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Insulation of the attic with ecological materials. What is the best insulation for a mansard roof? Insulation of the attic from the inside with mineral wool: a worthy alternative to penoplex

September 7, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying the foundation, erecting walls, constructing the roof, etc.). Internal construction works (laying of internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communication, high tech, computer technology, programming.

I recently started converting the attic in my client's home from a junk storage area into a living space. And I thought, what is the best insulation for the attic to use in this case? After all, each of the heat insulators on the market has its own characteristics, which are better manifested in certain conditions.

So today I will tell you how to choose thermal insulation material for work. I think this information will be of considerable interest to everyone who is going to build a house with their own hands and equip it.

Features of the choice of insulation for the attic

When arranging the attic, it is imperative to carry out insulation. And regardless of whether this room will be operated in winter or not. Properly selected and installed thermal insulation material not only prevents unproductive heat loss, but also protects the room from heat, creating a microclimate that is comfortable for people to stay inside.

In addition, the warming cake makes it possible to protect and increase the service life. building structures- roofing material, rafters, battens and so on.

All parts after insulation will be protected from moisture and temperature fluctuations, which destroy the internal structure of the material. However, in order to achieve the advantages described above, it is necessary to use the correct thermal insulation material.

Considering the question of which insulation to choose for the attic, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions of the area where the dwelling is built. It is on this that the characteristics of the material used depend - first of all, its density and thickness.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the design features of walls, roofs, gables, roof slopes, the shape of the room, etc. In some cases, the configuration of the attic is so complex that sheet materials it will be very difficult to perform thermal insulation and you will have to choose more technological options.

When choosing the best insulation for an attic room, I would advise you to pay attention to a few more important criteria, which are shown in the table below.

Characteristic Description
Temperature resistance Thermal insulation must maintain its specifications And operational properties and in severe frost in winter, and in the heat of summer. Successive cycles of defrosting and thawing should not reduce the thermal conductivity of the insulation and destroy its internal structure.
hydrophobicity The material must be waterproof or not accumulate water inside the warming cake. Moisture not only reduces the operational properties of the heat insulator, but also destroys it, reducing the service life.
fire safety Preference should be given to those materials that do not ignite during a fire and do not support the spread of flame. IN last resort you need to buy heaters containing flame retardants in their composition, which contribute to the self-extinguishing of the insulation layer. Please note that some types of heaters emit toxic smoke when ignited, making it difficult for people to evacuate.
Dimension saving The insulating material must maintain its geometric dimensions throughout the entire period of operation. Otherwise, after installation, the thermal insulation will shrink, forming islands of cold, which nullify all efforts to warm the under-roof space.
Strength If you are thinking about which insulation to choose for arranging the floor, then give preference to durable heat insulators that can withstand a constant dynamic and static load. Otherwise, you need to design a system with lags to protect the warming cake.
Ease It is better to purchase a heater that has a minimum weight so that after installation it does not exert a significant load on structural elements roofs, attic floor And bearing walls building.

Given the above, I can not 100% say how better insulation insulate the attic. Therefore, I will describe the technical characteristics of the most acceptable materials, from my point of view, so that you can choose the option that suits you.


There are many insulating materials, however, for arranging a room under a roof, in my opinion, those indicated in the diagram below are most suitable:

Option 1 - Mineral wool

Talking about this type of insulation, I will have in mind one type of thermal insulation - basalt wool, since it has higher technical characteristics than glass wool and slag wool.

This heat insulator is made from a volcanic mineral - basalt. The raw material is melted in furnaces at high temperature, after which thin fibers are formed from it, which are then glued together with resins.

Due to this, the material acquires increased strength and does not pose a danger to human health. However, these are not all the advantages that I personally appreciate and thanks to which it is basalt wool that I most often use in my work.

Other pluses are:

  1. Low thermal conductivity. The fibers in basalt wool are separated from each other by a certain distance, and the gaps between them are filled with air, which, as you know, is a poor conductor thermal energy. The thermal conductivity of the material is 0.032-0.048 W / (m * K), so the thickness of the mineral wool for effective insulation is no more than 10 cm.
    To convince you, I will resort to some comparison. A standard 10 cm layer of insulation with a density of 100 kg per cubic meter retains heat with the same efficiency as a 110 cm red brick wall or a 160 cm silicate block wall.

  1. High vapor permeability. Warming the attic with mineral wool from the inside in no way prevents the penetration of air through the roof structure. This is due to the fact that the material has an open cell structure filled with air.
    This is very important for a dwelling, where, as a result of human activity, a large number of water vapor. Excess moisture will exit through the insulation layer, forming a comfortable microclimate in the attic. The vapor permeability of mineral wool is 0.3 mg / (m * h * Pa).
  2. Minimum moisture absorption. The material has hydrophobic properties, therefore it does not lose its technical characteristics when water flows through the roof space. The basalt wool fibers themselves are absolutely waterproof, and the accumulation of moisture inside the insulating cake is prevented by hydrophobic additives in adhesive resins.
    Studies show that in direct contact with liquid, high-quality basalt wool absorbs no more than 2% of liquid from its own volume. However, I still recommend using waterproof membranes when constructing a roofing pie.

  1. Fire safety. Cotton wool is made from a mineral of volcanic origin, so it does not ignite in a fire. According to the classification of building materials, the described insulation has an NG index (non-combustible). Basalt wool melts and loses its properties when the temperature exceeds 1100 degrees Celsius.
    Based on the foregoing, basalt wool, like no other material, is suitable for arranging attics. In this case, the insulation layer will perform not only heat-insulating functions, but also serve as a fire barrier.
  2. Mechanical strength. As I have already said, the basalt wool fibers in the insulation are arranged randomly and many of them are oriented perpendicular to the insulation mats, which is the reason for the material's ability to withstand heavy compressive loads.
    When the insulation mats are deformed by 10%, it has a compressive strength ranging from 5 to 80 kPa (the exact value depends on the density of the material).
    Translating into simple language, this means that dense mineral mats can be used to insulate the attic floor under. At the same time, the integrity of the insulating layer is fully guaranteed during the entire period of operation.

  1. Soundproof properties. The open structure of the material contributes to the fact that the insulation layer absorbs sound waves very effectively. For the attic, this criterion is one of the most important, since the noise made by rain that falls on a hard roof often causes discomfort for people living in the attic.
    Moreover, mineral wool has the ability to reverberate sound waves, therefore it protects not only the attic itself from noise, but also the rooms adjacent to it.
  2. Environmental friendliness. Mineral fibers themselves are absolutely safe for humans, however, formaldehyde resins used for gluing can become a source of emission of chemical compounds harmful to health. To avoid this, the material is subjected to secondary heat treatment, during which the phenol is neutralized. The final emission is much less than the safe level fixed by the regulations, and is no more than 0.05 mg per square meter. meter of material per hour.
    The advantage of basalt wool is also the fact that the mats themselves do not prick, do not cause irritation skin and allergic reactions in susceptible people.

