Well      06/29/2020

The most beautiful apple in the world. The world's largest apple: on a branch and on a pedestal. The largest variety of apples

Something interesting has become .... and in which country do the largest apples grow? and got the best answer

Answer from Marina[guru]
This happened in 2005. Japanese Chisato Iwasaki on his farm in the city of Hirosaki grew a huge apple, whose weight was 1.849 kg.
The size of the fruit turned out to be comparable to the size of the head of an adult. The apple was recognized as the largest in the world, and the Japanese with his achievement got into the Guinness Book of Records.
After numerous screenings and filming, the apple was successfully eaten, and the record is firmly held in Japan and has not been broken to this day. However, it is possible that a new record is not far off, because there are already several thousand varieties of apples in the world, and breeders annually replenish this list with new products.
The largest dark red apples grow in Kazakhstan. They are called "Aport" and reach 15 cm in diameter.
Apples (Ringo), the leader among which is the original Japanese variety "Sanfuji", created in 1958 by crossing varieties "Coco" and Delicious.
It has an unusually pleasant and sweet taste, beautiful appearance, the fruits of which, even during long-term storage, do not lose beneficial features, stay juicy. At the core of a ripe fruit, "mitsu" (honey) is formed, as a result of which the apples become even sweeter.
These apples grow only in Japan, in the prefectures of Aomori and Nagano. High content potassium, pectin and vitamin C help lower cholesterol.
Such varieties of Japanese apples as "San Mutsu", "Taiko-Ei" are distinguished by high taste and unsurpassed appearance.
The recently bred variety "Sekai Ichi" ("First in the World") not only retained all best properties traditional Japanese apples, but also became the largest variety in the world. One apple of this variety weighs 0.6 kg or more.

Answer from Alex[guru]
In Kyrgyzstan.

Answer from Gornostaev[guru]
In Ukraine. Under Chernobyl. There, in general, everything is the most big.

Answer from Masyanka[guru]
Probably in Turkey .. How can you not go to the store, such mutants for 800 gr. weight lie on the counter, it takes horror ..))

Answer from Southern beauty[guru]
In Kazakhstan - the famous Alamaata aport. Apples the size of a child's head.

Answer from Alexey.[guru]
-Large in what sense?) -The most important, exactly - in Paradise.)

Answer from Hedgehog[guru]
In China, in their chemistry, anything large will grow

Answer from Out of humor[guru]
In Poland, the Antonovka type. I'm stunned

Answer from Evgeniya Taratutina[guru]
Kazakhstan Almaty aport. Haven't eaten better.

Kira Stoletova

In 2005, a breeder from Japan, Chisato Iwasaki, grew the largest apple in the world, weighing 1.85 kg and the size of a head! This achievement so far no one else has been able to overcome and even repeat.

  • How to get a big apple

    The largest apples are in great demand in China, where they are presented to especially revered people.

    To grow them, only 2 or 3 fruits are left on the tree and they are carefully monitored.

    • The most impressive apples are harvested from 2nd to 4th harvest seasons. Then they grow already small and go for processing.
    • A scientific fact is known that for the growth of a full-fledged fruit, approximately 45 leaves are required. However, for giants, they will need much more.

    The technique that allows you to achieve a fabulous harvest lies in several points.

    1. When choosing a tree, give preference to the young. The younger it is, the better;
    2. Prefer that branch, the diameter of which is from 3 to 5 cm 4-6 years. End growth not less than 30 cm.
    3. Bud thinning. Gigantic fruits are formed precisely from the first flower. Therefore, when the first bud has increased in size and is almost ready to open, with the help of scissors, they carefully get rid of excess buds. The first of these will be the ancestor of the fetus of the most impressive size.
    4. Tie thinning. If the first fetus developed earlier, then the next one is removed.
    5. Fruit thinning. In June, with the beginning of the summer of the codling moth, it is urgent to thin out the fruit.
    6. Pest protection. Protect specimens with gauze bags.
    7. In the summer, tweezing is a must.
    8. On a similar branch next year, it will not be possible to achieve exhibition specimens, however, apples will still grow larger than usual.
    9. Rejuvenation of trees. When they begin to give a "trifle", then they need to be rejuvenated - to reduce the crown by a third. The quality of the fruit on the tree will improve markedly.

