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Replanting indoor flowers in October is favorable. Favorable days for replanting indoor plants and flowers

Everything in the world is interconnected, so the existence of one is to some extent determined by the characteristics of the other. Nature is inherently very whimsical and in order to “cooperate” with it efficiently, you need to follow some of its rules. In this article in general view The results of astrologers' research on replanting house plants, which can protect against unpleasant moments associated with the negative influence of the Moon, are presented.

One of the most important rules For the gardener, when replanting plants, there is guidance on the peculiarities of the moon’s condition. This is explained by the fact that, according to science, all living organisms, consisting in particular of water, are susceptible to the influence of this celestial body.

Transplanting plants according to the lunar calendar 2017

The lunar calendar is compiled by certain specialists in order to facilitate the process of high-quality growing of plants. The main criterion for dividing the days of the year into favorable and unfavorable is the state of the Moon. According to their definitions, during the growth phase of the Moon, the juice present in the plant rises up the stem and saturates it completely.

It is on these days that you can notice how flowers come to life, become less susceptible to the negative influences of the environment and better adapt to a new habitat.

If the Moon is in its waning phase, the sap does not nourish the plant, but goes to the root or planting site.

Home flowers: features of transplantation according to the lunar calendar

If you want to turn your home into something beautiful and bright with the help of houseplants, you should listen to some rules that are relevant in any month of the year.

  1. During the period when the Moon is in the full moon phase, It is not recommended to plant or replant flowers. It is at this time that all nutrients are sent to the root system of the plant. But it is also worth noting that cultures whose value lies in the root are the exception.
  2. You should not deal with seedlings during a solar or lunar eclipse. It is believed that these days are a period for the rebirth of nature. All living things freeze and rest in order to enter life with renewed strength. Astrologers also take these phases into account when compiling the lunar calendar.
  3. You can plan plant transplantation based on the state of the Moon in a certain zodiac sign. Astrologers consider the signs of Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, and Pisces to be favorable. It is better to refrain from transplantation during the periods of Aquarius and Leo. All other signs are considered neutral or have an average effect on plant growth.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants: January 2017

Winter is not the most favorable time of year for seedlings. During this period, plants slow down their growth and only need appropriate care, which includes regular watering, control of harmful insects and fertilizing the soil.

According to astrologers, it is better to avoid circumcision or grafting of seedlings in January. But still, if you still need to do this, you should be especially careful so as not to find yourself in the snares of the bad influence of the Moon. Engage in transplantation indoor plants better during the period from 1 to 11 and from 28 to 31 January.

  • You need to refrain from working with seedlings on such days: 13-27
  • The most unsafe day to transplant plants: 12

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants: February 2017

The days in February become an order of magnitude longer, so this month is favorable for starting replanting. It is worth considering that an eclipse of the Sun and Moon is expected in February, and on these days you need to be especially attentive to the plants and try to provide them with the necessary rest.

It is better to transplant during the period from 1 to 10 and from 26 to 28 January. Negative influence Moons are possible on the days from January 12 to January 25. Very unsafe days for transfer: 11, 26.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants: March 2017

This month, experienced gardeners are trying to prepare plants for replanting or for planting seedlings in the ground. Favorable days this month will have the best impact on the efficiency of fertilizing and pruning plants. The favorable influence of the Moon is expected during the period from 1 to 11 and from 28 to 31 March. Bad or neutral influence is possible during the period from March 13 to 27. It is recommended to avoid all work with seedlings March 12.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants: April 2017

With the arrival of spring, plants renew their strength and are ready to change their habitat. This month is ideal for transplantation, especially on favorable days: 1-10, 26-30. It’s worth avoiding such robots April 12-25. It is not recommended to replant plants at all. 11 April.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants: May 2017

This month is favorable for manipulating plants that are replanted with seedlings or tubers. On the right days, the transplant result will be amazingly good. Astrologers recognized such days May 1-10, 25-31. It is worth refraining from transfers during the period from 12 to 24 May. Scientists are categorically against plant transplantation May 11.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants: June 2017

If you follow the advice of astrologers, then this month you can contribute to the excellent adaptation of transplanted plants in the new soil.