  1. Biological and chemical resistance. Mineral wool is absolutely neutral to aggressive biological environments. Mold and fungus do not develop in the thickness and on the surface of the insulation, the material does not tend to rot, it is not damaged by rodents and insects.

In addition, basalt fiber is well tolerated by chemical substances, therefore, can come into contact with mortars and is not damaged by acids dissolved in rainwater, which can leak under the roofing.

  1. High price. There are more economical solutions, which are not inferior in efficiency to the material described above.
  2. The presence of seams. Mineral mats are joined to each other and to the rafters. As a result of a loose fit in these places, the formation of cold bridges is possible.

Option 2 - Styrofoam

I often used ordinary polystyrene foam, which is correctly called polystyrene foam, to insulate attics, albeit with some reservations. And the point here is not only the cost (and the price of polystyrene is really the lowest among alternative materials), but a large number of other advantages.

Let me tell you about the most important of them:

  1. Low thermal conductivity. As in the case with mineral wool, polystyrene does not conduct heat well due to the air contained inside. However, here the gas is enclosed in small closed cells glued together. Moreover, the polymer occupies only 2% of the total volume of the insulation, and the rest is filled with air. Given that the latter is devoid of convection, this has a positive effect on the heat-preserving properties.
    The coefficient of thermal conductivity of expanded polystyrene is lower than that of mineral wool, and ranges from 0.028-0.034 W / (m * K). However, the exact answer to the question of which layer is needed to insulate the walls of the attic depends on the density of the selected material. In most cases, 5-10 cm is enough.
  2. Classic building foam does not let air through due to hermetically closed structure. To equip the attic, you can use extruded polystyrene foam, which passes from 0.015 to 0.019 mg / (m * h * Pa).
    And if we talk about the absorption of water, then the opposite is true. Simple foam can absorb up to 4% of its own volume of liquid, and extruded polystyrene foam - no more than 0.5%.

  1. Good strength. Both ordinary polystyrene foam and extruded one tolerate mechanical loads well. But if you are going to insulate the attic floor along reinforced concrete slab, then buy EPPS. If a conventional foam can withstand a bending load of 0.02 to 0.2 kg per square centimeter, then for an extruded one this figure is 0.4-1 kg.
  2. chemical cost. Styrofoam is good because it does not react in any way to household detergents, alkaline solutions and mineral fertilizers. In addition, it can be coated with bituminous resins, cement mortars and similar materials.
    However, expanded polystyrene decomposes upon contact with acetone, turpentine, varnishes, drying oil and petroleum products. In addition, it is not recommended to expose the foam to direct ultraviolet rays, so the attic insulation layer must always be protected with external decorative materials.

  1. Sound absorption. Expanded polystyrene does not absorb sounds well. However, if you lay it in a layer of 10 cm, it copes with the absorption of noise during rain. But if necessary, the foam must be combined with effective sound insulators in order to completely dampen the noise from the outside.
  2. Antiseptic. The manufacturers of expanded polystyrene conducted scientific studies that proved that it is impossible for any living organisms to develop on the surface of this insulation. Therefore, using foam plastic for attic insulation, you can be 100% sure that mold and fungus will not appear in the insulation layer.
    Rodents are another matter. Although they do not feed on polystyrene granules, they still like to equip passages and nests in the heat-insulating layer. Damaged foam loses its heat-preserving properties. If your house is in a remote suburban area, replete with mice, it is better to give preference to basalt wool, which is too tough for them.

  1. Flammability. Styrofoam, as you probably know, belongs to the category of the most combustible insulating materials (G3 and G4). In addition, the material ignites well and contributes to an increase in the source of ignition, while releasing poisonous smoke that is harmful to human health.
    To insulate the attic, it is necessary to use only such expanded polystyrene, in the manufacture of which substances - fire retardants are added to the composition of the feedstock. They will not protect the foam from fire, but they will limit the spread of fire and make it possible to evacuate people from attic floor.
  2. Lifetime. The service life of the insulation provided by the manufacturer is 30 years. However, such results can be achieved if the technology of installation and operation of expanded polystyrene is strictly followed.
    The most important thing is to choose the right thickness of the insulation layer during the insulation process. For middle lane It is enough for Russia to install a sheet of polystyrene foam 10 cm thick or two sheets of 5 cm each. If you use a thinner foam, the thermal insulation efficiency will be low, if it is too thick, the insulation cake will collapse as a result of some external factors.

  1. Environmental friendliness. In the manufacture of polystyrene, gases that are harmful to the environment are not used. However, during operation, the insulation begins to oxidize. Moreover, this process takes place faster in classic foam compared to XPS.
    The oxidation process begins already when the surface is heated above 30 degrees Celsius. At the same time, toluene, formaldehydes, methyl alcohol, acetophenone and many others are released. hazardous substances. Therefore, when using polystyrene foam for attic insulation, it is necessary to equip ventilation gaps that help cool the material.

As you can see, polystyrene foam - plain and extruded - can be used to insulate the attic, albeit with some reservations. However, the latter are fully justified by saving money.

If the economic factor does not matter to you, I recommend paying attention to the sprayed insulation, which I will discuss below.

Option 3 - Polyurethane foam

This insulation belongs to the category of sprayed heat insulators. It is made from polymeric raw materials, which foams as a result of a special chemical reaction and after hardening forms a porous insulating layer of closed cells filled with carbon dioxide.

For insulation of attics, two types of insulation can be used:

  1. Two-component. Formed by mixing a polyol (component A) and a polyisocyanate (component B) in special device followed by spraying the mixture on the insulated structures by means of a gun connected to the compressor. This composition is used for warming large surfaces.
  2. Single component. Supplied in metal cans with a capacity of 1 liter, completely ready for use. Spraying occurs with the help of a gun, on which a container is put on. Such a heater (for example, Polynor) is used to process small hard-to-reach areas attic space and is often combined with other heaters.

Two-component polyurethane foam comes in different densities and structures. For internal works for insulation of the under-roof space, I recommend using the Ecothermix 600 composition with an open cell structure and a density after solidification of 9 to 12 kg per cubic meter.

Due to the porosity, the material has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity and effectively protects the room from unproductive heat loss.

Now I will tell you about the specific technical characteristics of the sprayed polyurethane.

  1. Low thermal conductivity. Carbon dioxide is just as bad a conductor of heat energy as atmospheric air. Therefore, in terms of thermal conductivity, this insulation is not inferior to the alternatives described above.
    The exact value of λ is 0.023 W / (m * K) for a material with a density of 32 kg per cubic meter. Usually I spray polyurethane foam so that its surface, after hardening, is on the same level with the lower cut of the rafters. That is, the insulation layer is 100-150 mm.

  1. Moisture absorption and air infiltration. The material does not absorb water, so take additional measures to protect it from moisture is not necessary. In addition, it well protects the insulated structures from exposure. This property is used when insulating metal parts and pipes, which are simultaneously protected from corrosion.
    As for vapor permeability, it all depends on the structure of the cells. The material for outdoor use has closed pores, therefore it is not classified as "breathable".
    And the attic can be insulated with a heat insulator with an open cell, which allows you to display excess moisture from wooden rafters and regulate the level of water vapor in the air.
  2. Good strength. After hardening, the polyurethane foam has sufficient compressive strength. Therefore, the insulation layer can not only be sewn up with sheet materials, such as plywood or drywall, but also plastered with a thin layer of cement mortar.
    What else attracts me personally is the ability of polyurethane foam to additionally strengthen the roof truss structure itself, strengthening the attic enclosing walls and not exerting a large load on other structural elements.

