Shower      06/16/2019

When to transplant the host - is it possible in the fall? Terms of autumn hostas transplantation, care for them, preparation for winter. Spring or Fall: When to Replant Hosta When to Plant Hosta in Fall

Hosta, a representative of the lily family, is a rather beautiful and original perennial. Its beautiful flowers, as well as strong decorative leaves, adorn any landscape compositions, look great against the background of trees and shrubs, annual and perennial flowers.

These flowers are loved not only for their beauty, their unpretentiousness is an important advantage, because they tolerate both cold winters and summer heat well. Another important advantage is the ease of care and unpretentiousness of the host, but in order for the flower to grow healthy and beautiful, you need to know and follow the recommendations for planting, caring for and growing it.

Transplant Features

The host does not adapt well to new conditions, so it is transplanted to a new place only if necessary. For some time, the plant will not look so impressive, the leaf mass and decorative effect will be weak. What can cause a transplant?

  • Hosta strongly thickened;
  • Perennial need to be urgently saved from the disease;
  • Reproduction required.

Hostas can be transplanted in spring and autumn, it all depends on the species. In autumn, it is recommended to replant Tokudama and Siebold hosts, as their root system has a number of features. It is the autumn planting of these varieties that most often gives good result, so let's stop there.

When to plant?

As a rule, they start planting in the first autumn days, so that the flower has time to adapt before the onset of winter, and it will take him about a month to do this. But each area has its own timing. In central Russia, the host can be planted from the last decade of August to mid-September.

Site preparation

As you know, transplanting any plant begins with the choice of location, and the host is no exception. It is not demanding on the soil, but if you plant it in damp or marshy ground, the result will be disastrous. Transplanting to clay soil will lead to the same ending. If you want a flower to grow healthy and show off its decorative properties, plant it in a light, nutritious substrate. The acidity of the soil should be medium.

You need to prepare the soil in advance. How to do it right?

  1. The earth is dug up, the roots of weeds are removed.
  2. If there is a lot of sand in the soil, then peat is added.
  3. Heavy soil is recommended to be mixed with river sand.
  4. Poor and depleted soils the best place for the host. They need to be included mineral fertilizers or some ash.

The hosta loves the shade, the scorching sun's rays can destroy it in a matter of hours. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to plant hosta next to trees so that it grows in the shade, or next to perennials. Before planting, the soil must be well moistened, the water must be warm, you can make a light pink solution of manganese.

Planting hole preparation

Broken brick or small gravel is poured into the bottom of the pit, humus can be poured on top. The root of the seedling is lowered into the hole and sprinkled with soil. You need to pay attention to the root neck. It should not be above or below ground. Do not forget about mulching, you can use humus as mulch. The root neck should be covered so that the first frost does not damage the plant.


Sometimes more than one hosta is planted in a flower bed, but several. Remember that adult bushes are large, which means that the distance between the holes must also be large. Plant seedlings so that the distance from one to the other is about a meter.

Saplings of dwarf varieties are planted at a distance of 0.2m, medium - 0.5m.

We transplant the host

The algorithm of actions during transplantation is simple, it is as follows:

  • first you need to dig a bush;
  • shake or wash the roots to remove the remnants of the old earth from them;
  • if the roots have damaged areas, they must be carefully removed with a sharp pruner;
  • the mother bush is divided into sections, those places where the integrity of the tissues will be violated are sprinkled with ash.

Getting ready for winter

The fact that the transplant is over does not mean at all that you can forget about the plant until spring. Winter is coming, and the host needs to prepare for it.

If the weather is warm, the young plant needs to be watered so that it takes root well and meets the winter “fully armed”. Make sure that the ground around the stem is not dry. In an area where winters are mild, it will be enough to cover the flower with mulch (hay, peat or sawdust). But for middle lane Russia and the northern regions of such shelter will not be enough.

  1. The shrub needs to be cut, there should not be old flower stalks on it.
  2. Some are in a hurry to cut off old leaves, this should not be done. Dry foliage is a natural mulch that will protect the young plant from frost.
  3. In areas with cold winters, it is recommended to dig the shrub and also cover it with mulch.
  4. In autumn, it is recommended to treat the bushes with special preparations so that snails do not choose them in the first spring days. Many gardeners use tobacco dust for this purpose.


Film and other durable materials that do not allow air to pass through cannot be used, the flower will simply rot.

