Well      04/17/2019

Projects of houses with a bathhouse and sauna. Comfortable house layout with sauna

Having set out to build their own country cottage, most owners land plots they begin to think about the complete layout of the landscape area in advance. It is not uncommon when a large-scale construction of several building structures is planned at a dacha.

But, nevertheless, more often owners are looking for cost-effective solutions. The project of a house made of aerated concrete with a sauna will meet all the expectations placed on it, proving its financial feasibility, practicality and originality.

The first priority should be to dispel the skeptical mood of adherents wooden sauna, who are categorically against breaking the tradition of building a bathhouse from environmentally friendly wood. If we compare aerated concrete and wooden beams, then the first one is in no way inferior in quality and functional purpose. The construction material environmentally friendly and absolutely safe for human health. Thanks to its porous structure, it allows the walls to “breathe”. Good thermal insulation and fire resistance will create a healthy and safe microclimate. An important fact is that the cost of aerated concrete and implementation construction work it has significant financial benefits.

In any case, houses made of aerated concrete with a sauna require a preliminary design. A constructive solution may include equipping an entire bath complex with a swimming pool and a relaxation room. Projects for buildings made of aerated concrete with a sauna provide many options for its placement, including the basement, first, second floor and attic. In what cases is it advisable to install a sauna on the ground floor? It will fit perfectly into the space if there is enough free space. The minimum steam room area should be about 18 sq.m. Its placement would be appropriate near the bathroom and not far from front door. In winter, it is quite logical to plunge into the snow or pool after the steam room.

Construction of a basement is economical and practical. This room almost doubles the usable area, providing the opportunity to organize a full-fledged bath complex on it. On the other hand, this project needs to be taken with the utmost seriousness, since placing a sauna involves arranging an ideal ventilation system and laying engineering communications. In addition, the basement floor must have excellent waterproofing, the installation of which should be entrusted to experienced specialists. Depending on the soil and proximity groundwater Self-waterproofing may not be effective, which will ultimately entail additional unforeseen costs.

A country plot is great; you can build and create a lot of things on it. This is probably what many who want to buy it think.

However, in reality, everything starts to look a little different. Therefore, you have to think not so much about building a house and everything else, but about saving.

The photo shows the floor plan of a house with a garage and a sauna.

The joint placement of many buildings on a single foundation on a suburban area is not a whim, but a reasonable waste of money. Of course, it would be great to have a separate garage and sauna, in which you would do the finishing yourself, but they wouldn’t interfere with the owner’s house either.

And thanks to joint walls, they will help you save a lot of money. Before choosing house designs with a garage and a sauna, it would be nice to know the advantages and disadvantages of such joint construction.

Pros and cons of a house with a garage

It's hard to imagine a free country life without your own vehicle, taking into account the not very developed suburban connections. Therefore, the construction of a garage begins at the design stage. There is only one question - it should be separate from the house or not.

If the second option is accepted, then there are two ways to do this:

Method I

Let's look at the positive aspects:

  1. The most common case, which makes it possible to significantly save on materials and construction time, since the house and garage have a common, or maybe more than one, wall.
  2. You can also easily connect heating to it, which will significantly extend the life of the car and make its maintenance comfortable.
  3. You will also have a door that directly leads into the house from the garage, which is convenient during bad weather.

Disadvantages include:

  • limited garage area;
  • the presence of flammable liquids makes coexistence with it a fire hazard;
  • takes up space where it could be placed additional rooms or winter garden.

II method

It is used when you need to save almost every meter of land. The basement floor is perfect for this.

This arrangement will make it possible to reduce the area of ​​the foundation, and also not limit the size of the garage. For example, here you can place a pantry, workshop or sauna.


  • The price of the project can be high, so it may not be suitable for everyone’s financial capabilities;
  • Requires maximum sealing interfloor covering to prevent fumes from entering the house harmful substances that are present in the garage;
  • It is necessary to carefully consider the system for draining groundwater, wastewater and storm water, which can flood the premises.

Pros and cons of a sauna at home

Now let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of a sauna located directly in the house, rather than a free-standing one on the property. Although traditional or on the outskirts, modern technologies allowed everyone to enter the sauna, for example, directly from the living room.

The wooden interior allows you to achieve full compliance with a conventional steam room. And if you also make an exit from the relaxation room to the terrace, next to which you place a small artificial pool, that’s absolutely great.

Today, there are more and more non-combustible materials that make it possible to place steam rooms directly in the house. Therefore, many owners try to understand the pros and cons of this arrangement.

The advantage of a home sauna

  1. You can start heating the stove without leaving your home, and if you install an electric heater, you can simply set the temperature on the remote control hanging near the steam room. The operating instructions are not at all complicated and are included with each set of equipment.
  2. After the steam room, you can go straight to the kitchen and drink herbal tea or kvass.
  3. You do not need to build a separate room with all the attendant costs for a shower and rest room.