  1. Chemical resistance. Insulation well tolerates contact with alkali-containing building materials, as well as acids dissolved in rainwater. What you should be wary of is contact with oil distillation products, which melt the foam.
    Another important point- UV protection. Polyurethane foam breaks down from exposure to sunlight, so it must be carefully covered from them.
  2. Sound absorption. According to this indicator, the foam is more reminiscent of polystyrene than mineral wool. It well protects the room from impact noise created by raindrops falling on a metal tile or profiled sheet. But it is impossible to use polyurethane foam as an independent sound insulator.
    Sprayed insulation with an open cell structure absorbs airborne noise better, so use it.

  1. Antiseptic. The presence of polymers in the composition of the sprayed foam and zero water absorption leads to the fact that microorganisms cannot develop on the surface and in the thickness of the heat-insulating layer, therefore, additional antiseptic treatment of the heat-insulating layer is not required.
    The same applies to insects with rodents. Mice don't like foam, so you don't have to worry about such an unpleasant neighborhood.
  2. Flammability. The material, due to the presence of flame retardants in the composition of component A, belongs to the category G2 and G3. The insulation, although it ignites, does not contribute to the spread of an open flame.
    In addition, the material has the ability to self-extinguish, since when melted, carbon dioxide is released from the cells, reducing the oxygen concentration at the site of ignition.

  1. Lifetime. Studies show that polyurethane foam is guaranteed to retain all technical characteristics and performance properties for at least 50 years.
    And subject to the installation technology, the insulating layer will serve as long as itself. roof structure enclosing walls of the attic.
  2. Environmental friendliness. The level of emission of harmful chemicals after application and hardening of polyurethane foam does not exceed the values ​​fixed by regulatory documents .

Despite the high cost of not only the material, but also the services for its installation, polyurethane foam is often used for thermal insulation of attics, as it has many positive properties:

  1. High adhesion to any surfaces. When sprayed from mounting gun polyurethane foam sticks to any surfaces, regardless of their porosity, roughness and temperature, slope and so on. Therefore, you can spray foam directly on truss system roof, without the use of additional fasteners.
  2. Ease and speed of application. Thanks to the installation procedure mentioned above, the time required for processing the premises is minimized. Usually it is possible to insulate an average (and even large) attic within one working day. But for this it is necessary to have the necessary equipment, the purchase or rental of which is quite expensive.
  3. Multifunctionality. The material plays the role of not only an effective heat insulator, but also protects the attic truss system from the destructive effects of moisture and cold.

But, as in all other cases, only you will have to decide on the use of polyurethane foam. Although I personally see no reason to abandon the described insulation technology.


Now you know about all the technical characteristics of popular materials and you can do it yourself conscious choice. The video in this article, presented below, tells how to insulate the attic from the inside with your own hands with mineral wool.

What heater did you choose? You can post your answers in the comments to the material.

The attic is wooden structures from partition walls adjacent to the roof beams. Since the roof is made using pitched technology, an impressive space is formed under it, from which you can make a living space. The attic material, like the roof, does not have proper thermal insulation. She is also characterized by constant blowing, drafts. To make the room cozy, and living in it comfortable, you need to purchase a heater for the attic and perform a number of works on the attic sheathing.

Thanks to thermal insulation, a normal temperature for housing is maintained. Some materials can also provide sound insulation. By constructively improving the attic with a heater, you can kill two birds with one stone. But what is the best insulation for the attic? First of all, you need to understand the characteristics that a heat insulator should have, and then choose the most optimal one.

Attic insulation requirements

The key criteria for choosing a material are its cost, durability and thermal insulation properties. A good heater should have the following qualities:

  • resistance to moisture;
  • frost resistance;
  • minimal hygroscopicity (the ability of the material to accumulate liquid in the structure);
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • fire safety;
  • water resistance;
  • minimal deformability;
  • thermal conductivity coefficient up to 0.04 W/m°C.

It is hardly possible to find a material that would 100% meet the above requirements. Nevertheless, in the construction of private houses, a number of heaters are used that perfectly perform heat and sound insulation functions. These are:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene (aka polystyrene);
  • foam materials (for example, polyurethane foam);
  • insulation made from natural fibres.

In addition to structure, materials differ in price and complexity of handling. The following is a detailed discussion of each type of insulation.

Mineral wool

Outwardly resembling ordinary mineral wool, mineral wool is made from various breeds, and is available in the form of rigid slabs or mats (soft sheets). There are three groups of insulation according to composition:

  • basalt (stone);
  • glass wool;
  • slag.

Basalt insulation is made from rocks of the gabbro-basalt group or marls (sedimentary rock of a clay-carbonate structure). For comparison: gabbro-diabase is often used in sauna heaters, because it retains heat perfectly and heats up quickly. Stone insulation has a vapor barrier of about 0.3 mg / m h Pa, and thermal conductivity is about 0.035-0.04 W / m ° C. Basalt wool fibers do not prick, which facilitates the work of lining the attic with them from the inside.

Glass wool consists of 1/5 of a mixture of soda, borax, limestone, sand, the rest is broken glass. The material is stronger, heavier than the basalt counterpart, and also has greater elasticity. Without problems withstands temperature fluctuations from -60 to +450 ° C.

The slag material has the same length and thickness as basalt, but slightly lower thermal conductivity. The fibers are quite sharp; this complicates the lining from the inside of the room. It also has high hygroscopicity. These shortcomings made the material the least popular among the representatives of mineral wool.

Each of the three types of material is an excellent sound insulator - insulation in the form of plates belongs to class "A" in terms of absorbing outside noise, and mats - to group "B". Often used as a fire barrier (not only in attics) because it has zero fire hazard (the most reliable group). Mineral wool is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, safe for humans, not afraid of pests (rodents or insects), does not reduce its effectiveness under the influence of aggressive chemicals. However, the insulation is not without the following disadvantages:

  • hygroscopicity is higher than desired (it forces additional layers to be laid during sheathing from the inside - vapor and waterproofing);
  • irritates the skin (it is required to work only in clothes with long sleeves and wear gloves);
  • dusts profusely (a respirator is also desirable);
  • stands above other materials with similar properties.

There are negative sides, however, in terms of demand, mineral wool is inferior only to expanded polystyrene, better known by a different name.


Extruded material optimally combines the required parameters of an ideal insulation, being the most popular among consumers. The key advantage of expanded polystyrene is its low thermal conductivity, which is usually 0.03 W / m ° C. At least because of this indicator, insulation is preferable to mineral wool.

If the numbers mean nothing, it is worth turning to the practical side. When sheathing the attic from the inside, to achieve the same temperature in the room, a much smaller amount of foam will be required than cotton wool. This achieves space savings and optimal resource costs.