Hosta is a very interesting shrub. It is distinguished by peculiar lovely flowers with a strong caramel smell. But its main advantage is juicy spreading leaves. In addition, the plant grows well without sunlight, so it is often planted under trees or in other shady places in the garden. An important component of the autumn care of the host, so that next season she will once again please you with her spectacular appearance, is its proper preparation for winter, namely pruning and shelter (mulching).

Features of leaving in the fall and preparing hosts for winter: the main activities

Many gardeners say that the host does not need special preparation and specific shelter from severe drops in temperature. But this reasoning is wrong. This formulation is only suitable for plants that are grown in the southern regions.

The plant tends to bloom in July-October, depending on the type and variety, therefore initial preparation for winter involves removing buds that have faded. Such an element of care for hostas in summer and autumn is necessary so that the plant does not expend its strength on the formation of seeds and their maturation.

By the way! If your hostas do not bloom quite beautifully (of the usual variety), then you can not let them bloom at all, but cut off the flower-bearing arrows immediately after they appear.

Hosta loves moisture and abundant watering. Moreover, you need to water it correctly so that the plant does not catch a fungal infection, and more specifically, try not to get on the leaves.

By the way! The host is able to independently signal the need for its watering, namely: it lowers its leaves to the ground. Moreover, do not allow the leaves to dry out.

During the autumn months, the hosta also needs watering. The soil under it should be shed abundantly so that the entire root system is saturated with life-giving moisture before wintering. When the temperature begins to drop, watering will need to be gradually reduced, and then completely stopped.

The last nitrogen fertilization is carried out in the first half of summer for more lush green growth. Before wintering, no nitrogen fertilizers are needed anymore, because they will provoke the growth of green mass and rhizomes of the plant, because of which it can overwinter poorly, and its resistance to diseases will certainly decrease.

For better preparation plants for winter autumn period it needs phosphorus and potassium, so you can feed the host, for example, with bone meal and wood ash (for lovers of organic farming) or mineral fertilizers - potassium sulfate and superphosphate (30-40 grams of each per 1 sq. meter of beds) or a special ready-made "autumn" fertilizer ( according to instructions).

Advice! Mineral fertilizers are best dissolved in water (in 10 liters), and organic fertilizers are simply poured around the plant and then watered.

With the onset of cold weather, the hosts should be covered, or rather mulched. Mowed grass and peat are well suited for this (they need to be mixed so that the grass does not cake).

By the way! Sawdust absorbs a lot of moisture, and in winter it can be harmful.

Even in autumn you can share and transplant hostas You can learn more about this in the next video.

Video: how to divide and transplant a host in the fall

pruning hosts autumn

The question "Should I prune the host for the winter in the fall?" - is the cause of disputes for many flower growers.

Some argue that cutting foliage is highly discouraged. After all, it contains all the nutrients that must independently pass from the green to the root of the plant. And already at the end of this process, the tops naturally die off by themselves.

Others (inexperienced flower growers) argue that it is necessary to trim the leaves of the host for the winter.

So is it necessary to prune the host in the fall for the winter?

According to most experienced gardeners, this is a rather pointless procedure that can only be performed for aesthetic (decorative) purposes, because the plant winters well with leaves.

But if you still decide to prune the host for the winter, then when should this be done?

The main signal that the plant can be cut is when the leaves turn completely yellow. This means that all the nutrients have already been safely transferred to the root system.

How to prune hostas in autumn?

Take a pruner and cut off all the leaves, leaving about 10 cm stumps.

Important! In general, pruning is best done in the spring, or rather, you can just walk with a rake and remove the foliage that has died over the winter.

Video: why you do not need to cut the hosts in the fall

Shelter hosta for the winter

Many novice amateur gardeners are thinking about whether it is necessary to cover the host for the winter. It should be said right away that in cold regions the plant is really subject to shelter. However, the essence of this shelter comes down solely to mulching the area around the bush.

In general, hostas are quite frost-resistant plants, besides, you don’t need to save the aerial part, it grows again every year.

So what is the right way to cover the host for the winter?

Note! Obviously, you need to have time to mulch before the onset of frost.

Mulching (shelter) hosts in the fall should be performed in the following sequence:

  • 1. Mix the mulch mixture. For example, it may consist of cut grass and peat(more). Also you can use bark or compost.

By the way! In principle, you can take the most common garden soil. But the use of grass, peat or compost will serve excellent organic fertilizer V spring period.