In June, according to astrologers, it is better to do this on days from 1 to 8 and from 24-30. Days considered unfavorable for transplantation from June 10 to June 23. It is worth refraining from all work with seedlings the 9th of June, since on this day everything is set against the favorable growth of seedlings.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants: July 2017

With the help of scientific advice, this month you can create an excellent greenhouse in your home that can harmonize home comfort, clear the air of dust, which is very common in summer.

Also this month, gardeners often observe a deterioration in plant growth, which is due to the heat and lack of humid air. You can cope with this with the help of appropriate manipulations carried out at a favorable time according to the lunar calendar. Transplantation is best done with 1 to 8 and with July 23 to July 31. You can harm plant growth even more by replanting on days with July 10 to 22. A very unfavorable day for transplantation - July 9.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants: August 2017

The moon will be in its waxing phase on days from 1 to 6 and from 21 to 31 August. During this period, it is better to replant plants that require growth along the stem and leaves. Days of the moon's waning: from 8 to 20 August. During this period, it is better to plant seedlings, in which the root and soil play the main role. It is necessary to refrain from any manipulations with indoor plants. August 7 and 21.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants: September 2017

According to experienced gardeners, replanting plants in the autumn season also has its advantages. Autumn cooling promotes hardening of plants and better adaptation to a new place.

Astrologers consider the period from 1 to 5 and from 20 to 30 September. The negative influence of the Moon on seedlings will be present during from 7 to 19 September. A very negative day for seedlings was determined 6 September.

Gardeners advise replanting all possible types of bulbous plants on days this month that are favorable for seedlings. The result will not be long in coming.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants: October 2017

You can overcome the autumn blues, which may already begin this month, by working on creating summer comfort in your home. For this purpose, any work on indoor plants, purchasing new ones, replanting and replanting old ones will be relevant.

To obtain maximum effect from transplantation, astrologers advise doing it during the period from 1 to 4 and from 19 to 31 October. It is better to refrain from such work during the period from October 6 to October 18, since the Moon will not contribute to your plans. October 5– the most unsafe day for transplantation.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants: November 2017

Even the most avid gardeners can not be discouraged by the inability to do their favorite work in the garden. This activity can be replaced by caring for house plants.

But in order to get not only pleasure, but also the desired result, it is better to do this during the period from 1 to 3 and from 18 to 30 November. Unsuitable days for this type of activity: from 5 to 17 November. It is better to completely eliminate plans for seedlings November 4, since on this day the Moon will be most opposed to plant growth.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants: December 2017

Gardeners recommend, if possible, not to replant flowers this month, as their growth is significantly slowed down due to the cold. But if this is still a necessary measure, then it is worth taking into account the advice of astrologers. This will help avoid the negative consequences of transplantation and get the maximum possible benefit from this process.

1, 2 and from 18 to 31 December nature is maximally tuned to work with seedlings, and vice versa, from 4 to 17 December You should refrain from such work. A particularly unfavorable day for transplantation is considered December 3.

Lunar calendar: orchid transplantation

One of the most popular and beloved houseplants is the orchid. Caring for this flower is quite simple, but in order not to harm it, it is better to use all possible precautions, including advice from astrologers on transplantation.

Despite the fact that caring for an orchid is not very difficult, these flowers do not really like to be replanted, so this should be done strictly on days in which the Moon promises a good end to this process.

For perfect flower growth experienced gardeners It is recommended to replant the plant, grasping it entirely, which will help avoid possible mechanical damage. It is better to do this in a quiet and calm environment, while touching the roots with extreme caution. It is also worth considering the fact that these flowers are most afraid of excess water. Therefore, it is better not to water it for some time after transplantation, or to do so in moderation.

Lunar calendar: violet transplants

This flower is present in almost every house of house plant lovers. To always please the eye with a beautifully growing violet, you should follow some rules for transplanting flowers according to the lunar calendar:

  1. The moon in its growth phase has the most positive effect on the process of transplanting violets. Also during this period, cultivating the plant and loosening the soil will be effective.
  2. The waxing Moon is able to fill the violet to the maximum with water, which is very necessary for its growth, so these days watering the flower will be very useful.
  3. The full moon phase can have a beneficial effect on the results of various manipulations to fertilize the plant. During the full moon you should refrain from cutting the plant in any way.
  4. You can trim dry leaves the day before the new moon and the day after the new moon. Directly on the day of the new moon, astrologers prohibit any work with seedlings.