The almost zero hygroscopicity of the foam extends the life of the insulation layer. Water does not flow inside; this eliminates the possibility of mold and premature deterioration of properties. Also, when using foam, the load on the roof will be minimal. By the way, not only because of its good hygroscopicity.

1 m3 of foam plastic weighs an order of magnitude less than a similar volume of mineral wool. Therefore, it is easier to work with it, and the load on the supporting beams of the roof does not increase regardless of the season.

Styrofoam for lining the attic or other rooms of a private house is mainly made in the form of plates, which save time when fastening. You can completely insulate the attic with polystyrene foam alone.

Remarkable for ease of use next material, which when hardened resembles foam, but is supplied in liquid form.

polyurethane foam

PPU is one of the highest quality roof insulation. This is achieved by the fact that it is applied to vertical and inclined surfaces from the inside in liquid form, and when hardened, it slightly increases in volume, effectively filling gaps or holes.

Light weight, low thermal conductivity comparable to polystyrene, resistance to extreme temperatures and other advantages put polyurethane foam on a par with mineral wool and polystyrene foam. The fact that polyurethane foam is difficult to apply to the inner sloping surface of the roof is just a delusion. Good adhesion of the material prevents complications.

After hardening, polyurethane foam acquires a single structure (like foam), which does not allow moisture or steam to pass through. This eliminates the need for additional vapor and waterproofing. However, there is one caveat - the cost.

Work on the insulation of the attic roof from the inside of the PPU requires special equipment. Most of the companies that provide services inner lining roofs, require 300-400 rubles (from 1 m2) for applying foam. It is easy to calculate how many extra thousand rubles can be given to specialists.

Polyurethane foam is applied in a small layer with a thickness of 4 to 10 cm. This is enough, since the thermal conductivity is 1.5-2 times better than rolled materials.

If the user has large sums to insulate the attic from the inside, PPU will be the best purchase option. Once having completed the work on applying the material to inner part roofs, you can hope for 30-35 years comfortable temperature indoors.

Natural fiber materials

In Central and Eastern Europe, insulation made from flax, wood, hemp, fastened together with starch or polyester, has become widespread. There are products based on sawdust of a tree or seaweed. They are good, but not applicable for the attic, because they occupy a large volume. Russia learned about such heaters about a dozen years ago.

Natural materials have a capillary structure that allows evaporation or air masses to pass through. Their advantages include:

  • human safety;
  • fire resistance;
  • characteristics for noise and heat insulation are close to the properties of polyurethane foam, polystyrene, mineral wool;
  • do not dust and do not prick when sheathing from the inside;
  • self-regulation of the microclimate of the room;
  • no shrinkage;
  • long service life (more than half a century);
  • there is no need for special clothing when working.

Examples of natural heaters - Ecowool, Ecolen, cotton fabric; these and other names are sometimes found on the shelves of hardware stores.

Little-known materials that are not inferior in quality to generally recognized ones. Perhaps in 10-15 years they will gain popularity.

The cost of various heaters

  • mineral wool (from 400 rubles per 1 cubic meter);
  • polystyrene and polyurethane foam (1000-3000 per cubic meter);
  • natural insulation (the price reaches 10-15 thousand rubles per cubic meter).

If there is a sufficient amount of finance, it is recommended to insulate the attic from the inside with polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam. More cheap material(cotton wool) is also good, only it will take longer to tinker with it.

Based on the characteristics of the materials used in attic sheathing listed above, the user can decide how best to insulate the attic and proceed with the implementation of plans. Each material is good in its own way, but science has not yet come up with an ideal one. Based on the wishes or possibilities, among dozens of types of heaters, you can choose the most acceptable one.

The arrangement of living space on the site of the attic has long ceased to be a rare occurrence. More and more home owners are interested in how to properly carry out repairs so that life “under the roof” is no less comfortable than in the house itself. Consider how to make attic insulation if the roof is already covered, what materials are best suited for this purpose and what nuances you should pay attention to.

The attic is not just a habitable attic. There are some norms that distinguish these two rooms from each other. First of all, the attic roof must necessarily have a slope. In addition, the height of the room established by the norm must be at least 2.5 m.

Focusing on attractive appearance, many decide to equip the attic. But in reality, you have to deal with some nuances, which it is advisable to familiarize yourself with before starting work:

  • the materials that were used to build the attic directly determine the further heat loss in this room. Therefore, their choice should be approached very responsibly;
  • Properly selected engineering solutions have no less influence, which allow providing all the necessary communications on the top floor;
  • the shape of the roof plays a significant role. It can be single-sided, double-sided or broken;
  • in order to hide the load-bearing elements of the roof, you will have to show imagination;
  • the attic can be located not only on the territory of the house, but also go beyond it, relying on columns.

Each of these aspects has its own impact on the approach that will be required for high-quality roof insulation. But the main role still belongs to the two main materials - heat and water insulator. On the one hand, the space under the roof is in the coldest zone of the building. On the other hand, a strong difference between the temperature inside and outside often causes condensation, which has a destructive effect on materials.

The best materials for do-it-yourself attic insulation

For internal insulation attic there are many suitable options. But your choice must be made based on the characteristics of the region of residence, as well as the design features of the particular roof with which to work. Consider what options exist today and what features are characteristic of them.

Attic insulation with foam plastic: the pros and cons of the material

Polyfoam is one of the most famous heaters, which occupies its niche among inexpensive thermal insulation materials. Its price is indeed significantly lower than that of many others, but this is far from its only advantage:

  • Styrofoam does not absorb moisture at all. If the material is pre-treated with an impregnation specially designed for this, then the water will simply drain down the surface;
  • light weight is another advantage that greatly facilitates transportation and installation, and also reduces the load on the roof;
  • the thermal conductivity of the foam is very low, so that it copes with its direct functions more than fully;
  • Styrofoam is easy to cut and fasten. This allows you to work with it without any problems, even in the absence of any experience.

Interesting! In terms of cost, this method can only be compared with the insulation of the ceiling with expanded clay, although now this method is used less and less.

Based on these characteristics, we can conclude that polystyrene foam is practically a win-win option when it comes to insulating the attic from the inside. But the insulation of walls with foam plastic from the inside also has disadvantages, and sometimes they turn out to be much more significant than the advantages:

  • the vapor permeability of the foam is at a very low level. As a result, the room is often stuffy and hot. It also leads to an increase in humidity, which causes the development of fungi and mold on the wooden elements of the roof;
  • despite its artificial origin, this material is often damaged by rodents;
  • over time, wood tends to shrink, which leads to the formation of gaps between the foam elements. It is impossible to fix this, and the only way to solve the problem is to completely replace the heat-insulating material.

Many believe that the listed disadvantages are greater than the advantages and insulation of the attic with foam plastic is not justified. But it must be admitted that this is one of the most budget options, which delivers a minimum of hassle, and subject to the installation technology, it may well become an alternative to more expensive solutions.