Disadvantages of a home sauna

Tip: place the bathhouse on the first, ground or basement floor. The second and higher are not suitable for this.

  1. The main disadvantage is the fire hazard of the structure, which occurs when the furnace is fired. Therefore, it is better to use an electric heater that has power cables connected to it according to all standards.
  2. Humidity is second place. Here you can also give it instead of Russian, which is also safer in terms of firefighting. Well-thought-out ventilation of the facility also helps to get rid of such “evil.” She won't let it spread high humidity around the house. That is why experts do not recommend placing a sauna above the first floor.

Advice: bath room it is necessary to reliably cover it with a vapor barrier from other rooms of the house, laying it on the walls, floor and ceiling.

The project of the basement floor of a mansion with a garage and a sauna

Pay attention to respectable in its own way appearance and interior design of a comfortable, functional and beautiful mansion. Thanks to large windows its design looks modern.

A three-story building with a basement utility rooms, sauna and garage for two cars, has a rich and rich layout.


Building a house together with a garage and a sauna will provide an opportunity to save money and space suburban area. Before construction, you just need to decide for yourself where you will place them, since there are plenty of options. In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

The healing and relaxing properties of the sauna have long been known. Many people enjoy relaxing in a steam room after a hard day at work, and they want to build a sauna right in their home.

Such a solution can often be found abroad, where urban land is very expensive and there is no space for construction. large quantity outbuildings. The instructions in this article will tell you about the projects of houses with a sauna.

Features of the built-in sauna

First of all, it is worth briefly talking about the pros and cons of sauna equipment in the house, it is worth considering these features when designing.

  • Convenience and economy. You don't have to get dressed to get into the sauna, you save money on building the foundation, roof, box and all communications. Due to this, you can install underfloor heating from one boiler.
  • Saving space on the land.
  • The plumbing will not freeze in winter.
  • You can effectively use the basement or basement.
  • The disadvantages include increased fire hazard, more difficult removal of water and moisture.

Therefore, often in houses they use not wood, but electric stoves. Special attention it is necessary to give ventilation so that the sauna is always dry and warm.

Advice! If the sewage level is higher than the water drain in the sauna, you will need to do a small drain hole, and pump out water from there using a drainage pump.

Types and layout of the sauna in the house

For sauna equipment, you need to choose a room in which you can install good ventilation sum all communications ().

Saunas can be:

  • Built-in - made by individual project, the entire premises is built or refurbished in advance.
  • Prefabricated - part of the room is fenced off with a partition.
  • Infrared cabins- already represent ready-made solutions, which are usually very compact, so they are suitable for any room. There are combined options with a shower.

Examples of projects

A sauna usually includes a steam room itself, a washing room and a bathroom. not required. The steam room is on average 3.8-6 m2.

In order not to disturb the layout, when using wood stove– the chimney must lead through the wall vertically up to the roof.

The sauna room must have high-quality vapor barrier and insulation so as not to waste energy.

Advice! You should not make the sauna itself very large, so as not to buy a very powerful stove and quickly warm it up. Usually the dimensions are kept to a minimum for convenient horizontal placement on a shelf, and the ceiling height is 1.9-2.1 m.

The first 6-room premium house project with a sauna on the ground floor has a total area of ​​225 m2 including the garage, of which only 113 m2 is residential. The total area of ​​the building is 131 m2.

A monolithic reinforced concrete foundation is used, the walls and ceilings are made of cellular concrete. Wooden rafters are used for the roof.

On the ground floor there is a large room recreation area of ​​20 m2, boiler room, laundry room, gym and the sauna itself with an area of ​​12.6 m2.

If you order the construction of a box from a team, the project will cost you at least 7.5 million rubles including materials. The price for such a turnkey project, including finishing, will cost more than 10 million rubles.

If you want to save money, you can replace the wall material: the cheapest option would be to build a turnkey box made of timber - about 7 million rubles.

Compact house with sauna

The next option can be classified as economy class; it is ideal for a small family of less than 3 people.

It has an area of ​​only 70 square meters, but everything you need is rationally located on it: living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, separate shower, wardrobe and sauna of 2.8 m2.

  • The minimum size of the plot for construction is 15*16 meters. The house has dimensions 9*10.3 m.
  • The entrance to the house is through a large terrace, which can then be glazed and increase the usable area. This option is good for residents middle zone Russia, because the project calculations were made based on a temperature of -30 degrees. A double-circuit gas boiler is used for heating.
  • This project one-story house with a sauna is built on a monolithic strip foundation with a depth below the soil freezing level. The walls are made of sand-lime brick M100 thickness 510 mm.
  • The internal walls are made of the same brick, their thickness is 380 mm. The thickness of the remaining partitions is 120 mm. In the bathroom and toilet, the partitions are made of red brick.
  • The façade is insulated from the outside mineral wool 10 cm and a 6 mm layer of plaster is applied.
  • The base is made of red solid brick M100 with insulation with 5 cm extruded polystyrene foam.
  • For floors, prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs are used. The roof is wooden, rafter covered with tiles.