    2. Next, mulch the plant, falling asleep on all sides with a layer of 10-20 centimeters. Just don't put mulch on top of the leaves! Another thing, if you cut the leaves, then you can pour a mound. In general, for the winter, the host should leave with leaves that will finally fall down after dying off and become an additional shelter.

Important! Such a shelter is quite enough to protect the roots of the plant from severe frosts.

As a rule, you do not need to use special non-woven covering materials, such as agrofibre or spunbond.

Advice! In early spring, be sure to remove the mulch to allow the soil to warm up better and the plant to grow faster.

Features of preparing hosts for winter in different regions

Each region has its own nuances of growing plants, in particular hosts. But as for autumn care and preparation for winter, there are differences only in the features of shelter for the winter.

Important! If you have snowless winters, then you can play it safe and additionally cover nonwoven fabric or pawpaw.

In the south of Russia

Hostas that are grown in the southern regions (for example, in the Krasnodar Territory) practically do not need shelter. Another thing is if you live in the Volgograd region, where there are quite strong and prolonged frosts.

The approximate timing of mulching (shelter) of the host in the southern regions is the last days of October - the first half of November.

In the middle lane (Moscow region)

In the conditions of the middle lane (Moscow region), it is necessary to cover the host for the winter. In this case, it will be quite enough to mulch the root area with a thick layer of peat mixed with mowed grass, or use bark or compost.

Approximate terms of shelter (mulching) hostas in central Russia (Moscow region) - the end of September - the first half of October.

In the Urals and Siberia

The conditions of the Urals and Siberia are characterized by severe frosts and sub-zero temperatures. Therefore, a shelter similar to the middle lane is also needed here. At the same time, for additional insulation can be thrown snow masses on the plant or immediately cover with spruce branches.

Approximate terms of shelter (mulching) hostas in the Urals and Siberia - September.

Typical mistakes in caring for a hosta in the fall when preparing it for winter

Many gardeners, without thinking about the consequences, are able to take rash actions that can harm the plant. But it's wrong autumn care behind the host in the fall can cause quite a lot of damage to the plant.

There are several mistakes that should not be made when caring for a plant in the fall and preparing it for winter:

  1. Top dressing with nitrogen fertilizers with the onset of autumn- Nitrogen top dressing entails the activation of leaf growth, so the shrub will try to release young leaves, and not prepare to leave for winter rest.
  2. Lack of shelter (mulching) or, on the contrary, the use of special materials for shelter, especially moisture-proof ones. The thing is that hostas winter well just under a thick layer of mulch.

Thus, the autumn care of the host is not particularly difficult. To do this, you just need to know the rules for pruning it - cut off only flower stalks at the end of summer, and do not waste your precious time on autumn pruning of foliage. Where better to do her shelter, or rather mulching.

Video: preparing hosts for winter

In contact with

Hosta (second name of the function) - perennial lily family with large rather dense leaves. Hosta is very popular not only because of its beautiful flowering, but also because of the decorative leaves. It is these qualities that are perfectly played out in landscape design: the plant is combined with other flowers, shrubs and trees, including conifers. host - pretty unpretentious plant, does not require special care and withstands well the cold winters characteristic of the temperate climate zone. However, also an ornamental plant tolerates well and high temperature in summer, if it is planted in a shaded area, since the host belongs to shade-loving plants and does not tolerate direct sunlight.

How does hosta reproduce?

Hostas reproduce by seeds, but much easier reproduction plants produce by dividing the bush. To do this, choose a well-grown bush. It is best to transplant the hosta while the plant is quite young, optimally if its age is 4 - 6 years. Agricultural technicians believe that the host can be transplanted only when absolutely necessary, since it is difficult to tolerate transplants, after which the plant recovers for a long time and loses its magnificent appearance for a long period. But often the host grows so strongly that it interferes with the normal growth of other flowers in the flower bed, then there is an objective need to reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowth of the bush. Before replanting the host, it is necessary to carefully consider the place of its new growth so that the plant is no longer subjected to such an unpleasant procedure.

When is the best time to transplant a hosta?

Most auspicious time for transplanting hosts - spring, when young shoots appear from the ground. You can transplant the plant throughout the summer. Gardeners are often interested in the question, is it possible to replant the host in the fall? Hostas can be transplanted in autumn, but it is advisable to do this at the very beginning of the season. There is a variety ornamental plant, which are subject only to autumn transplantation due to the fact that their roots do not grow in spring. These are varieties of Tokudama and Siebold and their hybrids.