Attic insulation with polystyrene foam: advantages, disadvantages and features

Extruded polystyrene foam is very similar to Styrofoam. Their technical characteristics are almost identical, with the exception of one significant aspect - installation technology. If the foam needs to be laid between the rafters, then the expanded polystyrene is placed on top, which eliminates the risk of cracks and gaps.

Helpful advice! Some manufacturers offer buyers plates with stepped joints, which makes the joints even more durable and reliable. Such fixation of the elements among themselves is an ideal option for insulating the roof of the attic.

Among other advantages of roof insulation with polystyrene foam, one cannot fail to note its low weight, which is perfectly combined with high strength and resistance to external influences. In addition, the operational life of this material is quite long, subject to the entire attic insulation technology with foam.

Expanded polystyrene is not prone to rotting or decomposition processes, which is also important in the case of roof work. It can be topped with any topcoat that will give an attractive appearance and provide additional protection.

Working with expanded polystyrene on your own is simple: a variety of adhesive mixtures and mastics are suitable for fixing it. And in some cases, even a construction stapler is used. So for installation there is no need to purchase any expensive additional elements.

But behind all these positive characteristics, one should not forget about the only, but rather serious, drawback of polystyrene foam insulation from the inside of walls and roofs - the material has an increased level of combustibility. For owners, this means the need for a more careful and thoughtful summing up of all communications, in particular, electricity.

Of course, manufacturers are trying to minimize this drawback, but today we can say with confidence that this issue remains open, and every owner who has made a choice in favor of insulating the walls from the inside with foam plastic is obliged to take care of his safety.

Interesting! It is no coincidence that this material is most often chosen for warming the balcony. Expanded polystyrene has a very low thermal conductivity, and at the same time on the balcony it practically does not have to come into contact with electricity.

Insulation of the attic from the inside with mineral wool: a worthy alternative to penoplex

Mineral wool is another thermal insulation material that is used everywhere and is widely known for its characteristics. It got its name because of the fibrous structure, similar to medical cotton wool. You can buy it in rolls, which makes transportation and installation even more convenient.

Low thermal conductivity is perfectly combined with the ability not to absorb moisture. Although, if this happens, the material dries quickly without losing its appearance and technical characteristics.

Mineral wool belongs to the category of environmentally friendly and safe materials, which becomes noticeable even if the upper part of the roof is covered with metal tiles, which are prone to strong heating under the influence of sunlight. In addition, mineral wool also serves as a sound-absorbing barrier, and unlike polystyrene, it is completely of no interest to rodents and various insects.

Roof insulation from the inside with mineral wool should be done taking into account the fact that this is a rather elastic material, even despite its soft fibrous structure. It is quite capable of being held between the rafters, subject to high-quality fixation.

Helpful advice! In the process of cutting mineral wool for laying sheets between the rafters, it is necessary to leave a margin of about 2 cm. This will allow them to be held and not fall out even if there are no additional fasteners.

Insulation of the roof from the inside with glass wool: is it worth using this material

According to its characteristics, glass wool is similar to mineral wool, but in this case, the fibers that make up the material are longer, which generally increases the elasticity of the material. Slightly higher and strength indicators and soundproofing ability. But when in contact with moisture, glass wool is inferior to mineral wool, absorbing more water.

The use of glass wool for insulation of residential premises does not lead to any negative consequences for the health of residents. No toxic substances are used in the production process. In addition, glass wool is characterized by a low flammability index.

In the process of working with the material, safety regulations are required to avoid getting glass wool fibers into the air. Its small particles can cause irritation of the mucous membranes, and therefore the use of a respirator and goggles is a prerequisite.

Helpful advice! Sometimes glass wool fibers can irritate the skin, so it is recommended to wear closed clothing and even gloves when working with it.

Do-it-yourself insulation of the attic roof from the inside using stone wool

Stone wool is the most expensive option among similar materials. But at the same time, it is the safest for human health and significantly exceeds all other options in terms of reliability. Here are some of its main advantages:

  • the thermal conductivity coefficient of this material is one of the lowest;
  • stone wool remains completely environmentally friendly even when heated;
  • the layer of this heat insulator is also an excellent noise-absorbing barrier;
  • the level of vapor permeability is very high;

  • the material practically does not burn;
  • no mechanical loads can deform stone wool or affect its characteristics;
  • material is different long term operation;
  • stone wool can be purchased in the form of slabs, which are easily cut into segments of the required length and attached to the ceiling surface.

Due to the high cost stone wool they often try to replace it with mineral wool or glass wool. But such a replacement cannot be called complete, since this affects the quality of insulation quite seriously. Many users claim that the price of the material is quite justified, and subject to the installation technology, it very quickly pays for the provoked costs.

Related article:

Types of insulation for roofs and ceilings. Mineral and synthetic roof insulation. Warming mansard roof.

In addition, it is quite possible to do all the work on insulating the roof of the attic from the inside with your own hands. A video instruction can demonstrate the procedure for carrying out the work, and the recommendations of specialists will help you avoid common mistakes.

Insulation of the attic with ecowool is one of the most effective ways to combat the cold.

Ecowool is a pre-shredded material that is first blown into the cracks, and then, using the same method, a layer is placed between the ceiling and the rafters, using a device specially designed for this. This is an expensive procedure, but it allows you to completely eliminate all the risks of drafts and ensure the most effective insulation.

Ecowool consists of 80% completely natural material- paper, the properties of which are very similar to those characteristic of wood. With its natural origin, ecowool reduces the level of heat loss no less effectively than other materials.

One of the components that is part of ecowool is borax. According to its characteristics, it is an antiseptic of natural origin, which makes it possible to provide wooden elements roofs effective protection against the formation of fungus and mold.

Ecowool is applied in a thin layer, but at the same time it provides a decent level of not only heat, but also sound insulation. The material retains its characteristics even after decades of use. So not too low cost is the only drawback of this material, which is fully justified by its excellent properties.

Attic insulation with polyurethane foam: technology basics and material features

Foamed polyurethane foam is the most modern among all the listed ways to insulate the attic. Its main difference is the complete absence of joints or gaps that can become a source of cold air. In addition, the operational period of this material is one of the longest, and is up to 30 years.

Foamed polyurethane foam is not subject to shrinkage, even if wooden roof At home, over time, it begins to deform a little. Its solid structure completely eliminates the risk of moisture absorption, which eliminates the need to install an additional vapor barrier layer.

But there are also aspects that significantly complicate the process of using polyurethane foam as a roof insulation with inside. First of all, this concerns the application procedure, which requires complex and expensive equipment. Its purchase is almost never justified, so it is usually rented.

Another aspect is the complex application technology, which provides for a certain experience in this area and does not allow beginners to cope with the task on their own with high quality.

Helpful advice! The ideal option is to invite a team of workers who will come with their own equipment and in just a few hours will make high-quality insulation of the attic of your house.

Insulation of the attic from the inside with your own hands using penofol

Penofol is a kind of foamed polyethylene - a technology that occupies its niche among the ways modern insulation walls and houses. Along with high rates of sound insulation, it is worth noting the fact that penofol has quality coating made of aluminum, which can be applied on one or two sides.