Wooden house

Projects one-story houses with a wooden sauna are very economical and easy to build.

This option has a large covered terrace, fireplace, sauna.

  • Living area 48.5 m2.
  • Minimum plot size for construction: 15*18 m. General dimensions of the house: 9*12 m.
  • A strip monolithic foundation is used as the base.
  • The walls are made of 240 mm rounded logs with crowns. The ceilings, roof and stairs are also made of wood.
  • The roof is covered with metal tiles or ondulin.
  • The base is lined with natural stone.


We've looked at several various options house layouts, from the simplest to the elite (

If you live in country house, then organizing your own bathhouse for health and pleasure is as easy as shelling pears. These are not the limited possibilities of a city apartment, where you have to be content with a bath or shower.

Moreover, if quite recently a residential building and a bathhouse were supposed to be separate buildings, today you can afford a house with a built-in bathhouse or sauna. Good, modern materials and technology allows this. Of course you can choose classic version and build a separate bathhouse on personal plot. But let's try to understand the advantages of a built-in bathhouse.

Advantages of a house with a bathhouse or sauna

The first advantage is the opportunity to save money. If you do not need to separately lay the foundation, build walls and roof, then the gain is obvious. Add here also common utility networks. In total, the score is 2:0 - in favor of the built-in bathhouse.

And, in addition, by implementing such a project, you will save space for a garden or playground. Agree, for those who own small plots of land this is a very significant plus. Well, does it count? Then, 3:0.

The last advantage concerns ease of use. If you are not a walrus, then you are unlikely to enjoy running across the entire yard from the bathhouse to the house in the cold or in the rain. And if there are elderly people or children in the family, then this is not only a matter of your personal comfort, but also concern for family members. One more “pro” in favor of this option.

Let's summarize - 4:0 in favor of the house project with a built-in bathhouse.

Bathhouse location

It does not matter on which floor the bathhouse or sauna will be located. The main thing is to be closer to the bathroom and toilet. This greatly simplifies installation utility networks. And, therefore, it saves on installation and materials.

As a rule, a classic mini-bath consists of a steam room, a changing room and a shower. But, taking into account the individual wishes of the customer, it can be supplemented with a bathroom, rest room and toilet. But then it will look more like a bathhouse factory.

Features of the implementation of the project of a house with a bathhouse

When choosing a house project with a bathhouse, you need to pay serious attention to the installation of utility networks. Our company offers projects where the following standards are strictly observed:

  • For high-quality waterproofing of the floor, it is necessary to remember that first several layers of special insulation, insulation, and tiles are laid on top.
  • Thermal insulation . The steam room must be covered with wood. If for wooden houses this goes without saying, but in houses made of aerated concrete or brick, although this is additional, it is not necessary condition: wood retains heat well and protects from heat. Moreover, for sheathing you need to use quality wood to avoid fungus. But you should not forget about the special insulation of walls and ceilings either.
  • Ventilation should provide high-quality heating of the steam room, while removing excess moisture and preventing the formation of condensation. Therefore, it is worth taking care to select equipment capable of changing the air in the room at least 6 times per hour.

Another important point which must be taken into account is fire safety.

First of all, everything wooden parts must be treated with special flame retardant impregnations.

A country house project with a sauna and a swimming pool has always been in high demand. For a house project with a sauna, thoughtful solutions are important. In our houses purchased in Moscow and St. Petersburg, everything is thought out. It’s hard to imagine a quality break from the hectic city life without a sauna as complete. The size of saunas differ depending on the number of people accommodated in it. The architectural association's projects include thoughtful solutions for saunas and swimming pools.

The project of a house with a sauna can be used for work:

  • gas connections
  • granule difference
  • wood, firewood
  • electricity

Ready-made projects of houses with an electric sauna.
Saunas, in contrast to the type of energy used, can be completely electric or solid fuel. Electric saunas do not require a chimney outlet or ventilation, but when used they can be 3 times more expensive than similar solid fuel saunas. If you can't find it yet required project mansion with a sauna that completely meets your requirements, then our architects will carry out and make changes to any existing project or place a sauna in any finished project from our presented catalog.

Ready-made projects of houses with a solid fuel or wood or pellet sauna.

Often used in mansions of any type. The advantage is that the source is always at hand. Twigs, firewood, branches. This is convenient when there are limitations on electrical power. An electric sauna sometimes consumes more than six kilowatts. There are many different types design solutions that can decorate your relaxation area.

Integrated solutions for recreation areas in cottages
We have included this option in a separate section of cottages with swimming pools. Check it out in our cottage category listings. There are posted comprehensive solutions mansions.
We present you the best country projects houses with a sauna and a swimming pool from our catalog of cottage projects.