Timing autumn transplant hosts are limited: from late August to mid-September. In order for the plant to take root, get stronger and take root before the cold weather in a new place, it takes at least a month.

How to share a host?

The hosta bush is dug out completely, the soil is shaken off from its roots. The ends of the roots are slightly trimmed (this is done to rejuvenate the plant). The rhizome is notched with a knife, and then broken by hand. Gardeners with experience recommend treating the fracture sites with ash or a fungicide solution.

How to transplant a hosta in the fall?

Before transplanting a plant, it is necessary to determine the landing site. Hostas prefer light, fertile soil, with a medium level of acidity. If the soil on the garden plot is heavy, clayey, it is necessary to structure the soil by adding sand, rotted sawdust, peat. A few hours before transplanting, the garden area where the hosta is planned to be planted must be watered.

A pit about 40 cm deep is prepared for planting, a drainage layer is made, since the host does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. When planting, the roots are carefully straightened and placed so that there are no voids under them. If several plants are planted, it should be taken into account what the size of the adult hosta will be: large ones are planted at a distance of about 1 m, medium ones - 0.5 m, and dwarf varieties- 0.2 m. The hole is covered with fertile soil, compacted and watered abundantly. The root neck, which should be located at the level of the soil, is mulched with humus or peat.

Better hosta can only be a hosta of a new variety or a new color - that's what my friend says. Our country street is full of these bright and showy flowers. Favorite hobby girlfriends redevelopment of the site and the redistribution of plants in new places, including the host. And neighbors - to endow with excess exotic. A little more and the street can be given a new name - Khostovaya.

Dacha people gratefully accept southern exotics as a gift. Everyone liked the unpretentious and amazing plants.

Kripak Lyudmila /

Planting is best done in the spring, but maybe in the fall if there is such a need. True, time is limited. Gotta meet until mid September. It will take about a month for the plant to take root well and take root in a new flower garden. Knowing and taking into account the climatic features of the area, it is easy to calculate when it gets colder and when to plant plants.

By the way, there are varieties that are planted only in autumn, their root system grows well and develops during this period. When buying seedlings, pay attention to this.

As a rule, bushes of 5-6 years of age are used for division. To propagate, the plant is completely dug up. To stimulate growth, the ends of the roots are slightly shortened.

Ryzhkova Inna /

The rhizome is divided by hand or with a knife. If the bush does not lend itself, use a shovel. I know from personal experience how difficult it is to separate overgrown bushes.

Dry and diseased parts of the plant are immediately removed. Experienced gardeners recommend treating with a fungicide or sprinkling wood ash on the section.

To decide with a landing you need to know that hostas grow both in the sun and in the shade. It all depends on the type. The lighter the leaves, the more light is required for growth. However, in the hot midday hours, partial shade will not hurt.

Varieties of blue hostas are well adapted to grow in the shade. Only when shady planting the corresponding color of the leaves is obtained. True, they grow more slowly, but the bushes are always higher, the leaves are more spectacular and larger.

Elena Sukhanova / Personal archive

Be careful with your choice planting material. The winter hardiness of the plant will depend on the quality. It must be healthy, without signs of disease and mechanical damage.

The soil preferably fertile and light, breathable. Moist but not soggy. Heavy or clay soils can be lightened by adding sand, peat or rotted sawdust.

Since hostas grow in one place for a long time, the soil should be filled with humus or compost, especially depleted. Potassium-phosphorus supplements will not interfere.

Pit made according to the size of the bush. A layer of crushed stone, small expanded clay or brick is required, i.e. drainage. Young hosta is planted in the center so that the root collar is flush with the soil.

The next instance should be at a distance of one meter (taking into account further growth).

Elena Sukhanova / Personal archive

hosts autumn planting must water constantly, upper layer should not dry out.

The leaves are cut off, but not completely, petioles up to 15 cm are left. Planting is closer to the cold insulated, lightly sprinkled with soil and mulched with sawdust, peat, fallen leaves.

More than once or twice I planted hostas in the fall. Always successful. In the spring, young plants quickly went into growth.

Quality planting material proper fit and care, these are the components of success. A little patience, attention, and your hosts will live in one place for not only a quarter, but also half a century. I have read that this is possible.

Hosta is considered an ornamental plant. When to transplant the hosta? This question is asked by many gardeners who liked the chic shrub. This shade-loving perennial does not have beautiful bright colors. Its dignity is luxurious foliage. For the design of flower beds, decorating shaded areas of the garden, the plant is simply irreplaceable.