Here are a few more arguments in favor of using penofol for attic insulation:

  • the material does not pose any threat to human health or the environment;
  • its thermal conductivity is extremely low;
  • the closed system of air bubbles characteristic of this material serves as an excellent barrier to steam penetration.

This method is also not cheap and requires significant financial investments for implementation. But, as practice shows, it is better to spend money on quality material and thereby ensure comfortable conditions residence for many years to come.

It is not uncommon for a combination of materials. Materials that match in characteristics can be used for insulation together. For example, mineral wool and polystyrene foam are perfectly combined with each other. The first is laid between the rafters, and the second is placed closer to the edge of the roof. This combination will achieve the desired effect and significantly save on the purchase of materials.

Can provide reliable thermal insulation in combination with other materials

As you can see from the descriptions, each insulation has its own advantages and disadvantages. The only question is to choose the most suitable option, which will satisfy the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmatching the price and quality of the material.

One of the most common mistakes that owners make is a rash choice in favor of the cheapest option for attic insulation. Videos and articles can demonstrate the positive aspects of a particular solution, but you need to choose taking into account all the nuances and characteristics. Attempts to save on heat-insulating material can lead to the fact that after some time of operation, it will be necessary to carry out repair work or even completely replace the entire material.

Warming the attic from the inside with your own hands: video and stages of work

Each of the materials has its own fastening characteristics and should only be used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. But if we talk about the general procedure for carrying out work, then there are mandatory steps that are carried out almost always, regardless of the material chosen.

The first layer is laid out waterproofing material, which should protect the insulation from the damaging effects of moisture. The film is overlapped in such a way that one layer is 10-15 cm on top of the other. The material is fastened with construction stapler, and the joints are additionally glued with adhesive tape.

Then, if necessary, a crate is created. For it, you can use wooden slats, the width of which is 8-10 cm. You need to attach them to the rafters, placing them parallel to each other at a distance of 50-60 cm. It is very important to check each element individually using building level. This will prevent any roof defects from occurring in the future.

A heat insulator is laid on the rafters or crate and fastened in a suitable way for it. For example, if we are talking about using any type of cotton wool sold in the form of rolls, then the material is cut into pieces right size to lay them between the rafters. In this case, the thickness of the insulation must be such as to correspond to the width of the log. It is especially important if you decide to insulate the walls from the inside with mineral wool plus drywall. In this case, all free space must be filled with insulation.

The top layer of this "pie" is a layer of vapor barrier material, which can be used as polyethylene film, glassine or roofing material. As in the case of waterproofing, the selected material is overlapped. True, in this case, fastening is best done using thin wooden slats, placing them in increments of 40-50 cm. All joints must be glued with adhesive tape.

Helpful advice! If you need to lay several layers of thermal insulation material, you need to lay a vapor barrier film between each of them. This is especially true for cold regions.

As a final step, it remains only to take care of a suitable top coat, which can be attached to the crate or, in its absence, directly to the bars. Consideration should be given to the weight of the decorative panels, since the installation of the heaviest of them may require pre-installation metal profile frame.

The main mistakes made in the process of attic insulation

The end result of the work that is done by one's own hands directly depends on how accurately the technology and all the prescribed rules are followed. Particular attention should be paid to the procedure for laying the waterproofing layer, since materials that are able to absorb moisture later dry out, which often causes cold in the room.

  • if the slope of the roof does not exceed 13°, this will cause precipitation to be retained on the surface. The result is rust and leaks. All this can adversely affect the condition of the insulation, so it is important to make sure that the angle of inclination is large enough before starting work;
  • installation of thermal insulation material on the walls and roof - that's not all necessary work. It is necessary to take care of the insulation of windows (according to Swedish technology). To do this, it is best to invite specialists to surely avoid leakage. Especially if you want to install windows at an angle;

  • in order to provide ventilation to the heat-insulating material and the ability to dry out if it gets wet, it is advisable to leave a gap of about 2-3 cm between the material and the roof;
  • it is absolutely impossible to skip at least one of the necessary layers of vapor or waterproofing materials;
  • if the heat-insulating material exceeds the rafters in thickness, then their height can be increased by filling additional slats on their own.

These simple recommendations can help in the process of work, significantly improving the quality of insulation. However, if for any reason there are doubts about the strength and experience, it would be better to invite a specialist. Of course, you will have to pay for this, but in this case you will not have to redo everything twice.

Warming the gable of the attic from the inside is far from the most difficult task that the owner of the house may face. Often, on the top floor, the owners want to place a balcony, the insulation technology of which also has its own characteristics.

As well as for walls, a wide variety of materials can be used to insulate the ceiling on the balcony, although it is worth noting that the technology of insulating loggias, which has not been mentioned before, is often used here. To understand in detail the features of this process will help you understand step-by-step instruction"Insulation of the balcony from the inside with your own hands."

Do-it-yourself insulation of the attic from the inside with mineral wool: video instruction

As an illustrative example, it is recommended to watch a training video, which presents in detail the technology of wall insulation from the inside with mineral wool. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with all the nuances in detail and avoid the previously mentioned common mistakes.

Most regions of Russia can "boast" of the predominance of cold, which leads to space heating using heating systems. And in the presence of an attic floor, the situation becomes extremely serious. After all, the attic has the largest area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact with open air which gets quite cold in winter. Therefore, the insulation of this type of room should be approached very responsibly.

In connection with the emergence big difference temperatures on different sides of the roof, the heat flow begins to move towards cold. Therefore, the task of insulating the attic is to put an obstacle in the way of the heat flow and reduce its heat loss. For this purpose, various heaters can be used, that is, materials with low thermal conductivity.

When deciding which insulation is better to use for the attic, it is important to take into account not only the quality characteristics of the material, but design features attic, materials for its manufacture, as well as the estimated temperature indicators inside this room.

What properties should an attic insulation have?

Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. In most cases, a consumer choosing an attic insulation pays attention to the following:

  • The ability of a material to retain heat.
  • Operating period.
  • Moisture resistant.
  • How simple and easy it is to install.
  • Is it possible to save on material.
  • To what extent the material reduces the level of noise and extraneous sounds.
  • is it possible to universal use material.

The second most important is the versatility of the insulation. Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to use one insulation for the roof, floor and walls of the attic. In this case, you need to carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations on the package: if the term "universal" is available, you can safely purchase material for insulating the pitched walls of the attic and floor. The use of universal insulation helps to avoid the problem of varying degrees of surface insulation.

The next significant property when deciding which insulation to choose for the attic is the absorption of sound and noise. Even taking into account the fact that there is no noise and clatter from neighbors in the attic room, sound insulation is a must for the roof. This is especially true of attic rooms, the roof of which is covered with metal profiles and metal tiles. Insulation with good soundproofing properties contributes to the creation of a comfortable environment in a residential attic.

An excellent choice for attic insulation can be a material with low flammability. This property is very important for rooms with a wooden supporting structure. When choosing a heater for a mansard roof, one should remember the rule: the higher the risk of fire of the frame of the attic room, the greater the incombustibility of the insulation should be. Only in this case it is possible to reduce the degree of ignition of the entire floor.