In order to get the maximum effect from replanting house plants, following only the lunar calendar is too little. It is also worth taking into account the individual “wishes” of plants. And for avid skeptics, it would be worthwhile to at least try to check the effect of the Moon on a flower. After all, it very often happens that, having done all the manipulations with a transplant perfectly, the result does not meet expectations. Do not forget that success goes hand in hand with those who exclude all possible negative factors influencing the work performed.

Video: Lunar calendar in floriculture

In almost every home there are several pots of indoor flowers on the windowsill. Someone really loves such plants, willingly cares for them and is interested in new specimens. For some, it doesn’t matter what kind of flowers are on the window, as long as they look attractive and don’t require special attention. But in any case, even the most unpretentious crops require minimal care, including periodic replanting. And it is best to perform it in accordance with the phase of the moon. And today we will talk about when you can replant indoor flowers in November 2017 according to the lunar calendar...

Since ancient times, people began to pay attention to the fact that the lunar cycle affects the growth processes of living cells. And over time, it was proven in practice that the development of plants really depends largely on the phase of the Moon, as well as on the location of our satellite in a certain zodiac sign.

When is it worth replanting flowers according to the lunar calendar??

So, when the Moon wanes, the vitality of plants tends to the roots, and when it grows, accordingly, to the stems, flowers and fruits (to the aboveground part). Therefore, to prevent the root system from being injured during transplantation, readers of Popular About Health need to carry out such work during the period of the waxing Moon. At the same time, at the new moon stage, it is not recommended to work with plants at all, since the crops will not receive enough vital energy for growth and development. The full moon is also not considered a favorable time for replanting; during this period, flower growers advise fighting pests and loosening the soil around the plants.

How to determine the phase of the moon?

When the night sky is clear and the Moon is not visible at all, this is the New Moon period. Afterwards, a narrow sickle appears in the sky; if you mentally “draw” a stick to it, you will get the letter “P” - this is the growing Moon. It gradually begins to increase and grows to a full disk - this, accordingly, is the Full Moon. Then the disk begins to shrink, becoming a thinner and thinner sickle every day, it is bent in the other direction and looks like the letter “C” - this is the period of the waning moon. It gets smaller and smaller until it disappears. And everything repeats again, a new lunar cycle begins.

Best time for replanting indoor plants depending on the Zodiac

The development of indoor plants also largely depends on what sign the Moon was in at the time of transplantation. It is best to carry out such work when our satellite is in the sign of Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces.

The optimal time to replant is November 2017

November 2017 begins with the waxing Moon, which is in the sign of Aries. This is not a favorable period for transplantation. The full moon follows, and then the moon begins to wane.

Already from the nineteenth of November, the Moon begins to grow again, but the optimal time for transplanting indoor crops comes on the twenty-first of November, when it is in the house of Capricorn. This period will last until the twenty-third of November inclusive, after which the Moon will enter the sign of Aquarius and the transplantation work will have to be postponed until later.

The next favorable period for transplantation begins on November twenty-sixth (Sunday), the waxing Moon will be in the sign of Pisces and will remain there until November twenty-ninth inclusive. There will be no more optimal time for working with indoor flowers this month.

So, it is best to replant plants according to the lunar calendar in November 2017. November 21 – 23 and November 26 – 28.

Experienced indoor plant lovers recommend replanting such crops in the spring, adhering to the lunar calendar. But in some cases there is an urgent need to transfer the plant to a new pot in the fall or even winter. In such a situation, it is important to provide the flower with comfort and tranquility after transplantation, provide it with sufficient lighting, a suitable watering schedule and optimal humidity indoor air.

Indoor plants are very much influenced by the Moon. For better care behind them we made up moon calendar for 2017 so that your home always has lush and beautiful flowers.

When caring for flowers, remember that the waxing Moon has the most beneficial effect on their growth. It makes the above-ground part of plants very susceptible. The waning moon, on the contrary, concentrates energy in the roots. Such facts are extremely important to take into account not only for indoor crops, but also for garden crops. Find out more aboutwhen to plant seedlings and flowers according to the lunar calendar, so that your labors are not in vain.