In care, the hosts are unpretentious, they have no complaints about the composition of the soil. If the plant is carried out with minimal care, then soon the bush will grow strongly. If there is no need, then touching the plant is not recommended. So it will calmly decorate the site. If the foliage is strongly compacted, the plant is clearly not enough space, then it becomes necessary to transplant the bush.

Hosta is a plant from the lily family. It blooms modestly, the flowers do not differ in brightness and splendor, but the foliage is the true wealth of the plant. Due to such splendor of large and dense leaves, the hosta is actively used to decorate garden plots. Landscape designers use the plant to decorate flower beds. The flower goes well with annuals and perennials, beautiful in composition with small shrubs, use it as a decoration for a shaded area under the trees.

The plant is unpretentious, but certain nuances when transplanting it must be taken into account:

  1. 1 The flower perfectly tolerates winter cold, so it can be grown in almost any climatic conditions.
  2. 2 The plant calmly withstands high temperatures, but still feels better in the shady corners of the garden. Exposure direct sun rays the host should not be exposed.
  3. 3 The timing of planting and transplanting may vary depending on the variety. For each type, it is advisable to get expert advice or find information on your own.

Hostas do well in shady areas, but you still need to choose a place in accordance with the needs of the variety. Plants with rich green and blue color foliage is best placed under fruit trees. A dense crown will protect the host from the bright sun.

Where and how is the plant planted

Hosta is transplanted from one place to another through seedlings (originally grown from seeds or purchased seedlings in specialized stores). Sometimes you have to plant it with adult bushes. by the most best time consider spring. It is in spring that the root system actively develops, although the rosettes of the leaves are still closed. It is not forbidden to transplant a flower in the autumn, in this case it is better to do this procedure in the early days of the autumn season. Starting from the second half of September, the host should not be transplanted - the roots of the plant will not be able to gain a foothold in the soil.

If the leaves have golden or yellowish hues, then the most suitable place for them will be a place near small shrubs, on the side where there is a shadow at noon. Transplanting a hosta in such a corner of the garden will allow the plant to enjoy a portion of the morning rays, and in the heat of the day it will protect it from strong solar radiation. If there is no place with such conditions on the site, then these varieties are best planted in the shade.

The traditional planting of the plant by transplanting seedlings is carried out in the spring. Amateur gardeners can grow seedlings on their own. Planting material is sold in gardening stores. Young flowers may have a closed root system or open roots.

The first option when transplanting to open ground gives no trouble. In an acceptable place, it is enough to prepare a hole and, together with an earthen clod, place a plant there. A flower with open roots is planted differently: fertilizers and peat must be placed in the hole in a slide. Distribute the roots along the slopes of the hill, sprinkle with earth and compact. Water the earth abundantly.

Important: the kidney should remain on the surface, it should not be covered with earth.

How to prepare the site

Before you consider how to transplant the host, you need to take care of the preparation of the site. The flower is not capricious to the composition of the soil, it can grow in any of its composition. Although there are also contraindications - land that contains a lot of clay, damp, swampy areas. Ideal soils are light in composition, which can provide air access to the roots.

The preparatory work on the site is as follows:

  1. 1 The earth is dug up very carefully, all roots and weeds must be selected from it. Moreover, if you do this 1 time and carefully, then in the future it will be much easier to care for the plant.
  2. 2 It is necessary to study the composition of the soil. In heavy and oily soil, humus, light in composition, should be added. You can add dry leaves, fine sand, sawdust to the ground. If the soil contains a lot of sand, then it is necessary to dilute it with peat.
  3. 3 If land plot is infertile, then you need to add mineral fertilizers, ash is also perfect.
  4. 4 The roots of the flower are located in the soil in a horizontal direction. A hole for planting must be dug wide, so the nutrition for the plant will be plentiful, which will enhance the splendor of the leaves and their beauty. The degree of moisture in the soil should be moderate.

Material preparation

Regardless of which species the hosta belongs to, it looks like this: a herbaceous flower with a short rhizome. This plant is shade-tolerant and does not impose special requirements on growing conditions. It is customary to use it in plantings to give decorativeness to groups of plants. Hostas make a great addition to any garden. It is no less exquisite and as an independent decoration. Lawns, borders, flower beds - these are the places where the amazing herbal flower finds its application.