Of no small importance for the attic insulation are its hydrophobic properties, since water vapor will always be present in the room. It is best to use materials with low water absorption. Otherwise, it is recommended to use additional waterproofing.

Popular materials for attic insulation - which one is better

To find out which insulation is best for the attic, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of some materials. Materials based on mineral wool and fiberglass are very popular for attic insulation, little-known heaters are a little behind them: ecowool, foil board and natural materials.

glass wool

Among the budget materials for attic insulation, fiberglass wool can be distinguished. She's different simple installation, lack of toxicity. The absence of organic components in the composition of the material makes the material uninteresting for rodents. But the main advantage of glass wool is a low degree of ignition.

As a disadvantage, one can single out the presence of fine glass dust, which can cause damage to the mucous membrane of the eye and irritation on the skin. However, this problem can be solved by using personal protective equipment.

Mineral wool for mansard roof

In the composition of this material, you can find small stone or clay chips, as well as a small amount of fiberglass. Mineral wool is based on synthetic fibers, so it is safer for human health. The material is characterized by low weight, good vapor permeability and low hygroscopicity, which makes the material no less popular than glass wool.

The multilayer structure of mineral wool allows you to keep warm, due to the fact that air is able to linger in the layers.

However, the material contributes to the accumulation of dust and does not resist well. high humidity. But this problem is solved by the implementation of waterproofing works.

Mineral wool belongs to high class fire safety, detention of even open fire is facilitated by particles of quartz sand in the composition of the material.

Among the large number of mineral wool manufacturers, two leaders stand out, which are most suitable as an answer to the question of which mineral wool is best for the attic.

Izover insulation has high thermal insulation properties and perfectly absorbs excess noise. Therefore he is ideal option for arrangement in the attic of a children's room or home cinema. In addition, such a heater will protect against the noise that raindrops make when they hit metal surfaces. Such material properties are ensured by the presence of special air lenses in the insulation cavity.

Ursa heaters incorporate only natural raw materials, in particular, we are talking about quartz sand and fiberglass. Therefore, the material does not pose a danger to the environment and human health. It perfectly retains heat, absorbs most noises and sounds, and is not damaged by rodents. The density value of mineral wool for the attic ranges from 30 to 225 kg / m 3.

Mineral wool is characterized by a fairly long service life, for half a century the material does not bloom and does not rot.

Basalt or stone wool

The most popular and safe type of mineral wool is basalt wool. This material is based on natural stone - basalt, which, under the influence of high temperature melted and stretched into fine fibers. Basalt wool is able to withstand heating up to 1000 0 C, but is not able to resist rodents.

The most popular brand of stone wool - "Rocklight" - is characterized by the ability to retain heat, absorb excess noise, fire resistance and easy installation. At the same time, basalt insulation for the attic of sufficiently high quality can be purchased at a relatively low price.

Another advantage of the material can be called durability and maintaining the ability to "breathe" throughout long term operation. The vapor permeability of the insulation is of great importance when finishing the attic, as this prevents the appearance of mold and various fungi.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Simple and easy installation, no skin irritation during operation and a fairly low cost - these are just minor advantages of expanded polystyrene. However, in most cases, the material is used in combination with other heaters. For example, the gaps in the frame are filled with mineral wool, and expanded polystyrene is laid on top.


The cheapest option for attic insulation is foam. It is light, so the work can be done independently, without the involvement of experienced craftsmen. This property is especially important when insulating sloping roof walls.

Styrofoam is an excellent soundproofing material, as it has several levels of density. In addition, it is not characterized by shrinkage during operation.

The density of the mansard roof insulation in this case shows the degree of its resistance to mechanical stress, but denser foam is less resistant to fire. Therefore, to insulate the roof of the attic, you can choose materials with less rigidity, since in this place significant loads will not be exerted on the insulation.

polyurethane foam

Spraying with polyurethane foam is in a good way attic insulation. In addition, the material has the following properties:

  • Excellent degree of thermal protection.
  • The possibility of insulation without a frame and special fasteners.
  • The absence of seams, which are always conductors of cold.
  • Creation of tightness in hard-to-reach places.
  • Lack of response to any roofing material, excellent resistance to moisture and vapor permeability.
  • Good grip on any surface.
  • Polyurethane foam is not afraid of rodents and insects, and is also not affected by mold and rot.

But PPU still has a drawback: it cannot be applied independently without special equipment.

natural wool

In some regions, natural wool or felt is used as insulation for the roof. These materials have good vapor permeability and excellent thermal insulation properties.

Wool can be used on its own, but its use in a roofing cake is considered more effective.

For the Caucasian area, wool is the most affordable insulation, what gives great advantage before ready-made, more expensive materials. But in this case, do not forget about insects and rodents that can start in natural material.


Relatively recently, a new insulation has appeared on the construction market - ecowool. For its production, newspaper waste is used, which is pre-crushed and treated with flame retardants and antiseptics. At the same time, dangerous lead, which, according to many, is contained in newspapers, is completely excluded from ecowool.

The composition of the material fully complies with environmental requirements, even in the process of smoldering and with a sharp change in temperature. This property makes ecowool more efficient and profitable compared to mineral wool and expanded polystyrene.

But due to insufficient fame, only specialized construction organizations carry out insulation with this material.

Which one to choose: roll material or mats

When choosing a heater for the attic, the question may arise, is it better to roll material or slabs? In this case, the answer for each will be individual, since everyone has different preferences.

Practical experience shows that material in rolls is more convenient to use. It is enough to roll the roll to the desired length and cut off a piece. In addition, when insulating a roof that has a standard distance between the rafters, you can easily cut the material in half and fill the free space with them.

In the case of insulation boards, the advantage is convenient transportation. However practical use turns out to be more problematic, since the slabs are rectangular in shape.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that when buying an attic insulation, it is very important to pay attention to the packaging. It should not have scratches or damage, indicating a violation of tightness. Only in this case is guaranteed protection against moisture ingress to the insulation before installation work. Moisture that has entered the material through poor-quality packaging leads to wetting of the insulation and a change in its shape. As a result, installation is largely difficult, and gaps form between the plates. In addition, damp material becomes a breeding ground for mold and fungus, which spoil the appearance of the surface and become a source of unpleasant odor.

attic room - extra space in the house, which can be used for personal use. In it you can do living room or an office where it is quiet, cozy and warm. But to create this warmth, silence and comfort, you need to try a little. The most important stage in the construction of a mansard roof is its insulation. Indeed, without it, staying in this room will be impossible in autumn and winter.

The main question that arises when insulating, which insulation is better for a mansard roof? After all, there are many options, but how to do right choice? Let's look at the criteria by which you need to choose a heat insulator and compare the most popular materials.

Criteria for choosing a heater for the attic

The choice of material for the attic should be approached quite seriously. All of them have their pros and cons.

But, when choosing a heater for a mansard roof, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Thermal insulation characteristics of the material.
  2. Good sound insulation insulation.
  3. Ease of installation.
  4. Insulation resistance to high temperatures.
  5. Ecological purity.
  6. Long service life.
  7. Profitability.
  8. The property of insulation to repel moisture.
  9. The versatility of the material.