January 3 and 4: The moon will be passing through the constellation Pisces at this time, which means it’s time to start watering the plants. Especially when it comes to plants that require a lot of water. It is not advisable to trim shoots these days.
January 7 and 8: The influence of the earth sign Taurus will increase. It is very favorable these days to prepare cuttings, water the plants and remove dried leaves. But you should not disturb the roots of plants, so as not to harm them.
January 11 and 12: Be sure to water and feed your house plants. The constellation Cancer will have a beneficial effect on their development. It is not advisable to trim leaves on this day. But you can cultivate the soil if necessary.
January 30 and 31: The Moon will return to the sign of Pisces again, which will allow you to identify plant diseases or the fact that they are in an unfavorable place in time. If you were planning to buy new flower, don’t delay: it will take root well.


February 7, 8 and 9: The moon will pass the constellation Cancer. Choose a time to water the plants deeply and, if necessary, fertilize them. Do not spray plants during these days: the leaves are very susceptible and may react poorly to exposure.
February 16 and 17: The strong energy of Scorpio will help, with proper care, to make plants healthier. It is useful not only to rid plants of yellow leaves, but also prune their greenery: they will grow and become even more beautiful.
February 21, 22 and 23: lunar Capricorn will help you successfully fight diseases and pests, if any. The roots will be very receptive on this day, so it is important not to overwater the plants.


March 2, 3 and 4: Very good days for caring for indoor plants. The moon in the constellation Taurus will have a positive effect on the transplantation of plants for which this is possible. Trimming the leaves will help the flower become more luxuriant and pleasing to the eye.
March 11 and 12: The Moon will be under the influence of Virgo. Watering and feeding indoor plants will be successful, according to the lunar calendar for 2017. If necessary, you can replant the flowers: you are unlikely to damage their roots.
March 21 and 22: treat plants to remove yellowed leaves. Watering and grafting indoor plants under the influence of Capricorn will benefit them. Be sure to take a closer look: maybe you should choose a different place in the house for some flowers.
March 30 and 31: Avoid pruning indoor plants these days. Thanks to the positive energy of Taurus, planting and replanting will be successful, and the plants will definitely take root.


April 1st and 2nd: The moon will pass the constellation Gemini. Its influence will have a particularly positive effect on the care of climbing and hanging indoor plants. Watering and fertilizing should be done only as needed.
April, 4: set aside time for watering indoor plants, as well as for feeding them. Under the influence of the Cancer sign, you can successfully prune flowers on this day, but you should refrain from replanting, especially hanging plants.
11 April: According to the lunar calendar of plants, on this day you can start replanting: this is facilitated by the positive energy of Libra. Try not to trim or damage the leaves to prevent the flowers from getting sick.
April 13: Thanks to your position in the sign of Scorpio, watering and spraying will make your indoor flowers even more beautiful and more resistant to diseases. But avoid transplanting: the roots are very sensitive.
April 19: Excessive watering is not recommended, as this can even cause disease. The Moon will pass through the sign of Capricorn, which is very favorable for removing unnecessary shoots, yellowed leaves and pruning.
April 27: The constellation Taurus will come into force. According to the lunar calendar, you can not only replant plants if necessary, but also perform any manipulations. But if you remove shoots, do it carefully so as not to harm the plant.
April 30: the influence of the Cancer sign will have a very positive effect on plant care. You can also buy new indoor flowers: they will bring comfort and warmth to your home. It is important to water the plants on this day.


1st of May: one of the most have a nice day this month to work with indoor plants. Lunar influence The constellation Cancer will promote rooting and replanting; abundant watering is also very important.
May 9, 10 and 11: The position in the constellation Scorpio is not suitable for replanting flowers and trimming leaves. Otherwise, there is a big risk of harming them. Water those flowers that require a large number of moisture.
May 19 and 20: It is not advisable to treat against pests and diseases: there is a possibility of burning the roots and leaves. On this day, the Moon will pass through the constellation Pisces, which is positive for plant transplantation.
May 30 and 31: Leo energy is suitable for crown formation indoor trees, pruning and removing yellowed parts of plants. According to the lunar calendar for 2017, it is important not to overwater or feed plants.