Shops and garden centers offer plants that have bare roots to their customers. The host is placed in a bag, sprinkled with peat or sawdust. planting materials can be sold in pots. But it happens that unscrupulous sellers of such plants cut the roots.

If such material is purchased, then you should remove the flower from the package, carefully examine the roots. If damaged or rotten threads are noticed, they must be removed immediately.

Options for preparing a plant for transplanting into the soil may be different. If the root was purchased in winter - at the beginning of spring and the time has not come to transplant it into the soil, then the root should be placed dry in a cold place (a container for vegetables in the refrigerator is suitable). Subzero temperature contraindicated. Above 5ºС storage temperature should not be.

In the case when the bud has begun to grow, and it is too early to plant the plant in the soil, the roots must be soaked in solutions of epin or energin (potassium permanganate is also suitable, but very weak). Then you should plant the plant in flower pot. The earth must be taken light. It does not need to be watered, the host should receive water from the pan. As soon as the soil warms up, the flower is transplanted into open ground. In this option, it must be borne in mind that the host grown in such conditions is very tender and capricious, even light frosts can destroy it.
You can buy a plant just before transplanting into the ground, then the problems will be solved - it will take root better.
by the most good option to grow a full-fledged strong and healthy plant is a transplant in the fall. You can buy material from other gardeners directly from the garden or in nurseries. The plant is immediately planted in your garden in a prepared place.

For transplanting, a seedling can be asked from neighbors or bought on the market - this option is more economical. A plant in a mini-market from gardeners is sold in the form of "delenok" (parts of a bush). If the neighbors gave you the go-ahead to select a bush, then wait until the hosta becomes like a bunch of unopened leaves. Usually for the middle lane this is the middle of May. The bush should be dug with a pitchfork. Forks are less likely to damage the root system. The columns must be disassembled manually. A fragment for transplantation must have at least 2 parts of unopened leaves. Must be available for transplant wood ash. It is sprinkled with cut places so that they are better overgrown.

Delenki can be transplanted to the host in the fall, then next season it will delight with full-fledged leaf colors. Can be transplanted in the spring. In this case, there will be no such beautiful and colorful leaves, but the plant will take root well.

If a hosta is already growing in your garden plot, then it can be planted in the above way.

Transplant rules

Delenki should be planted in the ground on the same day they were dug up or bought on the market. Prepare a hole, such as to place the roots of the acquired plant in it. Do not forget that humus should be placed in the hole. Pour into the hole warm water, which should be absorbed into the humus. It is necessary to pour at least 1 liter per bush. The roots must be handled with care - lay them out so that they are intertwined, and do not penetrate into the depths. The variant of the location of the root system on an earthen mound is described above. This is the most common way to transplant hostas.

Hosts are not capricious in terms of providing fertilizers. When planting, they will perceive top dressing with gratitude, delighting the owners with lush flowering of foliage. Good for regular complex fertilizer, which is purchased at any store for gardeners. They must be used in accordance with the instructions.

Despite the fact that the hosta loves shady places, it does not tolerate stagnant moisture. If it is necessary to transplant the plant to an area where stagnant water is expected, then provide for drainage. To do this, place sand or expanded clay at the bottom of the hole, you can throw in medium-sized gravel or broken brick. In such cases, the hole should be deeper.

Watering is carried out as the soil dries out; after watering, grass or sawdust can be poured under the plant. This mulching will help retain moisture for nutrition.

Young sparse bushes do not look very nice. Therefore, when planning to transplant a hosta, try to choose large bushes. An excellent option would be to transplant several varieties of hosta into one place. So the flower garden will look just great.

The skillful combination of hosta with the surrounding landscape will give garden plot sophistication. Tall plants or bushes are usually placed in the background. ornamental shrubs with vibrant colors, astilbes make a great backdrop for a hosta. If the plant is planted on the border, then without a bright floral design it will look boring and dull. Suitable for dilution of any bright flowers. It is better to choose large plants with colorful flowers. Hosta looks great in combination with almost all garden flowers.

It must be remembered that the host will be able to fully show its decorative qualities no earlier than 4 years after planting. Every year it grows larger, and its leaves become more and more luxurious. Before dividing a plant and transplanting it to new places, it is necessary to let it show itself in all its beauty.

Transplantation can be done in autumn and spring. It depends on what material to use. If you decide to grow a hosta, then try to immediately choose a convenient and right place. Frequent transplants lead to weakening of the plant. And the host will be able to grow in one place for almost 20 years.