    The largest varieties

    Jumbo Pomm

    Harvest autumn term. This variety gives very large apples (up to 1 kg) with excellent taste, scarlet, they are stored until the New Year and ennoble the festive table.

    Bellefleur Chinese

    This is the iconic option. Fruits 600-700 g, with a red tint. The middle is sweet and sour, with an alluring smell. The brilliant Michurin himself advised him to use it for selection.

    Renet Pisguda

    Glorious for huge fruits of 500-700 g, highly dessert. Minus - the tree does not pollinate itself.

    Preferred Pollinators:

    • Kuban;
    • Idared;
    • Memory of Sergeyev;
    • Golden.


    They ripen in autumn. The fruits weigh about 500 g. The middle is beige, sweet and fragrant. The advantage is the special resistance to pests.


    Early winter variety resistant to frost. The fruits are green: from 500 to 700 g, they look like a flattened ball. The pulp is white, with a sweet aftertaste. Keep until February.


    American variety. Apples are scarlet, flattened, up to 500 g and more. Gives huge yields - from 80 to 150 kg.

    Kandil Sinap

    Large apple (weight about 150 g), cylindrical shape with a burgundy hue.

    Trees yield:

    • on seedlings for 6-12 years;
    • on rootstocks - for 5 years.

    Grade Benefits:

    • the pulp has an impeccable taste;
    • maturation occurs in late summer - early autumn;
    • long shelf life;
    • crop yield - up to 170 kg;
    • resistance to frost and various pests.

    Salgir apple tree

    The fruits are large, about 170 g, orange color. Ripe after September 15th. Productivity - up to 70 kg per tree.

    Minus - obviously a small shelf life (about 30 days).

    The trees have an oblong crown. Apples on rootstocks will grow in a year. You can harvest regularly for 3-5 years.

    Renet Champagne (Paper)


    • an apple weighs about 150 g, flat, yellow with a scarlet tint;
    • the taste is delicate and juicy, but with a predominance of clearly audible sourness;
    • the crop is harvested in September, it reaches 200 kg, it is stored until next June.

    Trees bear fruit from 4 summer age on rootstocks, and regularly for 6 years.

    Winter banana (Banana apple tree)

    The weight of the fruit is about 200 g, the shape is slightly flattened, yellowish with a pink tinge. The taste is sweet and sour, a lot of juice;

    Productivity: 250 kg from each tree. Collection - in the 2nd half of September.

    • the species is resistant to frost, diseases and various pests;
    • the shelf life is impressive - until next February.

    The trees have a very noticeable rare crown, similar in shape to a vase. Trees delight with fruits for 4-6 years.

    The biggest apples in the world

    Chisato Iwasaki went to the world record for 20 years, constantly working and accumulating precious knowledge and experience. As a result, he managed to grow the largest apple in the World. TASTING THE MOST EXPENSIVE APPLE IN THE WORLD / EXPENSIVE CHEAP FOOD

    For the best result, the breeder leaves only 3 fruits on each such apple tree so that they grow as large as possible.

    In Asia, they are called Buddhist, because Buddha is painted on them before being sold. Then they are exported, mainly to China, where they are an honorary sign of attention and respect for the gifted person.

    Attention! A large apple (weighing 1 kg) costs over $1,000.

    The secrets to the success of record holders come down to the careful care of the tree. Required:

    • regular feeding;
    • maintaining optimum temperature and soil moisture;
    • the implementation of vaccinations and the necessary crossing;
    • getting rid of excess ties.

    Many strive to grow a huge fruit and get into the Guinness book. However, this requires years of hard work and an irrepressible desire to win.

    And if you suddenly succeed, do not forget to immediately register your achievement - learn from the mistakes of Chisato Iwasagi. Get a patent, choose a name and trademark, which will give long-term rights to this variety of apples.