It is clear that the main criterion by which the insulation is evaluated is its ability to retain heat. For an attic room, this is very important. In addition, the material must be universal, so that it is possible to insulate not only the roof, but also the floors and walls of the attic. And if you do not want to hear gusts of wind and the sound of rain, then it should isolate the attic well from noise. All these criteria are important, and it is better if the insulation meets most of them.

Let's review everything suitable materials using an example, and find out which insulation is suitable for this purpose.

Attic roof insulation

So, the most popular materials for insulating a mansard roof are mineral wool, glass wool, polyurethane foam (PPU) and polystyrene. They are most consistent with the indicators we talked about earlier. But there are also new materials that have not yet been studied so much. One of them is ecowool. The best insulation we will search from this list.

Mineral wool for attic insulation

One of the environmental insulation materials, which consists of molten rocks, clay and synthetic fibers. The material has a low weight, good vapor permeability and low hygroscopicity. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the material. It can be purchased in stores as roll form and as slabs. The sizes and thickness are different, from 5 to 10 cm. Due to its fibrous structure, the material retains heat well. There is always a large amount of air in the fibers. The good news is that cotton wool is also vapor-permeable (it has the ability to breathe).

Note! Rodents will not start in mineral wool, which cannot be said about polystyrene.

If we talk about the disadvantages of insulation, then the main one is low resistance to moisture. If the material gets wet, it will lose its properties. That's why Special attention must be given a waterproofing layer. And yet, the insulation quickly accumulates dust. However, the high resistance to fire pleases. In case of fire, cotton wool is able to delay the fire.

The most popular brand that is suitable for attic insulation is Ursa and Izover. The second version of the insulation has a fairly high rate of sound insulation, in combination with other advantages. And Ursa products are sold in convenient rolls that are easy to mount.

The service life of mineral wool for the attic is 50 years. It does not rot, bloom or mold.

Basalt wool for attic insulation

This is one of the safest and most famous types of mineral wool. It is made on the basis of basalt - natural stone. It is melted under technological conditions and thin fibers are made. You will not believe, but such cotton wool does not burn even at temperatures up to 1000 ˚C! The thing is that only at this temperature the stone begins to melt. Only here there is one drawback - the mice are very fond of this insulation. But in the attic they are easy to deal with.

The most popular brand of insulation is Rocklight. Products have excellent heat and noise insulation, do not burn and are quite easy to install. And more importantly, with such quality, the price is quite adequate. The insulation is able to last for many years without caking and retaining all properties.

Glass wool - I want it, but it pricks

The use of glass wool is not a new method. He has performed well over the years. This material is quite cheap, and installation is not so difficult. Indoors, it is non-toxic and not harmful to the body. And due to the fact that it does not contain organic substances, rodents do not eat it. I would also like to note that glass wool has a second degree of refractoriness. It's pretty good.

If we talk about the minuses of the material, then it lies in its composition. Glass wool has fine glass dust. When it comes into contact with the skin, it begins to itch, and if the dust gets into the eyes, it causes damage to them. The same goes for the respiratory tract. Therefore, when insulating a mansard roof with glass wool, it is important to take care of safety. All work is carried out in a protective suit, respirator gloves and goggles with a rubber element. Only then will you not suffer.

Note! After all the work, do not even think about washing clothes, it will not help. She will have to be thrown away.

Anyone who has ever tried a heater with their bare hands prefers not to deal with it. Although if you do everything according to technology, then this is a worthy option.

Insulation of the attic with foam - cheap, but risky

The most affordable and popular material for attic insulation. Moreover, they insulate both the roof and the walls with the floor. The main advantage of the material is its low weight, ease of installation and good thermal insulation properties. All work on insulation can be done by hand, without the help of specialists. It is especially convenient to insulate sloping walls and roofs.

Styrofoam has several levels of density. Due to this, he has good indicators of sound and thermal insulation. In addition, it keeps its shape throughout the entire period of operation without shrinking. Its rigidity affects the strength of the material (bending and squeezing). But, there is one minus, it burns very well. The denser the material, the better it burns. Therefore, for the insulation of a mansard roof, rigidity is not the main indicator. After all, you do not need to walk on its surface.

Note! If you want to use Styrofoam, you need to get all the rodents out!

Ideal option for attic insulation - PPU

The advantage of PPU is that it can be supplied in two forms:

  1. as finished boards.
  2. As a spray.

It is preferable to choose the second option, since spraying achieves a monolithic structure, without seams and, accordingly, cold bridges. All of the above roofing insulation does not have this parameter. The room will be perfectly thermally insulated, there will be no noise, etc. Foamed polyurethane foam has many advantages:

  1. The best indicator of heat conductivity. Surprisingly, a 2.5 cm polyurethane foam layer is identical in thermal conductivity to 8 cm mineral wool! Only expanded polystyrene approached PPU, lagging behind only twice.
  2. No less important is the fact that for insulation with foamed polyurethane foam, you do not need to make a frame or special mounts. The material is sprayed onto any surface and has high adhesion to it.
  3. We mentioned the absence of cold bridges. Due to the monolithic design, they simply do not exist.
  4. If a chimney or hood passes through the attic, sealing around them is easy to do by spraying. This also applies to other complex forms of roofing.
  5. The most terrible enemy mansard roof- moisture. It's pretty hard to defend against it. But for PPU this is not a problem. It does not absorb moisture, does not dampen, can come into contact with any material and is vapor permeable (breathes).
  6. Rodents do not touch PPU, it is not covered with mold, fungus and does not rot.
  7. And finally, this attic insulation does not burn.

If we talk about the minuses, then it is one - for the insulation you need to have special equipment for spraying. Nothing will come of it without him. Therefore, you will have to hire professionals. Otherwise, this is an ideal option.

What is the best insulation for the attic roof, based on their thermal conductivity.

Ecowool as insulation for the attic

An interesting novelty is ecowool, made on the basis of waste paper. For its production, newspapers and other paper are taken, finely cut and processed. by special means so that the insulation does not burn and does not rot. The material is environmentally friendly. Still, some are confused by the presence of dangerous lead in newspapers. But, this technology is already forgotten. The material has good performance of heat saving, sound insulation and fire resistance.

Nevertheless, it will not work to do the entire installation of the insulation on your own, since the method is new and requires a special approach.

Which is better - roll material or plates

Now let's move from theory to practice. For most, the type of material being sold (rolls or plates) is very important. Someone likes to work only with rolls, others vice versa. It's easier to just cut the insulation desired length, roll it out and fasten it.

In practice, this is how it works. roll material more convenient and easier to install. The work is done very quickly and conveniently: we measured, rolled out the insulation, cut it off and installed it. It is especially pleasant to work when the rafters have a step of 61 cm. Then you just need to cut the roll in half, and the parts will fit perfectly and tightly into the space.

With plates it is a little heavier, and the formation of cold bridges is greater. After cutting, more waste remains. But, such a heater is easier to transport. Nevertheless, which insulation for the attic to choose is a purely personal matter.