June 3: If you plant or replant plants on this day, they will definitely be very beautiful and they will have a charming, pleasant smell. Since the influence of the Libra sign will increase, you can purchase flowers such as an orchid, rose or hibiscus.
June 5th and 6th: Under the strong energy of Scorpio, you can successfully graft plants, but you must be very careful when influencing the roots. Therefore, it is best to avoid root feeding.
June 7: The Moon will pass through the constellation Sagittarius. If you plant a new indoor plant on this day, it will bloom very quickly. Refrain from watering: because it works fire sign, water will affect very badly.
June 28: On this day, it is advisable to care for low-growing flowers; they can be replanted and worked with the roots. The vaccination also goes well: this is facilitated by the influence of the Virgo sign.


July 3 and 4: Scorpio as a Water Sign will have a positive effect on the care of flowers, so they can be planted and replanted absolutely harmlessly. It is also useful to prepare cuttings and graft plants.
July 8th and 9th: The Moon will pass through the sign Capricorn. If necessary, change the soil in the pots and replant indoor flowers. According to the lunar calendar for 2017, these days will be favorable for working with plants that have a developed root system.
July 26 and 27: The influence of the constellation Virgo will increase. For ornamental plants this is especially good since there are more flowers than usual. Therefore, everyone who grows indoor flowers is recommended to plant them or buy new ones on this day.
July 30: on this day the Moon will be under the influence of the sign Scorpio. Fertilizing will be useful as it will strengthen the plants and make them more resistant to diseases. It is not advisable to dive.


August 2 and 3: Flowers planted under the influence of Sagittarius will quickly grow, become tall and gain color. Their health will be adversely affected by excessive watering and pruning of leaves. It is especially good to take care of indoor plants on this day.
August 5th and 6th: lunar Capricorn makes plant roots susceptible, so it is better not to plant flowers or feed them. It is useful to wipe the wide leaves and water, but in normal quantities.
August 21: one of the most unfavorable days in August 2017. It is advisable to give both yourself and the plants a rest. The influence of the constellation Leo does not have the best effect on watering and fertilizing, since this can damage the roots.
August 24 and 25: position in the constellation Libra is good for caring for indoor plants. When planted and transplanted, they grow lush and beautiful. Wipe and spray the flower leaves.


September 5, 6 and 7: The Moon, passing through the sign of Pisces, will have a positive effect on watering plants, but it is best not to use pest control products. Otherwise, you risk harming the flowers.
September 14: The positive impact of the Cancer sign is suitable for watering and replanting. Root feeding and foliar spraying may be necessary. It is advisable not to move flowers from their usual places on this day: your pets may feel worse.
September 25, 26 and 27: the influence of the constellation Sagittarius will increase; Do not trim leaves or remove shoots on this day: indoor flowers will be especially susceptible. It is useful to carry out root feeding.
September 29: It is not advisable to work with the roots of indoor plants, because they are very susceptible and can be easily damaged. On the other hand, grafting will be successful, since the position of the Moon in the sign Capricorn facilitates easy grafting.


October 3 and 4: according to the lunar calendar, it will be useful to slightly loosen the soil at the roots of the flowers and water them. Fish will have a positive effect on the development of indoor plants. First of all, take care of those that prefer a lot of moisture.
October 11 and 12: The moon will pass the constellation Cancer. If desired, it is very useful to purchase plants on these days that ionize the air well, such as ficus benjamina, fragrant dracaena or chlorophytum crested. According to scientists' research, they belong to15 colors that purify the air best in the house.
October 20, 21 and 22: Being under the influence of Scorpio, the Moon these days will help improve the health of indoor flowers. Root feeding will have a positive effect.
October 25 and 26: the lunar Capricorn in October 2017 will make the roots of plants noticeably more receptive, so it is not advisable to use root feeding. And the opposite good action this will have an effect on the pinching of flowers.