  • Growing apple trees is a very interesting, one might say, exciting activity. Many amateur gardeners and even recognized professionals dream of growing something in their garden that will be their pride, something that can be shown to relatives or just acquaintances. It should be something that will attract the attention of everyone who enters your garden. Giant apples that you can grow in your garden will not only decorate your garden, but also a good dessert at any table. Varieties of such apple trees have been bred for a long time, but they are more difficult to grow than simple varieties, since they require more careful care. This is due to the fact that natural varieties of apple trees are not designed for the formation of large fruits. Therefore, artificial varieties of apple trees, which are much better in their fruiting characteristics, require better care..

    There are many varieties of apple trees that produce large fruits, known to us since the 80s and 90s of the twentieth century. Here is a list of some well-known varieties:Funtovka, Antonovka, Knysh, Vinogradka, Zarya and Rambur. These varieties bear fruit very well under the right conditions. Apples that grow on such trees are usually very large and can weigh up to 1 kilogram..
    Growing apple trees that bear fruit well and produce large fruit that taste good is not an easy task. There are a small number of varieties that can be grown successfully and produce good yields.

    Below are the most common, hardy apple varieties that can be successfully grown in our area without any special care. At the same time, you will receive not just crops, but giant apples that you can brag to every person. So, the main varieties of giant apples such as:

    1. Rambura is an early winter, frost-resistant, vigorous, disease-resistant apple variety.. The fruits are very large weighing more than 800 grams), ribbed. They are shaped like a little flattened ball. The pulp has a characteristic wine-sweet taste. It is snow-white and when eaten, there is a very pleasant aromatic smell. If stored correctly, they can lie until February.

    2. Aport - autumn variety an apple tree that has many clones that differ in fruit color. This variety is characterized large sizes fruits ( weighing more than 700 grams) and very high yields. The record weight of the fruits of this variety, which gardeners have ever received, is 3 kilograms.. It was truly a giant apple! The pulp of these fruits is very juicy, sweet, aromatic, medium density. It is creamy in color and pleasant in taste. Ripe apples are a pleasant red color, and in the sun they are maroon. As mentioned above, the advantage of this variety is unpretentious care and greater resistance to diseases and pests. If you want to grow apple trees in your garden and still have good yields, this variety is just for you.

    3. Jombo Pomm - a variety of French selection, which is not at all picky about care. Its fruits begin to ripen in autumn. They are huge in weight over 1 kilogram). They are incomparable palatability. The apple has a snow-white flesh and a very pleasant aroma. This variety of apple tree comes into fruiting the next year after planting. But, preferably, on a young apple tree, do not leave a lot of fruit in the first years of fruiting, so as not to deplete the apple tree. You only need to leave a few fruits ( 5 to 10 apples). The harvest can be stored until the new year, while not losing its properties.. If you get such a crop, it will become a real decoration of your table.

    The varieties of apple trees listed above can be grown, anyone who wants to receive apple crops is incomparable with anything, which will always be an adornment of any table. These varieties do not require any special care conditions.. They are not whimsical and bear fruit almost every year. The main thing is to find these varieties on the market. I know from my own experience that it is very difficult to find the desired varieties on the market, and if they found it, then they bought this variety or not, it will be possible to find out when the apple tree begins to bear fruit. Therefore, with the choice of variety, one must be careful and buy seedlings only from trusted people.

    What varieties of apples should be planted on your site, so that ripe fruits in size and taste are in no way inferior to those sold in the store?

    Will homemade apples turn out large and sweet in the Russian climate? These questions concern many novice gardeners, because you don’t want to spend several years growing a fruit-bearing tree from a seedling and discover that ripening apples do not at all meet your expectations.

    We look at the most popular apple trees with large fruits

    Fuji apple variety.

    Japanese Fuji apples are very popular all over the world. This late-ripening variety is valued for its excellent taste: crisp, firm fruit pulp has a fragrant aroma and a rich, sweet, harmonious taste. Syrup sweetness without sour apples get a month after storage. The crop is harvested at the end of October, and the fruits are stored until next summer.

    More than fuji apples, the Gala apple variety is valued, which has become popular on the world market only in the last fifteen years. It is difficult to confuse with other varieties of Gala apples: their crispy flesh remains snow-white much longer than that of other varieties; the taste is rich, sour-sweet; bright aroma is an amazing combination of freshness, caramel and nuts; fruit color ranges from pink-orange stripes on a yellow background to a solid red coating.

