times a day with a cloth.
  • According to aesthetic characteristics, it is better to give preference to bright saturated colors - such furniture pleases children more.

Important! When deciding what paint to paint a crib, and buying a paintwork, it is worth checking the safety certificates for this product from the seller. This is your right, but upon inspection, you will be sure of the quality of the products.

The main materials for painting children's furniture and their advantages

As we wrote above, it is best to give preference to water-based paints or products made from natural oils.

Materials used for painting:

  • acrylic and latex paints, which are designed to cover the tree:
  • acrylic-polyurethane products for furniture;
  • acrylic based enamel;
  • scuba diving;
  • oil wax

Let's take a closer look at each material.

Acrylic and latex paints - advantages:

  • safe for the body;
  • impeccable quality of a paint and varnish product;
  • a wide selection of rich shades;
  • strong and elastic surface film.

Acrylic-polyurethane paint - advantages:

  • high strength;
  • long period of use;
  • resistant to damage;
  • waterproof;
  • large selection of colors.

Acrylic enamels

Scuba diving and oil wax

These types of paints are made on different bases. However, they are in demand, as they repel water, are resistant to damage and are absolutely safe.

Important! All the paints that we talked about meet all safety certificates and are great for deciding what paint to paint a crib. However, due to the large number of tests they regularly take, their cost is above average.

We paint a crib at home

To paint a baby crib with your own hands, you will need:

  • dye;
  • brush;
  • roller;
  • sponge.

Important! In the process of painting, it is worth making sure that the paint lays down in a thick layer and does not run into one place. To do this, do not collect a large amount of paint on the working tool.

Instructions for painting the bed with your own hands:

  1. We remove the mattress from the crib and all other things that were present on it.
  2. We take out the attribute of children's furniture in a well-ventilated area.
  3. If there is an old layer of paint, it must be removed. To perform this action, you will need a spatula, grinder with metal nozzle in the form of a brush and a building hair dryer.
  4. Using sandpaper, fine-grained paper, it is necessary to clean the entire surface that you plan to paint. For large areas, it is worth using a drill with a special nozzle for polishing surfaces.
  5. We remove dust from the cleaned crib.
  6. Small parts that do not require painting, wash in soapy water and water. We drain.
  7. We process stain all surfaces.
  8. We are waiting for the complete drying of the crib.
  9. We collect it into a single whole.
  10. We apply paint to all surfaces. This action needs to be done in two stages.
  11. In the place where drops of paint have accumulated, carefully clean it with sandpaper or a cloth.
  12. We take out the bed on the street or balcony and leave it to dry completely.

Important! When deciding how to paint a wooden bed, you can apply a special primer after removing the old coating layer. This tool will get rid of cracks, chips, scratches and other irregularities.

If you are thinking about painting a crib with your own hands, then you can make an attribute of children's furniture with your own hands not only in one color, but also use different shades. Show your imagination and make the baby's bed unique.

  • If your baby has not yet been born, but only plans for his appearance, then it is recommended to paint the crib three weeks before the appointed date. In this case, you will eliminate all defects and make children's furniture beautiful.
  • In the event that the coating has peeled off, it is necessary to remove the old paint with solvents and sandpaper, and repaint the furniture.
  • Use of aerosol paints is possible. Then the painting must be carried out on the street in special clothes that will protect your body.
  • Follow the painted product. Dust, midges and other insects should not get on the surface.
  • It will take about eight hours to dry the furniture.