November 1st and 2nd: Most often, the constellation Aries does not have the best effect on working with indoor plants, but these days it is very useful to free flowers from excess shoots and leaves. Watering flowers these days is highly undesirable.
15th of November: the position in Libra is not suitable for pinching and diving. Wipe the leaves and spray them - the flowers will breathe and process the air better. Pay special attention to flowering indoor plants.
November 21, 22 and 23: the constellation Capricorn will have a positive effect on cuttings, since the shoot will quickly develop a strong root system. It is useful to buy succulents during this period.
November 27 and 28: being in the constellation Pisces, the Moon will have a beneficial effect on watering and loosening. But don’t start treating indoor plants against diseases and pests. If you want to buy new flowers, the ones that take root best are those that absorb a lot of water.


December 1st and 2nd: Taurus is one of the most favorable constellations for caring for plants. Violets purchased during the period of his influence take root especially well in the house. Check if the flowers have diseases or pests, and treat them if necessary.
December 14 and 15: The Moon will be in the sign of Scorpio. Use its influence to nourish the roots of indoor flowers: they will gain strength and become much more resistant to diseases and pests.
December 24 and 25: Both days are suitable for heavy watering. Make sure that the soil in the pots remains slightly moist: during the increased influence of the sign of Pisces, a lot of water will be required
December 28th: For the second time this month, the Moon will pass the constellation Taurus. According to the lunar calendar for 2017, pruning and picking are not recommended. Low-growing plants will take root especially well these days.

Flower growers can create a New Year's mood not only by buying gifts, but also by tending to their winter garden. You can grow beautiful plants and also please yourself blooming garden in the middle of a cold winter.

Lunar energy affects plants. To keep your flowers in excellent condition, use the lunar calendar. Proper care on days favorable according to the lunar calendar will give strength to your beautiful plants. In the last month of the outgoing year, you will be able to grow new flowers that can bring happiness into your life.

Favorable and unfavorable days for replanting and caring for plants

December 1-2: The waxing Moon will spend these days in the constellation Taurus. Favorable energy allows you to care for plants, replant, loosen and water. Special attention focus on tropical flowers. Their active growth may require additional fertilizer.

December 3-4: The constellation Gemini will not have a positive effect on your plants these days. During the Full Moon on December 3, they need rest. On December 4, you should limit yourself to watering as needed and loosening the soil. Avoid active manipulations so as not to harm the root system and stems.

December 5-6: The fertile constellation Cancer allows you to replant plants, but be careful with the root system so as not to harm actively developing shoots. These days, moderate watering and crowning of large plants will have a beneficial effect on their development.

December 7-8: the waning of the Moon in Leo will be the most unfortunate time for plants. This Sign does not have a positive effect on them. Give your garden a rest and limit misting to broadleaf plants, including dusting ficus leaves so they can freely absorb carbon dioxide.

December 9-10: under the influence of Virgo, you can start sowing plants. Previously harvested seeds will have excellent germination qualities, and annual flowers will delight you with beautiful blooms at the end of winter. Pay attention to bulbous plants. For them to gain color, they need special care and additional minerals.

December 11-13: The waning Moon is in Libra, which means it’s time for active work in the home garden. This time can be devoted to growing unusual plants. For example, you can try to grow peanuts that will have excellent taste.

December 14-15: The moon continues to wan and these days it will be in the constellation Scorpio. This fertile Sign is suitable for any manipulation with plants. In mid-December, you can plant annual bulbous flowers so that they will delight you with abundant blooms during the spring holidays.

December 16-18: The constellation Sagittarius has little effect on plants, so during a three-day period you should limit yourself to minor care. For example, water flowers or carefully loosen the soil. During the New Moon on December 18th, give your winter garden rest so as not to harm the shoots with inappropriate interference.

December 19-20: The moon in its growth phase will have a positive effect on plants these days. She moves to the constellation Capricorn, which allows her to take care of capricious plants. Remove excess shoots and tie up climbing stems to prevent fragile stems from breaking. Also pay attention to orchids that may be preparing to bloom.

December 21-23: The Moon will remain in the constellation Aquarius for three days. This Sign does not have a strong effect on plants, so it makes no sense to greatly disturb the home garden. However, you can soak the seeds for further planting, and also prepare a soil mixture for future plantings.

December 24-25: The Moon in the Sign of Pisces will have a positive effect on plants. This means that you can not only take care of your flowers, but also start breeding new varieties, trying yourself as a breeder.