    The ripeness of apples comes by the end of September, and the fruits reach their best taste by November. Gala apples can be stored in the refrigerator for six months. An additional plus of the variety is that apple trees are almost not affected by scab, but just in case, it is worth spending a couple of sprays with fungicides during the season.

    Bred in the late 1860s in Australia granny apples Smith, first subdued New Zealand, Great Britain, and then other countries. We count Granny apples worthy alternative Simirinki. Round large fruits with a dense skin have a bright green color, pronounced sourness and aroma of flowers with greenery.

    Granny apples perfectly quench thirst due to their juicy pulp and sour fresh taste and are great for baking pies. However, it is worth noting that the Granny variety ripens slowly, it needs less winter days, so these apple trees are best suited for temperate latitudes. In addition, Granny Smith apple trees are prone to rust, powdery mildew, and scabs.

    On Russian territory good harvest brings Lobo apple variety, bred in Canada. The fruits ripen quite large, have a bright red blush, under which the main yellowish-green background is almost invisible, the wax coating is quite pronounced.

    The pulp of Lobo apples is fine-grained, tender, white, with a pleasant aroma and excellent taste with noticeable sourness. The fruits ripen in September, but are not very suitable for long-term storage.

    Advantages of the variety: resistance to dry weather, early maturity, consistently high yields, large fruits with good taste. The disadvantages include susceptibility to rot, powdery mildew and scab.

    Delicious apples in middle lane able to receive from Melba apple trees. This early summer variety was bred from the Mekintosh variety in Canada and quickly spread widely in many regions of Russia.

    Melba is a variety of apples with an original wine-sweet taste, candy aroma and juicy, tender pulp. Ripe fruits have a round-conical slightly ribbed shape, half of the surface of a light green color is flooded with an intense striped blush.

    Apple trees of the Melba variety are distinguished by good consumer qualities and presentation of fruits, high early maturity, productivity, resistance of color buds to frost, and relative resistance to pests. But winter hardiness Melba medium, with age the tree bears fruit irregularly, and the fruits are often affected by scab.

    Many domestic gardeners invariably prefer proven grade White filling. The variety is valued for resistance to fungal diseases, precocity (already in early August, the fruits reach removable maturity), high winter hardiness, for a delicate sweet and sour taste and coarse-grained juicy pulp of apples.

    Disadvantages White filling there is also enough: apple trees bear fruit irregularly, fruits are stored for only two to three weeks, apples have very thin skin without integumentary coloring - stains immediately appear under the skin from a light blow or even pressure, so transportation for White filling apples is undesirable.

    Pay attention to this:

    What varieties should be chosen and how to care for the tree, so that the result will impress and arouse the envy of experienced gardeners. Who grows the largest and largest apples in the world? And how much do "record holders" weigh?

    The largest apples

    The largest apples, as a rule, are obtained from young apple trees, but not in the first year of fruiting, but only from the second to fourth years. After that, the fruits become smaller and eventually turn into peas, small, inconspicuous, which can only be used for processing.

    King apples are obtained from the whole tree or from a certain branch, they say experienced gardeners. The latter is preferable, since otherwise it negatively affects the yield of the entire tree.

    Fruit scientists have done a lot of research to establish the number of leaves that is needed for a single giant fruit to grow. It turned out that for regular apple you need at least 40 leaves. But for a record holder, there should certainly be much more of them. However, some other factors of development and growth also play a role. For example, the number of branches and buds on one branch.

    The largest variety of apples

    One of the most popular varieties of apples from which you can get giant fruits is kandil sinap. Apples grow one-dimensional, elongated-cylindrical, with a dark reddish blush. Such fruits weigh up to 150 grams. Gardeners say that the pulp of apples of this variety is very tasty. The fruits ripen in late August - early September. And, most importantly, they are stored for quite a long time - until December.

    The kandil sinap trees themselves are vigorous and have a pyramidal crown. Apple trees begin to bear fruit quite late: on seedlings and dusenah in the sixth or twelfth year, on weakly growing rootstocks - in the fifth year. Moreover, the tree bears fruit strictly periodically. But the yield is up to 170 kilograms per apple tree. By the way, gardeners note the resistance of the kidneys to spring frosts, to diseases and pests.

    Large apples can also be obtained from the Salgir apple tree. The fruits on it grow up to 170 grams, but, unlike the previous ones, they are flattened or round-ribbed orange-red in color. You can pick and consume such apples already in the second decade of September. It is noteworthy that the fruits are stored for up to one month, that is, not very long.

    Trees are distinguished by a rounded oblong crown and bear fruit on kolchatka. The first apples on low-growing rootstocks will appear in a year, on others, especially young ones, they appear annually. Well, the Salgir apple tree can bear fruit already in the third or fifth year after planting. Gardeners harvest 60 kilograms per tree.

    Renet champagne or paper renette. This is another variety of large apples. Fruits grow up to 150 grams in weight. Each is semi-flat or flat in shape, light yellow in color with a red blush. But the taste of such apples is mediocre, for an amateur, connoisseurs say, but tender and juicy, with a predominance of acid.

    Champagne is removed from the renette tree in early September. And they store right up to May-June of the next year. Trees are characterized by above average growth vigor, rounded-raised and reverse-pyramidal shape. Apple trees begin to bear fruit in the fourth year on weakly growing rootstocks, and on seedlings and dusenah in the sixth or eighth year. They bear fruit periodically, each crop can reach 200 kilograms.

    Winter banana (or Banana apple tree) can give huge fruits. Apples reach a weight of up to 200 grams. Each is flat-round or conical in shape, light yellow in color and with a pinkish blurred blush. The winter banana tastes sweet and sour and quite juicy.

    Fruits are removed from the apple tree in the second half of September, apples are able to retain their beneficial properties until January-February of the next year.

    By the way, apples look quite original: they have a vase-shaped and rare crown. Trees bear fruit in kolchatka, they appear only on biennial growths. Apples appear in the third or fourth year, sometimes in the fourth or sixth year of life. And unlike many fruit trees, a banana apple tree bears fruit regularly, and up to 250 kilograms per tree can be harvested per year. The variety is very resistant to spring frosts, moreover, it easily tolerates diseases and any pests.

    Who grew the biggest apples

    Engineers and agronomists from Japan were able to grow the largest apple in the world. And it happened thanks to modern technologies and great hard work. A Japanese man named Chisato Iwasagi grew an almost two-kilogram apple in his garden. His record-breaking fetus weighed 1 kilogram and 849 grams. By the way, the gardener went to this result for a long time and hard. Iwasagi, 35, from Hirosaki City, has been growing giant fruits for over twenty years. The last result of his labors, the largest two-kilogram apple, was plucked and weighed on October 24, 2005.

    And this is not the first successful result of Iwasagi's garden activities. Chisato has already put the "production" of anomalous apples on stream. The man says he takes care of his trees like little kids. Regularly measures soil temperature, humidity, prepares all kinds of top dressing for apple trees, vaccinates and crosses. Well, for best results the gardener leaves only a few fruits on one apple tree.

    By the way, in Asia, huge apples are called Buddhist. This is because before selling, breeders put an image of the Buddha on them. Only after that the fruits are sent to China for export. However, compotes are not cooked from these and they are not eaten for dessert. In China, a Buddhist apple is considered an excellent gift that is presented to respected people. And the record here is not only the weight of the apple, but also its cost. A kilogram fruit sometimes costs more than a thousand dollars.

    The biggest apple in the world

    Chisato Iwasaki's apple, after numerous filming and screenings, was successfully eaten. But the record is still held in Japan and no one can beat it. By the way, they say that Chisato did not record his leadership, so the record is officially assigned to a completely different person.

    A resident of England, Alain Smith (city of Linton), managed to grow a giant apple in its natural environment: its weight was 1.67 kilograms. In the Guinness Book of Records, the name of the British gardener and the weight of his huge fruit are still under the inscription "largest apple".

    According to the site, not only apples are gigantic, but also other fruits. For example, in the UK, it was possible to grow potatoes weighing 8 kg. But there were even more potatoes. You can read more about the largest potato.
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