December 26-27: under the influence of Aries, the growth and development of plants may slow down, and your intervention will only do harm. During this period, it is worth giving your flowers a rest, limiting yourself to spraying with warm water.

December 28-29: On Thursday and Friday, the favorable energy of the night luminary will help plants actively develop. To support their growth, apply mineral fertilizers. Also these days you can replant overgrown shoots so that they can develop freely in larger pots.

December 30-31: The growth of the Moon continues, and it will spend the last days of December in the constellation Gemini. This time will be good for caring for climbing plants. Accelerated flower growth will require additional care, so make sure the stems are well supported.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, you can achieve beautiful blooms and decorate your home with fragrant flowers. Also during this month you can grow young lettuce. It will be a wonderful addition to the New Year's table, and you will receive an additional source of vitamins. We wish you good mood, and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.11.2017 06:04

ABOUT unusual properties geraniums were already known in ancient times. Previously, this plant was grown to cleanse...

Lunar energy affects the health and development of plants. A detailed lunar calendar will help you properly care for them in July 2017.

The change in the phases of the Moon immediately affects the condition of plants, which are especially sensitive to lunar energy. That is why it is extremely important to take care of indoor flowers, taking into account changes in the energy field. Bioenergetics experts claim that the human energy field is also extremely sensitive to changes in lunar phases. You can harmonize your condition with the help of effective Tibetan hormonal gymnastics.

Favorable and unfavorable days for replanting and caring for plants

July 1-2: The beginning of the month welcomes the waxing Moon in the constellation Libra. This period is favorable for transplantation climbing plants with a weak root system.

July 3-4: The moon continues to grow and moves into the constellation Scorpio. This Sign has a beneficial effect on the development and growth of indoor flowers, so watering and fertilizing the soil will be especially useful these days.

July 5-7: waxing Moon in the constellation Sagittarius. This time is good for replanting plants and loosening the soil: the energy of the constellation will help the root system to grow stronger faster.

July 8-9: the waxing Moon enters into alliance with the constellation Capricorn. On July 8, replanting indoor flowers is not recommended, but watering and fertilizing will come in handy. On the Full Moon, July 9, it is not recommended to disturb plants. At this time they need complete rest. The freed up time can be devoted to walks in the fresh air, combined with meditation while walking.

July 10-12: The moon begins to wane in the constellation Aquarius. This period is unfavorable for caring for indoor plants, so it is best to limit yourself to moderate watering of the soil.

July 13-14: The Moon moves into the constellation Pisces. This period is extremely favorable for replanting flowers and fertilizing the soil.

July 15-16: The moon continues to wane and moves into the constellation Aries. This time is not conducive to the development and health of plants, so they should not be replanted, pruned or fertilized on these days.

July 17-18: waning moon in Taurus. This two-day period is well suited for any care for capricious indoor flowers. Taurus energy can help them take root after transplantation and significantly extend the flowering period that began on one of these days.

July 19-20: The moon moves into the constellation Gemini. This period is not very favorable for caring for indoor plants. The air element of Gemini can positively influence the biofield of flowers only during loosening of the soil. It is not advisable to replant or water plants during this period.

July 21-22: waning Moon in the constellation Cancer. This period is extremely favorable for any care of indoor flowers. Transplanting, abundant watering and pruning will help them maintain health and delight you with their flowering longer.

July 23-25: The moon moves into the constellation Leo. The fiery energy of this Sign excludes any care for plants. At this time, they need rest and moderate watering.

July 26-27: The moon begins to grow and moves into the constellation Virgo. During this period, replanting, watering and fertilizing the soil of indoor plants will be favorable.

July 28-29: waxing Moon in Libra. This period is good for planting new seeds, replanting indoor flowers and pruning them.

July 30-31: The Moon moves into the constellation Scorpio. This two-day period is favorable for any care of indoor flowers. Replanting, watering and fertilizing the soil will help plants bloom longer and be strong and healthy.

Plan important things for favorable time in July 2017, the lunar calendar will help you. We wish you good luck and good mood. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.06.2017 07:22

The unusual properties of geranium were known already in ancient times. Previously, this plant was grown to cleanse...